Lingonberry leaf during pregnancy - how to take lingonberry leaf. Lingonberries during pregnancy: benefits and possible complications

Many expectant mothers are reluctant to follow the appointment of the attending physician. And in this they can be understood - most drugs pose a potential danger during pregnancy. But, during the bearing of a child, no one can be insured against various diseases. And since drug therapy is undesirable at this time, many pay attention to herbal medicine or herbal treatment, including lingonberry leaf.

Herbal preparations gently affect the body and do not cause such undesirable effects as medicines.

The main thing is to follow the doctor's recommendations and observe the proportions when preparing medicinal decoctions and infusions. A decoction of lingonberry leaf is often prescribed to expectant mothers in a antenatal clinic. Like any medicinal plant, it has its own indications and contraindications for use.

Medicinal plants affect the body in a complex way, and lingonberry leaf is no exception. In most cases, it is prescribed for a diuretic purpose if a pregnant woman's symptoms worsen or appear.

These conditions are not uncommon among expectant mothers, and lingonberry leaf during pregnancy successfully removes excess fluid from the body.

But it would be wrong to limit the beneficial properties of lingonberry leaves only to the diuretic effect. They also have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, astringent, laxative, choleretic, immunomodulatory and antiviral effects on the body.

Vitamins contained in lingonberry leaf:

  • B vitamins help the body withstand psycho-emotional and physical stress during pregnancy;
  • vitamin E favorably affects the tone of the uterus, contributes to the full development of the fetus;
  • vitamin P reduces swelling.

Biologically active components contained in large quantities in lingonberry leaf help strengthen the immune system, speed up the healing process and reduce fever, which is important during a cold in a future mother.

Reception of lingonberry decoction can be combined with additional rinsing of the sore throat with a disinfectant and soothing purpose.

Also, lingonberry decoction has a slight laxative effect and helps eliminate seizures, which is familiar to every expectant mother.

But most often, lingonberry leaf is recommended for edema during pregnancy and high blood pressure. Lingonberry leaves are rich in arbutin glycoside, a substance that has an anti-inflammatory effect and removes excess nitrogen and urea from the body.

In addition, an infusion of lingonberry leaves is used to combat heartburn. But you can not use it for women with high acidity of gastric juice.

Application rules

Before preparing a medicinal decoction, you need to remember that medicinal plants can be not only useful, but also dangerous during pregnancy. Lingonberry leaf can tone the uterus if you do not follow the dosage of the drug and take it lightly.

Only reasonable portions of lingonberry leaf decoction will relieve swelling during pregnancy and help improve well-being.

You can buy lingonberry leaves at any pharmacy. The package will include instructions from which you can learn how to brew a lingonberry leaf during pregnancy and how to drink a decoction.

If the doctor has not discussed a specific method of preparing a medicinal decoction, you can use the following common recipes:

  1. Pour a teaspoon of leaves with 200 ml of boiling water. The cooled infusion is taken in the morning and in the evening 40 minutes before meals, 100 ml each for 3 weeks.
  2. If lingonberry leaves were purchased in the form of filter bags, then for 100 ml of boiling water you need to take 2 bags. Leave the infusion for 30 minutes. Then the filter bags should be squeezed out and added to the infusion with 100 ml of pure water. Take the remedy as in the previous recipe.

It is important to remember that any medicinal herbs are used only after coordinating their intake with the doctor who is leading the pregnancy.

It is necessary to take lingonberry leaf during pregnancy with caution, since it has a pronounced diuretic effect, and if the decoction is abused, the woman may experience signs of dehydration, weakness and dizziness.

Also, the lingonberry leaf has a hypotensive effect, lowers blood pressure, which also does not have the best effect on the well-being of the expectant mother.

Doctors do not have an unambiguous opinion about the absolute safety of lingonberry leaf. Some experts believe that taking this herbal remedy, despite its natural origin and many beneficial properties, is not recommended until the third trimester of pregnancy.

Others are sure that in a small dosage this plant will be useful for the expectant mother and child. The choice in favor of lingonberry leaf treatment depends on the specific clinical situation. In any case, the appointment of the drug should be handled by a doctor.


If the doctor has prescribed lingonberry leaf during pregnancy, it is important to study the instructions for the drug and exclude contraindications to its use.

The main contraindications are:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • liver disease;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

During pregnancy, allergic reactions to the lingonberry leaf may appear, which were not there before conception. Therefore, when taking a decoction for the first time, you need to pay attention to your well-being and the presence of external and internal signs of allergy.

If nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing and itching occur, and rashes appear on the skin, you should immediately stop taking lingonberry leaf.

The medicinal decoction is also not recommended for people with gastritis and peptic ulcer, with cholecystitis and enterocolitis, with low blood pressure, a tendency to nosebleeds and poor blood clotting.

It is advisable for expectant mothers to choose one or two types of medicinal herbs for treatment; you should not burden yourself with the search and compilation of complex herbal preparations.

The organism of the expectant mother has an increased sensitivity to external factors, and allergic reactions that have not been observed before can appear quite unexpectedly. It will be very difficult to calculate what exactly became the trigger for the development of allergies from a huge list of plants.

The use of lingonberry leaf during pregnancy should be combined with the doctor's recommendations based on examination, laboratory tests and indications for taking it. The use of the drug in the early stages is prohibited.

Lingonberry leaves rightly refer to medicines due to their complex effect on the body.

Useful video on the use of lingonberry leaves

For pregnant women, there are quite obvious things that should ideally not be done even at the planning stage - smoking, drinking alcohol, eating fast food, etc.

However, the situation is much more complicated if you delve into the basics of proper nutrition for pregnant women, because it immediately turns out that not all products are equally useful for every expectant mother - this is the time, a 100% natural and healthy product can cause serious damage to both the mother’s body and besides inside it there are two.

In addition, there is a fairly wide range of products that cannot be unequivocally recommended or, on the contrary, prohibited for use by expectant mothers. If specialists cannot unequivocally state something, then what about pregnant women? Whom to listen to?

Let's think together about whether it is possible to use lingonberry leaf during pregnancy. We will weigh the pros and cons, and everyone will draw conclusions for themselves - whether it is worth brewing it or not experimenting during pregnancy.

Lingonberry leaf during pregnancy

And the leaves and berries of lingonberries are extremely popular in medicine due to a wide range of their actions:

  1. Cowberry is an excellent diuretic, which is important for pregnant women suffering from edema.
  2. It is often prescribed to people who have problems with the outflow of bile.
  3. Due to its rich vitamin composition, lingonberries are excellent at fighting beriberi.
  4. Lingonberries are actively used in the treatment of various dental diseases.
  5. Lingonberry leaf is used for the prevention and treatment of colds as part of complex therapy.
  6. It perfectly helps with diseases of the lower respiratory tract, arthritis, hepatitis and gastritis.
  7. Cowberry, among other things, strengthens capillaries and blood vessels, has diuretic, astringent, demineralizing properties.

Despite the fact that this is not a complete list of all the useful properties of lingonberries, among experts you can find ardent opponents of the use of this remedy during pregnancy. The fact is that the lingonberry leaf can cause an increased tone of the uterus, and this ailment is quite common among expectant mothers, especially in the later stages.

Tone of the uterus during pregnancy

Hypertonicity is called uterine contractions, which can occur even in early pregnancy. If it is not diagnosed in time and the management of pregnancy is not corrected, it can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

You can diagnose the tone of the uterus both with medical help and at home on your own, since it has quite pronounced signs:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Discharges with blood.
  3. Stone belly.
  4. Dizziness and nausea.

Even one of these symptoms suggests that the expectant mother should urgently consult a doctor, who, after examining her, must be sent for an ultrasound scan to confirm the diagnosis.

Allocate physiological and psychosomatic causes of the appearance of uterine tone. Physiological include:

  1. Previous abortions.
  2. Fruit size is much larger than average.
  3. Multiple pregnancy.
  4. Polyhydramnios.
  5. Bad habits.
  6. Wrong nutrition.
  7. Complications of the course of pregnancy.

This is not the whole list of factors that provoke the tone of the uterus, but it is already becoming clear that many of them are under the control of the expectant mother. And this means that in order to minimize the risks of tone, a pregnant woman should stop smoking and drinking alcohol, try to sleep more, be less nervous, go outside more often and eat right. It would seem that far from new tips, but they really help not only to prevent uterine tone, but also to avoid many other unpleasant moments!

Lingonberry leaf during pregnancy from edema

Since lingonberry leaf has a diuretic effect, doctors can prescribe it to those pregnant women who have problems with edema. Regular use of the decoction will not allow excess fluid to linger in the body.

