Synopsis of a game lesson on the topic “Day of National Unity. Complex-thematic lesson on applications in the middle group "Day of National Unity

To expand children's ideas about the territory of Russia, the peoples inhabiting it;

To cultivate respect for the various nationalities of Russia, their culture, language;

To develop friendly relations in the children's team;

Acquaintance of children with the All-Russian holiday - the Day of National Unity;

Cultivate a sense of pride in your people, for their exploits.

Equipment: multimedia equipment (projector, screen).

Preliminary work: a conversation about Russia, about the peoples inhabiting it; viewing the map of the world, Russia; looking at pictures of dolls in "National costumes"; learning proverbs about friendship, learning poetry. Conversation about the peoples of our country.

The song is about the Motherland. "I, you, he, she! - S. Rotaru

Lesson progress:


All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.

Guys, do you like holidays?


What holidays do you know?


Well done, children, you have named many holidays. But there is another wonderful holiday - National Unity Day. Our whole country celebrates it on November 4th. Are you familiar with this holiday and its history?

Listen "Anthem of the Russian Federation"

The state flag of Russia is raised above each institution. On this holiday, everyone has a day off. People go to visit each other, get together, festive events are held on the streets and squares, folk festivals are organized. Every Russian knows and respects the main symbols of his country - the anthem, coat of arms and flag. We have already heard the anthem. Here we have the coat of arms of Russia. What is on our coat of arms? (answers). Please note that the eagle has two heads on our coat of arms, which means that it will not miss a single enemy. In the paws of an eagle, the symbols of power are a scepter and orb, such as Russian tsars used to have in the old days. And this is our flag. Guys, list what colors it consists of. (called). The white stripe - a symbol of purity of intentions and nobility - means that our state has no evil intentions, it treats all countries honestly and openly. The blue stripe - a symbol of peacefulness - indicates that Russia is against the war. The red stripe - a symbol of courage - means that every citizen of Russia is ready to defend the freedom and honor of the Motherland from enemies.

Child 1:

White color - birch.

Blue is the color of the sky. Polina B.

Red stripe -

Sunny dawn.

Child 2:

The flag can be different, but I love Anya G

White-blue-red flag of my Motherland.

Red is the blood shed for Russia.

Do not be afraid to stand up for your Motherland!


The blue symbol is eternity, the peace symbol is white.

Respect honesty! Always be brave! Artyom M

There is strength, power and strength in the Russian flag,

He is a symbol, dignity and honor for us.

Educator: Our Russia is always rich in fruits and vegetables. Harvest and start the game!

Game "Harvest"


And what do the guys from our group like to do together? (Children's answers)

Child reads a poem

Children once asked their father:

Are all Russians in Russia?

How can I tell you kids?

Here are the neighbors - Chuvash,

Kum is half Jewish

Uncle is a glorious Armenian, Dasha Romakina

Godmother Nina's great-grandfather

The real one was Georgian.

We are all different, so what?

We are all Humans, we are alike!

Let's live in unity

No need to shed each other's blood!


In our country the mountains are high, (arms up, on tiptoes)

The rivers are deep (sit down,

The steppes are wide (hands to the side),

The forests are large (we describe the circle with our hands,

And we are guys like this!

Guys, what can you say about the peoples of our country?

Answers of children (They live in different areas - taiga, steppes, cities, villages; they can speak different languages; wear different national clothes).

What nationalities living in Russia do you know?

Answers of children (Tatars, Cossacks, Chechens, Chuvashs, Mordovians, Nenets, Chukchi, etc.)

What do you think, do peoples live together in our country?

Do you know proverbs about friendship?

Children's answers (An old friend is better than two new ones. There is no friend, so look for it, but find it - take care. Friendship is a great power. Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor. Holding on to each other is not afraid of anything.)

Here are some proverbs composed by our people. Because I understood that friendship is a great power. Peoples of all nationalities live together, help each other, do not quarrel. Are you guys good at making friends?

What if you suddenly quarrel? What will you do? (Children's answers)

Now guys, I will show you the slides on which you will see the history of the origin of this holiday. Do you want to know why the peoples of Russia are so strong and united?

