Intrauterine life of the child and his reaction to the outside world. Intrauterine development

They say that a child in the womb both hears and almost sees ... Is this true? And what is she intrauterine life of a child? How does an unborn baby react to the outside world? How does the fetus develop and how does its intrauterine life affect the future? These and other questions are answered by a gynecologist of the highest category Polina Sergeevna DEREVYANENKO. Interviewed by Lyudmila SLAVINA.

“What kind of science is prenatal psychology? When did she appear?

Prenatal, that is, prenatal, psychology appeared not so long ago. The fact is that the former idea of ​​the prenatal life of a future person, as a period of purely biological existence, has been completely and irrevocably forgotten in recent years. Now it is considered an axiom that the fetus develops not only parts and systems of the body, but also cognitive functions and sensory organs. And some researchers argue that starting from the fourth month of pregnancy, the human fetus already understands in its own way what is happening around, reacts not only to internal changes in the mother's womb, but also to external stimuli that reach it. Prenatal science studies the prenatal psychology of the child.

“Is it true that the unborn child hears? And how does this happen?

- It is well known that the hearing organ in the embryo begins to form one of the first. By four months, the fetus hears music. He reacts to bravura and loud with active stirring, calm and melodious music calms him down. There are cases when pregnant women were forced to leave rock music concerts due to an unbearably violent reaction of the fetus.

With anxiety, the fetus reacts to quarrels and cries of parents. Sometimes they can lead to a miscarriage, and it is not known what the reason for this development of events is either sharp fluctuations in hormones in the mother's body, or the threat itself contained in the stormy cries and insults with which the scandal proceeds.

It is also known that unborn children remember melodies, words, whole expressions and even nursery rhymes if read frequently in the last months of pregnancy. The mother of a two-year-old girl once heard her daughter repeat: "Inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale" - commands that sounded in courses for expectant mothers.

Children born hear and recognize voices of parents, react to their intonations. Doctors advise expectant mothers to talk to their baby as often as possible. After birth, such children are calm, less likely to cry.

The fetus hears external sounds in a peculiar way - low frequencies seem to be cut off, high frequencies are heard more clearly. It is with this that psychologists associate the maternal instinct to talk to a newborn: in a special, high voice - it sounds clearer and safer than low sounds.

“I read that in ancient Greece, pregnant women were forbidden to look at everything ugly, ugly. And they were charged with the duty to systematically admire the beautiful drawings, statues, landscapes. Allegedly, the future baby sees the same as the mother, and this affects his development ... "

- It is not yet known whether the fetus distinguishes between beautiful and ugly, but the fact that a born child reacts to light has been proven. If a doctor examines a pregnant woman with a fetoscope (a device for intrauterine examination), then the bright light from it frightens the child. He rolls over, trying to hide from the beam, closing his eyelids tightly. Perhaps the next news about intrauterine life will be exactly what you are asking about, and find out that the fetus is really prone to beauty.

“Does the fetus have a taste sensation? It's hard to believe that he tastes but I've heard that too.

It really is. The unborn child, like all children, loves sweet and does not like bitter. If glucose is added to the amniotic fluid in which it swims, the fetus swallows twice as much as usual. And the introduction of a bitter medicine there reduces the swallowing reflex. Moreover, swallowing bitter, the fetus makes exactly the same grimace, depicting disgust, as an adult.

"They say that the fetus feels the mood of the mother, reacts to her smoking, falls asleep with her." Is it all true?

- The fetus really repeats all the actions and even the mood of the mother. He dozes when his mother falls asleep, wakes up with her. If the mother is calm, then the fetus behaves calmly. If she is nervous, then he either freezes or actively moves. But he also has his own needs. If the mother remains immobile for a long time, he lacks oxygen, and he begins to move violently, jerk his legs. If the mother, on the contrary, is active, he may get tired and sway. By the way, the traditions of rocking a newborn in arms or in a cradle are also connected with this.

A five-month-old fetus moves its head if the mother's stomach is stroked with a hand, and if cold water is poured, the fetus is very dissatisfied, angry, kicks its legs.

The fetus also reacts to smoking of the mother. And not only for the entry of harmful substances into the blood, but even for her desire to smoke: a woman is just thinking about a cigarette, and her heart is already starting to beat faster. The reason is that because of smoking, the fetus receives much less oxygen, and this causes painful cramps in it. And the anticipation of tobacco by a woman, apparently, somehow changes hormonal reactions.

The fetus reacts to physical trauma already from the second month of life. If you hit the mother's stomach, he gets scared, tries to hide, shrink.

“I read somewhere: how the mother of the child wears, whether she wants him or not, depends on what he will become in adulthood. Well, this, in my opinion, is just science fiction, and not scientific ... "

- No, not science fiction, but scientific developments. Scientists have found that the experience gained during pregnancy seriously affects the rest of a person's life. Desired children, who already felt her love and joy in the womb, are more self-confident, react more calmly to stress, have a generally positive perception of life, are friendly, sociable, and learn more easily. Unwanted children, on the contrary, feel insecure, more often fall into depression, expect only troubles and blows from life, are distrustful, have difficulty getting along with people, and experience difficulties in learning.

It is not difficult to explain this from the point of view of science: maternal experiences and emotions are directly related to changes in the hormonal background of her body, and that, in turn, forms the child’s reactions, his physiology.

“I am finally expecting a baby. It is impossible to convey how happy my husband and I are. I really want to be born and raised healthy, strong and happy. I know that Eastern traditions count the age of a person not from the date of birth, but from the moment of conception.
Please advise: how should I behave during pregnancy so that the baby is well? I still have a very short time, I hope I'm not too late.

If you are expecting a baby, try create favorable conditions for it from the very first days of its existence. Of course, do not smoke, walk more, eat right.

And the modern approach to conscious parenthood implies active communication with the unborn child from the first months of pregnancy.

It is good to tell fairy tales, poems to the future baby, turn on pleasant, melodic music. If he has older siblings (this is apparently not your case - at least not yet), you should involve them in communication with him. Then, after birth, he will recognize their voices as native.

It is not necessary at this time to quickly sort things out, quarrel, scandal - you can scare the unborn baby for the rest of your life. And you want him to grow up calm, balanced and happy.

Agree, dear read? What interesting things did you observe / observe in the behavior of the child during your pregnancy? Share your experience in the comments!

The onset of pregnancy is the beginning of an amazing time for the expectant mother. Seeing two cherished stripes on the test, I can’t wait to find out what lies ahead on the upcoming path of bearing crumbs. Today we will tell you how the fetus develops by weeks of pregnancy, what the mother feels at the same time, and at what stages all the organs and systems of the baby's body are formed.

Starting point: how to find out when the pregnancy began

The obstetrician calculates the start date for the expectation of a baby in a woman during the first visit to the antenatal clinic.

  • The doctor performs a manual examination to determine the size of the uterus. This will help him understand what gestational age the uterus corresponds to.
  • Also, the local doctor must specify the date of the first day of the last menstruation. This moment is taken into account, because. the uterine mucosa begins to prepare for pregnancy precisely from this period of time.
  • You can find out the most reliable information about the gestational age with the help of an ultrasound examination. An ultrasound study can tell, to the day, when little life began. An examination even at the earliest stages (starting from 4-5 weeks) evaluates the size of the embryo, which allows the obstetrician-gynecologist to calculate the exact date of the onset of pregnancy.

In the first week after conception, the embryo is actively moving through the fallopian tube. After six days of active “journey”, it enters the uterine cavity. Under the action of progesterone (it is also called the hormone of pregnancy), the unborn baby is attached to the uterine mucosa, this process is called implantation.

If the attachment of the embryo has successfully taken place, then the next menstruation will not happen - the pregnancy has begun.

Intrauterine development of the child

The development of a baby inside the mother's womb, from the moment of conception to the moment of birth, is usually called a miracle, and there is every reason for this. Fortunately, medicine has studied quite well all the stages of the most important event in a woman's life - pregnancy. Every expectant mother can accurately imagine what will happen to her and her baby during all nine months.

There are three periods of intrauterine development of the baby:

  1. blastogenesis- begins with fertilization and lasts 15 days;
  2. embryonic period- starts from the 16th day and ends by the 13th week of pregnancy;
  3. fetal period- from 13 weeks and lasts until the very birth.

Each period has its own chronology of events. The formation of the child's organs, vital systems in his body and his immediate growth naturally move in each period of intrauterine development. You can find out how this happens, what and when is formed in the summary table. It will be informative for expectant mothers who are interested and important information about the development of the child at all stages of pregnancy.

The development of pregnancy by week

The expectation of the birth of a baby in obstetrics is usually divided into three conditional parts:

  • I trimester - from the beginning of pregnancy to the 13th week;
  • II trimester - from the 14th to the 26th week;
  • III trimester - from the 27th to the 40th week.

