The first parent meeting in the preparatory group. Parent meeting in the preparatory group for school (beginning of the year). lesson plan (preparatory group) on the topic. Plasticine exercises

Parent meeting in the preparatory group "How do I see my child at school?"

Parent meeting-workshop. Topic: How do I imagine my child at school.

Target: Discussion of the points of view of parents, educators on the role of the family in the pre-school period of a child's life. Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents; to maintain their confidence in their own pedagogical abilities, parents' awareness of their experience of relationships with the child.

Workshop progress

Leading: There will be an exciting moment for you and your children to enter school soon. And the topic of our debate is “How do I imagine my child at school”. You have your first task.
Exercise 1
The cards say:
Determine the degree of excitement of the son or daughter in connection with the upcoming schooling.
There are colored stripes on the tables: black means strong excitement; blue - moderate; red - joy, confidence.
Choose a strip and justify (optionally) your choice.
(The result of the test is summed up, recommendations are given to parents who chose blue and black stripes).
Leading: Now we invite your attention to consider and discuss the drawings of children on the topic "How I imagine myself at school."
Task 2. Let's try, looking at the picture, to reflect on whether the child wants to grow up, whether he wants to become a schoolboy. How do you think the child sees his future: attractive or not? His ideas are made up of past and present experiences: communication, assessment of his skills by others and assessment of himself.
Try to feel the overall tone of the drawing. What mood of the child does he convey? Joy? Anxiety? Uncertainty or even fear of school? Are there students in the picture, teacher? What are the sizes of the figure of the teacher in comparison with the figures of children?
Imagine what the child wants to say with his drawing to adults - parents, teachers, educators: “I’m not afraid of school and I’ll be glad to sit at my desk”, “I’m interested in going to the blackboard …”, “I’m interested in going to school, because my mother and father are with me, who love me”, “I’m anxious and have no one to rely on, I’m scared to go to school ...”, “I’m more happy to return from school home than go to school, etc.
The facilitator strives to ensure that all parents speak out and think about the nature of the relationship with the child (complicity, empathy with each other or his dependence on them). Do they trust the child, his skills, abilities, and does he have confidence in himself? Is the child sure that his parents consider him big, independent? And each of you would like his child to be as well prepared as possible for school. What does it mean for a child to be ready for school?
Task 3
We offer you a small test "Pyramid", where you will determine the main indicators of a child's readiness for school. This is something that should be formed, developed in the child, something that will help him well, to study at school.
On the demo stand:
Factors of successful preparation and adaptation of the child to school.
-A responsibility
- Ability to count, count, write
- Ability to communicate with adults and peers
-Health status
-Ability to think logically
- Ability to organize the workplace
- Development of speech and memory.
Parents are divided into several working groups of 3-4 people
They are offered the following task: You are offered to put on the first (top) line the indicator that you consider the most important. On the second, lay out the 2 most important of the remaining indicators. On the third - three. On the fourth - two. On the fifth - one indicator.
It should look like this pyramid:

Summing up the test(what parents put in first, second, etc. place.)
Leading: Child psychologists identify several criteria for the readiness of children to study at school.
1. Intellectual readiness (ability to concentrate, ability to build logical connections, memory development, fine motor skills);
2. Emotional readiness (motivation for learning, ability to concentrate, control of emotions);
3. Social readiness (need for communication, behavior correction in a team, ability to learn).
4. Physical readiness: state of health; physical development; development of basic movements.
In principle, the intellectual development that a child receives from birth, both in the family and in kindergarten, the information about life in general that he draws from the environment, in general, is sufficient to prepare for the beginning of education in a regular school. By the end of kindergarten, any child, as a rule, can count to ten, knows letters (maybe not all, but it's not scary), and can use logical thinking to some extent.
By the way, if you do not dismiss the questions that the child begins to ask you, and do not fence him off from your surrounding adult life, preparation for school will go naturally and without stress. It is important to remember that a developed child and a school-ready child are not the same thing. Learning - these are the skills that the child was taught: the ability to write, read, count. Intellectual development is a kind of mental potential, the ability of a child to move independently, to learn independently, to solve problematic problems.
You can evaluate the development of the future first-grader yourself or consult a child psychologist. Special tests for diagnosing school readiness are now quite available, sold in many bookstores. But one single technique does not allow to fully assess all aspects of a child's development. And yet such a check will show what needs to be worked on before September 1.
Such tests usually check:(questions are distributed to each parent)
- development of memory (the norm when memorizing 10 words is 6 or more words);
- clarity of pronunciation; the ability to repeat a compound word; ability to distinguish sounds in words;
- development of speech (wealth of the dictionary, the ability to compose a story from pictures, retell what you heard, etc.);
- voluntary attention (the ability to work on a learning task for 10 minutes without being distracted);
- readiness of the hand to write (you need to copy a simple drawing, a simple phrase);
- the ability to act according to the instructions (draw a pattern according to the cells under dictation, fold the pattern from the cubes according to the sample);
- development of logical thinking (the ability to find similarities-differences, generalize, name the odd one out of the proposed items; arrange pictures related to the plot in the right sequence, etc.);
- spatial orientation (the ability to name where the object is located - on the right, on the left, behind, above, below, etc.);
- the child's general awareness of the world around him;
- elementary mathematical skills (ordinal counting up to ten, direct and reverse; the ability to solve a simple problem with the help of objects).

