What do you need child care. Daily childcare. Video: how to care for a newborn

What is the daily care of a newborn, how to wash a baby and take care of the umbilical wound, how to change diapers, take care of nails, feed a child and walk with him - we will tell about these basic procedures for caring for a newborn in our article.

When it comes time to return home with a newborn from the hospital, every mother begins to worry about how she will be without the help and competent advice of medical staff.

Without exception, all mothers are worried about whether they can provide their child with the care necessary for his healthy growth: properly bathe the baby, cut off his nails, treat the umbilical wound.

Therefore, mothers do not have time to cross the threshold of their home, as they have many questions about caring for a child: is it worth washing the baby after each urination, what is the best way to treat the navel: with brilliant green or calendula tincture?

Today we will try to find answers to the main questions about the hygiene of the child and talk about the basic procedures for daily care of the baby.

Newborn morning toilet

Like every person, the baby should wash his face in the morning, of course, his mother should help him in this.

After the newborn wakes up, strip him naked, let him lie naked for a while, this is good for the baby's skin. Then carefully examine the baby, check for redness on the skin, prickly heat. If there is, then prepare a baby cream to lubricate problem areas after washing the baby.

The baby is washed with cotton pads dipped in warm boiled water.

  1. Washing the newborn is carried out from top to bottom. The baby is washed with cotton pads dipped in warm boiled water.
  2. Wipe the baby's eyes, from the outer edge to the inner. For the hygiene of each eye, it is recommended to take a new cotton pad.
  3. Gently wipe the child's face, ears - outside, skin behind the ears, neck with a damp cotton pad.
  4. Listen to the baby's breathing, it should be free. If breathing is difficult, clear your baby's nose. To do this, you can use a special saline solution for children under one year old and an aspirator (a device that helps suck out mucus).

How to clean a child's nose from snot - Dr. Komarovsky video

In addition, you can clean the nose of crusts with the help of two small cotton flagella dipped in baby oil. The flagella must be carefully inserted alternately into each nostril of the child's nose and scrolled several times. If the baby's nose breathes well, then it does not need to be cleaned.

Then it is necessary to wipe all the folds of the baby's skin with a damp cotton pad, replace the child's dirty diaper with a clean one, washing the baby or using baby wipes to cleanse the skin.

Umbilical wound care

During the neonatal period, a special place on the child's body is the umbilical wound, it requires careful care.

As a rule, the umbilical wound is treated once a day, you can do this after bathing, when all the crusts get wet from the water and the mucus is washed out.

How to handle the navel of a newborn - advice from Dr. Komarovsky (video)

There are several ways to treat an umbilical wound, each of them is quite effective:

  • belly button care with boiled water- To do this, moisten a cotton pad with boiled water once a day and thoroughly wipe the umbilical wound so that it becomes clean, then dry the navel for several minutes;
  • treatment of the navel with hydrogen peroxide and antiseptic(chlorhexidine, baneocin, levomekol, iodine, alcohol-based chlorophyllin) - to treat the navel, take two cotton swabs, dip one in peroxide, the other in an antiseptic, first treat the navel with peroxide, and then with an antiseptic.

How does an umbilical wound heal?

Important! If you notice that the skin around the umbilical wound is inflamed, be sure to consult a doctor.

Tatyana Znamenskaya, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, President of the Association of Neonatologists of Ukraine: “ In order to have a complete care, we need to take care of the umbilical wound. To avoid crusts, there is a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, with which we wash all crusts from the navel. After that, with brilliant greens, we simply burn the rest of the umbilical wound. It's simple and effective.

If you see that the umbilical wound does not heal within a month, it is better to take the child to the doctor. Usually, up to 14 days of life, the umbilical residue disappears, and the wound heals.

Washing a newborn

It is necessary to wash the baby under running water after each bowel movement.

It is convenient to wash a newborn like this:

  1. Place your baby on your left palm with your stomach facing you or with your back on your forearm with your head facing you.
  2. Submerge the lower part of the child's torso under running water.
  3. Lather the baby's buttocks and genitals with baby soap (it is better to choose liquid soap for children, it is more convenient to use).
  4. Then thoroughly rinse the soap with water, blot the baby's skin with a towel or diaper.

If the baby has just urinated in the diaper, then you can not wash it, but use wet wipes when changing the diaper. Choose special baby wipes that are fragrance- and alcohol-free.

Diaper change

Most often, mothers use to care for children. There are a few simple rules that are important to follow in this case:

  • When using them, remember that the child should not be in one disposable diaper for more than 4 hours.
  • It is necessary to put on a diaper for a newborn so that the umbilical residue is not covered. This is necessary for the fastest healing of the umbilical wound.
  • It is desirable that for several hours a day the baby just lies on the diaper without a diaper so that the skin can breathe.
  • It is also important to ensure that diaper rash does not form on the skin under the diaper.
    To prevent diaper rash, it is necessary to dress the baby according to the weather, that is, do not overheat it, and you can also use it under a diaper.

