How to arrange a child in kindergarten: step-by-step instructions and life hacks of an experienced mother. How to arrange a child in a kindergarten and what documents are needed? Who pays to get into kindergarten

Parents begin to determine the child in kindergarten immediately after his birth. Those who are entitled to a preferential queue for kindergarten are in a better position than the rest.

Who is eligible for a preferential queue for kindergarten

The privileged list included children of citizens with a special status:

Those who have the right to join the preferential queue for kindergarten can either immediately bring the child to the group, or do so after a short time.

Legislative regulation of the issue

The national preferential list was enshrined in the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", art. 55, 65.

Privileges for individual families are spelled out in legal acts: "On the status of military personnel", "On the police", "".

Special provisions and bills of regional authorities have adopted additional measures for preferential admission to preschool institutions.

What Benefits Can You Expect When Enrolling in Kindergarten?

After making sure that there is an opportunity to get a place in a preschool educational institution, you should correlate your social status with the right to preferential enrollment:

  • bypassing the general queue;
  • priority admission;
  • priority enrollment.

On a note! State assistance is not limited to preferential admission to preschool educational institutions. Discounts are provided for the maintenance of a preschooler: from free admission to 25% payment.

How to arrange a child in kindergarten in addition to the queue

Overcrowding in kindergartens should not worry those who know how to arrange a child in a kindergarten without a queue. Chances are people with difficult life circumstances or a certain profession. These include small citizens with difficult lives who have lost their parents, are brought up by foster children, they were adopted.

If the mother is an orphan, then at the age of 18-23 she has the right to take the child to kindergarten without waiting in line.

The priority list includes the children of the participants in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The children have grown up a long time ago, but preferential enrollment can be used for the grandchildren of the liquidator.

Workers of justice and law enforcement agencies - judges, investigators of the UK were also included in this group.

A child from a dysfunctional family, in the direction of the commission on juvenile affairs, must be admitted to preschool without waiting in line.

Adopted child will be admitted to the kindergarten without waiting in line

Who has the priority right to enroll in kindergarten

Once the Privileged Child Benefit List has been used for kindergarten enrollment, the order is as follows:

  • police officers and former employees with injuries or who died in the line of duty;
  • employees in the Russian army under the contract;
  • parents or children with disabilities;
  • large family with 3 or more children.

Extraordinary benefit

Guarantees are provided for parents who raise children alone. Without a long wait, they write out a ticket to kindergarten workers.

Important! Distribution in the preschool educational institution is carried out by a special commission. The waiting list is strictly regulated and controlled by the Department of Education.

Rules for registration and list of documents for beneficiaries

Admission to a kindergarten on priority terms begins with the preparation of papers and a corresponding application.


It is necessary to indicate the grounds for extraordinary enrollment, supporting this with certificates. The application must contain information about the identity of the child and parent, contacts, the desired date of entry into kindergarten.

Benefit Confirmation

Each group of beneficiaries provides different documents:

Where to apply

You should contact the department of education or directly to the kindergarten. Modern means of communication make it possible to send an application via the Internet on the State Services website. You can come to the multifunctional center with a package of documents.

Note! After processing the application, a message with a registration number will be sent to the phone or e-mail.

Kindergarten benefits

After enrolling in a kindergarten, an additional expense item opens in the family budget. The load is reduced by state programs of preferential maintenance in preschool educational institutions. Legislative initiatives are provided for in 273-FZ, art. 65, as well as departmental decrees. Since 2014, the Ministry of Defense has been regulating payments for preschoolers under Order 862 “On fees charged from parents for supervision and care.”

Free visit

The state fully assumes the costs of disabled children and orphans. Helps the poor in the same way. With a diagnosis of "tuberculosis intoxication" in a child, the fee for the preschool educational institution is not charged.

Types of compensation

Benefits for paying for a kindergarten are provided in a certain amount: 50% - large families, parents with disabilities of the first and second groups, "Chernobyl victims" who serve in the army under a contract.

Local Benefits

Regional programs provide preferences for local residents: 75% is paid by the budget for the children of conscripts. 25% - a family with two preschoolers.

Families with many children are entitled to benefits

50% of kindergarten expenses are compensated from the budget of the Moscow Region to the following parents:

  • widow;
  • divorced;
  • a teacher of a state institution and a non-state one (has state accreditation).