They also evaluate what attracts the child to school (the opportunity to gain new knowledge or purely external attributes - a new backpack, an interesting pencil case, etc.); how he interacts with unfamiliar adults and children; what is his personal pace of work and much more.
A child is considered not ready for school if he:
- configured exclusively for the game;
- insufficiently independent;
- excessively excitable, impulsive, uncontrollable;
- does not know how to focus on the task, understand verbal instructions;
- knows little about the surrounding world, cannot compare objects, cannot name a generalizing word for a group of familiar objects, etc .;
- has serious violations of speech development;
- not able to communicate with peers;
- does not want to contact adults or, on the contrary, is too cheeky.
At any readiness level, your child will be accepted into first grade.
Assessment of the level of emotional development.

Does the child look cheerful (at home and among friends)?
- Has the child formed an image of himself as a person who can do a lot?
- Is it easy for the baby to “switch” with changes in the usual daily routine, move on to solving a new task?
- Is the child able to work independently, compete in completing tasks with other children?
Assessment of communication skills.
- Does the baby join in the game of other children, does he share with them?
- Does he follow the order when the situation requires it?
Is the child able to listen to others without interrupting?
Assessment of physical development.
- Does the child hear well?
- Does he see well?
- Is he able to sit quietly for some time?
- Does he have developed motor coordination skills, for example, can he play ball, jump, go down and up stairs?
- Does the child look cheerful and enthusiastic?
- Does the child look healthy, well-fed and rested?
Your relationship with your child, your role in preparing him for school.
(here it is important to answer honestly at least to yourself)
- Do you like your baby?
- Do you listen to what the child says?
- Do you look at the baby when he talks to you?
- Do you try to create in the child a sense of the significance of what he is talking about?
- Do you correct the child's speech?
Do you allow your child to make mistakes?
- Do you praise the baby, do you hug him?
- Do you laugh with him?
- Do you set aside time every day for reading to your child and for talking with him?
- Do you play any games with your baby?
- Do you encourage the interests and hobbies of the child?
- Does the baby have at least one or two books of his own?
- Does the child have a place at home that is reserved only for him?
- Do you try to set an example for your child by reading newspapers, magazines, books, generally being interested in surrounding events?
- Do you discuss with the baby and with the whole family something interesting from what you have read or heard?
- Do you try to say everything for the child before he has time to open his mouth, in the store or at the dentist?
- Do you watch TV with your child?
- Do you ask your child questions about the meaning of what he saw on TV?
- Do you limit your child's ability to watch TV?
- Do you try to go for walks with your children?
- Are you going to take your child to the zoo, to the theater, to the museum?
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that all of the listed criteria are also far from the ultimate truth, and there is no need to try to ensure that your child meets all of them without exception and in full: by the way, guided by this test, it is not necessary to use only “yes” or “no” ratings: “always, sometimes, often, rarely, never” options are also allowed.
Homework for parents: talk with the child at home, watch him ask him the above questions.
At the end of the meeting, you can offer parents home games to prepare for school, for example: “Lay it out yourself” (on the ability to analyze the shape of objects); “Guess what is hidden” (on the ability to recognize objects by their verbal description and to give a description of various objects, etc.).
The facilitator encourages parents to read the following books.
Matveeva L., Vyboyshik I., Myakushkin D Practical psychology for parents, or What can I learn about my child. M, 1997.
Vinogradova N.F., Zhurova L.E. is your child ready for school? Advice from a teacher and psychologist: A book for parents / Ed. A.G. Khripkova. M., 1992.

Are you ready to send your child to school?
(Test for parents)
1. It seems to me that my child will study worse than other children.
2. I am afraid that my child will often offend other children.
3. In my opinion, four lessons is an exorbitant burden for a small child.
4. It is difficult to be sure that elementary school teachers understand children well.
5. A child can study in peace only if the teacher is his own mother.
6. It is hard to imagine that a first grader can quickly learn to Read, count and write.
7. It seems to me that children at this age are not yet capable of
8. I'm afraid to even think about how my child will do without daytime sleep.
9. My child often cries when a stranger speaks to him.
10. My child does not go to kindergarten and never leaves his mother.
11. Primary school, in my opinion, is rarely able to teach a child anything.
12. I am afraid that children will tease my child.
13. My baby, in my opinion, is much weaker than his peers.
14. I'm afraid that the teacher does not have the ability to accurately assess the progress of each child.
15. My child often says: “Mom, will we go to school together?”
Record your answers on the board:
if you agree with the statement, put a cross after the slash, if you disagree, leave the cell empty.
1 2 3 4 5
1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/
6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/
11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/
Now calculate how many crosses were in each column and what is the total amount. If the total score is
up to 4 points - this means that you have every reason to optimistically wait for the first of September - at least you yourself are quite ready for your child's school life;
5-10 points - it is better to prepare for possible difficulties in advance;
10 points or more - it would be nice to consult a child psychologist.
And now let's pay attention to the columns in which 2 and 3 crosses were obtained.
1. - it is necessary to do more games and tasks that develop memory, attention, fine motor skills.
2. - you need to pay attention to whether your child knows how to communicate with other children.
3. - difficulties associated with the health of the child are foreseen, but there is time to do hardening and general strengthening exercises.
4. - there are fears that the child will not find contact with the teacher, it is necessary to pay attention to story games.
5. - the child is too attached to the mother, maybe it is worth giving him to a small class or even postponing school for a year. In any case, it is useful to play school.

