What can replace deep cleaning shampoo. Deep cleaning shampoo

To cleanse and renew their skin, women use all kinds of peels and scrubs. But our hair needs to be thoroughly cleaned no less so that the hairstyle always looks well-groomed. Purchased funds do not always cope with the task at hand, and then folk recipes come to the rescue. This article will tell you how to choose and prepare a deep cleaning shampoo at home.

Pros of homemade deep cleaning shampoos

The basis of any shampoo is based on components that help wash out dust, dirt and grease accumulated in the hair. In addition, shampoos should thoroughly cleanse the scalp from keratinized particles. As a rule, most commercial deep cleansing shampoos have a high Ph and sulfate content for more thorough care and are not suitable for daily use. In addition, commercial hair deep cleansing products may contain harmful substances such as silicones, sodium sulfate and other aggressive components. For women with dyed hair, such products are also not suitable, because due to the deep penetration of the shampoo into the hair structure, the paint is washed out very quickly.

Women who very often use various styling products especially need deep cleansing of the scalp and hair, since any varnishes, mousses or gels make the hair very heavy. At the same time, purchased shampoos do not always wash away the remains of styling products well and, on the contrary, can further entangle the hair, disrupt its structure and lead to unexpected consequences.

Experts are completely confident that the use of professional deep cleaning products is unjustified, since the likelihood of damaging the hair structure is much greater than from using conventional shampoos. For this and other reasons, making a deep cleanse shampoo at home will be a safer and more budget-friendly option for cleansing your hair and scalp. Natural remedies are more gentle, but no less effective, while not only cleansing the hair, but also their health.

Deep cleaning shampoo for hair: can be made at home from soda, salt, natural coffee, henna, eggs, mustard, essential oils and cosmetic clay

Preparation of deep cleaning shampoos

Deep cleaning baking soda

To turn your regular shampoo into a deep cleanser, just add 1 scoop of baking soda to 1 serving of scalp shampoo. This method of cleansing is very effective, soda is suitable for any type of hair (the only exceptions are very dry strands) and financially, you cannot find a more affordable means. Crushed aspirin tablets can be used instead of baking soda, they will have a similar effect on the scalp and hair roots.

Deep cleaning salt

Salt is a very effective and inexpensive option for deep cleansing of the scalp. It is best to take a small one, the amount of salt depends on the thickness and length of your hair. For short haircuts, 2 tablespoons will be enough, for long curls, up to 5 tablespoons will be needed. The required amount of salt must be diluted in an equal amount of warm water or kefir. The prepared saline solution is applied to the hair and scalp and purifies with massage movements. You can repeat the procedure 1 - 2 times a month.

Deep cleaning coffee

Before washing your hair with shampoo, you can try to do a home exfoliation of your scalp. To do this, mix 1 spoonful of ground coffee with 1 serving of shampoo and apply the mixture to your hair and scalp, massage for 5 minutes and then rinse with water. After the procedure, you can wash your hair again with regular shampoo. This ritual will be an excellent alternative to deep cleansing shampoo.

Henna for deep cleaning of hair

Colorless henna can not only cleanse the hair effectively, but also improve its condition in general, due to its natural origin. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to dilute henna not in ordinary water, but in a decoction of nettle (for dark hair) or chamomile (for light hair). At the rate of 100 ml of broth for 3 sachets of henna, prepare a mixture. As soon as the henna solution cools down, apply it to the hair and scalp, leave it for 1 - 2 hours and then rinse it off.

Deep cleaning eggs

Chicken eggs have always been famous for their positive effect on hair, in addition to the fact that they add shine, strengthen and nourish the curls, it turns out, with their help, you can effectively cleanse the scalp and hair from dust and grease. To do this, add a few drops of any essential oil to 2 chicken eggs and wash your hair with this mixture like a regular shampoo.

Cosmetic clay for deep cleaning of hair

If you have the time and desire, you can prepare the following very effective and natural deep cleansing shampoo based on cosmetic clay. You will need:

  1. Cosmetic clay - 5 tablespoons;
  2. Mustard powder - 5 tablespoons;
  3. Baking soda - 1 tablespoon
  4. Salt - 1 tablespoon;
  5. Peppermint oil - 5 drops;
  6. Tea tree oil - 5 drops.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and deep cleansing shampoo is ready. Such a remedy will very effectively cope with contamination of the hair and scalp, but it should not be used more often than once a month.

Thus, it is not difficult to effectively clean your hair with homemade shampoo. Choose any of the recipes and try to apply them in turn, so it will be easier to identify which method of deep hair cleaning is right for you.

Beautiful, well-groomed hair creates the image of a beautiful woman in general. Over time, shampoos, gels, styling products leave on the hair a whole mass of unnecessary components that “hide” in the hair scales and cannot be washed off with ordinary shampoo. A deep cleaning shampoo will help free your hair from all this debris, which can penetrate into the very nooks of the hair structure and clean out all evil spirits. And after deep cleaning your hair will become light, shiny, silky, and most importantly, hair growth will accelerate! You will also notice that your hair stays clean longer!

