What to do to develop memory. Memory: memory development. Review of best practices. Simple and effective ways to develop memory

How to develop memory? This question is asked not only by responsible parents, but also by people who want to make their life better, more successful, and more productive. You can develop memory and thinking, as well as the ability to concentrate, with the help of special games, exercises, trainings. How to quickly develop memory?

What are classes that develop memory, thinking, attention for? A child under the age of 5 years needs the development of memory in order to fully prepare for further learning, normal perception and assimilation of new information that he encounters every day, learning the world. A good memory is the key to successful and comfortable learning. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that children with developed memory have the best mental abilities, high intellectual potential.

Good memory in adults is essential for the normal functioning of the thinking apparatus and mental activity. A person who constantly forgets everything, confuses, cannot concentrate, is unlikely to be able to become successful and fully realized.

Training allows you to achieve the following results:

Memory development in children

How to develop memory and attention in a child? Experts say that the most positive results are given by training in the age group of babies under 5 years old.

During this period, the little man absorbs new information like a sponge. Therefore, the main attention should be paid to the development of attentiveness, perseverance, the ability to concentrate.

For young children (3-5 years of age), training is recommended in the form of educational games, because all kids love to play so much!

If you are interested in how to develop memory in a child 5-7 years old, then listen to the following recommendations:

  • talk to your child as much as possible;
  • sing songs to the child, read fairy tales, discuss what they have read;
  • teach poems with the baby;
  • consider books illustrated with pictures with a small child;
  • playing hide-and-seek - this old-fashioned fun also perfectly contributes to the development of memory and attention in the smallest.

Memory development in adults

How to develop memory and attention in adults? Experts say that even in an adult, the process of training memory and thinking can be turned into an exciting game!

Exercises will help to achieve quick positive results:

You should pay attention to the following medical recommendations:

  • engage in training exercises regularly and systematically;
  • get enough sleep;
  • be outdoors as often as possible;
  • take vitamin and mineral complexes to normalize the processes of brain activity;
  • read at least a few pages a day;
  • solve crosswords;
  • Before going to the store, give up the usual making of lists, buying products from memory.
  • lead an active lifestyle, play sports for normal blood supply to the brain and stimulate mental activity.

A good memory is the key to success in life and normal mental activity, both in adults and in children. Applying special techniques, exercises, games, we not only develop, but also improve our own ability to concentrate, associative thinking, imagination, and increase creativity!

Imagine being able to selectively memorize anything. The girl's phone number, The birthdays of all friends and colleagues, the number of goals scored in each game this NHL season. You amaze others with your outlook and erudition, and they do not even suspect what your secret is.

In the popular TV series "Force Majeure", one of the main characters managed to make a dizzying career precisely due to the phenomenal memory. And this plot is not so far from reality. What is your memory capable of? How to develop it to phenomenal performance with 2-3 exercises? More on this later.

How we remember information and why we forget it

From a scientific point of view, memory is the process of receiving, storing and reproducing information. In the course of memorizing any information, our brain first receives it, then encodes it and sends it for storage in order to reproduce it at the moment when this data is needed. Do you notice the similarities to computers? After all, they record, store and reproduce information exactly according to the same algorithm. Only machines are capable of reproducing data for sure (if the processor is working correctly), but humans are not. Why is this happening? Why do we forget what we are memorizing and try desperately to remember?

Our brain is not a computer, and many of the processes occurring in it are still not 100% understood. There are a number of hypotheses that try to explain the phenomenon of "forgetfulness". Here we are talking about forgetting what we were able to “write” into our brain, that is, remember. The most popular is extraction theory. According to it, forgetting is not always the loss of information from memory. There are simply no incentives and effects to extract the data. Accordingly, remembering depends on the keys - it can be smell, sound, image, and much more.

What is human memory capable of?

  • The Chinese Chao Lu was able to memorize all the digits of pi. These are 67,980 digits that a 24-year-old student reproduced during the day, without being distracted even by going to the restroom.
  • Autistic artist Stephen Wiltrich was able to depict in detail on canvas the view of London, which opens from the observation deck located at an altitude of 224 meters.