These trimesters contain 10 obstetric months. Conditional split table:

obstetric monthWeekly pregnancy period
First monthFrom the first to the fourth week of pregnancy (1-4)
Second monthFrom the fifth to the eighth week (5-8)
third monthFrom the ninth to the twelfth week (9-12)
fourth monthThirteenth to sixteenth (13-16)
Fifth monthFrom the seventeenth to the twentieth (17-20)
Sixth obstetric monthTwenty-one to twenty-four (21-24)
seventh monthTwenty-fifth to twenty-eighth (25-28)
eighth monthTwenty-ninth to thirty-second (29-32)
ninth monthThirty-three to thirty-six (33-36)
tenth monthThirty-seven to forty (37-40)

Before a detailed study of the process of fetal development in the mother's abdomen, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the table of changes in the growth and weight of the future fetus:

week of pregnancyFruit sizeFetal weight
3 0.15-0.2mm
4 1 mm
5 1.25-1.5mm
6 2-4 mm
7 4-5 mm
8 1.6-2 cm.1 year
9 2.3 cm.3-4 years
10 3-3.1 cm.5 y.
11 4.1 cm7 y.
12 5.4-6.3 cm.13-14
13 7.4-8 cm.20-23
14 8.7 cm35-43
15 10-11 cm.50-60 g.
16 11.6 cm.80-90
17 12-13 cm.100-110 g.
18 14.2 cm.150 g.
19 15.3 cm.200-210
20 16.4 cm.260-270
21 19-20 cm.300-310
22 21-22 cm.350 g.
23 23 cm450
24 24 cm550
25 25-26 cm.680-700
26 33 cm800
27 34 cm950
28 36 cm1-1.3 kg.
29 37 cm1.4 kg.
30 38 cm1.5 kg.
31 39 cm1.6 kg.
32 42 cm1.7 kg.
33 43 cm1.9-2 kg.
34 44 cm2.2 kg.
35 45 cm2.4-2.5 kg.
36 47.5 cm.2.6 kg.
37 48.5 cm.2.9 kg.
38 50 cm3.1 kg.
39 51 cm.3.3 kg.
40 52 cm3.4 kg.

Now let's move on to describing the development of the baby in the womb for each week of a woman's pregnancy:

Week 1

There is no talk of a fetus as such, since pregnancy has not actually occurred yet. The main sign that fertilization has occurred can be implantation bleeding. This phenomenon manifests itself as slightly spotting spotting approximately 6-7 days after conception.

2 weeks

This week from an obstetric point of view is considered as possible for conception. The egg in the female body matures by the 14th day of the cycle and is theoretically ready for fertilization. If, according to your calculations, the moment of conception has already taken place, then the second week is marked by the attachment of the fetal egg to the uterus. This moment is important, since from the moment of attachment the fetus begins its full development.

3 week

The embryo is similar in appearance to a microscopic berry; in the third week it is still only a set of cells. The size of the embryo is negligible, the maximum diameter by this time is 0.2 mm. But just during this period, the formation of sexual characteristics at the cellular level begins. Having gained a foothold in the uterus, the most important process of intrauterine development of the baby begins - the formation of the placenta. Before the formation and development of the basic systems of the body of the unborn child, there is very little left.

4 week

Obstetric 4th week - the period at which the expectant mother discovers two cherished strips on the test. The functional distribution of cells is in full swing in the embryo. Its size can be compared this week with poppy seeds. The weight is still quite insignificant and does not exceed 0.5 g, but the process of cell division occurs every minute and the unborn baby grows very quickly.

5 week

The embryo has already passed several stages of its development - the zygote, morula and blastocyst. Cells continue to divide rapidly, and by the end of the fifth week, the baby will already weigh at least 1 g, and the size will reach as much as 1.5 mm. On the fetal egg, you can already see the emerging sense organs - eyes, ears and mouth. The blood type of the unborn child was formed just in time for the 5th week of intrauterine life. The formation of the thyroid gland, as well as the intestinal and urinary systems, begins.

6 week

At this time, the largest parts of the body - the torso and head - are clearly distinguished in the unborn child. In the form of tiny processes, legs and arms are distinguishable with tiny fingers outlined on them. The weight at the sixth week of the embryo is up to 2 g, and the average size is about 4 mm. Cartilaginous structures are actively developing, the thymus gland is being formed. The main organs continue to develop: the heart, liver, lungs, stomach and pancreas. The baby develops muscle tissue, the external genitalia are outlined.

7 week

With the beginning of the seventh week, the embryonic period ends. The future baby is now called by another medical term - the fetus. At this time, the facial features of the crumbs are already slightly distinguishable. The rudiments of the nose, eyelids are formed, the ears and upper lip are visible. Outwardly, “unnecessary” organs are still present - gills and a tail, which will disappear a little later. The hemispheres of the brain are formed, cartilaginous tissues are continuously developing. The liver at week 7 is already capable of producing blood cells.

8 week

At week 8, the weight of the fetus is 1 g, and the length reaches 20 mm. If you look at an ultrasound examination, then the future baby will look proportionately like a grape. But every day the fetus looks more and more like a real man. The baby's face is already better defined, the nose has small nostrils, and the olfactory recipes are actively formed. His heart becomes four-chambered; in future girls, ovaries are formed, in boys - testicles; the arms and legs of the fetus at this time can already bend / unbend.

9 week

Many systems and organs are formed by the 9th week of pregnancy, but they do not yet fully function, but continue to develop. Palms are formed, the membranes between tiny fingers disappear. Lymph nodes are laid. The first reflex begins to develop - swallowing. The eyelids of the baby are formed and can involuntarily open and close. The fruit in size already resembles a large cherry berry - weight 4 g, height about 30 mm.

10 week

At week 10, the baby is actively moving and pushing. But these movements are so weightless that the expectant mother simply does not feel them. The muscles of the face, neck and pharynx begin to develop. The face is already formed, and in a few weeks the appearance of the unborn child can be seen on ultrasound. The rudiments of milk teeth develop. The cerebellum “acquires” neural connections that are subsequently responsible for reflexes. A small heart makes at least 150 beats per minute. Now the fruit weighs already 5 g, has grown by about +12 mm and resembles a strawberry.

11 week

The organs and systems of the crumbs have already formed by this time, some are working at full strength, while others continue to mature. The bronchi, lungs, trachea are actively developing; liver; intestinal tract; blood vessels; irises of the eyes. At 11 weeks on an ultrasound scan, you can see the outlines of the unborn baby.

12 week

The kid is already actively using some reflexes - imitating breathing and swallowing movements, involuntarily clenching and unclenching his palms into fists. The first contractions of the intestinal muscles (perylstatics) appear. The pancreas is formed and is already “learning” to produce bile. A unique pattern appears on the fingertips. The baby develops facial expressions, he can smile or wrinkle his face. Weight - up to 13 g, and height - up to 62 mm.

13 week

A week of active growth spurt for the unborn baby. The brain is already able to give the first commands to the reflex movements of the fetus. Sense of smell develops, vocal cords are formed. The body begins to grow faster, and the growth of the head, on the contrary, slows down. Digestive villi appear in the intestines of the crumbs. The baby's skin is still very thin, and riddled with blood vessels. The weight of the fetus increases to 20 g, and growth - up to 80 mm.

14 week

At week 14, all organs and systems of the unborn baby are being improved and continue to grow actively. The chest can rise and fall, as if breathing, this is how the lungs are trained. The process of hematopoiesis is formed, sweat glands, neck muscles become stronger every day. The weight of the baby at this time is about 27 g, and the height is 110 mm. The lifestyle, nutrition and well-being of the mother are very important - if these indicators are in order, then the baby feels good and does not experience any discomfort.

15 week

This week, the fetus has already formed vision and the necessary nerve endings to be able to see after birth. From the 15th week, ossification of the skeleton gradually occurs - a long-term process that requires a large amount of calcium. In toddlers, boys begin to produce the male hormone - testosterone. The kidneys excrete the first amniotic fluid. The muscles of the child are improved and strengthened. Fetal weight - 50 g, height - up to 104 mm.

16 week

At week 16, the future baby grows actively from the top of the head to the very heels. The weight is already about 80 g, and the height can reach 117 mm. The systems of the body function to the best of their ability, some of them are already “working” quite smoothly. Swallowing the amniotic fluid, it passes through the digestive tract and kidneys, and turns into urine. The skeleton becomes ossified, the child's legs lengthen. The baby is actively moving in the uterus.

17 week

The auditory formation of the unborn baby by the 17th week is smoothly completed. Weight approaches 100 g, and height becomes about 12 cm. The system of blood vessels develops and branches. The most important components of their own immunity appear in the baby's blood - interferon and immunoglobulin. In female children, the uterus is formed in utero. The strength of the child's tremors increases during this period, they become frequent and tangible.

18 week

The development of the fetus in this period of the second trimester is very intensive. The baby is growing so fast that it could already fit in the palm of your hand. The movements are palpable, the baby moves very actively at week 18. Often swallows amniotic fluid, which can lead to hiccups - this moment the expectant mother can notice by a slight twitching of the abdomen. Gradually, a layer of subcutaneous fat forms in the fetus, muscles develop, and the mineralization of the skeleton continues. Weight - about 150 g, height does not exceed 14 cm.

19 week

The child inside the uterus is actively growing, improving and gaining weight. By the way, by the 19th week the baby weighs about 200 g, and the height is about 14-15 cm. The body emphasizes the development of the brain, the improvement of the five basic senses. The amount of subcutaneous fat increases. The respiratory system continues to develop and strengthen. The period of wakefulness alternates with a period of activity, the baby can sleep up to 16-18 hours a day.