Who liberated the Russian land?


Guys, what holiday did you learn about today? Why did this holiday come about? Who became the national heroes of Russia?

I wish you to live amicably and peacefully and remember the exploits of your ancestors.

Guys, today you learned more about the Day of National Unity, about our Motherland - Russia, about the state symbols of the Russian state. I hope that you will always love and be proud of our Motherland and when you grow up glorify it with your deeds. Russia will always be proud of you.

And now guys, I suggest you take plasticine and make a round dance of the peoples of Russia. Consider with children the result of the activity.

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 4

Abstract educational activities in the middle group

"Day of National Unity".


Kharchenko Anna Nikolaevna,



Main educational area: " Cognitive Development".

Integration of educational areas: social and communicative development, speech development, physical development.

Types of children's activities : communicative, cognitive-research.

Target: To create conditions for the formation of the education of a humane, spiritual and moral personality, worthy future citizens of Russia, patriots of their Fatherland.

- to consolidate the idea that our country is huge, multinational, called the Russian Federation, Russia;

To consolidate knowledge about the geographical position of the country on the map;

Expand the understanding of public holidays, the holiday "Day of National Unity", the meaning and history of its occurrence;

Provide basic information about the history of Russia;

To form knowledge about the multinationality of our country;

To consolidate knowledge about the flag, coat of arms and anthem of Russia;

Raise respect for other peoples and cultures;

Develop auditory attention and memory.

Equipment and materials: sheets of paper according to the number of children, a projector, a laptop, a magnetic board, a presentation "Day of National Unity", an audio recording of the Russian anthem, the flag and coat of arms of Russia.

GCD progress:


Guys, on November 4, our whole country will celebrate National Unity Day. And today we will find out what kind of holiday it is. At all times, Russian people loved their homeland. In the name of the native side, they performed feats, composed songs, proverbs and poems about it.


What do we call motherland?

The land where we grow

And the birches along which

We walk with mom...

Viewing the presentation "National Unity Day".

caregiver :

There are many different beautiful countries in the world and every nation loves its Motherland most of all. We were born in Russia, we are Russians.
- Do you love your country?(children's answers) .

caregiver :
Citizens of the country experience love for their homeland simply because they live in it. After all, we all have one homeland.
Our Motherland is very big, beautiful and rich. Russia occupies the largest and most extensive territory from Europe to Asia. Only in our country there is the polar belt, and the tundra, and the taiga, and the steppe, and the tropics. (See map).

caregiver :

Guys, our country is inhabited by people of different nationalities - Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars, Karelians, Chuvashs, Bashkirs, Yakuts, Dagestanis, Adyghes, Mordovians, Komi, Udmurts, Khanty, Mansi, Germans, Tajiks, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Georgians, Shors and many - many others - more than a hundred nationalities in total.


Different peoples inhabit Russia, but all of them are connected into a single family by a common Motherland, mutual respect and friendship. Therefore, it is impossible to say which of the nationalities is better - we are all equal, all special.

Game "Club"
Children stand in a circle.
Educator: Today I have a ball of thread, it is not simple, but magical, it will help me understand how friendly our group is. I will give the ball to Dasha, and Dasha will give the ball to the one with whom she is friends, who she likes the most, but she herself does not let go of the thread. For example, Dasha passes Vova, and Vova goes on.
Thus, all children are connected by a thread into a single network.

Educator: Guys, look, we are all united by one network. It was friendship that brought us all together.
Guys, did you like the game?

Experimentation : one child is invited to tear a stack of paper in half(the child is unable to tear the paper) , then each child is invited to tear one sheet of paper into two parts. The teacher draws an analogy: when we are all together, friendly and united, we cannot be defeated, but if we are alone, like one piece of paper, then it will be easy to defeat us.

And who are the patriots?(These are people who love their homeland and are always ready to defend it)


- "Day of national unity" is a holiday that we celebrate in memory of the events that took place many, many years ago. In 1612, Russian warriors Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky raised the people to fight against the enemies who had seized our Motherland. Thanks to the unity of the people in this difficult struggle, peace has come to Russia!