You will not find such special shampoos on the supermarket shelf; they are sold in specialized professional stores for hairdressers. Estel Essex is rightfully considered one of the best deep cleaning shampoos, a large volume will last for a long time, and the price is more than attractive. You can buy Estel Essex from the comfort of your home with delivery to your city. Link below.

But if for some reason you are not able to buy such a shampoo or do not want to spend money on it, in this article you will learn how to make a deep cleaning shampoo yourself.

How to make a deep cleaning shampoo yourself

All ingenious is simple! And every woman can make deep cleansing shampoo on her own and at minimal cost. To do this, we need actually regular shampoo and soda. Yes, exactly soda, cheap and such an irreplaceable assistant in our life. Only, attention, you need to choose a shampoo without silicones, because we want to get rid of them with deep cleansing.

So let's get started! Take a small container, pour in the amount of shampoo with which you usually wash your hair, add 2 teaspoons of baking soda, stir. Everything! Your deep cleansing shampoo is ready! Of course, homemade deep cleaning shampoo is not as ideal as professional products, but it is also quite good and will cope with the task.

After deep cleansing your hair, ALWAYS apply a nourishing mask!

How to wash your hair read

How to use deep cleansing shampoo

  • Do not cook for future use, only for one use
  • Use 1-2 times a month, not more often
  • Use before coloring, but never after.
  • Deep cleansing of the hair can wash away the dyes a little (especially dark ones)
  • After washing your hair, apply a nourishing mask

These are all simple rules, follow them and be great!

Over time, dirt appears on any comb - dust, greasy deposits, the remains of foams, varnishes and other means. Cleaning it regularly is an important step in hygiene. If you neglect this, your hair will look unkempt even after washing.

Why clean your hairbrush

Dust, scalp oil, hair flakes and other impurities remain on the comb. You need to get rid of all this periodically. If you don't brush the comb once or twice a week, all the dirt accumulated on it goes to our clean hair.

Combs are an indispensable tool for creating hairstyles and daily hair care

Types of pollution and how to deal with them

Each type of pollution is removed in compliance with some nuances:

Cleansing methods

For each material, you need to choose your own cleaning method so as not only to deal with dirt and prevent their appearance, but also not to damage the comb. On sale you can find metal, plastic, wooden brushes, massage combs, combs.

Wooden combs should be cleaned with care as they do not like moisture.

Cleaning methods for wooden combs

Wood is the most natural material used for combs and does not like moisture. Therefore, for cleaning combs from it, those methods in which water is present in very small quantities are suitable. And it's better to do without it altogether. To do this, use:

  • vodka;
  • medical alcohol.

Operating procedure:

  1. We moisten a cotton swab in the chosen product.
  2. We wipe the wooden teeth and the rest of the surface of the product from all sides. Alcohol-based liquids dissolve dust and grease, cleaning the comb. In addition to a tampon, you can use a cotton swab: it will penetrate into all hard-to-reach places.

Wood combs are cleaned with alcohol or vodka

How to wash a plastic hairbrush

Plastic is one of the most physically and chemically resistant materials. Therefore, when cleaning, they use not only alcohol-containing agents, but also more aggressive substances. The comb is cleaned of old hair by hand or with a toothpick. Then they get rid of the particles of sebum secreted by the scalp, as well as dust adhering to them. This is done in several ways:

The plastic comb can be cleaned with soapy water, baking soda and other means

Video: how to clean a comb with baking soda

Cleaning the metal hairbrush

Dry powders - kitchen or even washing - are well suited for cleaning metal combs. The ways they are used are somewhat different:

  1. Using a cleaning powder for kitchen surfaces (PemoLux, Biolan, Pemoxol): apply a little of the product to a damp toothbrush and rub the comb with the resulting paste until all dirt is removed from the metal. Such powders contain aggressive components that are aimed at the complete removal of fat. Rinse the cleaned comb thoroughly with running water and wipe dry with a waffle or terry towel.
  2. Dilute washing powder (1.5 tsp) in half a glass of water and leave the comb in this solution for half an hour or an hour. Then rinse with water and dry thoroughly.

Metal is a material that rust is not indifferent to, and therefore it is impossible to leave it wet under any circumstances: the comb will hopelessly deteriorate.

Metal comb requires thorough drying after cleaning

Caring for a product with natural bristle teeth

Natural bristles are the same hair, and therefore you can wash them with shampoo:

  1. Having previously cleaned the comb from the hair remaining on it, distribute the shampoo over the entire bristle.
  2. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Place in a glass of warm water and use a plastic comb or toothbrush to remove the shampoo from the bristles and any dirt that will easily go away with it.
  4. Rinse the comb under the tap and leave it on a towel until it dries completely.

Natural bristles are easy to clean with shampoo

How to clean a massage brush

Massage combs are called voluminous combs, the teeth of which are firmly fixed in a rubber or nylon insert. Such products have a complex shape. It is not always convenient to clean them.

