Learn how to push correctly during childbirth. After pushing. When to start pushing during childbirth. How to push to avoid the appearance of postpartum hemorrhoids. What determines the duration of the push

What should a expectant mother not do throughout pregnancy?

Throughout pregnancy, a woman should not:

Smoking, taking alcohol and drugs;

Take any medication without consulting a doctor;

There is undercooked and undercooked meat, so as not to get infected with toxoplasmosis, a disease that is very dangerous for the fetus. For the same reason, do not clean up after pets yourself during this period, or do it only with rubber gloves. Cat and dog feces may contain toxoplasmosis pathogens;

Engage in “pregnancy prohibited” sports (see p. 122);

Lift weights. A pregnant woman should not lift more than 5 kg at a time and carry more than 3 kg. When carrying heavy loads, pressure in the abdominal cavity increases, which can lead to placental abruption, miscarriage, premature birth:

Dye your hair with chemical dyes. The fact is that complex hormonal processes take place in the body of a pregnant woman, and it is impossible to predict how the experiment with staining or highlighting may end. If you need to strengthen and tint your hair, use only natural remedies: henna, onion peel, chamomile;

Exposure of the body to radiation (ultraviolet, ionizing radiation). In the first three months of pregnancy, it is recommended to completely abandon x-ray studies. It is desirable to replace them with ultrasonic ones;

Visit places of mass congestion of people due to the increased risk of contracting viral diseases (especially during periods of influenza epidemics, SARS);

Vaccinate against smallpox and yellow fever, as the live viruses present in these sera can disrupt the development of the fetus;

Soar legs;

Put mustard plasters;

Use ointments with snake venom;

Take products with aloe extract or ginseng;

Allow bad thoughts and do bad deeds.

What should a woman start doing as soon as she finds out she is pregnant?

➭ Break the news to the child's father. Tell him that he will be a great dad, and start preparing with him for the role of parents.

➭Enjoy life and be happy! Even before birth, contact is established between the mother and the unborn baby. As a rule, if she is calm, the child is also calm. If a woman is nervous, angry and crying, the unborn child experiences exactly the same emotions.

➭Remember that thought is material! So start thinking only positive things.

➭Realize that pregnancy is a natural state. During it, hormonal changes in the body occur, which is why various ailments occur. All this, of course, is not very pleasant, but not forever.

➭ Before going to bed and barely waking up, when you are in a state of drowsiness and the subconscious mind is open, give yourself positive psychological attitudes, pronouncing them mentally 6-10 times, rhythmically and firmly. By the way, they are useful to pronounce at any time of the day.

➭Choose a doctor who will see you throughout your pregnancy. Visit him regularly, starting from the moment when the first signs of pregnancy appear.

➭Slow down the pace of your business activity, but rather go to an easier job or go on a long vacation.

➭Accustom yourself to the idea that pregnancy is not a temporary inconvenience that must be endured, but painstaking, creative and joyful work.

➭Start keeping a notebook where you will write down all the important dates (the first day of the last menstruation, the gestational age at the first visit to the antenatal clinic, the beginning and end of toxicosis, the first movement of the child, as well as the results of all studies passed; a description of your birth will be added later). There also enter all your feelings and creations dedicated to the baby.

➭ Eat right. Realize that your diet affects the development of your unborn child. Now you need to be very careful about what you eat.

➭ Get enough rest.

➭Take care of your body.

Speak lovingly to your unborn baby every day. It is known that desirable children develop better before birth and are born stronger.

How important is it for a future mother to breathe fresh air?

Try to breathe clean air. What air a mother breathes, so does the child inside her breathe. Toxic products, once in the blood of a woman, penetrate the placenta to the fetus and poison it. If the expectant mother has to breathe stale air or air containing tobacco smoke for a long time, this can lead to intrauterine hypoxia and even death of the fetus!

➭ Ventilate the room often.

➭Walk for at least two hours a day. And definitely before bed.

➭For walks, choose places that are far from highways (preferably a park or a garden).

Why is a calm environment in the family and at work important during pregnancy?

The course of pregnancy largely depends on what kind of relationship has developed in the family of the expectant mother. Therefore, you need to maintain a calm and benevolent atmosphere at home. A woman should be surrounded by care and attention. When people talk about stress and the harm it causes, they usually mean adults. But a much greater danger threatens the weakest human being, who has not yet had time to be born. And in order for the baby to be born healthy, his mother needs to be protected from conflict situations, unpleasant experiences, mental overload, to create the most calm and healthy conditions for her at home and at work.

