Ponytail: the secrets of creating a voluminous hairstyle for any occasion. Making a ponytail: modern hairstyles and styling in retro style Hairstyle with a small ponytail on top

Not so long ago, bouffant had unprecedented popularity among the fair sex. Various variations of hairstyles with its use appeared in the early eighties of the last century.

Today, such magnificent hairstyles are increasingly appearing on the pages of fashion publications. Bouffant allows you to achieve an unprecedented volume of hair even for owners of not the thickest hair. And it is the basis for creating many hairstyles. Thanks to him, it is possible to create a natural volume that can be preserved on any type of hair. Hairstyles with a pile - room for experimentation

Hairy tail

It may seem that there is nothing special and attractive in this hairstyle. But this is only at first glance. Just think how convenient and beautiful this hair styling method is. It is worth showing a little imagination and skill, and an ordinary tail will turn into an elegant stylish hairstyle that will be appropriate even at evening events.

The tail itself becomes the basis for creating such a hairstyle. The first requirement refers to the hair - they must be washed. Only on clean hair, the bouffant will last long enough. When drying, try to direct the strands of hair back.

Creation method

The most common method for creating such a hairstyle is to use a small comb or comb with sparse teeth.

  1. To create a ponytail, you first need to select a strand that will cover the voluminous hair. It should be fixed and separated from the rest of the mass of hair.
  2. Next, the hair is gradually divided into separate strands. Each of them is combed with vigorous movements in the direction from the roots of the hair to their ends alternately and sprayed with varnish.
  3. Having done this procedure throughout the head, they are covered with the first selected strand.
  4. Hair is collected in a ponytail and fastened with an elastic band. It can be covered with a strand of hair, wrapped around the tail.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the hair is injured after such manipulations with them. Therefore, if you decide to create a pile, you should take care of restorative procedures. These can be various home-made masks, herbal decoctions or ready-made cosmetic preparations.

There is also another method for creating a ponytail. It can be classified as less traumatic. The main thing in it is that each strand is combed with just a couple of movements. Use a natural bristle comb. It is ideal for creating bouffants. Such a comb does not break the hair and requires fewer movements. Retreat from the hairline should be less than five centimeters.

instagram / tanya_lyubas

Basic rules to remember

  • do not comb dry, brittle or damaged hair;
  • it is necessary to make a pile only on dry hair;
  • it is impossible to make sharp movements with a comb;
  • it is necessary to fix the pile with styling tools;
  • you should not make a bouffant if, during its creation, hair remains on the comb;
  • before creating a hairstyle with a pile, you should use a hair conditioner, after washing your hair;
  • You can collect hair in a ponytail not only at the back of your head. The tail located on the side also looks very original;
  • if you wind the ends of your hair, you can get a very romantic look;
  • do not bouffant too often, as its creation leads to a violation of the hair structure;

A perky and original hairstyle will help diversify the appearance, give additional charm and charm to the image. And its creation will not take much time, allowing you to pay attention to other equally important things. Good luck and good mood!

The tail is considered the simplest hairstyle that does not take much time and makes it possible to complete any look at home. This hairstyle is suitable for any face type, hair structure, style and event. Complementing the usual ponytail with a fleece, you can make the styling more stylish and youthful.

Before you start creating the desired image, you need to know a few simple rules:

  1. Split, dry and brittle strands should not be subjected to such styling.
  2. It is not recommended to comb wet and damp hair.
  3. Fixation of the pile occurs with the help of hairspray or a special foam (mousse).
  4. Before making a ponytail with a pile, you need to wash and dry your hair.

Knowing and following these tips, you can start making a beautiful ponytail. In order for the hairstyle to turn out according to all the rules, it is recommended to prepare a set of necessary tools. To create an image you will need:

  • Comb with frequent teeth.
  • Massage comb.
  • Lacquer for styling and fixing strands.
  • Hairpins, invisible and hairpins.

Retro hairstyles are very popular right now. A high ponytail with a pile not only complements it, but is also the main attribute of the image. In order to make this styling you need:

  • Raise all the strands, gathering and securing them in the tail.
  • Gently pulling the strands out of the elastic a few centimeters and securing them with invisibility.
  • It remains only to fix the tail on the crown with varnish.

This version of the tail is best done on hair sloppily collected behind the ears, fixed with an elastic band at the back of the head.

The previously popular "babette" can be considered the original version of the fleece. To create the image of a retro diva, the hair must be divided into two parts. The upper part is combed, starting from the bottom and a small roller is placed to form a larger volume. Covering it as much as possible with the remaining hair and strengthening it with varnish, collect the tail from below. Curling the front strands (suitable for girls without bangs) or the tail itself will help make the image fresher.

