Thinning scissors. Milling is the processing of the ends of the hair with special scissors. hairdressing art

For a hairdresser, scissors are one of the main tools. Currently, manufacturers produce a variety of models, but choosing a quality tool for hairdressers is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

Tool selection:

1. Material

The classic version of scissors is made from (the higher the carbon content, the better the tool can be hardened). On the packaging, you can see the HRC mark, which indicates a level of hardness that varies from 58 to 62 on the Rockwell scale. If the level is above 62, then you should not buy such scissors, as they will be fragile. Also, the tool can have an additional chrome or titanium coating, which is hypoallergenic and wear resistant.

2. Blade sharpening

The sharpness of scissors depends on the angle of sharpening (the smaller it is, the sharper the device). The standard angle of sharpening scissors is 40 - 50 degrees.

3. Smooth operation when using

A good tool should close easily without force. They should be comfortable (when the master works with scissors for a long time, while not feeling tired in his hands) and comfortable when used by a specialist. To achieve this goal, manufacturers have created models with handles of various shapes (symmetrical, semi-symmetrical - and offset). There are also scissors in which there is a stop for the little finger, which can be removable or fixed (it gives the hairdresser less effort during the work). Each hairdresser chooses a form for himself in accordance with his preferences.

Professional hairdressing scissors come in a variety of lengths (measured in inches). The standard length of scissors is 5 - 5.5 inches. An important condition is the selection of scissors according to the length of your fingers. For a specialist with extensive experience, having one tool is not enough, it is important to have different types. For example, it can be thinning scissors - with a classic blade length.

5. Milling shears

Thinning scissors can be different: one- and two-sided, they can differ in shape (prism-shaped, with rare teeth) and the width of the teeth, as well as their number. For example, different widths will help the hairdresser create or add volume to the hair. Thinning scissors also have a second name - flag.

6. Manufacturer

Currently, there are a huge number of manufacturers of tools for the hairdresser. But Japanese scissors are especially popular, especially in England, Scandinavia, Russia, since this country imposes strict quality requirements due to the structure of the hair of the local inhabitants (they have hard and thick hair). Scissors made in Japan are interesting for their design, have a serial number, manufacturer's data. If the tool packaging says "Japanese steel" - it means that they are made in another country, but using the indicated steel.

7. Cost

Professional scissors, including scissors, are expensive, as they are made using manual labor. Estimated cost varies from $150 and up. The variety of blades led to the division of the tool into straight ones (there is a micro-notch on the scissors that prevents slipping along the hairline) and thinning scissors. Most often, micro-notched models are used for men's haircuts.

Tool Care

Do not forget about the proper care of the main tool of the hairdresser.

Scissors must be clean and dry.

After each haircut, it is necessary to clean them of the remaining hair.

Get a special oil to lubricate the scissors.

Never adjust scissors with open blades.

Once every 6 months, consult with a specialist who will help you monitor the health of the scissors.

Toothy helpers

Now let's talk about a variety of professional hairdressing tools - thinning scissors. At the same time, we will no longer touch on the composition of steel, hardening processes, and so on. All these technical issues are equally directly related to both ordinary scissors and our “toothy assistants”.

In general, it should be noted that the attitude towards thinning scissors in our country is rather ambiguous. In my practice, I have met craftsmen who almost never use this tool, stating that they can easily do all the work with ordinary scissors. On the other hand, many hairdressers cannot imagine their work without “thinning” at all and can complete the entire haircut without even touching ordinary scissors. It seems that this situation is the result of the influence of numerous haircut techniques presented by a variety of hairdressing schools, individual preferences and accumulated experience. But be that as it may, thinning scissors remain a convenient, and therefore an important tool that allows you to solve a variety of tasks when performing a haircut.

Thinnings, as we know them today, appeared relatively recently. And if the history of ordinary hairdressing scissors goes back almost a millennium (after all, even in ancient Egypt, Queen Cleopatra was sheared with a quite decent tool for those times), then the task of filing hair for centuries was solved only with the help of a razor or something like that.