And grateful descendants erected a monument to these heroes in honor of this victory. the monument andcalled : Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky.(The story is accompanied by a display of illustrations from the presentation)

Phys. minute:

In our country the mountains are high,(arms up, on tiptoes)

The rivers are deep(sit down) ,

The steppes are wide(hands to the side) ,

The forests are big(hands describe a circle) ,

And we are guys like this!(thumbs up)


Guys, let's check which of you is the real citizen of our country?(Listening to the audio recording of the Russian anthem while standing)

What is the name of this music, please?(Hymn) That's right - this is the anthem - the main musical work of our country. It is performed on the most solemn occasions and all people stand up as a sign of respect and pride for their country.

Every Russian knows and respects the main symbols of his country - the anthem, coat of arms and flag. We have already heard the anthem. Here we have the coat of arms of Russia.

Please note that the eagle has two heads on our coat of arms, which means that it will not miss a single enemy.

The didactic game "Collect the coat of arms of Russia" is being held.

And this is our flag. Guys, list what colors it consists of(called). white stripe - a symbol of purity of intentions and nobility - means that our state has no evil intentions, it treats all countries honestly and stripe - a symbol of peacefulness - says that Russia is against the stripe - a symbol of courage - means that every citizen of Russia is ready to defend the freedom and honor of the Motherland from enemies.

- Well done guys, you know a lot about our homeland Russia. Today you learned more about the National Unity Day holiday, about our Motherland - Russia, about the state symbols of the Russian state. I hope that you will always love and be proud of our Motherland and when you grow up glorify it with your deeds. Russia will always be proud of you.

And now let's go with you to the training room and make doves of peace from your palms.

Lyudmila Polyukhova
Synopsis of the NOD in the middle group "Day of National Unity"

Synopsis of GCD in the middle group

« National Unity Day» .

Target: education of a humane, spiritual and moral personality, worthy future citizens of Russia, patriots of their Fatherland.


To introduce children to our huge, multinational country, which is called the Russian Federation, Russia;

To acquaint with the geographical position of the country on the map;

To expand the idea of ​​public holidays, about the holiday « National Unity Day» , meaning and history of its occurrence;

Provide basic information about the history of Russia;

To form knowledge about the multinationality of our country;

To introduce the flag, coat of arms and anthem of Russia;

Cultivate respect for others peoples and cultures;

Develop auditory attention and memory.

Equipment and materials: sheets of paper according to the number of children, projector, laptop, presentation « National Unity Day» , audio recording of the anthem of Russia, the flag and coat of arms of Russia.

caregiver: I won't get tired of enjoying

song of the lark,

I won't change for anything

Sweet side!

Warm wind will bring

currant flavor,

So what is more expensive? -

No more... (Motherland) slide 2

A man has one mother, and he has one homeland. loves hard her people. What is Motherland?

Motherland is a big, big word!

Let there be no miracles in the world,

If you say this word with soul,

It is deeper than the seas, higher than the heavens!

It fits exactly half the world:

Mom and dad, neighbors, friends

Dear city, native apartment,

Grandma, school, kitten... and me.

Sunny bunny in the palm

Lilac bush outside the window

And on the cheek a mole -

This is also homeland.

What is the name of our country? (Russia) slide 3

Viewing a presentation « National Unity Day» .

caregiver: There are many different beautiful countries in the world and each people He loves his country most of all. We were born in Russia, we are Russians.

Do you love your country? (children's answers) For what? (children give their answers, some find it difficult to answer the question).

caregiver: Who can answer this question? Citizens of the country experience love for their homeland simply because they live in it. After all, we all have one homeland.

Our Motherland is very big, beautiful and rich. Russia occupies the largest and most extensive territory from Europe to Asia. Only in our country there is the polar belt, and the tundra, and the taiga, and the steppe, and the tropics. (Looking at the map). slide 4

caregiver: Do only Russians live in Russia? (No)

What kind peoples inhabit our country? (children's answers)

caregiver: Yes, our country is inhabited by people of different nationalities - Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars, Karelians, Chuvashs, Bashkirs, Yakuts, Dagestanis, Adyghes, Mordovians, Komi, Udmurts, Khanty, Mansi, Germans, Tajiks, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Georgians, Shors and many - many others - more than a hundred nationalities in all. slide 5

caregiver: What nationality do you think is better? (children's answers)

Various peoples inhabit Russia, but all of them are connected in united family common motherland, mutual respect and friendship. Therefore, it is impossible to say which nationalities better - we are all equal, all special.

