Oral sex positions: the secret of your harmony. Hands Connection Technique

Do you want to please your loved one with oral sex? Keep in mind: the ability to reciprocate from German porn films of the 1960s is no longer considered a sign of a good lover, because a man can give himself the same feeling. Therefore, we asked an expert to tell us about the best techniques that will bring your partner especially strong pleasure!

Ekaterina Lyubimova

sex coach and founder of the "Training Center SEKS.RF" network

Deep throat blowjob

When the penis fully enters the girl's mouth, the man feels a gentle but strong squeeze and can reach orgasm very quickly. This is not so difficult to achieve, the main thing is to follow one rule. The line from the chin to the throat should be straight during oral sex. Then the head of the penis will easily slip into the throat and it will not cause you any discomfort.

If you have already mastered the previous technique, you can go further and try the mystery dot technique. To do this, after a deep throat, when the penis is as deep as possible in the mouth, slowly stick out your tongue, gently move them along the testicles to the right or left, just take it slowly and continue to move up the penis (from the base to the head). Do not forget about lubrication or a lot of saliva during oral sex.

Full moon technique

During a deep throat, try to go down the penis with your mouth, making circular movements with your head. When you get to the base of the penis, freeze, and then begin to move back up. Finish the pirouette by staring the man in the eye. The wriggling swaying of the shoulders and hips simultaneously with the full moon technique will produce a special effect on the partner.

The purpose of this technique is to give your loved one a real visual show that he is! Turn on the light and stand in front of the man, and then bend over to his penis: your back and head should be perpendicular to your partner's torso. So he will see everything in great detail. For the same purpose, move slowly at first. Mentally define for yourself three directions in which you will make a kind of head nod: north, west and east. Start oral sex with smooth nods to the north, then to the west, and then turn in the opposite direction, to the east, each time wriggling your whole body.

Spring girl

This technique will allow your loved one to reach orgasm very quickly. Place the fist to your lips, making it like an extension of the mouth. Try circular head movements from side to side, synchronizing them with your arm movements. Put your lips around the head of the penis and start drawing circles with your mouth and hand, going down and up the penis. Without stopping, go to the deep throat. The main secret of the technique is a light slap of the hand on the male pubis at the moment of the strongest penetration. From this movement, the skin at the base of the penis is stretched and the man very clearly feels everything that happens.

Let's face it, the topic of oral sex is always controversial among women. A purely theoretical finding of someone's penis (although not someone else's, but quite a definite one) in your mouth or his tongue between your legs causes disgust. Oral sex was "invented" by animals who honestly don't care if their genitals smell like creamy strawberries or not. But for us, women, a delicate mental organization does not allow us to consider such closeness to nature attractive. Nevertheless, we love and appreciate oral sex, especially if we see that our man is going crazy with pleasure.

It was this reason that prompted expert Ksenia and me to overcome our embarrassment and still go through the "final stage" of our sexual educational program - an exclusive training session by Ekaterina Lyubimova, the founder of well-known oral sex courses both in Moscow and abroad.

Kseniya: I will say right away that it was perhaps the most difficult exercise in our entire experimental "cycle". To say that we were afraid is to say nothing! It's no joke, to be in a room in which there will be completely unfamiliar women (in terms of the number we were lucky, this training is almost individual and is designed for mini-groups) and demonstrate all your abilities in their presence. Although, to be honest, it was a really beautiful sight. I didn’t even think that it would look hot from the outside (I think for everyone except me, because I was moaning not at all from passion, but from a sore throat and a gag reflex). By the way, Christina became practically a star of the training, Ekaterina never tired of praising her, that's what the editor of the "Sex" column means!

The lesson began with an acquaintance, although there was no particular need for it - Ekaterina knew most of our group personally. Either regulars of the training center, or those who live far from Moscow and can't afford to come a second time. Serious approach, you will not say anything.

Kristina: The first thing a coach who sees you for the first time needs to understand is your motivation. Therefore, the lesson began with a very cheerful and friendly greeting, where each girl told how and why she ended up in this room. Someone himself wanted to raise his level, someone was persuaded by his beloved man, and there were those who tried with all their might to wake up a real alpha male in their man. I wanted to memorize every word in order to tell the world how the hell it is cool!

