Androgynes: a new fashionable canon or the future of humanity? Androgyny is a sign of the third sex? Who are androgynes and what distinguishes them from the rest

Sexual emancipation allows modern people to find new ways to express themselves. Androgyny is condemned by many people, because this phenomenon is as incomprehensible and meaningless as people's inclinations to show off their bodies or advertise their sexual identity. There are many different theories that try to explain what androgyny is and why a person needs it.

All living things are divided into male and female. A human being is born belonging to a particular gender. Children are divided into boys and girls, who then grow into men and women.

The division into male and female is not only a physiological aspect. The body of each sex is sharpened to match its species: women change their mood under the influence of hormones, men get excited at the sight of beautiful ladies. Physiologically, people are similar to each other, only differ in individual parts of the body and functions that help them attract each other and multiply.

At the psychological level, people are also divided into men and women. This is connected not so much with the influence of physiology, but with the mores and rules of upbringing of each sex. Society treats boys and girls differently. Already from childhood, every little man begins to experience the attitude that parents show towards each sex. Girls can be pampered and boys punished; girls can be taught to live as a slave, and boys can be sharpened to achieve career heights.

All living things are divided into male and female. Such a phenomenon as androgyny is an attempt by people to combine opposites into one.

If you answer the question, what is androgyny, then you should learn about the myth that tells about ancient times. Once upon a time, androgynes lived on Earth - people who were both men and women in one person. They were whole individuals who could already satisfy all their needs. However, the gods at some point became angry with them, since the androgynes were perfect and absolutely happy beings. They divided people into two halves - male and female, which is why now people have to search for their soul mate all their lives in order to become full-fledged individuals.

Based on the myth, androgynes are people who combine both male and female. Since there is no way for a man to be born, and he still had all the physiological signs of a female, or vice versa, a modern person shows his androgyny in a different way.

In myth, people have already given birth with female and male sexual organs. Modern man cannot do this. He is born either male or female. Therefore, other ways are used to show their belonging to androgyny:
Use light make-up to give yourself a feminine touch.
Wearing clothes that, neither in color, nor in style, nor in appearance, can tell others who is in front of them - a man or a woman.
Letting go of hair to shoulder level or below.
Soft gestures. etc.

Depending on what an individual person lacks, he adds it to his image in order to become neither a man nor a woman, but something in between. Even such a term as “middle sex” or “unisex” has appeared, when both a man and a woman look and behave the same.

It should be emphasized that bodily people continue to be men or women. However, at the level of habits, worldview and other aspects, they are not distinguished by distinctive male or female properties.

It is not necessary to talk about the appearance of male and female genital organs and functions in the body at once. The modern androgyne is a creature that exhibits both masculine and feminine qualities on the social and psychological levels.

Where did this phenomenon come from? Many sociologists refer to the fact that the equalization of women and men in rights has led to the fact that their social life has changed and has led to confusion. Modern women already have the right not only to work, but also to serve in the army. Modern men can take maternity leave if a woman wants to earn money.

If earlier there were clearly established frameworks and rules for what is feminine and masculine, today these boundaries have been erased. Now men are allowed to do what women do, and women are allowed to do everything that men are allowed to do. The androgyny of the modern world is a demonstration of feminine and masculine traits on a purely psychological or behavioral level.

Androgyny is a consequence of a person's denial of their gender and the desire to combine the qualities of both sexes. Boys and girls are brought up differently:
Boys should be bossy, adventurous, aggressive, leading, strong, assertive, independent, ambitious.
Girls are brought up as emotional, gentle, soft, passive, shy, calm, quiet personalities.

However, as they grow up and under the influence of media propaganda, many begin to develop qualities that are inherent in the opposite sex. A woman is forced to become aggressive and assertive if she wants to achieve success in her studies/work. A man is forced to be soft and romantic if he wants to build a long relationship with the opposite sex.

Previously, it was believed that a healthy person is a person who, by his character, habits and lifestyle, absolutely corresponds to his gender. Modern healthy is healthy if it does not interfere with the freedom and life of others with its actions and decisions. At the same time, she can do whatever she wants with herself.

What are the pros and cons of androgyny?