20 week

Outwardly, your baby has already become a real little man, and on an ultrasound scan you can already see the sex of the child, his facial features, watch facial expressions (which sometimes also show the character traits of the future child). The weight of the crumbs at the "equator" of pregnancy is approximately 250-270 g, and the average height is 16 cm. The child is active, turns his head, sucks his fingers, opens and closes his mouth.

21 weeks

At this time, you can already be sure that the child distinguishes sounds and hears what is happening outside the uterus. In terms of body proportions, the baby already almost resembles a newborn. The weight of the fetus is about 300 g, height is 19 cm. At this time, taste buds are actively formed, the composition of the blood is improved.

22 week

The twenty-second week is the period when the unborn child prefers to spend most of his time in a dream. But, nevertheless, in a dream, the baby actively turns over, the size of the uterus still allows you to change position. The baby is spinning, pushing, pulling the umbilical cord. Weight at this stage is about 350 g, and height is 20-21 cm.

23 week

The next week meets with the usual movements, although many babies prefer to “calm down” by 23-24 weeks and make their mothers worry about rare movements. The baby still has enough space in the uterus, so many of his pushes are simply not felt, so you should not worry. The weight is already moving towards the mark of 450 g, and the height is more than 22 cm, although it is worth remembering: all of the above parameters are individual.

24 week

Under the mother's heart, the unborn baby grows and gains weight - the indicator for many future children at this time is at least 550 g. This week, the development of the bronchi in the baby is completed, which is very important for the child's respiratory system as a whole.

25 week

From the 25th week, the child in the womb begins to produce pigment in the hair, giving them the color that is due to heredity. It is this color that the mother will see in the baby at his birth. Weight reaches 700 g, height - 23-25 ​​cm. Nerve connections and brain cells continue to form. In the fetus, training respiratory movements can be observed.

26 week

Tremors for a period of twenty-six weeks become strong, distinct, and many mothers may even complain about their intensity. The weight of the child is already at least 800-850 g, and the height is already more than 33 cm. The active strengthening of the bones of the skeleton continues, the rudiments of milk teeth in the gums are mineralized. Nails and hairs begin to grow.

27 week

The growth of the child at this time is about 34 cm, and the weight is approaching 1 kg. The baby becomes cramped in the uterus, and the legs can no longer be stretched out, so the baby takes the optimal position: it pulls small crossed legs and arms to the chest. From the twenty-seventh week, the baby is already gradually assuming the correct position in the uterus, but if he lies across or “sits on the priest”, then there is still time to roll over.

28 week

From the beginning of the 28th week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus is up to 1300 grams, and the height is up to 37 cm. The development of muscle tissue continues intensively in the child. New convolutions are formed in the cerebral cortex. A Rh conflict between the mother and the fetus is possible, and at this time the obstetrician-gynecologist must take special measures.

29 week

The weight of the fetus is about 1500 kg, and the body length is at least 38 cm. It is time for the expectant mother to master the method of counting movements.

30 week

The full growth of the fetus reaches 36-38 cm, weight reaches 1.5 kg. The expectant mother may have several fears that are associated with future childbirth.

31 weeks

At the 31st week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus will be about 1.6 kg, the full height is about 39 cm. The baby develops pain sensitivity. There may be disturbances in the night's sleep of a pregnant woman due to active and strong fetal tremors. It's time to explore the issues of anesthesia during childbirth.

32 week

The weight of the fetus is about 1.7 kg, the size from the crown to the heels is 40-42 cm. Sudden movements can cause dizziness and nausea in a pregnant woman. It's time to think about the possible presence of someone close to you at the birth.

33 week

The weight of the fetus by week 33 is approximately 2000 g, height is 42-43 cm. The mineralization of the bones of the fetus is almost complete. The expectant mother should from time to time count the movements of the fetus.

34 week

The growth of the fetus is on average 43-44 cm, weight 2.2 kg. The baby becomes very crowded in the uterus, and motor activity decreases. It is time for mom to discuss with the doctor the method of delivery: natural childbirth or caesarean section.

35 week

Fetal growth 45-46 cm, weight 2300-2500 grams. The fetus is almost completely ready for childbirth, but the lungs are not yet ready to perform the respiratory function. It's time to pack your things for the hospital. If the baby in the uterus has not yet taken the correct position, special exercises will help.

36 week

The weight of the fetus is approximately 2.5-2.7 kg. Full height is about 45-47 cm. At this time, the indicators of each crumb can differ greatly from the average, up or down. It's time for parents to make a list of things to plan and complete before the baby is born.

37 week

The thirty-seventh obstetric week of pregnancy is the time when the mother must be mentally prepared for the birth of the child. This is especially true of multiple pregnancy and the birth of children, starting with the second child. The weight of the child reaches 2.9 kg, and the growth is within 50 cm.

38 week

The thirty-eighth week may be the last week of your pregnancy. The child gradually becomes heavier. The baby weighs about 3 kg, and the height is already 48-50 centimeters. Childbirth can begin at any time, so loved ones must be within reach at all times.

39 week

At the 39th week, the mother is not only physically, but already mentally prepared for childbirth. The baby weighs about 3 kg, and its height is about 48-50 cm. In size, the child at this time is similar to a miniature watermelon.

40 week

At the end of this week, the expected date of the birth of the baby may fall. The weight of the baby is already about 3.5 kg, height is about 51-55 cm. The baby is completely ready for birth. It remains to wait for the moment when he will make the newly-made parents happy with his birth.


This is how 40 weeks of pregnancy goes. A happy start to a new life - watch the video of how the baby develops in the mother's stomach:

Pregnancy development by months: how the mother's body changes and the baby grows

1st month

Mother. The chest becomes sensitive, touching it is painful. The uterus begins to grow gradually.

Child. So far, the future baby is called an embryo. For the first six days of pregnancy, he swims in the amniotic fluid, lives “autonomously” and is not yet connected with his mother. Outwardly, the embryo resembles a tiny auricle measuring 5 mm in size. By day 21, his heart begins to work; in parallel, at the same time, important organs are formed: the spinal cord and brain. By the end of the 1st month, the umbilical cord appears, connecting the baby with the future placenta.

2nd month

Mother. Pregnancy is outwardly not yet noticeable to either the expectant mother or others - the uterus is in the small pelvis, and its size is small. Changes continue to occur in the breast, it swells and increases in size.

Child. This month, changes are coming in the appearance of the unborn baby - facial features are emerging, the outlines of the eye sockets appear; there is the formation of tiny arms, legs and even fingers on them. The weight of the embryo at this time is up to 8 g, and the size is about 4 cm.

3rd month

Mother. An intensive growth takes place in the uterus, it develops, it already fills the small pelvis in size and almost reaches the womb. Very soon everyone will see that you are in position!

Child. By medical standards, your baby has already passed the embryonic stage and is now becoming a fetus. Its weight can reach 65 g, and its length varies from 10 to 12 cm. An important point in development is that in the 2nd month, the child has an inner and outer ear. The baby behaves very actively, moves its arms and legs, nods its head and clenches its fists. The growing child already has eyelids, and thanks to them he can open and close his eyes.

4th month

Mother. A rounded tummy is already looming, the waist begins to gradually “blur”. The mammary glands cause considerable discomfort due to their growth and sensitivity - you have to choose a suitable sleeping position for a long time.

Child. Your baby already has quite a tangible weight - up to 250 g. Most of the time the child spends swimming in the amniotic fluid, their renewal occurs every 3-4 hours. A fluff appears on the baby’s head, eyebrows and eyelashes appear on the face. In the intrauterine process of development, the first feelings and sensations begin to form in the child. The baby reacts to loud sounds and to a bright light source.

5th month

Mother. Almost every day, the belly of the expectant mother becomes larger and clearly protrudes forward. The uterus is located about 8 cm below the navel. Starting from 17 weeks, most expectant mothers begin to feel new sensations in the stomach - so far weak, but very pleasant jolts and movements of their baby.

Child. In the fifth month, the child's brain is actively growing, the nervous system is developing. The heart beats more often 2 times than that of the mother. The weight of the crumbs by this period can be up to 650 g, and the height is about 30 cm. By the 20th week, the baby is already able to suck his fingers on his hands, and at 24 weeks he can open his eyes and react to light.

6th month

Mother. The waist of a pregnant woman by this time becomes 8-10 cm larger. The size of the uterus increases so much that now it reaches the navel. The state of health and mood are good, the weight has not grown too much and nothing limits the activity of the expectant mother.

Child. It is time for the maturation of the respiratory system of the baby. The lungs begin to mature after 24-25 weeks of pregnancy. The child has already formed sensations of light and noise - when a sharp sound is heard, the baby may shudder. The first reflexes (hiccups, swallowing and sucking reflex) also appear and actively develop.

7th month

Mother. The size of the uterus by the seventh month of pregnancy reaches 24-28 cm in height, it continues to grow and increases with the child.

Child. The baby is already less active than at an earlier date. In most cases, the baby settles in the uterus head down, and sleeps for a long time. The weight of the child is already 1-1.2 kg, and the height is up to 37 cm. He is already learning to breathe, but the lungs are not yet mature enough - they will finally be ready for the breathing process at about 34 weeks, which is important for premature birth. By this time, the baby has already learned to recognize the mother's voice, and recognizes it when he hears it.

