Breastfeeding began to hurt. Body position when breastfeeding. Incomplete emptying of the breast

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The birth of a baby is a wonderful period in a woman's life. But the joy of communicating with a baby can be overshadowed by some troubles. Young mothers note painful sensations arising in the mammary glands. Many have chest pain with HB both before and after feeding.

The nature and duration of the pain is pulling, piercing, short-term, constant and dull. To diagnose the pathology that caused discomfort, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist. A speedy recovery depends on a timely visit to a specialist.

What is the cause of chest pain

In gynecology, there are several reasons why pain occurs. Some of them are associated with changes in the body after childbirth. Others are more dangerous pathologies that require specific treatment.

Pain of a physiological nature during breastfeeding includes:

  • intense milk flow during feeding;
  • improper latching of the breast by the child;
  • oxytocin production;
  • feeding according to the regimen;
  • hyperlactation.

Among the pathologies that cause pain are:

  • lactostasis;
  • mastitis;
  • cracked nipples;
  • cystic inflammation of the breast;
  • candidiasis of the thoracic ducts;
  • the presence of malignant formations in the gland.

Symptoms of physiological pain in the mammary gland

If a woman experiences pain while breastfeeding, you need to analyze the symptoms and identify the cause as soon as possible. In some cases, medical intervention is not required.

Milk rush

If the chest hurts during breastfeeding in the first weeks after childbirth, while there are no seals and formations, this is a physiological process. During this period, there is an intense influx of milk to the glands. Soreness is associated with the expansion of the ducts of the glands. Mothers notice that the baby does not have time to swallow milk, which is gushing from the breast. After 1-2 minutes, everything falls into place: the pressure in the ducts drops, the baby sucks calmly, the chest pain subsides.

Improper grip on the nipple

Many young mothers do not properly attach their baby to the breast. Such actions lead to cracks in the delicate skin of the nipples and squeezing of the ducts near the areola. As a result, there is a pulling pain during breastfeeding. In order to avoid this trouble, the mother must make sure that the baby grabs the breast correctly. The baby's lips should be turned out slightly, and the nipple along with the areola should be caught in the baby's mouth.

Oxytocin production

In the first weeks after childbirth, the uterus returns to its usual size. Its rapid reduction is facilitated by the production of a hormone - oxytocin. An intense release of the hormone occurs at the time of breastfeeding. In this case, the woman experiences aching pain not only in the chest, but also in the lower abdomen. The unpleasant sensations will go away as soon as the uterus contracts to the proper size. This usually occurs 1 to 1.5 months after delivery.

Feeding according to the regimen

Many pediatricians recommend adhering to a strict feeding regimen. As a rule, such actions lead to overfilling of the thoracic ducts with milk and stagnation in the glands. The chest becomes stony, painful. Relief comes with feeding or pumping.


All processes in the body are regulated by the brain. Since the body does not yet know how much milk is needed to satisfy the baby's hunger, it tries to produce it in excess. Closer to 3 months of a child's life, lactation will become mature and milk will be the amount that is necessary to meet the needs of the baby. Accordingly, the pain will disappear over time.

Symptoms of Abnormal Breastfeeding Pain

You should be concerned if the mammary gland hurts while breastfeeding, and the uncomfortable sensations are joined by:

  • increased body temperature;
  • aches, chills;
  • redness of the mammary gland;
  • bloody discharge from the ducts;
  • the presence of lumps and lumps in the chest;
  • an increase in one breast in size, in relation to the other.

Such symptoms indicate the presence of pathological foci of infection in the gland or neoplasms.


This problem is most common in breastfeeding women. In simple words, it is a blockage of the milk ducts as a result of insufficient breast emptying. Occurs in the first month after childbirth. Intense milk production means that the baby does not empty the breast completely. Milk stagnates, bacteria multiply in the ducts, which cause inflammation.

The disease progresses with lightning strength. Symptoms come on suddenly:

  • a sharp rise in body temperature up to 40 ° C;
  • chest pain when touching and feeding;
  • redness of the area of ​​the affected gland;
  • discharge of breast milk in drops;
  • enlargement of the diseased breast in size.

With rational treatment, the symptoms disappear after 3-4 days, and lactation is normalized.


This is an inflammatory disease of the mammary glands, characterized by the development of an abscess. Milk from the breast is excreted with impurities of pus and blood. With this pathology, surgical excision of the affected gland is indicated.

Mastitis occurs when:

  • hypothermia;
  • trauma;
  • penetration of infection into the gland through microtrauma on the nipple.

Mastitis can be the result of advanced lactostasis.

Cracked nipples

The problem occurs in the following cases:

  • improper attachment of the baby to the breast;
  • insufficient or excessive hygiene care;
  • incorrectly fitted bra;
  • improper expression (pressure on the nipple).