And these are just two examples of the phenomenal memory of savants - this is how people are called, whose ability to remember is considered to be fantastic. Science cannot yet explain these phenomena. Among the savants there are healthy people and those who suffer from various diseases, in particular from mental ones. At the same time, the four-time winner of the memory competition in the United States, Nelson Dellis, speaks of the absence of any uniqueness in his personality. The man assures that he never had a phenomenal memory and that everything he achieved was the result of regular and persistent training.

Scientists from the Salk Institute for Biological Research conducted a series of experiments and created a computer model of the hippocampus, the part of the brain that is responsible for storing the information we have memorized. After complex calculations, they were able to establish specific values: one neuron in the hippocampus can store about 4.7 bits of information.

Our brain is able to accommodate a volume of data comparable to all information posted on the Internet. That is, in theory, we can fit in our memory the entire World Wide Web.

How to develop memory for an adult

First of all, define a goal: you must understand why you want to develop memory. A specific goal determines the motivation that is necessary for effective memorization and at the same time serves as a stimulus for its further reproduction. For example, you might want to improve your memory so that you can answer better on an exam or stop forgetting to buy items from the store. These are examples of the specific goals you need.

  • Exercises to develop memory.
  • Mobile applications.
  • Complex techniques.
  • Behavior patterns.

Science does not yet provide accurate answers and does not explain how to quickly develop memory. We can only be guided by human experience and talk about methods, exercises, models and programs that have helped improve the memory of millions of people. However, in this case, there can be no guarantees: much will depend on the individual characteristics of your memory, on the lifestyle and the type of memorized information. In any case, it is possible to speak about the effectiveness of each specific exercise only after "testing" it for 1-2 months.

Rating of TOP-11 best online schools

International School of Foreign Languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR are also available.

Individual lessons with a tutor in preparation for the exam, exam, olympiads, school subjects. Classes with the best teachers in Russia, over 23,000 interactive tasks.

Online school for preparing for the exam in 4 subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, physics. Classes are held on a modern IT platform, including video communication, chat, simulators and a task bank.

An educational IT portal that helps you to become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with a guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online English language school that provides an opportunity to individually learn English with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

School of English by Skype. Strong Russian speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum speaking practice.

New generation online school of English. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. Lessons from the school curriculum from grades 1 to 11: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often miss school or live outside of Russia.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

The largest online education platform. Allows you to get a demanded Internet profession. All exercises are posted online and have unlimited access.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, translation of words, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

The most effective techniques

  • Household... This technique involves some lifestyle changes. It is proposed to abandon shopping lists, notebooks - you must try to remember and try to remember everything that is necessary. Shopping list, phone numbers, friends' birthdays and more.
  • Learning foreign languages... According to psychologists, learning a language simultaneously develops memory, quickly and intensively. Some experts even recommend learning 2 languages ​​at the same time. But they are silent about the effectiveness of such training.
  • Books and poems... Read more books - at the moment of reading, the brain always concentrates on details and memorization. Memorizing poetry and lyrics is no less effective. Ideal if they are in a foreign language.
  • Do not give up... Do not rush to open the phone book if you forgot your phone number. Try to do your best to remember it, and then check with the exact information. Do this all the time.
  • Count... Solve in your head the most difficult arithmetic problems you can. Add the numbers on the numbers of cars that you see in the stream (but only if you are not a driver). Count the number of birds flying by. The more you count, the better for your memory.

Exercises developing memory and attention

How to develop memory and attention in an adult with exercise? Perform them regularly. It is also important to choose exercises that you enjoy and do not cause intuitive rejection. If you try to improve your memory, while suffering and finding yourself in a state of stress, the exercises will piss you off and nothing will come of it. We have selected for you some of the most effective, according to experts, exercises.