Only in the 30s of the twentieth century (only about eighty years ago!) In the USA, the first prototypes of thinning scissors appeared, that is, scissors where one blade is cutting, and the second has teeth. But by and large, these were not yet thinning scissors, but the so-called "blader". The fact is that American engineers came to the need to sharpen not only the edge of the cutting blade, but also the tops of the teeth. As a result, hairdressers received a tool for hair milling, but at the same time, the final effect of the work was quite difficult to predict. The fact is that when cutting, the hairs could easily slide off the sharpened teeth, and it was impossible to guess how many of them would be cut off at a given moment. Each new cut gave a new, unexpected result. By the way, as far as I know, some modern manufacturers are thinking about having such thinning in their assortment. And really, why not?

Only in the 50s, but already in Europe, one of the engineers suggested applying a micro-notch to the top of the teeth. Now, the master could already clearly know how much volume would be removed when cutting. And it depended on the width of the teeth and the width of the interdental space. Later appeared "V»- the figurative form of the cutout at the top of the prong. And, therefore, all those hair that had to be cut off clearly went into such a “pocket”, and were definitely cut off.

Today, manufacturers of professional hairdressing tools offer us many models, various shapes, sizes, designed to solve the most incredible tasks when cutting. What, for example, is the recently appeared concept of “sliding cut with thinning scissors”! By the way, I myself do not agree with this term. In my numerous discussions with adherents of this technique, I have so far been able to prove that the combination of two phenomena - "sliding cut" and "thinning scissors" into one concept - is just a beautiful marketing ploy, since in fact it is fundamentally impossible to perform a sliding cut that is well known to us by thinning . At the same time, my opponents usually talk about the nature of the movement of the hand. Indeed, the cut is made at an acute angle to the line of the strand, which somewhat reminds us of the traditional "slicing", although in my opinion it is still not.

Let's take a look at the classification of such tools together, their differences, design features, and the result. This will allow us to correctly approach the choice of the right tool, spend money wisely, get the effect that customers expect from us - that is, those people who give us earnings.

There are no particular difficulties in the classification of thinning scissors. They are unilateral or bilateral. The main thing is that when compared with each other, double-sided scissors remove almost half as much hair as single-sided ones. The validity of this can be verified very simply. Turn two palms towards you. Spread your fingers slightly and join your palms towards each other, placing a finger on a finger. All that is left in the space between the fingers is the uncut hair. And now put your right palm vertically and again push it to the left with spread fingers, stopping somewhere at the third phalanx. In this case, the right palm plays the role of a cutting blade for you, which cut off the hair that came across on the way, and the remaining free space will be at least two times less than in the first case. Here is a rather simplified, but visual confirmation of our thesis.

Based on some figures known to specialists, a more technically competent example can be given. The classic one-sided thinning with 30 teeth removes about 20% of the volume of the cut strand, and the same in terms of the number of teeth, but bilateral - only 10%. For this reason, bilateral thinning is most often chosen by novice hairdressers, being afraid to “overdo it” when cutting. In addition, double-sided thinning scissors are gentler on the hair. Indeed, when cut with ordinary thinning, the hair left will scratch on the sharp edge of the cutting blade. Consequently, the structure of the surface tissues of the hair will be disturbed with all the ensuing consequences. It's not good for the client. When working with bilateral thinning, only those hairs that are in the path of the teeth are cut off. The rest - rub against smooth, but not sharp surfaces of the canvases, without being damaged.

But there is another important point: working with double-sided thinning scissors can be much harder. The fact is that in this case, each clove of one canvas goes towards the other clove. And such an overlay, purely technically, will always be more rigid and sensitive. When working with one-sided thinning, the teeth “run into” an even blade, which makes the process of closing the scissors relatively softer.

