Maternity hospital. How is a maternity hospital

Maternity hospital I Maternity hospital

a medical and prophylactic institution designed to provide inpatient and outpatient care to women during pregnancy, childbirth and gynecological diseases, as well as medical care for newborns until they are discharged from the maternity hospital.

The main tasks of the maternity hospital are to provide women with inpatient obstetric care during pregnancy, childbirth and after childbirth; ensuring proper nursing of newborns and qualified medical and diagnostic assistance to sick and premature babies; provision of medical and diagnostic assistance to gynecological patients; work on hygienic education, promotion of a healthy lifestyle; transfer of patients according to indications to other medical institutions; implementation of rehabilitation measures and the issuance of recommendations for their implementation after discharge from the obstetric hospital.

II Maternity hospital

a medical and prophylactic institution designed to provide medical care to women and their treatment during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period; R. is a part of the hospital and.

1. Small Medical Encyclopedia. - M .: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M .: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.


See what "Maternity Hospital" is in other dictionaries:

    A medical institution that provides assistance to pregnant women, women in labor and parturient women. Usually there are antenatal clinics at the maternity hospital, gynecological departments in large maternity hospitals ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    A medical institution that provides assistance to pregnant women, women in labor and parturient women. Usually maternity hospitals have antenatal clinics, large maternity hospitals have gynecological departments. * * * MATERNITY HOSE MATERNITY HOSPITAL, medical ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    The very first maternity hospital in Severodvinsk, now the Severodvinsk City Museum of Local Lore Maternity hospitals provide qualified medical care to women during ... Wikipedia

    A medical and prophylactic institution designed to provide medical care to women and their treatment during pregnancy, childbirth and in the postpartum period; R. d. includes a hospital and a women's consultation ... Comprehensive Medical Dictionary

    In the USSR, a medical and prophylactic institution that provides qualified medical care to women during pregnancy (See Pregnancy), childbirth (See Childbirth), the postpartum period (See Postpartum period) and during gynecological ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    A medical and prophylactic institution that provides medical care to pregnant women, women in labor and parturient women. (

A maternity hospital is a medical institution where a pregnant woman can receive qualified medical care from the moment of conception to childbirth, including the process of childbirth itself and the early postpartum period. For a newborn baby, the maternity hospital is the first medical institution where they will be helped not only to be born, but also to adapt to life in the environment.

The rules in the maternity hospital are very different from the rules of other medical institutions, because an infection is especially terrible for a sterile body of a baby. Therefore, every maternity hospital has a strict regime that must not be violated.

Delivery room

The delivery room is the main place in the maternity hospital where the baby is born. From the moment of the establishment of regular labor activity, the woman in labor is transferred to the delivery room, where she stays with the medical staff, and, if desired, with a partner (husband, mother, sister).

Modern delivery rooms are made in warm colors and equipped with all the necessary equipment. The most important attribute of every delivery room is the Rachmaninov chair-bed, on which a child is often born. The well-equipped delivery room also includes a bed, a gymnastic wall, a fitball, a dedicated chair for vertical labor, a heated changing table and a newborn resuscitation kit in the delivery room.

How do women give birth in a maternity hospital?

Currently, the active behavior of women in the first stage of labor is practiced. A woman in labor can freely move around the delivery room, perform exercises on a gymnastic wall and an inflatable ball, which helps to reduce pain, quickly open the cervix and lower the fetal head. The woman herself can choose where and how she wants to give birth. Currently, childbirth is practiced while sitting on a special chair, childbirth in the knee-elbow position.

Caring for a child in a maternity hospital begins from the moment he is born. The condition of the newborn is assessed on the Apgar scale at 1 and 5 minutes after birth, the maximum score is 10 points. It consists of 5 criteria, each of which is evaluated from 0 to 2 points: heart rate, skin color, respiration, muscle tone and reflex excitability.

The primary toilet of the newborn in the delivery room begins to be carried out as soon as the head has erupted. The neonatologist removes mucus from the baby's oral cavity using suction, then the baby is placed on the mother's stomach and applied to the breast, if the child does not need additional medical care. Early attachment of a newborn baby to the breast is very important, as it helps to establish close contact between mother and baby, the skin and intestines are colonized by a protective microflora, and also stimulates the production of oxytocin in the woman in labor, which helps the uterus to contract.