Schulte tables

They help not only improve memory, but also master speed reading. The most widespread is the Schulte table, which is a square with 25 cells, in which the numbers from 1 to 25 are placed in a chaotic manner. It is necessary to find all the numbers in order as quickly as possible with a soundless count. For each workout, you need to use a new table with a different arrangement of numbers.

Aivazovsky's method

It is difficult to imagine how Aivazovsky managed to mentally stop the movement of the wave and transfer it to the picture. Your task will initially be simpler: look at the object for a few moments, then close your eyes and try to imagine it in all its details. Gradually complicate the task: if you first decided to remember the electric kettle, then after a few workouts try to reproduce in your memory the complex bas-reliefs of the building that you saw with your own eyes or in a photograph.

Film strip

The essence of this exercise is to try daily to remember everything that happened to you during the day. Provide silence, break the day into time intervals (for a start, for hours, then for every 10-15 minutes). Don't skip the sections right away - do your best to remember every phone call and every tea.

Difference game

Remember children's educational games, during which the child is asked to find the differences in two pictures? It turns out that they are most effective for the development of memory and attention. Moreover, a lot of such exercises are aimed at adults - it is incredibly difficult to find differences here. You can easily find them on the network on specialized resources and even in mobile applications.

Memorizing blocks of information

Not only exercise, but also a frequent necessity. These are the cases when we need to memorize a block of information, for example, during preparation for an exam. It is important to use mechanical memory here. Accordingly, words and phrases are recommended to be depicted, shown with gestures. In this case, the information must be spoken or rewritten. It is important that during memorization you change the environment - for example, move from room to room, from one classroom to another, and so on.

How to develop your brain and memory by changing your lifestyle

Scientists are convinced that our ability to memorize, store and reproduce information largely depends on the physical and mental state.

Your brain must be on alert and have all the resources it needs to function effectively. And in order to develop a phenomenal memory, lifestyle changes are often necessary. Here's what to do first:

  1. Healthy food. Get enough protein and complex carbohydrates - include cereals, nuts, vegetables and fruits in the diet.
  2. Get enough sleep. Don't limit sleep for hours - get as much sleep as your body needs. If you want to sleep an hour after getting up, you haven't got enough sleep.
  3. Get rid of stress. It is often worth changing your unloved job, stop communicating with people who annoy you, and get out of conflicts. In a word, do everything possible so as not to expose yourself to stress.

How to develop the memory of a person who is constantly under stress, sits on a coffee diet, restricts himself in carbohydrates and does not chronically get enough sleep? No way. Your brain needs to rest and find resources to work. These resources are nutrients and vitamins. Eat right, do not deplete your body with diets taken from the Internet, and get enough sleep. Only then will the exercises be as effective as possible.

Exercise regularly

Practice shows that only systematic training bring results. This is evidenced not only by research, but also by the experience of winners of championships in different countries in memorization. All of them noted the average qualities of their memory until they began to train regularly.

Do what you like

If an exercise annoys you, don't do it. Find techniques that won't strain you. There are hundreds of options on the web, dozens of applications have been developed for smartphones. Look for exercises that appeal to you. It is important that you enjoy the exercise.

Develop attention and logical thinking

This is as important as reading and learning poetry. Logical thinking is based on phased perception. Open a textbook on logic - it will greatly help you not only to direct your thinking in the right direction, but also improve memory, attention, concentration.

Exercise and walk more often

The quality of cerebral circulation is extremely important for a good memory. It, in turn, is directly dependent on oxygen. Therefore, it is recommended to do as much aerobic exercise as possible (jogging, squatting) and walk more often.

Set goals

It is important to understand what exactly you are training your memory for. Set clear goals, identify problems that you can solve. Motivation is very important not only for the regularity of your workouts, but also for their effectiveness.


Not every person can develop a phenomenal memory - only a few can remember all the digits of the number "pi" even with regular training. But until the processes of memorizing, storing and reproducing information have not been studied in detail by science, it is impossible to determine the prospects. You can only learn about prospects empirically.

Start training to understand what you are capable of. Progress will be noticeable in 1-2 months, but only on condition that you can ensure regular exercise and feel good during exercise. Remember to eat right, get enough sleep, and get into stressful situations as little as possible.