As a rule, with cracks, the mammary gland hurts during breastfeeding. The child's saliva irritates the delicate skin, which is accompanied by pain. Cracks are dangerous for infections that penetrate the affected skin, which leads to serious diseases such as mastitis and candidiasis of the mammary glands.


With candidiasis (thrush), a woman experiences itching, burning, and pain when feeding. Fungal infections and bacteria (staphylococci) enter the skin through cracks. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that a woman passes candidiasis to her baby during feeding. It is more difficult for a baby to treat thrush. A fungal disease affects the baby's mouth. The result is breast refusal due to unpleasant sensations.

Cystic inflammation

Feeding can be accompanied by pain syndrome if there are benign formations in the woman's breast - cysts. The dimensions of the formation can be from a few millimeters to tens of centimeters. The exact size of the cyst is diagnosed with an ultrasound examination of the mammary glands. Education causes pain and bloating when feeding. This is due to the compression of blood vessels and milk ducts. A woman can detect a large cyst on her own. Lying on your back with your hand raised upward, each part of the gland is examined by palpation. If you find seals or bumps, you should contact your gynecologist.

Breast cancer

In the presence of a malignant tumor, feeding is painful, and blood is secreted from the glands. The main thing is not to panic. In the early stages, the disease is treatable successfully.

How to relieve pain while breastfeeding

For pain of a physiological nature, specific treatment is not required. In due time, the body will return to normal, lactation will be established and the pain will pass. If the pain is caused by a pathology of the mammary glands, you should immediately consult a specialist.

With lactostasis, treatment is indicated aimed at eliminating milk stagnation and relieving inflammation. It includes:

  • taking antibiotics of the penicillin series;
  • massage with camphor oil;
  • warm shower;
  • antipyretic drugs;
  • Frequent pumping of sore breasts.

Mastitis requires surgery. The abscess is removed together with the affected gland. If there are no purulent impurities in milk, doctors prescribe conservative treatment, mainly antibiotics.

You can get rid of cracks with ointments containing panthenol and sea buckthorn oil. Regular breast care for a nursing woman is the best remedy for cracks.

Chest cysts require monitoring. With intensive growth, surgical treatment is indicated.

Candidiasis or thrush is treated with antifungal medications. As a rule, Candit ointment or Clotrimazole is prescribed.

If a malignant tumor is found in a woman, an oncologist prescribes rational treatment.

Preventive actions

To avoid breastfeeding problems while breastfeeding, it is important to follow these simple rules:

  1. Observe the rules of hygiene - take a shower 1-2 times a day.
  2. Examine the nipples daily for microtrauma.
  3. Feed your baby on demand.
  4. Adhere to proper pumping technique.
  5. Apply the baby to the breast correctly.
  6. Avoid hypothermia.
  7. Give the baby a second breast only after the first is completely emptied.
  8. Palpate the breasts regularly for lumps.
  9. Undergo an annual examination by specialists.

Feeding pain can occur for a variety of reasons. Even the most harmless nipple cracks can lead to the development of serious pathologies. It is better to once again consult a specialist and prevent possible diseases.

Your baby needs breast milk for full development. No adapted formulas can replace the value of mother's milk. Try to feed your child as long as possible, but do not forget about your own health.

Video on how to avoid cracked nipples

Breastfeeding a baby can be painful for the mother. This happens with cracked nipples, milk flow and stagnation in the milk ducts. The sooner the cause is revealed, the easier it will be to eliminate it.

Mother's milk is the best food for a baby. When breastfeeding, the mother and baby are brought closer together through shared emotional satisfaction. But sometimes this feeling of closeness is clouded by pain in the mammary glands. By immediately identifying and eliminating the cause of concern, long-term treatment and interruption of feeding can be avoided

Normal and pathological

After giving birth, women's breasts are especially sensitive. Milk flushes are accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the mammary glands. Some heaviness, and sometimes tingling or tingling in them are natural signals that it is time to feed the baby. While initially uncomfortable, they decrease in intensity after a few days. But in the first week, the tide happens even when feeding, disturbing the young mother.

At this time, a slight reddening of the nipples is permissible. Their sensitive skin rubs the child's gums, responds with a weak burning sensation. It should disappear after a few feedings. If this does not happen, then in no case should the increasing pain be tolerated. It means the appearance of cracks, which become the gateway for infection. A nursing mother needs to learn how to properly attach the baby, make sure that it completely captures both the nipple and the areola.

The described soreness in the mammary glands during feeding can be called natural and it is "treated" by regular feeding. After the menstrual cycle is restored, the breasts return before menstruation. But there are other reasons due to which a breastfeeding woman hurts:

  • cracked nipples;
  • lactostasis;
  • mastitis;
  • thrush and other infections;
  • abrupt interruption of feeding.