In general, one should come to terms with the fact that when closing thinning scissors, a certain “click” is often felt. There is practically no escape from this, because due to the curvature of the blades along the length, we will always feel how each clove, one after the other, seems to “run into” a smooth cutting blade.

But some manufacturers have tried, if not completely to get rid of this phenomenon, then to minimize the rigidity of the work. It turned out that to a large extent this can be done by changing the shape of the teeth. Hold thinning scissors vertically in front of you and open them. Imagine that the screw is the center of the circle, and the blades are two radii. So, according to all the laws of geometry and physics, the teeth should have the shape of a circle, each at its own distance from the center. Only in this case, the "running" of the teeth on a smooth cutting blade will be optimal from an engineering point of view.

Now look at the most ordinary, inexpensive thinning scissors: the teeth will be located strictly perpendicular to the line of their blade. In production, this form is made very simply, literally with one movement of a special milling machine. It is very difficult to make the teeth rounded. This requires special technologies, expensive equipment, and strict quality control of materials. This means that the cost of such scissors may be noticeably higher, but it will be comfortable and pleasant to work with them.

As an example, I can cite the products of a Japanese company.KAI, which produces scissors under two brands:KashoandWasabi. In the assortment of both there are fillets. But if ordinary scissors with classic, straight teethWasabicost about 150 USD, then under the brand nameKashoyou will find only scissors with rounded teeth with a price of at least $ 500. And it's not just the quality of the steel, the technology of hardening and processing of materials, but, above all, the shape of the teeth. The cost of manufacturing such scissors is very high due to the use of extremely expensive technological processes. But the impression of working with expensive scissors is simply unforgettable.

There is another little trick in the design of thinning scissors. Let's go back to our experiment with the palms, where the right one plays the role of a cutting blade. Make an imaginary cut and imagine the remaining hair that has entered the interdental space and remained there tightly clamped by the cutting blade. To free them, you must at least loosen or even completely open the canvases. Clever engineers have figured out how to solve the problem of "pinching" hair. It is enough to make the top of the tooth wider and its base narrower. In this case, at the bottom of the interdental space, peculiar “pockets” are formed, where the hair gets absolute freedom and is not pinched. But again, as in the case of the shape of the teeth, the question of the cost of production arises. Making such pockets is quite expensive. But the effect of the work exceeds any expectations.

In my practice, I often have to deal with different attitudes of hairdressers to the location of the cutting blade. Someone believes that it should be from below, while someone, on the contrary, insists that only the “toothy” blade should be lower, and the cutting one should be located on top. In fact, in the case of any thinning scissors, there is no strict division according to the location of the blades. But this is in terms of production. But from the point of view of the hairdresser, the difference can be very large. You can argue to the point of hoarseness, insisting on your opinion and accusing your opponent of unprofessionalism. In fact, everything will depend on the school where you studied, the technique you are used to using, and purely personal preferences accumulated over the years of practice.

To solve this problem of choice, so to speak, by "peaceful means", most of the serious brands offer us choices. For example, a Japanese firmKAIin seriesWasabithinning scissors are presented identical in all parameters, the only difference of which is the upper or lower location of the cutting blade. This means that a hairdresser can easily choose a model for himself in full accordance with his preferences, the chosen haircut school, and his favorite technique.

In addition, the different arrangement of the paintings allows you to solve such a problem as "left-handed-right-handed". After all, it is known that left-handers need scissors with the reverse arrangement of the canvases. But this applies only to ordinary scissors for cutting. In the case of thinning, this complexity does not exist due to the presence of scissors with different placement of the cutting blade.

The next important characteristic is the width of the teeth. The amount of hair removed and, therefore, the effect obtained will depend on this. Look at the photo, which shows various options for Japanese scissors.Wasabiwith 7, 15 and 30 teeth, as well as cut results in each case. The picture is very interesting. But the most important conclusion that can be drawn is that an “advanced” craftsman simply needs to have a set of different models of scissors in his arsenal, which gives him the opportunity to be at the forefront of creative search, which means that he meets the needs of the most diverse, sometimes very demanding clients as much as possible. .

