Why do girls moan during intimacy. CNN Study: Why Do Women Moan During Sex? Cry from pain and strong emotions

Shouting has long been a powerful way to express both positive and negative emotions. Many men are interested in the question of why the girl is screaming. I must say that the causes of crying in women can be completely different, and it is useful for men to learn about them.

Why does a girl scream: reasons

Cry from pain and strong emotions

Very often, with the help of a cry, a girl expresses her pain, and this pain can be both physical and mental. From physical pain, the girl screams when she hits hard, gets hurt, hits, and, of course, in case of severe injuries, etc. This is a completely normal reaction, screaming helps to reduce pain.

But girls are more emotional beings compared to men, and screaming can also express emotional pain. If a man prefers to quietly keep everything in himself and leave as soon as possible, then the girl may not hold back her emotions and express them in a cry. For example, this is how she can react to a guy saying that it's time to leave, especially if she herself still loves him very much. A girl can also express strong positive emotions by screaming. For example, when she was made a long-awaited marriage proposal, and even in the original form, the cry itself can involuntarily escape, and even with tears.

Very young girls can scream for any reason that does not suit them, since their psyche has not yet grown stronger and is very vulnerable. For example, a girl screams because her mother didn’t buy a toy she liked, because the food is tasteless, they don’t let them watch cartoons and make them sleep, etc.

It happens that a girl wants to explain her point of view, to convey the truth to the interlocutor, but he does not understand her at all, interrupts and does not even let her say a word. In such a situation, it is easier to shout down the interlocutor so that he finally hears what he needs.

Crying in fear is a completely normal reaction for a girl. She can scream when it seems to her that they are chasing her, attacking her, somehow threatening her health and life.

If an always calm girl in some situation can start yelling at a guy, then he must understand that he has greatly hurt her feelings. Often the causes of such cries are male infidelity, as well as offensive statements and actions against the girl.

Bad temper

The cause of the cry may be the bad manners and bad character of the girl. People often associate this with hysteria and bitchiness. So, for example, an overly emotional girl who was not taught how to behave in childhood can easily react with a cry to something that stirred up emotions in her. Often, unbalanced girls who do not know how to control their emotions and restrain them react this way. Let's say you're walking down the street with a girl and you notice something very funny. A balanced girl will laugh a little and calm down. The unbalanced one will scream, so much so that it will attract too much attention to itself, and then it will start to laugh for a long time and loudly. In this situation, it is important to explain to the girl that her behavior is not quite normal.

Many drunk girls become cheeky and too emotional, so they also like to scream to attract attention to themselves, try to convey their words to the interlocutor if it seems to her that he does not hear her, teach a lesson and offend the guy, etc.

Many bitchy girls love to yell too, especially at their boyfriends. Usually they switch to shouting when no other ways to achieve what they want work. The girl tries to scream the guy to do what she wants. It is important for a young man to learn to recognize such cries, as they are a means of manipulation and express whims, and to put the girl in her place in time, but to do this not humiliatingly, but firmly and with dignity. If you succumb to a provocation, then such a girl will understand how to put pressure on her boyfriend, and will often use this method. A capricious cry is unlikely to strengthen the relationship.

Scream during sex

Many girls scream during sex, and most men think that they do it for great pleasure. This is the most pleasant, but by no means the only reason for screaming during intercourse. A girl can scream for other reasons:

  • to increase the self-esteem of your sexual partner;
  • to simulate pleasure and orgasm;
  • to hide the pain during sex.

Previously, women only screamed when they were really enjoying themselves, and this scream was an indicator of how well a man was satisfying his partner. Now many girls have learned to simulate a cry from orgasm so masterfully that men simply cannot distinguish when her cry is an enthusiastic expression that a man is doing great, and when it’s just a desire to please his ego. It is better to ask the girl directly why she screamed a lot during sex.

