What does a beard without a mustache mean for Russians. Fashionable male beard without a mustache

Complete information on the topic "beard without a mustache, what does it mean for Russians" - all the most relevant and useful on this issue.

The meaning of the beard among the Slavs is quite obvious and actually comes down to the etymology of the word "beard" itself. Modern linguists can parse this word in any way they like, come up with a lot of options for its original interpretation, but, let's be honest, a person named Rosenthal can teach the Russian language to anyone, but not a Russian person who has the memory of his language in his blood. The word "beard" was obtained by merging the root base of the word "wealth" and the word "kind". That is, a beard is the wealth of the family. According to another version, the basis "bo" could come not from the word "wealth", but from the word "God". That is, "God's kind", originating from the gods.

The beard among the Slavs had approximately the same meaning as the braid among the samurai. It was a symbol of a mature man, a symbol of honor and dignity. There is reason to believe that the Slavs preferred not to conclude an agreement with men without a beard and, in general, not to have any business. The Slavs called men without a beard feminine, it was assumed that they were not only outwardly, but actually similar to women. Of course, a boy whose beard simply has not yet begun to grow is a completely different matter.

The value of the beard among the Slavs was reduced to the image of prosperity, prosperity, the ability of a man to provide for himself and his family. That is, a question like “why a beard is needed” among the Slavs simply could not arise. It's like asking why a girl has a braid. There could probably be nuances here. For example, it is not known whether a beard without a mustache had any special meaning. Among the Slavs, judging by the chronicles and annals that have come down to us, such options were encountered, including among the warriors. Probably, a beard without a mustache among the Slavs could not serve as an indication of some kind of feature or characteristic, at least - today we have no evidence of a special status for a male mustache.

Another popular moment is the red beard among the Slavs. It must be understood that the Slavic peoples did not have a red color in principle, it simply could not be, because red hair is a sign of incest (up to seven knees). In simple terms, the seventh cousin is still a relative. The red "color" was washed out over time, at least for seven generations after the act of incest. That is, the red beard among the Slavs acquired the meaning of having closely related ties, violating the laws of the clan. It is not for nothing that folklore has preserved such well-known formulations as “Red-haired, red-haired, freckled, killed grandfather with a shovel!” or “What am I, a redhead or what?” All this clearly indicates that the red color was an indication of "dirty blood", a representative of the genus, a priori capable of committing objectively bad deeds.

On the other hand, of course, not all Slavs were blue-eyed blondes. There were also dark ones with brown eyes, the eyes, by the way, could be both green and gray. But shades of colors, like brown, were found as a result of mixing blood with other races. However, the beard among the Slavs in any case was an integral attribute of a man, otherwise a man simply could not be called a man, he probably could not even marry, because it was assumed that a man without a beard was not able to continue his race.

In 1698, Peter I, knowing full well how important the beard was for the Slavs, introduced the well-known decree “On wearing a German dress, shaving beards and mustaches ...” The decree was perceived by the people extremely negatively, those who shaved their beards began to be called “bare snout and had nothing to do with them. Then Peter acted easier - he introduced a tax on wearing a beard, by analogy with the "progressive European countries." The tax ranged from 30 to 100 rubles a year. 30 rubles by the end of the seventeenth century is the annual salary of a soldier. In other words, the beard among the Slavs has become an utter luxury. So, with the vile Peter began the "expulsion of the beard" from Russian culture. However, it was not possible to completely "get rid" of the beard. Moreover, today the beard is back in fashion. Unfortunately, most of those young people who wear a beard today do not even know what the beard meant among the Slavs, what was the true meaning of wearing a beard. But at least the fact itself is important, because this is nothing but a return to the root, forgotten traditions.

Beard without a mustache: selection of a haircut with a photo

A person who loves himself and respects others will always take care of his appearance. This can be said not only about women, but also about men. Throughout human history, men have worn beards to appear more masculine and formidable. Now the beard without a mustache is popular.

Such beards look beautiful, but so that they do not look ugly, they need to be looked after. It is important to choose the right type of beard that suits you personally. Now we will talk about this topic.

A bit of history

Nowadays, many women prefer their men to be without beards. They explain this by saying that in this case, the male face is more pleasant to touch, and they do not look too rude.

However, a short beard in men is considered very attractive. It was the Muslims who began to wear beards, and over time, other nationalities also paid attention to this. In ancient times, men were required to wear beards, as it was a sign of masculinity and strength. Men who shaved their beards were considered a laughing stock.

Only in the Roman Empire, it was generally accepted that a bare face was a sign of civilization.. Beards were worn by clergy or believers. In our time, everything has changed, it no longer makes a difference who wears a beard, the main thing is that it be beautiful and fashionable.