Is it possible to swim in the reservoirs during pregnancy?

Since you are now in an "interesting" position, you need to be very careful in choosing the body of water in which you want to swim. Pay attention to its purity. The fact is that not only useful, but also harmful substances that are contained in water can penetrate the skin through the skin. If you swim in places that are not approved by epidemiologists, you risk catching dysentery, typhoid fever, stomach flu, viral hepatitis A, cholera and other infections. In addition, there is a high probability of infectious diseases of the skin, mucous membranes of the throat, ear, nose, and eyes. Remember, the immunity of the expectant mother is weakened, so it is easier for her to get infected.

Great Lent has begun. Someone decided to fast for the first time, but for someone it is an annual ceremony. But, there are still people who ask the question: “Why is it important? Is it really necessary?”, “What can and cannot be eaten?”.

Great post what is it?

Fasting is an important part of Christians. The majesty and meaning of Great Lent lies not only in abstaining from food. Fasting teaches temperance in general. The inability to deny yourself leads to disaster. First of all, fasting is a spiritual exercise, a pursuit of God, not a diet.

The fast lasts for 40 days or seven weeks.

Let's take a look at popular misconceptions about fasting.
1. Fasting is not a diet, not hunger, and clearly does not include the goal of losing weight. Many, even completely unbelievers, refuse meat and other products, but this does not mean that they are fasting. Fasting is possible in the presence of prayer, communication with God.
2. The main thing is not to lose God during fasting, and not to strive to fulfill the external obligations of fasting. To experience pangs of conscience after biting off a piece of meat, but not to experience it when you are angry with your own children, yell at your spouse, etc. The main thing is not to eat each other, especially during fasting.
3. Avoid arrogance. During fasting, a person's gaze should be focused on himself, and not on others.
4. Fast in secret. Some Christians, having started fasting, endlessly say that they are fasting. Everyone should understand how they go every day. Their facial expressions and mannerisms emphasize the feat they are accomplishing. But you need to perceive Fasting before God, and not before people.

How to fast properly

In order to fast properly, you must know the following:
- on fasting days, a person refuses food containing animal fats.
- From the reception of hot food will have to be partially abandoned.
-much attention is also paid to dry eating (however, it should be remembered that dry eating is a very difficult type of fast, so before starting dry eating, you should consult with your confessor).
-Despite the fact that the bread is cooked in a hot oven, you can still eat it.
- drink enough water to maintain the water-salt balance
- eat in small portions and more often, 6-7 times a day
-be sure to include protein-rich foods in the diet to make up for the forbidden meat
-Do not forget that fasting is a voluntary abstinence from food, which shows how Christians are able to refrain from unclean passions.

Lent symbolizes the wandering of Jesus Christ in the wilderness for 40 days, when he resisted the temptation of the devil and did not eat. By refusing food, Jesus began the salvation of all mankind. Lent is an important holiday for Christians. During the days of Great Lent, Christians mainly eat dry food. Lent lasts seven weeks. In the first and last week, fasting is especially strict. On Saturdays and Sundays, vegetable oil and grape wine are allowed. Fish is allowed only on the holidays of the Annunciation and Palm Sunday. Do not forget that despite the fact that the traditions of refusing food for many years, even the monks do not fully adhere to them. The severity of such a fast is not obligatory for the laity.

Who can't fast?

Fasting is undesirable, and in some cases even contraindicated for the following laymen
-pregnant women
-People who have recently had surgery
-children under 12 years old
- with ischemia of the heart
- with stomach ulcers and gastritis
- people suffering from hypo- and hypertension
- with diseases of the joints, osteoporosis
- with blood diseases, especially with anemia
- people engaged in hard work, in military service, etc.

What You Can and Cannot Eat During Lent

In this section of our article, we will not only give you a list of products that are allowed and prohibited for use in fasting, but also tell you how to eat in fasting by day, what recipes you can adopt.

Lent food calendar

To begin with, we will give you a table-calendar that will help you orient yourself by day in eating food.

What can you eat during Lent?

