Oily face masks will get rid of unhealthy shine and enlarged pores. Face masks for oily skin - do it right at home

Oily skin is quite troublesome to care for and causes a lot of difficulties for its owners. In order for it to have a healthy and matte look, as well as look its best, regular and thorough care is required. Masks are indispensable components of care. Masks for oily skin of the face gently and without damaging cleanse it, nourish and moisturize, eliminating all existing imperfections. There are also masks with whitening and anti-aging effect. If ready-made cosmetics are not for you, it is also good to use natural ingredients and make your own homemade masks for oily skin.

Oily skin is represented by a constant oily sheen, due to which an unpleasant film is felt on its surface. Black dots are attached to the gloss, which are a mixture of dust, fat and keratinized particles of the skin, and often inflammation. All these not particularly pleasant manifestations are the result of excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands. Meanwhile, oily skin has an undeniable advantage - it remains young and elastic for a long time, it shows signs of aging much later. In addition, this type of skin can be successfully treated. The main thing is patience and compliance with all the recommendations of the beautician for caring for her.

Homemade face masks for oily skin will greatly improve the condition of the skin, make it matte and beautiful. Consider the simplest mask recipes for cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing, whitening oily facial skin. Let me remind you that the use of any mask should be carried out on cleansed facial skin. The duration of the procedure is fifteen to twenty minutes. Wash off masks for oily skin with slightly warm water. Do cleansing masks twice a week, moisturizing and nourishing - three to four times a week (alternate), anti-aging - twice a week. At the end of the procedure, lubricate the face with a moisturizing or nourishing cream that matches the type of facial skin.

Mask recipes for oily skin.

Purifying masks.
Combine a glass of pre-shredded oatmeal groats with a mass of beaten egg white. Apply the resulting composition to oily skin. After twenty minutes, remove the mask with a dry cloth or towel, and only then rinse with warm water. At the end of the procedure, wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in lemon juice. Pay special attention to areas with acne.

Kefir is the most famous home remedy for cleansing and drying oily skin. Soak a cotton pad in low-fat kefir and apply on the face. Wash off after twenty minutes.

Fruit and berry masks also serve as an effective cleanser for oily skin. In addition, they additionally have a tonic effect and improve complexion. For example, a strawberry mask: take cosmetic clay powder, white or blue, in the amount of half a tablespoon, add fresh strawberry juice so that you get a mass that resembles not too thick sour cream. Apply the composition on the face.

The following mask is perfect for cleansing and simultaneously nourishing oily skin of the face: grind the dried zest of one orange with a coffee grinder and combine with milk. Spread the mixture on your face and hold for twenty minutes. Remove the rest of the mask with a cotton pad previously moistened with lemon juice.

Or such a recipe for deep cleansing of the skin of the face: combine the juice of any citrus fruit with two teaspoons of liquid honey. Spread over ten minutes. The procedure also reduces or completely eliminates inflammation.

It will cleanse oily skin of the face and have a drying effect, a mixture of a tablespoon of white clay and a small amount of sour milk. The mixture should have a consistency similar to non-liquid sour cream. Remove the mask after ten minutes with a cotton pad soaked in warm water.

In order to obtain a refreshing effect in addition to cleansing, it is good to use this mask: rub a cucumber (a tablespoon of mass) rubbed through a fine grater with half a teaspoon of boric acid. Spread the composition in a thick layer over the face and hold for twenty minutes.

Against acne.
A good prevention of acne is a soda mask: add water to a small amount of soda, apply the composition on your face and hold for twenty minutes.

Nourishing masks.
Dissolve 10 g of yeast in a teaspoon of yogurt, add a teaspoon of any berry juice, mix everything thoroughly. Keep the mixture on your face for ten minutes, then rinse, alternating cool and warm water.

Curd-based masks have excellent nourishing and softening qualities. In addition, they have the ability to increase the acid reaction of the skin. Here is the recipe for such a mask: grind a tablespoon of cottage cheese (preferably soft) with a pinch of salt, add a small amount of kefir and apply on the face. Wash off with a contrast method, that is, first with warm, and then with cool boiled water.

A mask of cottage cheese and carrots, in addition to nutrition, has the ability to lighten the skin. To prepare it, you should combine a teaspoonful of: soft cottage cheese, milk, carrot juice and vegetable oil (olive, linseed, almond, etc.). Evenly distribute the resulting composition on the skin and hold for twenty minutes. At the end of the procedure, wipe the face with cosmetic ice.