If diaper rash has already formed, you need to consult a doctor, he will recommend a remedy for their healing, most likely it will be a cream containing dexpanthenol - effective healing drug.

Of course, it is better to prevent, as they can get very sick and disturb the baby.

Bathing a newborn

All mothers are interested in the question: when is it possible after discharge from the hospital?

Marina Skiba, neonatologist at the clinic "Dobrobut":“You can bathe the child immediately after discharge, but if you have been vaccinated with BCG, but within a day or two after the vaccination, it is better not to bathe the child so as not to wet the injection site.”

Before the umbilical wound heals, babies are bathed in a small baby bath boiled some water. Bathing time at this stage is 3-5 minutes.

Neonatologist Marina Skiba: “Water for bathing a child should be 37 degrees. You can bathe the baby in a decoction of string or chamomile. It's good for baby's skin."

After the umbilical wound has healed, you can already bathe the child in a regular bath in tap water, gradually increasing the bathing time from 5 minutes to 30-40.

Every day, while bathing a child, it is necessary to wash his genitals and buttocks, 1-2 times a week you need to wash the whole baby with soap, and also wash the child’s head with a special baby shampoo.

Important! Always bathe your child with the bathroom door open, thanks to this the child will not be so cold after you take him out of the water, as the temperature difference will not be too big

Each time the baby should be lowered into the water slowly, starting from the legs. In the water it is necessary to support the entire body of the child. If water gets into your baby's ears or eyes while bathing, it's not scary, it's quite natural!

Already from the first days of life, you can start easy hardening of the child. To do this, before you start bathing the baby, prepare and place a vessel with water in the bathroom, the temperature of which will be 0.5-1 degrees lower than the temperature of the water in the bath. At the end of the bath, pour water over the child from this vessel.

After bathing the baby, you need to get wet with a diaper or towel, but do not wipe it, as this procedure can damage the delicate baby skin.

You also need to prepare two small cotton flagella and gently twist them into the child's ears so that the cotton wool absorbs the water that got into the ears during bathing. After the baby's skin is dry, it is advisable to treat the folds with baby oil.

newborn nail care

It is necessary to take care of the baby's nails 1-2 times a week, since the nails of children grow very quickly. To cut nails, you need to purchase special scissors with rounded ends. On the legs, the nails should be cut evenly, and on the hands - rounding the edges.

Walking with a child

In the summer, you can walk with your baby the day after discharge from the hospital. It is advisable to protect the child from direct sunlight. It is better to go for a walk in the summer either in the morning (before 10 am) or in the evening (after 6 pm), at this time it is not so hot.

The first walk should be very short - 10-15 minutes. Then every day it is worth walking for 10 minutes longer.

Preparing for a walk with the baby, mothers usually doubt whether they dressed the baby correctly. In order not to miscalculate with clothes, you should always follow a simple rule - there should be as many clothes on the baby as on you, plus one more layer. So the baby will be comfortable.

Of course, during a walk it is worth checking the condition of the child. In the summer, it is important not to overheat the baby, if the child turns red, it means that it is worth taking something off him, he is hot.

In winter, there is a high risk of freezing. If the baby is cold, he will have cold hands, feet and nose, in which case an extra blanket will not hurt.

Moms who have given birth to their first child are sometimes in terrible confusion: preparing for the appearance of the baby and caring for him raise so many questions that you simply don’t know where to run and what to do. Worry and despair are useless here, because the newly-made parents already have enough reasons for worrying. This article contains the main rules and tips for caring for a newborn, so it can be safely used as an instruction on all issues of concern to parents.

Preparing a "dowry" for a child

There is a superstition that it is impossible to buy something for an unborn child, so some mothers do not specifically prepare “dowry” for children. These are just prejudices. For future parents and all relatives, it is a real pleasure to go shopping, choosing tiny hats and undershirts. Preparing a “dowry” for a future mother helps to tune in to imminent motherhood. In addition, when the baby is born, there will be such a turmoil that it will be simply impossible for the baby to calmly choose, wash and stack things in piles. So, what you need to prepare for the birth of the crumbs into the world:

  • Diapers (In total, you will need about 20-25 of them. Determine the ratio of thin and warm diapers based on what time of the year the baby will be born. By the way, knitted diapers are very comfortable: they are very soft, stretch well and fit the body).
  • Blouses or bodysuits (Unfastened vests are no longer relevant because they are not comfortable. It is best to buy several blouses with a button or ties and several bodysuits).
  • One-piece jumpsuit (Insulated overalls for the first time will be enough for one, and you can buy several thin ones).
  • Hats (Knitted hats without ties are most convenient. 2 thin ones and one warm one are enough).
  • Socks (Soft knitted socks are useful even in the warm season. You can safely buy 4-5 pairs).
  • Warm wool blanket.
  • Flannelette blanket or plaid.