In classes for expectant mothers and after childbirth, nurses teach some relaxation techniques to help cope with hot flashes. They show how to hold the baby while feeding, weaning it from the breast without damaging the skin of the nipple. At the same time, alarming symptoms during feeding are highlighted.

Improper attachment

The breast gland, which is sucked by the baby, should be supported from below by the mother's hand. The baby's chin must touch the breast, and the nipple, along with the areola, is in the mouth. In another case, the mother experiences, and the damaged skin hurts afterwards.

If correct attachment does not save, then the nursing mother should pay attention to the length of the baby's bridle. The short bridle stretches over time. But for general health, it may be safer to cut it. This operation is performed by a pediatric therapist or dentist.

To avoid inflammation of microcracks and abrasions on the nipples, the mother must take care of her own hygiene. For this:

  • after feeding, decant the remaining milk and wash the breast;
  • nipples are immediately lubricated with sea buckthorn oil or other healing preparations;
  • dry the skin in the open air;
  • Eliminates tight or uncomfortable bras
  • use breast pads and change them in time.

These simple procedures will help you heal any existing skin damage. If there are no diseases, the mammary glands alternate with each feeding, after which they are cleaned and air baths are performed.

Thrush in mother and child

Sharp in a nursing mother, burning and itching is one of the important symptoms of thrush. The activity of the fungus of the genus Candida can manifest itself during feeding at any time. Occurring in the baby's mouth, colonies of harmful microorganisms spread to the mother's breast.

A whitish coating on the reddened mucous membranes of the oral cavity, the general anxiety of the baby are the first warning signs of a fungal infection. Although it rarely affects the milk ducts, you cannot postpone a visit to the doctor. The therapist prescribes treatment for two at once.


For three months, the mother's body is getting used to the needs of the newborn. During this period, regularity and frequency are important in breastfeeding. At the beginning, there may be less or more milk than the baby needs. Later, the production of hormones prolactin and oxytocin, which are responsible for the amount of nutrient fluid, is normalized. It is the latter that prevents milk stagnation in the breast.

Oxytocin relaxes the milk ducts. Crying babies, caring for, and even thinking about the baby increase its production. And unnecessary anxiety interrupts the stable replacement of the hormone. This is one of the reasons for lactostasis, but others can be distinguished:

  • incomplete release of milk from the breast;
  • hypothermia, bruise or trauma to the breast;
  • cracked nipples;
  • dehydration;
  • pinching of the milk ducts with improper feeding or linen;
  • refusal to feed while lactation continues.

Feeding becomes painful, but relief is felt after it. The mammary gland, in which stagnation has occurred, swells, seals are felt in it, the local temperature rises, and milk is sprayed unevenly or does not come out at all. This condition requires an immediate response, as it can be complicated by mastitis.

Mastitis and its difference from lactostasis

If the milk retention in the lactiferous ducts is not eliminated in 1-2 days, then stagnant mastitis develops, which quickly turns into an infectious form. Mastitis is an inflammatory process provoked by the curdling of milk in the milk ducts and alveoli. It occurs without prior congestion if the breast becomes infected through cracks in the nipples.

The early symptoms of mastitis are very similar to those of lactostasis, but more pronounced. Complete differentiation is carried out using laboratory tests. But usually there are enough characteristic differences.

  1. Palpation. With lactostasis, probing the seals does not increase the pain, and the accumulated milk has clear boundaries. With mastitis, the resulting infiltrate blurs the contours of the focus of inflammation, the chest hurts, swells and turns red.
  2. Excretion of milk. Simple stagnation is relieved by feeding from the diseased gland. Expressing very painful with inflammation does not bring relief - this is one of the important differences. Purulent discharge is possible.
  3. General state. Mastitis is characterized by a constantly elevated body temperature (37-38 ° C) or a sharp jump to high values.

Treatment for congestive mastitis is the same as for lactostasis. But if the disease has passed to the next stage, then they take a break from breastfeeding and carry out antibiotic therapy. To maintain lactation, milk continues to be expressed.

Relief of breastfeeding pain

In breastfeeding, the first months and the end of lactation are considered the most difficult. At this time, unpleasant complications are frequent. No specific treatment is required to combat milk stagnation, and pain is relieved in a variety of ways.

  1. More often, the baby is given the affected breast and the residues are decanted. Breaks in feeding should be no more than 3 hours.
  2. Before feeding, the breast is warmed with warm, but not hot water or a warm heating pad is applied for 10 minutes. High temperatures are dangerous.
  3. Preparation is continued with light massage. Movements should be smooth, you cannot press on tight places with force, so as not to pinch other ducts.
  4. Since the baby may not have enough strength to draw out the thickened milk, a small amount of milk is expressed with a breast pump before applying.
  5. Possible edema is eliminated by applying cool cabbage leaves, arnica ointment or Troxevasin.
  6. If signs of inflammation appear or improvement does not occur after 2-3 days, you need to consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.