Target: to help parents of children who are at the school start, to navigate the main difficulties that a first grader may face, and possible ways to prevent a child's maladaptation at school.


1. Speech by the teacher Mavlyutova N.Kh. "The tasks of educating and educating children 6-7 years old."

2. Speech by the teacher Mavlyutova N.Kh. Exercise "Parade of opinions" on the topic: "Preparing children for school"

3. Speech by the teacher Borovkova S.V. Crisis 7 years.

4. Speeches of the teacher Borovkova S.V. "Advice to parents of future first-graders."

5. Memo for parents of future schoolchildren (Appendix 1).

6. Miscellaneous.



Parent meeting for preschool parents

"Kindergarten and parents are equal partners"

("Children and parents at the school start").

Target: to help parents of children who are at the school start, to navigate the main difficulties that a first grader may face, and possible ways to prevent a child's maladaptation at school.


2. Speech by the teacher Mavlyutova N.Kh. Exercise "Parade of opinions" on the topic: "Preparing children for school"

3. Speech by the teacher Borovkova S.V. Crisis 7 years.

4. Speeches of the teacher Borovkova S.V. "Advice to parents of future first-graders."

5. Memo for parents of future schoolchildren (Appendix 1).

6. Miscellaneous.

Meeting progress:

Hello, we are glad to see you in our garden! We want to congratulate you

dear parents with the transition to the preparatory group for school.

We invite you to play a little and rally our team.

Exercise "Match"

Purpose: Team building.

Content: Stand shoulder to shoulder (two teams). Now we will give you matches that can be held with only one finger. Your task is to reach the finish line together without dropping the match. If at least one match falls, then the whole team returns to the start. You need to make a circle around each chair. How exactly to hold the matches is up to you. The main condition is to hold with one finger. Well done, take your seats.

Answer the questions:

Was this exercise easy to complete?

What prevented you from reaching the finish line?

1. Speech by the teacher Mavlyutova N.Kh. "The tasks of educating and educating children 6-7 years old."

2. Speech by the teacher Mavlyutova N.Kh. "Preparing Children for School".

2. Exercise "Parade of Opinions"

Target: Activate the meeting participants in the discussion of the proposed topic"Preparing Children for School".

This year will fly by very quickly, and your kids, as it seems, will go to first grade. And our task is to help the children prepare for school.

A) “What benefits are better to choose for preparing for school? »

Currently, there are many manuals, we advise you to choose author's manuals, decorated with drawings, with large print, clearly stated tasks for the development of memory, attention, thinking, speech, with fun tasks, puzzles, copybooks.

Give your child a certain time to complete each task, teach him to control time with the help of an hourglass. Encourage correctly completed tasks, tactfully point out mistakes and help correct them.

B) "How much time should I spend preparing for school at home?"

No more than 20-30 minutes, if you see that the child is tired, there is no mood to study further, switch the activity to the game, let the child study on his own.

C) “If the child categorically refuses to study at home, what should I do?”

Offer your child a small amount of classes - no more than 5 minutes.

Conduct all classes in a playful way: add syllables and words from pasta, count soap bubbles, solve problems using real objects, fruits and vegetables, write letters to fairy-tale characters.

Be sure to answer them in block letters to encourage your child to read. Encourage independence, non-standard thinking of the child. Help to hold a pencil, a pen correctly.

D) “If a child constantly requires new tasks and is ready to do a lot, is it worth limiting him?”

If the child does not show signs of fatigue, does not get upset because some task does not work out, perceives learning as an attractive activity -Strict boundaries for classes should not be set.

Try to switch the child from one activity to another, offer a variety of situations that may happen at school, ask what he will do if:

He will offend someone;

Someone will offend him;

Something will hurt him;

He will lose some thing;

He will not understand how to complete the task, etc.

E) “Is it necessary to talk with the child on the topic“ School ”?”

Even if the child has the necessary stock of knowledge, skills, abilities, level of intellectual, volitional development, it will be difficult for him to learn if there is no social position of the student, i.e. the desire of the child to become a schoolboy. Not only to understand, but also to accept the importance of schooling, respect for the teacher, schoolmates.

A conscious attitude to school is associated with the expansion and deepening of ideas about learning activities, with the creation of an emotional relationship. Tell your child about your favorite teachers, read stories about school, watch movies. This will create a positive attitude towards school.

E) Why is it difficult for a child to control his behavior?