With such a simple hairstyle, you can create many great looks. For example, you can visually lengthen your hair. To do this, you need to prepare a curling iron or in advance (you can experiment with wavy strands), a comb with straight, frequent teeth, fixing varnish and hairpins. Then you should horizontally divide the hair into two parts and easily strengthen one part closer to the forehead, while the remaining lower part remains intact. A bouffant is made above the forehead, giving the hair as much volume as possible. After that, everything is fixed with varnish and a tail is made with the help of an elastic band. The lower strands come together and remain invisible under the tail of the pile. Because of this, the effect of long curls is created.

This is how you can make a memorable and quick image out of a simple tail.

Bouffant, fashionable in the 60s, is again in demand. Stylists offer to perform not only lush hairstyles with a complex structure, wear raised loose hair, but also make a ponytail with a pile. The option is convenient, practical, gives the owner a flirtatious look. Styling becomes a good solution for hair of different lengths as an everyday and even festive way to decorate your hair.

Hairstyle history

Collecting hair in a ponytail began in ancient times. Medieval hairstyles were simple. The collected strands made it possible to wear hats and did not interfere in everyday life. The tail was made perfectly smooth, which did not always contribute to emphasizing the natural beauty.

With the development of civilization, there was a change in hairstyles. The fittings became more complex. Ponytails from the hair faded into the background. The fashion for hair gathered with an elastic band returned in the 60s. XX century. The appearance of the hairstyle has changed. Smooth strands in the parietal zone became lush.

The presence of bouffant is a distinctive feature of the styling of the beginning of the second half of the 20th century. The volume of hairstyles emphasized femininity. The design options for the hair were more successfully combined with the appearance.

The fashion for piled hair has returned in modern times. Girls increasingly prefer high designs with lush design.. Stars and ordinary girls flaunt with hairstyles of this format.

general description

A bouffant, high or lush ponytail is hair gathered together with an elastic band at the border of the top and back of the head. In the parietal zone of styling there is a pre-made fleece.

The hairstyle is done on medium or long hair. From short hair, styling will not work. Optimal length for a typical look: below shoulder level.

A lush ponytail can be assembled from a smooth or curly hair. The hair of the element is left straight or curled into curls. The bouffant is made light or they form the volume according to the babette principle.

Who suits

Hair tied in a ponytail tends to draw attention to the details of the face. The hairstyle emphasizes the advantages, but also highlights the flaws in appearance. The option is optimal for owners of ideal features. Laying will draw attention to the neck, oval. The presence of a pile, with the correct distribution of splendor, will smooth out some imperfections: it will stretch a round face, add volume to a narrow oval.

To create a beautiful hairstyle, you need a certain length of hair. You can't make a ponytail out of short hair. Curls of medium length can be supplemented with overhead strands to obtain the desired ponytail format. Long hair is the perfect base for styling.

Excessively thick, heavy strands, especially with long hair, are able to “press” with volume. In this embodiment, making a strong pile is contraindicated. With thin, sparse strands, additional splendor will save the appearance of styling. Strong bouffant should not be done on curly hair either. It is enough to lift the lower strands, smooth the upper camouflage contour.

Hairstyle goes well with bangs. Let's say an element of straight, torn or oblique format. Laying is able to contain not only a tail with a fleece. It is permissible to curl curls, twist bundles, braid braids. The result can be supplemented with jewelry.

A voluminous ponytail looks organic on hair of any color. Monochromatic solutions, light highlighting or coloring in similar shades are recommended. It is better to refuse unnaturally bright decisions.

Laying is more suitable for young ladies. Older ladies may face the problem of emphasizing flaws with excessive openness of the oval neck. The presence of a ponytail is called the frivolity of appearance.

Hairstyle can be done for different occasions. A bouffant tail is a good solution for every day. The option looks elegant, can be used to create a festive look.

The owners of an excessively obese figure, large, sharp facial features should refuse a tail with a fleece. The presence of bright defects is not the best neighborhood for a fluffy ponytail. The option will not be the best solution for those who have weakened, damaged hair.