1. The advantages of androgyny can be identified in the fact that a person becomes more flexible in various circumstances. He does not limit himself in actions and decisions just because it is not characteristic of his gender. He fully realizes all his inner potential.
2. The disadvantages of androgyny can be called the loneliness of such a person. It is difficult for her to find a loved one, because it is not clear who he should be - a man or a woman. There are difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex, and just with all people. It should be understood that androgyny is not a sexual orientation, but simply a way of life.

Theory of androgyny

Androgyny originates from Plato's stories about androgynes, who were separated into male and female gods so that they would not encroach on their property. Since then, a man and a woman have been looking for each other to become complete. The first theoretical knowledge began to appear already from the manuscripts of Sandra Boehm and Carl Jung.

Jung believed that a person is initially born at the level of the psyche as both a man and a woman. Only at the physiological level does it belong to a certain sex. However, the feminine and masculine principles at the psychological level are laid down in absolutely all people. Only under the influence of upbringing and public opinion a person refuses what does not belong to his gender, and develops what is encouraged by society.

Sandra Bem believed that androgyny allows a person to become more adapted to society. In 1970, she suggested that there is no opposite or mutual exclusion in gender roles. The man and woman in each person are ideally united, not interchanged.

Tests were also conducted, which determined the level of presence of female and male traits in each person.
Androgynes showed the presence of both feminine and masculine qualities.
Feminine traits were possessed by those who defined themselves as female (at the same time, male qualities were at a low level of development).
Masculine features were possessed by those who attributed themselves to the male sex (while the female qualities were undeveloped).
Undifferentiated personalities were those who had both masculine and feminine traits at a low level of development.

S. Bem believed that the most adapted personality is a person who does not divide his qualities into male and female, but manifests them as needed. If a person shuts himself off from everything that is not inherent in his gender, then he becomes less adapted.

Psychological androgyny

Androgyny is explained by modern psychologists as a combination of both male and female in one person, with regard to his social behavior, roles and the psychological aspect. What traits a person will have depends on:
1. The upbringing and roles of the parents that the baby watched and whose manners he adopted.
2. From a society that influences with its advertising, opinions and directions.
3. From biological inclinations. This aspect has less influence, but it is still there.

Every person is born androgynous at the level of the psyche. He is neither male nor female. This aspect is determined after a person has been educated and trained for many years. At the physiological level, he belongs to a certain sex. However, what qualities he will have and roles he will occupy in society is already being determined over time.

Every person has both male and female nature. Psychologists believe that a more complete personality is the person who manifests the qualities of both sexes. If a person ignores what is attributed to the opposite sex, then he becomes closed and limited. An immature person becomes a person who has not developed either the masculine or the feminine.

It is androgyny that allows a person to flexibly adapt to the world around him. The circumstances are different. Difficulties and problems appear when a person does not allow himself to do things or show emotions that the opposite sex would show in a similar situation, while they ideally solve them. When a person begins to divide into "mine" and "not mine", then there are frames, boundaries, restrictions that do not help him live fully.


Androgyny is a broad concept. Some people change their appearance to look like neither men nor women. Androgyny at the level of the psyche makes a person more flexible to surrounding circumstances, allows you to feel full and harmonious. Bottom line: outwardly, you can remain representatives of your gender, and internally be androgynous.

Androgyny is not considered a deviation from the norm. Androgyne becomes more free. He has the choice to decide for himself how to react, what to prefer and how to act in any situation, which has nothing to do with his gender.

Are you intrigued by the Garbage song Androgynia? Do you like the look of Japanese youth, so you can't even tell a girl from a guy? Do you want to attract the attention of passers-by so that they turn around and think if you are a girl? Or maybe you're just not happy with the traditional views of your gender imposed by society?

Androgyny can be interpreted as a combination of equally masculine and feminine qualities. If you are a girl and want to look androgynous, you must completely or partially negate some of the feminine traits of your character and appearance, and also try to develop your masculine traits as much as possible (for guys, everything is exactly the opposite). Androgyny is still different from transsexuality or bisexuality, and the two should not be confused (although if you are bisexual, androgyny will help you emphasize this).