Because his will is not developed enough. Managed should be not only external behavior, but also the mental activity of the child: attention, memory, thinking. The child needs to be able to observe, listen, remember, achieve the task. For the development of will in preschoolers, it is necessary to help him establish relationships between the purpose of actions and their motives.

G) "What is the difference between the relationship in the "child-teacher" system in kindergarten and school?"

When a child enters school, the system of relations in interpersonal communication changes. Relationships become businesslike. Whereas in kindergarten they were more emotional, personal and individual. At school, the child is assessed on the basis of completed tasks. It is important to gradually prepare the child for the system of new relationships at school.

G) "Could there be restrictions on watching TV for a preschooler?"

The child should not watch all TV shows. Restrictions must be imposed unconditionally. And stick to the decision you made. It must also be remembered that a child perceives a film differently than an adult. Therefore, it is better to watch the program with the child and discuss the impressions of what they saw.

H) "Why do all children unequally master reading, writing?"

Not all children develop reading and writing skills equally quickly.

There are many reasons for this, but the main one is that the child has insufficiently developed speech, phonemic hearing in particular.

By the end of preschool age, the child should be able to produce a sound analysis of words.

You can teach him using interesting games, for example, cut strips of colored paper of different colors and sizes and use them to teach the child to build a word model. Then the child, as it were, "sees" the speech. It is important that he tells what he is doing. It is useful to choose entertaining material: puzzles, bingo, pictures, according to which you can consistently tell about what you saw. Developing the child's speech, it is important to remember the absurdities, shifters, fables. They are very popular with preschoolers. They significantly improve the child's speech, which at an older age becomes the basis for the restructuring of mental processes, an instrument of thinking.

3. Speech of the Educator Borovkova S.V. Crisis 7 years.

The crisis of 7 years usually coincides with the period in a child's life when he goes to school.

This is a crisis of self-regulation, reminiscent of the crisis of 1 year.

The child begins to regulate his behavior by rules. Previously complaisant, he suddenly begins to make claims for attention to himself, the behavior becomes pretentious.

On the one hand, a demonstrative naivete appears in his behavior, which is annoying, since it is intuitively perceived by others as insincerity.

On the other hand, it seems overly adult: it imposes norms on others.

Any older preschooler claims to be respected, to be treated as an adult. If the need for respect is not satisfied, then it will not be possible to build a relationship with this person on the basis of understanding (“I am open to understanding if I am sure that I am respected”).

Dear parents, be patient, be attentive to your children and just love them!

4. Speech by the teacher Borovkova S.V. "Advice to parents of future first graders."

Help your child acquire information that will allow him not to get lost in society.

Teach your child to keep their belongings in order.

Do not scare your child with difficulties and failures at school.

Teach your child the right way to deal with failure.

Help your child gain a sense of self-confidence.

Teach your child to be independent.

Teach your child to feel and be surprised, encourage his curiosity.

Strive to make every moment of communication with the child useful.

Attachment 1

Memo for parents, future students

In the field of speech development and readiness for literacy, it is necessary:

Be able to clearly pronounce all the sounds of speech;

To be able to distinguish sounds in words intonation;

To be able to isolate a given sound in a stream of speech;

Be able to determine the place of sound in a word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end);

Be able to pronounce words in syllables;

Be able to make sentences of 3-5 words;

Be able to name in a sentence only the 2nd word, only the 3rd word, only the 4th word, etc.;

Be able to use generalizing concepts (bear, fox, wolf are animals);

Be able to compose a story from a picture (for example, “At the zoo”, “At the playground”, “Rest at sea”, “For mushrooms”, etc.);

Be able to make several sentences: about the subject;

Distinguish genres of fiction (fairy tale, story, poem, fable);

Be able to consistently convey the content of a fairy tale.

The child must have developed elementarymathematical representations:

Know the numbers from 0 to 10;

Be able to name the previous and subsequent number relative to any number within the first ten;

Know the signs +, -, =, ;

Be able to compare the numbers of the first ten (for example, 7 is less than 8, 5 > 4, 6 = 6);

Be able to correlate the number and the number of objects;

Be able to measure with a ruler;

Be able to compose and solve problems in one action for addition and subtraction;

Know the names of the shapes: triangle, square, circle, trapezoid, oval, rectangle;

Be able to compare objects by color, size, shape;

To be able to operate with the concepts: “left”, “right”, “up”, “down”, “earlier”, “later”, “for”, “between”, navigate on the sheet.

In the area of ideas about the environment:

To be able to distinguish in appearance the plants common in our area (for example, spruce, birch, oak, sunflower, chamomile) and name their distinguishing features;

Be able to distinguish between wild and domestic animals and their cubs (squirrel, hare, goat, cow)

Be able to distinguish birds by their appearance (for example, a woodpecker, a crow, a sparrow);

Have an idea about the seasonal signs of nature (for example, autumn - yellow and red leaves, on trees, withering grass, harvesting);

Know the names of 1-3 indoor plants;

5-6 insects, edible and non-edible mushrooms.

Know the names of all days of the week, seasons, months.

Besides, A child entering the 1st grade should know:

In what country does he live, in what city, his home address;

Your name, patronymic, surname;

Your age (preferably date of birth);

Surname, name, patronymic of parents, their profession;

Call the rules of conduct in public places and on the street.