Always those who wore a beard had a mustache, but now a new style of beard has come into fashion. Let's find out which one.

Popularity and fashion trends

There are different types of beards. The most fashionable beard haircut is without a mustache.

Also, many people like the Russian beard, as it suits men with a wide nose and a large face. Such beards give a man confidence and masculinity.

Types of beard haircuts without a mustache: photo

There are many different types of beards that can be worn without a mustache. Some types of beards are generally not intended for wearing a mustache. Take, for example, the skipper's beard, it must be worn without a mustache.

Let's see what beards without mustaches are for men.

The photo will help to see different beard options. For each man individually, the master selects different shapes and styles of beards.

How to choose your style?

To start wearing a beard, it is not enough to go to the hairdresser and show a photo of the beard that you like. To look beautiful, you need to choose a beard for your style and a specialist can help you with this.

There are two types of beard without a mustache - it is full, when the hair grows on the entire face and incomplete, when the cheeks are shaved. A short beard is now popular, as it suits every man.

For any face shape, you need to select the shape of the mustache, for example:

  • When the face has the shape of a trapezoid, then you need to make a beard in the form of a jabot or a skipper.
  • A triangular face will suit a square beard or in the shape of a horseshoe.
  • A rounded beard in the shape of a square or horseshoe is suitable for men with an elongated face shape. Such men should not have a horse or Espanol beard, as they lengthen the face.
  • For a round face, an elongated beard shape is suitable to visually lengthen the face.

Not all men go for separate types of beards, so they need to combine several of their types. With that in mind, it's important to know the names of the types of beards in order to explain what kind of result you want to see.

Haircut and shape correction

When you have decided on the shape of the beard, seek the help of a specialist. Trimming a beard is a serious business and not everyone can make a beard beautiful. After cutting, you need to buy a cordless trimmer to do the shape correction. You can also use barber scissors.

You can do the correction yourself or ask the master for help. If you decide to make a correction yourself, then it is important to follow some rules:

  1. Cut only dry hair.
  2. Start cutting from the ears to the chin, so you get a symmetrical shape.
  3. The length of the beard will help to adjust the nozzle on the trimmer.
  4. Use a sharp machine to measure your hairline.

If the shape of the beard does not suit you, do not be discouraged, change it to another one. Through experimentation, you will find your beard shape.

How to care?

Caring for a beard without a mustache is not difficult, but it must be done regularly otherwise it will lose its appearance. Wash your beard to keep it looking neat. The bristles can not be dried with a hairdryer, it must be wiped with a towel.

Comb your beard every day, because an uncombed beard immediately catches everyone's eye. Be sure to purchase a special wide comb to comb your beard. A beard, like hair, requires regular maintenance and correction.

Get a special beard product to make it easy for you to comb it. You need to wash your beard with the same duration as the hair on your head.

Celebrities with a beard without a mustache

Celebrities also support beard fashion trends. Nearly every film actor has grown a beard at one time or another and masculinized his image.

Brad Pitt, Antonio Banderas, Gerard Butler, Ben Affleck, Dominic Cooper, Michael Douglas, Jim Carrey and many others have changed their appearance by growing a beard.

If the beard doesn't suit you?

Not everyone, from the first time, may come up with this or that type of beard, but it won’t blow away to be upset, the main thing is not to stop. A beard, like a hairstyle, needs to be picked up, and this takes time. Take seriously the choice of a specialist who will choose the shape of your beard.

While beard maintenance is easy, it needs to be done regularly. Timely correction will help you always look beautiful.

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    Beard without a mustache - stylish and fashionable

    A bit of history

    Wearing a beard has sparked a number of heated discussions and debates over the centuries. Some considered it an adornment of the appearance of a man, while others stubbornly insisted on the need to completely remove the hairline growing on the face.

    According to the words of the Prophet Muhammad, who lived in the seventh century of our era, all Muslims, in order not to become like the pagans, were required to grow their beards and shave off their mustaches. Otherwise, they openly violated the will of Allah and became like women. In addition, wearing a beard without a mustache was a kind of distinctive sign, thanks to which members of the Muslim community could accurately identify brothers in faith in a crowd of people.

    In medieval Britain, there was a naval charter requiring sailors to shave their mustaches and hair off the top of their chins. This item was explained by the fact that abundant facial hair prevents the issuance of commands, significantly drowning out the voice.

    Despite the doubtfulness of such statements, sailors, and later pirates, left a narrow strip of hair on their faces, framing the cheekbones and chin. The skipper's beard quickly gained popularity, and following the British, Spanish, American and Swedish sailors began to wear it.

    Popularity today

    Wearing a beard in Russia over the past few hundred years has caused completely different reactions in society, from a subject of special pride to complete rejection. You can remember at least the scandalous law Peter the Great, published at the beginning of the eighteenth century, who threatened to cut off his head for refusing to shave off his beard.