    Start by shopping and choose clothes suitable for both sexes or the latest fashion trends; for example: buy straight trousers, a button-down shirt, a cardigan or something not too feminine and preferably in grey, blue, black and red colors.

    As for the hair, try to cut it short for a boy; slick your hair back or wear naturally. If the shape of your face does not allow you to cut your hair like a boy, you can always make a short round haircut and comb your hair in any way. Asymmetrical haircuts are just what you need. If you're a guy, grow your hair long or side-swept. Girls with long hair are much more difficult to look neutral, but if you love Rapunzel curls and can't stand your hair falling in your face, you can cut your hair traditionally, or just hide your hair under a hat.

    The size of the eyebrows and their shape is another feature of your gender. If you're a guy, try plucking or waxing your brows to make your brow line thinner and more feminine. If you are a girl, grow out your natural brow line without plucking it.

    If you really love makeup, then use gray or black eyeliner, but avoid being overly flashy. Forget red lipstick and blush. Use foundation, matte powder, and maybe a concealer lip liner to hide the pink tint of your lips (but try not to overdo it, you don't want to look dead).

    As for shoes, sneakers or high heels are just what you need. Anything will do, as long as the shoes are not too catchy or feminine. Sneakers are also a good option to pair with casual wear.

    Be independent. Develop the quality of self-sufficiency. You can start doing everything on your own, down to cleaning your room, doing your homework, or maybe cooking. This will be a sure sign of your responsibility and independence.

    Avoid soft feminine shades when choosing clothes, as if the light has converged on them. At the same time, you should not constantly walk in black clothes or choose clothes only in dark colors. Other colors may also look neutral. These are blue, khaki, brown and black. A camouflage option would also look good.

    Tighten your chest if you have one. The chest just betrays the girls. You must be completely flat. A sports bra may work if your breasts are very small, but for those with larger than AA breasts, it won't work. You will need something to stretch. If your chest size is A or closer to B, then you can use special jerseys for athletes. You can find a slimming tank top in sporting goods stores. Girls whose breasts are larger than size B will need a bandage. Brands such as Under-works, Mango and T-Kingdom make just such devices.

    Hide your legs unless you shave them. Girls' legs are very different from men's legs, and girls usually shave them. Try starting to wear very loose jeans to hide the curves of your legs, or wear trousers so that they hang off your hips. Use this method in combination with an oversized t-shirt and you will look like a real androgynous girl.

    Do not listen to the opinions of others; it doesn't really matter what people think of you.

  1. Get in shape. When it comes to the physical aspects, things get much more complicated. Build your muscles! But so that you do not look like a bodybuilder (all because some "muscles" are better left unnoticed).

    • Be careful with breast tightening. This may be hazardous to your health. If you find it difficult to breathe or feel pain in your chest, STOP tightening immediately! And never walk with your chest tight for too long.
    • NEVER forget who you are. This is what makes you stand out from the crowd.
    • Yves Saint Laurent founded a whole trend called "tuxedos for women". They looked androgynous, but did not go beyond the traditional fashion.
    • Go in for sports. This doesn't mean you have to go to the gym and lift weights every day, just watch your weight and don't forget to do push-ups!
    • Don't hide your essence. If you are a feminine girl and want to look androgynous, follow the latest trends right now; Often girls say this is what I found in my boyfriend's closet.
    • Wear shoes like high tops more often. Black is the best color for you, and besides, the sneakers are very comfortable!
    • Don't go overboard with makeup.
    • Looking androgynous doesn't mean you should just wear men's clothes. You can add some gender-specific traits and still look androgynous. For example, a girl who dresses like a guy but paints her nails may look more androgynous than a girl who just wears men's clothes. Your task is to challenge what is expected of you.

We haven't talked about the image for a long time, right?

Let's start this topic.


Male - on women.

Women's elements of the image - on men.

Androgyny is a very tricky topic. One wrong element or combination of elements can kill the image. Kill sexy. And even kill your gender. Not quite kill, of course, but give the impression of a sexless something.

And you can emphasize your sex appeal with androgyny.

Best combined with the androgyny of DD (children's dominant types, male and female) - JD and DMS.