Synopsis of the final parent meeting in the preparatory group

Tushmakova Natalya Nikolaevna, educator, nursery school No. 203 "Alisa" ANO DO "Lada Childhood Planet", Togliatti.
Description: This material can be used by educators of preparatory groups to conduct final parent meetings.
Target: involvement of parents in the process of preparing future first-graders for school.
- Summing up the results of the group's work for the year;
- rewarding parents for active participation in the life of the group and kindergarten;
- familiarization of parents with the criteria for children's readiness for school in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Abstract of the parent meeting

1. Greeting, viewing the presentation "From the life of the group"
2. Report on spending money on the purchase of stationery, educational games and allowances for children (Panasyuk N.N., chairman of the parent council)
3. Preparation for the organization of a graduation party for children (Abbasova V.K., a member of the parent council, speaks)
4. The readiness of a preschooler for school in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard (the teacher Tushmakova N.N. speaks).
5. Our achievements, rewarding families for success in education (both educators participate).
6. How to overcome the fear of school (the teacher Sidorova O.G. speaks).

1. The school year ends. Our children have grown up, learned a lot, learned a lot, our friendly family has grown stronger. I want the breakup to be pleasant and memorable. Let's remember once again what this school year was like in our group (viewing a photo presentation from the life of the group).
2. The floor is given to the Chairman of the Council of Parents Panasyuk Natalia Nikolaevna.
3. The floor is given to a member of the parent council Abbasova Valeria Konstantinovna.
4. Many parents are concerned about the transition of children from kindergarten to school. Parents are interested in the school success of their child, so they begin to prepare him for entering school as early as possible. What needs to be done so that the child goes to school prepared and learns well, while receiving only positive emotions?
Within the framework of the law on education, the “Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education” was released, in short - GEF, and it came into force on January 1, 2014.
Why did scientists suddenly take up the development of a standard for preschool education? Because for the first time in the history of our culture, pre-school childhood has become a special self-valuable level of education - this has never happened before; Previously, preschool age was considered as one of the steps for preparing children for school. Now preschool age is valuable in itself. The essence of the change concerns the model of the educational process. From it, it is completely necessary to eradicate the training model. Children of preschool age should not be taught, but developed. Development is at the forefront. It is necessary to develop through activities accessible to their age - games.
The changes also concern the position of the adult. An adult interacts, but the interaction is considered not in a formal context, but in an essential one (partnership). An adult interacts with children: sets goals together, acts together to achieve these goals, and together evaluates the product that is the result.
According to the new law, the main thing was the psychological preparation of children for school, which includes:
- intellectual readiness;
- motivational readiness;
- emotional-volitional readiness;

Parent meeting in the preparatory group at the beginning of the school year "Year before school"

Target: establishing partnerships with the family of each pupil on the issue of preparing for school.

1. Establish partnerships with the family of each pupil, create an atmosphere of common interests and emotional mutual support.

2 . To increase the literacy of parents in the field of developmental pedagogy, to awaken their interest and desire to participate in the upbringing and development of their child.

3. To instill in parents the habit of being interested in teachers in the process of child development in various activities.


  1. Opening speech.
  2. Age features.
  3. Conversation on the topic "Why do we need a game"
  4. Acquaintance of parents with the content of the general education program "From birth to school".
  5. test "Me and my child"
  6. Miscellaneous.

1. This is the last year before your child enters school. In any family, this year is filled not only with pleasant worries and expectations, but with a mass of unusual problems and anxieties. Of course, you are full of desire that your baby not only study well, but also remain a healthy, successful person. It depends on how we deal responsibly with this issue during this year. “There is still a whole year before school!” - we often hear from you, and we answer “There is only one year before school”, how much more needs to be done, in time, if we want the child to learn easily and be healthy at the same time. Every family, sending a child to school for the first time, wants the child to study well and behave perfectly.

But, as you know, not all children study well and not all are conscientious about their duties. In many ways, the reason depends on the insufficient preparation of the child for school.

Before you and before us now is an important, responsible task - to prepare the child for school.


Yes, because at school from the very first day a child encounters many difficulties.

A new life will begin for him, the first worries and duties will appear:

a) independently dress, wash;

b) listen carefully and hear;

c) correctly speak and understand what is said to him;

d) sit quietly for 45 minutes;

d) be careful;

e) be able to do homework independently.

It is very important from the first days to arouse the child's interest in school, to instill in him the desire to complete each task as best as possible, to work hard and perseveringly.

Note that if a student's learning is successful, then he studies willingly and vice versa, failure causes a reluctance to study, go to school, fear of difficulties. This failure weakens the already weak will of the child. We adults know by ourselves what a great stimulus in work is success, how it inspires us, how we want to work more.

To prepare children well for schooling means, as some parents think, to teach children to read and write. But it's not! Reading and writing will be taught at school by teachers - specialists who know the methodology. It is important to prepare the child for school physically and psychologically, socially. This is where our task lies. And we will have to solve it together.