Vegetables (cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, sweet peppers, greens)
Cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, corn, wheat, barley)
Legumes (beans, beans, peas, lentils)
Fish (only twice in the entire post)
Sweets (e.g. halvah, dried fruits, nuts, dark chocolate, honey, sugar, lollipops, sugar-coated cranberries)
Drinks (juice, tea, coffee, uzvara, fruit drink, jelly. Grape wine on weekends)

What can not be eaten in Lent?

Meat and semi-finished products from it
- bread and pastries, if they are made with the addition of eggs, butter, milk
- sweets containing milk

Recipes for Lenten Meals During Lent

Bean soup without vegetable oil

To get started, you'll need good beans, onion heads, a few tomatoes, kitchen salt, herbs, and a couple of fresh celery leaves. Before you start all this cooking, you need to prepare the workplace. After that, you should cut the onion into small pieces and pour 4 tbsp. spoons of cold water and then boil over medium heat. At night, you should soak the beans, after the onion is cooked, add the beans, 1 tbsp. a spoon is enough, but if you want to make the soup more saturated, you can add 2 tbsp. Spoons. Do not forget about the tomatoes, they should be chopped and also thrown into boiling water. We wait about 20 minutes, add salt, mix, and you can remove the soup from the heat, before serving the soup on the table, you should add parsley and a couple of celery leaves, they will add flavor and taste to our soup. It should be noted that this soup is suitable for people who are overweight, not only during fasting, but also on any other day.

Quite a popular dish during fasting is herring under a fur coat.
What you need to know when preparing this dish. First of all, you need to buy a herring, 2 should be enough, however, if the table involves more people, more is possible. In addition to fish, boiled potatoes, carrots and onions are also needed. All this must be crushed, for this we need a grater. To give the dish a beautiful look, you need a flat saucer, on which we will place layers with potatoes, fish and onions. After all this is cooked, the layers are laid out, you should spread the dishes with mayonnaise. When you have finished cooking, let the dish brew, then its taste will be richer and more pleasant.

In order to cook this caviar, you will need dried mushrooms, these mushrooms can also be salted or a mixture of them can be used. It is better to collect mushrooms for this in the forest or buy them in the market. Before you cook them, you need to wash them thoroughly, then cook them until cooked, and after that cool and chop them into small pieces. If you are making caviar from salted mushrooms, they should also be washed in cold water. Cut onion into small rings and fry in oil with mushrooms, then simmer them for about 15 minutes. A few minutes before stewing, add some spices and crushed garlic, pepper to add spice, salt to taste and pour over with vinegar. The caviar is ready, now it is better to leave the caviar to stand for 20-30 minutes so that it brews and absorbs all the components. Enjoy your meal!

Oat pancakes

To prepare such a lenten breakfast, you will need oatmeal, water, yeast, flour, salt and, of course, vegetable oil. Pour oatmeal into an iron bowl, mix, pour 2 cups of warm water (not boiling water) into it, pour sugar, salt and a bag of yeast into it, mix it all thoroughly and add flour. Somewhere in half an hour, mix again and you can proceed to the pancakes. To do this, heat the pan and pour vegetable oil into it. It remains now only to fry the pancakes. Pancakes are useful with honey and jam, so they are best served together. This breakfast is not only lean, but quite healthy.

Before cooking, put the water to boil, cut the potatoes into quarters, pour the canned red beans into the pan, mix, you should also cut the carrots, onions, and a little greens in order to give a pleasant aroma to the soup. Boil all these ingredients in a pot covered with a lid for 20 minutes. Salt to taste, throw crushed garlic, red pepper, tomato juice and tomato paste. Boil for about 10 minutes and throw some greens there.

To prepare this dish, it is necessary to boil finely chopped carrots and beets in salted boiled water. In another saucepan, it is advisable to boil finely chopped potatoes (in cubes) separately. These decoctions should be combined and preserved. These vegetables should be thrown into a colander and mixed with chopped cucumbers. Get a jar of canned peas and pour the contents into a bowl. In another bowl, pour 1 glass of vegetable oil and a glass of red wine, squeezed lemon juice and salt. Bring this marinade to a boil. Salad should be poured with marinade and mixed. Leave the salad for 30 minutes to infuse. This vinaigrette is quite high-calorie and healthy, it should be consumed not only during fasting.

In our next article, we will tell you how to properly compose a lenten menu, which dishes are best included and which are not, we will give an approximate menu for the week. Follow our releases, subscribe to updates.

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