Black conspiracy for attractiveness and beauty. Prayer from the evil eye to beauty. Simple and effective conspiracies for sexuality and attractiveness

In this article:

Every woman wants to be attractive, it is important for her to be paid attention to, complimented, admired. For many centuries, female beauty has been of great importance, beauty has been the subject of real worship, and later - the subject of creative inspiration. Women, for their attractiveness, were dedicated to songs and poems, they painted pictures and made sculptures from them. But today, appearance is no less important, it still rules the world.

In the age of high technology, women have tremendous opportunities to be beautiful. Thousands of varieties of cosmetics, various beauty salons, fitness centers, and even plastic surgery stand guard over female beauty. They will help not only to emphasize the advantages of appearance, but can also significantly change this very appearance. Today everything is in the hands of a woman.

Magic and female attractiveness

But not everything is so clear. Unfortunately or fortunately, there is no clear relationship between a woman's happiness and her attractiveness. Haven't you heard stories that even the most beautiful are often lonely, and maybe this is your problem?

You like yourself, and everyone tells you that you are very attractive, but you still haven’t found simple female happiness? It's simple, it's about energy, about spiritual attraction.

These methods will never be superfluous, a huge number of women have experienced their positive impact on energy

A conspiracy or magic rite for attractiveness can have different goals. The first version of the ritual is aimed at increasing your sexual energy, opening the female chakras and attracting the attention of men in this way. The second version of the ritual for attractiveness helps to physically improve the appearance of the performer, improve the skin, remove wrinkles and much more.

Ritual for the growing moon

This magical ritual is aimed at improving the skin of the face. The ceremony must be carried out during the period of the growing moon or during the new moon, which symbolizes rebirth and a new beginning. The female performer should be dressed in a long white dress, no trousers and jeans are out of the question, you need to emphasize your femininity.

We take a teaspoon of aloe juice and half a spoon of fresh honey. We mix the ingredients in a clay or crystal bowl until we get a homogeneous mass. Now you need to wash your face in pure spring water and apply the resulting mixture on it. During this, it is necessary to read the words of the conspiracy seven times:

“You, prickly flower, yes you, sweet honey, remove old age from my face, strengthen my feminine beauty, so that all the young girls envy me, the servant of God (name), and the good fellows all licked me. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

After pronouncing the last lines, you need to wash your face seven times with clean warm water, saying:

“Like water on the face, so beauty on the face, like water from the face, and old age forever from my face.”

This rite must be performed at night, on the moon, for seven days.

Ritual for the attractiveness of the physical and spiritual

This magical ritual has a rich history, it has been used by women and girls since time immemorial, and in many families it was passed from mouth to mouth from the older generation to the younger. The beauty of the ceremony lies in the fact that it is very versatile, with its help you can eliminate flaws in your appearance, as well as get rid of problems on the spiritual plane that prevent a woman from gaining the attention of men, becoming charming and desirable.

The entire ritual must take place in a state of rest and silence.

The plot used in this ritual must be recited on your own thing that you use constantly, it is best if it is an object with which you improve your appearance, for example, a comb or a small mirror.

After the ceremony, in order for the spell to work, the charmed thing must always be kept next to you.

But do not forget about the simple rule that applies to all magical actions without exception: no one should see or hold the charmed thing in their hands, except for the performer.

Conspiracy words:

“My treasure is a treasure, my treasure is a love pledge. I will put you in a dungeon, but I will talk you into a beautiful maiden. Angel in the name, Archangel in the name, pull the suitors to the servant of God (name). I will be beautiful, I will be ruddy, I will be desirable to men, but like grass is spicy. Let the fellows grieve for me, let them yearn, grieve. In the world they remember me, in a feast. On the ground, yes on the water, remember me everywhere. I will be bright for them, like the light of the sun, clear, like the face of the moon, warm, like a soft wave. I will be among all the girls, but there is only one such woman. My words are strong, my desires are true. No one can knock down my conspiracy, do not whisper, do not find stronger words to scold. As people believe in God and bow to their mother church, so everyone will love, desire and respect me. Everyone will meet me with a smile on their lips, but they will see me off with their eyes for a long time. My word is true, as I said, so be it. Amen".

Ritual to attract the attention of the opposite sex

This rite is similar to the previous ritual in terms of effectiveness, it also affects both the physical and spiritual levels and is a universal remedy if you want to feel desired and attractive.

Take a new mirror or one that only you use.

The ritual must be performed after midnight. Before this, take a bath or go to the shower, but during the ritual, your hair should already be completely dry. We put a small mirror on the table and place burning church candles on both sides. You need to sit right in front of the installed mirror, comb your hair with a wooden comb and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“Beyond the sea-ocean, there is an ancient island - Buyan. On that island, a strong tower stands, made of black stone, icy stone, eternal, indestructible. In that tower there is a dark dungeon, a cold dungeon. There is no light in that dungeon. And there sits a beautiful girl. That dungeon is guarded by three fierce dogs, three gray beasts, with burning eyes, with sharp claws. Those dogs of beauty do not let the white light come out, but show their unwritten beauty to people. First dog, you hear me, cool down, calm down. The second dog, and you hear me, go to eternal sleep. And the third dog hear me, but run away as soon as possible. How do the animals leave? So the girl will come into the light of God. Through the night, through the day, through the ocean and the sea, through the dope and the flame, and through the spelled mirror. Get down, beauty, on the hair of the servant of God (name), give her your youth, your beauty, your strong strength. Now the servant of God (name) will be sweet to everyone, good to everyone, desirable to everyone. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading the last words, you need to quickly turn the mirror over and put it on the table with its reflective side. Now blow out the candles, first the one on the left, then the right one. Before. How to go to bed, you need to put the comb used in the ritual under your pillow and do not get it out for the next seven days. Until the end of this week, you can’t look in the mirror, on which he slandered the words of the conspiracy.

Magic rite with a ring

To attract the attention of the opposite sex, you need to buy a ring made of any metal, the main thing is that it be with a small red stone. The ring must be wrapped in a silk scarf and left in a dark place in the room for one week. During this period, no one should find the ring used, otherwise the rite will be very unsuccessful.

After a week, you need to hold the ring in your right hand and read the words of the conspiracy on it:

“Go, good fellows, to an honest holiday, to a clean holiday, to the feast of Christ. Just as the Orthodox people admire the icon of the Mother of God, so they will admire me, the servant of God (name). May I be more beautiful than the sun, more desirable than other maidens, and women. I will be dearer to them than all gold and silver. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

“My light, mirror! Tell
Yes, tell the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter?

Attractiveness is only your feature and only yours. This is a well-groomed appearance, and this is the belief that you are the most charming and attractive. An attractive woman can be looked at for a long time, like fire or water. Female attractiveness is an endless subject of delight and enthusiasm. When we look at a person, absolutely the first thing our eyes fall on is his face. And from this we can conclude that the appearance is a kind of business card that creates the first impression. Of course, external beauty is absolutely not the main thing, but still, it is more pleasant to communicate with a person who has healthy, clean, velvety skin. But in order to become the owner of clean, velvety skin, it is not necessary to spend hours in the beautician's office, or spend money on expensive creams. The recipes of our great-grandmothers will help you cope with even the most neglected problems on your face. Therefore, the conversation will go on about them.

Conspiracies for cream lotion, etc.