DMS of all male types can afford the most feminine elements and they will only emphasize his masculinity. DMS can wear earrings, beads, long hair, even eye makeup. A real DMS can be hung from head to toe in trinkets, the colors of his shirts can be gouged out, and he still won't look like an aunt. His brutality will not decrease.

But there is one condition. It should be a very daring and brutal DMS. His D and his S must be very pronounced. The more decent DMS looks, the more conservative it is, the more it is contraindicated for everything feminine and even conditionally feminine is prohibited. No beads or long hair.

CMO can also afford androgynous elements, but only if it is generally a creative type in terms of image, if it looks like an artist. In this case, a slight androgyny will strengthen, rather than weaken, his male energy.

That is, androgyny in men must necessarily be justified by rebelliousness and freethinking. The more rebellious your image and behavior is, the more androgyny you can afford without sacrificing masculinity. In general, it is worth understanding that androgyny should emphasize your male sex appeal, and not kill it, add looseness to it, and not reduce it to nothing.

Another contraindication for male androgyny is fragility, diminutiveness and stoop. If a man is thin, short, feminine elements in clothes will make him effeminate and kill the male sex appeal. Androgyny in men is combined only with visible physical strength.

And female androgyny, on the contrary, with grace and flexibility.

If in the male image androgyny emphasizes rebelliousness and creativity (and therefore DMS and SMO go, and DMS and SMS are generally contraindicated), then in the female image androgyny emphasizes teenage spontaneity, boyish mischief (and therefore goes DMS and SZD, but pure There is no JM and especially there is no SZHM).

An androgynous woman should be thin (dry muscles are even better, of course, a contraindication is a large excess of fat). This is the main rule! Otherwise, androgyny will emphasize rudeness and heaviness, make a woman look like a shuttle or hawker, that is, it will kill style.

A masculine aunt is not at all the same as an androgynous woman. Most androgynous women with the right image do not lose their femininity, they look more sexy and fragile in boyish clothes with short hair. They have a specific femininity, but their sex appeal increases, as the sex appeal of brutal DMSs in earrings and beads increases, if the image is chosen correctly.

That is, the main mistake of women with an androgynous image is to hide heavy body shapes under men's clothing. Men's clothing emphasizes it all, not hides it. In the image, everything that you want to hide starts to be emphasized, remember, right? The negated increases several times. Therefore, voluminous forms, especially the lower body, are a contraindication for an androgynous image. A soft unisex suits such a woman (ordinary trousers and sweaters, free cut, not men's jackets and shirts), but there is no androgyny. A medium-short haircut will do, but shaved temples, the back of the head or a bangs boldly raised up will not. A soft unisex is something that does NOT make a woman look like a boy, something that will look clearly feminine on a man. And androgyny is something that a boy could wear too. Is the direction clear?

Another mistake of the androgynous female image is sharp eclecticism - general androgyny + bright makeup or feminine accessories (long earrings, handbags). One androgynous detail in the image can be combined with bright makeup, but if the whole image of a woman is androgynous, then bright makeup is taboo. Especially painted lips. This immediately deprives the androgynous female image of meaning, because its essence is to emphasize childish spontaneity, and makeup emphasizes mature femininity (as well as voluminous body shapes). Women with an androgynous image and made-up face usually look like rude freaks, too aggressive for a good image. And women in large earrings, with long claws and bald heads just want to dress up in a wig for the sake of harmony. The exception is girls who are so feminine and fragile that a bald skull does not make them androgynous. But if a girl is clearly androgynous, but she has long earrings in her ears, and bright lipstick on her lips, she looks too aggressive and rude. Approximately the same look made up bodybuilders. They look like transsexuals.

Ideally, an androgynous woman should look like a feminine boy, and not like a masculine woman. If androgyny resembles the second, some kind of gross mistake has been made in the image.

Androgynous clothes don't have to be boring, remember that. Androgyny in the image is not a denial of gender! This is a game of gender patterns, pampering and sexual challenge. Therefore, it should be entertaining, interesting, erotic, and not boring and ascetic.

This is just the beginning of the topic.

To clarify, concretize and illustrate the theme of androgyny a little, let's look at and analyze the photos.

Photos of famous people (better than actors) from the network, photos of models and your own photos. Photos of bloggers and neighbors are not needed, please. You don't need to take the opportunity to find out what type you are either.