And finally, a few words about the sizes and shapes of thinning scissors. If in the case of ordinary shears for cutting, we talked about the popularity of models in sizes from 4.5 to 6.5 inches, then for thinning the most popular sizes are 5.5 and 6.0. “Fives” in my practice, I have seen only a few pieces in general, and many manufacturers make 6.5, but the needs of the market, especially the Russian one, can be assessed as insignificant. Although, in truth, large sizes are still sometimes asked.

As for the forms of thinning scissors, in 90% of cases it is classic, straight. Indeed, when cutting with thinning, the refinements of ergonomics most often fade into the background. But from experience I can say that there are many craftsmen who are trying to choose for themselves such a model of scissors that would be as comfortable as possible in work. In this case, the scissors fit very nicely in the hand, it is pleasant to work with them, and thanks to the ergonomic shape, the movement of the blades is relatively small, which reduces the fatigue of the master when cutting.

In the arsenal of modern masters there are many different tools in order to create stylish, modern hairstyles. One of them is thinning scissors. With the help of them, hairdressers achieve a variety of results: from reducing volume on too thick curls to creating splendor on thin hair. In what cases is it necessary to use this tool, and when can you do without it?

What are these scissors for?

Almost every professional craftsman regularly uses several types of scissors, including thinning scissors. They are needed not only for thinning out the ends and reducing the volume, but also for creating soft transitions in the haircut, smoothing out rough elements. There is an opinion that thinning scissors spoil the hair. Many women claim that after applying them, the curls split and push. Such an effect is indeed possible, but only if the tool is used incorrectly. There are many thinning techniques, each is necessary to create a certain effect, it can be said that no good modern haircut can be completed without them. Of course, there are cases when the curls are very thin, then straight scissors are used to process the cut. But in order for the hair to lie well, fit easily, be obedient, keep its shape and volume, special techniques and tools are needed, and thinning scissors are simply irreplaceable here.

cutting techniques

The choice of the method by which the curls will be cut is very individual. Not only the texture is important, but also the density, the silhouette of the hairstyle. The most popular way is when, at the end of the haircut, the master selects the same partings by which he created the shape, and processes the ends of the hair with scissors. But most often, different types of tools are needed to create a good hairstyle. For example, the entire haircut is performed with a serrated cut with straight scissors, then they also create volume on the top of the head with the “pluck” technique, and thinning scissors are used to create a torn effect on the bangs.

Thinning hair is best done on dry curls, because in this case it is easier to control the process so as not to cut off the excess. Many craftsmen perform thinning in the crown area, not only at the ends, but also along the length, making several vertical cuts at the roots and in the middle of the strand.

Haircut with thinning scissors

Such hairstyles are classified as creative. You can cut both dry and wet hair. The main advantage of this form is that it turns out to be very plastic and easily fits, transforms into any idea. But not all curls can perform such haircuts. For example, very coarse hair can become completely unmanageable and start sticking out in different directions. The same applies to curls and naturally thin hair.

As for men's hairstyles, these scissors are actively used not only to create creative, but also classic hairstyles. A method such as “shading” is necessary in order to create a smooth transition between short and long haircut sectors. It is performed with thinning, and with high skill - with straight scissors.

How to cut with thinning scissors

When doing a haircut at home, many do not know how to use this tool correctly. First of all, you need to pay attention to the frequency of the teeth on the scissors. If they are small and frequent, thinning will be minimal, if they are wide, large sections of hair will be sheared, so you should be careful. The main areas that need to be milled in the female form are the crown, temples and bangs. In the men's haircut - the parietal zone, bangs and the transition between short and long hair.

With the help of a properly executed thinning, the hairstyle lies softly, takes the desired shape well and has volume where necessary.

Hairdressing thinning scissors are a professional tool that is simply necessary for creating simple and original model hairstyles. They help solve the most difficult tasks when cutting. To date, no professional can create a chic modern haircut without thinning scissors. There are many new hairdressing concepts associated with them, such as "sliding cut".