You need to take any cosmetic product (the most important thing is that it matches your skin type). I speak three times on the same day, for example, on Friday - this day of love and beauty. In the morning at dawn and at noon, you need to open a jar, go outside (or open a window) and read a conspiracy over it three times: How God's creatures rejoice at the red sun, how they admire poppies, how sweet May honey is and need salt in food, so would I, the servant of God (name), be liked by everyone: girls and young men, old men and old women, widowers and widows, rich and stingy, merchants and priests and the whole human race. I would be pleasing to the eye, reasonable in speeches, to the ear, like a murmuring stream, eyes burning like fire. I would enchant them with these charms. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the evening at sunset, you need to read the following: The clear sun rolls to rest, gain strength and shine again. So I would get up in the morning, shine all over the world, and at night gain beauty, strengthen my health and strength, and be sweet in a dream. My faithful word no one will break, will not move. And my beauty grows stronger every day. Amen. After that, the cream can be used from the next day.

A conspiracy from flaws on the face A conspiracy from acne, spots, wrinkles and all sorts of other flaws on the face will help. Blow on the comb and say: Comb-comb, take all the wrinkles (blackheads, spots ...) from my face. Amen.

Conspiracy on a cream so that there are no wrinkles

On the full moon before noon, buy a jar of face cream. Without opening, in the evening, say a conspiracy over him: “There were 12 sisters, 12 young women, 12 beauties, 12 queens from each beauty in a barrel.” After that, take a shower or bath, open the cream and apply it on your face, saying: “Like love from the first sister! From the 2nd beauty! From the 3rd thick hair! From the 4th sonorous voice. From the 5th hand I have tender, from the 6th my teeth are snow-white, from the 7th eyelashes black, from the 8th my eyebrows are thin, from the 9th hot eyes, from the 10th nose voster, from the 11th scarlet mouth, but as the 12th, let it be all.

Closing the cream, say: “Twelve sisters, all in the tent! I open - I gain beauty! Whenever using the cream, do not forget to pronounce this conspiracy.

For facial rejuvenation and beauty.

You need to draw cold water into a bucket or basin, say “Water-water, take away all the wrinkles (acne, spots ...) from my face” three times, then rinse your face seven times with water from the palms of the bucket. It is better to do the procedure at night, and do not wipe the water dry. You need to do it systematically, the result will not make you wait long

Get rid of acne.

Cut the potato in two. Rub them on pimples, imagining that the potato draws the negativity out of them. Connect the halves of the tuber, put in the center of a white sheet of paper, salt hard and wrap. Throw the bundle into the fire (oven, bonfire) and say three times: “Burn, burn, burn my pimples in the fire. Let it be so!".

So that girlish beauty blossoms

This tool helps to restore and preserve the beauty of a girl for a whole year, and they read it only once a year, therefore. You need to take spring water, pour it into a cup and put it at the head of the bed on the night before the Old New Year. Wake up in the morning and, without getting out of bed, take that cup with your left hand and read the following words:

From a soft bed, I, a servant of God, will get up, I will remember Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, I will go to the gate, go out to the key, I want to get some water for myself. So that, having washed it clean, to become a white-faced, red-blushed, beautiful girl, and not some kind of black. So that everyone who sees me and praises my beauty, speaks about love, gives gifts. To have suitors, as in a herd of cows. To become like a beautiful girl, she was like that for a whole year, until the conspiracy comes down. Amen.

Then immediately drink half a cup of water in one gulp. And the rest of the water douse yourself all over. You can't bathe that day.

So that beauty returns to a woman

This slander helps to restore the lost female beauty. To do this, you need to prepare spring or running water, three identical candles, it is better from wax, a glass of light glass and a new sky-blue scarf. And you still need a pinch of salt, only the largest one. This conspiracy must be read on the full moon. At midnight most. You need to close yourself in an empty room, put a scarf on your head, light three candles and put them around an empty glass. Then take a pinch of salt, throw it into a glass and pour spring water into it, saying:

Water-voditsa, do not let me get drunk, but give me beauty, get rid of nausea. Whiten your face, blush your cheeks, blacken your eyes so that I, the servant of God (name), become a pretty young woman, a pretty young woman, like a queen.

And then immediately blow out all the candles and leave the room. The next morning, get up at dawn, better than everyone else in the house, go to that room, stand near a glass of water, cross yourself three times, take a glass with your left hand, drink seven sips of charmed water, and douse the rest yourself from head to toe. But don't tell anyone about what you did.

For everyone to love you

To conspire on beauty, you need to take a glass of water, the purest, and a little salt, the largest. At midnight on a full moon, you need to stand in the middle of the room facing the window, the curtains should not be drawn. In your left hand you need to hold a glass of water, in your right hand - squeeze a little salt in your fist. And read the words like this:

Moonlight water, clear water, I swallow you, I beg you. Make me, God's servant (name), every day be good and fresh, every day people look at me, like they look at our mother Moon, so that every day they give a word, they say about me: “How good the moon is , so the servant of God (name) is good and young, chubby and white, young and cheerful.

Then immediately throw salt into a glass, and put the glass on the window. And in the morning, as soon as you wake up, you need to drink a sip of that water. With words:

Water - in me, beauty - on me! Amen amenu transamine.

Do this for a week, and if there is still water left, then pour it over the threshold, only very carefully - you can’t pour it on the threshold.

So that beauty blooms and attracts everyone to itself (bath additive)

For this conspiracy, you need to collect a bottle of water from a natural spring, but not in a plastic one, but in a glass one. This must be done on a full moon.

Then on the same day in the evening, when it gets dark, put that bottle on the window with the words:

There were dove sisters, birds flew across the sky. The birds said: "We will have queens." And each girl put her beauty into the water.

So repeat six times. Let the water stand on the window for a day. The next evening, before going to bed, you need to take a bath and add twelve teaspoons of that water to it, saying:

Az, servant of God (name), I want to be like. I take love from my first sister! From the second - beauty! From the third - thick hair, from the fourth - a sonorous voice, from the fifth - gentle hands, from the sixth - snow-white teeth, from the seventh - black eyelashes, from the eighth - thin eyebrows, from the ninth - burning eyes, from the tenth - a bright nose, from the eleventh - scarlet lips, but as the twelfth, I myself will become!

Then, sitting in the bath, say:

Twelve sisters, all in the tent! I, the servant of God (name), climb into the water - I gain beauty!

Every time you take a bath, add the same water as well and say the same words again.

To bring beauty to the youth

This tool helps to bring beauty for the whole year, and it is read only once a year. You need to take spring water, pour it into a cup and put it at the head of the bed on the night before the old New Year. Wake up in the morning and, without getting out of bed, take that cup with your left hand and read the following words:

The servant of God (name) spoke to the water, drank water from the cup. So that the water, as it entered me, washed me, washed me, blushed, bleached, served my beauty. Goodness brought, badness carried away. I drink a sip, I forget the longing for a twisted hair, for a distant eye. According to the articles, on the back, on the beautiful for me. From now on and forever my body arrives, my hair arrives, my beauty arrives, girls flow to me. Amen.

Then immediately drink half a cup of water in one gulp. And the rest of the water douse yourself from head to toe. You can't bathe that day.

For a man to be good-looking and nice to women

You need to collect a jar of spring water or take it in a consecrated church. At midnight on a full moon, go out the door with a jar in your hands and say these words:

Two girls are walking from a distant spring, they stumbled on a stone, turned into turtledoves, spilled water - on me, a servant of God (name), they let beauty in.

In the morning of that water, drink three sips, and immediately after that, say the following words of a conspiracy to beauty:

The baby Jesus was washed by the Mother of God, and I, the servant of God (name), are blessed with beauty. Protected from wrinkles, stains, warts, rewarded with thick hair, a falcon's eye, a sable eyebrow. I drink water, I take beauty. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Do this for a week, and then pour the remaining water on yourself, dipping from head to toe.