In general, moms-to-be should drink, like everyone else, 1.5-2 liters of water per day, in addition to all other liquids, and this water should be from a trusted source. However, if swelling torments her, then you should avoid drinking any liquid before bedtime. In addition, although walking is recommended for pregnant women, you should reduce the load on your legs, and during sleep or normal rest, try to put a pillow under your feet,

Lingonberry leaf during pregnancy: how to take

Lingonberry leaf is sold in any pharmacy, and on the package you will definitely find a detailed recipe on how to prepare it and in what quantities to use it. However, these are fairly general recommendations, and they may differ significantly from those that the doctor will give you when prescribing this decoction.

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, the expectant mother feels great and she does not even have a hint of uterine tone, then the following scheme is usually prescribed: you need to drink 200 ml of the finished broth per day, breaking it down into 4 doses of 50 ml or 2 by 100 ml. For 1 glass of water, there is 1 teaspoon of lingonberry leaves.

Lingonberry leaf during pregnancy: reviews

On the Internet, there are quite conflicting reviews about lingonberry leaf as a decongestant. Some people help, some don't. Apparently, it's all about the individual characteristics of the body and the lifestyle of each expectant mother.

You should not consider lingonberry leaf as a panacea - if you drink a decoction of it and immediately go to bed, then, most likely, it can have the opposite effect.

In addition, lingonberry leaf really should not be taken by pregnant women with increased uterine tone. Such a condition, in principle, is extremely dangerous for both the expectant mother and the baby, therefore it is extremely important to consult a doctor in time and get specific recommendations for yourself.

Summing up

Now you know everything or almost everything about lingonberry leaf and its use during pregnancy. It should still be understood that absolutely any herbs taken without a doctor's recommendation can be extremely dangerous! Perhaps in some ways they will alleviate the condition, but will cause a complication in another place. One we treat, another we cripple. Therefore, you should be especially careful about absolutely everything that gets into your mouth. All experiments should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor and under his strict guidance!

Video " Cowberry. Useful and dangerous properties and use of lingonberry leaves in folk medicine

Lingonberries are known all over the world for their wide range of medicinal properties. In folk medicine, not only berries are used, but also shrub leaves. Women who are expectant mothers use decoctions and teas as an anti-cold, diuretic and decongestant, treat cystitis with it, and get rid of heartburn. Before taking drinks, it is necessary to consider lingonberry leaves from different sides during pregnancy. How to take and prepare this natural remedy, what contraindications exist and what effect can be expected from decoctions - we will talk about this in this article.

Properties of lingonberry leaves for pregnant women

Is it possible for pregnant women to drink a decoction of lingonberry leaf?

When resorting to herbal medicine on your own, you must be aware of the responsibility for such treatment, since there is still a certain risk when taking lingonberry preparations during pregnancy. Fans of traditional medicine position this drink as a diuretic or as an auxiliary element of a complex of therapeutic measures for infectious pathologies in the genitourinary system. Many doctors believe that after 28 weeks this folk remedy is not dangerous. A decoction of lingonberry leaves is sometimes recommended for pregnant women who have been diagnosed with diabetes.

It can be seen that some doctors see some danger in taking this remedy by expectant mothers, as there may be a predisposition to increase the tone of the uterus, which is highly undesirable. In contrast to this opinion, one can focus on the ability of lingonberries to relieve swelling of tissues, which significantly improves the quality of life of pregnant women. There are also experts who have a neutral opinion, which is that it is still permissible to drink a decoction for mothers with a problem of edema, but strictly following the dosages recommended by the attending physician - perhaps this option is the most reasonable. It can be concluded that a woman should decide on herbal medicine with lingonberry leaves together with a specialist who will take into account the individual characteristics of the body.

Possible harm of lingonberry leaf for pregnant women

The danger of a decoction of lingonberry leaves lies in its strong effect on a woman's body. Contraindications include a high concentration of acids in gastric juice, kidney disease, heart disease, hypotension. There may also be intolerance to lingonberries in any form.

Medicinal substances of lingonberry broth

Of the active ingredients, the substance arbutin is especially released, which irritates the renal tubules at the cellular level, which causes intense urine output. In addition, it can be noted that the folk remedy contains tannins, which significantly reduce the manifestations of the inflammatory process on the mucous membranes and produce easy disinfection.

lingonberry leaves are useful to brew and take during pregnancy

The use of lingonberries during pregnancy

Preparation and reception of a decoction of lingonberry leaf


  • properly harvested or purchased in a pharmacy, chopped lingonberry leaves - 1 tablespoon or about 6 grams;
  • boiling water - 1 cup.