When moving to another region, the conditions of support change according to local legal acts.

Additional subsidies

If it is not possible to arrange a child in a kindergarten, even if you have a preferential status, you should apply for financial assistance. Na, mother on maternity leave, student of the correspondence department.

Note! The mother must document why she is not working. Grants will be denied without good reason.

Social support is regulated by the regional government in the equivalent of the average salary and is:

  • 20% - first child;
  • 50% - second child;
  • 70% and above - for the third baby.


On a note! Income tax refund from the amount paid for kindergarten is included in the compensatory measures. You should submit a declaration to the tax office with the appropriate application.

Where to claim compensation

The bureaucratic procedure for issuing subsidies frightens parents with a mass of requirements. However, everything can be done with patience.

The following documents should be submitted to the social security authority or to the MFC:

  • for personal identification;
  • about birth, adoption;
  • an extract on the composition of the family from the registry office;
  • confirmation of the status of the waiting list in the preschool educational institution:
  • certificate of child care from work;
  • medical policy;
  • statement.

The shortage of vacant places in kindergartens is solved with the help of priority setting. Fair regulation of the queue allows parents to identify the child in a short time and go to work.

We advise you not to hesitate and start solving this issue in advance. In recent years, the country's authorities have opened new educational institutions, and at the same time the procedure for enrolling children in them has changed. Smart parents are looking for possible options so that the child can get into kindergarten without a queue. The information below will help you resolve this issue.

How to identify a child in kindergarten

Every citizen has the right to enroll his child in a preschool institution. There is a certain system. To get a referral to kindergarten, you need to be in a special electronic queue. This should be done after the baby was born and his birth is confirmed by registration with the registry office. The lengthy procedure was caused by an increase in the birth rate, the closure of a number of departmental kindergartens, a shortage of places in preschool institutions and the need for many mothers to go to work ahead of schedule.

In most regions, it is possible to be on the list in several kindergartens at the same time, sometimes the number of options can be limited or reduced to one. Distribution occurs automatically with the help of special programs, parents will be able to choose the preferred option if the baby goes to several kindergartens at once. Those who entered the list later than usual and the preschool age of the child, for example, 4 years, are more likely. Many already attend preschool institutions, do not take a place in the queue, or the work of someone's parents does not allow them to pick up their children on time, someone refused the kindergarten for another reason and they are being added to groups.

There is a certain category of citizens who have the right to send their child to kindergarten without waiting in line. Each region independently determines the category of persons who can be given the status of "beneficiary". If one or both parents have this status, the baby must get into the municipal kindergarten without waiting in line, but in order of priority among the children of beneficiaries applying for a place in an institution whose competence is education before school. When applying, it is important not only to indicate what kind of benefit you have, but also to certify its availability within a period not exceeding 2 weeks. To do this, you must provide the relevant documents to the kindergarten.

Benefits for large families

Parents whose children have the right to go to any kindergarten without a queue should apply in writing to the department of preschool education (it is supervised by the district administration), have benefits confirmed by documents and the necessary certificates.

If the family belongs to the category of large families, children, in accordance with the law, must go to kindergarten without waiting in line. Documentary confirmation of the large status is required. Among other rights of such families, the right to pay for staying in a preschool institution on preferential terms (70% discount) is also highlighted. The discount should apply to additional services such as clubs, which are sometimes forced on parents, but they are not informed about the existence of the discount.

For single mothers

The child of a woman belonging to the category of single mothers has the right to a place in a kindergarten. But there is a nuance when determining a baby in a preschool child care institution. The situation is as follows: the number of single mothers has increased in the country, their children are forced to “share” their right to go to kindergarten without waiting in line. This reason has become fundamental for the introduction of the so-called preferential queue. The law determined that when paying for kindergarten attendance, single mothers are entitled to a 50% discount.

What other legal options are there?

In addition to the above options, which give the right to get into the garden without a queue, there are a number of legal ways to be on the list of "lucky ones":

  • A disabled child or whose parents are disabled has the right to a place in a preschool out of turn. The law provides for requirements: you must write a statement and attach a document proving the disability of the baby or parent.
  • An orphan who lives with a guardian or with foster parents has every right to enter the kindergarten if he has the necessary documents confirming this fact.
  • In the event that one parent or both were participants in the liquidation of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, received exposure, their children have the right to a ticket to a preschool institution out of turn. It is necessary to confirm the fact of participation in troubleshooting at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  • A prosecutor, an investigator, a police officer, a serviceman, a judge, an employee of the control authorities for narcotic and psychotropic substances and preparations, a participant in hostilities - this is a list of officials who have the right to receive a “pass” for their children to a preschool institution without a queue.