During the entire lactation period, a nursing mother should take care of her health and follow the rules of hygiene. Comfortable underwear, sleeping on your side or back, regular feeding and pumping out the leftovers can prevent the main reasons for chest pain.

From the moment of birth, a close bond is established between mother and baby. During breastfeeding, the baby receives the necessary nutrition and acquires immunity. Any illness of a woman can easily be transmitted through milk, so it is important to determine the causes of chest pain as soon as possible. Consider why it can be very painful to feed a newborn baby or an older baby with breast milk, because feeding is a natural process.

Natural causes

In the very first days of a newborn, many mothers note that when feeding, they feel chest pain. The reasons do not always lie in pathologies.... Pain is often a natural factor in a process that is still unusual for a woman and a child.

When a young mother just starts to feed, the delicate skin of the nipples is still getting used to it. After feeding, small cracks remain on it, which can cause pain.

Another reason it hurts when feeding is too fast milk flow. The chest with HB is like bursting from the inside, sometimes it starts to hurt on the sides, and sometimes only the right or left hurts, and it becomes very unpleasant for mom to feed.

In order to cope with unpleasant sensations, it is enough to attach the baby to the breast. The natural resorption process will help manage pain... The more often the baby lays on the breast, the less often swelling will occur.

The formation of lactation lasts several months after its onset. Periodic "flushes" of milk, accompanied by chest pain, is the norm.

Important! If at this moment it is not possible to attach the baby to the breast, you should use a breast pump.

Over time, the young mother will develop a reflex and milk will appear at the time of feeding.

Improper grip on the nipple

Improper latching of the nipple is the most common cause of pain in women while breastfeeding. In addition, improper grip on the nipple causes:

  • the child does not eat enough;
  • swallows air;
  • there are problems with gassing.

It is important for a woman to master the correct feeding technique with her baby.... It is necessary to put the nipple in the mouth so that it is at the level of the root of the tongue. This will prevent the possibility of injury and ensure the comfort of the child.

Physiological reasons for improper seizure of the nipple with hepatitis B can be pathologies of the child's palate or a too short frenum under the lip. In both cases, consultation with a pediatrician and dentist is required.

Cracked nipples

Lack of experience in a young mother can lead to skin injury and the formation of cracks in the nipples. This may be due to improper breast care. Too frequent and aggressive washing leads to thinning of the skin and violates the water-lipid barrier, which leads to excessive dryness.

If such a problem arises, a woman can resort to using special creams. for the skin around the nipples with hepatitis B.

Another reason for cracking is incorrect pumping technique. It is best to use a breast pump to avoid injury.

We offer you to watch a video about the occurrence of cracked nipples in a nursing mother:


If the mammary gland is ill, then one of the reasons during the feeding period may be lactostasis. This is stagnation of milk in the ducts of the mammary glands. This condition can be determined by the presence of lumps in the chest and soreness during pressure. In the place where milk has stagnated, as a rule, a noticeable vascular network forms on the surface of the skin. With hepatitis B, one or more breasts may be affected.


  • increased milk production;
  • violation of its outflow.

This problem often occurs in young mothers immediately after the first birth. Milk arrives, but the baby is still eating too little, therefore, the breast is not completely emptied. This leads to increased pressure in the ducts, as well as edema and infiltration. As a result, the nursing mother has a feeling of discomfort, discomfort, or even severe chest pain.

Lactostasis during breastfeeding is described in this video:


Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland due to the penetration of bacteria... Symptoms of infection are severe chest pain and swelling, lumps and redness, and a sharp rise in body temperature. In most cases, mastitis is caused by a staphylococcal infection.

The reasons may be:

  • lactostasis;
  • cracked nipples.

Attention! Difficult childbirth and weakening of the body are provoking factors for the appearance of mastitis in a woman.

Diseases are diagnosed on the basis of palpation of the inflamed area and according to the results of ultrasound. A neglected case of mastitis can result in deformation of the mammary gland, the occurrence of sepsis and even death.

The symptoms and treatment of mastitis are discussed in this video:


Vasospasm or in other words Raynaud's disease is a sharp contraction of blood vessels in the chest. Young mothers may experience severe nipple pain immediately after stopping feeding. The reason for this is vasospasm.

You can determine the disease by changing the color of the nipples. from pink to white or even purple or blue. When the spasm passes, the nipple returns to its usual color. This can last from several minutes to several hours and occur on both breasts at once, and on one. In this case, the young mother will be able to temporarily feed the baby with only one breast.

The cause of the problem may be a systemic disease of the body against the background of autoimmune problems. In some cases, vasoconstriction occurs due to the abuse of strong tea or coffee, which cause spasm.