Then the child is taken to the changing table, where they wipe the generic lubricant from his skin, carry out the prevention of conjunctivitis, weigh, measure, dress and tie a bracelet on the handle, which indicates the number of the birth history, surname, name, patronymic of the mother, day and time of birth.

Many pregnant women are interested in how to dress a child in a maternity hospital? There is one peculiarity: the newborn's thermoregulation center is not yet mature and, under the influence of the room temperature, the child may become hypothermic, so the baby needs to be dressed a little warmer than the mother is wearing, especially in the early days.

Vaccinations for children in the maternity hospital are done by a children's nurse after examination by a neonatologist, the absence of contraindications and the signing of special documents by the mother.

Maternity hospital care

After giving birth, the doctor on duty in the maternity hospital examines the woman in labor, checks the condition of the seams, the size of the uterus, and the condition of the mammary glands. Examination in the maternity hospital is carried out in special examination rooms under sterile conditions after a woman has performed hygienic procedures.

Recently, there is a lot of information about childbirth outside the hospital (at home, in the pool), and there are couples who decide on such risky actions. It must be remembered that the process of childbirth cannot be foreseen, and there is always a risk of a situation when the life of a woman and a child depends on qualified medical care provided on time, so you should not endanger yourself and your child.

A very often discussed question like a maternity hospital, why did you come up with it?
I did not find about the maternity hospital in Europe, but in Russia - it was definitely an institution for those who were not going to leave these children.
And in pre-revolutionary Russia, the percentage of women in labor at home was large.

The history of the birth of maternity hospitals

The first maternity hospital (maternity hospital) in Moscow (and in Russia) was opened in 1764 at the Orphanage and had three departments: "for secretly giving birth", "for illegitimate children being born" and "for women who are married but do not want to leave a child." ... In 1801, Professor of Moscow University V.M. Richter (1767-1822) founded and headed the Midwife Institute with a 3-bed maternity hospital. The first city maternity shelter with free admission to women in childbirth was established in 1880 on Shviva Gorka. In 1903 there were 12 maternity hospitals in Moscow (with 138 beds). In 1906 the “exemplary” maternity hospital named after V.I. AA Abrikosova (now maternity hospital No. 6), at which women's and children's consultations were created. In 1907, at the expense of the merchant Lepekhin, a maternity hospital (on 63 beds) was opened, which bore his name (later Maternity Hospital No. 7 named after GL Grauerman). In 1907, the first hospital for postpartum patients was opened in Moscow. In 1909, a city maternity hospital was opened at the Staroekaterininskaya hospital in memory of S. T. Morozov. At the expense of the late Lepekhin, his niece Milyukova set up a hospital in Degtyarny Lane, which later housed a maternity hospital, and the lane was named Lepekhinsky.

Until 1917, the city's maternity hospitals could accept only about half of the women in labor (the rest gave birth at home). A significant growth in the network of maternity hospitals occurred after the decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the prohibition of abortion (1936) and in 1960-85.

The history of Snigirevka before 1917 is indicative in this sense.
I will quote

During this period, 168 midwives were trained within the walls of the institute, who, after completing special training, were sent to various provinces. In 1833 the maternity hospital and the midwife institute were merged into one obstetric institution. From that time on, it became known as the St. Petersburg obstetric institution.
The obstetric institution then consisted of 5 departments for: 1) "legal" poor puerperas; 2) "secret" puerperas; 3) "illegal" women in childbirth; 4) midwives (for 40 people); 5) peasant students (for 20 people).
The period of study at the Midwife Institute was reduced to 2 years.
In the Regulation on the obstetric institution, the goals of this institution were formulated, which provided for:
reception of pregnant women and women in childbirth, both "legal" and "illegal", who are delivered without any payment full maintenance, all kinds of obstetric and medical benefits until their complete recovery;
supplying the State with knowledgeable and experienced midwives who receive education and a complete theoretical and practical education in the midwifery arts;
improvement and dissemination of obstetric science.

As you can see from all of the above, childbirth at home was a common practice and midwives were trained mainly for this.
It would be interesting to read when the practice of childbirth in the hospital became widespread.

A maternity hospital is a medical and prophylactic institution designed to provide polyclinic and inpatient care to a woman during pregnancy, childbirth and gynecological diseases, as well as medical care for newborns from the moment of birth to discharge from the maternity hospital. The maternity hospital includes a women's consultation (see Consultation) and inpatient departments, laboratories, diagnostic and treatment rooms and administrative and utility rooms.