Moisturizing masks.
The recipe for this mask is suitable for moisturizing, whitening facial skin and narrowing enlarged pores. Egg white, pre-whipped white, combine with a teaspoon of freshly made lemon juice. Apply the composition on the face in layers (as it dries) and wait twenty minutes, then rinse off with a contrast method.

Moisturizes, nourishes, refreshes oily skin mask of strawberries or any other berry. Grind the pulp and apply on the face.

Rejuvenating masks.
Grind a tablespoon of yeast and natural unsweetened yogurt. Add a teaspoon of soda to the mass. Wash off after fifteen.

In addition to tightening and smoothing action, the mask perfectly moisturizes oily skin. Here is a recipe for an effective remedy: combine a teaspoon of oatmeal with a tablespoon of coconut milk, stand for five minutes to soften the flakes. Then add a teaspoon of honey to the mixture and spread on the face. Wash off with a contrast method.

This recipe, in addition to its anti-aging properties, makes it possible to narrow the pores: dilute a tablespoon of white clay with a small amount of warm water, then add a teaspoon of lemon juice and the same amount of liquid honey to the mixture. You should get a pasty mass. Apply it on your face and leave for ten minutes.

Narrows pores and smoothes oily skin the following mask recipe: red currant berries (a small amount) mashed and add a tablespoon of starch to them, mix and apply on the face.

For aging skin, such a mask is good: combine a teaspoon of chopped lemon zest with the same amount of oatmeal ground into flour, pour egg white pre-beaten into foam and add lemon juice (one teaspoon) at the end. Apply the composition evenly on the face and leave for ten to fifteen minutes. It is necessary to remove it by applying a warm compress (moisten a towel in warm water), and then rinse the skin with cool water.

Whitening masks with an additional drying effect.
Such masks effectively lighten freckles and pigmented areas. You need to carry out such procedures twice a week, in total you need to do twenty sessions.

Mix twenty grams of yeast with a tablespoon of warm milk, then add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the mass. Distribute the composition on the face. Rinse off with warm water and finish with a cold compress.

For this mask, you need to prepare aloe in advance. Cut the leaves, wash, dry and keep in the refrigerator for ten days. Next, beat the egg white with a mixer, gradually introducing a teaspoon of lemon juice into it. Add a tablespoon of aloe juice to the mixture. Apply the composition evenly on oily skin, remove with a cotton pad soaked in cool water.

Grind a small bunch of fresh parsley, you will need a tablespoon. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to it, then two tablespoons of kefir and a teaspoon of wheat flour (you can use potato starch).

Calming masks.
Mix a little more than half a tablespoon of starch (you can grind hercules) with a tablespoon of milk until smooth, into which then add two tablespoons of thick yogurt.

To relieve inflammation, soothe oily and problematic skin and regulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands, ingredients in the masks such as calendula and rosehip will help. Take a tablespoon of rosehip broth and calendula tincture, mix well and apply to the skin with a cotton pad. Wash after three hours.

In conclusion, I note that only the regularity of procedures and careful care will give noticeable results. In the case of carrying out procedures from time to time, the effect may not wait. And then, it is very important to lead the right way of life. It is often enough to simply normalize nutrition and give up bad habits, as the skin begins to look new, glow from the inside. Do not forget to also walk more in the fresh air and take care of yourself, then your skin will thank you.

For oily skin useful masks containing acid fruits, berries, vegetables. Widely used in this case, chamomile, mint, sage, lime blossom, rose, peony, parsley. Such masks contain vitamins, glucose, and contribute to the preservation of water in the skin.

How to apply masks correctly?

You need to apply a mask in front of a mirror, having previously prepared everything you need: cream, a flat brush or a piece of cotton wool, a scarf for hair, a towel to cover clothes. The mask is prepared immediately before use. During the procedure, the face must be motionless. You can't talk or read. You need to lie down, relax. Keep the mask for about 20 minutes. Wash off with cold water.

If there is no pronounced network of blood vessels on the face, then before the mask to enhance its effect, you can make a steam bath by adding chamomile, linden, sage, peppermint, etc. flowers to the water.

For oily skin - 15 min. 2 times a month. A steam bath can be replaced with a warm compress. A terry towel is moistened with a warm infusion of herbs and flowers, applied to the face and neck, and held until it cools.

