Christmas packaging Christmas tree with your own hands. Christmas packaging-herringbone. Children's packaging

The holiday is just around the corner, so we offer you gift wrapping ideas for the New Year 2019.

Every year, the design of the New Year's surprise is far from the last place. Individuality can emphasize the value of the presentation.

Yes, and it is more pleasant to receive a surprise not in store packaging, but in one that has its own “zest”.

Current trends in 2019

Currently, the following areas have gained great popularity in gift wrapping:

  • Eco style;
  • Minimalism;
  • Eclecticism and futurism.

When packaging a holiday gift in an ecological style, natural tools are used - natural shades, different textures and nothing artificial.

Often they use craft paper tied with a bow made of ordinary rope, decorated with natural elements - flowers, cones, fir branches.

Minimalism is rigor and restraint. There should be a single thought - simplicity.

When decorating, a minimum of elements is used, for example, a present is wrapped in an ordinary paper sheet, and a small tag with the name of the recipient acts as a decoration.

Futurism and eclecticism are suitable for those who like to combine several directions at the same time.

It can be a fancy satin ribbon bow and paper decoration, or a fabric box with a small decorative pin.

So, in order for the design of the surprise to be unforgettable and fashionable, you need to apply style and be attentive. The initial result depends on the quality.

Original handmade boxes

The most popular method of presenting a holiday gift is a cardboard box. It's very easy to make it:

  1. You can find a template on the Internet or draw it yourself on a piece of cardboard.
  2. Cut the workpiece and assemble it according to the lines in the diagram.
  3. Glue the box where necessary. It is better to use double-sided tape in work, as it does not leave marks and smudges.
  4. Decorate the box. If decorative stickers are used, it is recommended to apply them before assembly. Dry the box and you can put a surprise.

Such a box can be absolutely any shape, for example, a pyramid or even a candy. Consider the process of making candy. For this you will need:

  • Colored cardboard;
  • Pencil and ruler;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Sample;
  • Glue;
  • Thread.

So, in order:

  1. Transfer the candy stencil onto cardboard.
  2. Cut along the contour lines, make cuts with a clerical knife.
  3. Press hard along the folds with a ruler to make a creasing.
  4. Put a surprise in the center of the workpiece, wrap it.
  5. Tie neat bows at the twisting points.

You can also make a box in the form of a piece of birthday cake. To do this, you need a dense colored canvas or thin cardboard, a ruler, a pencil and glue. You will not spend more than 30 minutes on making.

Transfer the template to the paper of the color you like. Cut blanks, bend along the marked lines. Glue the box, then start decorating.

We wrap beautifully

We know how to make boxes, it remains to learn how to beautifully seal the presentation with our own hands.

You can limit yourself to just a box, or you can make something interesting. The packaging should look neat - all cuts are even without traces of glue (as mentioned earlier, double-sided tape must be used). She must completely hide the surprise. Do not forget about the name card - this is the part of the decor that always catches the eye.

Consecutive packing steps:

  • The box is wrapped in paper and the places where you need to cut are marked. Cut off, leaving a margin of a couple of centimeters.
  • Glue the long edges with tape on both sides.
  • Fold the short edges into a trapezoid and stick on double-sided tape.
  • Do the same on the opposite side.

This is considered a classic wrap, then let's see the packaging in the form of a Christmas tree:

  • Lay the surprise closer to the edge of the paper.
  • We bend the bottom edge of the paper, wrapping the present.
  • Then we bend the sides to the ends.
  • You will get various valves in the form of triangles.
  • They are folded in such a way as if a pigtail is woven.
  • We glue the upper triangle with adhesive tape and decorate the package.

Consider a few more original ideas for presenting holiday gifts.

paper feathers

Plain paper design, decorated with feathers, acquires style and originality. Feathers are also made from sheets of old books or wallpaper.

Glitter and chic

Replacing the usual craft paper and decorating it with glitter, it will turn out very unusual. For decor, artificial spruce branches and name tags are used.

Laurel wreath

Craft boxes decorated with laurel wreaths look very unusual and original. For fixing use a regular rope.

spruce branches

This type of presenting a gift is suitable for people with a delicate taste. Packed in black wrapping paper and decorated with spruce branches, the present looks very festive.

"Winter" drawings The box is wrapped in black wrapping paper and with a white marker or corrector, pictures on a winter or holiday theme are drawn on it.

Looks extremely unusual.


Presents in glass jars. A small amount of cotton wool, hay or polystyrene is placed at the bottom of the cans. The necks of the jars are decorated with ribbons, bows, tags or sweet candies.