Show and be sure to comment where in the photo androgyny in the image is correct and why, and where mistakes were made and which ones.

Give examples of DMSs and SMOs with a beautiful androgynous image.

Androgynous Children's Railways and SZD too.

But androgynous SZHM are almost always errors in the image. As well as DMO with androgynous elements in clothes.

In general, tell us about your experiences with androgyny, your observations of androgynous images.

Is it possible to surprise a modern person with something else? For all the time that our civilization has existed in the world, so many incredible and fantastic events and phenomena have happened and are happening that hardly anything can surpass them with their sensationalism. However, as long as the Earth rotates, something unusual will appear, be born or revive, which does not fit into the usual framework and canons.

Have you ever had the feeling that we are living at the very time when the traditional, unshakable social and moral standards were suddenly shaken, and our civilization began to rapidly change course? Where are we going and where are we going? Will we remain the same: men and women who live, meet, fall in love, create families and continue the human race? Or are we gradually evolving into another race? And if so, what then awaits us?

What does science say

Androgyny - what is it? A product of our time, or perhaps a future that is no longer so distant? Or a phenomenon that has existed throughout the history of mankind, but which was previously not customary to speak out loud? Indeed, even in ancient times, this concept existed, reaching us in the poetry of Sappho, in the dialogues of Plato, and in many other literary and historical sources. And what is the value of ancient mythology, where often there were creatures endowed with both male and female principles, such as, for example, the god Janus.

Science firmly stands its ground: each person has a certain set of chromosomes, according to which we are divided into Mars and Venus. Chromosome set XX - girl, XY - boy. It cannot be otherwise. Dot.

Any deviations are already an anomaly, which should be studied up and down, and then appropriate measures should be taken. As a rule, people who call themselves androgynous do not have such genetic anomalies. In other words, they are born with certain pronounced sexual characteristics, but already growing up, they begin to identify themselves, and this is where the very failure in the matrix occurs, when Victor, looking at himself in the mirror, suddenly realizes that in the image of Victoria he will feel very comfortable.

The human body is a complex thing. This is a sophisticated system in which well-established mechanisms function. But, as in any other mechanism, failures happen. So they can make themselves felt in a variety of manifestations, including both appearance and psycho-emotional state. And this, in turn, leads to the emergence of androgynes - people who simultaneously show both masculine and feminine qualities. In appearance, this is reflected in the presence in one organism of male and female characteristics at the same time.

That's why embarrassment happens to some, especially intelligent and educated people, when, due to circumstances, they are forced to turn to ... either a girl or a boy.


Women who have become masculine and men who have become masculine are a logical consequence of what in our society is usually called equality, tolerance and tolerance. Some tend to perceive this fact almost as a foreshadowing of the Apocalypse. Others, on the contrary, see this as a new milestone in evolution, considering androgynous people of the future, more perfect, harmonious and self-sufficient.

Androgyny is a sociocultural and psychosocial phenomenon. One of the first to pay close scientific attention to this issue was the founder of analytical psychology, Carl Gustav Jung. In his theory, he singled out a special archetype of a perfect, holistic personality, in which the masculine, feminine principles and the so-called Self merge. As a result, the concept of psychological androgyny appeared.

American psychologist Sandra Bem, who studies gender issues, has developed her own method for determining the psychological sex, known as Masculinity-femininity. Its essence is simple: the subject is offered such a gender-role questionnaire containing 60 statements, to which he must answer either affirmatively or negatively. Based on the results, the psychological gender of the subject is determined: male, female or androgynous.

An interesting fact: if in the 70s of the 20th century, the recently created Bem method gave standard results, that is, masculinity prevailed in most men, femininity prevailed in most women, but today the situation has changed significantly. Many who take such a test are often surprised to find that they are dominated by androgyny traits.

Important note: androgynes should not be confused with transvestites, homosexuals and. Among them there are both those and those, and in addition also completely asexuals. But many of them are people with a traditional orientation, and completely unwilling to change their gender. At the same time, they lead a normal life and create quite traditional families. In fact, they differ only in their unique appearance, by which it is sometimes quite difficult to determine their gender.