Bath plot for body rejuvenation

To restore beauty and youth, you need to take a linden broom and a liter jar of water from a natural spring. Water must be drawn on the full moon, at dawn, and so that no one sees. And above the water, already at home, in a bright room where there is no one, read first "Our Father", then a prayer to Panteleimon the healer, then - the words are as follows:

I banish old age, ward off infirmity, welcome beauty and smoothness. So that the hands of the servant of God (name) are smooth and beautiful, and the legs of the servant of God (name) are smooth and beautiful, and the camp of the servant of God (name) is smooth and beautiful, and the face of the servant of God (name) is smooth and beautiful, the eyes sparkle , hair played, the body was flexible, and beautiful, and desirable for everyone. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then you need to go to the bathhouse on the same day. Add that charmed water to a basin of hot water. And how will you begin to bathe, groom yourself with a linden broom with the words:

Pain from the yard, beauty and youth at the gate.

And then douse yourself from head to toe with charmed water. That broom must be taken to the cemetery and left behind the fence.

Magical ritual BEAUTY OF ROSES.

Take a chicken egg (not store-bought, but fertilized, from a domestic chicken) and separate the protein from the yolk. Beat the protein and apply on the face and neck. After 15 minutes, you need to wash off the protein with running water, preferably from a clean stream, river, and take the yolk and bury it near a rose bush. In this case, the beauty of the rose passes to the woman.

Rite of rejuvenation with a candle

Take a green or red candle. Use a white-handled knife (don't use a knife you use in the kitchen!) to carve words into it that describe the changes you want to make in your appearance. For example, “the skin is cleansed”, “wrinkles disappear”, and so on. Light a candle and put a few drops of wax into the bath water or washbasin. Leave the candle to burn out.
Use this water for washing, bathing or washing, it will strengthen your body, give strength and freshness. Beauty is in the eyes of those who see it, so be sure to do this simple ritual even if you absolutely cannot stand your body. Never let other people tease you and make fun of you.

Rite of Rejuvenation 2

You will need: rosemary and sunflower (rustic, natural, unrefined) oil, paper and fountain pen with red ink, a sprig of rosemary, a glass of melt or rain water.

Drop 5 drops of rosemary oil into 30 g of sunflower oil. Rub the oil mixture into your hair. Close your eyes and inhale the scent.
Write your name on a piece of paper in red ink, dip a sprig of rosemary into a glass of water and say:

Dew from the sea, add charm to me,
Give me love and charm.

Now put a piece of paper with the name in the water, and take it out when the ink is a little washed out, brightened. Hide it somewhere in a book. Then wash off the oil from the hair (possibly with shampoo), for the last rinse, use water from a glass. Carry a branch of rosemary with you for the rest of the day. Do the ceremony when you feel the need.

Rejuvenation with "LIVING EGGS"

If you began to notice that beauty, strength, youth, self-confidence began to go somewhere, you can correct the situation with the help of a bath and a ritual of "living eggs". You need to buy eggs - 12 pieces - but not dead store-bought ones, from incubator hens, but in the market, from a chicken that was trampled by a rooster. Heat the bath with birch or aspen, these are female trees. Make a linden broth - a handful of linden blossom per liter of water - and add half a glass of good milk to it, again from a cow, not from a bag. When everything is ready, go to the steam room, wash yourself with a lime decoction with milk and read a prayer to the Guardian Angel:

Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and protector of my soul and body, forgive me everything that I have sinned today, and deliver me from all the wickedness of my enemy.
No matter how strong my sin angers God, pray for me, show me worthy of the goodness and mercy of the Holy Trinity and the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ and all the Saints. Amen.

Wash (wash only the body, do not wash the head) and rest a little. Next, rub your body red with a washcloth WITHOUT SOAP, go to the steam room, lie down on a shelf and, when you sweat a lot, break eggs over yourself. After breaking an egg, immediately spread it on your hands, legs, chest, stomach, face. Of course, you need to smear with the contents of the egg, and not with a sharp shell. which can injure the skin. Having broken all 12 eggs, quickly rub them into the body, while reading:

Dawn Maria, Dawn Marina, Dawn - sweet Raspberry,
How delicious, clear, red you are.
How the whole world loves Dawn Maria, Dawn Marina,
Dawn - berry - raspberry,
So the slave (his name) will be loved, praised,
To admire her.
my word is strong, as this egg is molded.
On the arms, on the legs, on the stomach, on the chest, on the white face.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen, Amen.

When you have finished reading the plot, wash yourself and pour over the remaining lime broth. Bury the shells from the tree under the tree so that no one can see. You can help conduct the ceremony with a specialist or a person you trust. However, be careful - if this person (or you yourself) tells someone about your ritual, all the power will go to the listener, and you will lose Power even faster. Therefore, our recommendation is to either ask a healer or healer for help, or do everything yourself and be silent.

Magic face mask.

To do on Fridays after seven o'clock in the evening. Take 1 tsp. aloe juice and 0.5 tsp. lime honey, mix them in a glass bowl with a glass rod. Wash your face and apply the mixture on it. Then repeat the plot 7 times: "You, prickly juice-flower, And you, lime honey, Take away old age from your face, And strengthen your beauty. To make the women jealous, And the men lick." After you have repeated the words 7 times, wash your face with warm water with your right hand, saying the words: "Water on the face - beauty on the face, Water from the face - old age from the face." Repeat these actions every Friday for 7 weeks, and your skin will become soft and youthful.

The French queen Catherine de Medici was originally from Italy. She regularly used this almond oil mask recipe and was famous for her velvety skin. This oil improves complexion, and also replaces makeup remover milk, this oil is suitable as a remedy for nourishing skin and strengthening hair .

Recipe: Mix: 2 raw yolks; juice of half a lemon; a teaspoon of almond oil. Apply the mixture to your hair and leave for half an hour, then rinse with warm water, and rinse your hair with water with lemon juice (2 tablespoons per liter of water) or apple cider vinegar (1 table, spoon per liter of water). It can also be used as makeup remover milk.

Greek women still strive to match this goddess. Greek scrub based on olive oil. Mix in equal parts washed river or sea sand, sea salt, add olive oil - so that you get a thick porridge, or a homemade scrub. This mixture needs to process everything problematic, roughened zones - heels, elbows, knees. Then take a cool shower. The skin will become like velvet!

Polish beauties have their own secrets of attractiveness.

Here is the recipe for a cleansing mask. You will need milk and yeast. Mix yeast and warm milk in such a proportion that a creamy mass is obtained. Apply to face and décolleté. After 10 minutes, rinse with cool water and apply a warm compress. This procedure helps to get rid of blackheads and acne. Chamomile ice. Brew a tablespoon of pharmaceutical chamomile with a glass of boiling water, let stand for 10-15 minutes, strain, pour into ice molds and put in the freezer. Wipe your face in the morning and in the evening, and the skin will always look great.

The fair sex of South Africa widely use aloe for the preparation of cosmetic products.

Take a large leaf of aloe, wrap it in foil and put it in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Now it can be used, cut the leaf in half and apply the juice on the face or other parts of the body. After 20 minutes, rinse with cool water. Aloe juice tones the skin and gives it freshness.

Mask for dry skin: 1 table. a spoonful of aloe juice; egg yolk; 1 table. a spoonful of fat sour cream (or olive oil). After 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Mask for oily skin: 1 table. a spoonful of aloe juice; whipped protein; 2 table. spoons of lemon juice; 1 table. a spoonful of ground hercules. After 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Every Indian woman pays great attention to her skin, every Indian woman has her own beauty secrets.