The following option looks very interesting: cut out the stencil of the symbol of the year, stick it on the jar, paint it in the color you like and peel off the stencil. The result is a bright jar with the image of a dog.

This packaging is perfect for lollipops. You can glue a small figurine of the symbol of the year to the lid and decorate it.


The fabric design looks more than unusual.

This is a combination of style and home comfort. Surely in every closet there is a piece of unnecessary fabric.

Knitted material is more suitable. And it will not be difficult for needlewomen to knit a small piece for decoration.

Fancy Packages

An unnecessary or damaged book will be an original way to seal a surprise. Finished bags can be decorated with a piece of lace or sparkles. Secure the package in an original way with a regular clothespin.


Paper stars are a very original way to present a New Year's surprise. To create, plain and kraft paper is used. It also requires a minimum of sewing skills.

A star template of the desired size is cut out of paper, a present is placed in the center.

New Year's tinsel is used to create the volume of the star. Next, the paper layers are sewn together.

Burlap packaging

Burlap is a combination of originality and style. Everything is done very simply. The gift box is wrapped in burlap and secured with satin ribbons or bows.

You can also make bags of different sizes from burlap and put surprises in them.

The smell of the holiday

There is nothing more original than giving a present with a festive aroma that will be fragrant after the new year. To do this, you will need a mixture of aromatic herbs (basil, thyme, rosemary and others), a piece of cloth and glue.

From the fabric you need to cut a piece and lay out the herbs. Can be either collected in a bag or glued to a gift box.

Children's packaging

New Year is a family holiday. But most of all gifts are appreciated by children. For children, you can cut out various New Year's animals.

From a plastic plate, ribbons and buttons, you can make a snowman and attach it to a gift box. Looks very original. From the tubes you can make Christmas trees or snowflakes.

You can also decorate the box with some flat figure. Christmas balls, stars, garlands and so on can be made from fabric.

It will be very original to attach an edible cookie to the gift. The kids will enjoy it even more.

Surely the children will like the present, packed in a box in the style of Santa Claus or the Snow Maiden.

A child will like a New Year's present packed in a boot or stocking. You can buy it in the store or sew it yourself. Decorate with beads, snowflakes and small holiday snowflakes.

You can also make a red bag, like a real Santa Claus. Holidays for kids are always combined with sweets. Take a plastic box, decorate it with New Year's attributes and put sweets.

So, the article discusses a large number of gift wrapping ideas for the New Year. For manufacturing, you will need improvised materials and a little time. The result is an original and stylish present that will delight friends, relatives and relatives.

Any hand-wrapped gift looks elegant and non-standard.

A very easy-to-implement paper bag for New Year's gifts is presented in this master class. The overall dimensions of the base are 6.5 cm × 9 cm and can accommodate a fairly large bar of soap, a couple of bath bombs, a small package of homemade cosmetics, etc. A bright combination of green colored paper with white cardboard will add volume to the Christmas tree, and glitter glue will create the effect of a snowy tree.

For packing in the form of a Christmas tree you will need:

  1. 2 sheets of A4 green cardboard
  2. 2 sheets of A4 white cardboard
  3. Ruler, pencil and checkered leaves
  4. Regular and serrated scissors
  5. Double sided tape
  6. stapler
  7. PVA glue
  8. glue glitter
  9. Self-adhesive stars

DIY Christmas tree packaging template:

1. Create a box template on a checkered piece of paper.

2. Cut out the template and transfer it to white cardboard.

3. For airiness along solid lines, cut with curly scissors and bend along dotted lines.

4. We assemble the boxes and fasten them with a stapler along the large side of the box, then the staples in the finished product will not be visible.

5. We temporarily postpone the finished box.

6. Create a template for the packaging walls for New Year's gifts.

7. We transfer the template to green cardboard, circle and cut it out.

8. We postpone the resulting workpiece.

9. Let's start creating Christmas tree templates, for this, on a piece of paper folded in half, draw a big heart, the most protruding part of which should be 10-11 cm when unfolded. On the same leaf inside, draw three more hearts.

10. Cut out the template - a big heart and circle it 2 times on green and white cardboard.

11. Then we cut off the smaller heart along the next contour and again circle it 2 times on green and white cardboard, etc. down to the smallest heart.

12. As a result, we get 8 green and 8 white hearts, we will gradually glue these blanks onto the walls of the soap bag.

13. We return to the green blank and glue the hearts on it, starting with white.

14. Glue the green heart next and bend it, repeating the contours of the green blank, etc., alternating white and green hearts, completing the top with a green heart.

