How to get rid of wrinkles on the face. Ways to get rid of fine wrinkles. Why do wrinkles appear on the face? Reasons for the appearance

Aging, the negative impact of external factors, an unhealthy lifestyle - all this negatively affects not only the functioning of internal organs, but also on the outer layer of the skin.

Improper diet, bad habits, lack of daily routine - all this provokes the appearance of wrinkles.

In our article, we will talk about the causes and ways to counter early skin aging.

Why wrinkles appear on the face: the main reasons

The skin of the face is the first to give out a person's age, it belongs to vulnerable areas, as it remains open in almost any situation. Constantly exposed to adverse external factors. In addition, the face expresses the emotional states of a person, for example, joy, anger, pain, fear.

IMPORTANT: Even people with excellent self-control find it difficult to contain reflex contractions that express a state of mind. Sometimes this or that facial expression becomes a habit, and if a single skin movement does not have consequences, then systematic movements of the same type lead to the formation of wrinkles.

Often, loose skin indicates the presence of a serious disease in the body or a weakened immune system. Wrinkles can appear due to sudden weight loss, due to the use of low-quality cosmetics. Let's consider each of the reasons in more detail:

  1. Biological aging of the skin. Aging is a continuous process that affects not only the internal organs and systems, but also the outer skin. The question lies only in one thing, when age-related changes will make themselves felt.

    As practice shows, the first wrinkles appear already by the age of 25 - these are the usual folds in the corners of the eyes, longitudinal lines on the forehead. In the future, the problem only progresses, the reason for this is not only a natural process, but also poor ecology, an unhealthy lifestyle, and incorrectly selected cosmetics.

    With age, the production of collagen, a component responsible for youthfulness and skin hydration, slows down, in connection with this, the skin becomes more vulnerable and the first folds form.

  2. Wrong facial expressions. One of the few causes that affects changes in the skin, which is not curled from external factors. Nature has endowed man with the ability to express emotions through facial expressions. They are reflex, spontaneous or intentional.

    The problem is especially pronounced in temperamental, emotional people, in whom a change of mood, pulling a change in facial expression, occurs every five minutes. In this case, wrinkles do not appear due to dehydration of the skin, but due to constant facial contractions. At the first stages, small folds are formed, in the future their sizes increase.

  3. Excess sun rays. Almost everyone knows that under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is synthesized in the human body, and therefore they are accustomed to treating the heavenly body as a vital source.

    But few people thought about the negative role of the sun. Excessive ultraviolet provokes the destruction of intercellular connections, collagen fibers and DNA cells, as a result of which pigment spots form on the face, peeling appears, and rosacea develops.

    Excessive sunlight adversely affects the elasticity of the skin and its hydration, which leads to the formation of premature wrinkles.

  4. Emotional Factors. Few people manage to live in a calm way, a person daily encounters unforeseen situations that provoke certain emotions: fear, excitement, anxiety. Such a rhythm of life negatively affects not only the state of mind, but also on the skin.

    The thing is that stress is accompanied by the release of adrenaline into the blood, while the skin lacks it and is not completely saturated with oxygen and useful substances.

  5. Weather. Sudden temperature changes, excess or lack of heat and moisture are factors that adversely affect the outer layer of the skin. As a countermeasure, it is recommended to use well-chosen cosmetic products.

    It is believed that the youthfulness of the face lasts longer in people living in the subtropics or in the temperate climate zone.

  6. External factors. Life today is associated with polluted air and water, with computers and household appliances that are characterized by harmful radiation, with food stuffed with harmful substances. It is impossible not to mention the destruction of the ozone layer, which leads to the penetration of harmful ultraviolet radiation. All of the above are detrimental to skin health.
  7. Sudden weight loss. The reason for this may be a rash diet, which implies the rejection of food, which forms the foundation of good nutrition. Don't expect a positive outcome here. An exhausted body begins to extract useful components from the subcutaneous tissue. The loosest subcutaneous fatty tissues of the face are the first to be destroyed.
  8. Incorrect use of cosmetics. When choosing cosmetics, you can not be guided solely by the recommendations of friends and reviews on the Internet. Each drug has its own specific effects and is designed for a specific skin type. If this nuance is not taken into account and the instructions, chemical composition, indications and contraindications are not studied before use, the effect of cosmetics may be the opposite of what is expected.
  9. Various diseases. If there is a hidden disease in the body, the skin of the face acquires a gray tint, loses its former elasticity, and folds form over time.
  10. Improper nutrition. Wrinkles on the face can appear due to irregular and unbalanced food intake. The daily diet should include foods that contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and useful micro- and macroelements for the normal functioning of organs and body systems. It is recommended to refrain from excessive consumption of flour products, meat dishes, smoked meats, sugar, salt, and completely abandon food preservatives.
  11. Wrong way of life. To provoke the appearance of wrinkles can: the presence of bad habits, stressful situations, insomnia, constant fatigue, a sharp decrease in body weight, rare walks in the fresh air.

See more about the causes of wrinkles in the video below:

Wrinkle Prevention

To prolong your own youth and preserve the original beauty of the face, you should:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • forever forget about bad habits;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • minimize the number of facial contractions;
  • protect exposed skin from sunlight and adverse external factors;
  • correctly use high-quality cosmetics.