    Somewhat later for the right to wear facial hair should have paid sixty rubles annually, which at that time was simply a fabulous sum.

    Today, there is a clear trend towards the return of fashion to the beard. Smooth-shaven and well-manicured metrosexuals are slowly disappearing into oblivion, and they are being replaced by the image of a brutal man with chic vegetation on his own chin.

    Of course, hair of different lengths randomly sticking out in different directions is unlikely to attract the attention of female representatives, therefore modern men have to carefully monitor the condition of the beard. chief advantage a beard without a mustache is her unusual appearance. Such an option is able to distinguish its owner from the surrounding masses, emphasizing his individuality and sense of style.

    What types of beards without a mustache are in trend now

    At the moment, such types of beards without a mustache are in trend, such as "Old Dutch" and Dutch, first introduced into fashion by the Danes. Similar option implies the presence full beard in the absence of vegetation above the lip. However, a man who chooses such a style decision becomes like a brutal lumberjack or a representative of the Amish religious denomination (Protestant Christians living far from civilization).

    "Chin Curtain"(or "screen") provides for a beard starting from the temporal region and descending directly along the chin line. One of the most famous bearers of this style is the American President Abraham Lincoln.

    "El Insecto"- men with such a beard in their appearance resemble insects with two processes that look like a mandible.

    Goatee(or "Goatee") is similar to a goatee, but differs in a rounder hairline and covers most of the chin. Many people think that wide sideburns perfectly complement this type of beard.

    "Norse Skipper", in turn, is very similar to the common goatee, but has some differences and has the outlines of an inverted drop.

    Below you can see several photos of beard variations without a mustache.

    How to choose your beard shape

    fat men the classic Goatee is suitable, visually lengthening the face and making it more elongated. Owners oval shaped faces feel free to experiment with different types of beards, since they suit the vast majority of options. Men with trapezoidal face shape definitely worth trying the skipper beard, which visually narrows the prominent lower part.

    On faces rectangular shape a beard without a mustache with lush sideburns looks great, and faces square shape fits the classic "Dutch".

    Another important point: tall people should opt for voluminous fluffy beards. Men of short stature can be advised neat short options. Having decided on the shape of the beard, it is necessary to allow the hairline to grow freely for several weeks, after which you can proceed directly to the haircut.

    Beard care

    For care behind your own beard it is very useful to have such a tool as trimmer for a haircut with a set of nozzles. It’s also a good idea to get quality scissors and a special beard comb. You can cut your hair only dry hair, after which the beard should be washed with regular shampoo and thoroughly dried with a towel.

    Since the trimmer usually leaves small layer stubble, it is necessary to shave off the mustache and excess areas with a standard razor.

    Not recommended dry your beard with a hairdryer for the reason that it makes the hair more brittle. To cut your beard yourself, you will need the above set of tools plus a mirror. For those who do not want to learn the basics of hairdressing, there are special barbershops where the masters will make any beard cut at the request of the client.

    Why should you grow a beard without a mustache?

    The beard has recently become more and more popular, as it makes a man's face solid and masculine. One of the current varieties of facial hair is a beard without a mustache. It is also called the skipper, as it has a certain relationship to the sea.

    The most famous variation of the variant without a mustache is the skipper's beard. Men began to wear it many centuries ago, although today it does not lose its relevance. Initially, this type of beard was grown by people associated with the sea. However, later it became popular with men involved in other activities.

    The popularity of beards without mustaches

    Of course, a beard without a mustache looks rather unusual, but this is its main advantage. By choosing this option, you will always stand out from the background of others, which will allow you to once again emphasize your individuality. In addition, this type of beard is quite easy to care for. To maintain its shape, a beard without a mustache needs only periodic trimming of the hair.

    Types of beard without mustache

    First of all, you need to know that a beard without a mustache can be full and incomplete. The full version provides for the presence of stubble on the entire face, while with the incomplete one it is necessary to shave the cheeks. It is worth noting that with the full type, the beard can reach the ears themselves.

    The most popular forms without a mustache:

    • short haircut;
    • goatee (goate);
    • a long beard without a mustache or square (Muslim style);

    Russian beard without mustache;

    How to determine your beard shape without a mustache

    Choice by face shape

    When choosing a beard, you must first of all focus on the shape of the face. In particular, for a round face, an elongated shape that goes from temple to temple is best suited. This type of vegetation will visually lengthen a round face. For people with a triangular shape, it is better to choose a beard like a square or horseshoe. This will make it possible to visually expand the chin and make it more massive. For men with a long face, a tapered beard and goatee will definitely not work, as they will lengthen it. Here, the best option would be a rounded beard, as well as vegetation in the form of a rectangle or horseshoe. For a trapezoidal face, the skipper version or frill is best. A Russian beard without a mustache is suitable for the stronger sex with a large face and a wide nose.