But they can be used not only by hairdressers, but also by those who like to experiment with their hair. All their bowls are purchased by women in order to cut their children's hair and keep their hair in order. In order to choose for yourself the best option for thinning scissors for cutting hair, you need to at least superficially understand the design, classification and distinctive features of the models. Also, it will not be superfluous to remember at least a few of the most popular brands in order to be able to navigate when buying. Then you can be sure that the money spent will not be in vain.

How to use

All types of thinning scissors perform hair thinning, hence their name. But why then such a variety of models, if they have one task. The thing is that there are several types of hair thinning: basal, along the entire length and processing of the ends. At the same time, the technique of their implementation is also different. In order to understand how to use thinning scissors, you need to understand how this or that type of thinning is performed.

Root treatment is used for heavy and thick hair. It is done in order to visually reduce the volume of the hairstyle. Also in this way, individual curls and strands can be highlighted. But for thin straight hair, basal thinning is not suitable, its result will be deplorable. This processing is done as follows. All over the head, hairs are cut off in diagonal stripes a few centimeters wide. At the same time, they are removed under the root. The distance between the strips is best left at least one centimeter.

To soften the border of the edging, the ends of the hair are treated. There is a huge variety of straight and oblique cuts. Some of them are performed with ordinary hairdressing scissors. Professional thinning scissors also carry out hair thinning along the entire length. This haircut technique helps to give the hairstyle some texture and elasticity. If it is done correctly, then it greatly facilitates hair care. Simplifies the process of styling and combing. It is very interesting that thinning hair along the entire length can visually change the shape of the face. There are several methods of thinning along the entire length: plunge cutting, slicing, etc.

How to choose

In order to purchase thinning scissors for yourself, you need to understand at least a little how they can differ from each other. Which option is more suitable for beginners, and which ones are cut by professional masters. So, the first thing you need to know is that thinning scissors are one-sided and two-sided, that is, the teeth are located either on one sheet or on both. Naturally, at the same time, their course is more difficult than that of ordinary scissors. There are differences in the teeth themselves. They can have different lengths and distances from each other. Their shape also differs, for example, polished teeth have the shape of a prism, they significantly improve the cutting characteristic. What matters is how they are made. The most accurate cut is provided by teeth made using a high-tech electroerosive method.

For beginner hairdressers, double-sided thinning scissors are more suitable. This is easily explained by the fact that such models thin out hair less. And this means that with double-sided scissors, the chance to make a mistake and ruin your hair will be much less. Well, which thinning scissors are better depends on the quality of the metal from which they are made and the method of sharpening. And you can find out about this by looking at the manufacturer. Therefore, you need to know at least a few brands that produce this tool.



To date, one of the most popular among beginners and professionals is thinning scissors from Jaguar. This German company specializes in the production of tools for stylists and hairdressers. They offer a wide range of models. Thinning scissors of this brand are sharp, this ensures complete grinding and processing of canvases at different angles. In addition, the tool has good wear resistance. They can last up to three years without requiring sharpening. Thinning scissors are made of high quality material. Almost all models are equipped with a removable finger rest. The rings have a soft shock absorber that eliminates squeezing and friction. Thinning rings "Jaguar" are of high quality, lie well in the hand, are practical and easy to use. Great option for beginners.


This is another popular and trustworthy brand. Thinning scissors are produced according to special technologies at factories in Germany and Italy. The tool differs in quality and wear resistance. Thinning shears are made from Japanese steel, which is known for its resistance to corrosion. It is also worth noting that Dewal offers a wide range of models. At the same time, the tool is sold at an affordable price. The tool of this brand is an excellent combination of cost and quality.