Lemon is a good cosmetic product for oily skin care. Take a tablespoon of lemon juice and a spoonful of cottage cheese, mix thoroughly and apply on the face in a thick layer. Wash off the mask with warm water after 15-20 minutes.

Egg white cleanses the skin well and perfectly narrows the pores. Apply beaten egg white on your face for fifteen minutes and then wash off with warm water and lemon juice.

Rose petals and calendula (marigold) flowers are an excellent cleanser for dry skin. To prepare the mixture, you will need 100 milliliters of buttermilk, 50 grams of fresh rose petals or calendula flowers. Pour the buttermilk into a saucepan, pour in the petals and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Remove the prepared mixture from the heat, cool and leave to infuse for several hours. Apply the product on the skin, and after 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Egg yolk mask (the yolk contains the protein necessary to nourish the skin). Mix the yolk with honey, apply on the face for twenty minutes, rinse with cold water.

Nutritious vegetable and fruit masks are especially popular in India. Mix the pulp of tomatoes, cucumbers and melons and apply this mixture on your face for 15-20 minutes and then wash off with cool water. Carefully crush the pulp of plums or apricots, apply on face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

To relieve fatigue and swelling of the eyes, this remedy will help: take two ice cubes and two slices of cucumber, wrap them in a soft cloth and put them on your eyes. This compress has a calming and regenerating effect.
To make the skin soft and velvety, Indian women take a bath with the addition of the following ingredients: 2-3 tablespoons of starch and a teaspoon of glycerin; two cups of household soda and two tablespoons of salt plus a few drops of essential oil (lavender or pine). Mix these ingredients thoroughly and store in a jar, adding 1 tablespoon of the mixture at a time; any vegetable oil (almond, olive, sunflower);
spoons of honey.

To make the skin smooth and velvety; add a glass of powdered milk to the bath to soften the skin, but regular milk will also work.
Such a bath improves skin condition and has a calming effect after a hard day.

Everyone would like to be attractive and stay forever young. But spending a lot of money on procedures and cosmetics is sometimes not enough to make others look with admiration. However, rituals and conspiracies for beauty help not only look great, but also feel confident.

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Varieties of conspiracies for beauty

Rites of this kind have a different focus, which can be divided into two types - physical influence and spiritual influence. The former act on matter, helping to get rid of extra pounds or skin problems. The latter reveal the inner natural attractiveness, charm and scar.

Basic rules for reading conspiracies for beauty

By observing some rules before conducting the ceremony at home, you can further enhance its influence:

  1. Before reading the conspiracy, it will be useful to observe fasting - physical and spiritual. Get rid of excesses in food and emotions, try to clean up the energy plan and nourish it with positive.
  2. Conspiracies for beauty, like many other female practices, have the greatest power on the full moon.
  3. For this kind of magic, a clear goal-setting is very important. Since beauty rituals are mostly white magic, dark impulses can spoil witchcraft, and sometimes work in the opposite direction. So if the caster is planning, for example, to beat off a man with the help of a newfound attraction, it is better to refuse such an idea.
  4. It is important to preserve the sacrament of rituals, conducting it alone, away from prying eyes.
  5. And, of course, the main guarantee of the effectiveness of witchcraft is a firm belief in its action. Do not doubt yourself, and everything will be in your power.

Remember that even if you really believe in witchcraft, it will not work if a person does not take any independent steps towards his goal. Magic can help achieve results, but it is not omnipotent, so do not forget about physical care.

The consequences of rituals to attract beauty

Despite the fact that attractiveness conspiracies are white magic, you still have to pay for such witchcraft. Remember that anything that is achieved through newfound beauty, whether it be success in business or love, may require retribution and take something from your life in return.

Even an experienced fortuneteller cannot predict the exact price for each conspiracy. If you direct actions to increase goodness and joy in the world, unpleasant consequences will bypass.

The best conspiracies for beauty

There are many rituals that help to gain or restore attractiveness. Some eliminate skin imperfections and prevent wrinkles, others help to find a dream figure or grow a beautiful braid.

Conspiracy for harmony

The following slimming conspiracy, suitable for all women, will help you find a beautiful body and become attractive. Best done - this lunar phase is good for getting rid of the old and unnecessary.

For the ceremony you will need a glass of water. At midnight, cast a spell on the water seven times.

Devils, I appeal to you, I invite you. Go around me, take my zhor for yourself, carry demonic yards to distant lands, forget the way back and block my ways. Demonic power take away from me the hungry power that beckons so much to food. As water, spilled, dries up, my hunger will dry up, it will not exhaust my soul more.

The charmed water should once be poured into a river or a sink.

Conspiracy to get rid of extra pounds

In order to find a beautiful figure and a slender ass, a conspiracy to get rid of extra pounds is suitable. Just like the last one, it should be read on the waning moon, Monday or Friday is best.

You need to prepare for the ritual in advance:

  1. To get started, clearly define your desired weight, calculate how many kilograms you want to lose.
  2. Remelt a church candle or use beeswax purchased from a pharmacy. Roll it into a cylinder about the size of your little finger.
  3. At midnight, a week before the full moon, start cutting off as many pieces of wax from the cylinder as you want to lose a kilogram.
  4. Roll the cut pieces into a ball, symbolizing your excess weight. Hide the ball under the pillow.
  5. On a full moon, take out a wax ball, squeeze it in your right hand and visualize yourself as much as possible without extra weight. Concentrate on the positive emotions from this visualization.
  6. Find a spot where the moonlight won't block anything and where it can linger the longest during the night.
  7. Draw a circle in the moonlight with chalk. Put a ball of wax there and go to bed.
  8. Further, every morning cut off a small piece from the ball and melt it, clearly imagining how to get rid of extra pounds and gain a slender figure. At the same time, read the plot.

“In a distant forest, but in a high chamber on a downy feather bed, a pig lies, guards my fat, does not let go. The pig is about seven ugly heads and ten insatiable mouths. Eat my fat, pig, eat, six heads, and the seventh hunger. Let the pig eat my fat, and take the extra weight. Amen".

Throw melted wax outside or flush it down the toilet. It will be good to time the portions of wax so that the ball will be completely melted by the next full moon.

Conspiracy for breast augmentation

Many girls are complex because of small breasts. In this situation, a conspiracy for breast augmentation will help out.

This ritual is performed on the night of the full moon. For the ritual, you will need old clothes - a jacket or dress. At midnight, stand on the upper part of the chest area and, without taking your eyes off the disk of the moon, say the magic words.

As the moon is full and round, my chest will be magnificent and white. I hide a golden key under the fifth, I wash my chest with living water, but I lock it with that key. Amen.

The item that participated in the ritual can no longer be worn, but can be saved to repeat the ritual on the next full moon. Such a plot can be read on every full moon.

To enhance the effect of the conspiracy, you can drink brewed hops in small quantities at a daily dosage of 2 teaspoons per glass of water. You should not take the entire dose in one gulp, but divide it into three servings. The plant stimulates the production of estrogens, which promote breast enlargement, but if the caster has a tendency to be overweight, this can also lead to weight gain.

It is important to remember that hops are not a safe plant and affect the central nervous system. Be careful, as an overdose is fraught with serious consequences. Pregnant women should never take hops.