Some purchases can be left for later and, if necessary, entrusted to their grandmothers. These include, for example, mittens - anti-scratches. Not all children resist cutting their nails, so mittens may not come in handy. Another purchase from this series is a pillow. Babies up to a year old can sleep without a pillow, using a folded diaper instead.

In addition to things, you need to prepare a first-aid kit for the appearance of the baby:

  • Baby oil for treating wrinkles (you can get by with sterile vegetable oil),;
  • Pipette, hydrogen peroxide, a vial of brilliant green for treating an umbilical wound;
  • Zinc ointment for rashes and diaper rash;
  • Bathing herbs, potassium permanganate;
  • , a heating pad with cherry pits, carminative preparations (, etc. ()) in case of colic;
  • Wet wipes, cotton pads, sterile cotton wool, nose rinse - for hygiene procedures.
  • Antipyretic (better in candles), antihistamine (Fenistil) ().
  • Absorbent diapers and diapers for newborns.

According to the situation, it will be possible to buy additional powder.

Something for Mom

After discharge from the hospital, mom will also need some things that need to be bought in advance:

  • Cream Bepanten for cracked nipples.
  • Absorbent breast pads.
  • Comfortable underwear for feeding.
  • Sanitary pads (either special postpartum or regular, but with maximum absorbency).
  • Postpartum bandage (for better recovery of the abdominal muscles).
  • Breast pads for feeding ().
  • Breast pump ().

If in everyday life everything is ready for the appearance, it's time to figure out and master the basic procedures that a young mother will have to perform daily and more than once.

Morning toilet: wash your eyes, clean your nose

In the morning, be sure to treat the umbilical wound. To do this, with a clean pipette, drip a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into the wound. The peroxide begins to foam, separating the crusts and "bringing" them to the surface. We remove these crusts with a clean cotton swab, and then with another stick we apply brilliant green ().

Changing a diaper

Most modern mothers prefer to use disposable diapers. A baby has to change a disposable diaper about 10 times a day: the child should not be in one diaper for more than 3-4 hours, and besides this, you need to change the diaper every time after the baby has pooped. The second point, moreover, must be performed even at night, because the feces are not absorbed by the diaper and irritate the skin.

Wash your baby before changing a diaper. If he crap one's pants - with soap, if not - with warm tap water (if it is not possible to wash it - wipe it with wet wipes). If there is irritation, you can apply a diaper cream on the skin, if not, just let the skin dry.

Be sure to take care of the umbilical wound and make sure that the diaper fastener does not rub it. There are special diapers for newborns who have a notch in place of the navel. If you use others, fold the edge of the diaper or cover your navel with a piece of sterile bandage.

We go for a walk

If the child is healthy, you can walk with him from the first day of life. Regarding children's walks, the rule “nature has no bad weather” is true. You can cancel a walk only if there is severe frost, abnormal heat or other extreme weather conditions outside. In bad weather, you can take the cradle with the baby to the balcony.

Usually, babies sleep in a stroller, so mom can choose the time for a walk at her discretion. It is better to start walking from 30-40 minutes, gradually increasing the time of the walk. Over time, you can walk up to 4-6 hours a day, dividing this time into 2 “sets”.

After swimming

After swimming, you also need to carry out some procedures:

  • Treat the umbilical wound in the same way as we did in the morning.
  • Trim nails while they are soft with water.
  • Wipe all wrinkles with oil (including the area behind the ears - crusts often form there).

Watch a video of how to bathe a baby:

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

We go to bed

Most breastfeeding babies fall asleep with the breast. You can rock the baby in your arms, and then carefully transfer it to the crib. The experience of mothers shows that it is better to swaddle babies for sleep: so their own movements do not cause them any concern, they are not afraid of their own arms or legs. By the way, it is better for a newborn baby to buy a cradle, not a crib. A limited space is more comfortable for a baby than a spacious bed that is not proportionate to its body.

The room must be ventilated before going to bed. It is believed that where the baby sleeps is about 20 degrees.

It is impossible to lay the baby to sleep on his back - in a dream, the baby can burp and choke on vomit. To prevent the baby from rolling over on his back, laying him on his side, support his back with a small pillow or a folded blanket. The position of the sleeping baby should be periodically changed, shifting it from one side to the other. This is necessary so that the bones of the skull are not deformed.