Phys. minute:

In our country the mountains are high, (arms up, on tiptoes)

The rivers are deep (sit down,

The steppes are wide (arms to the sides,

The forests are large (we describe the circle with our hands,

And we are guys like this! (thumbs up)

caregiver: On November 4, all of Russia will celebrate the holiday « National Unity Day» . This is a holiday of patriotism, mutual assistance and unity of all Russian peoples.

Guys, how do you understand what is - unity? (unity is when all people are together.

Experimentation: one child is invited to tear a stack of paper in half (the child cannot tear the paper, then each child is invited to tear one sheet of paper into two parts.

The teacher conducts analogy: when we are all together, friendly and united, we cannot be defeated, but if we are alone, like one piece of paper, then it will be easy to defeat us.

caregiver: A long time ago the Russians lived on the earth. Lived honestly, worked, raised children (slide 6)

But here comes the evil one day and hour, misfortunes and misfortunes have piled up, evil attacks on the Russian land. A crop failure came, followed by a fierce famine (slide 7)

In those days, the Russian Tsar died, and he left no heirs. We decided to take advantage of this Poles: to capture Moscow and put their tsar to rule Russia. Mortal danger hangs over the Russian land (slide 8)

But on the Russian land, in the region of Nizhny Novgorod, a daring hero, a good fellow Kozma Minin, was found. And he was not a heroic growth, but there was in him the strength of the spirit of a real hero, an ardent and proud heart, a sharp and courageous mind. Minin understood that it was necessary not to hide from adversity, but to stand up for himself and for his native land, to oppose the Pretender Tsar (slide 9)

Kozma Minin turned to people: Russian people! The time has come to help our dear Russia. Let's save our dear Motherland. We will not spare our property, we will sell our houses, we will give the last thing we have in order to raise an army. Let's look for a man who could lead this army." People responded to it the words: rich people brought their property, and the poor gave their last penny. All Russian people united(slide 10)

At that time, the Poles had already captured the Kremlin. A voivode was needed, and the Nizhny Novgorod residents chose Prince Dmitry Pozharsky - he was well known throughout Russia. The prince agreed to lead the army (slide 11)

The governor has been found, the army has been assembled, it remains to arm him. And the Nizhny Novgorod masters made weapons and armor (slide 12)

Minin and Pozharsky led the army to Moscow. For more than two months they fought the Poles and defeated them. And then the whole country was freed from uninvited guests. It happened on November 4, 1612. (slide 13,14)

In honor of the liberation of Moscow from the Poles, a temple was erected on Red Square - the Kazan Cathedral. Cathedral built on money D. Pozharsky, was wooden and burned down, but then a stone cathedral was built on funds royal family and consecrated. It is located on Red Square (slide 15)

Dmitry Pozharsky and Kozma Minin proved to be brave warriors and wise generals. The people did not forget their feat. A monument to these courageous people will be erected on Red Square in Moscow. Money collected for the monument people. It is written on the monument "Grateful Russia to Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky" (slide 16)

So you learned what happened in Russia almost four hundred years ago, about how unity helped the Russians cope with the insidious enemy, get rid of the Polish invasion. Now you understand the name of the holiday - Day of Unity of Russia.

caregiver: - And who are the patriots? (These are people who love their homeland and are always ready to defend it)

Guys, let's check which of you is the real citizen of our country? (Listening to the audio recording of the Russian anthem while standing) (slide 17)

What is the name of this music, please? (Hymn) That's right - this is the anthem - the main musical work of our country. It is performed on the most solemn occasions, and at the same time all people stand up as a sign of respect and pride for their country, men take off their hats.

Every Russian knows and respects the main symbols of his country - the anthem, coat of arms and flag. We have already heard the anthem. Here we have the coat of arms of Russia. What is on our coat of arms? (children's answers) (slide 18)

Please note that the eagle has two heads on our coat of arms, which means that it will not miss a single enemy. In the paws of an eagle, the symbols of power are a scepter and orb, such as Russian tsars used to have in the old days.