Conspiracy to get rid of wrinkles

In addition to the prophecies, Vanga left behind an effective and uncomplicated conspiracy against wrinkles:

  1. Take a glass of clean water, holy water works well.
  2. At sunrise, get up and say a conspiracy seven times: “I won’t let go of beauty, I won’t let old age go, my face will look younger, and my skin will turn white. Amen".
  3. Wash yourself with enchanted water. Repeat the ritual every morning for seven days.

For another effective ritual to preserve youth and health, special conditions are required:

  1. To perform the ritual, you need to go out on a moonlit Thursday night under the open sky and pour spring water from head to toe. It is better to completely submerge yourself in water.
  2. In the process of ablution, pronounce the words of the conspiracy.

“Pure crystal water that washed the wounds of the Savior, wash weakness and old age from my body and face, from every vein and bone, every piece and hair, both outside and inside, bestow irresistibility. Amen".

After you read the plot:

  1. Dry off with a white towel after bathing.
  2. Then find the aspen and tie a towel around it.
  3. Leave this place.
  4. On the way home, in no case should you look back.

During night swimming, it is important to ensure that the moonlight constantly illuminates the reservoir. If the moon is hidden behind clouds, it is better to get out of the water, otherwise the effect of the ritual may turn into the opposite.

The best conspiracy for eternal youth

If you are worried about melting youth and beauty, then this conspiracy will help. He needs fresh fresh milk. At midnight, place a glass of milk under the moonlight, and repeat the spell three times.

Milk is white, fresh, fresh, make me young, white-faced and ruddy. I couldn't take my eyes off anyone who didn't look at me. Amen.

Drink three sips of milk from a glass, and wash your face with the rest. The ritual can be repeated every week.

There is also another effective powerful ritual for the preservation and return of youth.

For him you will need:

  • pure spring or holy water;
  • three wax church candles;
  • a pinch of coarse salt;
  • a new sky blue scarf.

The ritual is performed on the full moon.

You need to do this:

  1. At midnight, tie a scarf around your head and light candles.
  2. Throw a few grains of salt into the glass and start saying spells while pouring water into the glass.

Voditsa is clean, key, give me beauty, but take away unattractiveness. I will become stately, young, desirable. Amen.

After saying these words:

  1. Extinguish the candles and go to sleep.
  2. In the morning, drink seven sips of charmed water and cross yourself with your right hand.
  3. Wash with the remaining water.

Until the next day, try to have less contact with water (washing can be replaced by wiping with wet wipes).

Conspiracy for beauty on the full moon

To perform this ritual, buy a bath broom made from linden branches.

  1. On the day of the full moon, get up at dawn to collect spring water in a bucket.
  2. Read the prayer "Our Father" over the water, then an appeal to St. Panteleimon the healer.
  3. Cast a spell.

I take away infirmity, I drive out old age, I welcome youth and strength. So that the hands of the servant of God (name) preserve the beauty, the legs of the servant of God (name) were full of strength, the camp of the servant of God (name) became flexible, and the face of the servant of God (name) of youth was filled with beauty, the eyes shone, and the braids curly. Amen.

After that, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the bathhouse and mix the charged water with heated water and take a steam bath using the prepared broom.
  2. Repeat the plot: "Leave the ailment from the yard, come back, youth and beauty."
  3. After the bath, the broom should be thrown into the cemetery.

Conspiracy on attractiveness for cosmetics

Another good ritual for getting rid of wrinkles is read on a hygiene cream. In addition to smoothing wrinkles, it can also help get rid of blackheads. You can speak several cosmetics at once. For the ceremony, choose a clear night on the growing moon.

Do the following:

  1. At midnight, stand in the moonlight.
  2. Open the cream and expose it to the moonbeams.
  3. Concentrate well and say the magic words: “The paths and ruts on my face will be smoothed out, my face will become bright and clean, like a lake surface, which nothing disturbs on a moonlit night. Amen".
  4. Close the cream, but leave it in the moonlight so that it absorbs the magical energy.
  5. The next day, start using the charmed cream.

Katerina Vesta on her channel talks about proven Slavic practices that awaken beauty.

A conspiracy for rejuvenation on the growing moon

The plot is performed at midnight on the growing moon. For its execution, you will need a church candle and a large mirror.

Do the following:

  1. Stand in front of a mirror and light a candle.
  2. Looking at your reflection, say a conspiracy.

“In a wide field on the road, a crossroads stands a white-combustible stone Alatyr. Not a toad will sit next to him, not a rooster will scream, not a snake will hiss, but only the Firebird burns with fire, dazzles with beauty. As the Firebird overshadows everyone with its beauty, so I will sparkle with pure gold, attract my betrothed. Amen".

After the spell has been spoken:

  1. Turn counterclockwise three times.
  2. Repeat this ritual three times.

For another rejuvenation plot, choose a small thing. After the conspiracy, you will always need to have it with you or carry it in your bag. At midnight, in the phase of the growing moon, say a conspiracy on the chosen item.

“You are my treasure, a love pledge, a heartfelt one. I don’t hide you in a dungeon-earth, but I speak to a girl. So that I was blush, like a dawn, but like a spicy dukhmyana grass. Amen".

The resulting amulet cannot be transferred to anyone or even shown. It is also impossible to talk about the ritual itself, otherwise witchcraft may not work.

A conspiracy for beauty on cudweed grass

The conspiracy to cudweed is very effective and multifaceted. It is suitable for both women and men of all ages. The rite will help smooth out wrinkles and help heal acne, sores and abscesses.

For a conspiracy, you need to find swamp cudweed, it grows on the banks of rivers or near swamps. It is a strong magical herb, used in magical rituals since ancient times.

When you find a cudweed, do not pluck it immediately, but first read the plot.

Swamp and life, but not death. The face is white, not the cross back. I bow, but I pick it up for beauty. Amen.

After casting the spell, uproot the plant. Scoop up nearby river water. At home, prepare a decoction of cudweed, selecting only whole and healthy leaves. Wash your face with this decoction daily.

A simple conspiracy for beauty on melt water

For a conspiracy, you will need seven small clean icicles.

You need to do the following steps:

  1. Bring icicles into the house and let them melt.
  2. Read the magic conspiracy on the melt water: “How water descends from God’s heaven, let it freeze at the command of God, let pimples and sores disappear from my face and never return. Amen".
  3. It is necessary to pronounce the plot seven times.
  4. Wash yourself with charmed water.

Beauty spell before bed

Such a plot is read three times before going to bed. For the accompanying ritual, you will need a black candle and an item that will be used as an amulet.

At midnight on the growing moon, light a candle, take in your hand the object that you will enchant and read the plot.

With dark power I seduce, with the beauty of the heart I captivate, I subjugate the will. As I say, so be it.

The amulet now needs to be carried with you. After a month, the ritual can be repeated, then the amulet will gain more and more strength each time.

Conspiracy for sexual attraction

This plot is universal and suitable for both men and women.

For its implementation you will need:

  • a slice of bread;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • glass of water.

The plot is read at dawn in the field.

Leave the house and, walking towards the sun, quietly and confidently read the spell.

The sun wakes up red, illuminates me with bright rays. Divine light penetrates into me, fills my heart with joy, and elevates my soul to the light, and endows my body with strength and beauty. My face will become ruddy, my eyes are clear, my lips are red, and my blood is hot. Amen.

You can continue walking as long as you like. The plot can also be read more than once.

When you decide that it is time to end the ritual, sit on the grass, get bread, salt and water and say the second plot on them.

Just as people cannot live without bread and salt, without spring water, and sunlight, so (the name of the person you want to attract) cannot do without me. I will become sweeter than the white light, more desirable than the red sun. Amen.