The main preventive measures:

  1. If you have facial habits, it is better to get rid of them as soon as possible. otherwise the appearance of wrinkles is a matter of time. It is recommended to always keep the head elevated, if it is constantly tilted towards the sternum, folds form in the neck.
  2. Daily meals should be regular and balanced. Eat foods containing vitamins and useful substances, limit yourself to junk food. It has long been known that fruits rich in antioxidants prevent the formation of wrinkles, and some vegetables (spinach, broccoli, carrots) prolong the youthfulness of the skin of the face. Green tea and mineral water are considered excellent anti-aging drinks.
  3. Protect your face from the sun. As protection, you can use a wide-brimmed hat, umbrella, sunglasses. The option of competent use of high-quality sun cream is not excluded.
  4. Do sport. Regular exercise strengthens the body, prolongs youth, and maintains skin elasticity. Yoga classes in the fresh air have a special effect.
  5. It is important to take proper care of your teeth. Their absence affects not only digestion, but also the shape of the face: cheeks sink, distinct furrows form.
  6. Self-massage is recommended as a preventive measure.. The execution consists in daily tapping the skin of the face with the fingers for 5 minutes.
  7. The choice of cosmetics should be competent in accordance with the indications and contraindications indicated in the instructions.

Wrinkles on the face appear not only due to the natural aging process, they can be triggered by adverse external factors, an unhealthy lifestyle, and irrational facial skin care.

For healthy skin. These are folds and grooves that appear due to the fact that the skin loses elasticity and strength over time.

However, even newborns have folds in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints, where the arms and legs bend and unbend, and “dressings” - where they have too much subcutaneous fat.

Where do they appear?

Wrinkles do not appear suddenly and at once, except perhaps in the form of exceptions, such as systemic diseases, when a mass of cells suddenly accumulates in the skin. Therefore, it is easy to predict where wrinkles will appear:

  • The places where the muscles contract most often. For example, if you frown or smile, wrinkles appear around the eyes and on the forehead.
  • Places that are most often exposed to ultraviolet radiation. The sun, which gives us a tan, contributes to the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Places where the skin is thin. There, she simply loses collagen (the protein that is responsible for strength and elasticity) the fastest.

What causes wrinkles to appear?

First of all, this is an age that spares no one.

Secondly, wrinkles are the result of ultraviolet radiation. Wrinkles. The sun also colors them, changing the structure of collagen. And the lighter the skin tone, the more it is prone to sun wrinkles.

And the third main enemy of smooth skin is cigarettes (this is another reason to quit smoking and even).

When is it time to treat wrinkles?

Since wrinkles do not affect health in general, but only aesthetics, it all depends on the state of the wallet and personal view of beauty. Of course, it is always easier to engage in prevention, since it is unlikely that wrinkles will become fashionable in the near future. , unnatural whiteness of the skin, tan and shine were at their peak, but wrinkles were never the envy.

How to get rid of them?

All wrinkle treatments are cosmetic procedures. Even if we are talking about surgery, then this plastic is not for health reasons. Such manipulations do not radically change anything in the patient's condition, but they can improve well-being. And as we remember, health is not only physical, but also mental well-being, which is affected.

Cosmetic treatments that treat wrinkles can be grouped like this:

1. Paralysis of the superficial muscles of the face. It's Botox and everything that looks like it. There is such a dangerous bacterium - botulinum clostridium. Her toxin (that is, the poison she secretes) causes paralysis. And if, for example, you eat a can of canned food infected with botulism, then you can die from paralysis of the respiratory muscles. But humanity has learned to use this effect to its advantage.

Entrepreneurial researchers have purified and attenuated the toxin so that it can be injected into spastic and superficial muscles of the face. Due to the action of the toxin, they are paralyzed for two to three months, depending on the dose and characteristics of the organism. As a result, those wrinkles that appeared due to muscle movements are smoothed out. The risks of Botox injections are a headache and a flu-like illness.

2. Filling in recesses. There are many drugs that can be injected into the deep cavities of wrinkles to smooth them out from the inside. For example, the same one that is now used to fill wrinkles, and to enlarge the lips, and to correct the shape of the face.

There is a huge list of fillers approved for use by the FDA (American Food and Drug Administration), ranging from the patient's own fat cells (extracted in one place, uploaded to another), collagen (and a lot of preparations based on it), lactic acid, hydroxyapatite, as well as their various combinations. Do not forget about silicone and mineral oils, which, although they are a thing of the past because of their insecurity, are still popular.

3. Changes in collagen by invasive destructive procedures or medical means. There are procedures that are supposed to improve the quality of collagen in the skin and change its appearance. The use of lasers, chemical peels, dermabrasion remove dead cells and encourage fibroblasts to produce more collagen to remove fine lines. True, these same procedures can cause serious damage - a chemical burn - or leave a scar, so choose better. For this, ultrasound and low-frequency devices are used.

4. Surgical removal of excess skin. This procedure belongs to plastic surgery and is performed in the operating room, under anesthesia. The result depends on the skill of the surgeon and can be impressive.

Some procedures are as simple as applying cream to the surface of the skin (although this does not always work: studies show Study: Most Wrinkle Creams Don't Work, most homemade wrinkle creams are just a marketing ploy). Others are major interventions that require anesthesia. What exactly will help in each case depends on the type of skin, the depth of wrinkles and the cost, of course.

What exactly to use and how, the cosmetologist should decide. Much depends on what drug the clinic or salon uses, how much you are willing to pay and how much you are willing to take the risk. Most injectable rejuvenation methods require constant repetition, because the fillers dissolve under the skin and it returns to its original state (this is if you are lucky, but if not, we see terrible side effects and disfigured faces).

What can be done to reduce wrinkles?

There are not so many ways to avoid wrinkles. For example, you can always walk with a stone face, so as not to provoke the appearance of facial wrinkles (well, at least not to frown).

We must not forget that whatever one may say, genetics will affect the quality of the skin.