And this is our flag (slide 19) Guys, list what colors it consists of (children's answers). The white stripe - a symbol of purity of intentions and nobility - means that our state has no evil intentions, it treats all countries honestly and openly. The blue stripe - a symbol of peacefulness - indicates that Russia is against the war. The red stripe - a symbol of courage - means that every citizen of Russia is ready to defend the freedom and honor of the Motherland from enemies.

(slide 20) Well done guys, you know a lot about our homeland Russia. Today you learned more about the holiday "Day People's Unity» , about our Motherland - Russia, about the state symbols of the Russian state. I hope that you will always love and be proud of our Motherland and when you grow up glorify it with your deeds. Russia will always be proud of you.

Synopsis of the NOD on the topic "Day of National Unity".

middle group

Target : Introducing children to the history of Russia


1. Consolidate knowledge of Russian folklore (proverbs, sayings)

2. Learn to recognize and name the heroes of Russia

3. To consolidate the ability to expressively read poetry in compliance with prosodic units

4. Raise respect for the people who glorified Russia

5. Raise moral and patriotic feelings for the Motherland

Integration of educational areas: cognition, socialization, communication.


1. Whatman;

2. Glue;

3. Brushes for each child;

4. Napkins for each child;

5. Silhouettes of families (prepared in advance) for each child;

6. Tables.


Educator - Guys, on November 4, our whole country will celebrate National Unity Day. And today we will find out what kind of holiday it is. At all times, Russian people loved their homeland. In the name of the native side, they performed feats, composed songs, proverbs and poems about it.

Child 1: What do we call motherland?

The land where we grow

And the birches along which

We walk with mom...

Educator - Now, I will ask you to choose the right beautiful words for the word Motherland

... What is our homeland like? (children's statements)

caregiver - Well done! This is what a wonderful Motherland we have with you ....

Educator - But not always, guys, the peoples of Russia lived in unity. Unfortunately, throughout history, Russia has been tested many times for strength, more than once experienced times when its unity was violated, when enmity and hunger reigned in the country. Listen to what happened 400 years ago…. Russian land was occupied by enemies - the Poles. It seemed that the Russian state was dead and would never regain its former power. But the Russian people could not and did not want to put up with the death of their state.

caregiver - In the autumn in Nizhny Novgorod, Zemstvo headman Kuzma Minin, guys, pay attention to his portrait, he began to gather an army to fight the enemies. - Friends and brothers! Holy Russia is dying! he said. - Let's help, brothers, the homeland of the saint!

Educator - One of the best military leaders of that time, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, known for his courage and honesty, was called to command the militia, pay attention - this is a portrait of Dmitry Pozharsky.

Educator - For almost a year the Russian people gathered forces, and finally, the militia of Minin and Pozharsky set out for Moscow. The whole Russian land stood up against the invaders and traitors. The battles for Moscow began. Prince Pozharsky turned out to be a talented commander. And Kuzma Minin, not sparing his life, fought under the walls of the capital, like a simple warrior.

Educator - And then a glorious day came: the enemy army surrendered to the mercy of the victors! When peacetime came, the tsar generously rewarded Minin and Pozharsky. But the best reward was the memory of the people.

Educator - Here are the heroes - the deliverers of Russia: the common man Kuzma Minin and the voivode Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. They managed to gather people for battle and liberated Moscow from enemies. Soon, the whole Russian land was cleared of foreign invaders. So, in difficult times, the best features of the Russian people manifested themselves: steadfastness, courage, selfless devotion to the Motherland, readiness to sacrifice one's life for her. (children's answers)

caregiver - Yes, guys, of course you can, because for the first time ordinary people went to fight for their native land. And they won! United in the name of victory people of all nationalities, villages and cities.