Salt the bread and eat, drink water.

Conspiracy for the beauty of hair, face and body

This ritual for female beauty and youth should be performed on the full moon or on the growing moon.

For the ritual you will need:

  • two church candles;
  • large mirror;
  • new haircut.

Before casting, take a bath or rinse in the shower. Wash and dry your hair.

  1. Sit in front of a mirror, place the candles on either side of it and light it.
  2. Comb your hair with a new comb and read the plot.

Far away stands in a thick forest a tall tower made of black stone. A girl of unearthly beauty languishes in that tower. On guard of the dungeon, three fierce dogs, with a burning eye, stand, do not let the beautiful maiden free. Take it easy, first dog! The second dog - sleep like a dead sleep! Go away, third dog! Come out, beautiful girl, from your prison. Give me your beauty and youth, give me magic power so that I am loved by everyone and desired forever. Amen.

Repeat the text of the spell three times.

After that:

  1. Lay the mirror with the reflective surface down and do not touch it for three days.
  2. Extinguish the candles - first the left, then the right.
  3. Hide the comb under the pillow and leave for seven nights. After the conspiracy, the comb must not be loaned to anyone and allowed to be used.

Conspiracy for beauty on dew

To perform this rite, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Get up at dawn.
  2. Put on a thin nightgown or dress and go out into the field.
  3. Lie down in the grass so that you are completely soaked in the dew. If this is not possible, it is enough to wash your face and hands.
  4. Read the plot.

The grass is tender, I taste your dew, I get youth, health and beauty. Bestow your strength and life, let me always bloom, like a spring bush. Amen.

Conspiracy for beauty and health

For such a ceremony, it is necessary to prepare a special decoction of herbs, and it is not so much the composition of the herbs that is important, but the ritual of their collection.

Ritual procedure:

  1. In the morning, walk barefoot through the meadow and pick flowers and leaves that you like. When you pick a plant, bow each time and respectfully ask for help. You can, for example, with these words: “Slender birch, I ask for help, share with me a leaf for my beauty!”.
  2. Collected herbs at home need to be crushed and dried. If it is not possible to harvest on your own, you can prepare a decoction of pharmaceutical herbs, but this will greatly affect the strength of the ritual.
  3. For a decoction per liter of boiling water, throw a handful of the collection, and say a conspiracy: “The Lord gave the herbs the sun, rewarded them with endless beauty. I take their strength for myself, for health and beauty, with God's grace. Amen".
  4. Cool the decoction and rinse with it after bathing. During rinsing, you can also cast a spell: “Hair to hair, whiteness to the face, light to the eyes, let me become graceful. Amen".

To begin with, perform the ritual for three days in a row. Then it is recommended to do it once a week.

A conspiracy to attract in front of a mirror

Such a conspiracy does not affect the physical body, but the perception of others, making a woman more attractive to the opposite sex.

For the ritual, you need a large mirror, preferably in full growth. Before the ritual, wash your hair, loosen it and start combing it, standing in front of a mirror. At the same time, say the magic words.

Without blessing, I will stand, without crossing myself, I will go out of the hut and out the gate onto a wide street. I turn my back to the east, my eyes to the west. Betrothed Joseph is sitting there, but he does not take his eyes off the Most Holy Theotokos. So they will look at me, the servant of God (name), - they won’t look enough, look - they won’t see enough. Amen.

Such a conspiracy does not work with the appearance itself, but with its perception by others, attracting more attention to the performer of the ceremony.

Beauty conspiracy for salt and water

For the ritual, you will need a pinch of coarse salt and a glass of clean water. Such a ritual is performed on the full moon.

The ceremony should be done like this:

  1. At midnight, without turning on the lights or opening the curtains, stand in the middle of the room facing the window.
  2. Take salt in your right hand, a vessel of water in your left.
  3. Read the plot in a whisper.

Lunar water, crystal, I appeal to your strength. Make me, the servant of God (name), clear-faced and young, so that people look at me with admiration, as if in the face of the moon, and generously give their attention. Amen.

After saying these words:

  1. Pour the salt into the water and leave the glass on the windowsill under the moonlight.
  2. In the morning, drink the charmed water. You can also reinforce this with a short conspiracy: “Like water in me and beauty in me! Amen".
  3. Drink a little water every morning until it runs out.

White conspiracy to attract men

This conspiracy reveals inner confidence and attractiveness, works not so much on the body as on charm. It should be read on the first night of the full moon cycle.

Do the following:

  1. Stand at the window at midnight to get a good view of the moon.
  2. Concentrate on the man you want to attract. It can be both a specific person and the image of an ideal man.
  3. When you are completely sure that you have presented everything to the smallest detail, read the plot.

I am a woman, created from the four elements, creating the world around. Let the one who is worthy see all my virtues, and desire to be with me. There is a woman's bridle for a man's will. He will need me, as if in food, he will not live without me, as without air. Amen.

Repeat this spell every night for a week.

Male rite to attract beauty

Most beauty revealing rituals are based on women's practices, some may involve both sexes, but there are also special rites for men.

You need to do the following:

  1. For such a ritual, you will need to collect oak leaves and boil thoroughly.
  2. The decoction should be taken at night before going to bed, after repeating the magic words three times.

A mighty oak grew, absorbed strength, became tall, stately, an enviable groom. Share with me, oak, strength, masculinity and beauty, so that I become a charming guy, like hot cakes for girls. Amen.

After pronouncing the conspiracy:

  1. Drink three sips of the decoction.
  2. Wash the rest, you can slightly rinse the body. It is only important not to wipe the drops, but to let them dry on their own.

The best prayers for beauty

Instead of conspiracies, many people prefer to pray for beauty and youth. In order for prayers to work, you need to have sincere faith. In this case, prayer will be more effective than any magical manipulation.

Prayer for beauty and youth

Without blessing, I will get up, without crossing myself, I will leave the hut through the gate into an open field. I will wash myself with God's dew, I will wipe myself with the red sun, I will gird myself with the bright moon. I, the servant of God (name), will go to a feast to my friends, all of them will be nicer and whiter, so that everyone looks at me, and the girls are red and good fellows. Amen.

Prayer from the evil eye to beauty

Sometimes beauty and youth disappear as if for no reason at all. However, the cause may be the evil eye of envious people. To strengthen your spiritual protection, it will be useful to perform the following rite after you meet people who can jinx.

At night, brew tea from twelve herbs and read a prayer for the broth.

Envy eyes and lying lips, turn away from the servant of God (name), return from where you came from. By the power of the prayer of the Most Holy Mother of God, intercede, Mother of God for your servants, protect from the slander of evil tongues, keep in health and longevity. Amen.

Strain the infusion, drink a mug and go to sleep.

Prayer for the beauty of the face

Even in ancient times, water, spelled with prayer words, helped girls to cope with skin defects.

You need to do the following:

  1. Take a basin and fill it with clean water, preferably spring water.
  2. Read the prayer.

Crossing myself, I got up, bowing three times, I went to the woods, where a miraculous spring beats. That terrible toad guards the spring, guards the living water. I will bow to the toad, I will call it a frog-girlfriend, so that the toad will be bolder, but it will allow me to collect water. I will wash myself with that water, wipe myself with the sun, pray to God, keep this beauty to me and good health. Amen.

After that:

  1. Rinse your face with charmed water seven times.
  2. Do not rub, let the water dry.

The ritual is useful to carry out daily.

Rituals and rituals for beauty

Even with an extensive range of cosmetic and plastic procedures, magical rituals and rituals to preserve and enhance female attractiveness are very popular.

