Read a plot to find a good job. A conspiracy for good and monetary work: the correct conduct of rituals. Strong conspiracy on icons

One of the main aspects that determine a person's life is work. Therefore, it is not surprising that for many, employment for a job that would provide for a person and bring him moral satisfaction becomes a cherished desire. Special conspiracies for a good job, which will please you with a high salary and comfortable working conditions, will help you achieve what you want.

How the power of a conspiracy to work manifests itself

When you read a conspiracy for a good job, you call on higher powers to help you, so the circumstances will be favorable. Prayers spoken just before going to the interview are especially effective. Their strength will provide a favorable situation, and communication with a potential boss will go well, you just won’t meet people who don’t like you.

Perhaps on this day they will be busy with other things, and will not be able to attend the interview. Then a person more inclined to approve your candidacy will communicate with you. Sometimes a conspiracy works in such a way that a desired vacancy is unexpectedly vacated or recruitment occurs for another position that is preferable to you.

Conspiracy to get a job

You can make a successful career only if you manage to find a job you like, and small magical rites will help in this. Start your search for a suitable job with such a ritual. On the new moon, make a purchase - get a handkerchief and say to it 7 times:

“It will be for me, the servant of God (his name), prosperity and good luck on the road. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job and I won’t get a refusal.”

The charmed nose should always be carried with you. But, the implementation of this simple rite does not mean that the workplace will be found by itself. A conspiracy text for getting a job as soon as possible is a kind of help. The contractor does the main actions to find the desired vacancy himself.

Powerful interview success spell

If you are going to look for a job or interview for a profitable position, use a simple conspiracy. Say three times:

“I go to the boyars to plow for nothing, I go to contract, to fall in love with the owner. Everything so that they would touch me, the owners smiled affectionately, fed heartily, paid well, did not scold in vain and did not beat me. The Lord God is my King, my supreme Sovereign. Lord, help me. God help me. God bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

The effect of this text is such that the future boss will be inclined, after the first minute of the interview, to accept a person for the position for which the applicant came to get a job.

Conspiracy for money work

From morning or maximum until the end of the first half of the day, make a plot for bread, then cut it lengthwise: feed one part to the birds, eat the other at dinner. So, say out loud on a loaf of bread:

“Bread-bread, you are the head of everything, everyone reveres you, bows in the belt, joyfully greets you. So where do I go - they greet me joyfully, greet me, accept me, invite me to work, reward me with big money, but they say thank you, and even tell me to come. ”

Conspiracies for the desired job

Having in mind a suitable monetary job, but at the same time, doubting the likelihood of employment for her, perform a magical conspiracy. To make sure you are hired, light a candle closer to noon and, without taking your eyes off the flame, say the following text aloud non-stop, repeating it until the candle burns out.

“I’m riding on a forged chariot, on a golden mare. Wherever I go, they are waiting for me, they love and respect me, they don’t offend me with a refusal. There is no refusal for me either today, or tomorrow, or the day before yesterday, or the day after tomorrow, on any day, month or year, glory and honor always awaits me. No one will say a word against me, no one will refuse anything, open doors will meet me, everyone loves me, everyone believes me. Cross cross, business with a good end! Amen."

Another ritual can be performed just before leaving home, going to an interview. Touching your lips to the bread like a kiss, say:

“Just as from year to year the bread of God is revered, served and accepted with a low bow, so would I, the servant of God (my name), be accepted everywhere with great joy, hired for honorable work. Amen."

Entering the office to the authorities, squeeze your thumb into a fist and overcoming the threshold from your left foot, say to yourself:

“My angel, my guardian, save and protect my soul from all enemies, visible and invisible adversaries. Take me to all 4 directions: south, north, west and east. Amen."

Strong conspiracy on icons

Get in the church dungeons the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, as well as Christ the Savior, a couple of thick candles and collect holy water there. When going to bed, place icons on the table, arrange candles in front of them, set fire to the wicks. Between the candles, place a cup (clay or ceramic) with prepared holy water. Crossing the water three times, say:

"The breadwinner-father, mother gave birth,

Bless us for good work."