This brand is perhaps the most sought after. Thinning scissors "Kedake" are produced in Japan. First of all, hairdressers like them for their quality and ease of use. The model range is very large and captivates with its diversity. This allows you to choose a tool for any cuts and haircuts. Scissors are made of stainless steel, which includes vanadium, boron, manganese. This material is corrosion resistant and has a long service life. At the same time, thinning scissors will not have to be sharpened for two, and with careful use even three years.

What only devices are not present in hairdressing art! For a successful haircut, the hairdresser must use thinning scissors - thinning will complete the shape of the haircut and ensure ease of styling. After such a treatment, the daily shaping of the hairstyle will become much easier and faster, additional volume and smoothness of line transitions will appear.

What is thinning scissors

These are special professional hairdressing scissors, which, like ordinary ones, consist of two parts, while one or both blades are made in the form of teeth. Hair thinning scissors are single-sided and double-sided - according to the previously described criterion. The thinning side of one-sided scissors is on top or bottom, you need to pay attention to this, the location of the blade affects the number of cut hairs.

Scissors vary in the number of teeth. A classic blade can contain from 8 (flag scissors) to 30 teeth, there is a tool containing more than 40 teeth. In accordance with the width of the gaps, the hair will be thinned. The more teeth, the less "torn" the cut will be. For beginners, it is better to choose double-sided options with frequent teeth, then the strands will be natural, plus the risk of simply cutting off some of the tips or overdoing it is reduced. Scissors differ in the length of the blade, which is selected according to the size of the hand of the master.

What do you need

Thinning is needed for thinning hair. When working with the tool, part of the hairs of the strand is shortened, part remains of its original length, that is, the tip of the strand is thinned out, providing a smoother transition and softer lines in the hairstyle. So you can make a cascading haircut smooth, with completely imperceptible length transitions. Thinning is needed in a men's haircut, it is indispensable for perfecting a classic haircut with a machine, especially regarding the lateral and occipital zones.

It is better to have two types of tools in stock - with cloves on top and bottom. The former are suitable for soft European-type hair. A more aggressive thinning with teeth at the bottom is better to expose the hair of a hard Asian type. When the teeth are located below, the number of cut (milled) hairs increases, if the hair is thicker, then the cut area should be larger. The presence of double-sided thinning tools allows you to make a barely noticeable thinning.

How to use thinning scissors

Thinning is the final stage of a haircut. First you need to complete the base with ordinary scissors, create a shape. Nuances:

  1. It is better to cut with thinning scissors “dry” - after blow-drying. So you can clearly see which areas require “lightening”, where the silhouette is weighted.
  2. Correctly milling hair with thinning scissors is simple - you need to lift the strand on your fingers or a comb and cut the ends.
  3. Milling hair at the roots is undesirable. This is acceptable in a creative haircut, with a certain idea of ​​​​the master.
  4. The tool is used for all cutting technologies.

The best thinning scissors

There are countless offers on the professional market for hairdressing tools. There are expensive exclusive models, there are cheap affordable analogues. Size, material, design vary. How to navigate in this stream of offers and choose the best? Consider the most popular famous brands and their offers on tools.


Jaguar was founded in Germany in 1932. The products of this brand are famous for their impeccable quality. Here is one of the popular models:

  • Model name: Jaguar Kamiyu T33 6.
  • Price: 28300 r.
  • Characteristics: this is a joint Japanese-German development. The scissors contain 33 curved teeth. Material - alloyed cobalt steel. Made in Japan. The length of the canvas is 15.5 cm.
  • Pros: the highest quality, two removable clips.
  • Cons: high price.

In addition to classic thinning, the company offers creative options:

  • Model name: JAGUAR S&V4.
  • Price: 16732 p.
  • Characteristics: have an ergonomic shape and a glossy finish. The length of the blade is 14 cm. The asymmetrical position of the various shapes of the teeth gives an unusual effect when thinning hair.
  • Pros: glossy polished steel, rubberized inserts, removable clips.
  • Cons: unpredictable effect on different types of hair.