Execution technology

The ponytail is easy to do on your own. To create a hairstyle at home, you will need: a thin comb, brush, styling products, elastic bands, invisible. The standard workflow is as follows:

  1. The hair is washed. It is advisable to use shampoo to create volume. No need to refuse a balm or mask that will soften the strands. The hair is dry. Naughty curls are recommended to be pre-treated with foam.
  2. Bouffant begin to perform only on completely dry hair. Actions should be performed strictly step by step. First you have to outline and highlight the work areas. In the parietal region, a layer is separated with a horizontal parting, which will cover the combed strands. Unused curls are folded forward, secured with a hairpin.
  3. With the help of a thin comb with a knitting needle on the handle, strands are isolated, which are subjected to combing. Individually determine the length of the processing area. The comb is inserted into the curl from below at the desired level (at the roots or from the middle), carried out with a quick movement towards the head. The action is performed 2-3 times. Comb only from the inside or affect the outside.
  4. After processing the selected area, the combed strands are covered with smooth ones, previously folded to the side. The hair is given the desired look by laying the strands with your fingers. The surface is leveled with a brush.
  5. The entire volume of hair is neatly collected in a ponytail in the area between the crown and the back of the head. Anyone can tie their hair. The elastic band acting as a fastener is recommended to be additionally masked with a strand of hair. It is permissible to create an inverted version.
  6. The hair is fixed by hand. The result is lightly fixed with varnish.

Laying can be decorated with jewelry. The addition of a ponytail with curls, weaving looks natural. With a lack of own hair or their length, overhead strands are used. How to properly attach donor curls will help you learn a useful training video.

It should be remembered that the styling must be removed correctly. Just combing the strands will not work. The hair will have to be washed, the strands should be carefully straightened.

Video: how to make a voluminous tail with a fleece.

Video: ponytail with a fleece - a hairstyle for every day.

Hairstyle options

It is permissible to make a tail with a fleece at different levels. When performing a high ponytail at the crown, it is recommended to abandon excessive splendor in the crown area. Make a light pile or slightly lift the strands with your fingers, followed by fixing with varnish.

high ponytail

A low tail goes well with weaving plaits or braids from the crown. Elements decorate 1 side or make symmetrical paths. Weaving can be supplemented with a camouflage strand at the place where the elastic is attached.

low ponytail

The tail can be curled into tight curls or light waves. A curling iron will be used or curlers are preliminarily used. Light negligence is done by hand. The mass is fluffed with fingers, highlighting the tips. An interesting option will turn out if you braid a pigtail or perform complex weaving.

ponytail with curls

The tail does not have to be straight. The location of the hair on the side looks unusual. This option is successfully complemented with curls. It is better to refuse high fleece. Light volume, a few loose strands released from the face will create a catchy look.

asymmetric ponytail

How long does it last

The fluffy tail is elementary in execution. It is not necessary to keep the hair for a long time. It is easier to create a new version if the styling needs to be worn for several days. During the day, the hairstyle is kept without correction. If necessary, correct the broken strands, this is done elementarily.

A ponytail with a fleece can be used as a daily and solemn styling. Having done your hair in the morning, it is permissible to go to work in the office, and in the evening go on a date, meet friends or go to a restaurant. Surprisingly, simple styling looks festive. The option is successful for creating a solemn image.

Pros and cons

The high tail is elementary in execution. The option corresponds to fashion trends. Styling is successfully combined with different styles of clothing, used in different cases. These are the advantages of an interesting image.

As disadvantages of the option, the complexity of the correct selection for the type of appearance is distinguished. The image with a ponytail is more suitable for young girls. It is more correct for respectable ladies to choose more classic models.

Examples in the stars

Brigitte Bardot, Audrey Hepburn, Catherine Deneuve actively wore a ponytail with a pile in the 60s. Modern celebrities support the relevance of the option. High styling is loved by Reese Witherspoon, Kim Kardashian, Nicole Kidman. A high ponytail is actively used for fashion shows on red carpets and in everyday life.

Brigitte Bardot and Catherine Deneuve

Kim Kardashian and Nicole Kidman

A ponytail is a good example of a slight modification of the base, which completely changes the image. The option is elementary in execution, gives the appearance an elegant look, emphasizes femininity.

A bouffant ponytail is perfect for going to a party or a fashionable restaurant, or just for a regular walk or relaxing in a cafe, and even for going to the gym. And if the tail is made with a low fleece, such a hairstyle would be appropriate for more serious events, for example, study or work.

Ways to do it

This hairstyle can be done in different ways. Consider the first way to create at home:

  • Comb the hair thoroughly and separate the crown area with a circular parting;
  • Collect the remaining strands in a high tail and tie with an elastic band;
  • Separating a thin strand from the tail, wrap it around the elastic band, completely hiding it;
  • With your head tilted forward, begin combing your hair from the parietal side. Then, do this procedure on thin strands, moving from the tips to the roots;
  • Secure all strands with varnish or other fixative;
  • Stand up, bringing your head to a normal position and style your hair beautifully;
  • Make a parting according to your taste - on the side or in the center;
  • Strands that remained free in the process of creating hairstyles, wind into a tourniquet, wrapping them around an elastic band.