In her opening remarks, Catherine told us that men do not expect from us the effect of Linda Lovelace from the movie "Deep Throat", they want to see our sincere desire. After all, guys start dreaming about a blowjob from their youth, or rather, from the first porn film that they found on the far shelf of their parents. And it is the porn actress who eagerly swallows the penis, in his pubertal brain becomes the ideal. And when he begins a relationship with his first partner, an inexperienced 18-year-old girl who demonstrates the exact opposite: gags, grazes with teeth, frowns, then he realizes that something is wrong here. And he starts looking for her, the queen of his fantasies, who can fulfill his "childhood" dream. To connect life with her and give birth to children.

Kseniya: According to Catherine, the basis for the return of passion to any relationship, be it at least 5 years old, at least 45 years old, is to overcome the "Madonna-Whore" complex. The fact is that after the birth of a child and a long cohabitation with you, a man's archetype changes. If at the very beginning of your relationship you had sex on any surfaces and in all sorts of positions, that is, for him you were the very harlot that any man dreams of having, then then you gradually become “untouchable”, Madonna. Mother, Woman, Keeper of the Hearth. And the man sets out in search of a new whore. Because no one has sex with Madonna.

In order to change your "pious" image in the eyes of the chosen one, you need to imitate this very Harlot. Moreover, in several planes at once:

  • Audibly

Silence like a fish during a blowjob is categorically contraindicated. All sounds should demonstrate your greed: smacking lips, groans, words.

  • Visually

The "picture" is one of the most important components of a good blowjob. Men love to look, which is why they often like visual techniques even more than others. Take the correct postures in which your breasts and butt will fall into the man's field of vision. For example, the pose "heart", in which you, bending over, stick out your ass upward, being in the lying partner between the legs. Or "69" on the side, in which a man can contemplate a graceful anal rhinestone.

In addition to poses for visualization, other techniques of "demonstrating passion" are perfect - patting yourself on the buttocks, the "blowjob-vagina" ligament, which will help to "anchor" the gentleman (when the man's fingers are "below" and during oral frictions you simultaneously squeeze them with vaginal muscles) ...

  • Taste + smell

Smells are another important ingredient. They can also be "anchored" - for example, during certain techniques, use an aroma lamp or artificial pheromones.

Kristina: Despite the huge number of bright brochures, coupons and grease bags, the first thing I noticed in the “training room” was a special penis trainer named Nikolai. I really liked this approach: who needs lectures on oral sex? It's not a poem to learn, practice is needed here. Therefore, when we started the practical part, I was inwardly jubilant, despite the fact that I had to train in a room with stranger girls. If anyone can be confused by such an atmosphere, it is definitely not me.

Kseniya: The practical part for us started with manual techniques. I breathed a sigh of relief, that’s where I’m definitely a “jack of all trades” is in performing the “Infinity” technique. Once again, finding ourselves up to the elbows in grease, Christina and I, as real "excellent pupils", demonstrated our skills to Ekaterina. I must say that the "Bright male orgasm" was not in vain for us, our hands dashingly performed even the most difficult "steps", and we relaxed a little. It was not so! Immediately after the "warm-up", during which we were told how to speed up or "postpone" a man's orgasm and how to connect several zones of pleasure at once, we moved on to a deep throat blowjob. And then a failure awaited me.

I declare with all confidence: “deep throat” is not just difficult, it is daunting, and you cannot do without professional help. Anyone who says that you can learn this on your own is blatantly lying. Just try to lower your throat on the penis even 17 centimeters, and then stick out your tongue and tickle the scrotum with it. Let's see how you do it. In general, under Catherine's gaze, it took me about 40 minutes to get a decent "deep throat", the girls around me wiped their watery eyes with a napkin. And this despite the fact that before training we were given bottles of oral oil containing "frozen".

And in order for you to start training with us, we brought with us a couple of especially "mind-blowing" blowjob techniques personally from Ekaterina Lyubimova. So take Nikolay and start the exercise:

  • Deceiving "Deep Throat"

Do you remember when we said that it is better not to master the "deep throat" without the supervision of a coach? While you are not as pumped as we are, we recommend that you please your loved one with such a pleasant technique - "simulation", which is built on the contrast of two sensations: the contact of the penis with the place between the back of the tongue and the gum (which resembles the entrance to the throat) and the sensation of the throat itself.

Before starting the technique, press the tip of the tongue to the upper palate, as if creating a barrier on the way to the throat. Squeezing a member at the base, rest your head against the formed "hollow". Having made 3-4 presses with the head on the palate, remove the tongue and pass the penis as far as possible into the throat. Then repeat the whole process over again.

