It hurts legs during pregnancy: how to alleviate the condition. Physiological and pathological pain in the legs during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a condition that comes with a lot of side effects. A complaint of discomfort and swelling in the legs in the first trimester is one of the most frequent. Why do my legs hurt during early pregnancy, and is there any reason to worry?

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Causes of pain in the legs in a pregnant woman

To understand the reasons why legs ache, hurt, pull or twist in early pregnancy, it makes sense to divide them according to the manifestation of symptoms.

Why do legs ache in the first trimester

The majority of pregnant women face this problem when the baby is already quite large, in the second or third trimester. However, often the legs begin to ache as soon as the baby has made itself felt.

One of the possible causes of such an unpleasant symptom is varicose veins. Often the expansion of the veins "beeps" in the first months of pregnancy. Which, however, is quite logical: physiological restructuring makes itself felt.

The enlarging uterus begins to put pressure on the large veins of the small pelvis. This causes the blood to stagnate. If the legs of the expectant mother ache for this reason, then the following symptoms will complement the varicose veins: the legs will itch, appear, and a network of vessels will become visible.

How to fight? Special compression underwear, relaxing foot baths, reducing the load (walking less, resting as much as possible).

In connection with what pulls the leg during pregnancy in the early stages

If from the very beginning of pregnancy it pulls the calves of the legs, the best advice would be to consult a doctor. Of course, if mommy did not play sports the day before (which is doubtful, given the "special" position). Unfortunately, these symptoms give out urolithiasis or may signal kidney failure.

It's all about the rapid growth of the uterus, squeezing the ureters. This leads to fluid retention and inflammation. If pulling legs in early pregnancy, you should visit a specialist. Perhaps this is a “harmless” lack of potassium, and mom just needs to balance her diet.

Watch the video about pain and swelling of the legs during pregnancy:

Why does he twist his legs in the early stages

If “your” leg pain in early pregnancy can be described as twisting, then most likely we are talking about restless leg syndrome. This misfortune happens at the very beginning: the expectant mother should make one careless movement - and painful muscle contraction will not keep you waiting.

Other sensations in the legs that accompany the expectant mother along with the twisting of the legs in the early stages of pregnancy:

  • tingling in the legs;
  • feeling that the calves seem to “burn”;
  • itching, which is accompanied by a sharp dull pain.

In the first trimester, the legs can twist mainly due to the change of weather. If the problem is not dealt with, at the end of pregnancy, these unpleasant sensations will be repeated every night.

The reasons are the same: the load increases, the outflow of blood slows down. The need for various elements becomes significantly higher. In the top are often vital: magnesium, calcium, iron, vitamins B and D. You can try to get by with properly selected complexes for expectant mothers and fruits. Other appointments must be made by a doctor.

Why does it bring legs together in the first trimeter

The reason that brings the legs together in the early stages of pregnancy, experts consider frivolous hormones (the body gets used to it), softening of the ligaments (ligamentous apparatus), lack of calcium, increased load on the body and weight.

Leg pain in early pregnancy

Oddly enough, “ordinary” flat feet can give a pregnant woman a lot of worries. Including pain in the legs. Gentle physical activity and properly selected shoes can relieve the pain caused by flat feet. Stilettos and high heels should be put aside for not "round" time. The current version is very comfortable, soft and stable models with a small heel (3 cm).

If none of the listed reasons seems suitable, it makes sense to abandon the "pregnant" symptoms and visit specialized specialists. After all, the expectant mother could, for example, simply pull the ligaments.

Swelling of the legs in the early stages: what to do

Experts say that if - it's not good. Fluid retention is an eloquent evidence of a malfunction in the body. It is not difficult to understand that the legs are swollen: the expectant mother will feel discomfort when putting on her favorite shoes. A feeling of heaviness in the feet, tightness of the skin are secondary signs.

Possible causes of edema:

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The waiting period for a baby is associated with great physical exertion on the female body. At this stage, not only general weakness or nausea occurs, but pain in the limbs also appears. If the legs hurt during pregnancy, then basically such a reaction is due to the fact that the woman's body weight is gradually increasing, but pathological features should not be excluded.

Why do my legs hurt during pregnancy?

The reasons why the legs hurt during pregnancy lie in the changes that occur in the body of a woman after conception. The gradual growth of the fetus in the uterine cavity shifts the center of gravity and leads to an increase in the load. In addition to the pain syndrome, frequent convulsions, itching, edematous reaction, as well as severe fatigue in the lower extremities can be observed.

Such symptoms are caused not only by physiological changes. Often, pain in pregnant women occurs as a result of the development of certain pathologies:

  1. Violation of metabolic processes leads to fluid retention in the tissues, which causes edematous reactions, water accumulates more often in the lower extremities. If the legs hurt during pregnancy after the 20th week, then this may indicate kidney pathologies, when the internal organs of the urinary system cannot cope with their functions.
  2. Varicose veins due to weakened vascular tone becomes one of the provoking factors for the appearance of pain in the legs. Pregnancy is characterized by an increase in the production of progesterone and estrogen, which significantly reduce the elasticity of blood vessels, this leads to stagnation of blood, the woman begins to complain that her legs are aching.
  3. Toxicosis in the early stages causes dehydration and a lack of many substances. So, a deficiency of calcium and potassium leads to the fact that during pregnancy it pulls legs strongly during a night's rest.
  4. An increase in the uterus in the later stages creates significant pressure on the pelvic area. Thus, the iliac arteries are compressed, through which the outflow of blood occurs, pain and heaviness appear in the legs.
In the second trimester, the legs may drag at night as a result of increased blood volume when a second circulation occurs between the mother, fetus, and placenta. Also, pathological causes are not excluded in the development of gestosis (late toxicosis) or in the formation of diabetes mellitus.

If calf pulls or a cramp appears, then the situation may be due to a lack of calcium or excessive consumption of caffeinated products. In recent weeks, due to a long stay on your feet in tight and uncomfortable shoes, pain may increase.

What to do if your legs hurt during pregnancy?

An ache in the legs during pregnancy most often appears in the evening, closer to night. In order to reduce pain, it is recommended to use warm baths, after which apply a cooling cream. With a strong pain syndrome, you can pour cold water on the ankle and calves in the bathroom from the tap, which will lead to a slight narrowing of the vessels.