The most popular questions that concern young mothers

A quivering young mother shudders at every sneeze of her baby and falls into confusion in front of many unfamiliar phenomena. Let's try to deal with the most common questions of young mothers.

Strange color and dryness of the baby's skin

The skin of a newly born baby may have a reddish, yellowish tint. The first is due to a very thin layer of subcutaneous fat: the red tint is the blood vessels that show through the skin. Yellowness () is the result of an increased content of bilirubin and goes away when the liver begins to work more actively.

baby hiccups

Many babies begin to hiccup in the stomach. Usually, hiccups in babies occur due to excess air that has entered the stomach during feeding. The best way to get rid of it is to vilify the baby with a “column” and massage the tummy ( ).

baby spitting up

Regurgitation is a consequence of the underdevelopment of the digestive system and a special children's mechanism for "fighting" overeating. As a preventive measure, make sure that the baby (so he does not swallow excess air), and keep him in a “column” after feeding. In general, regurgitation is not at all dangerous. Normally, once a day, a child can even burp with a “fountain”. If this happens more often and regurgitation lasts longer than 6 months, you need to contact a neurologist ( ).

Child sneezes and coughs

If there are no signs of a cold (runny nose, high temperature) - these are natural self-purification reflexes of the body from mucus in the throat and nose.

How to dress a child

The body of the crumbs still poorly retains heat and maintains a constant temperature. This must be taken into account both at home and on the street. Excessively wrapped up, the child can easily be overheated, and leaving undressed - on the contrary, supercool. The main dressing rule for a toddler is to dress as you are + one layer of clothing.

Clothes for the baby should be made from natural fabrics, have a comfortable design and secure fasteners. It is best to choose blouses and overalls that can be easily put on without twisting the arms and legs of the child and without pushing the head into the narrow neck. All accessories (buttons, buttons) must be of high quality and securely sewn so that the little one cannot tear off and swallow a small piece of clothing.

How to know if baby is warm

The temperature of the arms and legs does not mean anything in this matter, because they are often cool in babies due to poor thermoregulation. To understand if the child is warm, you need to touch his neck: if it is cool, it is better to dress the baby warmer.

Can I give my baby a pacifier?

If there are plans for successful and long-term breastfeeding, it is better not to, in any case, up to 6 months, until lactation is fully established. The nipple confuses the child, he begins to confuse the mother's breast and its silicone substitute, and may refuse the breast altogether. In addition, there is an opinion that sucking a nipple has a bad effect on the formation of bite. Reading

The birth of a child is the most long-awaited day and a great happiness for newly-made parents. An important function of parents is the constant care of the baby. During the neonatal period, many important internal changes occur with the child: restructuring of the circulatory system, activation of the body's defense systems and getting used to a new life outside the mother's abdomen. For young parents, after the birth of a child, there comes a period of excitement and trouble, which is accompanied by questions about how to care for a newborn baby in the first days of life. Therefore, it is extremely important to approach this with responsibility and understand problematic issues, so how to care for a newborn baby in the first month, step by step can be represented as follows: care while in the hospital, care for the umbilical cord, skin, nose and ears.

How to care for a newborn baby in the early days

The first days of life, newborn babies spend with their mothers in the maternity hospital, where they are under the supervision of children's doctors and obstetricians. This period is difficult in its own way for the newborn: he adapts to the new environment, begins to breathe and eat on his own. In order for the period of stay with the baby to be successfully completed, the young mother needs to know how to care for a newborn in the hospital.

How to hold a newborn baby? At first glance, the baby seems very small and fragile, but you should not be afraid to touch it, since the skin contact of the mother with the child has a positive effect on its development and adaptation. Over time, the maternal instinct and the accumulated experience will allow you to feel more confident with the child. When in contact with the baby, be sure to gently hold his head, communicate with him gently and smile more often. Try to hold and carry the baby alternately on the right and then on the left side.

How to take care of the hygiene of the baby in the maternity hospital? The baby's skin is very delicate and prone to minor injuries, so proper skin care and hygiene is an important task for a mother who is in a maternity hospital.

Every morning, the child needs to wash, take care of the eyes, nose, and ears. These procedures are best done in the morning. The baby is placed on the changing table, where they wipe their face and hands with a damp cotton swab, and then wipe them with a clean soft cloth. The eyes are washed, starting from the outer corner to the inner one, using a separate napkin for each eye, and the ears are wiped with soft cotton balls. As well as the eyes, the nose is cleaned with separate cotton flagella, each turbinate is washed with a separate tourniquet. At the end of the morning toilet, it is necessary to wash the child and lubricate dry skin with cream.