  • Hot cheek technique

Another mind-blowing technique that has driven more than one man crazy is the "hot cheek". To complete it, you will need a mug of hot tea or any other drink. Put a hot liquid in your mouth and hold until it starts to cool. When the temperature is low enough for the sensing head, use a gentle suction motion to pull the head inward. Then swallow the liquid and rest the head on the hot cheek. Repeat several times.

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There are very brave editors among us who are ready not only to take a bold step, but also to tell about their new experience. At our request, Natalya Istomina attended the training "The Art of Oral Sex" and was once again convinced that knowledge helps to get rid of prejudices.

“A man loves with his eyes, so arrange a little show for him during a blow job. For example, then round your back, then bend like a cat. And most importantly, keep looking into his eyes. It costs you nothing, but he is pleased. " The manner of speaking of the author and the presenter of the training, Ekaterina Lyubimova, cuts the ear only at first. Probably, there is no other way to tell 20 unfamiliar women about the intricacies of oral sex. As my friend rightly pointed out, "you can't do without humor here."

Who comes here?

I have been married for almost 10 years. So she enthusiastically accepted the idea of ​​going to "some erotic training" in order to rekindle the fire of passion. This idea inspired my husband even more. “You are there, most importantly, absorb everything that they say,” he admonished when I left the threshold of the apartment. "You are going to save our marriage." Who would have thought that everything is so serious ...

“Come 10 minutes before the start,” the girl on the other end of the line advised when we signed up for the lesson. - And take a rubber band so your hair doesn't get in the way. Nothing else is needed. Drinks, simulators and teaching materials will be distributed to you. " In advance, as we were asked, we go to the door with a small brass sign "Training Center", we go down to the basement floor, where we are escorted to one of the classes. Several girls are already sitting here. Seeing that they have neither whips nor stripper heels, I relax a little. The atmosphere here is like in any other training center, only there is no cellular signal and no men's room. All things must be left in the storage room; you cannot even take your phone with you.

“No one will be delighted to see a photo of themselves with a dildo in their mouth on the Internet,” my neighbor on the right reasonably remarks - a young girl in glasses with thick lenses and a blouse with all the buttons. On the tables in front of each of us are pens, paper, artificial penises, silicone lubricant and condoms. I take a sip of warm, semi-sweet champagne from a plastic cup - for courage.

Ekaterina Lyubimova begins her lesson with an acquaintance and asks each of us about the purpose of coming here. All of us - beautiful and not so, young and mature, married and unmarried - take turns talking about ourselves and answering her question. An innocent girl intends to impress the groom after the wedding, the young mother wants to return sex to the family (“when the husband was present at the birth, something went wrong in his head”), the confident blonde dreams of an affair with the boss and a promotion ... technology for the sake of technology itself is of little interest. With its help, everyone wants to achieve different goals, including quite altruistic ones: for example, my friend and I just want to please our loved ones.

Manual control

Apparently, in order not to immediately move on to "working with the mouth", the presenter suggests starting with manual techniques. “Always use a lubricant,” Ekaterina insists. - Without it, your partner's sensations can be painful. If you've applied the lubricant and your partner is not responding to touch, it may be worth reducing the amount. ” I never thought that lubrication is so important. It turns out that silicone is the longest-lasting one. Water-based grease is more natural, but it dries faster and may roll. “If a man is not allergic, you can use vegetable oil,” I suggest. “It’s unlikely that your partner will like it if you walk into the bedroom with a liter bottle of Oleina every time,” the presenter retorts.

So, we apply silicone lubricant to the glans of the silicone penises and start practicing. The simplest and, as it turned out, effective technique is the "Thai stretch". You need to clasp the penis with the fingers of one hand, like a banana, and hold from the head to the base. Repeat the movements alternately with the right and then with the left hand. This is roughly what the culmination of Thai erotic massage, which is offered in numerous specialized salons, looks like. This technique helps to bring any man to orgasm in a few minutes.

Another effective technique, which Ekaterina Lyubimova called "Rabbit", looks like this: the bent index and ring fingers of the right hand grasp the head on the right side and slide down the penis. Having reached the base, you need to run your thumb down the testicles and lightly slap the man on the pubis with the palm of your other hand. “So you imitate the sensations that a man is used to experiencing during intercourse,” explains the presenter. - And he gets even more excited. If you want to release a little tension, move your hands in the opposite direction - from the base to the head. "

We are so keen on studying "Pirouette", "Pornodiva", "Milady" and many other techniques that we completely cease to be ashamed of each other. And during the break, all together, inspired and slightly aroused, we go to the local sex shop. For the first time in my life in this place, I feel easy and comfortable. Apparently others have the same feelings. My neighbor on the right (the one in the blouse, buttoned up) meticulously chooses small lace panties with a slit in the middle, my friend passionately asks the saleswoman about the G-spot stimulator, and I'm seriously thinking about buying vaginal balls. I am warmed by the thought that they can improve my mood and remind me that I am, first of all, a woman, at any time: when deadlines are burning, work partners fail, or a child is naughty.