For the prevention of pain in the lower extremities and a long-term effect, it is required to follow some simple recommendations:

  • prevent dehydration of the body, i.e. drink plenty of clean water;
  • try to minimize the consumption of salt and salty foods;
  • the daily diet should be divided into 4-5 doses;
  • diversify the menu with fruits, vegetables, berries;
  • give up coffee, chocolate, fried and canned;
  • use special multivitamin complexes to prevent deficiency of essential elements;
  • exclude constant being on your feet, while a sedentary lifestyle is not recommended;
  • use shoes only on a flat course, without heels, to reduce the load;
  • moderate exercise will strengthen muscle tissue.
If the pain caught at night, then you should throw your legs higher so that the outflow of blood begins, so the aches will decrease significantly. The knee-elbow position is great for poor kidney function. Varicose veins during pregnancy involves the use of special stockings with a compression effect.

Massage actions, cool baths and special therapeutic exercises will reduce blood stasis in the lower extremities. Pregnant women are very useful daily walks around the city or in a park with lots of greenery. Such a simple therapy will saturate the body with oxygen, as well as reduce the edematous reaction, strengthen the immune system and contribute to the normalization of blood flow in the legs.

If a strong pain syndrome occurs in the legs, together with additional signs (swelling, general poor health, nausea), you should not self-medicate. The most correct decision would be to consult a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis and find out the causes of this condition. A timely diagnosis will save you from many problems in the future, and will also help prevent the formation of severe pathologies.

Pain in the legs during pregnancy is such a common occurrence that many expectant mothers do not attach importance to them. Especially if we are talking about a long period, when not only the lower limbs are disturbed, but it seems that the whole body is one continuous aching zone. Women just endure and count the days until childbirth.

Meanwhile, pain in the legs is not always physiological. In some cases, it can be caused by pathologies that require medical intervention. Every pregnant woman should know about the causes, symptoms, methods of struggle and prevention of the problem in order to protect herself and the child from undesirable consequences.

Every phenomenon has its own cause. Unpleasant sensations in the lower extremities are no exception. There are many reasons why your legs hurt during pregnancy.

Here are the most common ones:

  • Varicose veins. This is a pathological condition in which the vessels are deformed, and the stagnation of blood in them causes pain in the legs. Almost 40% of pregnant women suffer from this disease. Pathology can be recognized by the vascular "asterisks" that appear on the calves or thighs. Another sign: during pregnancy, it is the right leg that hurts, which is explained by the pressure of the growing uterus on the large pelvic veins. The latter are pinched and lose capacity. And since the main flow of blood goes through the inferior vena cava, which is located in the right limb, it is she who is most often affected.
  • Edema. A very common reason for leg pain during pregnancy. As a rule, appear after 30 weeks, but may occur earlier. They are explained by the fact that the kidneys do not have time to process the fluid, which then accumulates in the soft tissues.
  • Weight gain. The increase in body weight of a pregnant woman occurs faster than the body can adapt to this. It becomes difficult for the legs to withstand a new load, so they hurt.
  • The reaction of the musculoskeletal system. It is typical for relatively late periods, when the stomach is already large. The center of gravity shifts, which makes the spine and legs "feel" unusual. The reaction is pain.
  • Wrong shoes. Women who are wondering why their legs hurt during pregnancy should take a closer look at their shoes. Sometimes the reason lies precisely in it. After all, already from the first months of gestation, doctors recommend expectant mothers to abandon high heels and other shoes that are uncomfortable for the feet. And if this requirement is not met, the legs begin to hurt.
  • Divergence of the pelvic bones. This is a normal phenomenon, indicating that the body is preparing for childbirth. Usually observed in the third trimester, but may occur earlier. At the same time, not even the legs themselves ache, but the bones between them - in the crotch area.
  • Seizures. Often, the calves of the legs hurt during pregnancy due to a sharp contraction of the muscles. This usually happens at night. The pain is usually very severe but goes away quickly. Convulsions plague pregnant women whose body lacks calcium or iron.
  • A lack of vitamins can also provoke pain in the lower extremities. Every day a child takes more and more useful substances from his mother, their deficiency affects the woman's condition.
  • Urolithiasis or kidney failure. Exacerbate or occur for the first time, because the enlarged uterus presses on the kidneys and bladder. Sometimes the cause is an infection. Problems with and bladder are more affected on the right side of the body. But the left leg during pregnancy rarely hurts in such cases.
  • Flat feet. It sometimes appears during the period of expectation of a child for the first time due to the fact that during pregnancy the load on the legs increases, and the connective tissue weakens.
  • Mechanical damage. It can be both recently received and old injuries of muscle tissue or bones, which make themselves felt due to the general weakening of the body.

Of course, this is not a complete list of the reasons why there are discomfort in the legs. Sometimes pregnant women are diagnosed with thrombophlebitis, fibromyalgia, myositis of the calf muscle, arthrosis, arthritis, osteoporosis or rheumatism. But these and many other reasons are not directly related to pregnancy, so we do not focus on them.

Night pain in legs

One of the most mysterious and little-studied phenomena that overtake expectant mothers is restless legs syndrome. Its causes are not exactly known, and usually there are no other symptoms that could indicate diseases. Experts associate the syndrome with a deficiency of vitamins or trace elements, with nervous strain or hormonal disruptions.

The phenomenon is characterized by pain in the legs during pregnancy at night. They arise suddenly, and the woman experiences a burning desire during sleep to move her limb to alleviate the condition. Indeed, if you move your foot, the pain will go away.

This strange syndrome often leads to nervous breakdowns and even. After all, a pregnant woman needs a good rest, but she does not get it, constantly afraid of facing pain. After childbirth, this phenomenon disappears without a trace.

Features of the manifestations of pain in the legs and associated symptoms

The nature of the pain, its localization, other features and accompanying symptoms may indicate certain causes of discomfort. Although you should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment, it does not hurt for pregnant women to have a general idea on this issue. This will help you make the right decision in a given situation.

So, you should know that pulling pains in the legs during pregnancy are often characterized by varicose veins. It is also accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the lower extremities, their bursting and convulsions. In addition, purple veins can be seen on the skin. Exactly the same pains signal pathologies of the musculoskeletal nature and diseases of the nerve endings.

Flat feet are manifested by breaking pain in the arch of the foot and heels. They usually get worse at the end of the day. Also almost always activated after a long walk, especially in uncomfortable shoes.

If there is swelling associated with bladder stones or kidney failure, leg pain is usually throbbing. With thrombophlebitis, it is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, redness and compaction in the affected areas. In infectious arthritis, in addition to pain, a decrease in the motor activity of the limb is recorded.