8th month

Mother. The body of the expectant mother continues to change - the uterus rises already by 30 cm, contracting from time to time, as if “rehearsing” the upcoming contractions. Colostrum appears in the breast. In the third trimester, the load on the female body increases many times over, and existing chronic diseases may worsen.

Child. The baby is growing and gaining strength. For bone mineralization, the baby needs a large amount of calcium, which comes to him from his mother. The skin of the child becomes pink, smoother. From time to time, a mother can observe protrusions and “bumps” on her stomach at those moments when the baby is tossing and turning.

9th month

Mother. The body of a pregnant woman begins active preparation for childbirth. The uterus, together with the baby, weighs about 6-7 kg at this time, and its height is measured within 33 cm. In the third trimester, pain in the pubic joint, swelling and increased blood pressure are not uncommon.

Child. After the 38th week of pregnancy, the development of the intrauterine development of the baby can be considered complete. The baby is ready to be born. In the last month, the baby is gaining 10-15 g daily. Amniotic fluid is becoming less and less, the child is growing by leaps and bounds, and it becomes crowded in the uterus. In girls, the large labia cover the small ones; in boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum. The fluff on the body completely disappears, and little original lubrication remains. At the time of birth, the child weighs approximately 3-3.5 kg, and the height varies from 50 to 55 cm.

And finally, photos and recommendations from a young mother. Look at the photo of the growth of the abdomen during forty weeks of pregnancy. Have you photographed your belly week by week?

A woman was created by nature in such a way that at least once in her life she can give the world a new person. The period of expectation and the birth of a child is the brightest and at the same time disturbing time. But the expectant mother should not worry in vain. She should know that a normal pregnancy is the key to the proper development of her child.

If a woman has a clear idea of ​​​​how the baby’s body is formed throughout pregnancy, then it will be quite easy for her to do everything necessary in order to avoid the development of pathologies.

Should a woman know how her child develops?

Knowing how the intrauterine development of the fetus occurs by weeks, the expectant mother can correctly organize her diet and daily routine. Also, the presence of complete information about what changes are considered the norm, a woman will avoid a state of unreasonable anxiety.

Calculating the intrauterine development of the fetus by weeks, it should be noted that it lasts 40 of these calendar periods. In other words, a woman's pregnancy lasts 280 days. During this time, the child undergoes a complete process of formation and development of all organs and systems.

Gynecologists consider the intrauterine development of the fetus by weeks and by periods, which are distinguished by two: embryonic and fetal.

The first lasts from the moment of fertilization of the egg until the 8th week of pregnancy. During this period, after fertilization, an embryo is formed, which descends into the cavity and attaches to it. The fetal period lasts from the beginning of the 9th week until the moment of delivery. The embryo transforms into a fetus, develops and grows.

It is also common to divide pregnancy into trimesters:

  • First trimester (1 - 12 weeks).
  • Second trimester (13 - 27 weeks).
  • Third trimester (28 - 40 weeks).

Now you can consider in more detail how the intrauterine development of the fetus occurs by week.

What happens during the embryonic period?

The most important of this period of development is the formation of the embryo. Over time, it begins to take on the shape of a person. The embryo is formed from the moment the egg is fertilized. It usually occurs in the fallopian tube.

From the moment of fertilization of the egg, the development of the fetus begins.
By weeks of pregnancy, a morula is formed in the first seven days. It is a multicellular organism, a prototype of the embryo. The morula attaches itself to the wall of the uterus, and its outer cells form the umbilical cord and outer membranes of the fetus. From the cells that are located inside it, the organs and tissues of the unborn child are formed.

What does a woman feel?

In the first week of pregnancy, a woman's body temperature is slightly elevated, it is close to 37 ° C. There are no hormonal changes in the body yet, but the expectant mother instinctively feels the changes taking place. From this moment on, a woman should be very careful about her diet and lifestyle, eliminate bad habits and follow the doctor's recommendations.

Every expectant mother will be very interested in how the fetus develops by week of pregnancy. This information will help a woman prevent many dangerous conditions. The third week of pregnancy is alarming because it is during this period that there is the greatest risk of fetal rejection. The immune system of the woman's body tries to reject the embryo. However, in response, a special protein is released that suppresses this protective reaction, and the unborn child has a great chance of survival.

What happens to the embryo in the first weeks of pregnancy?

This period is also characterized by the formation of the placenta. An unborn child at three weeks is a ball with a diameter of 0.2 mm. But during this period, the lungs and respiratory organs, the cardiovascular system, the spinal cord and brain are actively formed, as well as the face and gender of the baby.
A woman begins to feel mood swings, drowsiness and fatigue, early toxicosis may occur.

Further development of the fetus (this is the fourth week of pregnancy) is very intensive. In the unborn child, three germ layers are formed:

  • endoderm - the basis for the development of internal organs;
  • mesoderm - that from which the skeleton and bones will be formed;
  • ectoderm - material for the formation of the nervous system.

The embryo already has a pulsating tube that develops into a heart. On ultrasound during this period, a heartbeat is heard. The respiratory organs, the brain continue to form, the face is more clearly looming. The embryo develops limbs, and by the end of the week they are already bent. The fetus is located in the placenta and maintains contact with the mother through this organ.

His heart is already beating!

During this period, many women only find out about their pregnancy, especially if it is the first. Having found out this fact for herself, the future mother is interested in the main question: how does the development of the fetus occur?

By weeks of pregnancy, this is the fifth calendar period. At this time, the embryo still bears little resemblance to a person, but its heart is already beating, the sex is clearly defined, the kidneys, liver, pancreas and thyroid glands are being formed.

Already on the 8th week, the future baby takes on the shape of a person, his height is 3-4 cm. He has already formed arms and legs, his forehead is clearly visible, the outlines of his eyes, lips and nose have been outlined. Internal organs are actively formed and developed. The stomach is already able to produce juice, the heart is formed, the intestines are growing, the trachea and bronchi have appeared. The spine, brain and limbs are actively developing.

By the end of the eighth week of pregnancy, the embryonic period of development ends, but the first trimester is still ongoing. The unborn child has already acquired a human appearance, the placental-uterine circulation has been formed.

fetal period

This stage begins from the 9th week of pregnancy and lasts until the very birth. The fetal period is divided into two parts:

  • early (9 - 28 weeks);
  • late (29 - 40 weeks).

In the early fetal stage, the development of the fetus continues. By weeks of pregnancy - this is the ninth. At this time, the growth of the fetus is 40-50 mm. He begins to show activity: he bends his arms and legs, turns his head, brings his fingers to his mouth. But the mother is not yet able to feel it, the fetus is still too small.
Outwardly, the future baby looks like a little man with a big head. The eyes are still closed, and the skin is transparent. The sexual organs begin to form, and this process will continue until the 20th week. The cerebellum and pituitary gland develop. The heart has four chambers. The tail disappears, being replaced by the coccyx.

Embryo turns into a fetus

At the tenth week of pregnancy, the embryo is already called a fetus, and weighs 5 grams. In his photographs, isolated fingers, neck, elbows, knees, eyelids and upper lip are already visible.

There are taste buds on the tongue, the thickness of the umbilical cord increases.

The eleventh week of pregnancy is characterized by the further development of the fetus. He already has eyelashes and milk teeth. The rectum is formed. The spinal cord is already producing red blood cells. The intestines are ready to go.

Many mothers during this period are sent by a gynecologist for a planned ultrasound. Going through this procedure, women are interested in the main question: is the development of the fetus normal?

By weeks of pregnancy, the twelfth period begins. During this period, the phalanges of the fingers and earlobes are formed in the child, he opens and closes his eyes. The intestines are already contracting, and the liver is able to secrete bile. The baby's circulatory system functions, leukocytes appear.

At the twelfth week, the first trimester of pregnancy ends and the second begins.

Baby is actively growing

During this period, all fetal systems are formed, their development and growth is underway. At the thirteenth week, which marks the beginning of the second trimester, the baby reaches up to 80 mm in length and weighs about 20 g. At this time, the skeleton is intensively formed in the fetus, the pancreas begins to produce insulin.

The gynecologist will refer the expectant mother for the first genetic study. After examining the results of the ultrasound, the doctor will be able to tell you how the intrauterine development of the fetus occurs by weeks of pregnancy, whether the indicators are normal.

At the 14th week, the baby's face continues to form, facial expressions, eyebrows and hair on the head appear. On the body of the fetus, a fluff and a cheese-like lubricant are formed. The thyroid gland begins to work, its own hormonal background develops.
The excretory system functions, the child makes respiratory movements.

In the antenatal clinic, you probably saw a stand that shows the intrauterine development of the fetus by weeks.

A table with this kind of information will be useful to every woman.

At the fifteenth week of pregnancy, the baby develops hearing, the intestines form the original feces, the placenta thickens. The fruit weighs about 50 g, its height is 60 mm.

Expectant mother feels the first movements of the baby

The sixteenth week of pregnancy is marked by an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid. The child is actively moving, and the mother begins to feel it. Muscles are developed on the face and facial expressions are characteristic of the child at this time. Bones and nails are already almost fully formed, the skin is very thin and blood vessels are clearly visible through it.

During this period, the gynecologist sends the woman for a second genetic screening. For this, the expectant mother will have to undergo a second ultrasound. It perfectly shows the intrauterine development of the fetus by weeks. Photos that can be taken at this stage are presented below.