Simple and democratic, but high-quality - this is how Dewal hairdressing tools characterize. They are perfect for beginners or home use. Here is an example of a popular model:

  • Model name: DEWAL 241/5.5.
  • Price: 2523 p.
  • Characteristics: classical alloy steel scissors with removable holder. 38 teeth, length - 5.5 inches.
  • Pros: Sturdy construction, quality material.
  • Cons: Only for right-handers.

And a more ergonomic version from the manufacturer:

  • Model name: DEWAL S4055.
  • Price: 2243 p.
  • Specifications: Convection sharpened, black finish, no decorative elements, length - 5.5 inches, 40 teeth, removable stop.
  • Pros: high-quality stainless steel, high performance.


It is a Japanese manufacturer of professional hairdressing tools. Products are of high quality material and reasonable price. This model is popular:

  • Model name: KEDAKE 4955-0027.
  • Price: 5350 r.
  • Characteristics: classic shape, removable holder and screw made of yellow steel, size 5.5. The model is made of special heavy-duty steel with symmetrical rings.
  • Pros: ergonomics and reliability.

There is also a brighter and more elegant analogue from this manufacturer:

  • Model name: KEDAKE 28455-10030-10.
  • Price: 7000 r.
  • Characteristics: U-shaped working blades, rounded cutting edge, 30 teeth, 20-25% dry hair cut, high smoothness of closing.
  • Pros: the screw group is decorated with Swarovski crystals.
  • Cons: non-removable stop.


A democratic brand of tools, the products of which are affordable for many. Quality scissors can be bought very cheaply:

  • Model name: ZINGER EV-606-TH/6.5.
  • Price: 370 r.
  • Characteristics: classic scissors shape, plastic handle, non-removable cast stop, size 6.5, second blade with micro notch.
  • Pros: affordable price.
  • Cons: plastic is a short-lived material.

Check out another available copy from the line:

  • Model name: ZINGER EV-606/6.5.
  • Price: 320 r.
  • Characteristics: classic model with cast stop, straight teeth and screw fastening. Size 6.5.
  • Pros: light weight, easy to hold in hand.
  • Cons: non-removable stop.

Kapous Professional

This manufacturer demonstrates the optimal price-quality ratio. One of the most popular examples was the following model:

  • Model name: 5.5, SK76 KAPOUS PROFESSIONAL.
  • Price: 1650 r.
  • Characteristics: classic thinning one-sided model of scissors, non-removable stop, size 5.5.
  • Pros: the anatomical shape of the handle contributes to long-term work.
  • Cons: not suitable for lefties.

The manufacturer does not differ in creativity, therefore the models differ only in part:

  • Model name: 6.0, SK10T KAPOUS PROFESSIONAL.
  • Price: 1650 r.
  • Characteristics: one-sided model, blade with teeth at the bottom, stop not removable, handle rings with rubberized inserts, size 6.0.
  • Pros: Comfortable handle.
  • Cons: lack of decorative elements.

How to choose thinning scissors

The choice of thinning is an individual matter. You can buy thinning scissors in the online store, delivery by mail is possible, which is convenient for remote regions. In this case, a working copy can be purchased cheaply if there is a promotion, sale or discount. You can go to a specialized salon, purchase an exclusive expensive copy of the instrument. This is a great option for residents of megacities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg - there are many branded stores, the cost in such outlets is lower - the purchase will be profitable.

Everyone has their own selection criteria. General points to be considered:

  • The size of thinning scissors. The larger the hand, the longer the canvases should be.
  • The material from which the instrument is made. It can be specialized steel. Better to avoid plastic.
  • The number of blades with teeth. Two notched blades cut less hairs when thinning than single-sided thinning.
  • On which side is the canvas with teeth. The canvas below is for the Asian type of hair, the canvas on top is for the European one.
  • The anatomical shape of the handle will ensure long-term work without discomfort.
  • You should definitely check the sharpness of the tool - cut a strand of hair.
  • It is better to opt for German or Japanese scissors - these countries are considered the best manufacturers of hairdressing equipment.