Now drink three sips of the holy liquid, and wash the rest. Such a ritual must be performed three days in a row.

A powerful conspiracy for a piece of incense and a candle

Bring home from church a small piece of incense, a candle. At night, close to midnight, place incense on a white piece of paper, light candle. Read the plot:

“There is a church in an open field. In that church stands the Most Holy Mother of God behind the throne of the Lord, embroidering the church robe. I’ll come closer (name) of the servant, lean lower: “Most Holy Mother of God, bless me on this day of the Lord, but for honest work, cover me with a church veil, the servant of God (name).” Lord, I'm following your path, Jesus Christ is in front, the Mother of God is behind, angels are on the sides, the Holy Spirit is above my head, the heavenly powers are with me. Help, Lord."

After reading the text of the conspiracy, wrap the incense in paper and carry it with you for nine days. Then burn them in such a way that the smoke goes out the window.

The simplest and most effective conspiracies for a good job

The following texts read at dawn have great power:

“Work, work, be to me, the servant of God (name), in the hunt. Ever-Virgin Mary, give me strength for every harvest. Forever and ever. Amen."

“Ever-Virgin Mary, for me, the servant of God (name), intercede, for me, the servant of God (name), pray that I have the work that I want, so that I do not regret it - do not grieve. Forever and ever. Amen."

“Lord Jesus Christ, who turned water into wine, turn mine, servants of God (name), empty chores into golden chores. Let me find a good job. Amen."

Also, at any time of the day, you can perform such a ritual with a conspiracy. Place a pebble on the table (usually gravel with sharp edges). After crossing yourself, throw it over your left shoulder towards the corner of the room and say:

“A pebble - in a corner, a devil in the forehead, and to me, a servant of God (name), - for noble wealth, for a good job. Forever and ever. Amen."

Don't touch the stone for a month. Let him lie in the place where he found himself.

A conspiracy so as not to be refused in the desired work

While at home, on the day when the interview is scheduled, tie a knot in the thread, saying:

“As this knot is tied very tightly, so the servant of God (his name) quickly and firmly worked out and was accepted for the desired work. Amen."

Like any conspiracy, this text must be repeated three times, while tying a new knot (there will be 3 in total). A thread with knots is placed on the threshold of the house, the door is closed. Going to find a job, cross the threshold. Now luck will go with you, which will help you quickly find a good job.

More information about rituals and conspiracies to get a good job is in this video.

Today it is not easy to find any job, and if we are talking about a highly paid one, it is clear to every job seeker that this is an almost impossible task. If you knew a strong conspiracy, finding a good high-paying job would not be difficult! Often even young and ambitious graduates of prestigious universities are left without a promising job after the liquidation or bankruptcy of enterprises and institutions. Sometimes they are so unprepared for such a turn of events that they become patients in psychiatric clinics, recover for a long time and often cannot return to good shape at all. Could this be avoided? Undoubtedly!

How to find a high-paying job with the help of a conspiracy? Elementary! Read on.

How does a conspiracy for a good job work on a person?

This is an old genre of folk magic (according to Ushakov's dictionary). Any conspiracy has as its goal the implementation of real first aid to a person in need with the support of otherworldly forces.

CONSPIRACY- this is a strictly defined set of verbal formulas that have wonderful healing power, the ability to magically change reality in the direction the caster needs.

In Ancient Russia, the pronunciation of conspiracies was considered an important and difficult matter, first you had to prove that you had certain abilities. Then there was a tough selection according to moral criteria: a strong character, a powerful will, the absence of food and other addictions, that is, a non-smoker, a non-drinker ...

A selection of conspiracies

It is known that the word heals and the word hurts. Much is known about the power of the word. But it is not clear how the conspiracy affects so much that even the bleeding in front of the eyes literally stops. On the other hand, it is not clear why the conspiracy has such power on some people, but not on others. But nevertheless, conspiracies work. Especially clearly their impact is seen on those who firmly believe in help from a conspiracy or prayer. This is confirmed by albeit few, but very representative studies.