How to develop memory and attention in an adult: exercises, tips and techniques

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Most people periodically complain about their "girlish" memory. As a rule, they practically do not part with their diaries, in which they carefully write down all their plans for the next day. However, difficulties lie in wait everywhere. Sometimes the inability to remember someone's name can be quite embarrassing. Or the desire to help the child with the lessons will turn into a complete fiasco.

An adult? Forgetful people periodically ask themselves a similar question. And those who are not only looking for an answer, but also begin to implement all the recommendations in life, eventually notice an excellent result.

Causes of poor memory

With age, people have a deteriorating ability to remember, and distraction also appears. A person needs to keep too much information to his head, which is why he sometimes forgets the most obvious facts.

But it's not only that. The older a person gets, the worse his ability to reason sanely. The causes of poor memory in adults are hidden in age-related changes, as well as in the wrong lifestyle, stress, poor sleep and much more. There are fewer nerve cells, and along with this, it is increasingly difficult for a person to delve into something new.

In an adult, it can be the result of certain diseases. It is noted that the ability to memorize, as well as thinking, is adversely affected by:

  • high pressure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • completeness.

Sometimes, memory impairment may be due to developing Alzheimer's disease.

Methods for improving memory

An amazing ability can be trained, such as a muscle in the body. To do this, you need to do special exercises for memory. In adults, of course, training will require a certain amount of effort. After all, this happens most easily in childhood. Kids try to remember everything that catches their eyes.

The load on the student's memory is already quite significant. But when a person finishes studying and begins to work, his memory no longer lends itself to systematic training. Life becomes more boring and mundane. In order for the memory to continue to develop, a person must receive impressions. It is good if various pleasant events happen and people try not to forget them.

Influence of tobacco

How to develop memory in an adult? First of all, he needs to get rid of the harmful effects of nicotine. Numerous studies have confirmed that tobacco significantly impairs the ability to remember.

If we compare a person who trains memory and at the same time smokes, and another who does not work on the ability to memorize, but he also does not have a bad habit, it turns out that the former has a better result. However, if their conditions are equalized, it turns out that tobacco still impairs memory.

Research has shown that students who smoke are less successful on assignments than non-smokers. Although tobacco has the ability to instantly increase concentration, it goes away quickly.

The influence of alcohol

Even a small dose of alcohol reduces the ability to remember. Its systematic reception deprives a person of the opportunity to fix something in memory. Therefore, those people who are thinking about how to develop memory in an adult should give up alcohol.


Certain medications can also interfere with memory and even cause. These include various sedatives or stimulants, as well as pain relievers, antihistamines, and anti-inflammatories.

There are rules to keep memory always in working order:

  • enrich blood with oxygen;
  • be sure to get enough sleep;
  • do not abuse alcohol and tobacco;
  • refuse (if possible) drugs that reduce memory.

Memorization techniques from geniuses

Psychologist Karl Sishor believes that the average person uses only 10% of their memory, while 90% are left without use.

Few people know that almost all methods of developing memory in adults are based on three natural laws of memorization. It's about emotion, association, and repetition. Knowledge of these rules can help both in everyday life and in responsible situations.

The law of emotions says that for better memorization, it is enough to get vivid impressions of a given subject. The most famous person to use this rule was Roosevelt. He always maintained excellent concentration. Everything he read he memorized almost word for word. The secret of this technique for developing memory in adults is hidden in the need to fully concentrate, at least for a short time, on the necessary information. It is in this case that she will be remembered better than if you think about her for a long time and be distracted.

Napoleon left behind an amazing technique. He perfectly remembered at the review of the troops the location of each of his fighters and his surname. The secret to remembering a person's name was to get a more vivid impression of him. For example, asking how his surname is spelled.

President Lincoln had his own memorization method: he read aloud what was important to remember. It turns out that you need to use as many senses as possible. This makes it possible to effectively influence the development of memory in adults. Exercises that involve multiple senses are recommended by most psychologists. For example, in order to remember, it is enough to write down, and then mentally imagine what was written.