2. I would like to devote some time to the age characteristics of children of the 7th year of life. (Appendix No. 1)

3. Conversation on the topic Why is the game necessary?

Particular attention should be paid to the game. The game develops memory, thinking, attention, speech, forms the real relationships of children in a team, the ability to obey and lead, organize joint actions, overcome conflict situations, help others, etc. Equally important is the education of moral and volitional qualities, independence. We consider these areas to be the leading ones, since the availability of knowledge in itself does not determine the success of training. It is much more important that the child knows how to independently extract and apply them.

What characterizes an independent child? Senior Independence preschooler manifests itself in his ability and desire to act without the help of an adult, in his readiness to seek answers to emerging questions. Independence is always associated with the manifestation of activity, initiative, elements of creativity. An independent child is, first of all, a child who, as a result of the experience of successful activity, supported by the approval of others, feels confident. The whole situationschooling, these are new requirements for the behavior and activities of the student, new rights, duties, relationships, based on the fact that over the years preschool childhood, the child formed the foundations of independence, elements of self-regulation, organization. The ability to relatively independently solve available problems is the prerequisite for the social maturity necessary in school . Experience shows that a first-grader who has not developed this quality experiences serious neuropsychic overload. A new environment, new requirements cause a child to feel anxiety and self-doubt. The habit of constant guardianship of an adult, the executive model of behavior that has developed in such a child inpreschool childhood, prevent him from entering the general rhythm of the class, make him helpless in completing assignments. The ill-conceived tactics of education, the desire of an adult, even with the best of intentions, to constantly patronize and help the child in elementary matters in advance create serious difficulties for his education.

Therefore, the goal preparation for school- the formation of personal qualities necessary for masteringlearning activities: curiosity, initiative, creative imagination, arbitrariness. task preschool institutions and mission parents is to help the child.

  1. "Cognitive Development",
  2. "Speech development",
  3. "Artistic and aesthetic development",
  4. "Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

  • familiarization with elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults(including moral);
  • the formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community”.
  • Education of a value attitude to one's own work, the work of other people and its results

"Cognitive Development"

Work in this direction is directed on the :

  • improving the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting within 10, the composition of a number within 10. On a visual basis, compose and solve simple arithmetic problems for addition and subtraction.
  • Divide objects into 2-8 or more equal parts, work with a conditional measure when measuring the volume, weight and length of an object.
  • Learn to recognize shapesgroup them by color, shape, size, make thematic figures as a whole and from separate parts.
  • Learn to navigate in space, a sheet of paper
  • Learn the sequence of days of the week, months, times of the year , to distinguish the duration of time intervals(1 minute, 10 minutes, 1 hour)
  • Organization of work on cognitive research and project activities, sensory development (right left hand, leg, classification of objects by shape, color, structure)
  • Work to familiarize children with the subject environment(History of creation)
  • Familiarization of children with the social world (Russia, coat of arms, flag, anthem, space, the birth of the Earth, children's rights, WWII, cities of Russia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, small motherland , sights of the region, region, Russia, Russian army.)

"Speech development"

  • development of free communication with adults and children;
  • development of all components of children's oral speech (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; connected speech-dialogical and monologue forms) in various forms and types of children's activities;
  • practical mastery of the norms of speech by pupils.
  • Preparing for literacy(representation of a sentence, drawing up a simple sentence without conjunctions and prepositions, indicating the sequence of words, dividing words into syllables, composing words from syllables, extracting sounds from a word, indicating their sequence.)

"Artistic and Aesthetic Development"

  • development of productive activities of children(drawing, modeling, application, art work);
  • development of children's creativity;
  • introduction to the fine arts "
  • development of musical and artistic activity;
  • introduction to the art of music
  • constructive modeling activity

"Physical development"

  • development of physical qualities(speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination);
  • accumulation and enrichment of motor experience of children(mastery of basic movements);
  • the formation of pupils' need for physical activity and physical improvement.
  • Formation of initial concept of a healthy lifestyle
  • Formation of the foundations of the safety of one's own life


5. And now I invite you to participate in the test"Me and my baby". To do this, you will need to answer 9 questions ...

Test for parents "Me and my child"

I can and always do

I can, I don't always do it - B

Can't - V

Can you :

1. Leave everything at any time

their own business and take care of the child?

2. To consult with the child, regardless of his age?

3. Confess to the child in the mistake made in relation to him?

4. Apologize to your child if you're wrong?

5. Always refrain from using words and expressions that can hurt the child?

6. Promise the child to fulfill his wish for good behavior?

7. Give your child one day when he can do what he wants and behave the way he wants.

8. Do not react if your child hits, roughly pushed, or just undeservedly offended another child?

9. To resist children's tears and requests, if you are sure that this is a whim, a fleeting whim?


Answer "A" is worth 3 points.

Answer "B" is worth 2 points.

Answer "B" is valued at 1 point.

Test results

From 16 to 30 points. Caring for your child is of paramount importance to you. You have the abilities of an educator, but in practice you do not always apply them consistently and purposefully. At times you are too strict, at other times you are too soft; in addition, you are prone to compromises, which weaken the educational effect. You should think about your approach to raising a child.