On the other hand, we can reduce the harmful factors that spoil and damage our skin. This, of course, the sun and smoking. Therefore, you should always carry with you with UV protection and never carry cigarettes with you.

Tan came into fashion relatively recently, and there is an opinion that it is time to take it out of this fashion - after all, skin health is more important to us. A light tan, obtained naturally or on the beach, but with cream, may well fill the need for vitamin D (especially if you eat oily fish), and only hyaluronic acid (or something similar) will fill wrinkles.

Wrinkles are considered a sign of old age, however, the first wrinkles on the face may appear at the most flowering age. For many girls, the appearance of "signs of the times" on the face is a disaster. Let's figure out why early wrinkles appear and how to fight for youthfulness and smoothness of the skin.

There are many reasons that provoke the early appearance of wrinkles on the face. Often, a combination of factors influence the formation of folds.

So, the most common causes of early skin aging:

  • Heredity. Individual features of the structure of the skin are inherited. Therefore, if close female relatives (mothers, grandmothers, older sisters) have such cosmetic problems, it is recommended to start anti-aging care immediately after the age of 20. The reason for the formation of folds at a young age is a thin epidermis. At the same time, in men, the upper layer of the skin is initially thicker, and the appearance of the first wrinkles is usually observed.
  • Dry skin. The lack of moisture is a consequence of the influence of external causes. The first mimic wrinkles on the face may appear before the age of 20.
  • Harmful working and living conditions. Early wrinkles often appear in people who, due to their professional activities, spend a lot of time in the open sun or in the cold. But working indoors can also cause dehydration of the skin, because in many offices the level of humidity is extremely low.
  • Wrong care. Unwillingness or ignorance of the basic rules of skin care is one of the common causes of early wrinkles.
  • Sunburn love. Wrinkles at an early age can appear in girls who love to visit the beaches and solariums, but do not use UV protection.
  • Smoking. This bad habit contributes to the activation of the aging process, having a negative effect on the skin, both from the inside and outside.
  • Sharp fluctuations in weight. Fans of strict diets should remember that they run the risk of getting wrinkles on their faces. It is especially important to avoid unbalanced diets.
  • Active expression. It is this reason that contributes to the formation of dynamic wrinkles, which are commonly called mimic. For example, girls who have poor eyesight and do not wear glasses or lenses are at risk of early wrinkles around the eyes, as they have to squint to see the subject.

  • Wrong mode. Constant lack of sleep, lack of walks in the fresh air and low physical activity contribute to the appearance of wrinkles on the face.
  • Stress. Nervous tension causes the release of certain hormones (cortisol, adrenaline), which contribute to the occurrence of muscle spasm on the face. And this leads to poor blood circulation and early aging of the skin.

Ways to fight

Let's see if it is possible to eliminate early wrinkles on the face. To fight for youthful skin, you can use both home and salon methods, each option has its own advantages.

Salon procedures the good thing is that the result from their use can be seen very quickly, usually after a few days, and sometimes even a few hours after the session. The downside is the rather high prices and the presence of contraindications to the procedures. In addition, after the application of injection techniques, it takes time for rehabilitation, since immediately after the procedure bruises may appear in the injection area.

home care does not allow you to get quick results, it requires systematic and perseverance. But on the other hand, such care is almost free. The advantage is the fact that you can carry out home procedures in any free minute. And this is very convenient with a busy schedule.

Salon techniques

You can smooth out wrinkles at an early age using a variety of procedures. The appointment of a rejuvenating program is carried out individually, taking into account the characteristics of the facial skin.


This method is based on the introduction of preparations containing botulinum toxin into the muscles. The drugs block the impulses that enter the muscle tissue, so that the muscles relax. During the period of action of botulinum toxin, the muscles remain static, that is, the main cause of wrinkles is eliminated.

As long as the wrinkles are shallow, muscle relaxation leads to their smoothing. But the effect does not appear immediately, improvements can be noticed on the 3-4th day, and the most pronounced effect will come 7-14 days after the administration of the drug.

Over time, the effect of the drug weakens. And when the mobility of the muscles is restored by 80-90%, it will be possible to repeat the procedure. As a rule, repeated administration should be carried out every 5-8 months (depending on individual reactions).

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization

Both of these procedures are aimed at stimulating the natural regeneration processes in the skin. The essence of the procedures is the introduction of special preparations subcutaneously. The difference between mesotherapy and biorevitalization lies in the composition of the means used.

When carrying out biorevitalization, the main component of the drug is hyaluronic acid. In mesotherapy, more complex cocktails are used.

Results can be seen immediately after the first injection of the drug. However, to achieve the best result, it is recommended to complete the full course, consisting of 2-5 procedures.


This method is based on the impact on the skin of light streams emitted by a special device. The result of the procedure is the smoothing of superficial wrinkles and improvement of skin tone.

To obtain the best result, several procedures (from 3 to 7) are carried out with a break between sessions of three weeks.

Laser rejuvenation

This modern technique is based on the impact on all layers of the skin with a laser beam. During the procedure, the lower layers of the epidermis are evaporated and relief irregularities (wrinkles) are eliminated.

To consolidate the effect, several sessions are required, their number is determined individually.

Chemical peel

The essence of the procedure is the “dissolution” of the surface layer of epidermal cells. As a result of exposure to chemicals, dead cells are removed, and the regeneration process is also stimulated. Thanks to this, the face looks fresher, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

It is necessary to choose the composition for the procedure and determine the number of sessions individually.

Other techniques

In addition to the above procedures, beauty salons can offer more gentle procedures to get rid of early wrinkles:

  • professional cosmetic massage;
  • conducting a course of masks using professional cosmetics.