What documents do you need to provide

After receiving a referral to a kindergarten, you must provide the following documents, which will be reported by the head of the kindergarten or educator, whose group will become a group for your baby (for more detailed information, visit the educational Internet portal of your city):

  • application addressed to the head;
  • passport of one of the parents, a scanned copy of the main pages;
  • birth certificate, citizenship stamp, their copy;
  • documents in which it is necessary to register the presence of benefits for admission (if any).

Some additional document may be required. The nurse writes out a referral to the district pediatrician, as a medical examination of the baby is necessary. The date of the first visit to the preschool will be announced later.

How is enrollment in a preschool institution

In the regions, the enrollment of children in kindergarten may occur at different times. From the moment when the parents received a response in the form of a message to the email address about sending their baby to a specific preschool institution, a month is given to collect and provide the necessary documents. If the parents are not satisfied with the proposed kindergarten (in the wrong area, for example), they can contact the municipal department of preschool education with a request for other options, they should write a refusal (it must be accepted and registered) from the previously proposed place. This decision is reasonable in a situation where a place is found in another kindergarten.

Kindergarten is a separate state with its own rules and regulations. In the preschool educational institution there is a certain system for enrolling a child in a kindergarten. However, it should be borne in mind that in each region and city it may vary and change.

What do parents need to know , in order to get the coveted ticket to kindergarten and use it correctly?

When and how should a child be put on a waiting list for kindergarten?

Due to the catastrophic shortage of kindergartens, parents try to put their child on the waiting list as early as possible. I recommend that you immediately after the birth of the baby contact your department of education and clarify what documents you need to collect for enrolling in kindergarten and when and how this can be done. As a rule, you can put a child in the queue immediately after receiving a birth certificate. You will also need to bring the passport of one of the parents and a document confirming the benefit, if any. On the spot you will be given an application form to fill out (bring a pen with you). Perhaps you will be offered one or two kindergartens to choose from, but you yourself understand that there are no guarantees that your child will get exactly where you would like.

So, everything in your power has been done, now it remains only to wait for the turn to kindergarten, and this can take from 1.5 to 3 years, or even more.
Closer to kindergarten age, contact the education department again to clarify when groups will be completed for the next school year (you can ask as early as February), and how you can find out if your child will be given a place in kindergarten or not. You can go to the education department and complain about your difficult financial situation and the urgent need to go to work.
If it turns out that you are on the list for a permit, you will need to come to the education department with your passport and birth certificate on one of the reception days. Be careful, as the period for issuing vouchers may be limited in time (usually one to two months). If you do not need a place in a kindergarten for this year, but you have been provided with one, call or approach the committee anyway to officially refuse the ticket and transfer the possibility of obtaining it to the next year.
If you were not provided with a place in the garden, but you really need it, go to the education department after the period for issuing permits, perhaps someone did not need them. There is also hope that there will be a few extra vouchers in September-October, when someone refuses the garden due to moving, unwillingness to have a child, or for a number of other reasons.

Ticket received. But the garden is still so far away...

So, you stood in a long queue and finally got a long-awaited ticket to kindergarten. Now the main thing is not to forget within 10 days (the date is indicated on the ticket) to take it to the head of the preschool educational institution (the number of the garden is also indicated). But this is only the first step, because before the legal enrollment of a child in kindergarten, there is still more to overcome. several stages :

1. The manager will tell you which the documents bring. Most likely it will be necessary:

  • birth certificate of the child (copy);
  • passport of one of the parents (copy);
  • medical insurance policy (copy);
  • medical exchange card of the child for educational institutions;
  • vaccination card;
  • a copy of the document confirming the benefit for paying for kindergarten (if any);
  • bank account to which the child care allowance will be transferred.