Thrush is a disease that occurs due to the penetration of a fungal or staphylococcal infection. Damage or cracks in the nipples are often the cause. At this point, it is easiest for bacteria to enter the body of a young mother and infect the baby.


  • white bloom on the mother's nipples, as well as on the baby's cheeks and gums;
  • discomfort and burning of the nipples.

During thrush, the woman will experience chest pain, which will get worse as the infection penetrates deeper into the milk ducts. The disease develops against the background of low immunity, too rare or, conversely, frequent breast washing, as well as changes in hormonal levels.

What can this be due to if there are no seals in the mammary glands?

Chest pain is not always accompanied by the presence of lumps... If the mammary gland does not have painful pronounced areas, this is a reason to exclude such a symptom during breastfeeding as lactostasis, since in most cases it has localization.

Additional symptoms to pain during feeding

A woman should be attentive not only to the presence of chest pains, but also to the general condition of the body. Additional symptoms will help your doctor prescribe the necessary tests and make an accurate diagnosis, as well as determine a treatment plan.

The temperature has risen

Fever for chest pain is a cause for serious concern... The totality of symptoms signals either milk stagnation or lactostasis. A noticeable increase in temperature together with chest pain are signs of the spread of infection or inflammation. With such symptoms, you must definitely consult a doctor, since you cannot do without medication. A low temperature may indicate a sluggish inflammatory process.

Attention! Before you associate a fever with chest pain, you should make sure that there are no symptoms of a cold or other diseases accompanied by a fever.


Most often, redness together with chest pain in a woman with hepatitis B is caused by:

  • lactostasis;
  • mastitis;
  • mechanical damage.

If during HB the breasts around the nipples are very reddened, then this may indicate the development of an infection, so this problem cannot be triggered.


Other additional symptoms may include:

  1. Itching- a sign of mastitis and thrush. It is important not to comb the already damaged tissue. To relieve symptoms, the doctor prescribes special ointments.
  2. Burning- another sign of bacterial damage.
  3. Discharge from the nipples- the symptom indicates the occurrence of a purulent-inflammatory process, which can lead to mastitis.

Diagnostics and treatment

A mammologist treats severe chest pain... You should contact him immediately if the symptoms are pronounced and do not go away over time, as well as in the presence of a high temperature. Diagnostic methods:

  • palpation of the breast;
  • blood test;
  • testing milk for infections;
  • Analysis of urine.

In some cases, an ultrasound of the mammary glands may be needed.

Based on the research results, the doctor identifies the cause of the disease and prescribes therapy... If an infection is found, treatment will include bacterial therapy and healing procedures. Before the young mother is completely healthy, it may be necessary to transfer the baby to artificial feeding. In case of severe pain, milk must be expressed; it is not advisable to feed the baby.

In some cases, a woman is prescribed conservative treatment. This can include applying hot compresses to the chest, breast massage, water treatments, and diet.

What shouldn't be done?

For chest pains, you can not:


Prevention of the appearance of chest pain consists in a timely response to the appearance of unpleasant sensations and preventive measures. Prevention:

  • Regular baby feeding... This will help avoid stagnation and lead to an even milk supply over time.
  • Learning the correct feeding technique... If the baby correctly grips the nipple, then the ducts of the mammary gland will empty, and the breast will not be injured.
  • Learning the correct technique for expressing milk... Warm shower and breast massage before the procedure will make the process more physiological and safer.
  • Proper breast hygiene... You need to wash yourself not too rarely, but not too often. The use of special moisturizers and, if necessary, wound-healing agents is recommended.
  • Using the right type of laundry... Good breast support throughout the day will help avoid crushing the breast ducts.

Advice! In case of breast congestion, a warm compress should be used before breastfeeding.

Thus, whether it is painful to feed a small child with breast milk depends on the young mother. Breast pain during lactation is common among nursing mothers. There are many reasons for its appearance. If you suspect that the problem is caused by an infection, you should see a specialist. You cannot ignore pain in the chest or nipples with hepatitis B, because it can affect not only lactation, but also the health of the baby.

What to do if a nursing mother has chest pains, do I need to immediately consult a doctor and are there alternative methods of treating this ailment? To begin with, this symptom almost always means the formation of lactostasis in the mammary gland.

Most young mothers know that lactostasis is milk stagnation, in which the breast of a nursing mother hurts, a local seal appears, sometimes quite large, and the body temperature rises (when measured in the armpit).

Some have encountered this personally. Lactostasis can be prevented! There are just a few rules to follow.

1. Watch your breasts closely. When seals, bumps, swelling appear, it is necessary to massage the chest until they disappear completely. This should be done with clean hands, movements in a circle towards the areola of the nipple. If the seals do not pass, you need to consult a mammologist.