Below you are two good conspiracies that will definitely help you!

Option 1: "Conspiracy for a Highly Paying Job"

An effective conspiracy for a highly paid job: get as much as you deserve!

Our work week starts on Monday. And this conspiracy must also be read on this day. You need to get up at dawn, it is important to capture the first rays of the sun. Even if your windows face the sunny side, it is still better to go out into the yard. Take a piece of twine or a thick strong thread with you, you can twine. You will begin to tie knots on this thread. In this case, you need to pronounce the following text in recitative:

The knot is strong, do not untie,

Likewise, me a servant of God (your name)

Tie to my boss

Tie tight and fast!

When the plot is read once, tie one knot. Read it again, tie another knot. Finally, read the third time and tie the last knot. Then carefully lay the thread along your threshold, but so that it does not move, so that the draft cannot blow it to the side. Therefore, it is important that the thread is not just strong, strong, but also quite weighty. Other

When you go to the interview, step over the threshold (do not step on the thread!) Turn around and take the thread with you, putting it in a secluded pocket or bag. It will be very good if the bag is red. Carry a bag of thread with you until successful employment, then secretly burn the thread and wash the ashes with water.

Option 2: "Conspiracy for a profitable job"

One more rite I offer you. He will help you find a highly profitable place, and raise your salary, if necessary. The healer who shared this plot recommends reading the magic formula at dawn, every morning, until the work is found. Here is the conspiracy.

For a comfortable, happy life, it is not enough to be loved, the soul asks for realization - creative and professional. Finding a good job in times of constant global economic crises and fluctuations in various currencies is not only difficult, such a task is almost impossible. A person with a higher education and a zealous desire to work, earn big money, has to get by with a side job or waste his own abilities. How can the vicious, vicious circle be broken? Take a well-deserved position, financially provide for the whole family, return from work in a good mood and happily return to duty every morning. Rituals and rituals to get a good job will help you.

The conspiracy to attract decent work is not fiction or a play on simple words.

The Magic of Getting a Good Job

The conspiracy to attract decent work is not a fiction or a play on simple words, it is an impetus to end a streak of constant professional failures and failures. Getting what you deserve is not a whim or a luxury, but a condition for harmony and your peace of mind. Rituals for work: from the simplest, made at home, to more complex, performed by practicing magicians, will allow you to use your own hidden potential at 100% for many years.

A variety of conspiracies to attract a worthy position

Finding a job that will satisfy the ambitions and wishes of a person is a laborious, time-consuming and vitality-consuming task. With a lot of vacancies, really worthy offers are few. How to get out of such situations? Give up and give up, go with the flow or fight to the last breath for the realization of your own professional goals, it's up to you. But no one else, neither relatives nor loved ones, can solve the problem for you. The ritual for a good job has existed for decades, since the time when education was considered a privilege, people have sought to find their place in the sun, provide children with a bright future and give them what they themselves were deprived of. Over time, new professions have appeared, the service sector has grown to an unprecedented size, but the difficulties in finding a job have not become any less. It is much easier for people who are able to make a good impression, they are the soul of the company, and after interviews they leave only a positive impression, but what about those who are not so good at presenting their own abilities? Help yourself by resorting not only to the power of thought, but also by asking for help from higher magical powers. Finding a good job takes a lot of effort., it is important to show unprecedented patience and endurance.

Rituals that help to get a worthy position work in completely different ways. So, you can use one of the rituals:

  • conspiracies to attract the desired vacancy;
  • for an interview;
  • a spell to increase;
  • a conspiracy to attract work that reveals your full potential;
  • for wage increases.

You do not have to change jobs at all if the position you hold suits you in everything, with the exception of wages or position on the career ladder. Then, magical rituals strengthen your position, allowing you to put your positive sides in a new light. Finding a new job is a little more difficult, for this you should carry out a whole range of different rituals that complement your goals. In any case, magic programs will change life for the better.