If convulsions occur, then the calves of the legs unbearably hurt during pregnancy . And it usually happens at night - during sleep. Approximately the same localization is observed in cases where the pain is caused by an increase in the body weight of the expectant mother and a shift in the center of gravity.

To identify the true cause of discomfort, you must carefully consider the signals of the body. And then tell your doctor about them in detail. Of course, symptoms alone will not be enough to make a diagnosis. But they will allow you to decide on the methods of examinations that should be taken.

Ways to treat and relieve pain

With pain in the legs, it is important for expectant mothers to remember that this is often a symptom of some kind of pathology, and not a common physiological phenomenon. And the tactics of treatment depends on the type of disease. It is necessary to undergo a diagnosis, find out the cause, and then determine the nature of the therapy. If the muscles of the legs hurt during pregnancy, bones or feet ache, cool foot baths, quality rest in a prone position with slightly raised limbs, sleep on the left side, etc. will help alleviate the condition.

As for the methods of treatment, there are three main directions:

  1. Orthopedic. This is, first of all, wearing microfiber underwear, which provides a compression effect and normalizes the movement of blood through the veins. It is used for varicose veins and other vascular abnormalities. Orthopedic methods also include special shoes and insoles, which are especially recommended for pregnant women suffering from flat feet. With pain in the perineum, it helps well, unloading and relaxing the spine.
  2. Gymnastics. Physical exercises help to strengthen muscles, normalize weight and unload the legs. A special complex has been developed for pregnant women, including a cross step, rotation of the foot, tilting back and forth, etc. It is also indicated for pain in the legs. For pregnant women in the later stages, it is considered optimal gymnastics.
  3. Medical therapy. Synthetic drugs for women in position with pain in the legs try not to prescribe. The list of allowed funds is very small. One of the most harmless is Detralex, it is prescribed for varicose veins to improve blood circulation and pain relief. Ferlatum will help to fill iron deficiency. If there is a lack of calcium, then an excellent option is. With avitaminosis, special complexes are fighting - Teravit-pregan, etc. For edema, Furosemide is sometimes prescribed. Some ointments and gels are allowed.

And gymnastics, and medicines, and orthopedic methods should be prescribed by a doctor after the diagnosis. In no case should you self-medicate. Especially when it comes to pregnancy, when not only your own health is at stake, but also the condition of the baby.

Choosing a specialist

For pain in the legs, you should first visit your obstetrician-gynecologist and tell him about the problem. The doctor will conduct a visual examination, analyze the symptoms and the results of laboratory tests of urine and blood. Perhaps this will be enough for a verdict, and the recommendations will be reduced to traditional advice: enough rest, etc.

If the situation turns out to be more serious than we would like, you will have to go to the therapist and undergo additional diagnostics. After that, it will become clear which of the narrow specialists to contact. Depending on the cause of the pain, this may be a phlebologist, traumatologist, orthopedist, surgeon, nephrologist, rheumatologist or other doctor.

Situations when medical assistance is needed urgently

If you ask mothers who have already taken place if their legs hurt during pregnancy, almost everyone will answer yes. But in some it is a variant of the norm, while in others it is a formidable symptom.

An urgent visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist is required in situations where:

  • pain is difficult to endure;
  • edema is strongly pronounced;
  • the skin on the lower extremities has acquired a bluish tint or is completely covered with venous nets;
  • feeling weak or numb in the legs;
  • the pain does not go away for more than two days;
  • increased body temperature;
  • aching joints or their shape has changed.

These conditions can signal serious pathologies when you need to take action quickly. Often this has to be done in a hospital setting. Trying to relieve pain and other symptoms with improvised means is dangerous for both mother and child.

Preventive measures

Anyone can get sick. And a pregnant woman even more so - because her body carries a double burden. But still, if you pay attention to prevention, the risks can be minimized.

As for pain in the legs, preventive measures here are:

  • normal weight support;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • balanced diet;
  • adequate drinking;
  • complete rest;
  • comfortable place to sleep;
  • comfortable shoes;
  • light foot and calf muscles.

All this will not only avoid problems with the limbs, but also improve the physical and mental condition of the pregnant woman. Timely medical examination is also considered an important preventive measure. If you consult a doctor at the first alarming signals, it will be possible to prevent serious complications.

So, leg pain in pregnant women is an extremely common occurrence. It can be caused by physiological or pathological causes. To find out the provoking factor, you need to carefully analyze the symptoms and undergo a diagnosis. The results of the latter will determine whether special treatment is necessary, and which one.

Useful video about the prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy

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Pain in the legs during pregnancy (especially in the third trimester) for some women is just as common a symptom as morning weakness, fatigue or. Fortunately, such an ailment usually recedes with childbirth. However, while you are pregnant, you will probably be asked questions about what can cause leg pain and how it can be alleviated.

Consider the most common causes of pain in the legs during pregnancy.

I. Puffiness

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman's body increases the production of certain hormones, which leads to fluid retention. In turn, this is the cause of swelling. But during pregnancy, the body needs extra fluid, because with its help the nutrients necessary for growth and development are delivered to the child.

Usually, excess fluid accumulates in the lower body - feet, shins, thighs. This is because the growing uterus puts pressure on the veins that carry blood back up from the lower extremities. It is worth noting that the blood vessels in the legs are smaller than those in the upper body. Thus, due to partial blockage of blood flow, fluid is retained in the legs, causing swelling. Puffiness may be accompanied by discomfort in the form of discomfort or even pain.

How to deal with puffiness? Leg exercises for pregnant women

In order to get rid of the discomfort and pain in the legs caused by swelling, try the following:

1. Try to raise your legs more often. If possible, do this exercise: lie on your back, raise your legs 30 cm from the floor or bed (you can prepare a support in advance so as not to keep your legs on weight), stay in this position for 15-20 minutes. This exercise will help to ensure the outflow of blood from the legs and relieve swelling.

2. Do rotational exercises: sit on a chair, lift one leg, make 10 rotational movements of the ankle, first to the left, then to the right. Do the same with the second leg. Repeat 10 times.

3. Having taken a comfortable position lying or half-sitting, raise your legs above the level of your heart. You can put ice on the inside of your ankle for a while. Stay in this position for 15 minutes.

In order to reduce the risk of swelling, try, not - this helps to reduce pressure on the vena cava - the largest vein leading to the heart. Otherwise, pressure on this blood vessel will slow down the return of blood from the lower extremities.