Language course

We approach the second part of the training satisfied and relaxed. Even the prospect of putting a silicone phallus in my mouth in the presence of mostly unfamiliar women does not scare me. We practice "Bayan" (first the hand moves up, the head down, then vice versa), "Corkscrew" (the hand and mouth rotate in the opposite direction), "Vacuum" (as if drinking through a straw) and a couple of dozen other techniques.

For dessert, Ekaterina leaves the most delicious dish: a deep throat blowjob. Delicious for men, not for women. Catherine gives us barberries "to lubricate the throat", advises us to yawn, "to relax the muscles." Some flatly refuse to try, one girl even leaves, a friend mutters nearby: "No, well, you can do this in a fit of passion by accident, but like this on purpose, and even with a piece of silicone ..." After several attempts, I realize that the average level of skill is quite arranges.

The time for questions is coming. I talk about painful things: “My jaw is cramping. What to do?" "Nothing to do. It brings everyone together, ”Ekaterina upsets me. “I constantly scratch my young man with my teeth,” the charming red-haired girl shares her difficulties. "Should I cover them with my lips?" “You don’t stand it with your lips - your face doesn’t change for the better…” The presenter is interrupted by one of the adult women, who has been silent throughout the session: “My husband and I solved this problem: I use a boxing mouthpiece.” Having presented this picture, my friend and I slowly slide under the table.

Training results

As a child, my mother often told me: "We always like to do what we are good at." So, I thought that I didn’t like to do a blow job, in fact, I didn’t know how. The attitude of different women to oral sex is perfectly illustrated by the dialogue from the TV series "Sex and the City". “I don’t like to put foreign objects in my mouth, my gag reflex works right away,” says Charlotte. “This is not your favorite dish, but if you do not overuse it and with a good sauce, it can be very much even,” says Carrie. “The main thing is to feel the power: even though you are on your knees, you have all the main levers in your hands,” Samantha is sure. Before the training, my opinion on this matter from time to time coincided with the opinion of Charlotte, then with the opinion of Carrie. After the training, I increasingly began to think about blowjob like Samantha.

Why do many men love blowjob so much?

There is more intimacy in a blow job than in some intercourse. The willingness to caress a partner with lips and tongue shows how great intimacy and trust are in a couple. “During oral sex, all of a woman’s attention is focused on the penis,” says sexologist Catherine Blanc. - She caresses him with her mouth and hands, and many men are deeply moved. Pleasure is born not only from the excitement of nerve endings, but also from the man's fantasies: he finds himself in the position of the breadwinner, giving the seed - an image from early childhood, when, as an infant, he was delighted with the omnipotence of the mother's breast. Excitement is also added by the sight of a woman in a subordinate position - a classic porn plot ... "


1. Change the temperature. To give a man new sensations, you can put Rondo, Tic Tac or Halls cooling lozenges on your tongue. Sweet sucking candies will not work; they are sticky. Alternatively, take a sip of unsweetened hot tea. A warm mouth is a completely different sensation.

2.Add bubbles. It is better to practice such a blowjob in the bathroom: take a sip of cold champagne from a glass (do not swallow it) and suck on the head of your penis. Sip on the champagne every time it runs out or fizzles out. “It takes half a bottle for one blowjob,” warns Yekaterina Lyubimova. - Alcohol can be replaced with soda. Best of all, Perrier: it has the "correct" small bubbles. "

3.Connect the sex toy. One of the secret sexual fantasies of many men is threesome sex, where two men and one woman. Often they do not admit it even to themselves, but such a picture excites them incredibly. To stage group sex, attach a dildo with a suction cup that is as close to a real penis as possible (for example, The Real Feel) to the mirror in the bedroom or bathroom. “Be careful: the artificial penis should be smaller than the real one,” advises Ekaterina Lyubimova. "Otherwise, watching what is happening, a man may feel discomfort, not pleasure."