Quick spell for a new job

Rituals for finding a job that satisfies your ambitions work unquestioningly, but they are not responsible for the further result, so before starting the attraction ceremony, analyze your own desires. What brings you joy and will not become a burdensome daily duty in the future? A quick conspiracy to attract a position that will lead you to real professional success works in a matter of days. That is, from the moment the ceremony is performed, a sufficient number of opportunities will appear in your life that will contribute to obtaining a new position.

Rituals for attracting work involve obtaining a certain benefit in the form of an increase in income or unplanned bonuses, therefore, special attributes are used in such magical manipulations. Such auxiliary gizmos, in a quick conspiracy for a new position, include:

  • handkerchief;
  • coins of any denomination;
  • the presence of a nook.

A quick conspiracy to get a new job will not take much of your time, but it will literally immediately solve your bored problems regarding finding a new position.

For a quick conspiracy to a new position, you need a handkerchief

How to conduct a ritual

Rituals for good work are carried out in a strict order. Arbitrariness in such a case is dangerous with the occurrence of undesirable consequences. If you decide on a quick plot for a decent job, then stick to the plan:

  1. When the sun sets, the coin speaks as follows:

    “As the moon is the eternal companion of the stars, so success will become my companion. I am a fine fellow and a master craftsman, I find an approach to any complex matter, I will always come to the rescue. With the early sunrise, a new occupation will come to me. Amen".

  2. The charmed trifle should be wrapped in a new handkerchief. The coin is placed so that the "eagle" is open to you.
  3. Tie a scarf and hide it in a secluded corner, away from prying eyes.
  4. In the morning, get down to choosing the right job.

A prerequisite for performing the ceremony will be the presence of moonlight outside the window, so during the day such conspiracies are ineffective and useless.

Conspiracy for a successful interview

An interview is always a test for someone who is desperately looking for a decent job. It is much easier to get a job in the desired position and not worry about passing preliminary surveys with the employer if you perform a secret magical ritual the day before. The ritual should be performed at night, immediately before the reception with the future authorities. Thus, you will strengthen your own energy background.

What is needed for the ritual

Conspiracies and rituals for work are carried out in strict secrecy. No one, including your loved ones, should be aware of magical protection or conspiracies. To complete the ritual before the upcoming interview, you will need:

  • sheet of blank paper;
  • capacity;
  • water;
  • a pen;
  • quiet room.

Adjust the time so that the house is empty. Extra sounds will interfere with the integrity of the rite, and the presence of others will completely nullify the effect of the conspiracy.

How to conduct a ritual

The device of the whole rite is simple and not expensive. All that is required of you is half an hour of free time and things that can be found in any home.

  1. State your desire for a future interview. Briefly describe your expectations from the meeting with the manager.
  2. Fold a piece of paper in half and hide the bundle in a secluded corner where no one in the household will find it.
  3. Take a container of water and say:

    “I am not an old man, I am not a youth, I am going to meet with the boyars. The owners are happy, my words are satisfied. They can’t kick out, they can’t offend. Amen".

  4. Repeat the phrases three times.
  5. Drink the contents of the glass in one gulp.
  6. Go to bed, and the next morning with a pure soul and thoughts, go for an interview.

With the help of the ceremony held on the eve, the future bosses will meet you with joy and great enthusiasm. The interview will go smoothly and without a hitch.

A conspiracy for rapid career growth

In order to be hired, some rituals will be useful, but to keep the won position will have to be completely different methods. A promotion is a proof of your professional worth and qualifications, moreover, as you move up the career ladder, your total income increases significantly. How to achieve sustainable success? The most effective method to get your career off the ground is the cream conspiracy. Only homemade, high-quality products are suitable for performing the ritual, but store purchases will only spoil the whole result.