If we go deeper in search of a reason why a girl screams during an orgasm, then the explanation will be as follows. Sexual psychologists believe that the moans and cries of a woman during sex play an important role in the formation and strengthening of her psychological connection with a man, and this is laid down by evolution. It works like this: a woman in the most sincere way, namely a real, and not a simulated cry, shows her man how good he is for her. He perceives her cry as a compliment, this improves his male self-esteem, and as a result, the couple develops a harmonious relationship.

Sexual moans do not always mean that the girl is at the peak of pleasure. British experts have proven that often, girls moan not when they reach the peak of orgasm, but long before it is received. Some girls can reach orgasm long before making love, during foreplay. And they moan, often when receiving an orgasm, a partner.

Girls make loud moans of pleasure during sex, most often in order for a man to become as excited as possible and reach the pinnacle of pleasure. Also, for many girls, her moans help to feel like just a wild lioness, while completely relaxing and surrendering to crazy passion. So women's groans have a very good effect on the body. With moans, the so-called hyperventilation of the lungs works, which helps to improve blood circulation, and at the same time the girl can go into a state that will help to get ecstasy. Also, deep breathing helps to reduce pressure, gives a lot of oxygen to the blood, improves and increases the sensitivity of female skin and greater susceptibility of the body's sensitivity.

It's no secret that women's moans are always very pleasant sounds for men. If suddenly a girl does not make any sounds, then this is not a reason to think that she does not like something in sex. Often such silence, perhaps due to embarrassment, or from the presence of complexes that do not allow you to fully open up to your partner and surrender to the peak of pleasure. It can also be just a lack of trust in a partner, which at the same time gives a dulling of feelings, and, accordingly, emotions. Or girls do not make such moans just because they do not have enough experience in sex.

The volume of moans and the behavior of the female during intercourse also largely depend on men. It is very important what mood he will be in and how he will behave, before sex and on time. There are girls who can moan throughout the whole sex session, and when they get an orgasm, they fall silent. This suggests that in this way they are trying to focus on orgasm and completely immerse themselves in the bliss of sensations. A big male mistake, at such moments, is that they accept silence as if they did something wrong. At the same time, they begin to slow down the pace, the strength of movements, and much more. And because of this mistake, men cut off all the deep sexual sensations of the girl.

Often, mostly, girls moan just to raise male self-esteem. Some do it on purpose, while others simply surrender to instincts. But still groans pursue the same goal. Deliver maximum pleasure to your partner, and by this show that there is no better person in sexual intercourse.

Why do women moan during intercourse? Most girls make moans during the act, and some even scream. What is the reason for such behavior?

The main reason is hyperventilation

Not only women moan, but also. But, as a rule, the representatives of the stronger sex try to restrain it, considering it an exclusively female prerogative.

Indeed, the body of the fair sex responds to hyperventilation more strongly. In other words, the matter is in the deep and rapid breathing of the partner. Because of this, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood changes, the brain automatically gives a signal to the body and the hormone endorphin and enkephalin begin to flow.

With deep breathing, a state of euphoria comes faster. The body goes into a kind of trance. Thanks to this process, the partner reaches orgasm faster:

  • the sensitivity of all sense organs increases;
  • a certain kind of stress occurs in the body, after which the hormonal background begins to change;
  • Emotions take over the mind and it is harder for a person to control himself.

What do women themselves think about this?

According to a number of studies in which only heterosexuals took part, whose age falls within the range from 18 to 48 years, not all of them groan during sexual intercourse with pleasure. Answering a question asked, many of them admitted that they often imitate groans:

  • 66% shared that they can moan artificially in order to approach their partner's orgasm, thereby arousing him;
  • 87% of women said that they groan on purpose, in order to show a man at the moment of intimacy that he is doing everything right, but at the same time not to distract him with conversations, which, as you know, reduce the intensity of passions. In addition, they indicated that they so want to increase his self-esteem and arouse a desire to continue the relationship, showing how good they are.