Androgyny is trending

The fashion industry generally lives its own life, completely disregarding any standards and norms, but creating new trends and trends. Show business is also not far away. These are just those spheres where everything is possible and everything is welcomed. Everything that in everyday life causes an ambiguous attitude, and sometimes categorical rejection.

new trend

Androgyny has become one of the new ones, gaining more and more popularity and its army of fans and followers. And although this phenomenon itself is far from new, it has recently been very actively developing and merging into general social life.

The universal appearance of androgynes opens up broad prospects for them precisely in these areas, where almost everything unusual, non-standard and, of course, beautiful is deified. But no one dares to argue that androgynes are really fantastically beautiful. It is their pretty, well-groomed, graceful, refined appearance that separates them from all others. It is impossible to become like that, you just need to be born like that, otherwise you can turn into a pathetic parody that causes laughter, and even disgust.

The secret of magnetism

They have naturalness, they do not need to invent an image for themselves, nature did it for them. And if travesty is, as a rule, just a role, then androgyny is not just an appearance, but also a state of mind, the psychological and emotional essence of a person who has made a conscious choice with the light supply of mother nature. Perhaps this explains their special magnetism and attractiveness. And the doors to the fashion industry are joyfully thrown open in front of androgynous models, which can be increasingly seen on the catwalks, photo shoots and in commercials.

Notable androgynes

One of the most famous and sought-after androgynous in the fashion world is, of course, the Serbian-Australian model Andrej Pejic, who, by the way, recently became Andrea, having changed his gender. Looking at his photo, you understand that even for a girl he is indecently handsome; Aphrodite herself would envy.

Other well-known androgynes include Brian Molko, frontman of the band Placebo, who even performed in a female form early in his career;

Dutch model Saskia de Brau, representing both men's and women's collections at shows;

actress and artist, and part-time favorite of designers, Tilda Swinton;

model, singer and actress Agyness Deyn;

Russian fashion model Stas Fedyanin, who, despite his incredibly feminine appearance, remains a full-fledged man with a traditional sexual orientation;

Swedish model and actress Erika Linder.

To be or not to be

The androgynes themselves call themselves the third sex and even the superior race, justifying this by the fact that they are more perfect and have found the very inner harmony that most other people cannot achieve. Even some psychologists tend to consider them mentally healthier and more balanced.

However, such statements cannot but cause controversy. Conservative and traditional people rightly believe that not everything is so smooth and optimistic. Androgyny can be called a kind of mask behind which hide those who wish to avoid responsibility, infantile and selfish personalities. For example, an androgynous man, even with a traditional sexual orientation, is unlikely to take care of a woman in the way that is customary in our society. It's hard to imagine him giving up his seat on the subway or bus, or opening the door for a lady, or being able to beat up street hooligans who molest his girlfriend without fear of breaking a nail or getting a lilac-pink "sunset" under the eye. How then will such a man be able to care for and protect his family, if he even has one?

Or another situation: as many psychological surveys show and as androgynous women themselves say on numerous talk shows and in interviews, they hardly see themselves in the role of a mother, and some primordially feminine qualities in them are either absent in principle or retracted. into the depths of the subconscious.

As a consequence, the question arises: who will continue the human race, if people continue to move in this direction? So not for long and before total extinction, unless they start growing children from a test tube.

Like it or not, but androgyny has now become not just a subculture, it is rapidly gaining momentum and becoming an integral part of our lives. Whether this is good or bad, everyone decides for himself, but now it is worth considering whether humanity is on the right path.

These amazing people conquered the world with their uniqueness.

For those who are not yet aware, an androgyne is a person who does not fit into the definition of either a male or female gender role. Many androgynes identify as a cross between a man and a woman, or as asexual. Our today's heroes do not hide their true nature, do not be afraid that society may not accept them. They are what they are and it is impossible not to admire.

1. Willy Cartier

In 2010, the world learned about a talented androgynous model who advertised the autumn-winter collection of Givenchy brand clothes. Later, many world-famous brands began to invite Cartier to shows, to call in advertising campaigns. Soon there were rumors that the handsome Parisian was dating singer Frank Ocean.