    Choice based on occupation and status

    When choosing a beard without a mustache, you also need to consider your occupation and individual preferences. A long version or square is best for business people who want to achieve a lot in life. The skipper or English version is preferable for men related to the sea. If you want to create an image of a courageous intellectual, then it is best to choose a goatee. The Russian version is often preferred by villagers or church ministers. However, today this variety has become popular among men of various occupations and status. The tapered shape is best suited for people who actively communicate with the opposite sex.

    Beard and character

    It is believed that the shape of the beard can say a lot about the character of a man. Therefore, it will be interesting to find out what a beard means without the usual mustache. In particular, a soft and long form, similar to the Muslim one, is characteristic of sensible and self-confident men. At the same time, men with a stiff black beard are sexy. They attract the opposite sex like a magnet. As a rule, such people choose a conical shape. The presence of a goatee characterizes a man as intelligent and courageous.

    How to care for a beard without a mustache

    Caring for a beard without a mustache is not difficult. First of all, facial hair should be washed regularly. This should be done at about the same frequency as washing your hair. It is advisable to wipe the bristles only with a towel, and not to dry. Otherwise, irritation may appear on the skin of the face. In order for the beard to always look beautiful and neat, it should be combed regularly. Then the hair will lie evenly and beautifully.

    Necessary care tools

    To care for facial hair, it is advisable to purchase a trimmer with which you can adjust the shape. When choosing a trimmer, it is best to stay on wireless models. For this purpose, you can also use special hairdressing scissors. Also, experts recommend buying a special wide comb, which is ideal for a beard.

    Shape Correction

    Correction of the form can be done either independently, or you can entrust this matter to professionals. If you want to do this at home, then you need to follow certain rules. Dry hair should be cut, as wet hair can lengthen, so you can cut more hair than necessary. To achieve symmetry, it is best to start from the ears and go to the chin. To control the length of the bristles, the trimmers have special nozzles of various sizes. They are perfect for maintaining the desired shape. You can more clearly outline the hairline on the neck with a razor.

    Most importantly, never be afraid to experiment with the shape. For example, choosing an original beard without a mustache, you will become a real fighter with your principles and emphasize your individuality.

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  • A beard without a mustache is the choice of stylish men who are not afraid to experiment with their own appearance. Such a model, although it looks slightly outrageous, will add zest to the image if its shape is chosen correctly.

    Haircut variations

    Almost all popular types of beards, if desired, can be worn with or without a mustache. Some of the haircuts initially do not provide for the presence of a mustache.

    • "Old Dutchman" - a square-shaped bristle, characterized by a complete absence of vegetation under the lower lip.
    • "Goatee" - also looks great without a mustache, its length varies from long to petite depending on the preferences of the owner.
    • "Lincoln's beard" (the second name is "screen") - starts from the temples and goes along the chin, completely covering it.
    • "Insect" - the style is called due to its shape - two small processes resembling the jaws of a beetle.
    • "Island" - a small bundle of vegetation under the lower lip.
    • "Norwegian skipper" - resembles a goatee with a wider area of ​​hair on the chin.

    If desired, a similar style can be made from such popular types as balbo, goatee or even a Russian beard.

    How to choose a beard?

    Numerous options for this haircut allow you to choose the right model for guys with different face shapes. Chubby will go elongated vegetation, located from temple to temple. With it, you can visually lengthen a round face. Men with triangular faces have a choice between horseshoe or square stubble. Such varieties will make the chin more massive. If the face has an elongated shape, then it is better to abandon the cone-shaped vegetation or goatee, as they will further lengthen it. Ideal views will be a horseshoe, rounded or rectangular model. A trapezoidal shape is suitable for a skipper's beard or jabot.

    How to grow a beard without a mustache?

    Having picked up a suitable model, for starters, grow a light unshaven. So you will understand how fast the stubble grows and whether it differs in splendor. If the result does not satisfy you, you can influence it by adhering to the following recommendations:

    • eat right - with the help of foods such as olive oil, broccoli, spinach and nuts, you can increase the level of testosterone in the body;
    • take vitamins - biotin, fish oil, magnesium have a positive effect on the growth rate and quality of hair;
    • adhere to a healthy lifestyle - playing sports and eight hours of sleep will not only accelerate the growth of stubble, but also strengthen the entire body;
    • use oils - a couple of drops of the product, distributed through the hair, will relieve you of dandruff and make your stubble shiny.

    Such simple advice will reduce the growth of a beard without a hitch up to 3-4 weeks.

    How to care for a beard without a mustache?