Less than 16 points. You have serious problems with raising a child. You lack either knowledge or patience, or perhaps both. We advise you to turn to the help of specialists, teachers and psychologists, to get acquainted with publications on family education

6. Overview of requirements for parents

Educational activities with children are carried out according to the schedule approved for the year. Besides me, specialists work with children: speech therapist, music teacher. supervisor.

Requirements : for physical education lessons : all white T-shirt, black shorts, socks or shoes. The form is stored in a bag in the booth(may be labeled). A prerequisite for festive matinees form clothes : for boys - shirt, trousers, tie (bow tie, shoes for girls - elegant dress, bows, shoes.

Reception of children is carried out until 8.30. After the children are not accepted. Being late interferes with the pedagogical process, distracts children and educators from routine moments and exercises.

If for any reason you are late, notify the teacher,

Pay your kindergarten bills on time by the 15th of each month.

Request to parents - take part in life groups and kindergarten in the design of the site, groups . Participate in competitions, events dedicated to the holidays.

Parent meeting in the preparatory group. Topic: "In a year - first-grader"

Target: Enrichment of educational experience, knowledge of parents on the issue of the child's readiness for schooling.
1. To acquaint parents with the characteristics of psychological and pedagogical readiness;
2. To promote mutual emotional disposition between the participants; to unite all participants of successive communication;
3. Contribute to the optimization of parent-child relationships, the development of the psychological culture of parents
Materials and manuals: Multimedia projector, ball, matches, memos with recommendations for parents.

Meeting progress:

Educator: Hello, we are glad to see you in our garden! We would like to congratulate you, dear parents, on the transition to the preparatory group for school.
This year will fly by very quickly, and your kids, as it seems, will go to first grade. And our task is to help the children prepare for school. How to do this, we will try to figure it out today.
Exercise - visualization "First time in first class":
On the slide-show screen are photos of children who came in the first grade to the music.
caregiver: Try to close your eyes and imagine the following events that I will tell you about. Where does it all begin? From the excitement of parents, which is transmitted to the child long before September 1. From the expectation of something, perhaps still incomprehensible to him, but pleasant, because he already has a portfolio, school supplies are collected, a beautiful dress is waiting in the wings on a hanger or
pressed shirt. And it pulls at the child's heart, instilling curiosity and anxiety in it. And then the long-awaited day came when he tried on his shoulders a briefcase, not yet filled with books, in his hands a bouquet, next to him was a confident loved one whom he trusts. But what is this - a school yard, where there are many unfamiliar faces, someone smiles at him, but these are strangers ... In the eyes
confusion appears, it’s good that a dear person is holding the hand! Building on a ruler, you have to go somewhere, mom says that everything will be fine ... Aunt, she is with me now. This is a teacher. Here are the huge walls of the school, some room is my class, I now have a place at the desk, a neighbor, what is his name, and that girl over there ... Now open your eyes, you are here again in this room, and we are with you Now we are approximately, but far from such a situation. Many of us are strangers, perhaps experiencing different feelings from being here and now. And in order to become closer to each other, I suggest that we all get to know each other, because the name of a person is the sweetest and most important sound for him in any language.
Exercise "Names"
Purpose: Establishing contact between participants. Creating a friendly atmosphere.
Content: Now we will let this toy in the circle of our acquaintance. Whoever has it in his hands, he calls the name of the neighbor, and then his own name. I'll start: "My name is Anna Sergeevna." The one who accepts the toy should say: "Your name is Anna Sergeevna, and I ..."
Educator: We met. And now we invite you to play a little more and rally our team.
Exercise "Match"
Purpose: Team building
Stand shoulder to shoulder (two teams). Now we will give you matches that can be held with only one finger. Your task is to reach the finish line together without dropping the match. If at least one match falls, then the whole team returns to the start. You need to make a circle around each chair. How exactly to hold the matches is up to you. The main condition is to hold with one finger. Well done, get on your
Answer the questions:

Was this exercise easy to complete?
- What prevented you from reaching the finish line?
This exercise is aimed at uniting our team.
Exercise "Parade of Opinions"
Purpose: To activate the meeting participants in the discussion of the proposed topic
The facilitator asks the question: "In your opinion, what is the manifestation of unpreparedness for schooling?" (the statements of the parents are written on the board)
Sample answers:
Unpreparedness for schooling is most often manifested in the fact that
The child cannot concentrate, is often distracted, cannot join the general mode of work;
The child has poor development of coherent speech and mental abilities, does not know how to ask questions, compare objects, highlight the main thing;
The child shows little initiative; gravitates toward stereotyped actions and decisions, has difficulty communicating with peers and adults.
We have school teachers present, do you agree with these statements? (speech by school teachers)
Teacher's speech:
Readiness to study at school is the most important result of education and training in a preschool institution and in the family. Entering school is a turning point in a child's life, associated with a change in the usual daily routine, relationships with others, when learning activities take center stage.
The modern school requires from children not so much any knowledge and skills as more complex forms of mental activity, greater ability to control their behavior, greater efficiency. Parents need to know that there are two concepts: pedagogical readiness and psychological readiness. Pedagogical readiness for schooling refers to the initial skills of counting, writing and reading. Parents are mainly guided by these parameters of readiness for school, which is not entirely correct. There are other aspects that cannot be ignored.
It often happens that a child can write, count, read, but does not know how to be in a large team for a long time or does not know how to follow the requirements of a new adult (teacher). Parents in this case are perplexed:
"How so!" It seemed to them that the child came to school prepared, and then suddenly - the teacher's complaints. Or, after some time, the child refuses to go to school, saying that he is tired, does not like it, it is boring, difficult, etc. This is the other side of school readiness - the psychological one.
The psychological readiness of a child for school includes the following components:
1. physical readiness.
2. intellectual readiness.
3. social and personal.
4. motivational.
Physical readiness implies the maturity of the body, its functional systems. Schooling involves quite a lot of workloads. Therefore, in order to avoid unwanted deviations, the appearance of various kinds of diseases, this type of readiness is determined. Intellectual readiness includes the knowledge of the child, the presence of special skills and abilities (the ability to compare,
generalize, analyze, classify the information received, have a sufficiently high level of development of the second signal system, in other words, speech perception). Mental skills can also be expressed in the ability to read, count. However, experts say that a child who reads and even knows how to write is not necessarily well prepared for school. Much more important to teach
preschooler competent retelling, the ability to reason and think logically.
Social and personal readiness.
It refers to the attitude of the child to us work and cooperation with other people, in particular adults who have taken on the role of teachers-mentors.
Having this component of readiness, the child can be attentive for 30-40 minutes, can work in a team. Having become accustomed to certain requirements, the manner of communication of teachers, children begin to demonstrate higher and more stable learning results.
Motivational readiness suggests a reasonable desire to go to school. In psychology, there are different motives for a child's readiness for school: playful, cognitive, social. A child with a play motive ("There are a lot of guys, and you can play with them") is not ready for school.
Cognitive motive characterized by the fact that the child wants to learn something new,
interesting. According to experts, this is the most optimal motive, having which, the child will be successful in the first grade and during the period of study in elementary school.
social motive characterized by the fact that the child wants to acquire a new
social status: to become a schoolboy, to have a portfolio, textbooks, school supplies, your own workplace. But one should not start from the fact that only the cognitive motive is the most basic, and if the child does not have this motive, then he cannot go to school. By the way, elementary school teachers are focused on the game motive and in many respects their activities, and the learning process is carried out using game forms.
Parents also need to pay attention to the following point. At the initial stage of schooling, the weakest link in mental regulation is the control of the fulfillment of the task assigned to it, distractibility to extraneous stimuli. "Science to control yourself" often
seems to be an impossible task for a child, since the anatomical and functional readiness of the frontal parts of the brain, which are responsible for this activity, is just taking shape by the age of seven.
The ability to slow down high motor activity, so characteristic of children, and the ability to maintain the necessary working posture are also very important. And for the development of writing and drawing, the development of small muscles of the hand and coordination of the movements of the fingers are necessary. "Immature" children often become underachievers. And often this failure in school stretches for several years. But if "school maturity" only caused children to lag behind in their studies, then this problem would remain pedagogical. Meanwhile, these children, especially those who, at the cost of excessive effort, try to fulfill the requirements of the school, suffer from health: they get sick more often, many develop neurosis, fear of school and unwillingness to study. To prevent such situations, it is necessary to predict the child's readiness for learning even before entering school and the systematic joint work of teachers and parents to form children's readiness for schooling, which includes the following components:
1. Development of the concept of classes as an important activity for the acquisition of knowledge. Based on this idea, the child actively behaves in the classroom (carefully performs tasks, pays attention to the words of the teacher)
2. Development of perseverance, responsibility, independence, diligence.
The formation of these qualities is manifested in the desire to acquire knowledge, skills, to make sufficient efforts for this.
3. Raising the experience of working in a team and a positive attitude towards peers; mastering ways of actively influencing peers as participants in common activities (the ability to provide assistance, fairly evaluate the results of peer work, tactfully note shortcomings).
4. Formation of skills of organized behavior, learning activities in a team environment. The presence of these skills significantly affects the overall process of the moral formation of the child's personality, makes him more independent in the choice of activities, games, and activities of interest.
So, let's summarize: What does the concept of "Child ready for school" (parents' statement) include?
Physical health.
The presence of a motive for learning (cognitive and social).
Formation of arbitrariness of behavior: the ability to consciously subordinate one's actions to the rule, the requirement of an adult, the ability to listen carefully, and independently accurately perform tasks, the ability to cooperate with peers and adults).
The formation of the intellectual sphere (the ability to analyze, generalize, compare, highlight essential features; the ability to reason; a sufficient level of development of speech perception)
What can parents do to prepare their child for school? First of all
create conditions: play, communicate with the child, make certain demands that are common in the family and achieve their fulfillment, form an objective image of the school in children, instill in the child an emotionally calm, positive attitude towards school, arouse interest in educational activities: visit a museum, buy illustrated encyclopedias, etc. to develop the child's self-confidence.