Now 26, he is still considered the sexiest male model on social media (he has 118,000 followers). To date, he receives many applications from agencies with a worldwide reputation. The young man gives preference not to quantity, but to quality. Among his latest works is a hot photo shoot for Out Magazine. Interestingly, such an extraordinary appearance of Willy Cartier is the result of a mixture of French, Senegalese and Vietnamese roots.

2. Erika Linder

Once in an interview, the Swedish model Erika Linder said: "I have too rich an imagination to be limited to one gender." Looking at the photographs of the girl, you understand that she knows what she is talking about. Thanks to its versatility, many designers adore it. Before even celebrating her 23rd birthday, Erica walked the runway for Rick Owens, Yohji Yamamoto and 3.1 Phillip Lim.

By the way, at the age of 14 she was offered to sign a contract with a modeling agency, but Linder refused, explaining her act by saying that she wanted to remain a tomboy, and not turn into a "commercial princess". However, at the age of 18, the androgynous beauty became a model for the major Scandinavian agency MIKAs.

3. Agyness Deyn

Today, 34-year-old Agnes works not only as a model, she also sings and acts in films. Laura Michelle Hollins, that is the name of the girl, at the age of 18 signed a contract with the modeling agency Models 1. Soon she began to collaborate with such fashion houses as Anna Sui, Blugirl by Blumarine, Burberry, Cacharel, John Galliano, House of Holland, Gianfranco Ferrè , Giorgio Armani, Mulberry, Paul Smith and Vivienne Westwood. In 2008, the model was awarded the title of British Youth Culture Ambassador. As for her personal life, Dane was married to actor Giovanni Ribisi between 2012 and 2015.

4. Andrea Pejic

Look at these pictures. Before you is a charming blonde beauty Andrea, an Australian transgender fashion model who was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Previously, the 25-year-old model took an active part in the shows of men's and women's collections. Her modeling arsenal includes collaborations with Jean-Paul Gaultier, Marc Jacobs and many other famous designers.

In 2011, Andrea was ranked 18th in the list of "Top 50 Male Models", and in 2013 she starred in David Bowie's video for the song The Stars (Are Out Tonight). In 2014, Andrea Pejic came out as a transgender. To date, she has undergone many sex change operations, thanks to which, according to the model, she now really lives in harmony with her body.

5. Harmony Boucher

About the 30-year-old Harmony Bush, you could hear not only about the London model, but also the musician and singer of the rock band VuVuVultures. 4 years ago, she married her longtime friend Nicole. The girl loves street culture, and therefore she prefers street style. The peculiarity of the beauty-boy is androgynous sexuality, for which modeling agencies appreciate her.

6. Kristina Salinovich

Salinovic was born in Croatia. It was friends who persuaded Christina to become a model. In 2010 in London, she signed her first contract with Select Models and in the same year took an active part in fashion shows for Louis Vuitton, Ungaro, Vivienne Westwood, Paul Smith, Richard Nicoll. Many people adore the girl not only for her uniqueness, androgyny, but also for her high cheekbones. She has experience working with Anna Sui, Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, Emanuel Ungaro, Ermanno Scervino and many others.

7. Yana Knauerova

Today, Yana Knauerova works as a model, maintains her blog about polygamous life, and is engaged in entrepreneurial activities. Her modeling career began in the Czech Republic. Today, Yana lives in New York with her colleague Julia Hamilton. Since 2011, she has been volunteering. Yana has worked with Gas Jeans, TopShop, Sportmax and Versace.

8. David Chang

28-year-old David has long gained fame as the second Andrea Pejic, which was discussed a little higher. The native Taiwanese now lives in Canada. Even as a 13-year-old boy, he heard only one thing addressed to him: “You need to be a model.” But Chang entered the world of fashion only when he was 21 years old. His debut was the fashion show of Alexander McQueen and Emporio Armani. It is worth noting that the model studied pedagogy at the institute and saw himself as a teacher of elementary grades. Now the guy is striving to take part in the Victoria's Secret show.

9. Sarah Weil

Sarah was born in Brussels. Has British and Belgian roots. The androgynous beauty has blond curls, brown eyes and a height of 180 cm. Her modeling arsenal includes collaborations with Maria Grachvogel, Julien MacDonald, Paul Smith, Houghton, Christian Siriano and many others.