What can be given to a cat from urolithiasis. Urolithiasis in cats and cats (ICD). How to tell if a cat is sick

Urolithiasis is recorded in cats quite often. Although cats are much more common. So why do these health problems occur? How is KSD manifested in cats and cats? How to recognize it in time? What steps can you take to save your pet? How to treat urolithiasis? We will talk about this in our article.

Urolithiasis in cats is a chronic disease. In a sick animal, pebbles form in the kidneys, ureters or bladder. They have a variety of sizes and shapes. It all starts with sand, which is an insoluble salt.

Can you imagine what it is? Not? Then look into the kettle, which boiled unfiltered water for a long time. So on the walls and at the bottom you will see scale - these are insoluble salts. Of course, the body does not boil anything, but this is a simple example of what stones look like. Only now the urlites are "prickly", which gives the animal severe pain, scratches the mucous membrane of the ureters and bladder.

Causes of urolithiasis

The main cause of urolithiasis in cats is a metabolic disorder. What does this mean in practice? Now we will try to explain to you why this very metabolism is disturbed. So, the reasons are in order.

Poor or unbalanced diet

This is the main cause of KSD in cats and cats. Many owners mistakenly believe that dry food is the culprit. In fact this is not true. Yes, if you buy budget food, often change manufacturers (and each has its own ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats) or alternate natural food and industrial feed (or mix in one bowl), then health problems will arise sooner or later. However, if you approach the choice of food with all responsibility, then the pet will not have any ICD.

Feeding exclusively natural food is not a guarantee of health. So many pet owners are convinced that feeding exclusively on fish (some are too risky, give raw meat and fish products) and meat is very healthy. By no means!

If only protein foods are given daily, kidney failure will develop (the kidneys simply begin to fail). Even people should not eat only protein foods, there should be foods containing both fats and carbohydrates on the menu. The same applies to pets. Of course, there should not be a lot of carbohydrates and fats, otherwise obesity will develop (and it is a consequence of metabolic disorders, again). Therefore, the diet must be composed correctly.

Small amount of water or its poor quality

The second reason for KSD in cats is a small amount of water or if it is of poor quality (especially if it is from the tap and not filtered). Someone thinks that urolithiasis in cats and dogs occurs due to the fact that the animal drinks a lot after feeding with dry industrial feed. Actually it is not. Water cleanses the kidneys, washes out the sand (if it has already appeared), thereby preventing the formation of stones.

Obesity or lack of movement

Usually obesity develops for several reasons: unbalanced feeding (a lot of carbohydrates and fats), metabolic disorders, lack of movement). Since the metabolism is slowed down, then urolithiasis in cats appears.

Infectious diseases

No matter how strange it may sound, but the infection "hit" not only the immune system, but also the internal organs. All the forces "leave" to fight the infection, the metabolism slows down. Unfortunately, sometimes the drugs used for treatment are very harmful to the kidneys.


However, it is rather a contributing factor, just a predisposition. It is not necessary for the animal to have urolithiasis if the parents had it. If the owners monitor what their pet eats and drinks, turn to the veterinarian in time, do not forget about preventive examinations, then no ICD threatens cats and dogs.

Symptoms of urolithiasis

The first clinical symptoms of KSD (urolithiasis) in cats and cats usually go unnoticed. This is lethargy, appetite worsens a little, certain anxiety in the pet during urination. At this stage, you can find out about the diagnosis only in the veterinarian's office by passing the urine of a cat or dog for analysis to the laboratory. Therefore, it is very important to undergo annual preventive examinations and donate blood and urine to the veterinary laboratory.

The most obvious symptom of urolithiasis in cats is restlessness during urination (the animal meows loudly or whines). The frequency increases, but the one-time volume of urine decreases. Sensation as if a pet is squeezing a drop out of itself.

Often, urine turns reddish (droplets of blood appear due to the fact that the stones scratch the mucous membrane). The abdomen may be painful when touched. But you should not do it yourself, so as not to harm your beloved mustache.

Blood in the urine

Your four-legged friend will try to get your attention. Climb on the handles, rub, “call” you to go to the toilet so that you can see that the animal is in pain. Sometimes a cat starts peeing in the wrong place, maybe even right in front of you so that you finally pay attention - such a clear symptom of KSD.