With oily, porous skin - a mixture of nettle, plantain, coltsfoot, calendula, aloe, St. John's wort, eucalyptus, birch buds, yarrow.
The infusion is prepared as follows: 1 table. brew a spoon with a glass of boiling water, let it brew. It is necessary to apply a mask on the entire face and neck - from the bottom up, along the skin lines, excluding the eyelids and places around the eyes (it is better to lubricate them with a fat cream beforehand). Then you need to lie down, relaxing, for 15-20 minutes on a low pillow.

With oily skin, fruit yogurt masks are very useful.

We take yogurt (thick), add half a spoonful of tea milk and starch to it so much that a thick mass is obtained. Mix well and apply on face and neck. In 20 minutes. wash off with warm water.
You can make the same mask, but without additions. These masks are also very useful for rough skin.

Masks can be done 3 times a week, and 1 time if there is not enough time. But it must be done once a week.

Many women believe that since their skin is oily, then it makes no sense to lubricate it. But this is a delusion. Just like any other, it requires nourishment with vitamins and minerals. Therefore, a good nourishing cream with vitamins is essential for your face.

After the mask and washing, it is useful to wipe the face with infusions of herbs of horsetail or sage. And then apply the cream and after 20-25 minutes remove the rest of it with a cotton swab dipped in the indicated infusions of herbs, in extreme cases, if you have not prepared the infusions, simply boiled water.

Creams must be changed every one and a half months, because the skin, like the stomach, requires a varied diet.

Another. Do not apply cream before bed. The skin needs to breathe. It's enough that we have to close it during the day.

20 recipes!

Oatmeal mask
Take 1/2 cup of oatmeal, add 2 tablespoons to it. l. yogurt. Mix everything and apply on the face. Keep 20 minutes.

Potato mask
Prepare mashed potatoes. Apply warm to the face. In 20 minutes. take off and wash.

Curd mask
Fat-free cottage cheese - 2 table. lies. + 1 tsp. lies. milk. Mix and apply on face. After 15 min. rinse and wash.

Beat the white of one egg. Add 1 tsp. honey or cream. Apply the mixture on dry skin, previously lubricated with cream. Keep on face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cold water. With enlarged pores, 1 tsp should be added to the mask. lemon juice

Protein-honey-oatmeal mask
This mask has a tonic effect on the skin. 2 proteins, 30 g of honey, 0.5 tsp. lies. olive oil. Mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add 2 table. lies. oatmeal. Again, mix well and apply on the face. In 20 minutes. wash off with warm water.

Yoghurt mask
Add enough starch to yogurt to make a thick mass. Mix well and apply on face and neck. In 20 minutes. wash off with warm water.

Yolk-lemon toning mask
Mix 2 teaspoons of egg yolk with 1 teaspoon of lemon or cranberry juice and 1-2 teaspoons of sour cream. Apply the mask on the face and after 15-20 minutes remove it with a warm tea decoction, and then apply a cold compress from the tea decoction for 5-6 minutes. After that, dry the skin with a towel or gauze.

Yeast mask
Grind 10 g of yeast and dilute to a mushy state with a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide (you can dilute the yeast with lemon juice or sauerkraut juice). Apply this mass on the face in an even layer. Wash off with water after 20 minutes

Lemon cream
1 tsp cream and 1 tsp. mix lemon juice and apply on face with a cotton swab. Wash off after 20 minutes.
Whitens and rejuvenates the skin.

From white clay and milk
Dilute white clay with milk until sour cream thickens, apply on face, leave for 10 minutes. Dries and cleanses the skin.

From white clay and honey
1 tbsp white clay
1 tsp honey
1 tsp lemon juice
Mix, apply on face, leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with water, wipe your face with a slice of lemon and pat dry with a towel dipped in cold water.
The mask tightens pores, makes the skin smooth and toned.

1 protein
1 tsp honey
0.5 tsp olive oil
Mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained, add oatmeal (or chopped oatmeal) to make a gruel. It is best to heat this gruel in a water bath.
Apply to face, rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.
This mask refreshes and tones the skin, tightens pores, removes blackheads. Suitable for normal and oily skin.

Herbal mask
Mix in equal parts chamomile, lime blossom, elder flowers. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Cool slightly, strain.
Add a teaspoon of honey and oatmeal to a warm broth until a slurry is obtained. Apply to face for 20-30 minutes, rinse with warm water.
The mask cleanses and tones the skin.

Chamomile mask
Mix a decoction of one tablespoon of chamomile flowers with oatmeal until a slurry is obtained. Apply for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
The mask relieves inflammation, tones the skin.

Hot compress from herbal infusions:
Equally horsetail, lime blossom and yarrow - pour boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Soak a washcloth in the warm mixture, squeeze lightly and apply to face until cool. Repeat several times.
Cleanses and refreshes the skin.