There are also more exotic methods of rejuvenation, for example, rejuvenation with the help or massage.

home methods

If it is not possible to contact a beautician, you can try to get rid of early wrinkles with home remedies. Let's figure out what to do to eliminate the first wrinkles on the skin.

This will require a set of procedures:

  • washing;
  • special gymnastics;
  • self-massage;
  • rejuvenating masks.

ice wash

This is a very simple but useful procedure. It is necessary to wipe the face with an ice cube every morning, following the massage lines. It is not necessary to put pressure on the skin, the movement should be light and sliding.

To make ice, you can take mineral water, but it is better to prepare a decoction of chamomile, parsley or. After completing the procedure, allow the face to dry a little in the air, and then apply a cream suitable for your skin type.


Regular performance of special exercises allows you to eliminate early wrinkles under the eyes, smooth out, even out the skin texture and

Exercises should be repeated 5-10 times:

  • close your eyes tightly (do not wince at the same time), and then relax your muscles;
  • blink quickly for 10 seconds;
  • put your fingers under the eyebrows, press the skin and lift the eyebrows up, coping with the resistance;
  • press the skin at the outer corners of the eye with your fingers, close your eyes tightly;
  • take a deep breath, trying to inflate the wings of the nose, then exhale the air through the left corner of the mouth. Repeat the exercise, but exhale through the right corner of your mouth;
  • inhale slowly through the nose, and exhale through the mouth, stretching the lips forward;
  • put your fingers on your forehead just above the eyebrows, and now raise your eyebrows up;
  • fix the skin at the inner corner of the eye, in the middle of the eyebrow and at the outer corner of the eye, and now try to close your eyes tightly;
  • We download the workout with an exercise that causes blood flow to the skin. Gently turn your head to the left “all the way”, after three seconds, lower your head forward down, trying to touch your chest with your chin. Repeat on the other side.

Self massage

This procedure stimulates blood circulation and effectively smoothes wrinkles. There are different techniques, but you should start mastering this procedure with a classic cosmetic massage.


  • wash your face and hands well;
  • apply cream or cosmetic oil;
  • perform movements with the fingertips, strictly along the massage lines;
  • the procedure includes three movements - stroking, rubbing and kneading;
  • the first movement is performed by slightly sliding the fingers over the skin;
  • when performing the second movement, you need to slightly increase the pressure, but make sure that the skin does not stretch;
  • kneading is the most difficult part of the procedure, since you need to have a significant impact on the facial muscles, but not stretch the skin. Place the pads of three fingers on the massaged area and make pressing pulsating movements for 3-5 seconds, then move your fingers and repeat the effect;
  • end the session with stroking.

Mask Recipes

One of the most effective home remedies for early wrinkles are homemade cosmetic masks made from natural products. They need to be done twice a week.

Why do wrinkles appear on the face? Most girls, women and even men are puzzled by this question.

Provoking factors

What are wrinkles? These are skin folds (recesses, relief). They are longitudinal, transverse, oblique. The presence of such folds normally indicates the aging of the body and the withering of the skin.

Tissue aging is divided into:

  • On age-related (physiological).
  • Regardless of the number of years lived (pathological or early).

Why do wrinkles appear? External and internal factors contribute to the formation of depressions in the skin:

  1. Too much UV. This leads to the fact that collagen is destroyed, rosacea develops (violation and fragility of capillaries). Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays leads to flaking and thinning of the skin (photoaging).
  2. Stress.
  3. Physical inactivity, lack of oxygen, walking.
  4. Visual defects - a person frowns, wrinkles form near the eyes.
  5. Disease (endocrine pathologies, diseases of the liver and kidneys, stomach and intestines, including dysbacteriosis).
  6. Improper use of cosmetics.
  7. Excessive facial activity (professional in actors, announcers, the habit of wrinkling the forehead).
  8. Extreme weight loss.
  9. Strict vitamin or protein diets.
  10. Ecology (dust and gas contamination of the air, exposure of the skin to low and high temperatures, wind).
  11. Violation of the diet (abundance of meat, lack of vegetables and fruits, lack of water).
  12. Individual features of the integumentary tissue (dryness, hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands).

All of these factors are not the causes of wrinkles, but contributing factors.

The reasons

The mechanism of aging with any negative factors is associated with a violation of the synthesis and maturation of collagen (a protein molecule, the main structural unit of connective tissue). And this is the main reason for the decrease in turgor, loss of elasticity and wrinkling of the skin.

Human skin is not a monolith. It consists of 3 layers:

  • epidermis (integumentary material).
  • Dermis (collagen "lattice" of the skin).
  • Hypodermis (loose subcutaneous tissue).

Today, scientists have come to the conclusion that the problem of tissue aging is associated not so much with a deficiency of collagen, but with a violation of its maturation and splitting. The life of a collagen molecule consists of phases:

  • Birth.
  • Ripening (under the influence of various factors, including vitamin C).
  • maturity.
  • Aging.
  • Death (splitting by a special enzyme - collagenase).

All processes of the young integumentary tissue are in harmony: how many molecules of this protein are split by collagenase, the same number is born. But with age, this process is disrupted.

What causes wrinkles? Their education lies in violation of:

  • Synthesis of protein molecules.
  • destruction by collagenase.

Let's take a closer look at the main causes of wrinkles.

lack of collagen

With age, young and mature collagen becomes smaller, and old, but not split by a special enzyme, remains in the intercellular space of the dermal layer more and more.

The process can be compared to the aging of a linen gum. It is stretched, elastic fibers are torn. The same thing happens in the dermis. After the age of 25, the body's production of collagen decreases. After 40 years, it falls by 1% per year.