What is needed for the ritual

Cream is the best dairy product. A lot of folk sayings say about success - "to bathe in cream." For a rite that promises a quick increase, you will need:

  • heavy cream;
  • cup;
  • hot drink;
  • pillow.

A distinctive feature of such a ceremony is that its conduct should not be kept secret from the household (typical for most rituals). But, conspiring with people who want you to succeed will only increase the positive impact on your career.

For a rite that promises a quick increase, you will need heavy cream

How to conduct a ritual

Actions that include a ritual for promotion are carried out at any time of the day.

If you are comfortable casting spells during the day, then feel free to proceed with a simple task. All you have to do is:

  1. Pour high-fat cream into a glass, saying:

    “I will wander out of my house, out the door, out the gate, through the long, country roads - not the steppes. I will appeal for my fate, my first way is to find a coin, the second is a gold piece, and the last one will make me rich. I eat cream, I get rich. To live prosperously for many years and see no troubles.

  2. After reading all the words of the conspiracy, you need to drink three large sips of cream (no less).
  3. The remaining product is drunk with tea or other hot drinks, they are treated to household members and loyal friends.
  4. Before going to bed, shake the pillows on which you sleep strongly with the words “mother cow first gave me milk to drink, now help me find a good job.”
  5. Read

    "Our Father" several times and calmly go to bed.

Such a multi-stage conspiracy does not work immediately, but over time, every day bringing your future success closer. Stock up on patience, calmness and confidence in the coming positive changes.

Job search for the soul

Find a job, but such that the soul would be satisfied, what could be better? A good mood from the fact that you are just doing a useful and pleasant thing, with payment for the hard work done. Getting a job in a new place is always scary, but what if the most exciting thing in life is waiting for you? Throwing doubts aside, attract a real, worthy, work that resonates with your soul. A search plot of this type will take no more than an hour, and will pay off handsomely in the near future.

What is needed for the ritual

It will take a week to prepare a search conspiracy. From improvised materials, you will need:

  • 30-40 coins of a small denomination;
  • homemade fabric bag;
  • quiet corner.

The small bag is sewn by hand from the first day of the week to the last. It is best to use red fabric.

How to conduct a ritual

  1. Rituals and ceremonies for good work for the soul are performed in the following order:
  2. During the period of the rising moon, a trifle is thrown into the bag, squeezed between the palms, and says:

    “Save all the coins, hurry up, find a new job for me. I will get good luck on my way. Wherever I go, I will find a good job there.

  3. The spell is repeated 7 times.
  4. Count out 10 coins and keep them in a bag, sprinkle the remaining change with sand in the backyard of the house.
  5. Carry a cloth bag with you until you find a decent job.
  6. Soon, after the completion of the ritual, you will begin to receive profitable offers for new vacancies. Consider all options and make an informed decision.

Work is not only a means to earn money, but also an opportunity for growth, both professional and creative. You do not have to endure daily torments, sit from bell to bell in the hope of changes. Be such a change, allow yourself to find something for the soul, a job that will not create an unpleasant mood. Be brave, but otherwise - find reliable assistants. Magicians who have been practicing for many years, healers and sorcerers, it's up to you to choose. In any case, to achieve the goal will require perseverance and ingenuity. Fight for what you believe in, especially if it's a profitable business. Conspiracies to work are just an impetus that needs to be used correctly.

Agree, today a good, prestigious, well-paid job is an integral part of life.

One of the most important goals of a successful person is to find a suitable job that brings moral satisfaction and financial well-being.

Unfortunately, many continue to diligently engage in something completely different from what they dreamed about, just remember the mournful, pessimistic faces of public transport passengers in the early morning.

To find a good job, a lot of titanic efforts are made, people get the appropriate education, develop talents, learn new languages. However, even this may not be enough, especially in today's world. Fortunately, the heavenly powers are happy to help solve problems if you know the right approach. To find a good, highly paid, interesting job, conspiracies are used.

Ritual is a big responsibility.