The stationary part of the maternity hospital consists of the following mandatory departments and premises.
1. The admission and examination department, which receives pregnant women and women in labor, consists of a reception, a filter, an examination room and a shower. In the admission and examination department, the midwife conducts a survey and examination of pregnant women and women in labor (measuring the pelvis, weighing, measuring growth, determining the position of the fetus, listening to it, etc.), as well as them. From this department, healthy women in labor are sent to the physiological maternity department, and pregnant women and women in childbirth with an infectious disease and suspected of an infectious disease - to the obstetric obstetric department. From the admission and examination department to the department of pregnancy pathology, pregnant women who need inpatient treatment or stay in a hospital for prophylactic purposes, or to clarify the diagnosis, are sent.

2. The Department of Pregnancy Pathology is intended for hospitalization of pregnant women with a burdened obstetric history, abnormal fetal position, polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancies, patients, cardiovascular and other non-infectious diseases. In large cities, some maternity hospitals specialize in providing medical care for any particular type of obstetric and extragenital pathology (for example, miscarriage, cardiovascular diseases, etc.). In the research institutes of obstetrics, specialized assistance is provided to pregnant women and women in labor for many types of pathology.

In addition to the wards, the department has manipulation rooms, treatment rooms, bathrooms, rooms for staff, etc.

3. Physiological maternity ward consists of prenatal wards, birth wards (for 1-2 beds), a room for the first toilet, a small and large operating room with a preoperative and sterilization room; rooms with light and sound insulation for patients or preeclampsia; bathrooms and other premises. The presence of two delivery chambers allows for their cyclical functioning: while one delivery room is full, the second one is cleaned and disinfected. The number of beds in the prenatal wards is approximately 12% of the total number of beds in the physiological postpartum department, and in the birth wards - 8%.

4. Physiological postpartum department consists of chambers for 1-4 beds, manipulation; rooms for expressing and storing breast milk; bathrooms, staff rooms, etc. The total number of beds in the wards of this department is 50-55% of all beds in obstetric departments of the maternity hospital. In addition, 10% of beds (in excess of the standard) are provided for observing the cyclicity of filling and emptying the wards and for fulfilling the sanitary and hygienic regime. This requirement also applies to the observational unit and the neonatal unit. Such a system allows, upon discharge of puerperas, to completely empty certain wards and perform thorough cleaning (washing, irradiation, ventilation, etc.) of both maternal and children's wards. The postpartum woman is in the maternity hospital during the normal course of childbirth and the postpartum period of 7-8 days; her discharge from the maternity hospital with the child is carried out through the discharge room. At discharge, the mother is given a certificate of the birth of the child, on the basis of which the antenatal clinic gives the woman a certificate of temporary disability for the whole. The maternity hospital informs about each discharged child to the nursery at the mother's place of residence.

5. The obstetric obstetric department is intended for receiving pregnant women, women in labor, giving birth and treating women in childbirth and newborns who are or may be a source of infection (women in labor with fever, dead fetus, postpartum women with, dead fetus, with skin pustular diseases, etc. .); here, puerperas are transferred from the physiological postpartum department in the event of their illness or the illness of the child. Women are also admitted to the department after childbirth at home or on the road. The department is strictly isolated from other departments and premises of the maternity hospital. It includes: a maternity ward, postpartum wards for 1-2 beds, a maternity ward with a separate external entrance for especially strict isolation of a pregnant woman, a woman in labor or a postpartum woman with a newborn. The total number of beds in the department is approximately 20-25% of all obstetric beds in the maternity hospital.

6. The department for newborns consists of two parts. One is intended for children whose mothers are in the physiological postnatal unit, and the second is for children whose mothers are in the observational unit. Each part is strictly isolated from each other and from the mother's wards and other premises. Separate wards are provided for and children with. It is recommended to have locks in front of the chambers (usually for a group of chambers).

7. The gynecological department consists of a surgical department and a department in which conservative methods of treatment are applied. The gynecological department is completely isolated from the obstetric department, has its own admission and examination section, discharge room and other premises.

The medical staff of the physiological department, the department of pathology of pregnancy, the department of newborn children does not come into contact with the staff of the observational department. All employees of the maternity hospital take a shower, put on a light (not woolen) dress, a clean robe, a hat, and slippers upon entering the shift. In addition to medical work, the staff of the maternity hospital conducts extensive sanitary and educational work among women - they conduct lectures and talks on issues of nutrition for a nursing mother, breast care, sexual hygiene, etc.