How to change diapers

Change a newborn's diaper as it gets dirty, preferably every 2-3 hours. It is recommended to use better quality diapers that allow air to pass through and absorb moisture.

How to change a diaper in a maternity hospital?

  • Untie the baby lying on his back and remove the dirty diaper from him;
  • Wash the child and sprinkle with talc;
  • Unpack a clean diaper: slightly lift the child by the legs and carefully place the diaper under him;
  • Straighten the lapels of the diaper, and fasten it;
  • Check whether the baby is comfortable in the diaper and how it fits to the body (one finger should fit between the body and the belt);
  • The diaper belt must be folded outward from the umbilical wound to allow air to circulate.
How to swaddle a baby

Doctors recommend using free swaddling, in which the newborn feels comfortable and moves his legs freely. In the maternity hospital, it is advisable to swaddle the baby with handles for the first few days, and later they can be left free.

How to care for a newborn baby in the first month

In the first month of life, a child has a strong ability for rapid development, learning and knowledge of the world around him. The quality of care for the baby largely depends on: his well-being, development and health. In order to properly care for a baby in the first month of life, three conditions must be met:

  • Parents should be sufficiently knowledgeable in matters of care;
  • Strictly follow the rules and techniques of care;
  • Have the necessary clothing and care items.

The first month of a baby's life includes adaptation to a new environment, which the newborn and his parents go through. There is also a distribution of responsibilities between mother and father. Comprehensive infant care includes a number of daily and weekly activities: feeding, sleeping, hardening, walking in the fresh air and massage.

How to care for a newborn's belly button

In the maternity hospital, a disposable clip with a clothespin will be applied to the umbilical cord. The child himself does not feel the presence of clothespins. In the maternity hospital, the neonatologist will definitely tell you how to care for the umbilical cord of a newborn and for the umbilical wound.

After birth, the umbilical cord dries up over time, and disappears altogether after a few weeks. After falling off clothespins an umbilical wound forms in its place, which will heal over time. In order for it to heal painlessly, you must adhere to the following rules for care:

  • Bathing the baby is not recommended only when the umbilical residue has fallen off;
  • To avoid diaper rash around the navel, it is necessary to do air baths several times a day;
  • If a crust has formed instead of the umbilical cord residue, you need to apply a swab moistened with a 3% peroxide solution to it, then pat it dry with a dry cloth and treat the wound with brilliant green.

The skin of the baby is very sensitive and requires careful care. It is important to keep the skin folds constantly dry. . How to care for the skin of a newborn baby so that it always remains smooth and tender?

In the first days of a baby's life, it is not necessary to bathe him daily. It is enough to dip the child in warm water every 3-4 days. The rest of the time, you should wipe only the face, hands and feet with a damp cotton swab or soft cloth. Perfect for skin care: specialized baby creams, oils or talcs.

Peeling on the skin can be lubricated with peach or sterilized olive oil. Mother's milk can be used as an oil for baby's skin, as it has excellent antibacterial and wound healing properties.

The nasal conchas in a child are quite narrow and small, so various blockages (mucus, villi from blankets and clothes, dust particles) can cause uncomfortable breathing. To avoid this, you should clean the room where the child is.

There are several rules about how to care for a newborn's nose baby that mothers need to know:

  1. Clean the nose exclusively with a flagellum made of clean cotton wool, pre-moisten it with boiled water;
  2. Insert the tourniquet into the nasal passage not deeply and with gentle rotational movements;
  3. Separate tourniquets must be used for the left and right turbinates;
  4. To prevent a runny nose, you must use a saline solution or mother's milk.

Give a birth to a baby- this is half the battle, but what to do with a small screaming lump that you don’t know how to approach and calm down?

At such moments, you begin to regret that you did not study the literature on caring for a newborn in advance. It’s good if there are grandmothers or sisters nearby, but what if not? All responsibility for the care falls entirely on your shoulders. But don't worry, this article provides the most important tips for new parents. We will analyze all the nuances. You will learn for yourself and teach your husband, who in the future can become an excellent assistant in caring for your child.

Preliminary preparation

A pregnant mother should first of all think about the dowry of the unborn baby. The first days, weeks, year of the child are the most important. He should have everything that is necessary from clothes, accessories, furniture and care products. The most important thing - all this should be in one place and preferably in one room. Think about furniture and its ergonomics. In addition to the crib and stroller, buy a large and comfortable chest of drawers with drawers, a changing table, and auxiliary materials. is a costly and responsible business. It is important to be able to distribute finances and not buy too much. So what is needed:

1. Diapers or diapers. The bigger, the better. Enough 15-20 pieces. If you are against diapers, then buy absorbent diapers or regular ones, but 3 times more. They should be pleasant to the touch and dry quickly. You will need both thin (preferably knitted) and warm (flannel). If the baby was born in the cold season, buy more warm diapers and vice versa. Wash them with baby powder and iron them with a hot iron. It is not recommended to use balms and fabric softeners so as not to cause allergies. There should be several packs of diapers, as they are used up very quickly. For the first time, you may need 10-15 pieces per day. Buy the smallest. They are sized «0» or marking "new born".