Sour milk mask
Lubricate the face with yogurt, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water. The skin will acquire a delicate color.

cabbage mask
Turn cabbage leaves in a meat grinder, mix with whipped protein. Apply to face after 20 minutes. wash off. The skin will be fresh and supple.

apple mask
Peel the apple, cut into cubes and boil in a small amount of milk. Knead to make a slurry, cool to a warm state and apply on the face. Wash off with water after 20 minutes.
The mask perfectly tones the skin.

Apricot mask
2-3 apricots mash, mix with Art. l. sour milk. Apply to face, rinse with water after 20 minutes.
The mask nourishes and tones the skin.

Shantell vegetable masks
1. Grate large carrots. Apply the paste on the face. This mask is especially good for acne, aging, pale skin.
2. Apply tomato pulp on the face. With earthy skin, this mask gives a good effect.

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Oily facial skin is considered the most problematic of all, because it is associated with internal disorders of the sebaceous glands. Because of this, a greasy, shiny film is formed, and pores clogged with sebaceous waste cause inflammation and black spots.

Sometimes even the most expensive and branded cosmetics are unable to cope with this scourge. And then it's time to try homemade masks for oily faces, which include only natural products. It is they who will help normalize the work of the subcutaneous sebaceous glands and deeply cleanse the pores.

All masks for oily face contain ingredients that are rich in active substances that specifically combat the manifestations of oily skin. As a result, the effectiveness of these homemade miracle remedies will delight all owners of even the most oily and most problematic skin:

  • the work of the subcutaneous sebaceous glands, which cease to produce excess fat, gradually normalizes;
  • oily sheen and shiny, shiny film disappear;
  • the pores are finally cleared of sebaceous residues and dirt, they begin to "breathe";
  • complexion improves;
  • pores are narrowed;
  • inflammation gradually begins to subside, the skin calms down;
  • pimples, blackheads and blackheads become significantly less.

All face masks for oily skin include natural ingredients that, in addition to a targeted attack on fat content, actively nourish skin cells and normalize all subcutaneous metabolic processes. As a result, the skin begins to look simply gorgeous, and you can finally forget about your previous troubles.

To ensure that face masks against oily skin do not disappoint, but please with their results, there are several women's tricks for using them that will help enhance the effectiveness of these home remedies.

  1. The most useful products that actively fight oily skin are egg white, all citrus fruits, sour berries and dairy products with a low percentage of fat content. Therefore, try to choose those masks against oily skin, which contain such ingredients.
  2. Oily skin requires special care, so homemade face masks in this case can be done twice a week.
  3. Test all masks for allergies: before applying them to the face, lubricate the skin of the wrist with the prepared mixture. If no reaction follows, you can safely use your miracle remedy.
  4. Best of all, homemade face masks for oily skin will work if you apply them to steamed, pre-scrubbed skin.
  5. The ideal time for any mask is 15 minutes.
  6. Wash off masks for oily skin with warm water acidified with lemon juice. And accustom yourself to wash your face with warm, almost hot water: this will help narrow the enlarged pores and dry the skin.

If you follow these simple tips, the desired result can be achieved very quickly. Perhaps the most difficult moment will be the choice of recipe. After all, each mask for oily, problematic skin is a storehouse of the most useful substances that will become a real resuscitation for facial skin.

The best recipes for oily face masks

Choose the mask recipe for oily skin, the ingredients of which are available to you. Try to use the same mask for at least a month: this is the only way you can achieve the desired results.

  • 1. Comprehensive

Chop the parsley, mix (a tablespoon) with the same amount of kefir and bran, add lemon juice (a teaspoon).

  • 2. With green tea

Mix brewed green tea leaves (1 tablespoon) with kefir (3 tablespoons).

  • 3. Cranberry

Whip the protein into a foam, grind the cranberries to a puree state, mix both ingredients until thick.

  • 4. Strawberry

Whisk the egg white into a foam, mix with mashed strawberries until thick.

  • 5. Egg-honey mask for oily face

Beat two proteins into foam, heat honey (a tablespoon) in a water bath until warm, liquid, mix the ingredients, add ground oatmeal (2 tablespoons) and almond oil (5 drops).

  • 6. Oatmeal mask for oily skin

Beat the protein into a foam, mix with oatmeal (a tablespoon), add lemon juice (a tablespoon).