This means that by the age of 55, the body will lose 15% of its ability to produce this protein. This process is inevitable, even if there are no negative factors that aggravate it (vitamin C deficiency, intestinal microbiocenosis disorders, metabolic problems, etc.). Perhaps the decrease in collagen production is associated with the aging of fibroblasts - cells that produce the main protein of connective tissue.

Under the influence of negative factors, collagen does not mature to the desired state. This means that the skin loses elasticity, stretches and forms early wrinkles.

In addition, with age, the body loses the ability of the antioxidant system to neutralize the effect of peroxide compounds (free radicals). These substances bind together collagen molecules, which lose their ability to dissolve. Such bound molecules are inaccessible to the degrading enzyme, so the old, “shabby”, obsolete collagen remains “dead weight” in the dermis. The more dead (insoluble) protein "dangles" in the interstitial space of the dermis, the more total collagen is determined in the skin. And the less young, useful (soluble) protein, capable of fully performing the functions assigned to it by nature, is in the tissues.

Lack of hyaluronate and elastin

In addition to collagen, the dermis contains:

  • Hyaluronate (hyaluronic acid).
  • Elastin.

Hyaluronate retains moisture in the tissues, elastin supports the skin's ability to stretch and contract. The closer to the norm the content of these components in the dermis, the less wrinkles are formed.

Violation of the capillary network

The skin is permeated with ducts of sweat and sebaceous glands, lymphatic and blood vessels. The youthfulness of the skin depends on the normal functioning of these structures. Some experts believe that many troubles, including early tissue aging, are associated with disruption of the capillary network.

The death of microvessels leads to malnutrition of the skin, the acquisition of a gray and unhealthy shade, dryness. The epidermis peels off, depressions form in the skin.

If earlier it was considered useful to treat the skin of the face with deep tissue penetration agents containing collagen enzymes, today this opinion is considered incorrect. Such creams can accelerate the aging process of this protein and become a catalyst for early skin aging.


Modern cosmetology distinguishes the types of wrinkles that form on the skin of the face and neck, according to the factors contributing to their appearance:

  • Mimic (associated with the work of the facial muscles).
  • Gravitational (arising under the influence of gravity and due to sagging skin).
  • Age (physiological, senile).

The folds are divided by depth:

  • On the surface - such depressions affect the upper layer of the skin and appear in young girls and boys during the work of facial muscles.
  • On deep - age, gravitational. Each wrinkle is formed not only on the surface (in the epidermal layer), but also penetrates into the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. The skin sags, becomes flabby.

The types of wrinkles on the face can also be classified according to the place of their occurrence: Beauticians recommend that you monitor your posture, change activities without sitting too long at your desk, change a high sleeping pillow to a flat one at home. Why such measures? By adhering to these recommendations, it is possible to avoid the early appearance of "Venus rings" around the neck.

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The first wrinkles in a person appear on the face, since the face is actually always open, constantly exposed to adverse environmental influences. In addition, we express our feelings and emotions with the help of facial expressions - the skin and muscles of the face are in constant motion.

In addition to these influencing factors, it is necessary to take into account several more conditions under which wrinkles on the face develop. Let's take a closer look at this rather unpleasant topic, because knowing causes of wrinkles on the face, we can more successfully prevent the occurrence of new ones.

Reason #1: The damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin

This process is often referred to as photoaging. There is no doubt about the destructive mechanism of UVA and UVB rays. Scientific studies have long proven that solar radiation contributes to the early aging of skin structures, the appearance of uneven pigmentation, dehydration and rosacea of ​​the skin.

In almost every article, I will not tire of repeating that if you want to keep your skin fresh and young, you must take into account that ultraviolet radiation destroys not only the elastin and collagen fibers of the skin, intercellular bonds, but also destroys the DNA of the cell itself. Why then ask why wrinkles appear if you ignore the main cause of early aging? Therefore, before leaving the house, do not forget about protecting your skin from the sun.

Reason #2: Active repetitive facial expressions

We, women, "everything is written on the face." We express our emotions with facial expressions, often without even realizing it. Due to reflex relaxation or muscle contraction, we demonstrate our emotional attitude to a person or event. And these reactions are multiple. So, at first subtle, and then more and more noticeable traces of our most frequent emotions appear on the face.

I do not urge you not to show emotions, in any case! Just analyze your habits related to facial expressions and touching your face. For example, squinting your eyes, the habit of wrinkling your forehead or raising your eyebrows in surprise.

I also want to say separately about two very harmful habits for the skin. These habits are: rubbing the eyes, stretching the delicate and thin skin in the eye area, as well as sitting, supporting the head with the fingers of the hand in the same area of ​​the eyes. It is also detrimental to stretch the skin at the lips or on the cheeks, sitting or lying on the couch.

It is also important to sleep in the correct position. The best position for a night's rest is to sleep on your back. Then, during a night's sleep, the skin on the face is smoothed, does not wrinkle or stretch. Otherwise, you inadvertently provoke a weakening of intercellular bonds and sagging of the skin on the face. Please note that this pose will be useful for all internal organs. The main thing here is to choose the right pillow.

A very bad habit is a gloomy facial expression with lowered corners of the lips, from which nasolabial folds form very quickly. Deep wrinkles in the nose, descending to the corners of the mouth, make you older than your age by at least 10 years. Choose a smile! Lovely, mischievous rays in the corners of the eyes will give you more charm.

My advice:

Track the most repeated mimic reactions of your face. How do you smile, how do you express concern, anger or disappointment? What muscles are contracting? Where do expression lines get deeper? It is these facial muscles that should be strengthened by gymnastics, and the skin in this area should be looked after most diligently.