Another tip: Don't try to reduce swelling by not drinking, as dehydration will only make things worse. Carefully monitor your weight: excess weight not only contributes to the appearance of puffiness, but also leads to other health problems.

If swelling of the legs is a typical pregnancy phenomenon, then in the event of swelling of the face or hands, especially if there are concomitant symptoms in the form of headaches, or weight gain over 400 g per day, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

II. Load on the muscles of the legs. Spasms

In addition to swelling, pregnant women also complain of leg cramps, which also cause pain and severe discomfort. Most often, spasms are observed in the calves. The causes of leg cramps can be both an increased load on the legs and a lack of calcium with a simultaneous excess of phosphorus in the body of a pregnant woman. Especially often, cramps occur at night during sleep, when the legs “move away” from the daily load.

These spasms can be prevented by:

  • Review your diet and replenish your diet with calcium-rich dairy products.
  • Improve blood circulation: for this it is enough to go for a 15-20-minute walk in the evenings.
  • Try not to stay in a sitting or standing position for a long time, because. this leads to fluid buildup and a feeling of heaviness in the legs.

How to get rid of a cramp if it has already come?

If you are already experiencing a cramp, pain relief can be achieved either by applying heat (such as a bottle of warm water) to the cramp or by stretching the calf. The best way to get rid of a cramp is to “come out” of it, however, if the muscle cramps happened at night and you don’t want to get out of bed, you can simply massage the calf with both hands, moving slowly from the knee to the toes.

III. Phlebeurysm

If your legs hurt during pregnancy, but you do not observe swelling or cramps, the cause of such pain may be dilated veins - varicose veins. In pregnant women, blood volume increases by 40%, which leads to an increase in pressure on the walls of blood vessels. As a result, the veins are stretched so much that their valves stop closing normally. Because of this, blood in larger quantities than necessary enters the vein, causing varicose veins. Particularly at risk of varicose veins during pregnancy are overweight women, as well as those who spend a lot of time in a standing position at work.

Pain, heaviness in the legs, fatigue, pressure are typical symptoms associated with varicose veins. As a rule, with the birth of a child, these symptoms recede, but with each new pregnancy they tend to intensify.

How to prevent varicose veins during pregnancy?

To minimize the risks of developing varicose veins, you should lead a more active lifestyle. Particularly effective "antidote" for varicose veins are:

  • Charger
  • swimming
  • light exercise

After your baby is born, you can have a procedure to remove varicose veins with a laser or surgery.

IV. Pain between legs during pregnancy

Since during pregnancy, the hormone relaxin is actively produced in the female body, which affects the ligaments, joints and bones, this can lead to a divergence of the pubic bone. In such cases, a woman may experience pain in the hips, between the legs, in, etc. Another cause of pain between the legs can be sciatic nerve neuralgia, caused by a nerve that stretches from the lower back down the legs. This nerve is the longest in the human body; he is responsible for the sensitivity of the lower extremities. During pregnancy, the growing uterus can press on this nerve, causing pain in the pregnant woman's inner thighs, buttocks, or lower back.

How to cope with pain between the legs during pregnancy?

If the pain between the legs is caused by a divergence of the pubic bone, a pregnant woman can help:

  • Wearing a bandage
  • Physiotherapy
  • Taking painkillers
  • Strengthening exercises for muscles

If the cause of leg pain is a pinched sciatic nerve, the following may be prescribed to relieve it:

  • Applying cold or warm compresses
  • Changing postures while relaxing
  • The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Remember: before starting the fight against pain, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Summing up all of the above, we can conclude: pain in the legs during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon that does not entail any serious consequences. If you are concerned about severe leg pain during pregnancy, the most prudent solution is to see a doctor who can determine the exact cause of the pain in your particular case, as well as prescribe treatment or give recommendations for pain relief.

Many women are faced with a situation where the leg hurts very badly during pregnancy. Moreover, pain does not always occur in both legs. It happens that during pregnancy the left leg hurts, but no less often does a situation arise when during pregnancy the pain radiates to the right leg.
In this article, we will analyze why leg pain occurs during pregnancy and try to answer the question: “What to do if pain in leg during pregnancy

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Why does my right leg hurt during pregnancy?

In the last, third trimester of pregnancy, swelling becomes the most severe, and pain in the legs - the most intense for the entire period of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the pregnant uterus, increasing in size, begins to compress the inferior vena cava and iliac vein, aggravating blood stasis in the legs and increasing swelling.

Why pain during pregnancy gives to the right leg? The fact is that when the placenta is located in the right parts of the uterus, signs of varicose veins (pain, swelling and dilated saphenous veins) are observed on the right leg. If the placenta is located on the left, signs of varicose veins appear on both legs.

Why, then, do pains appear in the left leg during pregnancy?

This may be due to the nature of the work in which the pregnant woman is employed (for example, if the woman is a professional seamstress working on a sewing machine with a left-hand pedal), or with concomitant diseases (for example, with superficial thrombophlebitis).

What to do if there is pain in the right leg during pregnancy?

Regardless of which leg the pain occurs in, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. If the pain is provoked by swelling associated with pregnancy, the phlebologist will prescribe compression underwear - medical stockings or tights designed to prevent pain and swelling in pregnant women.

In the first and second trimester pregnancy, it is recommended to wear compression stockings "Intex" for pregnant women of compression class 1 (18-22 mm Hg) or pantyhose for pregnant women. This pressure is enough to defeat mild to moderate swelling.

With extensive edema, if the pregnant woman suffered from varicose veins, and in the third trimester of pregnancy it is recommended to use compression stockings "Intex" 2 compression classes (23-32 mm Hg).

Pain in the legs during pregnancy is such a common occurrence that many expectant mothers do not attach importance to them. Especially if we are talking about a long period, when not only the lower limbs are disturbed, but it seems that the whole body is one continuous aching zone. Women just endure and count the days until childbirth.

Meanwhile, pain in the legs is not always physiological. In some cases, it can be caused by pathologies that require medical intervention. Every pregnant woman should know about the causes, symptoms, methods of struggle and prevention of the problem in order to protect herself and the child from undesirable consequences.

Possible causes of pain

Every phenomenon has its own cause. Unpleasant sensations in the lower extremities are no exception. There are many reasons why your legs hurt during pregnancy.