Counting fetal movements

From the 28th week of pregnancy, the third trimester begins, and from the 29th - the late fetal period. At this time, the child is cramped in the womb, and his movements are not so active. Nevertheless, a woman must clearly track the tremors, their number should be at least 10 per hour. The brain is actively developing, and furrows appear on it. The teeth are covered with enamel, the eyes are capable of focusing. The weight of the baby is about 1250 g, and the height is 37 cm.

At the 30th - 31st week of pregnancy, the baby is already in its final position in the uterus. The fetus is actively gaining weight through an increase in muscle mass and subcutaneous fat. If a child is born during this period, he has every chance of survival.

Further intrauterine development of the child (by weeks this is already the 32nd calendar period) is characterized by the improvement of the immune and nervous systems. The child has his own schedule of wakefulness and sleep, he has his own temperament. The baby weighs 1800 g, and its height is 42 cm.

At the 33rd - 34th week of pregnancy, the baby actively trains the lungs, perceives the entire environment in full. The skin of the fetus becomes smooth, the bones of the skull become stronger.

Baby is preparing for birth

At 36-37 weeks of gestation, the fetus is preparing for birth. In the mother's stomach, he is already cramped and it is becoming more and more difficult for him to move.

In his body, there are enough fat reserves for thermoregulation after birth, the lungs are ready for breathing. The fluff on the body is no longer there, but the hair on the head and nails grow.

On the 38th - 40th week, all mothers expect childbirth. This can happen at any time. The child descends and the mother becomes easier to breathe. A woman carefully monitors the discharge of the mucous plug and the appearance of contractions.

And finally, it worked out! Mom and baby are together now. The baby is still very small, but full of energy to explore the new world. Now his status is a newborn.

Table of intrauterine development of the fetus by week of pregnancy

This article gives a full description of how the intrauterine development of a child takes place by week. The table below will serve as a kind of conclusion to all of the above and will serve as a reminder for the expectant mother.

Intrauterine development of the fetus by week of pregnancy
gestational age in weeksFruit length, cmFruit weight, gDevelopment of organs and systems
4 0,1 Fertilization of the egg, its implantation, embryo and organ rudiments.
5 0,15 - 0,2 Bookmark of the liver, pancreas, upper respiratory organs, heart.
6 0,4 - 0,6 The appearance of the rudiments of limbs, listening to the heartbeat, the neural tube closes, parts of the larynx and middle ear are formed.
7 0,7 - 0,9 The trachea, esophagus, small intestine, adrenal glands and sternum develop. The brain is active.
8 0,9 - 1,2 The embryo clearly distinguishes the body and head, which are equivalent in size. The rudiments of the nose, eyes, mouth and organs of the reproductive system are formed.
9 1,3 - 1,5 1 The cerebellum develops, fingers form on the limbs.
10 - 11 2,7 - 3,5 4 Joints, upper lip, auricles, external genitalia, rudiments of milk teeth develop.
12 9 20 - 25 The face is being formed, the intestines are contracting, the liver is producing bile, the child is moving.
13 10 28 Limbs are fully formed. The pancreas produces insulin.
14 - 15 12,5 50 - 90 The excretory system is active, the child produces urine.
16 16 120 Distinguish the gender of the fetus. The skin is very thin, muscles are formed. The child does not move so chaotically, the mother feels the first shocks.
20 25 280 - 300 On the skin of the baby there is a fluff and a cheese-like lubricant. The intestines form the original feces. The child is able to hear.
24 30 600 - 800 The work of the kidneys is activated, the fetus is dynamically gaining weight.
28 35 1200 The muscles and reproductive system of the child are being formed.
32 40 1500 - 1600 There is an active development of the senses and the nervous system: the baby is able to see the light and feel the taste.
36 45 2400 - 2500 The child quickly gains weight, his activity decreases.
40 50-52 3200 - 3500 The baby is ready to be born.

Of course, it is best to study this information when pregnancy is just planned. Then the woman is more likely to properly organize nutrition, regimen, intake of necessary vitamins and minerals. However, information about the intrauterine development of the baby will always be timely and interesting for the expectant mother, regardless of the duration of her pregnancy.

And what is it, the development of an unborn child? Maybe he needs to read smart books, philosophical treatises aloud and loudly, talk to him in foreign languages ​​and voice the laws of physics? In fact, everything is not at all as complicated and tricky as it might seem if you don’t know the question.

First of all, the intrauterine development of the crumbs depends on the condition of his mother. But this condition is associated not only with the regime of the day, and. An equally important role in the development of the unborn baby is played by the moral state of the mother during pregnancy.

I think it is no secret to anyone that all the future mothers are transmitted to her baby by releasing certain hormones into the blood. And what kind of hormones these will be depends on the woman herself, first of all.

What exactly has a positive effect on the intrauterine upbringing and development of the child?

Actually, any activity that brings pleasure to the expectant mother, a feeling of joy that arouses her interest, has the best effect on the psycho-emotional health of both the mother herself and the baby. And classes can be different: drawing, clay modeling, singing, dancing, needlework, writing, cooking ... You can list for a long time.

Of course, endorphin, obtained from Pilates, yoga, aqua aerobics and walking, should not be written off either. But why limit yourself to just that? The entire period of pregnancy can be filled with bright sensations, smiles and pleasure in much larger quantities and variants. It is only important to accustom yourself to notice any pleasant little thing and enjoy it. And even better if you learn not only to single-handedly enjoy the positive moments, but also to share them with the people around you. Thus, a good mood will come from you and return in response.

You can enjoy absolutely everything, from morning tea with mint or milk and a soft sweater, to an exchange of pleasantries with a neighbor or watching a good movie. Every moment of even a slight release of the hormone of happiness will only benefit. Throw aside the sad thoughts and negative attitude, just imagine that you collected them in one box and threw them away at once. Do not allow yourself to plunge into emotional bad weather, let it be better expressed in the rain outside the window, after which the sun will surely appear.

Methods of intrauterine development of a child

1. Color therapy

Perhaps, once in a position, some of the expectant mothers noticed that they began to like those colors that had not previously caused much affection for themselves, they wanted to surround themselves with something brighter, richer, with a variety of some shades. And this is good. The positive effect of color therapy on the mother's sense of self, which is transmitted to the baby in the tummy, has already been proven.

Even ordinary people are advised to surround themselves with orange when feeling down and to fight depression. The influence of green and blue is considered calming, pacifying. In general, if you understand that any of the colors or shades has become very pleasing to the eye and its presence in the wardrobe or household items causes positive emotions, just enjoy it.

Painting and just drawing can also be connected by the nature of the influence to color therapy. In the process of working with paints, you can play with colors, create different shades by mixing, and also express what you want with the help of a palette, be it a landscape, portrait or still life. Or maybe you like to convey all the versatility of the sea in its different states? Dare!

2. Making music and listening to music

The music that you listen to while carrying a baby is very important. No one limits the choice of styles, and it is clear that someone likes rock, someone likes club trends, and someone prefers jazz or alternative music. There are many styles and they are all different. Everyone is free to listen to what he likes. But if we talk about what kind of music has a positive effect on the so-called intrauterine upbringing of a child, then here it is worth considering certain nuances.

Firstly, we all know that a person is 80% water, and the water molecule is subject to vibration. This vibration can be either positive or negative.
I remember once watching a program in which scientists studied the structure of snowflakes created artificially from water when exposed to sounds of different frequencies. When sounding some, snowflakes turned out to be symmetrical, openwork, and when sounding others, they came out in a chaotic shape.

Sounds and music, in particular, have the same effect on us and the baby still in the tummy. Let not in full measure, but the baby hears what sounds from the outside. Classical music, for example, has a positive effect on children, it can either soothe, pacify them, or arouse interest and a desire to show their reaction in the form of light jolts. Loud music, accompanied by sharp sounds, screams and a fast pace, makes babies nervous, causes hyperactivity, and can even be a cause of stress.

There is an opinion that if in the third trimester you put the same soothing music before going to bed, then after the birth the baby will fall asleep faster when he hears such a familiar melody. And also, the music with which you will acquaint your unborn baby with will serve as a means of developing his taste, so you should pay special attention to the musical selection chosen for this purpose.

3. Education by voice

Your child is growing and slowly developing within you. An important factor in its development and development of a reaction, the ability to recognize, will be the voices of mom and dad. Of course, you need to talk with the baby, accompanying it with strokes or light pushes in anticipation of his response. Just do not resort to such contact too often. The baby can sweetly nap at the moment when you want to chat with him. Wait for the moment when light movements inside become noticeable. Gradually, he will begin to recognize the intonations and pitch of his mother's voice, and then his father's.

It should be noted that the participation of the father in this format of communication with the child is no less important than contact with the mother. When a child is born, he should be equally calm and comfortable in the arms of both parents. This will make it possible to change each other in caring for the baby if one of the parents gets tired and needs to rest. You have probably seen children who calm down only in the arms of their mother. So, there is nothing good in this. Yes, and dads begin to feel tense and confused, not knowing how to find an approach to their own child. Therefore, it is necessary to work on establishing contact between the little one and his parents in advance, without delaying the moment before his birth.