  1. Use a toothpick or hands to clean the comb from the hair remaining on it. You can also use a plastic comb, toothbrush, or even another massage comb.
  2. Preparing a cleaning solution: dilute 3 tbsp in 1 liter of warm water. l. 9 percent vinegar, add 2 tbsp. l. shampoo, mix thoroughly until sufficient foam forms.
  3. We process the product with it. Do not soak: the glue on which the rubber with teeth is planted does not tolerate immersion in water, and then it is almost impossible to pour it out of the inner space of the comb.
  4. We rinse with clean water and send to dry.

Another solution is used for massage combs:

  1. Add 2 tbsp to 1 liter of water. l. shampoo, 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.
  2. The resulting product is used to wipe the dirt.
  3. Rinse and leave in air until dry.

Massage brushes must not be soaked in water

Any combs cleaning solution can be mixed with a few drops of essential oil or a mixture for a pleasant scent. Grapefruit, bergamot, lemon oils are suitable.

Essential oils will give your combs a pleasant scent after washing

Since you cannot soak a battery-powered brush, but you need to wash it regularly, you can use a simple method: remove the batteries and remove dirt from the teeth using an old toothbrush with dishwashing detergent. To make it less likely to do this, you need to remove all hairs after each use.

When can homemade shampoo come in handy? Then, when your hair has already choked with styling products and dirt and it seems that nothing will bring them back to life. It is at this moment that you will need a homemade shampoo for deep cleansing of your hair.

Homemade shampoo can remove all dirt, conditioners, balms and other shampoos.

Hair cleaning can be done in a salon, but it is expensive. In addition, this salon procedure can excessively draw moisture from your hair during the cleansing process due to the chemicals in the cleanser, which leads to further damage to the hair. Also, a salon procedure for cleaning hair with products containing aggressive chemicals can lighten several tones, or even completely wash off the dye from your hair.

How to prepare homemade shampoo?

How to make a homemade deep cleansing shampoo? We will talk about this in this article. This shampoo compares favorably with a salon procedure using products containing chemicals. After using the homemade deep cleansing shampoo, your hair will remain soft, supple and hydrated.

Homemade shampoo recipe:

  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  • 1-2 glasses of warm water;
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar (optional) Vinegar will help in regulating the activity of the sebaceous glands, so it is good for.

Vinegar can lighten dark hair a little!

Add 1 scoop of baking soda to an empty bottle, then add water. (Note: the water must be warm so that the baking soda can dissolve easily). This mixture will not create lather during washing. If you want lather, add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to this solution. Stir the resulting composition. Shake the mixture bottle well. That's it, our homemade hair cleaning shampoo is ready!

How to use homemade deep cleansing shampoo

Apply the resulting composition to damp hair along the entire length. Distribute the product well over the scalp. Now the composition should cleanse your hair, for this do not rinse it off immediately. After 15 minutes, rinse off the composition with warm water. This procedure should be carried out no more than once a month.

Modern girls daily apply a large number of styling products to the curls - varnishes, foams, fluids, serums. And it is not surprising that after a while there is a feeling of heaviness and overload of the hair, dullness appears. The reason is that our hair absorbs not only dirt and sebum, but also all those products that we use every day. And if you visit the pool, then the chlorine with which the water is processed. All these substances enter the hair structure, thereby contaminating it.

Regular shampoos for our hair wash only surface pollution, while the dirt inside the hair continues to accumulate. Many girls have heard about deep cleaning shampoo, but have no idea why it is needed and how to use such an invention. It is a kind of chemical peeling for the scalp and hair, which is able to penetrate deep into the structure and remove all accumulations of styling products and harmful substances.

Features of use

Due to the fact that deep cleansing shampoo has an aggressive composition that dries hair, it is recommended to use it as needed. Experts advise using such a tool no more than once a week, otherwise there is a risk of harming the hair. Even if you do not use industrial cosmetics in your care, but at the same time like to make masks from natural oils at home, then deep cleansing shampoo is also recommended for you. Oils with regular use clog the scalp, and this, in turn, is fraught with consequences in the form of increased secretion of sebum, which leads to rapid hair pollution.

By the way, some women use deep professional cleaning shampoo as a wash off in case of unsuccessful staining. For example, the Estelle remedy perfectly removes paint, and also contains vitamin B5 useful for hair.

Who is it for?

  • if you use styling and care products containing silicones;
  • if you frequent the pool;
  • if you regularly make hair masks based on natural oils.

When should you apply?

There are no special recommendations and indications for the use of such a cosmetic product. But if you feel constant heaviness in the curls, noticed that they began to get dirty faster and lost their shine, then you need a professional deep cleaning shampoo. And in order to prevent such a condition, the best solution would be to use a beauty product at least once every two weeks - for prevention.

Rating of the best deep cleansing shampoos

Especially for you, we have compiled a small rating of the best deep cleaning shampoos of 2016:

  1. Estel Professional Essex Deep Cleaning.
  2. Concept Deep Cleaning.
  3. Kapous Protein Collagen.
  4. Londa Professional Specialist Intense Cleaner.
  5. Schwarzkopf Supreme Keratin.

It should be noted that all these products are professional and are used in beauty salons. Their use at home should be as careful and correct as possible.