Here are the most common ones:

  1. Varicose veins. This is a pathological condition in which the vessels are deformed, and the stagnation of blood in them causes pain in the legs. Almost 40% of pregnant women suffer from this disease. Pathology can be recognized by the vascular "asterisks" that appear on the calves or thighs. Another sign: during pregnancy, it is the right leg that hurts, which is explained by the pressure of the growing uterus on the large pelvic veins. The latter are pinched and lose capacity. And since the main flow of blood goes through the inferior vena cava, which is located in the right limb, it is she who is most often affected. More about varicose veins→
  2. Edema. A very common reason for leg pain during pregnancy. As a rule, appear after 30 weeks, but may occur earlier. They are explained by the fact that the kidneys do not have time to process the fluid, which then accumulates in the soft tissues. More about edema→
  3. Weight gain. The increase in body weight of a pregnant woman occurs faster than the body can adapt to this. It becomes difficult for the legs to withstand a new load, so they hurt. Read more about weight gain→
  4. The reaction of the musculoskeletal system. It is typical for relatively late periods, when the stomach is already large. The center of gravity shifts, which makes the spine and legs "feel" unusual. The reaction is pain.
  5. Wrong shoes. Women who are wondering why their legs hurt during pregnancy should take a closer look at their shoes. Sometimes the reason lies precisely in it. After all, already from the first months of gestation, doctors recommend expectant mothers to abandon high heels and other shoes that are uncomfortable for the feet. And if this requirement is not met, the legs begin to hurt.
  6. Divergence of the pelvic bones. This is a normal phenomenon, indicating that the body is preparing for childbirth. Usually observed in the third trimester, but may occur earlier. At the same time, not even the legs themselves ache, but the bones between them - in the crotch area.
  7. Seizures. Often, the calves of the legs hurt during pregnancy due to a sharp contraction of the muscles. This usually happens at night. The pain is usually very severe but goes away quickly. Convulsions plague pregnant women whose body lacks calcium or iron. Read more about cramps during pregnancy →
  8. A lack of vitamins can also provoke pain in the lower extremities. Every day a child takes more and more useful substances from his mother, their deficiency affects the woman's condition.
  9. Urolithiasis or kidney failure. Exacerbate or occur for the first time, because the enlarged uterus presses on the kidneys and bladder. Sometimes the cause is an infection. Kidney and bladder problems affect the right side of the body more. But the left leg during pregnancy rarely hurts in such cases.
  10. Flat feet. It sometimes appears during the period of expectation of a child for the first time due to the fact that during pregnancy the load on the legs increases, and the connective tissue weakens.
  11. Mechanical damage. It can be both recently received and old injuries of muscle tissue or bones, which make themselves felt due to the general weakening of the body.

Of course, this is not a complete list of the reasons why there are discomfort in the legs. Sometimes pregnant women are diagnosed with thrombophlebitis, fibromyalgia, myositis of the calf muscle, arthrosis, arthritis, osteoporosis or rheumatism. But these and many other reasons are not directly related to pregnancy, so we do not focus on them.

Night pain in legs

One of the most mysterious and little-studied phenomena that overtake expectant mothers is restless legs syndrome. Its causes are not exactly known, and usually there are no other symptoms that could indicate diseases. Experts associate the syndrome with a deficiency of vitamins or trace elements, with nervous strain or hormonal disruptions.

The phenomenon is characterized by pain in the legs during pregnancy at night. They arise suddenly, and the woman experiences a burning desire during sleep to move her limb to alleviate the condition. Indeed, if you move your foot, the pain will go away.

This strange syndrome often leads to insomnia, nervous breakdowns, and even depression. After all, a pregnant woman needs a good rest, but she does not get it, constantly afraid of facing pain. After childbirth, this phenomenon disappears without a trace.

Features of the manifestations of pain in the legs and associated symptoms

The nature of the pain, its localization, other features and accompanying symptoms may indicate certain causes of discomfort. Although you should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment, it does not hurt for pregnant women to have a general idea on this issue. This will help you make the right decision in a given situation.

So, you should know that pulling pains in the legs during pregnancy are often characterized by varicose veins. It is also accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the lower extremities, their bursting and convulsions. In addition, purple veins can be seen on the skin. Exactly the same pains signal pathologies of the musculoskeletal nature and diseases of the nerve endings.

Flat feet are manifested by breaking pain in the arch of the foot and heels. They usually get worse at the end of the day. Also almost always activated after a long walk, especially in uncomfortable shoes.

If there is swelling associated with bladder stones or kidney failure, leg pain is usually throbbing. With thrombophlebitis, it is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, redness and compaction in the affected areas. In infectious arthritis, in addition to pain, a decrease in the motor activity of the limb is recorded.

If convulsions occur, then the calves of the legs unbearably hurt during pregnancy . And it usually happens at night - during sleep. Approximately the same localization is observed in cases where the pain is caused by an increase in the body weight of the expectant mother and a shift in the center of gravity.

To identify the true cause of discomfort, you must carefully consider the signals of the body. And then tell your doctor about them in detail. Of course, symptoms alone will not be enough to make a diagnosis. But they will allow you to decide on the methods of examinations that should be taken.

Ways to treat and relieve pain

With pain in the legs, it is important for expectant mothers to remember that this is often a symptom of some kind of pathology, and not a common physiological phenomenon. And the tactics of treatment depends on the type of disease. It is necessary to undergo a diagnosis, find out the cause, and then determine the nature of the therapy. If the muscles of the legs hurt during pregnancy, bones or feet ache, cool foot baths, quality rest in a prone position with slightly raised limbs, sleep on the left side, etc. will help alleviate the condition.

As for the methods of treatment, there are three main directions:

  1. Orthopedic. This is, first of all, wearing microfiber underwear, which provides a compression effect and normalizes the movement of blood through the veins. It is used for varicose veins and other vascular abnormalities. Orthopedic methods also include special shoes and insoles, which are especially recommended for pregnant women suffering from flat feet. With pain in the perineal region, a bandage helps, unloading and relaxing the spine.
  2. Gymnastics. Physical exercises help to strengthen muscles, normalize weight and unload the legs. A special complex for pregnant women has been developed, including a cross step, foot rotations, back and forth bends, etc. Also, swimming in the pool is indicated for pain in the legs. For pregnant women in the later stages, fitball is considered optimal gymnastics.
  3. Medical therapy. Synthetic drugs for women in position with pain in the legs try not to prescribe. The list of allowed funds is very small. One of the most harmless is Detralex, it is prescribed for varicose veins to improve blood circulation and pain relief. Ferlatum will help to fill iron deficiency. If there is a lack of calcium, then an excellent option is Calcium DZ Nycomed. With avitaminosis, special complexes are fighting - Teravit-pregan, Elevit, etc. For edema, Furosemide is sometimes prescribed. Some ointments and gels are allowed.