Consider the second way

  • Comb your hair with a comb and separate a section of hair from the front. Secure it with a small crab or clip;
  • The remaining hair must also be combed, and then collect all the strands in a high tail, fixing it with an elastic band;
  • Divide all hair into several equal strands before bouffanting. (eg 4). First, separate the strand from the side of the crown, spraying it with varnish, comb with a comb with mild teeth;
  • Then throw the already processed strand back, take the next one and do the same procedure;
  • Continue combing all the strands;
  • Once you've finished styling the last strand, shape your hair with a soft-bristle brush;
  • Secure the hair with invisibility at the very base of the tail. To give the image more effect, stretch the strands with an iron or wind them;
  • Fix the result with varnish or other fixative.

You can also decorate the result with various accessories: hairpins, feathers, laces, ribbons, etc.

Who will suit this hairstyle

If earlier a ponytail with a pile was performed exclusively on long and straight hair, now there are many different variations of this hairstyle, and it looks amazing on all the fair sex: it no longer matters the condition of your hair - whether the hair was artificially curled, straight or straightened. A high ponytail with a pile will look great on hair of any structure. One of the main advantages of this hairstyle is that it will help solve the problem with insufficient hair density.

It happens that there is no time at all for a hairstyle, but it is necessary to look beautiful. In this case, you can make a tail with a fleece. This simple hairstyle will help you create an interesting look in a few minutes.

Who can make a ponytail with a fleece

The bouffant visually lengthens the face, so it will suit the owners of a round face, and if the face is oval, then the bouffant should not be too high. On what hair can this hairstyle be done?

  • On long and heavy hair, the volume may be weak, but the tail will be luxurious. It is recommended to lightly comb the hair at the roots and wind the ends.
  • On medium length hair, the bouffant will hold well, but the length should be no less than to the chin. For a beautiful voluminous tail, you can use false strands.
  • On curly or curly hair, it is not necessary to make a bouffant, they are voluminous in themselves. It is enough to raise the hair a little and make a ponytail.
  • On straight and not too thick hair, the bouffant will hold on best, it will give the necessary volume.

What you need to create a ponytail

  • Comb with fine teeth for combing.
  • Hair brush.
  • Mousse or foam, hairspray.
  • Invisible, thin rubber bands for the tail.
  • Decorative hairpins, rubber bands (optional).
  • Curling iron, iron.

How to make a ponytail - method one

  • Do your hair on clean hair, apply a little mousse or foam on them.
  • Separate a strand of hair at the crown, comb it with a comb with fine teeth.
  • Bouffant do it carefully, on long hair at the very roots, and on medium hair, comb from the roots to the middle.
  • Style the combed hair, collect the rest and make a ponytail, secure with a thin elastic band.
  • The elastic band can be hidden under a decorative hairpin or elastic band, or under your hair. To do this, separate a strand of hair from the tail, wrap it around the elastic band, and secure with invisibility.
  • Lightly comb the loose strands with a soft brush, sprinkle with hairspray.
  • Strands of hair in the tail wind on a curling iron or pull out with an iron

How to make a ponytail - method two

One variation of this hairstyle is a ponytail with a bouffant on the side.

  • Apply hair product.
  • Separate part of the hair from above, comb them.
  • Take a section of hair at your temple and braid it to the other side.
  • Gather the tail on the side, secure with an elastic band.
  • Spray your hair with hairspray.
  • Roll the ends of your hair into a curling iron.

How else can you make a ponytail with a fleece

Hairy tail at the crown

It is ideal for long and thick hair, because it gives the necessary volume for a long time.

Tail with fleece at the face

This method is suitable for creating an evening look.

High ponytail

In a regular ponytail, a bouffant brings negligence and lightness. Accentuates the face.

Tail with a pile on the back of the head

This hairstyle is suitable for everyday work, and for going out. For her, the bouffant is done at the back of the head, and the hair is collected a little lower. You can fix it with a hairpin or a crab immediately under the elastic band.

Bouffant ponytail

A very lush voluminous tail will turn out of two tails. Make ponytails at the crown and at the back of the head and combine them, fixing them with hairpins.

Tail with fleece and weaving

This option looks elegant and feminine. You can braid one braid or two braids on the sides and put them in the tail.

Ponytail with braid

Here the braid is assembled from the strands of the tail. You can braid both the French braid, and the “spikelet”, and the usual pigtail. Looks very nice on long thick hair.

Use these hair styling methods and you will always look great without spending a lot of time. Experiment with your hairstyle, don't be afraid to bring something new, and your look will sparkle with bright colors!