The most interesting thing is that some women admitted that they do not always understand whether they moan artificially or involuntarily. In addition, the interviewed respondents emphasized that a woman's moan is not always a manifestation of pleasure. It may be a sign that a woman is in pain or experiencing discomfort during intercourse. This happens when the partner is too rude or the woman is slightly excited and the body did not have time to develop enough lubrication. To prevent this from happening, and sexual intercourse brings only pleasure, one should not forget that the female body needs foreplay. In addition, a woman may be hurt in certain cases if the manhood is larger than average. Don't be afraid to talk about it with your partner.

How do men feel about the moans of women

British scientists have found that 9 out of 10 when a woman groans during intercourse. From this, the degree of arousal increases, and the self-esteem of a man rises. He feels like a king in bed, which turns him on even more. Men are sure that if a partner groans, it means that she likes everything that happens, she enjoys it. Thus, there is a confirmation of the correctness of the process itself. However, according to men, strong female screams, on the contrary, can frighten and repel them. This is how the suspicion of the insincerity of the woman's moans is manifested. In addition, the partner can decide what hurts her, there should be a measure in everything.

What does the absence of groans mean

Here it is immediately necessary to exclude factors that someone can hear or see what is happening. In those cases, everything is clear, silence is a forced measure aimed at maintaining secrecy. If, in the presence of an intimate atmosphere, where there is confidence that no one places, the woman does not make any groans, this may mean the following:

  • the girl has a number of complexes that prevent her from liberating herself and demonstrating that she enjoys the process;
  • she is embarrassed that she will look ugly, which means that she still does not fully trust her partner;
  • the partner has little experience, and he really does not give her pleasure;
  • she has little experience and does not know how to behave in bed.

In 90% of situations, the partner's behavior depends entirely on the actions of the man. She must be completely sure of what attracts him and then she will be able to liberate herself faster. The partner, in turn, should make as much effort as possible in order for both to enjoy love. At the very least, it will boost his self-esteem.

You can and should talk about love relationships with your partner. But these conversations should take place before or after sexual intercourse. During the act, it is better to show with groans that everything that happens is right. So the intensity of passions will not be lost, and partners will understand each other without words.

Do men distinguish sincere moans from artificial ones?

According to recent studies, every second man admits that in 90% of cases he can distinguish the degree of sincerity of a woman's moans. According to them, the whole point is that when a woman is excited, in addition to groans, her pupils dilate, sweating increases. She has poor control over her actions and can often scratch, pinch or grab her partner by the hair.

If a woman does not pretend, then the volume of moans will be different, they will not have the same frequency and intonation. According to 45% of respondents, the reason for this is the wide distribution and availability of films on the theme of love relationships.

A woman already knows in advance how to behave in order to please a man as much as possible. However, not all of them have acting talents, so the partners still have a chance to understand how sincere she is.

The richer a man's sexual experience, the easier it is for him to distinguish between real and artificial moans. The same applies to the orgasm of a woman. If we are talking about a “newcomer” of comforts, then most likely he will take everything at face value and will be very pleased with himself. But there are also such skillful pretenders that even an experienced man remains in error.

All men are madly in love with the sweet moans and breath of a woman during sex. But why does a girl moan from sex? Hyperventilation, when sexual arousal occurs, leads to a state very close to ecstasy, which usually makes the repressed part of the brain dominant.

When a girl moans loudly and breathes deeply, it is known that deep breathing reduces blood pressure by 50%, the carbon dioxide content in the blood changes, and all this greatly affects the brain.

Reasons why girls moan

Hyperventilation and groans are explained primarily by the psychophysiological mechanism of the deepest sexual trance. During intercourse, when a girl groans sweetly, physiological and mental changes occur, most often at the hormonal level. But involuntarily, greatly rapid breathing was not explained. For some people, short-term hyperventilation causes a state of euphoria and anxiety.

Research shows that deep breathing can have a powerful effect on the brain and even the body as a whole. At the same time, the level of carbon dioxide in the blood decreases, the content of stress and other hormones changes, and there are changes in the activity of nerves and muscles. The skin becomes very sensitive, susceptibility to smells and touches increases. And such feelings are very close to orgasm, therefore, it becomes clearer why the girl moans from orgasm.