Treatment for urolithiasis

How to treat urolithiasis in cats at home? Some are wondering what treatment is there? Which is better: folk or medical methods? But whatever you decide, be sure to take your pet to the vet!

Folk methods of treatment

Many believe that there are folk methods for the treatment of urolithiasis in cats and cats. Someone gives their pet a decoction of lingonberry leaves (this plant is known for its beneficial effect on the kidneys, bactericidal and diuretic properties), but if the animal has urolithiasis, then no diuretics can be used! The stone can move and block the duct. Then the urine will stop being removed. And without veterinary care, the animal remains to live no longer than 4 days. Crazy intoxication of the body, toxins poison.

Alternative methods can only be used for prevention purposes or after permission from a veterinarian. But you can’t prescribe herbal treatment on your own! You can harm your four-legged friend. Sometimes veterinarians give the go-ahead for the use of decoctions from the leaves of bearberry, heather, plantain, lingonberries.

How will the veterinarian treat?

First of all, he must make sure that the ureters are not “clogged” with stones. Otherwise, the urine will stagnate. As a result - the strongest intoxication of the body. The animal will fade away just before your eyes. Every hour counts! If the uroliths are large, then either the introduction of a catheter or surgical intervention is necessary.

Surgery to remove urolith

Antispasmodics will be prescribed so that the animal does not hurt so much. In more severe cases, antibiotics are prescribed, droppers can be placed (to maintain the strength of the animal). There are special preparations, the action of which is aimed at the destruction of stones and the removal of sand. BUT! No diuretics are used, especially if there are stones!

Prevention of urolithiasis

Prevention of KSD in cats and cats begins primarily with nutrition. Balance your diet. Choose either quality food (dry or canned, you can choose those that are designed specifically for the prevention of KSD in cats), or natural food. Do not feed often fish (especially raw)! Fish daily for cats is harmful. Be sure to add cereals, vegetables, dairy products.

  • Water should always be. But pour only filtered!
  • Don't forget to visit the vet. Have your pet get tested.
  • Keep track of your cat's weight. Obesity is unacceptable. If you see that the pet is overweight, be sure to review the diet, and increase the physical activity of the animal. Obesity can be followed by diabetes. And this is even more serious and for life.
  • Give your pet active walks. If you have a cat, then play with it. The animal must move, not lie down.
  • It is better to prevent than to watch your pet suffer later.

Diet and Diet

What to feed a cat with urolithiasis? Of great importance is the diet and diet of a cat with urolithiasis. If you do not watch what the animal eats, then the ICD will return. The percentage of relapses is extremely high (up to 70%!!!).

If you feed dry food, then the diet for urolithiasis is simple. Choose the dietary or therapeutic food that is designed specifically for the prevention of KSD in cats. Clean filtered water must always be present. It does not harm the animal, on the contrary, it helps to cleanse the kidneys, does not allow sand to accumulate and turn into uroliths.

You can now view the current price of drugs for the treatment of KSD and buy them right here:

If you feed exclusively natural food, then follow the basic rules:

  • Do not mix, do not alternate natural and industrial (canned food, dry food) food!
  • You can not feed only protein foods. Fish can only be given to cats boiled and not more than 2 times a week!!!
  • Do not abuse dairy products. It is also rich in proteins, so the kidneys will not be "sweet". They have already suffered, the second "strike" they may not survive. In addition, it is calcium salts that are formed, which are insoluble and form "acute-angled" crystals. But it cannot be completely ruled out. Just make sure that food rich in minerals does not exceed 30% of a single portion (and even more so of the daily diet).
  • Be sure to give porridge.
  • Don't forget vegetables! Grind them daily on a fine grater. Do not abuse beets, as urine can turn reddish. But with KSD in cats, there is an admixture of blood in the urine. And you can simply not find out that the pet has a recurrence of urolithiasis.

If you follow these rules, then the mcb will bypass your cat. Health to you!

If you have any questions about urolithiasis in a cat or a cat, write to us in the comments, we will try to answer!

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


Urolithiasis, also known as feline urolithiasis (UCD), is a disease characterized by the formation of sand and/or stones in the bladder cavity. One out of four cats is at risk, so it is important for every owner of a purring pet to be aware of this disease. If the disease is not noticed in time, then the animal will quickly die, so at the slightest sign it is important to immediately consult a veterinarian.