It is not enough just to have knowledge that lingonberry leaves are very useful during pregnancy. How to take a medicinal decoction, and what specific dosages it has - this information should be studied thoroughly. Let us analyze in detail the traditional approach to the preparation and use of medicinal tea. It is this option that is most often found in the media. Using enamelware, brew the leaves with hot water and leave the product for 20-30 minutes, soak in a water bath. Without waiting for cooling, filter the herbal decoction by squeezing the leaves, then add enough purified water to get about 250 milliliters of liquid. Some sources report that it is necessary to cool the broth, then strain.

Now we will describe the correct method of decoction of lingonberry leaf. It is advisable to take the resulting remedy after meals, the daily norm is 200 milliliters. It is worth dividing the total volume into 2-4 servings.

There is another approach to taking a decoction. It can be drunk in 2 large spoons, 40 minutes after the meal. Such a treatment course can be continued up to 25 days, then a 12-day break is arranged. Further, if necessary, the therapy is repeated. Maximum 4 courses per year. It is advisable to shake the liquid before taking.

Recipe for infusion of lingonberry leaves


  • crushed lingonberry leaves - 1 teaspoon;
  • hot water - 1 glass.

Brew lingonberry leaves with boiling water and leave for a while. Drink this tea four times a day. A single dose is 50 milliliters. You can also take the infusion twice a day for 100 milliliters.

Lingonberry leaf in filter bags


  • filter bags from a pharmacy with prepared and chopped lingonberry leaves - 2 pieces;
  • boiling water - 100 milliliters.

After filling the bags with boiling water, you need to keep them for about half an hour, periodically working on them with a spoon for the most successful steaming of the leaves. At the end, squeeze the bags and add about 100 milliliters of boiling water. Such an infusion is designed to be taken 3-4 times a day, 1-2 large spoons.

Vitamin collection for pregnant women


  • cranberries - 2 tablespoons;
  • blackcurrant berries - 2 tablespoons;
  • rose hips - 2 tablespoons;
  • rowan berries - 2 tablespoons;
  • blueberries - 2 tablespoons;
  • boiling water - 2 cups.

With a deficiency of important vitamins in the body, such a recipe helps well. We take equal volumes of each type of raw material, fill it with hot water, then keep it in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. After cooling the broth, filter it and add a little boiling water. Means to be taken in small quantities instead of tea.

If the pregnancy proceeds with complications, then it is necessary to coordinate the use of any medicine or folk remedy with the attending physician. As practice shows, lingonberries really help many expectant mothers to improve their condition with edema and colds, but still standard medicines should not be neglected.

Many pregnant women are reluctant to listen to various medical prescriptions. They can be understood: almost all pharmaceutical preparations carry potential risks for the developing fetus. Therefore, when expectant mothers are prescribed to drink a decoction or infusion of lingonberry leaves, they, as a rule, calmly perceive the need for such therapy. Bewilderment and doubts appear when a woman finds pregnancy among the contraindications to the use of this remedy.

Let's find out more about this.

Infusion of lingonberry leaf with cystitis, with edema during pregnancy

Most often, lingonberry leaves during pregnancy are used for a diuretic purpose, when cystitis worsens in women or edema develops and there is a need for enhanced removal of fluid from the body. Such conditions in expectant mothers are not uncommon, there are many different reasons for this. And this is probably why lingonberries are most widely known in the first place as an effective, safe diuretic.

However, the lingonberry leaf also has a number of other properties that can be useful to a wide variety of categories of patients. It is able to exert choleretic, astringent, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, antiviral and other actions on our body. Due to the content of many active biological substances, lingonberry leaves help strengthen the body and speed up recovery, reduce temperature. This is especially true during the period of exacerbation of SARS. By the way, lingonberry decoctions can be used to gargle a sore throat and mouth for disinfection.

In the composition of cowberry leaves, in particular, tannins, glycosides, flavonoids, tartaric, ursulic, ellagic and quinic acids, vitamins of groups B and C, trace elements (manganese, potassium, calcium) were found. Of particular value is the glycoside arbutin, which acts as a natural antiseptic, which has the most beneficial effect on the urinary tract. When combined with lingonberry decoction with antibacterial agents in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes in the urinary tract, the therapeutic effect is enhanced.