Understand that it will be quite difficult for a novice magician to carry out the very first ritual, a full-fledged conspiracy to find a job does not always come out the first time. However, the correct approach, strict adherence to the instructions guarantees the success of the procedure. First, decide on the time of the ritual.

Often, conspiracies to find a good job are carried out on the growing moon, unless otherwise provided by the instructions.

Find a suitable place where no one will disturb you for approximately 20-30 minutes while you carry out the procedure for reading the plot. A few days before the conspiracy, it is recommended to observe the post, the room is subjected to general cleaning.

Ideally, the plot must be learned by heart, a rare professional magician reads a spell from a book. While working, focus on the goal - visualizing it more clearly, you gain a greater chance of success. It is recommended not to tell anyone about the plans for the ritual, it is better to keep the procedure itself a secret. It is better not to show items that help you find a well-paid job to anyone, unless otherwise stated in the instructions.

Choose any plot you like

The first step in any successful career is to find the right job, the best position will help you get the simplest handkerchief plot. On the new moon, get your favorite scarf. Take your time with the purchase, you may have to go through more than one store to find the right one. After purchasing, bring it home, focus and say the words of the conspiracy 7 times.

Plot "To find a job" on a scarf

“It will be for me, the servant of God (his name), prosperity and good luck on the road. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job and I won’t get a refusal.”

It is better to always carry a spoken talisman in an inner pocket.

After the conspiracy, you do not need to think that the employer will call you on his own.

Start looking for him personally, call ads, send out resumes. If other conspiracies do not help quickly, try reading the most powerful one. It is quite possible that at first it will seem to you that it did not work, but over time, a stunning result awaits you. It is worth reading it on the first lunar day under natural light, for example, on the street.

Conspiracy "To find a job"

“Reading this plot to find a good job. I call on the help of the Good Share, Dazhbog and Zirka. Strong, powerful, help - help, find a glorious job for me and money. Having helped, you will receive great gifts from me.

After you finish reading the plot, the next day, select an offering (a plate, a trifle), take it to the forest. It is desirable that it be a place that is practically not visited by people.

There you need to break a plate on a stone, sprinkle it a little with money and leave without turning around.

An excellent conspiracy to find work is a ritual using a handkerchief and a coin. It is worth pronouncing it in the evening, it is advisable to choose a day so that a new newspaper with vacancies comes out tomorrow. What will be this newspaper is not important, you can even look for a job on the site. To perform the ceremony, they take a scarf, a large coin. Tails up, a coin is placed on a handkerchief and the words of the conspiracy are read.

Plot "To find a job" on a handkerchief and a coin

“As the stars are forever with the moon, so luck is forever with me. I won’t complain about luck, I’ll find a good place for myself. I am a good fellow, glorious, serviceable in any business, I will get used to any business, I will come in handy in any work. As the red sun rises into the sky, so a good place will come to me. In that place, everything will work out, and gold will be added.”

What to expect from a conspiracy

Do not expect anything from the conspiracy, if you yourself do not want to find a job, the heavenly forces will be powerless to help you. You can’t read the plot and get ready to rest on your laurels, waiting for a crowd of employers rushing towards you.

But if you performed the ceremony in full accordance with the instructions and at the same time actively call potential employers, send out resumes, learn about work from friends, then the chance of getting a new, good job is close to 100%.

To make sure of this, just start moving in the direction of your dream. And everything will work out.

Video: Conspiracy to find a good job

When it comes to good work, sometimes you have to fight for it. Let someone choose other methods of struggle, but we choose the method that will certainly help us. Below you can find conspiracies that will help you find and get an excellent job with a good salary, or rather, exactly the job that you dream of.

Conspiracy when looking for a job on the handle to be lucky with work.
This plot is slandered on a fountain pen, with which you fill out questionnaires when looking for a job. The pen must be wrapped with a red woolen thread, on which to say: Pen to hand, order in the head, money in the bag, good luck with me! Amen.