2. Do not be afraid to express if necessary. If the baby "ate" only one breast, and the second remains full, and you feel discomfort, then you must definitely express a little. Especially when the chest area hardens. If the chest hurts with hv - this is not the norm, you should not endure discomfort.

3. If possible, refuse underwired bras, squeezing and tight-fitting models. It is best to wear so-called sports bras or tops. Or bras specially designed for use during lactation. The main thing is to choose the right size. Underwear should never be tight.

4. Keep your breasts warm. A cool breeze that you don't notice can easily chill your chest. The situation when the breast of a nursing mother has blown is quite common.

5. Do not pump unnecessarily. This can easily cause hyperlactation, which sooner or later will lead to lactostasis. Remember that the more milk is “consumed”, the more milk is produced. You should not deceive your body. Let him produce exactly as much milk as the baby needs.

6. Offer the breast to the baby one by one. You can not give one breast twice in a row, leaving the other full. Especially at night feedings. The situation when the breast aches in a nursing woman is very often associated with this error.

7. It is undesirable to sleep on the stomach during the period of lactation (up to 4 months of the baby). Milky ducts can be trapped, making it difficult for milk to flow. It is also undesirable to somehow hold the mammary gland in the process of feeding the child, since in this way it can be transmitted and provoke the development of an inflammatory process, the characteristic distinguishing features of which are chest pain and fever in a nursing mother.

Follow these 7 rules and breastfeed without lactostasis! But this is only prevention. But what if the problem has already arisen, if the breastfeeding mother has a sore breast, and there is no way to visit a mammologist or gynecologist right away?

In this case, you need to try to get rid of the seal. It is best to do this with the help of a child, offering him more often the breast. Moreover, it should be applied correctly, the child's chin should be turned towards lactostasis.

From folk remedies, you can use baked onions. Just apply it to the mammary gland and insulate it with something on top. Someone applies another well-known folk remedy for the same purpose - a cabbage leaf. And camphor oil also gives a good effect. After compresses, it is easier to strain lactostasis with it.

The lactation process has many subtleties. And to keep it going most favorably for you and your baby, keep in touch with a breastfeeding counselor. He will tell you why the breast hurts when feeding, and how to get rid of the seals, he will give advice, and he will advise on the prevention of mastitis.

What are the most common problems regarding breastfeeding, and what should a nursing mother do to cope with them as quickly as possible and establish breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding problem # 1

Incorrect nipple shape. Very often, young mothers think that the irregular shape of the nipples (flat or inverted nipples) is an obstacle to breastfeeding the baby. In fact, when breastfeeding, it is not the shape of the nipples that is important, but the ability of the areola and breast tissue to stretch when sucking. The shape of the nipple is not of primary importance in breastfeeding, since with proper breastfeeding, the baby must capture not only the nipple, but the entire areola.

What to do?

  • Try to teach the child to properly grasp the breast when sucking, persistently put the breast in the baby's mouth and make sure that it captures the entire areola.
  • Use special nipple formers. The nipple former is a plastic cup, the inner side of which is made of silicone and has a hole for the nipple in the middle. A denser silicone bead is located along the diameter of the hole. It stimulates the nipple to move forward and makes it easier for the baby to grip.
  • Use special silicone nipple covers for feeding. With the first sucking movements of the baby, the nipple is pulled out in the pad and rests directly on the holes in it.

Breastfeeding problem # 2

Cracked and painful breasts when feeding. One of the most common problems women face in the first weeks of breastfeeding is cracked nipples.

The process begins with the fact that the mother feels pain in the chest while feeding the baby, and after a while redness, abrasions and skin damage appear on the nipple in the form of cracks that can bleed.

What to do?

  • Make sure that the baby is correctly latching on to the breast. The lower and upper lips of the child during sucking should be turned out (and not pressed inward), the mouth is wide open, the nose and chin should touch the breast.
  • Change the position of the baby during feeding, so that when sucking, different areas of the areola and nipple are exposed.
  • Do not remove the nipple from the baby's mouth if he does not let go. When it becomes necessary to remove the breast from the mouth of the crumbs, do it very carefully. In order for the baby to open his mouth, the mother needs to insert her little finger into the corner of his mouth and release the chest.
  • Start breastfeeding from a breast that is not cracked because a hungry baby sucks harder and this increases the pain.
  • In case of severe breast pain during breastfeeding, shorten the feeding time to 5–7 minutes and express the excess milk with your hands.
  • Apply a "rest mode", that is, do not put the baby to the sore breast for 1-3 days, but feed him only with a healthy breast. Milk from the damaged breast should be expressed by hand and the baby should be fed with expressed milk. This method is used if the fissure does not heal within 2–5 days during the initiation of drug treatment.
  • Do not use a breast pump to express. This additionally injures the nipple and prevents it from healing.
  • Organize proper breast care.
  • See a pediatrician or gynecologist who may prescribe medication to treat a cracked nipple.
  • For cracked nipples, you can also use special silicone nipple covers, which makes breastfeeding less painful and traumatic for the mother and allows the crack to heal. It is impossible to use silicone pads for a long time (several weeks), as this can lead to a decrease in milk formation. The fact is that when using the pad, adequate stimulation of the nipple does not occur, and as a result, its production decreases.
  • In case of an increase in temperature and the appearance of purulent discharge from the crack, it is necessary to urgently seek help from a doctor.