Often this folk remedy is used in the treatment of diabetes - to reduce blood sugar levels. Dentists also resort to it as a disinfectant for the oral cavity. It can also be useful for constipation, producing a mild laxative effect. Decoctions and infusions of lingonberry leaves during pregnancy help some women eliminate heartburn attacks (but you should know that you can drink them only with low acidity of gastric juice). And lingonberries can be recommended for women during preeclampsia: it not only eliminates swelling, but also reduces high blood pressure, which often accompanies late toxicosis.

Is it possible to drink lingonberry leaf during pregnancy: contraindications

The practice of using this tool in obstetrics is quite large. However, among doctors there is no unity regarding such therapy for expectant mothers. The main reason for doubt is the ability of lingonberry leaves to thin the blood (which is why they are contraindicated for people with "liquid" blood, prone to bleeding) and bring the uterus into tone. For this reason, obstetrician-gynecologists prefer not to prescribe lingonberry leaf to their wards in the early stages of pregnancy. Usually they resort to his help after 28 weeks and later.

It is not recommended to drink lingonberry decoctions and infusions with low blood pressure. There are strict contraindications to the treatment with this herbal preparation. These are gastritis with high acidity, gastric / duodenal ulcer, serious disorders in the functioning of the kidneys (nephritis, glomerulonephritis, acute renal failure).

Of course, the possibility of intolerance is also not excluded. As with any other plant, product or medicine, allergic reactions to lingonberries are also possible.

And yet, despite a number of restrictions, many doctors prefer to treat their pregnant wards with a lingonberry leaf instead of pharmacy synthetic medicines, and not only in late pregnancy. They are sure: if you follow the prescribed dosages and regimens, then you should hardly be afraid of anything. But you should not resort to such treatment on your own: you should always consult a specialist. Be sure to let your doctor know that you decide to drink lingonberry tea if you are already taking any diuretics or medications.

How to brew and how to drink lingonberry leaf during pregnancy

So, if the doctor has prescribed you to drink lingonberry leaves, then he must certainly tell you how to take the infusion or decoction. Usually the dosage is 200 ml of drink during the day, which should be divided into 2 or 4 equal servings, that is, 100 or 50 grams.

Take lingonberry infusion should be before meals or in between meals. And to prepare it is very simple: one teaspoon of crushed leaves should be poured with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 30-40 minutes.

You can also prepare a decoction of lingonberry leaves from edema: 2 tablespoons of lingonberries should be boiled in 200 ml of boiling water in a water bath under a lid for a quarter of an hour. Then the broth is allowed to brew for 45 minutes, filtered, the leaves are squeezed and brought to the original volume, adding boiled water. It is recommended to take a decoction of lingonberry leaves for edema 3-4 times a day, 2 tbsp. spoons. Keep the rest in the refrigerator for no longer than 2-3 days.

Please note that if you harvest lingonberries yourself, then you need to do this in the spring, as soon as the snow melts: in the summer, during the ripening season of berries, leafy raw materials are devoid of medicinal properties. If you buy the drug in a pharmacy, then you should not make a choice in favor of filter bags: it may be more convenient to brew them, but in terms of therapeutic effect and composition, they are significantly inferior to whole leaves.

Lingonberry leaf during pregnancy: reviews

Pregnant women often discuss the question of whether it is possible to drink a decoction of lingonberry leaves on the forums. Almost everyone is inclined to believe that lingonberries are better than medicines. But the positive effect is not observed in all women: for one of them, such a remedy helps perfectly, for others it does not at all.

At least, we did not meet complaints about intolerance, the appearance of a threat of termination of pregnancy or any other complications due to the intake of infusions from lingonberry leaves. Perhaps, on the recommendation of a doctor and under his supervision, such therapy can be tried. However, be prepared: many expectant mothers grumble that such a drink is very tasteless. But is this the most important...

And, of course, do not forget that there are many other recommendations on how to deal with edema during pregnancy. The most important of these is to reduce your salt intake. It really helps.

Be healthy!