2. The district pediatrician will give you bypass checklist the specialists indicated by him and referral for tests (each polyclinic may have its own requirements for bypassing specific specialists and passing tests). Also, the pediatrician may prescribe some additional examinations: ECG, blood pressure measurement, ultrasound, as well as consultations with a psychoneurologist, dermatologist, cardiologist, nephrologist, gastroenterologist, immunologist and other specialists. If you go to the kindergarten only in September, you can only go through specialists in advance, and pass the tests right before the kindergarten, because their validity period is only 10 days.

3. Specialist doctors to be passed:

  • neurologist
  • surgeon
  • ophthalmologist
  • otolaryngologist
  • orthopedist
  • dentist
  • speech therapist (for children over 3 years old)

4.Analyzes to be submitted:

  • general blood test (from a finger);
  • general urine analysis;
  • analysis for ovum;
  • analysis of feces for enterobiasis (smear).

5. After visiting all the doctors and passing the tests, you need to come back to appointment with a pediatrician . The doctor examines the child, makes a complete diagnosis of the child’s health, fills out an exchange card: weight, height and other data at birth, the history of the child’s development (when he began to sit, stand, walk, talk), past diseases, allergic reactions, preventive vaccinations etc. Know that the lack of vaccinations in a baby cannot be a reason for refusing to register him in a kindergarten.

6. With the collected documents, you need to go to the head of the children's clinic, where you will receive a medical and pedagogical conclusion on the readiness of the child for kindergarten, signed by the head physician.

7. Next, the exchange card and the prepared documents must be taken to the head of the kindergarten. If everything is in order, you will be asked to write an application and conclude an agreement between the preschool educational institution and the parents, according to which the kindergarten must provide the child with maintenance, education and upbringing, and the parents undertake to pay for the maintenance of the child within the agreed time frame. The contract also lists other duties, rights and responsibilities of the parties. Pay attention to whether there is a clause there about whether parents are allowed to be in the group with the child during his adaptation.

8. After signing the contract, the manager enrolls the child in kindergarten. The manager also tells when it is already possible to come to kindergarten, introduces regime moments, recommends purchasing comfortable shoes and clothes for visiting kindergarten.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation Every citizen of Russia has the right to education. In addition, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" states that "The state guarantees financial and material support in the education of children of early childhood, ensures the availability of educational services of a preschool educational institution for all segments of the population." But so far this law has nothing to do with reality. And those children who nevertheless got a place in a preschool institution on time, as well as their parents, can rightfully be called "lucky"!

I dug into the internet in search of comprehensive information and found an interesting article about
How to negotiate with the head of the kindergarten?
It has become almost impossible to arrange a child in kindergarten at the right time for free. So the parents themselves have to negotiate with the head of the kindergarten and provide a place for their child. How to conduct a conversation and what you need to know, you will learn from this article.

Recently, groups in kindergartens are formed by the commission for the acquisition of state preschool educational institutions. But few people know that in many gardens so-called "reserve places" are allocated, which the heads manage at their discretion. In addition, in some cities the responsibility for issuing vouchers is assigned to managers. And those who do not have the right to extradite them may have connections in the commission or even be its members themselves.

So you have considerable chances to agree with the head of the kindergarten on the admission of your child to the kindergarten at the time you need. It all depends on your conversation with the manager. To increase this likelihood, follow these guidelines:
1. Prepare for the conversation
-Find out from mothers in the yard or on the forums who and how arranged the child in kindergarten. Surely someone will share with you valuable information about the managers and the conditions for the child to enter the kindergarten. Find out when they were admitted to the kindergarten, what was done for this, what is the name of the manager, and what are her needs. If you find out that there have been cases of out-of-turn admissions in the kindergarten of your choice, your chances of receiving a similar admission increase.
-Make a conversation plan, prepare a list of your questions: where to start, what to say, how to answer the most likely questions and refusals. Imagine yourself in the place of the manager and answer under what conditions you would agree to give one of the few empty seats.
- Make and learn a list of what you can realistically do for kindergarten. For example, you can make prints and copies on a color printer in different formats, paint fences, benches, playgrounds, walls, windows, etc. Repair, make or buy children's tables and chairs, mirrors, lockers, benches, information stands, sports projectiles, developing materials. Sew curtains, bed linen, towels, diapers, bedspreads. Buy building materials, toys, paints, furniture, pianos, etc.
Say that it will be not only when entering the garden, but throughout the entire period while your child visits it. Arrange the options for your possible help in ascending order.
Your goal is to convince her that you are a "very profitable parent" who can help her institution.
There are managers who, in principle, do not take bribes. But there are those who will gladly give you a place in the garden for a printer, a computer or help with the garden. And there are those who do not hesitate to say the desired amount.
- Think about what you will go. Don't wear a lot of jewelry. Look neat. Dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable in the manager's office. Excessive thoughts about your appearance can prevent you from concentrating on the main thing.
2. What to say
At the entrance, throw a couple of compliments on the design of the garden or the manager's office, and especially on some little thing on the table or on the wall.
Say that you would like your child to go to this particular kindergarten. Of all the gardens in the area, this is the best garden.