2. Body, different blouses. Remember an important rule: clothes should be without internal seams and ties! The seams can put pressure on the delicate skin of the baby, and the ties can cause an accident. Also avoid clothes with buttons and zippers. Small parts can come off and also lead to unpleasant consequences. Button up clothes are perfect. Just check the quality of the fastening. Make sure the fabric is soft and pleasant.

3. Thin overalls and one warm one. It is convenient to put the baby to sleep in a thin one, just do not forget to put on a diaper underneath. Insulated ones are suitable for walking. For winter, choose a sheepskin filler that will keep you warm and not cause heavy sweating.

4. Hats. You will need one thin and 2-3 warm ones. Forgotten the rule? No strings!

5. Socks - warm and thin (3-5 pairs). Check the elastic - it should not be tight.

6. Wool blanket and flannelette plaid made of natural fabrics.

What other important advice can you give to new parents regarding dowry? Do not buy a pillow, as it is dangerous for newborns. Instead, you will fold the diaper. Also, discard the sidewalls on the crib - they disrupt air circulation and reduce the view for parents. If you were presented with such sidewalls and have nowhere to go - put them on two sides of the bed, not on the four sides, or leave gaps.

Accessories, first aid kit and additional items

1. Salicylic-zinc ointment and brilliant green (hydrogen peroxide can be) for treating the umbilical cord.

2. Cotton buds with restraints, a lot of cotton pads, sterile cotton wool, wet and dry wipes. It is advisable to buy special wet wipes for children - they are economical, large and soaked in care products. For example, aloe or chamomile oil.

3. Children's scissors with round ends for cutting nails.

4. Bathing herbs and potassium permanganate. Convenient bags with herbs that you simply lower into the bath.

5. Means for the treatment of wrinkles and skin under the diaper. Choose from: baby oil, baby cream or powder. Oil does not always help and is more suitable for dry areas. Apply the cream until completely absorbed in a thin layer - it best cares for wrinkles. Powder is good for diaper rash - but apply it in small quantities.

6. Pipette and colic remedies: Bobotik, Sub-Simplex, dill water, anise water or Espumizan.

Necessary for a new mother

Includes itself and the necessary funds for mom:

Cream Betanten or Panthenol, which will protect the delicate skin of the nipples when feeding the baby;
breast pads (absorbent thin). It is convenient to put them in a bra to avoid getting breast milk on the fabric;
nursing bra or with detachable straps;
pads with maximum absorbency;
bandage (needed after childbirth);
special pads for the breast (facilitate the process of feeding);
breast pump.

Morning care for a newborn baby

Caring for a newborn baby in the first months of life is a series of the same repetitive actions. Fill a bowl with warm water and take sterile cotton wool. Moisten it with water and gently, without pressing, walk from the outer edge of the eye to the inner one. You should also clean the nose with cotton flagella. Soak them in water or saline beforehand and wring out. Remove the crusts from the nose and clean the auricles with new wet flagella.

Be sure to do morning care for the umbilical wound. Drop some hydrogen peroxide into it. After it foams, carefully remove all the crusts and treat the wound with brilliant green (you can use salicylic-zinc ointment).

How to put on a diaper correctly?

Diapers This is a real lifesaver for moms. They make it easy newborn baby care and allow the baby to feel comfortable for longer. It should be changed immediately, as the baby pooped, because the feces are not absorbed and begin to irritate the baby's skin. Remember that you should not keep the baby in a diaper for more than three hours. Periodically let him lie completely naked on the diaper so that the skin can breathe.

1. Wash the baby with baby soap (after pooping) or wipe with a damp cloth.
2. Pat gently with a soft towel.
3. Apply a thin layer of diaper cream and wait until completely absorbed. Don't let white streaks of cream appear in the folds!
4. Open the diaper, stretch it slightly and straighten it. Lay the baby on the back and slip the diaper under the buttocks. If there is no notch for the navel, then bend the top edge of the diaper towards you so that it does not rub the umbilical wound. Fasten the diaper with Velcro on both sides and make sure that it does not press or crumple anywhere.

How to get ready for a walk?

If there are no medical contraindications for mother and baby, then it is allowed to go for a walk from the very first days of life. Walking with the baby is a must! If the weather is bad, still collect the baby and take the stroller to the balcony. It promotes good sleep and strengthens the immune system. How to dress? 2 times warmer than yourself. Go out first for 40 minutes, then increase the time of the walks.