Breastfeeding problem # 3

The baby refuses to breast. Refusal to breastfeed should not be seen as a reason to stop breastfeeding. Mom needs to figure out why the baby refuses to breastfeed, and make every effort to maintain and restore breastfeeding. At the heart of breastfeeding can be problems of improperly organized breastfeeding, the peculiarities of the formation of lactation in the mother, or health problems for the baby.

Most often, this problem occurs in children who are weakened due to an unfavorable course of pregnancy and difficult childbirth. If there is a sucking reflex, but the baby is very weak after childbirth, he sucks a little and sluggishly, gets tired quickly, drops the breast and falls asleep.

What to do?

  • Be sure to consult a neonatologist, pediatrician or neurologist.
  • Offer your baby a breast at every feed.
  • Weakened babies are recommended to be applied to the breast every 1.5-2 hours.
  • If the baby does not breastfeed, be sure to pump (every 3 hours) so that the body receives a signal about the need to produce sufficient milk.
  • If necessary, feed the baby with expressed breast milk from a spoon, pipette or syringe (without a needle).
  • Do not bottle feed your baby.
  • Breast refusal can be one of the symptoms of the onset of the baby's illness, such as ear pain, nasal congestion, etc. In this case, it is important for the mother to assess the condition of the child, try to find out what is bothering the baby, and consult a doctor if necessary.

Breastfeeding problem # 4

Lactostasis and mastitis. One of the most pressing problems of concern to women during breastfeeding is lactostasis. This is a blockage of the milk duct, which occurs when there is insufficient emptying of any part of the breast. In this case, in addition to chest pain, a nursing mother may have an increase in body temperature and the appearance of a thickening area or a lump when probing the breast. Lactostasis can occur due to feeding the child "by the hour", and not "on demand", the wrong technique for attaching the baby to the breast, premature weaning of the baby from the breast.

What to do?

  • Do not stop breastfeeding! The most important task for a nursing woman with lactostasis is to ensure a good outflow of milk from the breast. To do this, you need to establish the correct feeding technique:
  • Ensure proper attachment of the baby to the breast.
  • It is important to feed the baby “on demand”, while applying it to the breast at least once every 1.5 hours, and the duration of sucking should be at least 15–20 minutes.
  • Find a comfortable feeding position. In order for an effective outflow of milk to occur, when sucking, the baby's chin should be as close as possible to the place of stagnation. If the seal is from the inside, then the classic cradle position is suitable for feeding; if outside under the armpit - the pose "from under the arm", if stagnation in the upper lobes - pose "jack". During one feeding, the baby can be applied to the breast from different positions, which contributes to an even and complete emptying of the breast.
  • Express milk after feeding. It is important to remember that you cannot squeeze the area of ​​the seal and the adjacent breast tissue. Strong pressure can transmit other milk ducts and blockage elsewhere.
  • For a better outflow of milk, before feeding, it is recommended to massage the breast from the base to the nipple with gentle stroking movements. It is convenient to carry out this procedure under the streams of a warm shower for 5-7 minutes.
  • Observe the drinking regime: during the period of lactostasis, it is recommended to limit the amount of fluid consumed to 1.5 liters per day.
  • If, within 1–2 days, when establishing the breastfeeding technique, it is not possible to cope with the problem on its own: the area of ​​compaction does not decrease, chest pain increases, breast swelling appears, fever persists, pain appears when moving the hand, you need to contact to an obstetrician-gynecologist, mammologist or pediatrician, since against the background of lactostasis, inflammation of the breast gland - mastitis can occur.
  • Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland, which is accompanied by an acute deterioration in general well-being, a sharp rise in temperature to 38–39 ° C, soreness and redness of the breast. The causes of this disease are cracked nipples and lactostasis. If you suspect mastitis, a nursing mother should immediately consult a doctor. Treatment for mastitis usually requires antibiotics, which must be prescribed by a doctor. The question of whether it is necessary to stop breastfeeding during treatment is decided in each case individually, depending on the compatibility of the drugs chosen by the doctor with breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding Problem # 5

Lactation crisis. This is a periodically occurring decrease in the amount of milk associated with the growth spurt of the child and the fact that the body of a nursing woman adapts to the new needs of a growing baby in milk. Most often, lactation crises appear at 3-7 weeks and at 3, 7, 11 months of a child's life. Lactation crises are temporary and usually last no more than 2-3, rarely 5 days.