    1. Keep in shape. If you don't regularly trim excess hair, your stubble will not look neat and attractive. Use a trimmer, scissors, or regular razor to maintain the shape.
    2. Don't forget cleanliness. When you wash your face in the morning, wash your facial hair with the soap you are used to. If it is short, that will be enough. Long hair requires the use of shampoo a couple of times a week.
    3. Comb your beard regularly. Use a wide-toothed comb to shape the beard. The more often you do this, the sooner the hair will fall as it should.
    4. Buy styling products. Manufacturers of cosmetics for men produce a variety of styling gels, mousses and waxes. They will not only make it easier to style a beard without a mustache, but also give it a healthy shine and a pleasant smell.
    5. Consider painting. If you notice gray hair, do not rush to shave off your beard. In the salon, you can dye your bristles, choosing the perfect shade. For those who are intimidated by the use of permanent paint, the popular beard camouflage can be offered.

    A beard without a mustache is a stylish and rational option that men choose not only because of fashion trends, but also for subjective reasons: for some, the tone of the mustache is somewhat different from the beard or the mustache does not grow aesthetically enough, someone simply does not like it or do not go. In any case, a beard without a mustache remains a very popular solution. This article will help you figure out what type of beard to choose, how to properly grow a beard, use a trimmer and care for a beard without a mustache.

    A stylish beard must necessarily match the shape of the face of its owner, otherwise the image risks being spoiled. There are many without a mustache that will suit different facial features. Consider the most relevant options:

    • (Chin curtain) is one of the popular options. It is a fairly thin strip of vegetation that runs from one ear to the other, as if outlining the contour of the face, the hair on the cheeks is shaved. Such a beard is suitable for owners of a trapezoidal face, it will help to visually level the heaviness of the lower part of the face.
    • (Goatee) - suitable for those whose face has an oblong or round shape. This option assumes the absence of a mustache, shaved cheeks or with a small stubble, a beard only under the lower lip, usually its width coincides with the width of the mouth.
    • Island (Soul Patch) - an extremely minimalistic version of the beard, is a small area of ​​hair under the lower lip. The island can have any shape and suits almost all types of faces.

    Grow your beard the right way

    Regardless of the type of beard you choose, you need to be able to grow it correctly. Of course, the first thing to do after deciding to grow a beard is to stop shaving. But this does not mean that you should completely forget about the razor. The systematic shaving of excess hair on the neck, cheeks, above the upper lip will help not to lose a neat appearance - depending on the desired shape of the beard.

    To stimulate hair growth and care for the skin of the face, it is necessary to regularly exfoliate dead skin cells. For these purposes, a homemade or purchased facial scrub is suitable.

    On cleansed skin, apply oil that accelerates hair growth - burdock or castor oil. After 10-15 minutes, the skin can be blotted with a napkin from oil residue. All these procedures have a positive effect on the speed and quality of beard growth.

    If it is not possible to grow a beard, it may be worth resorting to the assortment of a pharmacy. Firstly, problems with hair growth can be associated with a deficiency in the body of important substances, the “building material” for hair. Properly selected multivitamins will help to cope with this problem. Secondly, in pharmacies you can buy special preparations of local action that stimulate hair growth, the use of which is also possible on the face.

    How to use the trimmer

    A beard and mustache trimmer is an indispensable assistant in the care of facial hair. With the help of a trimmer, you can profile your beard, give it the desired shape or simply trim your hair. The trimmer is quite easy to use, however, there are some rules that should be followed.

    • The trimmer is an electrical appliance. If the item you are using does not have waterproof properties, do not use it near water, it may be unsafe.
    • Comb and dry your hair well before using the trimmer. Dry hair has a slightly different structure than wet hair. Haircut dry hair will be as accurate as possible.
    • Once you have determined the desired beard shape, start trimming under the jaw. Rise with a trimmer from the bottom to the ears. After that, pay attention to the hair on the cheeks, if necessary. Hair on the cheeks should also be cut, moving from the bottom up.
    • Try to maintain the angle of the trimmer throughout the entire cut. Movements should be soft and smooth. For safety and accuracy of haircuts, sudden movements should be avoided.

    Beard care without mustache

    Only a well-groomed beard can provide a neat appearance and a brilliant image. This means that growing a beard will not save time on shaving, since the right one takes no less time.

    First of all, the beard should be combed every day in the course of hair growth. This will help achieve several goals at once:

    • give a neat look;
    • improve blood circulation, thereby stimulating hair growth;
    • adjust the direction of hair growth, if necessary.

    The systematic routine also includes maintaining the desired shape of the beard - shaving off all excess with a razor and adjusting the length with a trimmer. A well-groomed beard is a clean beard. It should be washed at least once every 2-3 days. In addition, it is advisable to do a hair mask at least once a week. It will help your hair stay soft and look healthy. If there is no special beard product in the arsenal, an oil mixture or a regular one is suitable for the mask.