  • 7. Yeast mask for problem skin

Mix yeast (1 tablespoon) thoroughly with currant juice (3 tablespoons).

  • 8. With hydrogen peroxide

Mix yeast (a tablespoon) with yogurt (3 tablespoons), add lemon juice (a tablespoon) and hydrogen peroxide (half a teaspoon).

  • 9. With parsley

Chop the parsley, mix (a tablespoon) with yogurt (2 tablespoons) and lemon juice (a teaspoon).

  • 10. Protein mask against oily skin

Protein, whipped into foam, mix with lemon juice (a teaspoon).

Any homemade mask for oily skin you choose is easy to prepare and apply, so you will soon be able to enjoy its effect. You will finally be able to look at yourself in the mirror with pleasure, and on the street you will begin to catch the admiring glances of others. Clean and healthy skin is the key to the beauty of any woman, so do not stop in the fight against oily skin: an ordinary homemade mask will become your faithful assistant in this matter.

Increased secretion of subcutaneous fat, shiny shine, wide pores, periodic or persistent inflammation on the face spoil the mood of all owners of the oily type of the dermis. With proper care, regular procedures and proper nutrition, everything can be fixed. The main advantage of oily porous skin is that it retains youth and elasticity longer.

Causes of oily skin

Increased fat content of the dermis is typical for 25% of the population due to genetic factors, a passion for sweet, spicy, spicy foods, and an unfavorable environment. Homemade face masks can significantly improve the situation. Natural ingredients gently cleanse pores, dry out acne that has already arisen. Essential oils with antiseptic properties prevent the spread of infection. Contraindications for the use of homemade masks for oily skin are individual intolerance to individual components, the area of ​​​​rashes is more than 30%.

Rules for the use of masks:

  1. Use fresh ingredients;
  2. Apply to the cleansed dermis with clean hands;
  3. Prepare disposables;
  4. Frequent skarbirovanie, peeling harm the dermis, depleting it;
  5. Do not include alcohol-containing ingredients.

Homemade face mask recipes for oily skin

For oily problem skin

Result: a mask for oily and problematic skin has a beneficial effect on the secretions of the subcutaneous glands.


  • 30 gr. kefir;
  • 20 gr. cottage cheese;
  • mint essential oil.

Grind the cottage cheese well through a fine sieve, combine with a fermented milk product, add butter. Remove makeup with cosmetic milk, apply the mask in circular motions. After half an hour of action, remove the remains with a decoction of linden and thyme.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Purifying mask

Result: cosmetic clay for oily skin can gently cleanse the face, dry acne, remove blackheads.


  • 15 gr. blue / black clay;
  • 1 tablet of brewer's yeast;
  • 3 ml hazelnut oil.

Preparation and method of application: crush the tablet with a rolling pin or in a mortar, dilute with warm tea. Introduce clay and oil, dilute too thick mass with mineral water. Steam the epidermis, distribute a thick layer on the skin. When the mask is completely dry, rinse and wipe with water and white wine.

Moisturizing mask

Result: oily facial skin needs sufficient moisture no less than other types. Light vegetable oils with antiseptic properties provide optimal care.


  • 28 gr. pea flour;
  • 8 ml peach oil;
  • turmeric.

Preparation and method of application: bring dry peas on a coffee grinder to a powdery state (otherwise it will damage the skin). Lead healing oil and spice (for dark skin up to 2 grams). Apply along the massage lines, wait until it starts to dry. Remove with cotton pads with mineral water.

Nourishing mask

Result: a recipe for oily skin with kelp provides cell regeneration, improved lipid bonds. Activated charcoal removes toxins that cause increased work of internal secretions. Indications for carrying out - loss of tone, peeling, acne.


  • 40 gr. kelp;
  • unit of activated carbon;
  • essential oil of clove.

Preparation and method of application: crush dry algae and pour liquid. After 3 hours, add coal powder and oil. Steam your face with a hot towel, distribute the composition. 10 minutes of the mask action is enough, remove with cosmetic wipes.

Mask for very oily skin

Result: scrub for very oily skin based on acetylsalicylic acid dries up purulent pustules, whitens age spots, removes comedones.


  • 2 units of acetylsalicylic acid;
  • 4 ml mango butter;
  • plantain decoction.

Preparation and method of application: crush the tablets, add oil, dilute with warm broth. Cleanse the face with mineral water, apply the composition along the massage lines with a soft brush. Do not keep the mask for more than 10 minutes, soothe the dermis with a decoction of chamomile.