Educator - No wonder a monument to them stands in Moscow - the capital of our Motherland on Red Square - in the very heart of Russia. This glorious victory made November 4 forever unforgettable for us. What words can describe Kuzma Minin and Prince Pozharsky? (children's statements)

Educator - That's right, brave, courageous, steadfast, brave, strong. Now we celebrate National Unity Day as a well-deserved holiday. And we just as passionately love our Motherland and are ready to stand up for it. And now, I want to invite you to remember the wise proverbs about war and peace ... whoever remembers, raise your hand, we will listen to you with pleasure ... (children tell proverbs)

A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.

There is safety in numbers.

To stand together for peace - there will be no war.

The world is a great thing.

Peace builds, war destroys.

Treasure the world - people live long.

Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.

For the edge of your death stand.

caregiver - Well done, we remembered a lot of proverbs today .... Always remember, guys: we need to stick together, help each other, be able to forgive and forget insults.

Educator - And today, on the eve of National Unity Day, we will hold the action "Let's live together!" We have prepared drawing paper for you, you will need to place the silhouettes of people next to each other, as if we are holding hands tightly - this will symbolize that we are together, we are one, and therefore invincible !!! (children dispose and stick silhouettes on paper)

Educator - Well done!

The main thing is we are together! Most importantly, we are together!

The main thing is that we are with a burning heart in our chest!

We - indifferent, in life do not need!

Anger, resentment from the heart drive!

caregiver - And in conclusion, the guys will read Natalia Maidanik's poems about this wonderful holiday ....


Gone in the history of the year, the kings changed and the year

But the time is troubled, adversity, Russia will never forget!

A line is inscribed in victory, and the verse of former heroes glorifies,

He defeated the people of outcast enemies, gained freedom for centuries

And Russia rose from her knees, in her hands with an icon before the battle,

Blessed by prayer, to the sound of future changes.

Villages, villages, cities, with a bow to the Russian people

Today we celebrate freedom, and Unity Day forever!


They don’t argue with history, they live with history,

It unites, for a feat and for work.

One state when one people

When by great strength, he moves forward.

He defeats the enemy by uniting in battle,

And Russia liberates, sacrifices itself.

For the glory of those heroes, we live by one destiny,

Today is Unity Day, we celebrate with you!

Child 4 - DRAFT

On Unity Day we will be together, we will be together forever,

All the nationalities of Russia, in distant villages, cities!

Live together, work, build, sow bread, raise children,

Create, love and argue, protect the peace of people,

Honor ancestors, remember their deeds, avoid wars, conflicts,

To fill life with happiness, to sleep under a peaceful sky!

Child 5 - Even if it is very difficult, it is always possible to avoid

Quarrels, strife, squabbles, this is not a joy to anyone -

You need to be wiser, higher, and calmer, and quieter,

Children do not need war - it is very terrible.

No we won't fight

We will be better, friends, smile,

May troubles, troubles, problems,

This will pass, there will be changes!

May there be peace for everyone on Earth,

This is so necessary for me and for you!

Child 6 -

To live together in a good world

Respect people, love

Live calmly, without worries

Every person could

All you need to do is smile

And don't give up on problems.

Quarrel, swear, quit

And you better visit

For a pleasant conversation

Make peace with your neighbor

With a friend, brother or sister

And I will give you advice like this -

You live happily

Quiet, peaceful and beautiful!

Educator - We think that you will remember everything that we talked about today, and you will love your Motherland, always stick together and help each other, this is the end of our today's lesson, thanks to everyone who took an active part! (Music sounds "The road of good", the children leave the hall)

Thematic day in the middle group of the kindergarten "DAY OF NATIONAL UNITY"

Cultivate patriotic feelings.

To form in the imagination of children the image of the Motherland, the idea of ​​Russia as a native country.