    There is a huge selection of different beard styles. But, remember that there are also factors to consider when choosing a beard style that suits you. Special face shapes require special styles. And don't forget what suits others may look completely different on you.

    We've rounded up the best beard styles of 2019 that will definitely make your look more attractive. Experiment to your heart's content before you find that "it". Be patient, especially if your goal is a long beard, because before it grows, it will look unkempt for a while.

    13 Best Beard Styles of 2019

    1. Balbo

    Balbo is one of the most famous styles today. Robert Downey Jr., an American actor who has starred in such successful films as The Avengers and Iron Man, has been wearing a Balbo-style beard for years, as it suits him in every way.

    Best for: Men with thin chins

    How to grow:

    Grow a full beard with enough hair to give it shape. Do not shave for four weeks until the beard is fully grown. Grow a mustache too. You will need a good razor to achieve a good result and give the perfect shape. You can use an electric razor or a disposable razor to trim the sides, and a straight razor for the final shape of your Balbo beard.

    The Bandholz beard style was made famous by Eric Bandholz, the founder of Birdbrand. His life was immersed in the world of business until he fell in love with beards. He received a huge amount of negative criticism in his direction when he hit on the idea of ​​growing his beard as long as possible, so he quit his job and decided to organize Birdbrand.

    This brand was just a community in the beginning. Eric ran blogs, YouTube videos, and tumblrs to provide information to enthusiasts who also wanted to keep their beards looking their best. Later, he decided to turn it into a business offering high quality products that really work fantastically. From beard oils, shampoos and softeners, to scissors and combs, Birdbrand is without a doubt a one stop shop!

    Best for: Triangular, oblong, inverted triangular, oval, and diamond-shaped faces

    How to grow:

    This beard style requires extra patience. At first, the beard will look unkempt, ragged, especially the first four months. Try not to touch her! Throw away your razor and scissors, you won't need them for months. Just let her grow nicely to the maximum length genetically possible. You can start cutting and shaping your beard after seven months, or you can leave it as is if you like it. What's great about this particular Bandholz beard style, unlike others, is that you can give it complete freedom!

    3. Clean-shaven

    Well, most men still prefer not to grow facial hair as it looks clean and tidy. A clean-shaven style will never go out of style, especially if you're in a position in the business world where you're required to look smart. In addition, according to research, women like men who shave more.

    Best for: All face shapes

    How to reach:

    Take it as your razor or machine (disposable, electric or cartridge), just shave off all the hair on your face!!

    4. Ring beard

    Also known as the standard beard, the ring beard is a combination of a mustache and a round goatee. This style looks very neat, therefore, it is an excellent option for business men who do not want to lose their beard and at the same time want to look presentable. If you prefer, then this is your option.

    Best for: Oval and round faces

    How to grow:

    Make sure you've grown enough hair so that you don't cut or shave off excess hair. For the best result, we advise you to visit the salon where you will get a perfectly round beard shape, because such work can be troublesome. After that, you yourself can conjure over your beard.

    5. Oblong "goatee"

    Also known as the tailback or Hollywood, the oblong "goatee" is a combination of a mustache and a goatee. The style differs from a full-fledged wide beard as here the sideburns are removed.

    Best for: Square and oval faces

    How to grow:

    Before shaping your beard, you should grow a medium length stubble. Shave the sides (sides) of the beard according to the width of the beard you want. Don't shave off your mustache.

    6. Merged wide sideburns

    Sideburns are the same as sideburns. The term 'buck, bucky' comes from Ambroise Buck, an American Civil War general.

    Best for: Round or square faces

    How to grow:

    grow sideburns and mustaches until they grow together. Shave the hair on the chin to the area of ​​the lower lip. You can let your sideburns grow even longer before they become fluffy.

    The most masculine and preferred beard style among men. A wide beard is something you really shouldn't miss out on in 2017! A well-combed wide beard is the most attractive, because it accentuates your features better.

    Best for: Diamond, triangular, and inverted triangular faces

    How to grow:

    A wide beard depends on your genetics. If you have hair growing all over your face, then there are no barriers to this beard style. You just have to grow it out to a medium stubble length and then shape it into one level using a razor. Don't shave for about six weeks. Use a trimmer to keep the length.

    8. Garibaldi

    Don't have enough time to groom your beard? Garibaldi style just for you!! It is slightly shorter than the Bandholz style, however, requires occasional trimming.

    Who it suits: oval or rectangular face shape

    How to grow:

    about four months you should grow your beard, depending on how fast your beard grows, the length should be about 15-20 cm. Trim the beard at the bottom from time to time to give it a rounded shape. The length of the mustache should be under control, keep the mustache in a comfortable state for you, attention should fall on the beard. This style does not require any additional stylistic help as the beard should look natural.