Ritual to strengthen female energy

This ritual will help strengthen self-esteem, add self-confidence, and this always looks very attractive. For the ritual, you will need a large mirror and three multi-colored roses.

You need to do the following:

  1. Tear off the petals from each rose and spread evenly over the surface of the mirror (better to lay the mirror horizontally).
  2. Leave them for a day, but going to bed, read the spell, looking for your reflection in the mirror between rose petals: “I know, Mother Nature, your strength. Give me your power, make me beautiful, like the face of the moon and desirable, like sunlight. Amen".
  3. After a day, collect rose petals. They should not be thrown away, it is better to store them. You can wear them in an amulet, make a sachet or use them in decor.

Rite of attraction for males

With the help of this rite, an amulet is created that increases the attractiveness for men. Such an amulet helps a lot when a woman fails to have a strong relationship with a good man.

For him you will need:

  • your photo (can be 3×4);
  • green ribbon or thread;
  • fresh basil leaves;
  • piece of green fabric.

The ritual is performed on the growing moon.

Do the following:

  1. Wrap your photo in basil leaves and tie with green ribbon.
  2. Leave the photo on the windowsill, in the moonlight to recharge during the night.
  3. In the morning, wrap the photo in green cloth and now always carry it in your bag.

And also a good talisman can be made from an apricot seed.

For the amulet you will need:

  • good juicy apricot, not rotten and without wormholes;
  • pink or red lace;
  • red paint (nail polish is suitable).

It is better to create an amulet on a full moon.

It is done like this:

  1. Remove the bone from it and dry it.
  2. After the bone must be divided into two parts, get the core and glue the separated parts again.
  3. The apricot fruit itself must be eaten, and the nucleolus must be fed to the birds.
  4. Paint the bone red and drill a hole.
  5. Put the amulet on a pink or red cord, hang it around your neck, and read the plot: "I bind men to myself, I oblige myself to love."
  6. After that, remove the amulet and hide it securely so that it does not catch the eye of other people.

Rites for attractiveness (act on the physical and mental level)

The effect of such a magical ritual affects both the physical and spiritual body.

To perform the ceremony, get up early, wash yourself, take off all your clothes and jewelry, stand in front of a large mirror. Looking into the eyes of your reflection, read the spell.

It’s not morning that illuminates with light - I got up at dawn, but opened my eyes. It is not the mirror that paints me, but I paint it. I collect all the views on myself, all my friends are nicer and more beautiful. Good fellows look at me - they will never stop looking at me. Amen.

A conspiracy to beauty and attractiveness has always been held in high esteem by the beautiful half of humanity. And for everyone - from small to large.

At all times, girls and women of all ages try to be beautiful and attractive. Smaller girls have always wanted to grow up faster, rounder, become attractive and feminine.

Teenage girls yearned to get rid of juvenile acne. They wanted to acquire a beautiful skin color, to become cute and desirable for all the guys.

And when getting married, giving birth to children and raising them, women sought to preserve their youth and beauty. And also get rid of postpartum effects (for example, from excessive fullness), and later from unnecessary wrinkles, irregular skin pigmentation, gray hair and the like.

How to talk your body to beauty, youth and health

The arsenal of beauty used by a modern woman is very large. Here and cosmetics, and perfumes, and nail care products, as well as various creams, ointments, shampoos and powders. But it's all on a physical level.

But if you dig deeper and take care of yourself qualitatively and seriously (in particular at the mental level), then here you need special magical rituals, effective and strong slander. As well as generalizing all this complex programs that set the tone for the development of the whole organism as a whole.

Conspiracy for beauty on water and salt

In order to program your body for health, beauty and youth, various conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness are used. An example is a simple but very effective slander. It requires a glass of very clean, clear water and a pinch of coarse salt. The ritual should be performed strictly at midnight, on the full moon.

When the right hour strikes, you need to stand right in the middle of the room (without turning on the light), turn around to the window (do not forget to close the curtains first). Take a glass of water in your left hand, salt in your right hand. The slander is read in a whisper:

After that, the salt should be poured into the water and put a glass of water on the windowsill. In the morning, just getting out of bed, drink some water from that glass, saying:

“Water is in me, beauty is in me! Amen amenu pereaminoe!”.

Since there will be a lot of water in the glass after the ceremony, you need to drink it a little bit all week until you drink it all. To enhance the effect, we recommend using conspiracies for weight loss.

Conspiracy for beauty in front of a mirror

It is quite simple to make a conspiracy for beauty and attractiveness, which is most often used not only to become the most beautiful of all. It is done in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex. It is carried out in front of a mirror (it is desirable that it be in full growth). It is necessary to wash your hair, loosen it, stand in front of a mirror and comb your hair, say:

This is a slander that draws attention to the appearance of the one who read it. It is convenient because you don’t have to worry about the appearance itself, because all the attention will be directed to you anyway.

Varieties of conspiracies for beauty

Conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness can be very different depending on what effect you want to get. At the same time, conspiracies differ somewhat among themselves depending on the person (that is, the person who makes this conspiracy or whisper), on the subject (what exactly they say) and on the purpose of the slander.

If we talk about such classifications, then slander within the first of them can be:

Carried out by young unmarried girls (for example, to preserve beauty or get rid of acne)
Carried out by young married girls (to preserve beauty in marriage or to always be sexually attractive to a beloved husband)
Carried out by both married and unmarried women of age (slander to restore skin elasticity, to get rid of wrinkles, etc.).

Conspiracies for beauty are different and they are classified depending on the subject of the slander. For example, there are such conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness:

  • A conspiracy for a beautiful face
  • A conspiracy for a beautiful figure
  • Conspiracy for beautiful hair
  • Conspiracy for beautiful teeth
  • A conspiracy for beautiful hands, fingers and nails, etc.

If we make a classification of varieties of whispers and conspiracies, depending on their main goal, then it may look like this:

  1. Conspiracy to restore beauty
  2. Conspiracy to preserve beauty
  3. Conspiracy to get rid of shortcomings(for example, from fullness, from laxity of the skin, from the effects of pregnancy and post-natal effects), etc.

Popular conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness

The most popular varieties of conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness include conspiracies for the beauty of the face, for the figure, for hair, for preserving youth, as well as for beauty and health. Consider each of these types of conspiracies separately.

A conspiracy for the beauty of the face is a magical verbal formula that is designed to influence the structure of facial skin cells and its color. The conspiracy will also help eliminate flaws that are undesirable for its owner and put the person in order.

The simplest conspiracies of this kind are performed without unnecessary entourage and objects. All that is needed is a substance or thing that will be spoken (the text of the slander will be pronounced over it), and then applied to the face.

Most often, such slander is done over water or with special face masks. But the option with masks is a modern interpretation, while a typical old conspiracy for the beauty of the face is done approximately as follows.

You need to collect cold water in a large bowl, put it on a stool in front of you, and then read the following text:

The conspiracy must be pronounced in a whisper, three times, clearly imagining how the water receives the information spoken to it. Imagine how water rearranges its structure in accordance with the wishes of the speaker. In addition, you can use a plot to love a guy.

After that, you need to rinse your face seven times and go to bed without wiping the water. Since all the water has become slandered as a result of such a procedure, it can be used several more times.
Special conspiracies for a beautiful face are made when it is necessary to eliminate any shortcomings. The simplest of these conspiracies is also carried out on the water and sounds like this:

“Water-vodichka, take all the wrinkles / scars / pimples / blemishes / spots (choose what you need) from my face. Amen!".