1. Conversation "Our country Russia"
2. Examination of a geographical map, globe
3. Examining the collection of dolls in national costumes
4. The poem "We have one Earth" by D. Zevin
5. Consideration of the coat of arms and the flag of Russia
6. Examination of the Coat of Arms and the flag of the city of Miass
7. Reading "The legend of the city of Miass", "The legend of Lake Turgoyak"
8. Presentation "My stone flower"
9. The game "Collect the Coat of Arms of Russia, the Chelyabinsk region, the city of Miass"
10. Construction from colored cubes "Russian flag"

Geographic map; the globe; a collection of dolls in national costumes; photos of the city of Miass; game "Collect the Coat of Arms"; colored cubes; musical material (songs about friendship); "Legend of the city of Miass", "Legend of Lake Turgoyak"; presentation "My stone flower"

Lesson progress:

On a wonderful, unusual day
We welcome guests for a reason
Russia, our Motherland,
We dedicate this day!
- Our country is very large and multinational. All people are different and speak different languages, but they have one common home - Russia. It stretched for many kilometers from north to south and from west to east. And what a beautiful and amazing nature in Russia, how many lakes and rivers ...
(consideration of a geographical map)

Russia is a multinational state in which a lot of peoples live. These are Russians, Tatars, Kazakhs, Ukrainians, Bashkirs, Germans, Chuvashs, Mordovians... And each of them is original in its own way and has its own traditions. We are all different, but we are all together, one big family that tries to live in peace, friendship and harmony.
(a collection of dolls in national costumes is considered)

We have one Earth, one,
She is so blue.
She calls us to help
Such an unprotected...
Do not respond - at the same moment
She will blame us:
“We didn’t protect, we didn’t save!”
Save, save this Earth!
On it alone flowers bloom,
On it alone children laugh,
And there is no greater beauty
And there are no doves of the planet.
She gave us joy
Gave dews and dawns,
And not to be found in all the worlds
More beautiful than mother planet.

- There are many kind and good words in the Russian language, and among them there are such words that always make us feel proud and love: "Home", "Fatherland", "Russia".
- What do these words mean?
- What do the concepts of Russia, Motherland mean to you?
(children's answers)
- This is the land where we were born, where we live, this is our home, this is everything that surrounds us.
- What country do we live in? (In Russia)
Considered coat of arms and flag of Russia.
- What is the name of our city? (city of Miass)
The emblem and flag of the city of Miass are considered; map of the region, coat of arms and flag of the Chelyabinsk region.

(The teacher invites the children to listen to the legend of the Miass River)
- Many legends have been created around the Miass River. The most famous of the legends concerns Emelyan Pugachev. He's made a lot of noise here. According to legend, Emelyan Pugachev sent a Russian and a Bashkir to reconnaissance, and they returned and said that they saw a certain river, which, they say, has no name. When the “sovereign’s tank” proposed to name it, the scouts could not come to a consensus on which of them was the first to see the river. "Mi!" - assured the Bashkirs. "Az!" - stood on his Russian. Pugachev reconciled the disputants, and now the river is named after both - Mi-az. “Now it’s impossible to tear off the Bashkir syllable from the Russian syllable in the word “Miass”. Forever merged, ”- this is how the legend ends. Hence the name of our city.
- Miass is the land of blue lakes and rivers. The most attractive for tourists and seekers of unusually beautiful places is Turgoyak. The picturesque landscape, wayward character, clear water and many mysteries make this lake a favorite vacation spot.
- It is not surprising that there are many legends about this lake.
So, according to one version, a hero named Tur fell in love with the beautiful Goyak, but the girl was blinded by an evil sorceress. Only the purest water could heal Goyak. The tour went to Baikal, scooped water from there into the heroic palms and brought it to his beloved. The girl washed her face, regained her sight, the lovers got married and lived happily, and the drops of water that fell to the ground turned into Lake Turgoyak. Ethnographers are skeptical of the legend, but people like it.
According to another version, the name of the lake was given not by anyone, but by gnomes. They were small, strong and hardworking. Once they were completely defeated by the Huns passing by. The dwarves asked the gods what to do and how to defeat the barbarians? Higher powers ordered the dwarves to look for the most beautiful place on the planet, where victory over their enemies awaits them.
The gnomes wandered the earth for a long time, but one fine day they came to the shore of a beautiful clean lake. The leader of the gnomes admired his beauty and exclaimed: "Turgoyak!". In the language of the ancient people, this meant “stop your foot” - it was here that the Grumants, exhausted by the raids of the barbarians, decided to stop. As it turned out, not in vain - on the rocky shore of the lake, they were able to defeat the Huns and drive them to the west, finding long-awaited peace.

The game
Construction from colored cubes