    9. Imperial (Goatee)

    The goatee style gained popularity during the years of the Second Empire. It's more of a mustache style than a beard style. Although, you can safely pair it with sideburns or a beard on the chin, as Mel Gibson did. In this case, your beard should be simple so that only the imperial mustache is the highlight of your face.

    Who it suits: rectangular and oblong face shape

    How to grow:

    don't shave for a week or a few months until your sideburns grow back so they're easy to shave. Some enthusiasts waited about three months for the result to be worthy. Shave your sideburns or hair around your mustache. Don't cut your mustache! Your mustache should look natural, and even if it interferes with your eating or falls out from time to time, resist the urge to trim it, as you will not be able to achieve an imperial look. Now, start curling the ends. It is easy to use oil or mustache wax for this.

    10. Short stubble

    The simplest beard style, short stubble is quite easy to maintain, there is no special method to grow it. This style is very easy. Such a beard looks like a man, and at the same time looks neat.

    Best for: All face shapes

    How to grow:

    don't shave for one or two days. Then trim your beard to keep it short. You can also shave in the neck area to emphasize the stubble only in the lower zone of your chin.

    11. Medium stubble

    If you don't want to cut short stubble then say hi to medium stubble) If you think you look better in this style, just trim your beard to 3-5mm long. You will probably look a little sloppy, but if you keep an eye on her, then you are sure to look macho.

    Best for: All face shapes

    How to grow:

    make sure that your beard does not reach your cheeks and nose area, if not, shave and cut off everything superfluous! Keep a length of 5 mm no more, and have a good trimmer with you, as you will use it once a week.

    12. Long stubble

    Long stubble, compared to short and long, is quite difficult to maintain. Its length should be about 6 mm. Long bristles are tricky, as they must be cut carefully to get rid of disheveled hairs. Especially in the area of ​​the Adam's apple and on the cheeks.

    Best for: All face shapes

    How to grow:

    do not shave for about a week or two until the beard grows to 6 mm. Cut it well so that the lower third of your face has something like a “shadow”. Make sure that all tangled and untidy hair is shaved or trimmed.

    13. Van Dyck

    The style of this beard came from the famous 17th century Flemish painter, Anthony van Dyck, which was his hallmark. It is a combination of goatee and mustache, but with more delicate precision.

    Who it suits: a man with a thin chin

    How to grow:

    wait until your beard grows to the size of a long stubble. Slowly shape your beard with a good razor. Shave off the hair on the neck, sides and cheeks. Don't touch your mouth. At the chin area, shape your beard into an inverted T shape. Let the hair on your chin grow back a little, up to 2 inches? Trim periodically to get a V shape.

    It is important for a man to know which beard shape to choose, which beard to grow without a mustache, in order to look attractive. There are several main options for the design of facial hair, which are most successful. Every bearded man wants to look attractive and stylish, so you need to be able to choose the right shape of a beard that will fit the oval of the face, look neat, make it look well-groomed. Today, barbering is at the height of fashion, so men today grow a beard not because it is convenient, but because the decoration has an aesthetically attractive appearance. However, it should be understood that caring for vegetation is quite difficult, it is much easier to shave to zero.

    A man who wears a beard has several advantages over his shaven companions. If you know how to properly grow a beard and mustache, you can save a lot of capital on the purchase of machines. In addition, in the cold season or windy weather, the face is always warmed by vegetation. A properly designed beard always looks courageous, makes the face more expressive and memorable. Stylish jewelry needs regular care. The quality of the hairline directly depends on this. In order for the vegetation to only please its owner, it is necessary to constantly adhere to several rules:

    • To give the vegetation the necessary shape, it should be carefully combed out. Every day, with a comb with frequent teeth, the beard should be combed in the direction of hair growth.
    • Two to three times a week, the vegetation should be washed using shampoo or soap. Only clean hair looks neat and attractive.
    • Once a week, it is necessary to apply various kinds of beard care products, for example, balm, conditioner, rinse, and so on.

    Growing a beard is incredibly difficult, but maintaining it to look attractive is even more difficult. Before you start caring for your hairline, you need to grow it out. It is worth noting that the first four weeks, there can be no talk of any form. It will take a month for the hairs of the industry to reach a certain level. Only then can you take up a razor, trimmer or machine.

    How to choose the shape of the beard

    What beard shape to choose? In order for the bristles to look attractive, it must be properly designed. It is rare for a man to be able to choose the right vegetation option for himself without or with a mustache the first time, but after several attempts, most likely, the necessary form will be found. The choice primarily depends on the shape of the face, but it is also important to take into account the color and structure of the hair, the density of vegetation, as well as personal preferences.