4. Love for a child from the moment of conception

I would like to pay special attention to the desirability of the future crumbs. At what, of course, it is better if both mom and dad are equally happy for him in advance. Children who were desired by both their parents develop better, are less prone to stress, they feel needed, loved, protected, which contributes to openness to new beginnings, greater self-confidence.

Yes, it happens that for one reason or another, a woman is forced to prepare for the appearance of a child without the participation of his father. But even in such a situation, you need to try to set yourself up in a positive way and give your child all the love, affection and attention that you are capable of.

And all these feelings must be addressed to the baby from the first moment, as soon as it became clear that he was conceived. These maternal emotions should be manifested throughout the entire period of pregnancy, so that when born, the little one feels surrounded by love and care.

5. Physical and spiritual development of the expectant mother

The most important thing in the process of laying beauty in your future baby is the presence of this beauty around you and directly in yourself. The more beautiful, interesting, developing taste and intelligence surrounds you, the better it will affect the psycho-emotional development of your child.

So, go to galleries, to concerts of classical and chamber music, sing, read good books with meaning, watch interesting films and educational programs, dance and draw, cook delicious and beautiful meals, try to look good and take care of yourself.

All this and much more will lay positive qualities in the child both before birth and after his birth. He will see a beautiful mother and beautiful objects, smell pleasant smells, hear competent speech, accompanied by a calm, balanced intonation, continue to get acquainted with good music, as well as everything new and interesting.

The influence of hormones on the state of the body of a pregnant woman and on the development of the fetus

As soon as a new life is born in the female body, big changes begin, which are caused by bursts of those same hormones and their effect on the body, well-being and mood of a woman. This cannot be avoided, but you can try to minimize unpleasant phenomena as much as possible.

If you are an impressionable person and cannot ignore unkind words or criticism addressed to you, then try to protect yourself from negative emotions at least for the period of bearing and feeding the baby. It is very important. As being still inside you, with blood, and having been born, with breast milk, the baby will receive and carry through all your frustrations and sorrows.

Naturally, this will not pass by and will affect its development. Children of stressed mothers are restless, sleep poorly, are easily excitable, concentrate their attention and perceive information worse. They are prone to mood swings, a tendency to aggression and problems in social adaptation can also be traced.

On the other hand, all the positive emotions you receive will definitely have a good effect on the psycho-emotional development of the unborn child.

Have a productive pregnancy! Develop with your baby and enjoy it!

Pregnancy- This is a physiological process in which a new organism develops in the uterus, resulting from fertilization. Pregnancy lasts an average of 40 weeks (10 obstetric months).

In the intrauterine development of a child, two periods are distinguished:

  1. Embryonic(up to 8 weeks of pregnancy inclusive). At this time, the embryo is called an embryo and acquires the features characteristic of a person;
  2. Fetal(from 9 weeks to birth). At this time, the embryo is called a fetus.

The growth of a child, the formation of his organs and systems proceeds naturally in different periods of intrauterine development, which is subject to the genetic code embedded in the germ cells and fixed in the process of human evolution.

Embryo development in the first obstetric month (1-4 weeks)

First week (1-7 days)

Pregnancy starts from the moment fertilization- the fusion of a mature male cell (sperm) and a female egg. This process usually occurs in the ampulla of the fallopian tube. After a few hours, the fertilized egg begins to divide exponentially and descends through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity (this journey takes up to five days).

As a result of division a multicellular organism, which looks like a blackberry (in Latin "morus"), which is why the embryo at this stage is called morula. Approximately on the 7th day, the morula is introduced into the wall of the uterus (implantation). The villi of the outer cells of the embryo are connected to the blood vessels of the uterus, subsequently the placenta is formed from them. Other outer cells of the morula give rise to the development of the umbilical cord and membranes. After some time, various tissues and organs of the fetus will develop from the internal cells.

Information At the time of implantation, a woman may have small bleeding from the genital tract. Such secretions are physiological and do not require treatment.

Second week (8-14 days)

The outer cells of the morula grow tightly into the lining of the uterus. At the fetus the formation of the umbilical cord, placenta, as well as neural tube from which the fetal nervous system subsequently develops.

Third week (15-21 days)

The third week of pregnancy is a difficult and important period.. At that time important organs and systems begin to form fetus: the beginnings of the respiratory, digestive, circulatory, nervous and excretory systems appear. In the place where the fetal head will soon appear, a wide plate is formed, which will give rise to the brain. On day 21, the baby's heart begins to beat.

Fourth week (22-28 days)

This week fetal organ laying continues. The rudiments of the intestines, liver, kidneys and lungs are already present. The heart begins to work more intensively and pumps more and more blood through the circulatory system.

From the beginning of the fourth week in the embryo body wrinkles appear, and appears rudiment of the spine(chord).

Ends by day 25 neural tube formation.

By the end of the week (approximately 27-28 days) muscular system, spine are formed, which divides the embryo into two symmetrical halves, and upper and lower limbs.

During this period begins formation of pits on the head, which will later become the eyes of the fetus.

Development of the embryo in the second obstetric month (5-8 weeks)

Fifth week (29-35 days)

During this period, the embryo weighs about 0.4 grams, length 1.5-2.5 mm.

The formation of the following organs and systems begins:

  1. Digestive system: liver and pancreas;
  2. Respiratory system: larynx, trachea, lungs;
  3. Circulatory system;
  4. reproductive system: precursors of germ cells are formed;
  5. sense organs: eye and inner ear formation continues;
  6. Nervous system: the formation of brain regions begins.

At that time a faint umbilical cord appears. The formation of limbs continues, the first rudiments of nails appear.

On the face upper lip and nasal cavities formed.

Sixth week (36-42 days)

Length embryo during this period is about 4-5mm.

Starts in the sixth week placenta formation. At this time, it is just beginning to function, the blood circulation between it and the embryo has not yet been formed.

Continues formation of the brain and its parts. At the sixth week, when performing an encephalogram, it is already possible to fix signals from the fetal brain.

Begins facial muscle formation. The eyes of the fetus are already more pronounced and uncovered by the eyelids, which are just beginning to form.

During this period, they begin upper limbs change: they lengthen and the rudiments of hands and fingers appear. The lower limbs are still in their infancy.

Changes in important organs:

  1. Heart. The division into chambers is completed: ventricles and atria;
  2. urinary system. Primary kidneys have formed, the development of the ureters begins;
  3. Digestive system. The formation of the sections of the gastrointestinal tract begins: the stomach, small and large intestines. By this period, the liver and pancreas had practically completed their development;

Seventh week (43-49 days)

The seventh week is significant in that the final the formation of the umbilical cord is completed and uteroplacental circulation is established. Now the breathing and nutrition of the fetus will be carried out due to the circulation of blood through the vessels of the umbilical cord and placenta.

The embryo is still bent in an arcuate manner; there is a small tail on the pelvic part of the body. The size of the head is at least the entire half of the embryo. The length from the crown to the sacrum grows by the end of the week up to 13-15 mm.

Continues upper limb development. The fingers are clearly visible, but their separation from each other has not yet occurred. The child begins to perform spontaneous hand movements in response to stimuli.

Good eyes formed, already covered with eyelids that protect them from drying out. The child can open his mouth.

There is a laying of the nasal fold and nose, two paired elevations are formed on the sides of the head, from which they will begin to develop ear shells.

Intensive development of the brain and its parts.

Eighth week (50-56 days)

The body of the embryo begins to straighten, length from the crown of the head to the coccyx is 15 mm at the beginning of the week and 20-21 mm on day 56.

Continues formation of important organs and systems Key words: digestive system, heart, lungs, brain, urinary system, reproductive system (boys develop testicles). The organs of hearing are developing.

By the end of the eighth week the face of the child becomes familiar to a person: well-defined eyes, covered with eyelids, nose, auricles, lip formation ends.

Intensive growth of the head, upper and lower horses is noted. particularities, ossification of the long bones of the arms and legs and the skull develops. Fingers are clearly visible, there is no skin membrane between them.

Additionally The eighth week ends the embryonic period of development and begins the fetal. The embryo from this time is called the fetus.

Fetal development in the third obstetric month (9-12 weeks)

Ninth week (57-63 days)

At the beginning of the ninth week coccygeal-parietal size fetus is about 22 mm, by the end of the week - 31 mm.

going on improvement of the vessels of the placenta which improves uteroplacental blood flow.

Development of the musculoskeletal system continues. The process of ossification begins, the joints of the toes and hands are formed. The fetus begins to make active movements, can squeeze fingers. The head is lowered, the chin is closely pressed to the chest.

Changes occur in the cardiovascular system. The heart makes up to 150 beats per minute and pumps blood through its blood vessels. The composition of blood is still very different from the blood of an adult: it consists only of red blood cells.

Continues further growth and development of the brain, structures of the cerebellum are formed.

The organs of the endocrine system are intensively developing in particular, the adrenal glands, which produce important hormones.

Improved cartilage tissue: auricles, cartilages of the larynx, vocal cords are being formed.

Tenth week (64-70 days)

By the end of the tenth week fruit length from coccyx to crown is 35-40 mm.

Buttocks begin to develop, the previously existing tail disappears. The fetus is in the uterus in a fairly free position in a half-bent state.