Reason #3: Natural aging of the body

Physiological aging affects all tissues and organs - the question is how quickly these processes will affect visible areas of the skin, especially on the face.

Unfortunately, by the age of 25-30, the skin begins to slow down metabolism, the absorption of nutrients from food decreases, which causes a slow attenuation of the processes of synthesis of elastin and collagen. It also weakens the resistance of the skin to adverse external influences.

Advice is the only one

Take care of your metabolism! After 30 years, try to do everything to speed it up. Eat vitamins and foods rich in trace elements and antioxidants. Be outdoors more often, take walks and lead an active lifestyle.

Reason #4: Incessant Stress and Psychological Discomfort

Modern life is replete with stressful situations in the family, at work and in relationships with people. Each stressful moment is accompanied by the release of adrenaline into the bloodstream and the release of the stress hormone, which stimulate the flow of blood to the organs most important for human survival, bringing them oxygen and nutrition. Under stress, the skin gives blood and nutrients to other organs. It becomes clear that in such conditions it receives less oxygen, moisture and nutrients and begins to quickly lose freshness and elasticity.

There is only one advice: take life's troubles easier! Personally, in stressful situations, I meditate, do yoga and work on myself, changing my attitude to negative circumstances.

Reason number 5: Diseases of the internal organs

As a result of the disease, the body spends all its reserves to overcome the failure in the body, vitamins and microelements are washed out. Skin tissues do not receive the necessary nutrition and energy, cellular connections are weakened, elastin and collagen do not receive support. Therefore, the rate of appearance of wrinkles increases many times over.

I understand that in case of a serious illness, it’s not up to skin care, but this moment must be properly assessed and try to continue at least minimal care. It is important to eat plenty of vitamins and micronutrient-rich food during illness.

Reason #6: Rapid weight loss

Starvation and diets, especially those accompanied by a sharp change in body weight (in any direction), are unacceptable for the skin. The skin does not have time to tighten. In addition, most diets involve a sharp rejection of many foods necessary for health.

Under such conditions, the skin structures do not receive proper nutrition, and the blood (to maintain the whole organism) begins to wash out all the nutrients from the subcutaneous tissue in order to deliver them to more important organs. The skin becomes dehydrated, dehydrated and sagging.

My advice: do not abuse diets! It is better to stick to a balanced diet, only reducing the calorie content of food. For example, several times I lost weight up to 15 kilograms. I did not keep strict diets, but reduced the volume of portions and did not eat after six hours (+ gymnastics).

Reason #7: Lack of Care or Wrong Care

I do not even allow the thought that you, my dear reader, can not take care of yourself. And all my articles are devoted to competent skin care. You should not buy cosmetics that are not for your skin type (determine your skin type!), And also do not use them correctly. You must follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Reason #8: Lifestyle

An unhealthy lifestyle is the most important cause of rapid skin aging. Smoking, alcohol, poor nutrition, insufficient night's rest, stress and any abuse - all this is reflected in our appearance.

Add to this the ecology, which no one really cares about, and all the “charms” of our civilization: continuous chemistry in everything, electromagnetic radiation from all household and electronic devices, aggressive ultraviolet radiation.

Having considered everything causes of wrinkles, we can already prevent their powerful effect on our skin by minimizing adverse external and internal influences and taking the necessary steps.

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Don't think about wrinkles, think about ways to prevent them!

  • Causes of wrinkles
  • Timing of wrinkles
  • Prevention of wrinkles on the face and neck
  • Wrinkles are a sign of osteoporosis
  • The Best Ways to Fight Wrinkles

Wrinkles on the face are the first sign of skin aging. They appear as small folds (grooves) in the skin that tend to deepen.

Wrinkles most often form where there are voids in the dermis. These voids are formed due to a decrease in the amount of water and collagen fibers in the skin. Wrinkles always indicate thinning of tissues and weakening of skin tone. The main reasons for this are ultraviolet radiation and the physiological process of aging.

Wrinkles on the face and neck

There are several types of aging of the face and neck:

  • "tired face"- Decreased elasticity of skin cells
  • « wrinkled face"– characterizes the early stage of skin aging (up to 30 years)
  • "deformed face"- the presence of a double chin, a fat fold on the neck and (or) excess skin in the lower eyelids (sagging cheeks, "bags under the eyes")
  • "combined"– the natural aging process of the skin
  • "muscular"- aging of the skin, in which the facial muscles become visible (typical for the Mongoloid type of face)

Causes of wrinkles

The premature appearance of wrinkles on the face, as a rule, is justified by the genetic predisposition of cells that cause a violation of the functionality of the endocrine glands.

Causes of wrinkles on the face:

  • Sudden change in weight (weight loss or overweight)
  • Overwork, lack of sleep, missing teeth
  • Improper application or removal of makeup
  • The use of low-quality facial cosmetics containing whitening and exfoliating components
  • Weakened facial muscles

Over the years, facial skin loses some of its fatty lubrication becomes dry. Drinking too little water can cause dehydration and rapid aging. Improper or inadequate nutrition leads to the fact that fat in the skin cells is distributed unevenly.

The human body ages unevenly. Thus, the processes of skin aging can outpace senile changes in internal organs and vice versa. The appearance of wrinkles is affected by the state of all systems, especially nervous, endocrine, digestive.

The emotional state of a person is also important. Optimism and good mood have a positive effect on the blood circulation of cells, negative emotions cause vasospasm, worsen the condition of the skin.