Recipe for oily skin from wrinkles

Result: effective masks for oily skin reduce the number of folds, wrinkles of various depths, improve elasticity, and correct the oval.


  • 30 gr. corn starch;
  • grapefruit essential oil;
  • 20 ml of serum.

Preparation and method of application: combine the ingredients in a ceramic bowl, stir with a cosmetic brush. Apply in a circular motion from the center to the lymph nodes, after a quarter of an hour, complete the procedure with a cold wash.

For oily acne skin

Result: an oily face is conducive to the appearance of painful pustules, acne. Facial care must perform a complex of works, excessive cleansing leads to dehydration and even greater susceptibility of the epidermis to rashes.


  • 15 ml dry white wine;
  • essential oil of verbena.

Preparation and method of application: stir fresh yeast in warm (40◦) wine, add oil. Steam the dermis, apply with a brush along the massage lines, leave for half an hour. Finish by washing and rubbing the face with a frozen herbal infusion.

Kefir mask

Result: face masks for oily skin based on kefir and other fermented milk products remove glossy shine without overdrying the dermis. Active ingredients tone and moisturize the dermis.


  • 18 ml of kefir (2.5%);
  • 10 gr. pulp of Borodino bread;
  • 7 ml of almond oil.

Preparation and method of application: heat kefir to 45◦, stir Borodino bread, add vegetable oil. In the evening, after removing makeup, spread the mask in a dense layer, set the timer for 18 minutes. After the signal, remove the remains with cosmetic discs.


clay mask

Result: dry mask for oily skin with clay has a longer duration. Mattifies and disinfects the surface, dries the pustules in the active phase.


  • 10 gr. oatmeal;
  • 2 gr. ginger powder.

Preparation and method of application: combine the components, distribute with a wide powder brush on a clean, dry skin surface. Do not rinse, wipe the dermis with micellar water before applying decorative cosmetics. Can be used as a mattifying agent or added to loose powder (it is better to choose a tone darker than the natural complexion).

egg mask

Result: egg masks for oily skin improve intracellular metabolism, cleanse and tighten pores, even out tone.


  • egg;
  • 25 ml unsweetened sourdough;
  • 17 gr. beans.

Preparation and method of application: boil the beans, grind in a blender. Separate the protein, beat until a thick foam and combine with the yolk, sourdough and bean puree. Steam the dermis over a hot decoction of calendula, blot your face with a paper towel. Apply the composition for a third of an hour, remove with water and patchouli essential oil.

Honey mask

Result: recipes for oily skin with honey tone and strengthen the facial vessels.


  • 14 gr. honey;
  • 10 gr. semolina cereals;
  • essential composition (mint, grapefruit).

Preparation and method of application: mix all the components, wash your face with mineral, carbonated water. For 3 minutes, apply with zigzag movements along the massage lines. Rinse and pat dry with a tissue.

banana recipe

Result: at home, you can make an anti-aging mask for oily skin from a banana with your own hands. Stimulates cell renewal, restores lipid balance, improves blood circulation.


  • medium green banana;
  • tea tree essential oil;
  • 12 gr. corn flour.

Preparation and method of application: bring the fruit in a blender to a puree state, add flour and butter. Remove hair and spread in a very dense layer about a centimeter thick. Active phase - 40 minutes, then remove with cosmetic wipes. Spa treatment can be used up to 2 times in 10 days.

Sour cream mask

Result: a recipe against oily skin improves color, relieves inflammation, closes pores. Sour cream nourishes as much as possible, without forming an airtight film on the surface.


  • 15 gr. sour cream (fat content not more than 10%);
  • 25 gr. rice flour;
  • essential oil of lemongrass.

Preparation and method of application: remove make-up with a cosmetic product, apply the previously combined components with a sponge. Keep the mask for 17 minutes, then soften with a hot compress and gently remove.

Lemon mask

Result: folk recipes with citrus zest or juice reduce increased secretion, whiten pigmentation that occurs after inflammation, and especially lemon reduces skin oiliness. Yogurt saturates the dermis with lactic bacteria, strengthens intercellular bonds.


  • 12 gr. lemon peel;
  • 22 gr. low-fat yogurt;
  • 3 ml lemon juice.

Preparation and method of application: grate the yellow peel, squeeze out the fresh juice of the plant and citrus, add yogurt. Wipe the surface of the skin with cleansing wipes, distribute the composition along the massage lines, moving from the chin to the forehead. The spa treatment time is 15-17 minutes, then wash your face with mineral, sparkling water. An effective mask after a summer vacation, if the tan comes off unevenly and you need to urgently get rid of pigmentation.