And gymnastics, and medicines, and orthopedic methods should be prescribed by a doctor after the diagnosis. In no case should you self-medicate. Especially when it comes to pregnancy, when not only your own health is at stake, but also the condition of the baby.

Choosing a specialist

For pain in the legs, you should first visit your obstetrician-gynecologist and tell him about the problem. The doctor will conduct a visual examination, analyze the symptoms and the results of laboratory tests of urine and blood. Perhaps this will be enough for the verdict, and the recommendations will be reduced to traditional advice: enough rest, proper nutrition, etc.

If the situation turns out to be more serious than we would like, you will have to go to the therapist and undergo additional diagnostics. After that, it will become clear which of the narrow specialists to contact. Depending on the cause of the pain, this may be a phlebologist, traumatologist, orthopedist, surgeon, nephrologist, rheumatologist or other doctor.

Situations when medical assistance is needed urgently

If you ask mothers who have already taken place if their legs hurt during pregnancy, almost everyone will answer yes. But in some it is a variant of the norm, while in others it is a formidable symptom.

An urgent visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist is required in situations where:

  • pain is difficult to endure;
  • edema is strongly pronounced;
  • the skin on the lower extremities has acquired a bluish tint or is completely covered with venous nets;
  • feeling weak or numb in the legs;
  • the pain does not go away for more than two days;
  • increased body temperature;
  • aching joints or their shape has changed.

These conditions can signal serious pathologies when you need to take action quickly. Often this has to be done in a hospital setting. Trying to relieve pain and other symptoms with improvised means is dangerous for both mother and child.

Preventive measures

Anyone can get sick. And a pregnant woman even more so - because her body carries a double burden. But still, if you pay attention to prevention, the risks can be minimized.

As for pain in the legs, preventive measures here are:

  • normal weight support;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • balanced diet;
  • adequate drinking;
  • complete rest;
  • comfortable place to sleep;
  • comfortable shoes;
  • light massage of the feet and calf muscles.

All this will not only avoid problems with the limbs, but also improve the physical and mental condition of the pregnant woman. Timely medical examination is also considered an important preventive measure. If you consult a doctor at the first alarming signals, it will be possible to prevent serious complications.

So, leg pain in pregnant women is an extremely common occurrence. It can be caused by physiological or pathological causes. To find out the provoking factor, you need to carefully analyze the symptoms and undergo a diagnosis. The results of the latter will determine whether special treatment is necessary, and which one.

Useful video about the prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy

Usefulness: 0 | message No. 1 sent 13:56, 17.08

Usefulness: 0 | message No. 2 sent 04:14, 18.08

About this problem. So aching legs in pregnant women. This is a very vague concept and is characterized by various manifestations. Pregnancy is not a disease. There is no need to complicate things! Yes, there may be swelling in the legs and this is quite natural for this condition, varicose veins happen not only in women in position, but also in other people, but this is a problem, a violation of tissue trophism .the limbs will be due to the same edematous state. but to the essence of the problem: PREGNANT WOMEN HAVE A FETUS. WHICH CHANGES THE MOTHER'S CENTER OF GRAVITY AND THE KNEE JOINTS GET ADDITIONAL LOAD. but this will not be a problem for active women who pay attention to themselves before pregnancy. during and after.

Usefulness: 0 | message No. 3 sent 15:12, 15.12

Almost every second expectant mother faces pain in her legs during pregnancy. Most often, pain appears in the second trimester of pregnancy, this is due to the fact that the body of a pregnant woman produces the hormone relaxin. It affects the connective tissue, makes it elastic. This is necessary so that during childbirth the pelvic bones diverge more easily and the baby is easier and safer to be born without injury. But there is also a side effect of relaxin. Simultaneously with the connective tissue, the walls of the veins also relax, edema and varicose veins appear, the ligaments of the feet also relax, the feet hurt, and flat feet may develop. Due to the large weight gain, many women have leg muscles that hurt. These problems can and should be addressed. Firstly, it is necessary to inform the doctor observing you about the pain. In pharmacies, you can buy compression stockings, special orthopedic insoles for pregnant women. Wear comfortable, wide, non-compressing shoes with low, stable heels with arch support. The doctor may advise ointments for pregnant women from varicose veins. Venoruton gel helps with pain very well, it can be used in the second trimester of pregnancy.

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Leg pain during pregnancy

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Almost every woman experiences leg pain during pregnancy. This is not surprising, because every day the weight of the child increases, and with it the load that the woman experiences increases. Often a woman complains of pain in her legs, but does not attach much importance to this, but in vain.

Why do legs hurt during pregnancy:

  • ever-increasing weight
  • shift in the center of gravity, and as a result, additional load on the legs;
  • excessive accumulation of fluid in a woman's body causes swelling of the legs and throbbing pain;
  • due to swelling of the legs, the shoes worn by expectant mothers can become completely undeniable, which is why ingrown toenails are possible;
  • increased blood volume and high levels of progesterone in the blood of a pregnant woman can trigger seizures;
  • cramps can also occur due to a lack of iron and calcium in the body, as well as due to excessive consumption of coffee, which just flushes out calcium;
  • possible exacerbation of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as problems with the spine or flat feet;
  • possible varicose veins can cause constant aching pain, especially after a long stay on the legs.

Phlebeurysm- a fairly common companion of pregnancy. During pregnancy, you automatically fall into the risk group, even if you have never encountered such a disease before. Varicose veins can lead to insufficient oxygen saturation of the fetus, since you share the same circulatory system with him, and he receives all the substances necessary for life from your blood. Varicose veins have data symptoms :

  • feeling of tiredness and heaviness in the legs;
  • aching pain in the legs;
  • burning sensation, indication, itching;
  • the appearance of edema and vascular networks;
  • convulsions, especially at night.