Ask the first 2-3 questions so that she answers them positively. This will help you tune in to a positive outcome of the conversation and win her over. For example: “I need Antonina Petrovna, is that you? Do you have nurseries in your garden? Do you have a minute, would I like to talk to you?"
Address her by her first name and patronymic (just don't mix it up). Everyone loves to hear their name.
Remember that you are asking for something that is "not allowed by law." Make it as convenient as possible for her to agree to your offer.

Look for what unites you. The theme of the lack of funding for many of the needs of kindergartens would be perfect for this.

Don't focus on disagreements. For example, if she says "No seats". Don't try to prove otherwise. Even if you know that the seats have just been vacated or not one group is being recruited, but two.
Most likely, the manager will ask you where you work. This is a great opportunity to share how you and your husband can help the kindergarten.

The manager should have the following opinion about you: you want to help the kindergarten and you can do a lot for it.
3. When to approach
If you plan to go to a kindergarten (nursery) in September, you should approach the director in April-May. The earlier the better.
It is better to come right after lunch in kindergarten. It's about 12-13 o'clock. A well-fed person is kinder than a hungry one.
Monday is not very suitable for going to the manager. Remaining business from last week, the desire to continue the weekend, may prevent you from agreeing with the manager. If you want to have a calm conversation with the manager, it's best to come on the least busy day, such as Wednesday or Thursday.
4. End a call
The most likely outcome of your conversation will be the words "there are no places." Get ready for it. But remember that a variety of reasons can be hidden under these words of the manager:
- she is afraid that you are from the verification committee.
- you offered not enough and did not interest her with your proposal.
She doesn't take bribes.
There really are no places in the group.

If the manager refused you, but still asked for your phone number herself, you have a small chance that she will change her mind and agree to accept your “help to the kindergarten”.

If you were refused, say that you will come back later, for example, in a month. You may be lucky and someone from the group will move to another kindergarten or refuse it. Perhaps next time, already knowing you, she will make a different decision. Some directors will need several visits from you to admit your child to the kindergarten.
Analyze the mistakes and experience of past conversations. They will help you achieve better results in negotiations with other managers.

Accept the fact that before you put your child in kindergarten, you will have to talk to many directors. The manager has every right to refuse you. In recent years, hundreds of children who have joined the queue almost immediately after birth cannot get a job in kindergartens.
And finally...
We live in such a time and in a country that is not able to provide places in kindergarten for everyone. So parents have to get out themselves.
And the manager is also a person. With their desires and principles. And she also wants to eat well and work in a pleasant environment. Give her what she wants and maybe she will do the same for you.
And don't be afraid to talk. It will only make you stronger. And the experience of negotiations will come in handy more than once in your life.
Article author: Natalya Izmailova. Especially for the site

The problem is that not everyone has the opportunity to give something ((((

Type. For example, in the centers of early development or in various circles-sections. However, the most common form of toddler education is sending children to kindergartens. Public or private, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that a preschool educational institution educates kids and prepares them for school. Sooner or later, parents think about how to arrange a child in kindergarten. What do you need to know about such a process? And how to cope with the task? Below, the main features and nuances of determining kids in kindergartens will be revealed. What is important for every parent to remember?

Enrollment right

How can you arrange a child in kindergarten? And who exactly will be accepted into an educational institution for preschoolers?

By law, minors have the right to preschool education. It is offered en masse by kindergartens.

Parents of toddlers can choose a specific kindergarten, its type (private or public), and then assign a child there. Transfer from institution to institution also takes place.

Accordingly, legal representatives must behave correctly in order to achieve the task. Next, we will look at detailed instructions that will help prepare for the process.