Current page: 1 (the book has 4 pages in total) [available passage for reading: 1 pages]

Ekaterina Lyubimova
50 rules for the perfect woman

Preface from the author

The advantage of this book is that it has been tested by the experience of thousands of my students, in contrast to the many books I have studied on sex, in which I have not found a real guide on how to capture the sexual imagination of a partner, tie a man to himself with sexual techniques, and what is he on really wants sex. And a modern person can only laugh at the Kama Sutra without being a gymnast! There is another kind of books - psychological, in which there is not a word about what and how to do, but the reasons for everything are explained. In my book, I decided to combine both directions: practice and awareness of male sexuality!

There are cookbooks, books on painting techniques, style, and whole guides on how to make friends and how to behave in interviews: what to say and do. But what about when it comes to sex? No one knows the recipe for one hundred percent success: often either technology or psychology fails. Somewhere they write that you can not do a deep blowjob (by the way, this book will teach you how to do it!). It is possible, but why then do all men want this and look with drunken enchanted eyes at those who can do it?

For a long time I lost track of the trainings that I conducted: maybe a thousand, maybe three. Each training begins with the fact that I stand at the entrance to the hall and greet the visitors with a smile! Their lives will change tonight. Girls look at me trustingly or skeptically - I know this look: when a woman no longer believes that something will help her, let alone sex. Hundreds of thousands of faces over the years. In my trainings, I see both young beauties who dream of getting married, and mature women - very wise ones who want to preserve their marriage. We are visited, among other things, by young mothers, in whose family the coolness has crept in.

All problems arise due to the fact that sex is terra incognita - an unknown land about which no one told or explained anything, and each of us had to learn sex from films, or from our own experience - going through mistakes and disappointments. Each of us women embarked on this journey alone. And she herself took full responsibility for the knowledge of sex and joy, and often mistakes and difficulties. And everyone is tormented by the same question: Am I good at sex? Is she good enough so that he doesn't cheat on me, fall in love, get married? Thanks to the book you are holding in your hands, all these questions will find the right answers. This is not some kind of textbook divorced from reality, but a means to liberate oneself, to open up to passion and sex, to become for a man the most desirable, truly unique and unique in his life!

At that moment, when the SEKS.RF training center stopped coping with the number of people who wanted to undergo trainings, and girls from other cities bombarded me with questions on social networks, I decided to write this book to give you the opportunity to improve your sex life. Because in sex we never get a second chance. And this book is your guarantee of success in bed.

Not all girls were sexually free, they were looking for a suitable man for a long time. And basically it turns out that a girl finds a partner and a husband by the age of 25, and sometimes even earlier - you have to be a workhorse in sex in order to change more than 5 partners before that time. The woman does not burn with a wild desire to try as many partners in sex as possible - it is rather the ideal of a man's attitude to sex. And what happens: men want to meet a sexy tigress, and a woman, by virtue of traditions, should be aimed at a permanent relationship. And the experience of gaining knowledge about sex, as it were, stops with the acquisition of a family, and after several years of living together, partners begin to lose interest in sex. What this leads to is known: lovers and mistresses. This book will solve this problem. Women of all times have used sex as an instrument of power over men, but we have finally realized this only now, and we women need a win-win way to take possession of a man's thoughts and hearts! And the way there does not lie through the stomach - in the 21st century, anyone can order sushi, mussels and other delights at home. The world has changed, one thing is invariable: men love sex.


I once did an interesting experiment. More than two hundred women came to my training on sexual skills, and I asked them this question: please tell me, have your men ever told you: “You know, honey, there is something I don’t like the way you have sex”? All the women unanimously answered: "No, I didn't!"

Then I continue the experiment and ask the following question: do your men tell you: “Honey, you are doing great! Continue! Just don't stop! I like everything very much ”? All the women unanimously answered: "Yes, all the time!"

These were the women who came to me to learn something new in sex! Despite the fact that partners never reproached them for their lack of sexual skills, deep down in their hearts, these women understood that perhaps not everything is so good and they need to improve, discover new facets of sex, get rid of stereotypes and experiment more in order to maintain the fire of passion in your union with a man.

Men prefer to have sex rather than talk about it. Unfortunately, they are never completely frank with us about our sexual prowess. They are more than anything else afraid of offending us on this delicate topic, just as we are most afraid of offending them. We will never say to a loved one: “You know, today I don’t really like the way you move in me”, because we perfectly understand that it will be a blow below the belt, the man will be very unpleasant. Likewise, partners who love us think in the same way, they prefer to remain silent if something does not suit them in sex, or to say that "everything is fine."