The development of the nervous system continues. Now the fetus performs not only chaotic movements, but also reflex ones in response to a stimulus. When accidentally touching the walls of the uterus, the child makes movements in response: he turns his head, bends or unbends his arms and legs, pushes himself to the side. The size of the fetus is still very small, and the woman cannot yet feel these movements.

The sucking reflex develops, the child begins reflex movements of the lips.

Diaphragm development completes, which will take an active part in breathing.

Eleventh week (71-77 days)

By the end of this week coccygeal-parietal size fetus increases to 4-5 cm.

The body of the fetus remains disproportionate: small body, large head, long arms and short legs, bent at all joints and pressed to the stomach.

The placenta has already reached sufficient development and copes with its functions: it provides oxygen and nutrients to the fetus and removes carbon dioxide and metabolic products.

Further formation of the fetal eye occurs: at this time, the iris develops, which will later determine the color of the eyes. The eyes are well developed, semi-lidded or wide open.

Twelfth week (78-84 days)

Coccygeal-parietal size fetus is 50-60 mm.

Goes distinctly the development of the genital organs according to the female or male type.

going on further improvement of the digestive system. The intestines are elongated and fit in loops, as in an adult. Its periodic contractions begin - peristalsis. The fetus begins to make swallowing movements, swallowing amniotic fluid.

The development and improvement of the fetal nervous system continues. The brain is small, but exactly repeats all the structures of the brain of an adult. The cerebral hemispheres and other departments are well developed. Reflex movements are improved: the fetus can squeeze and unclench its fingers into a fist, grabs the thumb and actively sucks it.

In the blood of the fetus not only erythrocytes are already present, but the production of white blood cells - leukocytes - begins.

At this time the child single respiratory movements begin to register. Before birth, the fetus cannot breathe, its lungs do not function, but it makes rhythmic movements of the chest, imitating breathing.

By the end of the week, the fetus eyebrows and eyelashes appear, the neck is clearly visible.

Fetal development in the fourth obstetric month (13-16 weeks)

13 weeks (85-91 days)

Coccygeal-parietal size by the end of the week is 70-75 mm. The proportions of the body begin to change: the upper and lower limbs and torso lengthen, the size of the head is no longer so large in relation to the body.

Improvement of the digestive and nervous systems continues. Germs of milk teeth begin to appear under the upper and lower jaws.

The face is fully formed, clearly visible auricles, nose and eyes (completely closed for centuries).

14 weeks (92-98 days)

Coccygeal-parietal size by the end of the fourteenth week increases up to 8-9 cm. The proportions of the body continue to change to more familiar ones. The forehead, nose, cheeks and chin are well defined on the face. The first hair appears on the head (very thin and colorless). The surface of the body is covered with fluffy hairs, which retain the lubrication of the skin and thus perform protective functions.

Improving the musculoskeletal system of the fetus. Bones become stronger. Increased motor activity: the fetus can roll over, bend, make swimming movements.

The development of the kidneys, bladder and ureters is completed. The kidneys begin to excrete urine, which mixes with the amniotic fluid.

: pancreatic cells begin to work, producing insulin, and pituitary cells.

There are changes in the genitals. In boys, the prostate gland is formed, in girls, the ovaries migrate into the pelvic cavity. At the fourteenth week, with a good sensitive ultrasound machine, it is already possible to determine the sex of the child.

Fifteenth week (99-105 days)

Coccygeal-parietal size of the fetus is about 10 cm, fruit weight - 70-75 grams. The head still remains quite large, but the growth of the arms, legs and torso begins to outpace it.

Improves the circulatory system. In a child in the fourth month, it is already possible to determine the blood type and Rh factor. Blood vessels (veins, arteries, capillaries) grow in length, their walls become stronger.

The production of original feces (meconium) begins. This is due to the ingestion of amniotic fluid, which enters the stomach, then into the intestines and fills it.

Fully formed fingers and toes, they have an individual pattern.

Sixteenth week (106-112 days)

The weight of the fetus increases to 100 grams, the coccygeal-parietal size - up to 12 cm.

By the end of the sixteenth week, the fetus is already fully formed., he has all the organs and systems. The kidneys work actively, every hour a small amount of urine is released into the amniotic fluid.

Fetal skin is very thin, subcutaneous fatty tissue is practically absent, so blood vessels are visible through the skin. The skin looks bright red, covered with downy hairs and grease. Eyebrows and eyelashes are well defined. Nails are formed, but they cover only the edge of the nail phalanx.

Mimic muscles are formed, and the fetus begins to "grimace": a frown of eyebrows is observed, a semblance of a smile.

Fetal development in the fifth obstetric month (17-20 weeks)

Seventeenth week (113-119 days)

The weight of the fetus is 120-150 grams, the coccygeal-parietal size is 14-15 cm.

The skin remains very thin, but under it, subcutaneous fatty tissue begins to develop. The development of milk teeth, which are covered with dentin, continues. Under them, the germs of permanent teeth begin to form.

Reaction to sound stimuli. From this week, you can say for sure that the child began to hear. When strong sharp sounds appear, the fetus begins to move actively.

Fetal position changes. The head is raised and is almost vertical. The arms are bent at the elbow joints, the fingers are clenched into a fist almost all the time. Periodically, the child begins to suck his thumb.

Becomes distinct heartbeat. From now on, the doctor can listen to him with a stethoscope.

Eighteenth week (120-126 days)

The weight of the child is about 200 grams, length - up to 20 cm.

The formation of sleep and wakefulness begins. Most of the time the fetus sleeps, movements stop for this time.

At this time, a woman may already begin to feel the movement of the child, especially with repeated pregnancies. The first movements are felt as gentle jolts. A woman can feel more active movements during excitement, stress, which affects the emotional state of the child. At this time, the norm is about ten episodes of fetal movement per day.

Nineteenth week (127-133 days)

The weight of the child increases to 250-300 grams, body length - up to 22-23 cm. The proportions of the body change: the head lags behind the body in growth, arms and legs begin to lengthen.

Movements become more frequent and noticeable. They can be felt not only by the woman herself, but also by other people, putting their hand to their stomach. Primigravida at this time can only begin to feel movements.

Improves the endocrine system: the pancreas, pituitary, adrenals, gonads, thyroid and parathyroid glands are actively functioning.

The composition of the blood has changed: in addition to erythrocytes and leukocytes, there are monocytes and lymphocytes in the blood. The spleen begins to take part in hematopoiesis.

Twentieth week (134-140 days)

Body length increases to 23-25 ​​cm, weight - up to 340 grams.

Fetal skin is still thin, covered with a protective lubricant and fluffy hairs that can persist until the very birth. Intensively develops subcutaneous adipose tissue.

Well formed eyes, at twenty weeks the blink reflex begins to appear.

Improved movement coordination: the child confidently brings his finger to his mouth and begins to suck it. Expressed facial expressions: the fetus can close his eyes, smile, frown.

This week, all women feel the movements regardless of the number of pregnancies. Movement activity changes throughout the day. When irritants appear (loud sounds, stuffy room), the child begins to move very violently and actively.

Fetal development in the sixth obstetric month (21-24 weeks)

Twenty-first week (141-147 days)

Body weight grows up to 380 grams, fetal length - up to 27 cm.

The subcutaneous tissue layer increases. The skin of the fetus is wrinkled, with many folds.

Fetal movements become more and more active and tangible. The fetus moves freely in the uterine cavity: lies down with its head or buttocks, across the uterus. It can pull the umbilical cord, push off with hands and feet from the walls of the uterus.

Changes in sleep and wake patterns. Now the fetus spends less time sleeping (16-20 hours).

Twenty-second week (148-154 days)

At week 22, the size of the fetus increases to 28 cm, weight - up to 450-500 grams. The size of the head becomes proportional to the trunk and limbs. The legs are almost all the time in a bent state.

Fully formed fetal spine: it has all the vertebrae, ligaments and joints. The process of strengthening bones continues.

Improvement of the fetal nervous system: the brain already contains all the nerve cells (neurons) and has a mass of about 100 grams. The child begins to take an interest in his body: he feels his face, arms, legs, tilts his head, brings his fingers to his mouth.

Significantly enlarged heart improving the functionality of the cardiovascular system.

Twenty-third week (155-161 days)

The body length of the fetus is 28-30 cm, weight - about 500 grams. The pigment begins to be synthesized in the skin, as a result, the skin acquires a bright red color. The subcutaneous fatty tissue is still quite thin, as a result, the child looks very thin and wrinkled. Lubrication covers the entire skin, is more abundant in the folds of the body (elbow, axillary, inguinal, and other folds).

The development of the internal genital organs continues: in boys - the scrotum, in girls - the ovaries.

Increased respiratory rate up to 50-60 times per minute.

The swallowing reflex is still well developed: the child constantly swallows amniotic fluid with particles of a protective lubricant of the skin. The liquid part of the amniotic fluid is absorbed into the blood, a thick green-black substance (meconium) remains in the intestines. Normally, the intestines should not be emptied until the baby is born. Sometimes swallowing water causes hiccups in the fetus, a woman can feel it in the form of rhythmic movements for several minutes.

Twenty-fourth week (162-168 days)

By the end of this week, the weight of the fetus increases to 600 grams, body length - up to 30-32 cm.

The movements are getting stronger and clearer. The fetus occupies almost the entire place in the uterus, but can still change position and roll over. Muscles grow strongly.