How to feed a baby?

Newborn care includes washing, putting to bed and, of course, feeding. Breastfeed only if you have enough milk. It contains all the most valuable and useful for the crumbs and not a single mixture can be compared with it. Until the baby is six months old, do not give him any other food and drink - women's milk contains the most necessary. Let the baby be the master - feed him at the slightest demand (crying) and do not remove the breast before the baby releases it himself.

How to bathe a small child?

daily bathing This is what provides quality care for a newborn baby. Measure the temperature with a water thermometer - it should not exceed 37 degrees. You can taste the water with the inside of your wrist. To make the navel heal faster, disinfect the water by adding potassium permanganate. The water should turn pale pink. If there are diaper rash and other skin problems, add herbal infusion. Children's soap is recommended to bathe once a week. The rest of the time, use only water. Don't forget to wash your hair. After water procedures, dry the baby, put on a hat, treat the navel and all the folds (on the neck, between the legs, under the knees, on the elbows, wrists) and wrap it in a diaper.

How to put to sleep?

- This is a lifesaver that allows the baby to fall asleep quickly. It is advisable to swaddle it before going to bed. This is necessary for one simple reason: muscle tone usually prevents newborns from sleeping, their legs and arms can move involuntarily and thus prevent normal falling asleep. Newborn care easy if you follow the rules. Sing a song or take a walk before going to bed, feed the baby. Ventilate the room and lay the baby on the barrel so that he does not choke from spitting up. Support his back with a diaper. Change his body position periodically.

Problems and solutions

Problem number 1: dry skin of an incomprehensible color. The baby may be reddish from capillaries or yellowish from something as normal as neonatal jaundice. If the pediatrician is not worried, then you have nothing to worry about. Dryness is also normal for children in their early years of life. The use of a cream should be included in the care of a newborn. This will help the skin become more hydrated and soft faster.

Problem #2: hiccups. When feeding, air enters the body of the crumbs. Massage your tummy clockwise or walk around the room holding it in a “column”.

Problem number 3: regurgitation. To avoid this, learn so that there are no gaps between the mouth and the nipple. After eating, wear in an upright position.

Problem #4: Coughing and sneezing. This is normal as long as the baby is not cold anywhere.

How to dress a baby?

To newborn care was correct, you need to learn not to overheat the child with clothes. Children quickly catch cold, but at the same time easily overheat. At home and on the street, dress it the same as you would by adding another layer of clothing. When buying, be sure to measure clothing - it should be quick and easy to put on. The neck should not be tight. Avoid small details, pull on buttons or zippers - they must be firmly sewn to the garment. Make sure the fabric is breathable. To find out if the baby is warm enough, check the temperature in the neck. If it's cold, put on something warm.

Pacifier - friend or foe?

If the baby is breastfed, you should not give a pacifier, otherwise the baby will simply refuse the breast. When crying, apply it immediately to yourself. If the baby is formula fed, the nipple will fully satisfy the sucking reflex and soothe the baby. Buy 2 nipples and alternate them. Remember to disinfect before giving. If you see a finger in the baby's mouth, then give him a breast: what if this is a sign of hunger? So you feed him and at the same time calm him down.

Hysterical crying is colic

Massage the tummy clockwise, give the remedy and apply a warm sheet. Such manipulations will quickly help get rid of discomfort in the tummy.

Communication with the baby

Avoid harsh sounds, noisy guests, and loud music. Communicate with the baby in a gentle and quiet voice. Never ignore crying and pick up at the first call. Your movements should be smooth, whether it's laying down in a crib, diving into water or playing with a rattle.

What to do with rashes?

Include healing products in your newborn care. Ventilate the skin, It should always be dry. Bathe your baby in an herbal tea with a baby bath moisturizer. The German company Bubchen and ointment have proven themselves to be excellent Bepanthen.

How can dad help?

Remember that the wife now has a lot of trouble with minimal sleep. Unload it by taking on some of the household chores. Before leaving the hospital, clean the apartment and decorate it if possible. Since the wife will still be very weak after the birth, she will also need your care, just like the baby. Help with everything, offer tea, wash the dishes, and then she will appreciate your efforts and be filled with strength to take care of the baby.

All parents should be familiar with the basic rules for caring for a newborn child. A newborn is too small and defenseless, it requires careful personal care and a significant investment of time. Often, young parents experience difficulties and lack of knowledge if the child in their family is the firstborn. Consider the 10 basic rules for caring for a baby.