Therefore, you have no choice but to study all the secrets of sex yourself, discover a whole world of secret male sexual desires, erotic fantasies and preferences - everything that they never talk to us about directly. With the help of this book, my trainings and videos, you will not only learn hundreds of new mind-blowing sexual techniques, but also look at sex from a different point of view, change the perspective of your perception of sexual life, liberate yourself and feel a new taste of mutual unbridled passion. You will no longer have questions: "Why doesn't he finish?", "What's wrong with him?", "What's wrong with me?"

1. Blowjob striptease "Dive"

To perform the Dive technique, it is very important to properly rest your hands on a stable surface. The meaning of the technique is that you move your whole body and work your head quite intensively. Body movements should resemble a “wave” (as in striptease), but this requires some preparation, so if you don’t know how to do it, you can replace it with simple “cat-dog” movements - bend your back up and down. For a man, the technique of execution is not so important as the visual row itself: a beautiful, smooth body of a woman moves, wriggles and bends in front of him. Your partner should clearly see how your body moves. Therefore, choose the right posture: for example, if he is sitting in a chair or lying on the bed (pillows under his head), stand slightly to the side of him at an angle of 90 degrees.

So, grab the head of the penis with your lips, slowly immerse it in your mouth, moisten it with saliva and lightly rest it on the palate. This is the starting position. Then begin to make diving wave-like movements with your head - up and down. When you move your head down, you seem to direct the tip of your nose to the floor, while moving up, you direct the tip of your nose to the ceiling. It is important that the head of the penis rests against the palate, and not against the teeth, for this, slightly hold it with your tongue. You also need to add twists and turns to the waving of your head: to the center - to the left - to the right, and so on in a circle. Imagine a metro map in front of you: make two sweeps of your nose to the Rechnoy Vokzal, then two sweeps to Krylatskoye, and two more sweeps to Izmailovo. The turn of the head should be sharp enough, like a nod. In this case, the whole body moves smoothly, the back is rounded, then bends, the butt rises and falls. In general, the picture turns out to be incredibly sexy - many of my clients note that "Dive" invariably makes an indelible impression on men, they look at this dance of love as if enchanted, and lose their heads!

Blowjob striptease "Dive"

2. Technique "Double lips", or "Two mouths"

This is a very cool technique that can drive men crazy with arousal. But it is quite difficult to accomplish. "Double lips" is when you show your partner your labia during a blowjob. You need to lie on the bed so that your labia are next to your face - for a man it will look as if there are two mouths in front of him.

To perform this technique, you just need to throw your legs over your shoulders. I know what you are going to say now: “No way! I already have a tummy, but if I lie down in such a position, then there will generally be folds! ". Indeed, we, women, during sex are always very worried that men see the shortcomings of our bodies, and, probably, think to ourselves: "What a fat woman I have!" In fact, we worry about this more than we should, because men during sex perceive their beloved women in a completely different way. Everything seems cute to them: both the tummy and the folds. But nevertheless, if you are worried about the folds on the stomach in this position, I suggest simply covering them with something: the edge of a sheet, a silk scarf, a negligee or a belt.

If you are not a very athletic and stretched girl, then you do not need to try to do a half-roll over your head - you can injure your neck. It will be enough just to spread your knees a little and throw your legs over your shoulders. You need to put a pillow under your head, then your face will be even closer to the labia.

In this case, you need to explain to your partner what you want. Because, seeing you in such a folded position, he may not understand what the matter is, and immediately insert a member into your vagina. Explain to him that you want him to rub on one or the other lips. It is desirable that the partner by this time was already strongly aroused and close to orgasm. Let him take the penis in his hand and stand over you so that it is convenient for him to insert the head into your mouth, then hold it down along your body and slide it between the labia. Then again in the mouth, and again to the labia ... And when he reaches orgasm, let his sperm fall on your lips and genitals. Men really enjoy this sexual adventure. I just ask you very much, if you do not do yoga or other stretching and strengthening physical exercises, perform this technique carefully, do not throw your legs back too much so as not to pull your neck.

Technique "Double lips", or "Two mouths"

3. Technique "Connecting hands"

Men love details and details in sex. If a throat blowjob, then you can see how the penis protrudes from the thin female neck. If anal sex - see the expanded female anus after penetration.

You can give a man incredible pleasure if you use the "Hands-on" technique during oral sex.

To do this, during a blowjob, take your partner's hand, put two of his fingers on the head of the penis and continue to suck the penis together with the partner's fingers. You will see how he will be delighted, because he himself has long dreamed of something like this. But men are always afraid to show such independence. Firstly, because all of us from childhood were taught not to stick our fingers in our mouth, "otherwise there will be worms." And secondly, because they are afraid of being rejected for sex. But you may not like that someone puts their fingers in your mouth, especially when his cock is already there!