What to do?

  • The most important thing is not to give the baby supplementary foods in the form of milk formula! Supplementing and using a bottle will reduce the number of breastfeeding sessions, breast stimulation, and therefore milk production.
  • Lactation crisis does not require any special measures to eliminate it.
  • It is very important not to be nervous to maintain normal lactation.
  • Apply the baby to the breast as often as possible. The interval between feedings should be no more than 1.5–2 hours.
  • You can give two breasts in one feeding: first, the baby sucks the first breast "to zero", then the second (start the next feeding with the one that was the second).
  • Observe the drinking regime. The amount of fluid entering the body should be at least 2–2.5 liters per day.
  • Be sure to feed your baby at least 3-4 times at night, with two feedings between 3 and 7 am.
  • Gently massage your breasts under a warm shower before feeding. This improves milk separation.
  • Provide skin-to-skin contact - at the same time, the mother puts the naked baby on her stomach or chest, and he lies there until he gets tired of it. This contact gives the brain a signal to produce milk.
  • Organize a joint sleep with your child (at least during the day).
  • If there is no more milk within 5-6 days, you should seek help from your pediatrician or breastfeeding specialist.

Breastfeeding problem # 6

Excess milk. Excess milk is dangerous because the baby cannot completely empty the breast and there is a threat of lactostasis and mastitis. Too much milk often occurs at the very beginning of lactation, when the so-called milk supply begins. Other reasons for this condition are most often the unjustified intake of lactogonics and expression after each feeding in the mode of feeding on demand.

What to do?

  • Check if the baby is properly attached to the breast and is sucking well. Do not limit feeding time - do not wean the baby from the breast until he releases it himself.
  • Express some of the milk before each feeding, but only until the breast becomes soft, not trying to free itself "to the last drop." Do not express after feedings as this stimulates more milk production.
  • Do not drink drugs that reduce lactation.
  • Do not limit the amount of fluid you drink. Milk production depends on the amount of the hormone prolactin, not on the amount of fluid you drink.
  • Avoid hot drinks and warm showers before breastfeeding, as this will stimulate milk flow.
  • Increase the intervals between the "shifts" of the chest. This means that we must try to increase the time during which the same breast is given for all the requirements of the child. In this case, the stimulation of the prolactin reflex is reduced and milk production is reduced in accordance with the baby's needs.

Breastfeeding problem # 7

Lack of milk. Insufficient milk production may be due to a violation of the production of hormones in a nursing mother, which directly affect the development of lactation. But still, most often, a lack of milk occurs due to improper organization of breastfeeding.

What to do?

  • Apply the baby to the breast more often. The interval between feedings should be no more than 1.5–2 hours. To maintain full lactation at first, you need at least 10-12 applications per day. The more the baby sucks milk, the more it will be produced in the following days.
  • The duration of feeding should be set by the child himself, on average at least 15–20 minutes;
  • Night feedings are required, since the production of the hormone prolactin, which stimulates lactation, is much higher at night than during the day.
  • Apply the baby to the breast correctly.
  • It is important for a nursing mother to get enough sleep and not to be nervous.
  • Observe the drinking regime. You need to drink so much so as not to feel thirsty. For a good lactation, it is recommended to drink the drinks warm 30 minutes before feeding.
  • An additional measure to increase lactation can be a warm shower before feeding the baby. In parallel, you can massage the mammary gland with circular kneading movements from the center to the periphery and from top to bottom, while expressing the remaining milk. It is advisable to carry out this procedure for 10 minutes, 2 times a day for each breast.
  • Expression can be used as a temporary measure to improve lactation. It stimulates milk secretion as a result of the reflex release of lactogenic hormones from the pituitary gland. It is important to stop pumping after you have restored enough milk for your baby so that it is not produced in excess or stagnant.
  • Herbal medicine and the use of homeopathic medicines to increase lactation under the supervision of a physician.

How to properly care for your breasts?

  1. Wash your breasts no more than 1 or 2 times a day while taking a shower.
  2. Do not use soap every time you wash and do not treat the nipples with disinfectants - brilliant green and other alcohol solutions that dry the skin.
  3. Do not rub your breasts with a towel, so as not to further irritate or injure the delicate skin of the nipples.
  4. After feeding, lubricate the nipple with drops of hind milk, as it has protective and healing properties, protecting the nipple from dryness.
  5. After feeding and between feedings, air baths on the nipples, that is, keep them open for about 10 minutes. After each feeding, the nipple should air dry on its own.
  6. Use special breast pads to absorb milk released between feedings.