Timing of wrinkles

Age-related changes in the skin on the face lead to a weakening of muscle tissue. The first mimic wrinkles on the face may appear in the period from 10 to 20 years. They occur more often in people with an overly mobile face.

Age-related skin changes on the face

The habit of frowning eyebrows, wrinkling the nose leads to the fact that small vertical or horizontal wrinkles appear on the forehead, cheeks or bridge of the nose. The wrinkles on the forehead become visible first. AT 15-20 years, small wrinkles in the form of crow's feet appear at the outer corners of the eyes, that extend to the temporal regions.

IMPORTANT: There are several ways to deal with deep forehead wrinkles. For example, before watching TV, reading or cleaning, place a strip of thin paper soaked in nourishing cream in the middle of your forehead. Secure it with a bandage, after smoothing out the wrinkles on the forehead. At first, it is enough to use such a bandage for 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing the interval.

Closer to 30 years old longitudinal wrinkles in the area of ​​the upper eyelids become noticeable. They are most noticeable in those who are used to squinting their eyes, or in nearsighted people who do not wear glasses.

At 25-30 years old, wrinkles form in the area "dimples" on the cheeks. At the age of 35-40 these wrinkles deepen and become longer. This leads to their connection under the chin. After 30 years become more noticeable and nasolabial wrinkles, as well as the folds of "sorrow". Deepening the folds of grief can be avoided if, if possible, the jaws are unclenched.
Closer to 40 years becomes wrinkled skin around the mouth and at the base of the nose. During this period, wrinkles appear on the neck. Their appearance is most often caused by incorrect position of the head during sleep or reading books in bed. Wanting to hide wrinkles on the neck, some wear scarves, scarves, clothes with high collars. This restricts the blood circulation of cells, makes it difficult for them to feed and leads to premature aging of the skin.

In order to slow down the appearance of wrinkles on the neck, it is recommended to cleanse the skin in this area daily and rub it with a terry towel. Do gymnastics and neck massage more often.

Result after exercise

Prevention of wrinkles on the face and neck

Wrinkle prevention should start at age 30 years or at the first signs of skin aging.

Preventive measures against facial wrinkles include:

  • Watch facial expressions. Try to make as few faces as possible
  • For oily skin with increased sebum secretion daily wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in salt water(1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water). Periodically apply nourishing and moisturizing masks on your face - this will keep your skin in good shape
  • Outdoors, some people automatically squint their eyes against the wind or the sun. This leads to the formation of unnecessary wrinkles. To wean yourself from this habit, carry a mirror with you and periodically check yourself
  • 2-4 times a day in front of a mirror, perform muscle relaxation exercises. This exercise helps to control facial expressions.

The result after exercise is noticeable after 2-3 weeks. During this period, you can not only get rid of addiction, but also reduce the size of folds (wrinkles).
There are several ways to deal with deep wrinkles on the forehead. For example, before watching TV, reading or cleaning, place a strip of thin paper soaked in nourishing cream in the middle of your forehead. Secure it with a bandage, after smoothing out the wrinkles on the forehead. At first, it is enough to use such a bandage for 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing the interval.

IMPORTANT: Over the years, facial skin loses some of its fatty lubrication and becomes dry. Drinking too little water can cause dehydration and rapid aging. Improper or inadequate nutrition leads to the fact that fat in the skin cells is distributed unevenly.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure twice a day until you have the feeling that the wrinkles on the forehead have disappeared. Women over 35 after a paper bandage are recommended to use a paraffin mask on their forehead - this will speed up the result. Prevention of wrinkles with a paraffin dressing should be repeated 1-2 times a year, with deep folds - up to 3 times.

Wrinkles are a sign of osteoporosis (scientists' research)

Scientists from Yale University in the USA have found that deep wrinkles on the surface of a woman's face can indicate not only the achievement of old age, but also bone fragility.

The appearance of wrinkles that become deeper every year is in itself one of the unpleasant phenomena in the life of every mature person. In addition, according to American scientists, wrinkled skin in mature women can be a symptom of osteoporosis.

This age-related feature can significantly increase the risk of various bone injuries, including bone fractures, which are difficult to treat. US researchers believe that the strength of human bones is correlated with the depth of wrinkles on the face.

Scientists conducted a study involving 114 women aged 50 who have recently gone through menopause. During the study, women who underwent injections and other skin correction products were excluded from it; for the remaining subjects, scientists developed a system for assessing the depth of wrinkles on an 11-point scale. The study took into account wrinkles on the face and neck. Among other things, scientists studied the bone density of the study participants using x-rays.

It was found that the owners of the deepest wrinkles have very fragile bones. This is not just due to the increase in wrinkles over the years, because in older people the bones are most vulnerable, and the study involved women of about the same age. This allows us to exclude the influence of the age factor in this matter.

The study allows medical professionals to correctly assess the degree of bone fragility in patients without using rather expensive tests for this purpose.

The Best Ways to Fight Wrinkles (Internet Reviews)

Women on Internet forums have a lot of effective advice on how to deal with wrinkles on the face and neck. Wrinkles on the neck generally appear quite often, and experienced women say that this is due to insufficient neck care. It must also be lubricated with creams and massaged, like a face. Helps later in life lifting and biorestructuring. To strengthen the neck is useful to do exercises and body wraps with olive oil.

In general, women note that it is very important for the skin hydration, even at a young age - it helps prevent wrinkles and get rid of them faster. So almost everyone recommends moisturizing creams. It is better to choose creams by age - forum users note that this is how they help the best. Also, women are advised to sunbathe less with age.

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Beauty and HealthFace CareFacial Gymnastics

Young healthy skin is elastic, smooth, tightly stretched. With age, it turns yellow, becomes dry, rough, loses its elasticity, wrinkles, furrows and folds appear on it.