    Initially, it is necessary to adequately assess the possibilities of the future hairline. The first and most important thing to do in order to grow a beard is to determine its texture, direction of growth, as well as its speed. You can do this as early as two weeks after giving up shaving. Thus, a potential bearded man will be able to understand whether he will have to limit himself to an elegant goatee, or whether he will still be able to grow voluminous vegetation, whether he will be able to walk with facial hair, whether he will cause discomfort, annoy his owner. Particular attention should be paid to the following points:

    • Does the beard go with the mustache?
    • Whether the vegetation appears evenly on the neck, cheeks and chin.
    • Are there bald spots where there are no hairs at all.

    Next, you need to evaluate the shape of the face. It is best to do this not in front of a mirror, but from a photograph. So you can identify features that will not catch the mirror reflection. Often a shortened, heavy chin, strongly protruding cheekbones or sagging cheeks become a problem. A correctly chosen shape will help hide all visible imperfections, including acne marks, scars, age spots, as well as focus on advantageous parts of the face, adjust the existing proportions.

    beard for round face

    A round face needs to be visually stretched a little. To visually lengthen the oval, you need to choose stretched between the temples or trapezoid vegetation. In this case, it is correct to grow a beard along with a mustache, the corners of which will be lowered to the bottom. Any kind of goatee would be ideal. For example, a classic goatee or van dyke, which differs from the first solution in that it does not have a mustache connection. A chubby man will also have to forget about ton chops and mut sideburns, as they significantly increase the width of the oval. The main task is not to soften the shape, but to stretch it, so you can safely choose options for a wedge-shaped or square design.

    Beard for an oval face

    The elongated shape looks great framed by ordinary sideburns or a horseshoe beard, which has a pronounced round shape. Any kind of design that expands the oval of the face will do. That is why you should immediately abandon the goatee or goatee that lengthens it. It is worth noting that almost any vegetation will suit the owners of this form. A voluminous, full beard will look great, so do not be afraid to experiment. The main thing is that on the cheeks there are straight lines of the borders of the hairline.

    Beard for a square or trapezoid face

    For owners of this shape, any mild type of beard is suitable, which, if possible, should cover a large surface area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chin and cheeks. This technique allows you to smooth the corners, making the face visually similar to an oval. Stylists recommend considering options such as chinstrap or chin curtain (skipper). The latter type of design is great for a trapezoidal face shape, as it allows you to narrow the lower jaw. A critical mistake is the design of a full round beard with clear boundaries.

    Beard for an oblong, rectangular face

    The main task is to add width, that is, the shape options for a round face, narrowing the outlines, automatically disappear. To visually make the face a little shorter, you need to know how to properly grow a beard and mustache for an elongated silhouette. Small vegetation no more than two centimeters long is best suited. At the same time, there is no need to adjust the width on the sides, just follow the length. Such a hairline can soften sharp, rough features, rounding them, making them smooth. It is strongly not recommended to abandon the mustache.

    Types of vegetation with and without whiskers

    Every day, varieties of design without vegetation above the upper lip are becoming more and more popular. This is due to the fact that such decoration does not require much time for care. In addition, most girls who are condescending about facial hair negatively perceive the tickling from the hairs located above the male upper lip. The most common design options include the following:

    1. Goatee- tapered towards the bottom.
    2. old dutch- This is a thick hairline that grows from temple to temple. The length is chosen depending on the personal preferences of the bearded man. Cheeks must be shaved.
    3. Island- small dotted vegetation, which is located under the lower lip.
    4. Lincoln without a mustache- above the lip, the mustache is completely shaved off. It is necessary to leave only those parts that are connected on the sides.

    Such variations will look great if they were selected in accordance with other basic requirements. However, it is not uncommon for cases when types of vegetation without a mustache are not suitable for a man. Here you will either have to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfinding lush vegetation at all, or agree to the option with hairs above the upper lip. Therefore, before deciding what to do to grow a beard, a man should consider solutions with a mustache.

    Maybe a beard and mustache?

    It should immediately be noted that such an ornament looks more stylish and courageous. For example, the anchor beard got its name due to its appearance, but it is quite difficult to design it on your own. The Suvorov type is distinguished by a clean-shaven chin. At the same time, sideburns descend slightly below the lips, after which they grow together with the mustache.

    The Russian or full, voluminous beard with sideburns and mustache is especially popular. This type is best suited for tall men with broad shoulders.

    Thus, almost every member of the stronger sex can find out which beard to grow without a mustache or with them, but there are exceptions. So, for example, men with a small face with hairy vegetation of any type look ridiculous. That is why it is better for them to abandon such an undertaking.

    Published: 09.06.2017