What to do, if leg pain during pregnancy. How can I prevent or relieve leg pain? You will learn the answers to these questions by reading our recommendations:

  • it is necessary to drink more water, since edema occurs when the body is dehydrated;
  • it is recommended to reduce salt intake, as it retains water in the body;
  • you need to monitor your weight, as gaining more weight than your doctor recommended can increase swelling in your legs;
  • eat a balanced diet that should include high-protein foods (meat, fish, cheese, beans);
  • do not cross your legs while sitting;
  • if possible, avoid long stays on your feet, however, if this is not possible, then try to take breaks and sit down at least every 20-30 minutes, you can also sit down and raise your legs if the situation allows;
  • try to sleep on your left side, since the inferior vena cava, which carries more blood, is located on the right; thus, you will reduce the pressure on this vein, which will help you avoid pain in your legs;
  • if you already have problems with blood vessels, as well as for prevention, wear special compression underwear (stockings, tights, bandages);
  • wear socks that will not pinch your legs, the same goes for shoes;
  • your shoes should be comfortable enough, with a small heel;
  • if you have the opportunity to walk on the grass or on the sand barefoot, do not miss it;
  • learn how to walk correctly and keep your posture so that the weight is distributed evenly on both legs, and the spine remains straight and minimally loaded; you should not lean back much with the upper body of your body, which can be difficult to do, especially in the later stages;
  • if your legs are very tired in the evening, you can make a bath at room temperature, which will help relax your tired legs, and after it, apply a cooling cream on your legs and massage them a little;
  • if your feet and calves hurt, then you can pour cold water on them, then wipe them dry with a towel;
  • there are specially designed creams and gels that are aimed at the prevention and treatment of varicose veins; they are based on horse chestnut extract, so their use will not cause any harm;
  • physical therapy and massage can prevent blood stasis and reduce the possibility of pain in the legs;
  • exclude prolonged exposure to the sun, as ultraviolet radiation can weaken the walls of venous vessels and contribute to the development of varicose veins during pregnancy;
  • a good alternative to taking a bath is a contrast shower, which will reduce pain in the legs and also strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • try to do less hard physical labor and not lift weights.

Take care of your child's health, but do not forget about your own. Be healthy!

Why do legs hurt during pregnancy?

The legs during pregnancy suffer very much, if the left leg hurts during pregnancy and this is accompanied by characteristic pains and aches, then we are talking about venous expansion.

Pregnancy is a provoking factor in terms of the occurrence of pain in the lower extremities. The legs swell, hurt and ache, and this is no accident, why these symptoms occur, we will consider below.

An ache in the legs - what is it connected with?

So, for what reasons does ache in the legs occur in the legs? There are many of them, and all of them are directly or indirectly related to pregnancy. First of all, we are talking about excess weight, at the same time, the center of gravity shifts, which also provokes an additional load on the legs and leads to aching and throbbing pains. Legs swell during pregnancy due to excessive accumulation of fluid in the female body, this causes edema, which is aggravated by excess weight.

An increase in blood volume, together with a high content of progesterone, provokes convulsions, also sometimes accompanied by aching pains. Another cause of seizures is a lack of calcium and iron in the body, in which case it is better to stop drinking coffee, which contributes to calcium leaching. One of the indirect factors is flat feet, pregnancy exacerbates the course of this disease and this can also be the result of aching legs.

Varicose veins as the main cause of aching legs

If the left leg hurts during pregnancy, then the cause of this may be varicose veins, which is the main cause of constant aching pain. This disease torments pregnant women very often, it leads to a lack of oxygen saturation of the fetus, since it has the same circulatory system with the mother.

This disease can be identified not only by the characteristic aching pains, it can be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs, burning and itching. Along with this, edema and vascular points appear, which is accompanied by convulsions, especially manifested at night.

This is the main reason why it hurts legs during pregnancy, impaired blood flow and swelling leads to just such symptoms, and if this is not counteracted, then the consequences can be irreversible. Special preventive and hygienic procedures are required that will save a woman from aching legs.

Good day The article is interesting why it hurts legs during pregnancy. After reading the article, you can get information about leg ache, what it is connected with and for what reasons leg ache occurs during pregnancy. is the cause of seizures. After reading the article, you can get one more information that contributes to aching legs and this is one of the most important causes of varicose veins. The article is useful and necessary.

I remember myself how my legs hurt during my first pregnancy, especially at night, that I couldn’t sleep. Nothing helped - neither wrapping with elastic bandages, nor foot massage, nor all sorts of ointments. Until I passed the test, and there it turned out that I had an average degree of anemia. Then the doctor prescribed iron preparations for me, and literally on the second day the problems with my legs disappeared!

The question is always relevant: What is the reason for this? What's the matter? And how to deal with it? From my own experience I will say that it is rightly noticed that the main cause of cramps is a lack of calcium. I experienced this during my own pregnancy. An unpleasant occurrence, to be honest.

I didn’t develop varicose veins during pregnancy, but nevertheless, my legs ached a lot and there were constant cramps, especially in the third trimester and just before the birth. From what I read, this is a very common occurrence. Indeed, this is due to a lack of calcium in the body, as well as magnesium - few people know about it! I don’t know anything about varicose veins, but with convulsions, you must definitely do massage and take vitamins, they will be prescribed by a doctor, the main thing is not to be silent about this problem at receptions!

I faced this problem when I was pregnant. My gynecologist informed me, explaining everything. And now everything is much simpler, any answer to the question can be found on the Internet. Like in this article, everything is beautifully written. the answer to your question in the Internet articles.

I didn't have any pain in my legs. I don’t even know in my entire life what convulsions are. But this was the case with a friend. She just screamed at night while her husband was doing a massage. And the prick of the needle did not help her. Everyone is so individual.

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The time when a woman is expecting a baby is one of the most beautiful in her life. However, pregnancy does not always proceed smoothly and without complications. Often this period causes a lot of unpleasant, painful and uncomfortable sensations. At the same time, the expectant mother does not have any pathology. This article will tell you about why the leg hurts during pregnancy in one case or another. You will find out the main causes of discomfort. It is also worth saying why it often hurts between the legs during pregnancy.

Pain in the legs

The expectant mother may experience discomfort in the lower extremities. In this case, the pain can be aching, stabbing, pulling, itching, and so on. Each cause of discomfort has its own symptoms.

If you suddenly realized that your leg hurts during pregnancy, you should contact a specialist with this problem. First, visit your gynecologist and tell him about your feelings. The doctor will examine you and determine which specialist you need help with. If the leg hurts during pregnancy, then a rheumatologist, traumatologist, surgeon, phlebologist or therapist can correct the situation. The choice of one or another specialist depends on the cause of the pathology. Find out why your legs hurt during pregnancy.