Briefly about enrollment

How to arrange a child in kindergarten? In fact, this is a very simple task. Especially if you follow some instructions.

If you briefly imagine the procedure for enrolling in a preschool institution, you can see that parents will have to:

It would seem that there should be no problems. But in reality, the registration of a child in kindergarten brings a lot of trouble. In particular, if you do not know elementary things about the procedure.

Where to go for help

You can arrange a child in a kindergarten in Moscow or in another city of the Russian Federation almost at any time. The main thing is to know what exactly to do for parents.

Where should I go with the relevant request? Applications for enrollment in a preschool educational institution are accepted:

  • on the portal "Gosuslugi";
  • directly in the selected garden.

It is worth remembering the queue in a preschool. It is formed from all applicants. The sooner the parents apply for enrollment, the sooner the child will get into an educational institution.

Queue formation

To arrange a child in kindergarten, you need to enroll the baby in the queue as soon as possible. How is it formed?

Usually in June-July, kindergartens accept applications for enrolling children. Parents submit a request in the prescribed form, they are put on the waiting list. Over time, the baby will be allocated a place for learning.

The exception is beneficiaries. They are accepted into educational institutions in the first place. The remaining places are then distributed to the rest of the children in the order in which they apply. The sooner the parents get in line, the sooner the child will go to kindergarten.

In real life, a queue of people who are not beneficiaries is formed taking into account the place of residence of the family. First, children are recruited by registration, then places are given to the rest of the kids. The previously indicated rule applies here - the sooner parents turn to the kindergarten with documents, the higher the chance of sending the child to an institution in one or another "season".

The documents

It is not as difficult to arrange a child in a kindergarten at the place of residence as it might seem at first. Nevertheless, modern parents often face certain problems.

Not everyone knows what papers will be useful for the implementation of the task. Parents are required to bring:

  • passport of the legal representative of the baby;
  • birth certificate of a minor;
  • medical card (optional);
  • SNILS;
  • certificate of registration of the child.

Perhaps this will be enough. No third party documentation is required. And you do not need to pay for the device of the baby in the kindergarten. This is a completely free operation.

The role of propiska

How to arrange a child in kindergarten? Many parents wonder whether the registration of the baby is so important in real life. And is there a chance for a minor to be enrolled in a preschool chosen by parents without registration?

By law - yes, you can apply to any kindergarten. In real life, as we have already said, a child can be enrolled in kindergarten subject to registration. This is not entirely legal, but this alignment is becoming more and more common.

How to arrange a child in a kindergarten without a residence permit? Registration should not affect the right to enter an educational institution. Therefore, you can follow the instructions suggested earlier.

In addition, it is important to look at the contract concluded with the DOW. It may indicate that the registration of the child is the basis for admission to the institution or for refusal to operate.

Some parents are interested in how much it costs to arrange a child in kindergarten. The thing is that some kindergartens (usually popular with the population) secretly take bribes for enrolling kids without waiting in line. It is not recommended to do so.


Only beneficiaries can arrange a child in a kindergarten without a queue. Consider a legitimate scenario.

To prove their right to benefits, the family must prepare a number of documents. Usually these are certificates, certificates, certificates and acts.

And who has the right to a device in a preschool educational institution outside the general queue? In Russia, such bonuses are usually offered:

  • military children;
  • disabled people;
  • the poor;
  • large families.

As already mentioned, people who apply to the DOE by registration can often count on enrollment in the forefront.

Papers of beneficiaries

How to arrange a child in a kindergarten for military personnel or other beneficiaries? The algorithm of actions remains the same. The difference lies in the documents that are asked from parents.

Confirmation of benefits can serve as:

  • military certificates;
  • certificates from the place of work of the parent;
  • medical opinion;
  • low-income family certificate;
  • birth certificates of all children in the community unit;
  • certificate of a large family.

All these papers are presented only in the form of originals. If necessary, the DOE will make copies of the relevant documents.

Enrollment through "Gosuslugi"

How to quickly arrange a child in kindergarten? It is important not only to prepare the documents, but also to submit an application in the prescribed form as soon as possible. Some parents enroll their children in preschool immediately after birth.

Recently, in Russia, the operation under study has been carried out through the State Services. The user must register in advance on the service so that the corresponding option is available to him.