This procedure should be repeated daily, washing with water after pronouncing the slander until the imperfections begin to disappear from the face.

A separate line in the list of conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness are slander or whispers carried out on cosmetics. In fact, this is the same interpretation of slander on water, only carried out on cosmetics. Most often they are made on creams and ointments. Here is one such conspiracy for beauty. It is read initially on a sealed jar of cream:

“There were 12 sisters, 12 young women, 12 beauties, 12 queens. From each beauty - in a barrel!

After reading these words, you need to clean your face, or better, wash yourself completely. Then open the jar and start applying the cream on the face, while reading the following:

Then the cream is closed and already above the closed jar it is read:

“12 sisters, all in the tent! I open - I gain beauty!

Since this cream was originally spellbound, now every time you use it, you will need to read both texts. You need to read when spreading and when closing, otherwise the cream will not work.

Conspiracies for the beauty of hair are especially popular among girls and women with long braids and lush mop of hair. It often happens that the hair begins to fall out, grow dull, look bad, lose its natural shine. In this case, hair products do not help.

Therefore, it is necessary to independently try different conspiracies. Due to the specifics of their action, they can make the hair carry out a separate program, for example, for good growth or strengthening. A conspiracy for the beauty of hair may look, for example, like this:

“Field to grain, light to sun, crown to comb, and hair to hair. Amen!".

This conspiracy is read on the first day of the week on the growing moon. To do this, sit in the middle of the room with a comb in your hands and look at the moon. Another version of the conspiracy for hair is read to strengthen them:

Conspiracies for youth

Separately, it should be said about conspiracies for beauty and youth, which can be carried out at home. They are more in demand by middle-aged and older women.

After all, they want to either preserve the youth of their face and body longer, or regain their lost youth. You may also be interested in the ritual for marriage. Of course, magic is not omnipotent and it cannot jump over physical laws.

But to visually make the face and body more beautiful, more attractive and seductive - completely!

We present here a somewhat complex, but very effective conspiracy for youth and beauty. It is necessary to buy a lime bath broom. Then, at dawn on a full moon, draw a can of water from a spring and bring it home.

After reading this text, you should go to the bath. Pour the charmed water into a bath container with hot water for a guy. And then bathe with a linden broom, while saying the following words:

"Sickness from the yard, beauty and youth at the gate"

After that, you need to douse yourself with water from the basin, leave the bathhouse, and take the broom to the cemetery and leave it there.

Healing conspiracy for beauty and attractiveness - video

Today, every woman strives to be attractive, no matter what. To look amazing and cause admiring exclamations of men, women are ready for a lot.

So, considerable amounts of money are spent on expensive cosmetics, visits to various beauty salons and fitness rooms. A beauty conspiracy can help avoid all this and thereby save money. To date, a huge number of magical rites are known that are aimed at giving beauty to different parts of the body.

To become more attractive and beautiful, there are a variety of rituals that can be conditionally divided into several groups:

  • On attractiveness;
  • On the beauty of the face;
  • On beautiful legs / arms and fingers;
  • For a slender figure;
  • For healthy beautiful hair;
  • To restore the former beauty;
  • To get rid of shortcomings and so on.

Often this kind of rites are used by both young girls and women of age. The first, with the help of magic, seek to cleanse the skin or remove imperfections, married women try to maintain their beauty in order to always remain attractive to their man. Older women seek to restore their former beauty and eliminate the shortcomings that have appeared - wrinkles, flabbiness, and so on.

Conspiracies for beauty and health are held on the new moon or full moon, when magical energy is most powerful.

Through magical rites, you can easily restore not only the beauty of the face, the freshness of the skin or the harmony of the figure. Conspiracies allow you to eliminate many imperfections, such as wrinkles, acne, or restore muscle elasticity. Magic spells can be cast on cream, water, and other means to an end. It is important to clearly carry out the ritual and not violate the instructions, otherwise there may be consequences.

For the plot to work, you need to know some of the features of its implementation. First of all, it is necessary to believe in the magic and power of the words of the prayer-conspiracy. It is allowed to read the text only in the collected and concentrated state.

At the time of the ceremony, a person should be completely calm and relaxed, all his thoughts should be directed solely to the purpose of the conspiracy and its conduct.

Most charms that attract beauty should be done on a new moon or full moon. In this case, some object should be spoken, for example, a cream. The magical rites of Natalia Stepanova are widely popular among the people, but often they cause consequences. It is important to remember how strong the rite is, so big will be the retribution for it.

Effective rituals for beauty

Most often, according to the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova, it is possible to restore beauty on a full moon or a new moon. So, it is easy to restore the beauty of the face, and the appropriate conspiracy will allow you to heal the skin, which should be carried out on the full moon. Prayer in this case is read into the water. Having collected more than half of the liquid in the container, it is necessary to stand in such a way that the Moon is reflected in it. Then the prayer is said three times, and the container is left overnight. In the morning after taking a bath, shower or bath, rinse with charmed water.

The conspiracy "For beauty" on the water

“As you, the moon, are round and white, so I will have a beautiful face and delicate skin. Share your light with me, give mother-of-pearl to the chela. I’ll go to the bathhouse to take a steam bath, soak up the foam, warm the bones, get cold from the heat. Douse me with spring water.”

A strong conspiracy for youth and beauty is held on the new moon. The lunar calendar will help you find out the moment of the new moon or full moon. It is during these hours that the text of the conspiracy must be read. Such a ceremony allows you to give beauty not only to the face, but also gives the skin freshness and brilliance, tightens the figure and makes the whole body attractive. This ritual is considered "white".

Conspiracy "For youth and beauty"

“The new moon was born, shared beauty with me. So my face is now white, my skin is tender, my hair is long, my belt is thin. Mouth like the sun at sunset, cheeks like a dawn at sunrise. There is no sweeter me in the white world.

To speak a cream for daily use, you need to read a special prayer on it three times at noon.

Conspiracy "For beauty" on cream

“Rejuvenating cream, helper cream. Save my beauty, but add attractiveness! To be a beauty to me now, everyone will envy me! Men turn around, women equal!

Daily use of the cream gives the skin youth and beauty.

There are also separate conspiracies for a beautiful figure. The ritual for weight loss is carried out immediately after the full moon, and it should be carried out by a relative of a person who wants to get a beautiful figure. The ceremony is performed over holy water in the kitchen in the evening. You need to put a glass of holy water on the dining table, cross yourself three times and read Our Father. Then speak water, then sprinkle it on the dining table and wait until it dries. Throw the rest of the water out the window.

Conspiracy "Slimming" on holy water

“Neither the beast, nor the bird, nor the wolf, nor the titmouse eat too much, they do not harm themselves. The servant of God (name) prays, does not tend to an extra piece. He takes care of the soul and body, returns from the quick. Let him fast, become slender, a worthy man. So it will be. Amen."

What is the cost of beauty?

Bringing beauty to the face and body with the help of conspiracies is very simple - you can speak a cream so that every new day rejuvenates the skin, you can use the advice of the Siberian healer Natalya and conspire on a beautiful figure on the new moon, but no one will say exactly at what moment for receiving a beautiful face will have to pay.

Payback can be very different. So, at some point, the figure may deteriorate, and the person may begin to suffer from overweight or anorexia. Often conspiracies lead to poor health, the appearance of various diseases. The new moon and other astrological phenomena in this case will not be able to help. To avoid such retribution, you should not abuse the advice of the healer Natalya, because Natalya herself often warns of possible consequences.

Video: Conspiracy for beauty