15. We do the same with the second part of the workpiece.

16. We will connect the blank glued on both sides with Christmas trees to the white box with double-sided tape.

17. To fix the walls of the handbag from above, we use self-adhesive stars.

18. We will go through the edges of the spruce branches with glitter glue.

19. That's all, do-it-yourself packaging for New Year's gifts is ready.

The packaging of the Christmas Tree turned out to be not expensive at all. All blanks consist of simple figures, and cutting out hearts is always a pleasure. Try this simple but attractive look for your surprises.

The New Year holidays are approaching - it's time for fun, good mood and heaps of gifts. You also prepared an original gift for a loved one, but still haven't chosen a festive package?

I will gladly help You to cope with this important task. Today, together with you, we will make a wonderful Christmas tree box, which will serve as an excellent packaging for a New Year's gift.

To make a Christmas tree box, we need: thick green paper with a pattern, glue, scissors, silver ribbon, decorative berries, leaves, stars and other decorations that are at hand.

Well, shall we start?

1. To begin with, enlarge to the desired size and print out the box template. You can draw it yourself, taking as a basis a square with a side length of 17 cm.

2. Cut, fold and glue the parts of the box in the places indicated in the diagram. Before gluing, do not forget to put a gift inside. =)

3. Tie our Christmas tree with a transparent silver ribbon.

4. Tie a pretty bow at the top.

5. Decorate the box with decorative stars, berries, bows, and whatever you want.

Congratulations! The original Christmas tree box is ready! Your friends and family will certainly be delighted with a gift in such an unusual package.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

When we give gifts, we share, first of all, positive bright emotions and good mood. A beautifully packaged gift is perceived by our aesthetic senses better, automatically increasing the value of the gift. In order for the present to receive its festive packaging, the editors of the site will tell you how to make original boxes with your own hands for the New Year.

And beautiful, and neat, and effective

Why have various kinds of gift boxes become so popular? If you approach the presentation of gifts from the position “it’s good even without packaging”, then it’s enough to imagine a picture of how all the gifts lie under the Christmas tree in a big pile. And without a proper approach, it will be a real bunch, besides, it’s just not clear where whose gift is. In order to give a special joy to a loved one, you need to competently approach the issue of presenting a present: we are not lazy and prepare gift boxes for the New Year with our own hands.

What you need to make DIY Christmas boxes

Depending on the expected result, a suitable material for packaging products is selected. Cardboard is best suited for this purpose: you can take white if decor is meant, colored, printed, or use thick paper for scrapbooking.

There is an interesting way to turn ordinary cardboard into painted. To do this, purchase a large New Year's napkin. A cling film is very carefully applied to the cardboard, a napkin is straightened on top. On top of the napkin, through a sheet of A4 office paper, the cardboard is ironed with an iron on medium heat. Thanks to the cling film, the napkin will ideally stick to the cardboard, turning it into a colorful one.

Depending on the type of product, you may also need a box template, a ruler, a simple pencil, scissors, a satin ribbon or a ribbon for strings.

Workshops, tips and instructions for making packaging boxes

In order not to get a crooked and incomprehensible “something”, but to make a real beautiful gift box with your own hands, it would be better to use the instructions and ready-made templates with suitable sizes.

How to make your own Christmas tree wrapping

A Christmas tree in the form of a box with a surprise inside, carefully made with your own hands, will serve as an excellent case for a gift for the New Year.

We print out the template, apply it to scrap paper or cardboard, circle it with a barely noticeable line with a simple pencil.

As ties, it is better to take a thin satin ribbon.

Original snowflake box

For those who first thought of developing a template for a delightful box with a voluminous a snowflake in the form of a castle, a song of praise should be dedicated. A little hard work, and it will be possible to put a small present in such a creative package.

Each fold is carefully ironed with a fingernail or ruler.

Nuance! For such a box, you should not take very thick cardboard, it is best to use scrap paper.

House-shaped packaging

An interesting solution that can also be used as a Christmas tree decoration. If you make a lot of such small houses at once and hang them on the branches of a Christmas tree, then even taking out the contents of the box, a beautiful pendant will remain.

Gift in a cardboard box

A variant of a "female" present, which can be properly decorated with a suitable decor. The template is not complicated, so you can modify it somewhat by increasing it in size if the content is planned to be moderately weighty.

The printout is transferred to cardboard, the future handbag is decorated, and then the assembly is carried out.

Bonbonniere box

Bonbonniere is a small beautiful box in which small sweets are offered. Why not play with a sweet gift with such finesse?

Related article:

DIY New Year's cards: scrapbooking, quilling, origami, fingerprints; postcards for the New Year from improvised materials: buttons, threads, felt, corrugated paper, colored tape, sequins - in our publication.