Instructions for submitting a request for enrollment in a kindergarten look like this:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in to the web service.
  3. Open the service catalog.
  4. Select the "Education" block.
  5. Click on the line "Enrollment in kindergarten". The inscription may change over time, but the meaning remains the same.
  6. Fill out the form that appears on the screen.
  7. Choose the kindergartens in which you want to enroll your child. You can mark any number of establishments.
  8. Submit the completed form for processing.

That's all. Now you need to keep the previously listed papers ready and wait for notifications about the consideration of applications. Information about the possibility of enrolling in a kindergarten will be displayed in the "Personal Account" on the "Public Services".

Internet queue check

It is not difficult to arrange a child in a kindergarten without a residence permit, as with her. Especially if you follow the previously suggested instructions.

What to do if you want to know how the queue in the kindergarten is moving? You can again resort to the help of the portal "Gosuslugi".

To check, just go to the service, type "Queue to the garden" in the search bar, select the service and specify the requested data. Within a few minutes, information about the progress of the queue will appear on the screen.

After notification

What to do after the parents received a notification with an invitation to kindergarten?

As practice shows, the legal representatives of the kids put the children in line in several kindergartens. Ultimately, you will have to decide where exactly to give the baby. Usually, preference is given to the preschool educational institution, the queue in which came up faster.

After the parents were invited to the kindergarten to conclude an agreement, you will need:

  1. Take the originals of the listed papers.
  2. Come to the selected garden and conclude a contract for the provision of services.

As a rule, the corresponding operation should be carried out quickly. Parents are given about 10-15 days to make a decision. If the initiative to sign the contract is not received, the place for the child is lost. And the whole operation will have to start from the beginning.

Right of withdrawal

"I will help arrange a child in kindergarten" - such announcements are very common. People offer for a fee to issue a residence permit for the baby for successful admission to a particular kindergarten. Better not to believe such ads. And there is no need to offer money for enrollment either.

Can they refuse to accept a child in a kindergarten? Yes, but only for certain reasons. Which one exactly?

Citizens are faced with refusals to enroll a baby if:

  • the child is registered at an address that is not related to the location of the garden (the refusal is illegal);
  • the child does not meet the requirements of the educational institution;
  • there are no places in the garden;
  • parents provided an incomplete package of documents;
  • the child is sick and poses a danger to other pupils;
  • provided false information in the application.

As practice shows, refusals to accept a kindergarten occur when the baby is not independent enough. For example, he does not know how to eat or use a potty. The bulk of kindergartens, as already mentioned, requires independence from the kids.

private garden

Special attention should be paid to private kindergartens. These preschools offer better accommodations, smaller groups, and advanced juvenile development programs.

Enrollment in such institutions is carried out almost at any time. Parents will need:

  1. Choose a private garden.
  2. Contact the institution with the documents listed above.
  3. Conclude a contract for the provision of services.
  4. Pay for the first month of your stay.

There are almost no queues in such organizations, the registration of the child does not play a role. There will be no problems with enrolling in a private kindergarten. The main thing is that parents pay for preschool services on time, and also that the child is healthy.

How much to wait

Special attention will have to be paid to the waiting time in line for kindergarten. This question does not have a clear answer.

We figured out how to arrange a child in kindergarten. Waiting times vary. On average, you have to wait several years.

In general, the speed of advancement of the queue in the state kindergarten depends on the places in the preschool educational institution and on the number of applicants for education. Parents note that sometimes they offer to go to kindergarten at the age of 5-6 years old.

If we talk about private gardens, you don’t have to wait at all. In such institutions accept almost at any time. The main thing is to decide where exactly you want to send the baby.


We found out how you can arrange a child in kindergarten. With proper preparation, you will be able to cope with the task in the shortest possible time.

Transfer to another kindergarten is carried out as follows:

  1. An application for transfer is being made.
  2. A package of previously specified documents is being assembled.
  3. Parents apply to the new kindergarten with a request and receive a ticket for enrollment.
  4. A certificate from the new preschool educational institution is given to the old kindergarten.
  5. The withdrawal application is being processed.
  6. The documents taken from the old kindergarten belong to the new preschool educational institution.
  7. An agreement is signed for the provision of educational services with a kindergarten.

In fact, the transfer from garden to garden also does not cause any trouble. The main thing is to remember about the queue and that without it, the child will be accepted only if there are free places in the preschool educational institution.