Video recipe: How to get rid of oily sheen on the face at home

Not so often on the street you can meet a person with perfect skin. Small pimples, rashes, redness - if the salon is powerless, then masks for oily facial skin will help. We will help you choose the components depending on the problems of the dermis, draw up a course of treatment and tell you the advice of a dermatologist regarding facial care.

homemade masks

The first thing that comes to mind when mentioning problem skin is calendula and rosehip. These ingredients help eliminate inflammation, soothe it and normalize sebum secretion. It is necessary to mix calendula tincture and rosehip broth in equal parts and rub your face with this liquid. Do not rinse for two to three hours.

From carrots and sour cream makes an excellent nourishing face mask for oily skin. You need to grate a fresh vegetable, mix this puree with a spoonful of sour cream, add a drop of cosmetic oil to the gruel and apply to the dermis for 40 minutes. This carrot mixture will not only saturate with irreplaceable carotene, but also create a self-tanning effect.

The opposite of the above mask is lemon. On the contrary, it whitens the skin and tightens the pores. For its preparation you will need:

  • two tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • and beaten yolks.

We mix all the ingredients and apply to problem areas, leave for up to half an hour.

Herbal preparations include a moisturizing mask from cucumbers and protein to cleanse pores. The method of application is simple: we apply cucumber juice on a clean dermis, the protein is applied with the next layer. Leave this film to dry. This lifting cucumber mask for oily and porous skin is suitable for daily use.

Anti-aging a homemade face mask for oily skin will help not only erase a couple of decades, but also clear it of acne. We need to prepare: sauerkraut juice, a spoonful of fresh sea buckthorn and aloe juice. We mix everything, season the resulting puree with olive oil and apply for 30-40 minutes.

Suitable for nourishing aging skin and wrinkles with banana and kiwi. Grind fruits into puree, apply to the dermis and leave for 20 minutes.

Good for acne and pimples vegetable mask from tomato, blue clay and radish. We rub the vegetables on a grater, add a spoonful of clay to them, alter and apply in a dense layer. This tomato mixture helps with peeling of the skin, promotes its regeneration.

Tonic garlic mask helps porous oily skin, relieves inflammation, is used for comedones. You need to grind the garlic cloves, mix them with aloe juice and green clay. Keep it all on the skin for 15 to 20 minutes.

Oriental mask from persimmon and honey helped the southern beauties to keep their skin normal, and their mood - on top. Knead the fruit to a pulp and mix with flower honey. Apply a thick mass on the face, hold for 30 minutes.

Photo - Persimmon

Domestic fruit The mask helps with dehydrated oily skin. You need to mix half an apple, some lingonberries and grapes. We apply this liquid gruel for 30 minutes. This apple mask, thanks to active fruit acids, is suitable for deep cleansing of combination dermis.

A good whitening mask for oily skin at home is obtained oatmeal, honey and potatoes. Boil the potatoes in their uniforms, chop, mix with honey and add a little steamed "Hercules".

A similar mask for acne-prone skin is made from strawberries, yeast, young black radish and oatmeal. Soak the yeast and oatmeal in water in advance and leave to swell. We rub and mix the radish and strawberries, pour in the yeast and porridge. Leave for another 20 minutes, then apply for half an hour on the dermis.

Yeast mask especially effective for aging problematic skin. You need to insist on yeast milk, add pumpkin juice and two whipped proteins to them. Beat everything, apply with a cotton pad on the face, leave to dry.

Especially useful in winter a mixture of bran, milk and clover seeds. Bran and clover pour milk to get a relatively thick mixture. After leaving for the night, in the morning apply on the face in several layers, hold for 30 minutes.

Peeling masks

Homemade abrasive masks are especially beneficial for the face. They consist of natural, in most cases, hypoallergenic components and are suitable for almost everyone.

Good cleansing Altai mummy mask, coffee and salt. We mix all the ingredients in equal parts, apply it on the skin with soft massage movements, rub it into it for five minutes, then leave it for 20-25. Such a coffee mixture will help restore elasticity to the dermis.

Effective honey mask film suitable for aging skin, with pronounced pigmentation. We will need:

  • egg.

We mix everything. Such an egg film will clean the pores and give the skin a pleasant color. Remove after drying, do every day.

A simple but effective tightening film mask is obtained from the following components:

  • White clay;
  • St. John's wort flock;
  • jojoba oil.