Conspiracy to get hired.
If there is a suitable job, but you do not yet know if you will be accepted there, but you want to be accepted, do so. Closer to noon, light a candle, and looking into the flame, speak aloud. “I’m riding on a forged chariot, on a golden mare. Wherever I go, they are waiting for me, they love and respect me, they don’t offend me with a refusal. There is no refusal for me either today, or tomorrow, or the day before yesterday, or the day after tomorrow, on any day, month or year, glory and honor always awaits me. No one will say a word against me, no one will refuse anything, open doors will meet me, everyone loves me, everyone believes me. Cross cross, business with a good end! Amen". Repeat non-stop until the candle burns out.

Conspiracy to successfully pass the interview.
When you go to an interview, read the following conspiracy to get a job 3 times:
“Our Father”, cross yourself, drink three sips of holy water and say a conspiracy three times: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Holy bright day, become a servant of God (name) to help! Saint Nicholas, come to the rescue! Holy Ascension, come to the rescue! Saint Peter, come to the rescue! Saint Paul, come to the rescue! Saint Elijah, come to the rescue! Holy Savior, come to the rescue! Holy Blessed One, come to the rescue! Holy Protection, come to the rescue! Saint Kuzma, come to the rescue! Saint Demyan, come to the rescue! Stand, Lord, to me your servant (name), to help and to joy.

Conspiracy to find a job with a good salary.
Plant any plant - tree, bush, flower - in the ground or at home in a pot. When you plant, say without stopping, the more times, the better: “I plant soot, I bless to grow. Blossom and grow, bring good to me. So my new business flourishes, and it will bring good to me. After that, be sure to take care of the plant. As long as it lives and grows, you will have a money business. If for some reason the plant died, or grows poorly - without delay, plant a new one and repeat the whole ritual.

Conspiracy to quickly find a job.
Go to the forest in the morning, find a stump there, go up to it and say out loud: “Hello, stump, dear friend. You lived and lived, you were a tall tree, you saw a lot. Show me where the work is good. I’ll sit on a stump, I’ll find a job in three days.” Then sit on a stump and sit silently for one minute, trying not to think about anything. Then get up, mentally or aloud thank the stump and leave without looking back.

Conspiracy to find money work.
In the first half of the day, take the whole bread and say it out loud: “Bread-bread, you are the head of everything, everyone reveres you, bows in the belt, joyfully greets you. So where do I go - they joyfully meet me, welcome me, invite me to work, reward me with big money, say thank you, and even tell me to come. Then cut the bread in half, feed half to the birds, and eat the other half at dinner.

Conspiracy to give a good job.
Every day, just waking up and not yet getting out of bed, with your eyes closed, repeat three times in a whisper or to yourself: “Where I go - I know what I ask - it’s mine, all obstacles will go away, the enemy force will fly off, luck will fly to me, the work is the best I will rightfully get it. May it be so".

A conspiracy to be well received at a new job.
Before you go to a new job, take a piece of bread in the morning, sprinkle with salt. Sprinkling, say out loud three times: “Bread and two salt are revered everywhere, they are accepted with kindness, they bow in the belt. They call both to the feast and to the world. So they would have accepted me with kindness, revered, respected, put me in a better place. Amen". Eat this piece of bread with salt on an empty stomach.

A strong conspiracy so that there is no refusal to work for you.
When you go to someone with a request to hire you or help with your problem, first read this plot three times: “I don’t walk, I don’t hurry quietly, on a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster. There was no refusal to me, God's servant (name): neither on Monday, nor on Tuesday, nor on Wednesday, nor Thursday, nor Friday, nor Saturday. Take the hell out of me. So that no one knows a word against me, neither evil nor any. They wouldn't use their tongues against me, they would respect me and love me. Cross with a cross, business with a good end. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A conspiracy to be hired for money work.
Read when you go to the employer three times in a row: “I go to the bar, not young and not old. I'm going to contract, to take a look at the owner. My face is sweet to him, my soul is not ashamed. Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile, be touched by my words. He would not drive away the baptized soul. Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us every hour. Amen. Amen. Amen". The words slave and slave can be changed depending on who is reading, a man or a woman.