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina

Well, let's get acquainted with my "beautiful" friends. They are peaceful, but it happens that the crayon "Mashenka" cannot calm them down
1) the most, at times, enraging look ... for some reason, he shows his activity when visiting ... I can’t drink anything from cups and mugs except tea and coffee. All other drinks require a glass. And it is imperative that the cup / mug / glass be dry
2) this view is peaceful and does not infuriate anyone. I can't eat wet fruits, vegetables, berries, lettuce. I wipe everything. The taste of water makes it difficult to enjoy the taste of vegetables and fruits.
3) I don’t finish eating after the children and stop eating if someone (even if it’s the most beloved and dear person) got into my plate. You want to taste what's on my plate, no problem. Give me your plate, I'll put it for you myself. But you don't have to climb. I also don't let anyone take a bite out of my apple.
4) My things cannot be taken without permission. None! Even the gum lying under the table. No, she's not lying around, she's lying there and she's mine. You need my pen-a piece of paper-here is that bullshit-ask!
5) I don’t like it when they force me to do something, they put pressure on me ... I’ll do something, but I’ll put a bold tick. Yes, I have a notepad, where I put a tick (smile rukalitso)
6) Food should not be in the refrigerator ... therefore, if outside of work, then I cook a lot (5-6 times) a day in portions. Cooked, ate, washed dishes. In the refrigerator only yogurt, milk, juices, water, cheese, vegetables and fruits.
7) My most stupid cockroach is "that's right" ... I constantly fight with him ... My husband used to make big eyes and did not understand what difference it makes when the tea is made. But the tea that was made 5 minutes after my request was poured into the sink ... Honestly, I'm making a lot of efforts to destroy this barbel!
Tell me about your "comrades". Are you friends? Ways to fight? Who wins?
With spring exacerbation, lady. May the weather, mood, feelings be warm and joyful.



Good evening dear forum users! This topic was inspired by a conversation today with a friend who called and was interested in my health, I dined and ate herring with fried potatoes, to which my friend so violently expressed her Fi ... about herring, she doesn’t eat it at all and said that even the smell of it doesn’t endures (((I love herring and its fi ... somehow missed it, but then I thought about it and began to remember that I also never eat and also fi ... I will never touch milk foam, durian could not in Tae, I couldn’t try a snake, I don’t eat semolina, apparently I was overfed in childhood, and cottage cheese is also fi for me ... I never eat kidneys, it’s terrible for me.


Sofiko Sofiko

Good day everyone!

It's time to sum up the results of the competition for the title of the most handsome man

I didn’t count on anything like that when I created a topic with a vote and I want to first of all thank everyone who responded: who added candidates, who voted, and who brought liveliness and fun to the topic with their discussions. We must have broken every record that has ever been here. Thank you all very much!


Madame N.D.

Today summed up the results of a wonderful vote for the title of the most beautiful man. BUT - most of them are "imported" comrades! And I want to support our relatives and loved ones, Russian and Soviet men, and add additional nominations. After all, beauty is the advantage of ladies, and men differ in other qualities!
Add your favorites. And I'm starting!



Many topics with photos of cats were already on the forum. But today is their day, let's show our favorite pets again.
This is our Princess Gracie. At the end of September was picked up on the street. The former domestic cat spent about 8-9 months on the street. In the first photo, this is how we picked it up. She is on others now. Consider me bragging. I am very happy for her and us that we found each other.
Post photos of your pets, tell interesting things about them.


Lioness Passionate

Have you heard that a festive concert took place in St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg on February 23? The last was the song "On a submarine with an atomic motor". It was written back in 1980 by the bard A. Kozlovsky. Then it was perceived as a joke and even Soviet satire ... But now, even in such a super-serious performance, after “rocket shaking” it’s not funny. I definitely don't...
Here is a snippet of the song:
On a submarine with a nuclear engine
Yes, with a dozen bombs under a hundred megatons
Crossed the Atlantic and call the gunner:
“Point, I say, - Petrov, to the city of Washington!”
Tru-la-la, labor-la-la,
I can do everything for three rubles!
hello new earth
By the way, the performers and organizers explain, so this is a joke! And I’m thinking, maybe our modernity (and laws) will then be perceived: “So this is a joke! Well, you fools, did you believe it ?! ”... and a saech for a fright!)))

Well, it's still culture-multur. Will we also strengthen cultural values? Shall we be "lousy intellectuals" today?
Cheesecake book, joking. My Breaking Books:
-Lord of the Rings. D. Tolkien. 1954 (taught to love the world in all its glory)
-Blindness J. Saramago (taught to defend and defend)
-Where dreams lead. R. Matheson. 1978 (taught the infinity of being)
-The Master and Margarita. M. Bulgakov. 1940 (taught to love by giving)
-1984. D. Orwell 1949 (taught to be free)

And how did the "letters" affect you? Favorite works, quotes are welcome .... and unloved ones are also possible: Here is “100 Years of Solitude” by Ga. Ga. Marquez is not my book. Well, who was the "killer", I still read it, climbed onto the last pages ...)))