When you yourself begin to suck in your partner's penis along with his fingers, he will feel with your fingertips how you pass your wet and soft tongue along the bridle and over the head, how the head of the penis rests against your tender cheek. He begins to touch your palate, tongue, his penis. You will be surprised: what does it give him? Why does it turn him on? The fact is that no matter how sensitive the skin on the penis is, we are used to reading tactile information from the fingertips. Therefore, when a man touches the head of a member of your delicate cheek and soft tongue, he does not visualize this information, but simply experiences pleasant sensations. But when he runs his fingers over the same places, these sensations are immediately transformed into a clear exciting picture, how tender, moist and soft you are inside! This is the same missing puzzle in the picture of your sex, which will be deposited in his memory and which he will remember every time he thinks about you.

Hands Connection Technique

4. Technique "Tiny"

Take a member in the cam near the head. Move your thumb back and start sucking it like babies suck their thumb in their sleep. At the same time, do not forget to look at your partner with naive eyes. It is important that the finger that you are sucking is close to the head of the penis. Because then you have to send it along with the head into your mouth and there you already begin to stimulate the bridle, lightly pressing on it with your finger or tongue. It is advisable to periodically do a long down-up friction to move the foreskin. During a blowjob, you can slightly pull your cheek with your finger so that your partner can see how his penis enters your mouth. Then you can let go of the pulled cheek so that it just slaps on the head. You will see, he will like it! Performing the "youngster" technique, you can improvise on a given topic: for example, dress like a schoolgirl and masturbate about a teddy bear (by the way, this is a popular male sexual fantasy). And, of course, this blowjob will be the most amazing and memorable for a man if you experience an orgasm right in the process!

Technique "Tiny"

5. Technique "Sucking throat"

You can not do the "throat", but at the same time stimulate the head with the throat. To perform this technique, you need to lower yourself onto the penis so that the head goes into the throat, but you do not need to go down to the pubis. After that, begin to make very short frictions so that the head only slightly comes out and enters the throat, touching the narrow throat passage, due to which the main stimulation of the head occurs.

Another option for performing the “sucking throat” technique is to simulate swallowing, that is, to try to swallow saliva when the head is in your throat. At this moment, a very strong undulating movement passes through the head. I want to warn you that this is a technique for "advanced" girls, because when it is done, a rather strong gag reflex is triggered.

Sucking Throat Technique

6. Technique "Nodding yes-yes-yes"

Place the head of your penis on the hard palate. Then make a slow nod so that the head rests against the soft palate. And then continue the nod so that the head slides down your throat. Return to the starting point and repeat all over again. The penis will feel as if it is sliding and scratching along the vaginal wall.

Technique "Nodding yes-yes-yes"

7. Technique "Rotating throat"

Technique for the advanced. When you put your head on the "deep throat", remaining in this position, make a movement with your head, as if outlining a semicircle around the penis. The man will have a pleasant feeling of tightness in the delicate walls of the throat, which also scroll around the head. Very strong stimulation.

Rotating Throat Technique

8. Technique "Royal Blowjob"

This very difficult and mega-cool technique consists in swallowing the penis, sticking out your tongue and licking the testicles. But it is not suitable for every woman. This technique is easier for women with wide, large mouths. How to do it?

There is no need to stick out your tongue in advance, because in this case there will be little space for the member. To begin with, you need to lower your head to a deep throat to the very base. When the head of the penis is in the throat, you need to stick out your tongue. First, it will add sensation to the head, it will become even tighter in the throat, and the pressure on the head will increase. Secondly, the very picture of how you stick out your tongue and lightly run it over the testicles at the moment when the penis is deep in your throat is a very unusual and sexual sight for a man. Most likely, no one has done this to him before you. It is important that at this moment he looks at you. Because without seeing, he may not understand what is happening there, because he has a lot of different sensations. Usually, if a man doesn’t watch you conjure over his penis, he can then say something like: “I don’t know what you did there, but it was cool!”. So, so that your efforts are not wasted, make sure that your partner is all attention. The "deep penetration" pose is most suitable for this technique.

Technique "Royal Blowjob"

9. Technique "Full Moon"

A technique in which you kind of “screw” onto the “deep throat” in a spiral. You lower your head down to your pubis, as if you are descending a spiral staircase. And in the same way, outlining a spiral with your head, you rise. Then you go down again. When a man performs this technique on the head of the penis, it feels like it is screwed into your throat. The technique is very stimulating and entertaining.