Pyramid packaging

The box is notable for the fact that it is easy to assemble and does not require a drop of glue. It is better to take thick paper for scrapbooking, which in itself looks fabulously beautiful.

Recommendations for making a box with a hexagon lid

Lovers of clear and neat lines are advised to give something packed in a geometric shape. Such packaging is most often used after a holiday in everyday life because of its convenience and spaciousness.

A square box for all occasions: a simple New Year's box-cube

The most verified geometric shape is also a good packaging container, so let's make a convenient square box.

Cardboard box can be with separate lid and bottom:

Round carton packaging

The round shape attracts many people, so do not ignore the geometry of smooth lines. It will be easy to build such a box. It is better to take thick cardboard, which can then be decorated in a New Year's way.

To build a round product with a lid, they are guided by the fact that the diameter of the lid should slightly exceed the diameter of the base. The height of the model can be any, but to get the perfect container for gifts, we measure the length of the base of the bottom circle. This wide strip should have a series of "teeth" that will serve to glue the bottom and walls. The lid is made according to a similar principle; to measure its lateral edge, measure the length of the base of the cover.

Candy shaped box for candies and other gifts

To make an original do-it-yourself gift box in the form of a candy, there is a ready-made template. Since the assembly is made easier than the lung, you can make as many such products as you like.

How to beautifully pack a box in fabric or paper

If there is no time to build a beautiful box, this does not mean that you are deprived of the opportunity to aesthetically pack a gift.

We decorate the box with our own hands

Simplicity and conciseness are good, but, nevertheless, without intricate decor, the products do not look as impressive as we would like. The boxes are decorated with all sorts of materials: ribbons, lace, semi-beads, buttons, acrylic painting, embossing, stamps, ready-made bows and carved wooden miniatures.

You can always tie up the box with a beautiful ribbon or twine, glue a small bell to it, or put a congratulatory New Year's stamp. Approach the creation process thoughtfully and with inspiration, this will help you make a masterpiece with your own hands, even from a simple box template.

For many, it is the packaging of New Year's gifts that is a difficult and incomprehensible matter. Therefore, they prefer to give this stage at the mercy of some companies that will take big money for a stylish decor. But you can stylishly decorate the gift yourself if you use the templates of special boxes. Such presents look especially bright and impressive for the New Year under the Christmas tree.

Each reader of this material will have his own version of how to make New Year's gift boxes. The bottom line is that you can download box templates for free, and then print them on a high-quality printer and simply assemble a stylish package. Believe me, such a design will give the holiday a magical spirit and bring a New Year's atmosphere, and also simply surprise people and loved ones. Because, few people give New Year's gifts in boxes made with their own hands.

Advice! Such packaging can be made simply from colored paper. You only need to print the selected pattern and the scheme for folding on a printer. But it is best to use cardboard. New Year's symbols and Christmas decorations are welcome, because it's New Year's time in the yard.

DIY gift boxes: templates and instructions


Such packaging is a stylish gift approach and an ideal solution, regardless of the age and social status of the person to whom the gift is intended. The original detail will be a snowflake on top of the box, everything is done by hand and is extremely simple. Here are the excellent ones.

To work, you need cardboard or white thick paper, a clerical knife and scissors, glue. First, you can print a box template directly from this material, then carefully cut it out with scissors. Then transfer the diagram from paper to cardboard. The figure shows the fold lines, it is better to mark them separately as well. To bend the cardboard gently, you will need to gently draw the back of the clerical knife over them.

When everything is bent, you need to glue the corners of the box together. Now apply the finished elements one by one and fix everything. You will get an amazing snowflake, which in itself is already a work of art, but this is just a box for the main gift. How to do .

Spectacular ideas to make the packaging original:

  1. The white color of the box may seem boring, because on New Year's Eve it is white and white on the street, why not paint life with bright colors. To do this, it is not necessary to look for colored cardboard; a white box can be decorated with sparkles. First, grease all sides of the box with glue, then immediately sprinkle with sparkles. After 10 minutes, simply blow off those sparkles that have not stuck.
  2. Sticky rhinestones are also great for additional decor. You can act here based on your own creative ideas.
  3. Instead of white cardboard, a gold or silver version of this source material can be taken.

triangular herringbone

The main symbol of the New Year in our country is the Christmas tree, ready-made templates will help you make gift wrapping in the shape of a sparkling and elegant Christmas tree. You will need to print the template on a printer or draw it yourself using these measurements.

For work, prepare green decorative corrugated cardboard, a golden gift ribbon, scissors, star rhinestones and other decorations for the winter beauty. Draw a template on paper and transfer it to cardboard, then cut it out.