The researchers also claim that breathing changes in both women and men. However, in the representatives of the weaker sex, this is expressed to a much greater extent. The ability of all women to moan during intercourse is sometimes played up even in jokes. Hyperventilation allows sensations to be more intense, and increases arousal as well as orgasm.

A particularly important effect is that which is exerted on the main areas of the brain. With the help of tomography of the cerebral cortex, the researchers found that oxygen uptake is reduced in the neocortex and is less pronounced in the cortical layer. This, researchers believe, affects human behavior, as well as brain function. Loss of control can lead to absolute dominance of the senses, which is controlled by the cortex, also called the emotional brain.

When a small death occurs (as the French call an orgasm), people change beyond recognition. They may behave strangely, say strange things. Or like screaming. Sounds in sex are a serious indicator of a healthy relationship in a couple. What does the behavior of silent people say and for what purposes do women start screaming during sex more than usual, sexologists and psychologists said.

Why are you screaming?

Cries during intercourse is such a hybrid mechanism in which both psychology and physiology are involved. When we scream, the abdominal and pelvic muscles tense up, dynamic waves and vibrations arise during the tension, endorphin production increases, and this internal resonance colors the experience with specific tones of its own. Thus, by making sounds during orgasm, a person creates a unique experience of his own. That is why every couple needs to be somewhere from time to time where no one will hear their screams during sex, because this is an important part of communication.

A cry is a kind of dialogue between partners, one of the ways to tell a partner about your pleasure. The moment when a couple gets the opportunity to have sex “out loud”, and not quietly, furtively, for fear of being heard by parents or children, is a kind of maturation stage, the development of a couple.

Of course, the strength of the cry and the degree of expression of emotions in bed depends on the temperament of the woman. The stronger and more emotional she manifests herself in everyday life, the more likely it is that a woman will "make noise" in bed (and vice versa). However, if a woman is "partisan", the question is not in temperament. It's one thing when circumstances interfere with screaming. Another - when there is an opportunity, but the woman still does not make any sounds - here there is suppression, embarrassment and embarrassment. But sex is just a situation when partners open up to each other as much as possible, and if there is suppression, then I have a question about trust in a couple or its deficit, that a woman has not yet accepted her right to have sex the way she does. she likes it. Moaning, screaming or crying - every woman has her own range of expression of emotions, but one thing is true for everyone: if sex is truly enjoyable, the mechanisms that give the command to be silent are turned off.

male interest

Men expect sound from a woman in bed much more than women themselves expect sounds from their men. This is due to the fact that men are generally less likely to show their emotions verbally - it is more difficult for them to both chat during sex and scream. Our "range" is usually much narrower. But not a single man has refused the sounds made by his partner - this is how the psyche works. The more demonstration "I feel good" gives a woman, the more skillful lover feels like a man.

This is the basis of a common reason why women try to scream during sex - to impress. Well, the impression will really be made. The reason why women want to increase the self-esteem of men in this way (and men, accordingly, react to this) is because of the massive dominance of the industry of glossy publications and porn films - both sides believe that loud sex means good sex.

Another common female motive for "yelling" is the imitation of her own orgasm (every woman has done this at least once in her life). Aya-yay!!! Some 150 years ago, it didn't matter to a man whether a woman had an orgasm or not. But equality in the rights of men and women has led to the fact that the female orgasm has acquired a certain value, and if it is not there, misunderstanding arises, and the woman imitates an orgasm. Can a man not notice the catch? Maybe if at the same moment he is busy ... his own orgasm. Only here is the trouble: a simultaneous orgasm is a luxury available to a small number of couples who have one hundred percent mutual understanding in sex. Surely they shouldn't lie to each other.

Moans and screams help speed up the process of male orgasm (8 out of 10 women use it). Horrible!

It turns out that auditory stimulation helps to better concentrate on the process and increases the arousal of a man. But in some cases, this method can develop into a subtle manipulation "would he finish as soon as possible" - this, alas, is also possible when a woman has sex more out of a sense of duty than pleasure.