Moreover, this mixture can be used not only as a mask for oily skin, but also as a remedy for acne. If you want to rejuvenate the dermis, we recommend mixing the bulk with vitamin E.

Has proven itself very well sour cream folk sorrel mask. Sorrel contains very active ingredients that renew the skin, promote its regeneration, give it a radiant appearance and remove small wrinkles. Mix fresh sour cream with chopped herbs and apply for 15 minutes. As a substitute, a mayonnaise mask may be suitable.

Universal peeling mask consists from cornmeal, bodyaga and zucchini, which work to moisturize and soothe the skin. Boil the corn, mix with bodyaga (a teaspoon) and puree from raw zucchini. Apply with massage movements, rinse after 10 minutes of constant rubbing. It is very important not to use this remedy for open wounds and purulent inflammations.

Similar phyto-peeling recipe consists of semolina, which is mixed with chocolate. You need to apply at night, keep for 30 minutes, but remember that chocolate is a strong allergen. This night mask can easily deal with problems such as internal pimples, white pustules and acne.

Pharmacy preparations

Not a single kefir mask will relieve inflammation and redness on the face like with streptocide. Simply crush a few tablets of the drug, mix with burdock oil and apply to the skin. It is advisable to apply the mixture pointwise. If oil is not available, plain water will do.

Often, after using baking soda, redness and inflammation remain on oily skin. This is a normal reaction of the dermis after cleansing, avocado puree and aspirin. Grind a few tablets, mix with the fruit, apply on the face with a thick layer. Wash off after half an hour.

The best homemade whitening mask for aging oily skin contains hydrogen peroxide, rose petal oil and fresh cottage cheese. Mix everything and apply for 40 minutes. This curd mask is used twice a week.

Overview of cosmetics

A homemade mask against oily skin is suitable for girls who have a lot of free time and have an acute desire to test folk recipes on themselves. For those who do not consider themselves to be such, there is a whole sea of ​​​​various remedies for problematic and oily dermis, the composition of which is not very different from natural ones.

Avon's soothing mask is suitable for daily use. It eliminates excess shine, gives the skin a pleasant velvety. It is worth noting that the price does not bite.

Christina's Porcelain Porcelain Porcelain Mask is a well-known remedy for problematic skin and earthy tones. The result is visible immediately after the procedure, suitable for frequent use, hypoallergenic. Especially effective if you use a scrub from the same company in parallel.

One of the favorites of many women over 40 is the Mary Kay Botanical Effects super moisturizing mask. This drug is made entirely from natural ingredients, it is best to use it in combination, because it is just a panacea that reduces redness in a matter of minutes. Indian mass created specifically for teenage skin.

Phytomask Gittin with geranium essential oil is a balancing blend that is used to treat young skin from acne and blackheads, as well as mature.

Korff natural dry mask with sebum-regulating effect is suitable for eliminating pimples and acne, as well as for treating the scalp. You can use it once a week.

  1. mud anti-toxines mask, helps with dermatological problems of the skin of the hands and face;
  2. a lemon-cranberry cloud is perfect if you urgently need to remove redness and inflammation on teenage skin;
  3. Dr. Nona products contain nona juice, a rare plant that is suitable for the treatment of almost all known skin problems, including collagen deficiency;
  4. Parisian cream-mask lacrima;
  5. the famous Salerm Mascarilla Especifica Grasa is especially good in spring when the skin lacks vitamins;
  6. in addition, recently there are often reviews about a mask with diatomaceous earth and calendula produced by Green Mama;
  7. Innisfree Jeju Volcanic Pore Clay Mask Hard is an all-in-one peeling mask with pomegranate and cucumber juice, known for its moisturizing and cleansing properties, it is hypoallergenic and has an easy application.

What can replace the wrong ingredient:

  • if there is no cottage cheese on hand, then carrots will do. It also creates a protective layer on the dermis, besides, the vegetable is much cheaper than dairy products;
  • if you suffer from capillaries close to the surface of the skin, then you can’t make warm and tightening masks, it’s better to do with cool cucumber;
  • any expensive masks have more affordable counterparts. For example, Loreal - Nivea, a remedy for mature dermis Algologie Masque Royale - Gigi Os, foreign Eco-sapropel - domestic Floresan, Lumene or Khilaya - Allgood;
  • bark can be a substitute for any herbal decoction, it relieves inflammation, has astringent properties.

Natural beauty is the wealth of each of us, you just need to be able to emphasize it. Each natural mask for oily skin from our selection has been tested by many generations, try it and you will not regret it.

Video on demand: mask recipe for oily skin