The formation of wrinkles occurs gradually. First, wrinkles appear on the forehead, then in the direction from the nose to the chin, at the outer corners of the eyes, and finally on the neck, bridge of the nose, chin and upper lip. Wrinkles can be observed in people of all ages, even in young people.

Causes of wrinkles

Mimic wrinkles. Wrinkles cause various facial habits: wrinkling of the forehead, squinting of the eyes (usually in the sun); the manner of laughing also contributes to the formation of wrinkles; in some individuals, laughter causes a sharp contraction of all facial muscles.

Premature appearance of wrinkles is also observed with the wrong position of the head during sleep. Many sleep with pillows high under their heads; the head at the same time leans on the chest, and wrinkles form on the neck and chin.

Wrinkles can also appear with an intensive decrease in body weight. The stretched skin cannot quickly shrink, it sags, becomes covered with wrinkles.

Past illnesses. Infectious, chronic diseases, disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems, female, gastrointestinal diseases weaken the body's resistance, reduce skin elasticity, and it begins to wrinkle.

Natural factors for the appearance of wrinkles. A significant role in the development of wrinkles in young people is played by various external influences: prolonged exposure to the sun and wind, temperature fluctuations in the air, its excessive dryness and humidity; prolonged stay in stuffy, smoky rooms (passive smoking).

Abuse of decorative cosmetics. Many girls with good skin abuse frequent washing and especially powdering their faces. And frequent use of powder dries out the skin and creates conditions for the formation of wrinkles.

Age factor in the appearance of wrinkles. Already in the 3rd decade of life, wrinkles are the result of the onset of age-related fading of the skin. Between the ages of 30 and 40, the number of wrinkles increases significantly and reaches a maximum by the age of 55-60. The skin of the elderly loses its density and elasticity; due to thinning of the subcutaneous adipose tissue, degeneration and death of elastic fibers, it stretches and falls; at the same time, the zygomatic bones protrude sharply, the nasolabial folds are clearly identified, the volume of the chin, neck, and occiput increases.

How to prevent wrinkles

In order to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, you need to combine a set of exercises for facial muscles with skin care procedures:

Getting rid of bad facial habits. With the appearance of a double chin, thin loose skin and wrinkles on the neck, it is recommended to get rid of the bad habit of pressing the chin to the chest. It is much more useful, and even more beautiful, to keep the head slightly raised. During sleep, the face should rest freely on the pillow, in no case should one burrow into it. Of great importance is the condition of the teeth and timely prosthetics. The absence of teeth not only leads to abnormal digestion, but also inevitably changes the shape of the face: the cheeks sink, deep folds and furrows form.

The use of compresses (poultices). To prepare them, fold a small towel or napkin into a strip (20-25 cm), dip it in hot water, wring it out and put it on your face. The middle of the compress covers the chin from below, and the ends are applied to the cheeks, forehead and nose (only the mouth and nostrils are free). The poultice should be kept on the face for 2-3 minutes, then removed and wiped or poured over the face with cold water.

Application of rubdown. Wipe the face with a cold saline solution (1/2 teaspoon of salt per 1 glass of water). For very dry skin, instead of salt, use a solution of tannin (1/2 teaspoon of tannin per 1 glass of water).

The use of ointments against the appearance of wrinkles. Before going to bed, it is useful to lubricate the face with a cream or ointment. Ordinary table salt is added to the ointment - 1/2 tsp. finely crushed salt rubbed with 1 jar of cream. Such a cream is applied to the face, especially to wrinkles, and it is driven in with the ends of the fingers for 2-3 minutes. In the morning, it is advisable to rinse your face with cool water, lubricate it with cream and powder. You should not go out without smearing your face with cream.

Protection from direct sunlight. People with emerging wrinkles should avoid direct sunlight; air baths are preferable. Before sunbathing, be sure to lubricate your face with cream.

Self-massage against wrinkles. When wrinkles appear, lightly tap the skin of the face with your fingertips daily for 5 minutes. This improves blood circulation in the skin and strengthens it.

Applying masks. They prevent the formation of wrinkles and have an exceptionally beneficial effect on the skin.

  • Protein-lemon. Beat the egg white into foam, add the juice from 1/2 lemon and salt on the tip of a knife to it; stir the whole mixture well.
  • Yolk-oily. Mix egg yolk with 1/2 tsp. camphor or castor oil.
  • Egg and oatmeal. Add 1 tsp to beaten egg white or yolk. honey and 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal.
  • Yolk-honey. Grind the egg yolk with 1/2 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. glycerin.
  • Yeast. Dilute 20-25 g of yeast with milk or vegetable oil until sour cream is thick.
  • Yeast sour. Dilute 25 g of yeast with water to the density of sour cream and let stand until fermentation.

These masks can be alternated with masks recommended for sagging skin. Before applying the mask, the face must be washed or wiped. The duration of the use of masks is 15-20 minutes. All masks, except yeast, can be left overnight. Masks containing oils are removed with a damp swab, the rest are washed off with water.

Healthy lifestyle. Proper facial skin care and prevention is not enough to successfully eliminate wrinkles. Care must be taken to improve the general state of health; establish a restorative regime, follow a certain diet, engage in physical education and gymnastics of the whole body and face.

A healthy lifestyle, proper skin care, control of facial expressions and a good mood will help delay the appearance of wrinkles. Seasoned, balanced, benevolent people keep smooth skin longer than bilious, always dissatisfied people.

Mimic wrinkles correction

Wrinkles around the eyes and crow's feet How to get rid of wrinkles