Mark Twain lectured frequently. To memorize a long text, he wrote down a couple of words from the beginning of each paragraph. Before speaking, Twain would repeat the entire lecture using this cheat sheet. But then he came up with another idea - and he began to draw what he needed to remember.

Thus, the geniuses of the past were able to embody all three laws of memorization.

Preparation for classes

Memory training in adults should begin with the following exercises:

  1. Keep your mind completely free of thoughts for 5-10 seconds. This is necessary to train concentration.
  2. During this process, there should not be any tension: nervous or mental.
  3. From five seconds it is very important to gradually reach thirty seconds of continuous stay in this state.

Developing the ability to remember

It is very important to develop not only visual or auditory memorization, but other types as well. You also need to remember that short-term and long-term memory are equally necessary for a person.

  • can be trained by trying to remember the appearance of people passing by. A quick glance at a person walking towards you is enough, and then you need to try to imagine his appearance in all details.
  • It is very useful to ask yourself from time to time what the wrapper of your favorite candy looks like, what is shown there. You can try to imagine what you saw when you passed the store again, what kind of sign was there. In this case, you need to try to remember everything to the smallest detail.
  • In order to improve sound memory, it is enough to regularly read aloud or learn poems with a child. Sing the tune you just listened to. In the street noise, try to hear snippets of phrases and fix them in your memory.
  • As you eat, imagine yourself as a taster who thoroughly memorizes the taste of the dish. Associate each meal with something. Play the guessing game with your eyes closed.


Everyone has memory. Some people have a phenomenal ability to remember. Others confess that they have a "leaky" head. According to psychologists, there are very few people with poor memory. At the same time, there are a lot of those who do not know how to use it correctly or do not know how to develop memory in an adult.

Memory helps us to reproduce once perceived information in situations when we especially need it. It is believed that memory develops up to about 25 years, then a stable period is observed, and from the age of 50 it gradually begins to fade. However, with constant mental work, a sober memory will be preserved until old age. However, it can also be improved. So how to develop memory and stimulate mental processes?

Each of us has it developed to a different degree: for someone to remember information, you need to hear or see it only once, and for someone it will take a certain time. Therefore, people often wonder how to improve their memory.

There are quite a few ways to develop it. They also deduced a mnemonic method that helps to remember the names of objects using associations. They believed that for better memorization, a concept needs to be filled with feelings. Remember how we learned to memorize the colors of the rainbow with the help of a phrase in which, in fact, the hunter and the pheasant had a very conditional relation to the rainbow itself. However, coming up with such short stories and even fairy tales is a very effective way to memorize rather complex phenomena, concepts and laws.

One of the popular ways today to help find the answer to a question is the "mind maps" developed by Tony Buzan. Thinking, imagination and colors must be involved here. To create a map, information needs to be written on a sheet of paper in the form of a solar circle with diverging rays that detail the basic information placed in the circle. So you can successfully draw up plans that are quickly remembered and kept in your head.

To quickly memorize complex information, reformulate it in your own words and, preferably, say it out loud. This way you will remember everything much faster and longer.

Combine methods, use exercises and you will feel how everything works.

Some people grasp information on the fly and remember it without difficulty. Others find it very difficult to remember something. People who have envy look at those who can remember even the smallest details. Over time, everyone wonders how to improve memory.

What is memory (memories) and how does it work

Memories are a repository of ideas about past events. A memory is assimilated if the past experience had any unique trait, thanks to which the image or information is retained in the head.

Memory can be both long and short. The short-term is better developed. A sentence just heard, a person is able to repeat many times. However, after a while, this phrase will no longer be fully reproduced in the head. This is because when the sentence was memorized, it worked, which works for a certain time. Short memory is a filter for passing information into long-term memory.

Long-term memory (link), as a rule, contains information that will pop up in the head throughout life. Ideally, only information that can help in the future should get into long-term memory.