By the end of the sixth month, the child has well-developed sense organs. Vision begins to function. If a bright light falls on the woman's stomach, the fetus begins to turn away, tightly closes the eyelids. Hearing is well developed. The fetus determines for itself pleasant and unpleasant sounds and reacts to them in different ways. With pleasant sounds, the child behaves calmly, his movements become calm and measured. With unpleasant sounds, it begins to freeze or, conversely, moves very actively.

An emotional bond is established between mother and child. If a woman experiences negative emotions (fear, anxiety, longing), the child begins to experience similar feelings.

Fetal development in the seventh obstetric month (25-28 weeks)

Twenty-fifth week (169-175 days)

The length of the fetus is 30-34 cm, body weight increases to 650-700 grams. The skin becomes elastic, the number and severity of folds decreases due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fatty tissue. The skin remains thin with a large number of capillaries, giving it a red color.

The face has a familiar human appearance: eyes, eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, cheeks, auricles are well expressed. The cartilages of the ears are still thin and soft, their curves and curls are not fully formed.

Bone marrow develops, which takes on a major role in hematopoiesis. The strengthening of the bones of the fetus continues.

There are important processes in the maturation of the lungs: small elements of lung tissue (alveoli) are formed. Before the birth of the child, they are without air and resemble deflated balloons, which straighten out only after the first cry of the newborn. From the 25th week, the alveoli begin to produce a special substance (surfactant) necessary to maintain their shape.

Twenty-sixth week (176-182 days)

The length of the fetus is about 35 cm, the weight increases to 750-760 grams. The growth of muscle tissue and subcutaneous adipose tissue continues. Bones are strengthened and permanent teeth continue to develop.

The formation of genital organs continues. In boys, the testicles begin to descend into the scrotum (the process lasts 3-4 weeks). In girls, the formation of the external genitalia and vagina is completed.

Improved sense organs. The child develops a sense of smell (smell).

Twenty-seventh week (183-189 days)

Weight increases to 850 grams, body length - up to 37 cm.

Organs of the endocrine system are actively functioning in particular the pancreas, pituitary gland and thyroid gland.

The fetus is quite active, makes various movements freely inside the uterus.

From the twenty-seventh week of the child individual metabolism begins to form.

Twenty-eighth week (190-196 days)

The weight of the child increases to 950 grams, body length - 38 cm.

By this age the fetus becomes practically viable. In the absence of organ pathology, a child with good care and treatment can survive.

Subcutaneous adipose tissue continues to accumulate. The skin is still red in color, vellus hair begins to gradually fall out, remaining only on the back and shoulders. Eyebrows, eyelashes, hair on the head become darker. The child begins to open his eyes frequently. The cartilages of the nose and ears remain soft. The nails do not yet reach the edge of the nail phalanx.

This week starts over active functioning of one of the hemispheres of the brain. If the right hemisphere becomes active, then the child becomes left-handed, if the left, then right-handedness develops.

Fetal development in the eighth month (29-32 weeks)

Twenty-ninth week (197-203 days)

The weight of the fetus is about 1200 grams, growth increases to 39 cm.

The child has already grown enough and takes up almost all the space in the uterus. The movements are not so chaotic. The movements are manifested in the form of periodic pushes with the legs and arms. The fetus begins to take a definite position in the uterus: head or buttocks down.

All organ systems continue to improve. The kidneys excrete up to 500 ml of urine per day. The load on the cardiovascular system increases. The circulation of the fetus is still significantly different from the circulation of the newborn.

Thirtieth week (204-210 days)

Body weight increases to 1300-1350 grams, growth remains about the same - about 38-39 cm.

Constant accumulation of subcutaneous adipose tissue, skin folds are straightened. The child adapts to the lack of space and assumes a certain position: curled up, arms and legs crossed. The skin still has a bright color, the amount of lubrication and vellus hair is reduced.

Continues development of alveoli and production of surfactant. The lungs prepare for the birth of the baby and the start of breathing.

The development of the brain continues brain, the number of convolutions and the area of ​​the cortex increase.

Thirty-first week (211-217 days)

The weight of the child is about 1500-1700 grams, growth increases to 40 cm.

The child's sleep and wake patterns change. Sleep still takes a long time, during this time there is no motor activity of the fetus. During wakefulness, the child actively moves and pushes.

Fully formed eyes. During sleep, the child closes his eyes, during wakefulness, the eyes are open, periodically the child blinks. The color of the iris in all children is the same (blue), then after birth it begins to change. The fetus reacts to bright light by constriction or dilation of the pupil.

Increases the size of the brain. Now its volume is about 25% of the volume of the brain of an adult.

Thirty-second week (218-224 days)

The height of the child is about 42 cm, weight - 1700-1800 grams.

Continued accumulation of subcutaneous fat, in connection with which, the skin becomes lighter, there are practically no folds on it.

Improved internal organs: organs of the endocrine system intensively secrete hormones, surfactant accumulates in the lungs.

The fetus produces a special hormone, which promotes the formation of estrogen in the mother's body, as a result, the mammary glands begin to prepare for the production of milk.

Fetal development in the ninth month (33-36 weeks)

Thirty-third week (225-231 days)

The weight of the fetus increases to 1900-2000 grams, growth is about 43-44 cm.

Skin becomes brighter and smoother, the layer of adipose tissue increases. Vellus hair is more and more wiped, the layer of protective lubricant, on the contrary, increases. The nails grow to the edge of the nail phalanx.

The child becomes more and more crowded in the uterine cavity, so his movements become more rare, but strong. The position of the fetus is fixed (head or buttocks down), the likelihood that the child will roll over after this period is extremely small.

The work of internal organs is improving: the mass of the heart increases, the formation of the alveoli is almost completed, the tone of the blood vessels increases, the brain is fully formed.

Thirty-fourth week (232-238 days)

The weight of the child ranges from 2000 to 2500 grams, height is about 44-45 cm.

The baby is now in a stable position in the uterus. The bones of the skull are soft and mobile thanks to the fontanelles, which can close only a few months after childbirth.

The hair on the head grows intensively and take on a certain color. However, hair color may change after childbirth.

Significant strengthening of bones, in connection with this, the fetus begins to take calcium from the mother's body (a woman at this time may notice the appearance of seizures).

Baby swallows amniotic fluid all the time, thereby stimulating the gastrointestinal tract and the functioning of the kidneys, which secrete at least 600 ml of clear urine per day.

Thirty-fifth week (239-245 days)

Every day the child adds 25-35 grams. Weight in this period can vary greatly and by the end of the week is 2200-2700 grams. Height increases to 46 cm.

All the internal organs of the child continue to improve, preparing the body for the upcoming extrauterine existence.

Fatty tissue is intensively deposited, the child becomes more well-fed. The amount of vellus hair is greatly reduced. The nails have already reached the tips of the nail phalanges.

A sufficient amount of meconium has already accumulated in the intestines of the fetus, which normally should depart 6-7 hours after childbirth.

Thirty-sixth week (246-252 days)

The weight of the child varies greatly and can range from 2000 to 3000 grams, height - within 46-48 cm

The fetus already has well-developed subcutaneous adipose tissue, skin color becomes light, wrinkles and folds completely disappear.

The baby takes a certain position in the uterus: more often he lies upside down (less often, legs or buttocks, in some cases, transversely), the head is bent, the chin is pressed to the chest, arms and legs are pressed to the body.

Skull bones, unlike other bones, remain soft, with cracks (fontanelles), which will allow the baby's head to be more pliable when passing through the birth canal.

All organs and systems are fully developed for the existence of a child outside the womb.

Fetal development in the tenth obstetric month

Thirty-seventh week (254-259 days)

The height of the child increases to 48-49 cm, the weight can fluctuate significantly. The skin has become lighter and thicker, the fat layer increases by 14-15 grams per day every day.

Cartilages of the nose and ears become tighter and more elastic.

Fully formed and mature lungs, the alveoli contain the necessary amount of surfactant for the breath of the newborn.

Completion of the digestive system: In the stomach and intestines, there are contractions necessary to push food through (peristalsis).

Thirty-eighth week (260-266 days)

The weight and height of the child varies greatly.

The fetus is fully mature and ready to be born. Outwardly, the child looks like a full-term newborn. The skin is light, fatty tissue is sufficiently developed, vellus hair is practically absent.

Thirty-ninth week (267-273 days)

Usually two weeks before delivery fetus starts to drop clinging to the bones of the pelvis. The child has already reached full maturity. The placenta begins to gradually grow old and metabolic processes worsen in it.

The mass of the fetus increases significantly (30-35 grams per day). The proportions of the body change completely: the chest and shoulder girdle are well developed, the belly is rounded, and the limbs are long.

Well developed sense organs: the child picks up all sounds, sees bright colors, can focus vision, taste buds are developed.

Fortieth week (274-280 days)

All indicators of fetal development correspond to the neonatal born. The child is completely ready for childbirth. Weight can vary significantly: from 250 to 4000 and above grams.

The uterus begins to contract periodically(), which is manifested by aching pains in the lower abdomen. The cervix opens slightly, and the fetal head is pressed closer to the pelvic cavity.

The bones of the skull are still soft and pliable, which allows the baby's head to change shape and easier to pass through the birth canal.

Fetal development by week of pregnancy - Video