This pathology occurs in almost 40 percent of expectant mothers. Women who abuse uncomfortable shoes or high-heeled shoes fall into the risk group. Also, varicose veins during pregnancy often develop due to hereditary predisposition. In addition, pathology can occur in women who work in the service sector and spend all day on their feet.

With the course of pregnancy, the reproductive organ greatly increases in size. This leads to the fact that the large veins of the small pelvis are pinched. The situation is especially aggravated when the expectant mother lies on her back or right side. Legs hurt during pregnancy due to stagnation of blood in them. In this case, cramps, swelling, itching and other signs may appear. Most often, symptoms appear towards the end of the day. It is worth noting that discomfort can be observed only in one or both limbs.

Correcting this state is not only possible, but also necessary. However, only a doctor should prescribe medications. Most often, these are ordinary venotonics in the form of tablets. In this case, treatment is carried out only from the middle of the term. In especially severe cases (if thrombosis occurs), surgical intervention may be chosen. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the risk to the fetus and compare it with the benefits for the expectant mother.

Urolithiasis or kidney failure

The calves of the legs often hurt during pregnancy due to impaired kidney function. If there are problems associated with this organ, then you are at risk. That is why it is recommended to carry out treatment before pregnancy if necessary.

As the uterus grows, pressure on the kidneys increases. In this case, the right side of the body suffers more. The ureters are pinched and the outflow of fluid from the body worsens. All this leads to stagnation of urine and the occurrence of an inflammatory process. Pathology of the kidneys is accompanied by an increase in the load on the vessels and urinary canals. At the same time, the expectant mother experiences pain and discomfort in the groin area. The pain may radiate to the lower leg or even the calves.

It is definitely necessary to treat the disease. However, this can be done only after examining a specialist and conducting additional research. For correction, diuretics, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents can be prescribed. It all depends on the duration of the pregnancy.

Vitamin deficiency

Why do leg bones hurt during pregnancy? Often, discomfort is the result of an insufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in the body of the expectant mother. With the development and growth of the fetus, it needs more and more calcium. This substance is necessary for the proper formation of bones, teeth and ligaments. A child in the womb takes calcium from the body of the expectant mother. This may be the reason for the lack of this element.

If the bones between the legs hurt during pregnancy and the reason for this is the lack of calcium, then the treatment is quite simple. In most cases, the expectant mother is prescribed a multivitamin complex and a certain diet. All this very quickly corrects the situation and eliminates pain.

The reaction of the musculoskeletal system

If the muscles of the legs hurt during pregnancy, then this may be due to a change in the load. With the growth of the fetus, the cavity of the genital organ increases. Outwardly, this is quite noticeable: the expectant mother's tummy is growing strongly. As a result of this process, the center of gravity can shift. The load on the back and legs is increased. The expectant mother may feel pain in the lower back and lower leg. Also, discomfort often appears in the calf area.

Treatment in this case is not prescribed. A pregnant woman with such symptoms needs more rest. If you are forced to spend the whole day on your feet, then try to periodically sit down and relax. Also, a bandage can be a salvation. However, this device must be selected by a specialist.

Divergence of the pelvic bones

If the bones between the legs hurt during pregnancy, then the reason for this may be the approach of childbirth. Often, the expectant mother experiences similar sensations already from the middle of the term. At the same time, there is a feeling that you have been riding a horse for a long time. No worries. After a few weeks, this discomfort will disappear and you will feel much better. However, it is worth reporting this feeling to your gynecologist.

Some women do not feel at all how their bones diverge. Discomfort usually appears in thin and fragile women.

Body weight gain

Often, women have sore calves during pregnancy due to increased body weight. While waiting for the baby, fat mass increases, the mammary glands increase. Also, one cannot fail to say about the strong growth of the tummy. By the end of pregnancy, the weight of the genital organ is approximately seven kilograms. This includes amniotic fluid and the baby's body weight. The breast of the fairer sex increases by at least half a kilo each. All this does not go unnoticed. Relatively fast weight gain affects well-being.

After about thirty weeks of pregnancy (in some even earlier), the lower limbs begin to swell. Many believe that this is a consequence of excess fluid and stop drinking water. However, this action is wrong. Refusing to drink plenty of water can only make things worse. If your feet and calves swell, then you should definitely inform your doctor about it. If necessary, you will be assigned a series of tests.

Most often, women are advised to follow a certain diet: give up everything salty, peppery, fatty. It is worth eating boiled meat, legumes and fish. Drink more. Give preference to plain water, cranberry juice and rosehip drinks. Raise your legs up more often or take a horizontal position.

Wrong shoes

If the leg hurts during pregnancy, then the reason for this may be the wrong shoes. Often this is the problem of ingrown nails. Also, a bad pedicure can cause a curvature of the nail plate. Remember that while waiting for the baby, the foot may swell a little. That is why it is worth buying shoes one size larger. Buy only quality products in which you will be comfortable. Forget tight shoes and high heels. You will have time to wear them after childbirth.


If one leg hurts during pregnancy, then an injury may be the cause. It is worth noting that during this period, old damage may make itself felt. If you twisted your leg a few years ago and did not attach any importance to it, then it can get sick just while waiting for the baby. The thing is that with the course of pregnancy there is an increase in the load on the musculoskeletal system, in particular, the legs. This can lead to inflammation of old lesions.

If a joint or bone hurts in a certain place, and discomfort increases with movement, then you should contact a traumatologist as soon as possible. Most often, if a pathology is suspected, the doctor prescribes an x-ray. However, such exposure is contraindicated for expectant mothers. That is why an individual scheme of examination and treatment will be selected for you.

What can be done to prevent leg pain?

If you want to avoid such unpleasant sensations, then you should follow some recommendations. Talk to your gynecologist and find out what preventive measures are available. Most often, doctors give the following appointments:

  • raise the limbs more often so that there is an outflow of fluid and blood from them;
  • move and walk more;
  • do not wear tight shoes and high heels;
  • use compression underwear;
  • use venotonics (tablets and gels) as directed by your doctor;
  • drink more fluids to thin the blood;
  • give up unhealthy foods and fatty foods;
  • do gymnastics: swimming, cycling;
  • when forced to stand for a long time, periodically shift from foot to foot and rise on your toes;
  • monitor weight gain and spend fasting days;
  • be sure to take vitamin complexes with calcium content (in the absence of contraindications).

You now know why your legs hurt during pregnancy, and what you need to do about it. Monitor your well-being. Have an easy pregnancy!