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Photo gallery: 10 rules for caring for a newborn baby

1. Cleanliness is the key to health

In the room where the newborn baby will be, it is necessary to constantly maintain cleanliness. Strictly sterile order is not required, however, wet cleaning should be carried out as often as possible. When communicating with a small child, you must always wash your hands, the nails of the parents should be short so as not to injure the delicate skin of the baby. The mother should shower regularly and rinse her breasts with warm water before each feeding. Contacts of the child with visitors in the first months of life are highly undesirable.

2. Compliance with the required temperature and humidity in the room

In the room for a newborn, the optimum air temperature should be 22 degrees. In any case, it should not be higher than 25 degrees. Humidity in the newborn room should be around 40-60%. It is worth knowing that high humidity is fraught with overheating, but low air humidity dries the mucous membranes, making the baby vulnerable to germs. It is always good to use a humidifier if you have a small child in the house.

The room needs to be regularly ventilated, taking the baby out of the room for this time. It is recommended to ventilate the children's room 4-5 times a day for 15-30 minutes - it depends on the season.

3. Proper clothing for a newborn baby

Clothes for a newborn baby should always be made of natural fabrics. And the choice of things should depend on the season. However, it is not always necessary to adhere to the rule: “It is worth putting on a layer of clothes for your child more than you put on yourself.” Overheating is dangerous for a baby, and for this reason, in no case should you wrap a baby, cover it with warm blankets.

Whether to use sliders and undershirts for the baby at once or to swaddle - this is the choice of the parents. Doctors allow one and the other. When the baby is not swaddled, it is convenient to use undershirts with sewn-in sleeves so that the baby does not injure himself with sharp nails.

4. What should be the baby's sleeping place

A newborn baby needs a separate bed. It should stand in a fairly bright place, and far from drafts. A children's mattress should have a base of natural fillers, rather hard. It is worth knowing that a pillow for children under one year old is not recommended; a four-fold diaper is used instead. The crib should be as comfortable as possible with a drop-down side.

5. Morning toilet of an infant

In the morning, it is recommended to wash the child's eyes. A separate swab is used for each eye. You need to wipe the eyes from the outer corner and to the inner. If pus occurs, you should definitely consult a doctor, as problems can be of a different nature. The nose of a newborn is cleaned with a cotton flagellum, which is moistened with baby oil, with special helical movements. It is worth noting that the ears are cleaned only when large accumulations of sulfur are visible with a special cotton swab only outside and within sight. Do not put a tampon deep into the baby's ears. You should know that the genitals of girls should be treated with a swab only in the direction from front to back.

Special scissors are used, which should be with rounded ends for cutting the nails of a newborn.

6. Treatment of the umbilical wound

In a newborn baby, the umbilical wound is the most vulnerable place for microbes, so it requires careful care for itself. The umbilical wound is processed daily. The crusts are removed from the dnarenka with a cotton swab, previously moistened in a solution of hydrogen peroxide, after a cotton swab with brilliant green. This procedure is best done after bathing. When the umbilical wound is inflamed or bleeding, it is necessary to call a pediatrician at home.

7. Application of cosmetics for newborns

In our time, a large number of different products have been developed for the care of the skin of infants. There is here the main advice - do not overdo it with cosmetics. The fact is that the skin of a newborn needs to breathe. Only if necessary, it is worth using a cream for newborns. They should be applied in a thin layer.

8. Application of air baths

Air baths for babies are a must! Always at every dressing, changing a diaper, it is recommended to leave a newborn baby absolutely naked for several minutes, bringing the total time of such air baths to two hours a day. If you use disposable diapers, you should change them more often. It is worth knowing that gauze diapers are undesirable because they do not breathe and can lead to diaper dermatitis.

9. Bathing a newborn baby

It is advisable to bathe the baby every day. And it is better to do it in the evening before night feeding. The water temperature should always be 37 degrees. It is worth knowing that until the umbilical wound is completely healed, it is recommended to add a weak solution of potassium permanganate to the water. After that, it is already possible to bathe a newborn in ordinary water, from a column, from a tap. When adding potassium permanganate to water, it is necessary to ensure that all its crystals dissolve completely, otherwise you can burn the delicate skin of a newborn.

10. Walks in the fresh air

Walks in the fresh air should also be daily. A lot also depends on the weather and time of year. The duration of the first walk is usually 10-15 minutes, over time, the time should gradually increase and be brought up to 40-60 minutes in the cool season and up to 4-5 hours in the warm season. The number of walks per day for a newborn is most optimal - two. In winter, when the temperature is below minus 5 degrees, you should not take the baby outside, and it is also not recommended to walk in strong wind and rain. In this weather, it is convenient to use a balcony or loggia. You can not keep a newborn in the summer in the open sun. Dress your child for a walk according to the weather. And to protect against various insects, special nets are used.