Full Moon Technique

10. Technique "Moving throat"

Lowering your head to the end for a deep throat blowjob, try to move your lower jaw left and right. Together with the jaw, the walls of the throat will move, which will give your partner very interesting sensations.

Moving Throat Technique

11. Technique "Drill"

To perform the "gimlet" technique, at the moment when you lower your lips down the penis, making a "deep throat", slightly shake your head from side to side, as if saying to someone "no, no, no." Please note that this should happen exactly when the head of the penis rests against the back palate. The gimlet technique will help you to easily guide the head of the penis deeper into the throat without experiencing the gag reflex, and will give your partner an additional pleasant sensation from unusual stimulation.

Technique "Perforator"

12. Technique "Deceiving deep throat blowjob"

If you do this technique to your partner, he will squeak with delight.

It is built on the contrast of two sensations: the sensation of the back of the tongue (which somewhat remotely resembles the entrance to the throat) and the sensation of the throat itself.

Before making a "deep throat", press the tip of the tongue against the upper palate, thus creating an obstruction on the way to the throat. Grasp the penis with your hand and insert it into your mouth so that its head rests under your tongue. Make 3-4 such movements, then quickly remove your tongue and lower your head to a deep throat. A man will be delighted with the unexpectedness and contrast of pleasant sensations.

Deep Throat Technique

13. Technique "Golden rings"

The name of this technique speaks for itself. The man will be delighted with her. In addition, this technique is very helpful for those girls who have a deep throat with great difficulty or not at all. When performing the Golden Rings, the main thing is to concentrate on your hands, because if the technique is performed incorrectly, there will be no such overwhelming effect.

Take the head of the erect penis with your lips. Make thumb and forefinger rings on both hands. With these rings, grab the penis close to the lips. Begin to rotate the rings in different directions, and at the same time describing a circle with your head, lower both your arms and your head to the base of the penis. When you get to the bottom, remove your hands and sink into your deep throat. After that, return your hands to their place, and rise in the same way, describing a circle with your head and rotating with "rings".

Tip: To facilitate the performance of a throat blowjob, raising your head with a long (full) friction, swallow saliva.

Technique "Golden rings"

Attention! This is an introductory excerpt from the book.

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There are two types of oral sex - cunnilingus and felation. In the first case, the partner caresses the genitals of the woman, in the second, manipulations are performed with the male penis.

Felation has become widespread in the intimate practice of many couples. It can be both a separate act of satisfaction for a man, and precede other forms of sexual contact - for example, vaginal, anal, petting and others.

The glans of the penis is most sensitive, especially along the edge where it passes into the trunk. Soft touches of the tongue to this part of the penis can quickly bring a man to orgasm.

If you look your partner in the eyes during intimate caresses, such eye contact can arouse him even more. In addition, this way you can notice the emotions he is experiencing and adjust your actions based on this.

In addition to directly stimulating the penis with your mouth, you can wrap your hands around the penis at the base, caress the male genital glands (in a simple way, testicles, eggs) with your fingers, or stroke the nipples, which in men are also sensitive to touch. Variety in oral sex depends on your imagination and the wishes of your partner.

In the classic position for oral sex, the man stands, and the partner kneels down next to him. In this case, the penis is approximately at the level of her face, which gives her the opportunity for active and varied manipulations with the male genitals.

In the classic position, a woman can control the depth of immersion of the penis and the moment of the onset of orgasm.

Another blowjob position - the man lies on his back, and you sit on his legs or next to him. In this position, the woman also has free hands that can be used for additional stimulation. In addition, your partner can clearly see all your actions, which allows him to get even more aroused by them.

You can also have oral sex while lying on your side, facing each other. To do this, a woman only needs to go down lower so that the male genitals are in the access zone. True, in this position, the man hardly sees what you are doing.

You can also lie on your back so the man can sit near your face. For a partner, this position is quite comfortable, but it will be difficult for you to control the depth of the dive.

One of the popular positions for mutual oral sex is called "sixty-nine". The man lies on his back, and you lie on top of him so that his penis is in front of your face. Unless you have a significant difference in height, your buttocks will be in front of his face.

In the sixty-nine position, a man can simultaneously do you cunnilingus while you give him a blowjob.

The next position is suitable for deep penetration. You lie on the bed, your head hangs a little over the edge, and the man settles down next to your face. In this position, you may feel submissive and helpless in front of your partner's actions, but many women are turned on.