A conspiracy so that they do not find fault at work.
At home, say milk: “The tongue is given to a person for the good, so all the dissatisfied, teachers, mockers, gossips, tormentors, pests from the servant of God (name), leave me alone, stop pouring dirt. To be at peace, forget about the bad. Meet good luck, give change to debtors, but not with a bad word, but with a good word. Amen". In the morning, before going to work, wash your face with this milk.

Spell for good luck at work.
This conspiracy is pronounced three times before going to work: “Lord Father and Mother Church! Save and save me, a servant of God (name). From evil barbarians, from adversaries, from fire, from water, from judgment, from trouble. Accept my repentance. Soften my heart, deliver me from black anger, from evil thoughts. Give me happiness, health and long life. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

A conspiracy not to be kicked out of work.
Bring to work from home some water that has been at the foot of your bed for three days. Having gone to the toilet at work, wash yourself with this water, and at the same time pronounce a conspiracy: "I was here, I will be here. I went here and I will go. Amen."

A conspiracy to improve relations with superiors.
If you work in the same room with the boss, then, tightly clenching the fingers of your left hand into a fist, say one of the conspiracies three times each time before entering the office.
Option number 1.“Lord, bless the Father, dressed in light, like a robe, covered with a cloud, I will gird myself with the belt of the Most Holy Theotokos, merciful intercessor. Bind the mouth and tongue, and larynx of the princes, and the boyars, and the rulers, and all authorities and orderly servants.
Option number 2.“Remember, Lord, King David and all his meekness. If King David was humble and meek and merciful, so would I, the slave (s) (name), all the initial officials and righteous judges be humble, meek and merciful.

Conspiracy to raise wages.
Take a coin of any denomination and speak to it in a whisper or out loud, you can read from a book. “Thank you, Lord, I fish, and You send me a catch. So let my catch grow, flourish with wealth, grief so as not to know, not to count money. The Lord will not forget me, for the glory of the Lord good will come to me. Amen. Amen. Amen". The coin must be placed at your workplace, but in such a way that it does not catch the eye of anyone, and that no one can pick it up and shift it.

Conspiracy for promotion.
On Sunday (preferably before nine o'clock in the morning) during the period of the waxing moon, buy two handkerchiefs in the market. Pay so that you don't have to take change. When you return home, wash the scarves, then dry them, sprinkle them with consecrated water and leave them in the eastern corner of the dwelling under the icon for 2-3 hours. Then in one of them wrap seven coins of the same denomination and the same number of pinches of millet. At sunset on the same day, take it outside and bury it under any (except aspen) tree as far as possible from your home. At the same time, say 7 times: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! As in the forests and oak forests all living creatures work from dawn to dawn, as in the fields and fields the peasant father, without straightening his back, works, so I work, spinning and spinning, not knowing the rest, not seeing the rest. Lord, send thy servant (e) (name) grace from heaven, a well-deserved reward for my efforts, useless aspirations, so that I can work even more for glory. Yours! My word is true. Amen.” On the same day, take the second handkerchief to the crossroads and leave it there, saying: “Paid!” Turn over your left shoulder and return home over your left shoulder and return home by a different path. For the next hour, try not to talk to anyone.

A conspiracy so that the authorities were merciful.
Lord, bless, Father, dressed in light, like a robe, covered with a cloud, I will gird myself with the belt of the Most Holy Theotokos, merciful intercessor. Bind the mouth, and the tongue, and the larynx of the princes, and the boyars, and the rulers, and all authorities and orderly servants. Amen.

In conclusion, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that, like any magical ritual, conspiracies for career and work have their own characteristics. So, if you got a job with the help of a conspiracy, achieved some results, etc. Don't tell anyone about this or you'll lose everything. Also, do not lend to anyone from the first salary. The salary will not increase. The plot is carried out only on the growing moon, otherwise there will be an opposite result.