There is also a neutral link - the operational one. In this case, the information is in the head of a certain moment that a person needs (tell a report, pass a test). After the information can no longer be useful, she leaves the operational link.

There are various methods for. To always have information in your head, you need to develop a long-term link. Simple actions will help not only to develop memory, but also to develop abilities.

How to quickly develop memory on your own

  1. We turn on the imagination. People with a good memory use their imagination to memorize numbers. It's easier to remember something by connecting imagination, for example, to remember the number 2 - you can imagine a swan, and for the number 8 a matryoshka is suitable. Thus, the development of memory will be easier. If a suitable picture does not appear in your head, then you can draw it.
  2. We are in motion. Sports, dancing, any other movement, and also perform such a function as the development of memory.
  3. Needlework will help to improve memory. Despite the fact that this lesson is not very appreciated in the younger generation, it helps not only to correct the handwriting, but also helps to remember more often.
  4. How to develop memory? Exercise. Reading books, articles, any texts will help. After reading, you need to write out the names of the characters and a short retelling. After a while, the record should be re-read, and then the story should be restored completely. Exercise will help to improve memory, and will also make an interesting interlocutor.
  5. We connect memories with feelings. When you need to remember something, you should connect the words heard / seen with the existing experience. The more emotions are associated with information to remember, the easier it is to assimilate.
  6. How to quickly improve the quality of memory? Refuse to memorize. Many people believe that if you cram, the information will quickly be remembered and memory will improve. However, it is not. In the best case, the operational link will work here (that is, after a while everything will be forgotten). It also happens that the next day it is impossible to remember what you taught. Your goal is to memorize, not memorize.
  7. Associations help to improve memory. For example, in order for someone's name to remain in memories, it is enough to make it associated with what is often found.
  8. How to develop memory? Play computer games. Despite the fact that parents scold children for games, it is they who help to better remember events. Games help you think, plan a move, find a solution. However, to improve the memorization of information, an hour of games is enough. You should not devote a lot of time to this entertainment, as it is addictive.
  9. Learning foreign languages is the best method for developing memory. If you add seven new words to the vocabulary a day, then in a few months it will not only be easier to memorize information, but also knowledge of a new language will appear, which will be very useful in life!
  10. For women, birth control pills will help. The more a woman takes such pills, the better her memory works. The effect will continue even if the tablets are stopped being used.
  11. Listening to music. People are surprised at how easily they can memorize the lyrics, but they cannot learn the information they need. The fact is that sound vibrations emanate from the melodies, caused by brain waves. Listening to the classics will be especially helpful.
  12. Proper nutrition. To remember a lot and think better, the brain needs vitamins. Seafood will help your brain development best.
  13. Refusal of diets. As a result of dieting, the brain stops thinking as well as it used to. Diets always have a detrimental effect on human health. To develop the ability to remember, you must first of all give up all diets, and it is better to observe proper nutrition (you can read about how to eat right on the Internet).
  14. Correct books. There are many books on super memory that can be found on the internet. Psychologists and doctors will tell you not only why it is harder to remember and absorb new information, but also how to treat it.
  15. Stop being lazy. In addition, how to do the exercise will help you simply do what you love, but at the same time remember something, think, make yourself feel emotions (preferably positive). The main thing is not to be lazy, but more often to devote time to the problem that has happened.
  16. Wine and chocolate. These products cannot be overdone, however, in small quantities (use is allowed every day) they will be beneficial. Wine will improve blood circulation, as well as get rid of diseases. Even a school student knows about the benefits of chocolate.
  17. The question of how to improve memory can be answered like this: "Walk with your eyes closed more often!"(around the house, of course). This activity can be considered as fitness for the brain. At first it will be difficult to succeed, however, over time, you will learn to memorize the objects in the house. Thus, you can easily walk around the house with your eyes closed. This skill will help improve the quality of long-term memory.

Thus, we can come to the conclusion that the more a person strains his brain, the better he is able to remember events. Smile, move, read and listen, then your memory will be long and developed!

The author of the article: Kugusheva Anna