What is urolithiasis in cats

The first description of KSD in cats appeared in the 1970s. For some time, it was believed that the source of the disease was a virus. Subsequently, it was suggested that the stones are formed due to dry food, but this was not confirmed. The cause of the disease is considered to be insufficient water intake and high pH levels, which are associated with a weak sense of thirst in cats.

Urolithiasis (or urolithiasis) is a systemic disease, characterized by the formation of sand and stones in the bladder or kidneys, formations can linger in the urethra, blocking the exit of fluid. A disappointing diagnosis threatens 14% of domestic cats. The disease is accompanied by a number of unpleasant moments, such as pollakiuria (frequent urge), dysuria (painful urination), hematuria (blood in the urine), blockage of the urethra. Urolithiasis in cats is often fatal.

At-risk groups

More often, cats suffer from the disease, since in males the diameter of the lumen of the urethra is smaller than in females. Castration aggravates the situation. The risk group includes:

  • cats, if they have not been spayed;
  • animals that have reached the age of 2-6 years;
  • overweight cats or cats;
  • castrated males;
  • long haired cats.

The reasons

Minerals entering the body of the animal react with toxins. The resulting crystals, the foci of which are the dying cells of the bladder, passing through the urinary canals, injure their mucosa. If there are a lot of them, they lead to blockage of the lumen, interfere with the release of urine. Urine, which is constantly produced by the kidneys, begins to accumulate in the lumen, leading to poisoning and severe intoxication. The peak of the KSD disease is spring and autumn. Among the external factors (exogenous) that provoke the disease:

  • climatic conditions (if the room is hot, diuresis increases);
  • the quality of the fluid (if there are a lot of salts, they accumulate in the urine, which leads to the formation of stones);
  • unbalanced nutrition, its calorie content (lack or excess of proteins, protein foods) lead to a greater concentration of urine);
  • lack of vitamins, lack of vitamin A (in the absence of nutrition of the epithelium, its destruction is accelerated).

Factors that act from within the body are called endogenous. Internal causes of urolithiasis in cats:

  • disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract (acid-base balance is lost);
  • hormonal failure (leads to a violation of mineral metabolism);
  • infections, viruses;
  • genetic predisposition (the disease is often inherited);
  • congenital anomalies of the genitourinary system;
  • sedentary lifestyle, obesity;
  • diseases of the urogenital area, including cystitis.

Signs of kidney stones in cats

If the stones are small (or sand) and do not clog the lumen of the ureter, then the disease can proceed without symptoms for a long time. Signs of KSD are obvious if the formations in the bladder are already large and interfere with the work of the organ. Symptoms, depending on the intensity of manifestation, are divided into initial, severe and critical:

  • Light degree:
  1. The animal often goes to the toilet, not always to the litter box, as it is associated with pain.
  2. Tight posture when urinating.
  3. Urine pinkish.
  4. The cat licks itself under the tail for a long time.
  5. When urinating, your pet may meow.
  6. Worried look.
  • Severe signs:
  1. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent, they are always painful.
  2. Urinary incontinence.
  3. Painful sensations on palpation in the perineum.
  4. There is blood in the urine.
  5. The discharge has a sharp concentrated odor.
  6. The cat loses weight, does not eat or play, becomes lethargic.
  • Critical situation:
  1. The animal stops walking on a small one (when trying to urinate, no fluid is released).
  2. There is a tremor.
  3. Saliva is frothy and viscous.
  4. Vomiting is observed (due to intoxication of the body).
  5. The temperature is dropping.
  6. Fainting, convulsions are possible, the bladder may burst (with subsequent peritonitis).


It is not difficult to detect urolithiasis. Stones in the urethra can be detected using a catheter (it encounters an obstruction in the urethra). Bladder deposits are also easy to diagnose. On palpation in this area, the cat will have pain. Basic diagnostic methods:

  • Analysis of urine;
  • palpation;
  • x-ray (normal and contrast);
  • surgical intervention.

Treatment of urolithiasis in cats

Therapy is prescribed after a comprehensive examination. Treatment is selected individually, the choice of method depends on the degree of damage, the form of pathology, the sex and age of the animal, the presence of concomitant ailments, and general health. The first days, as soon as the outflow of urine normalizes, infusion therapy (droppers) is carried out. The procedure allows you to establish a water-salt metabolism, eliminates signs of intoxication in a cat. With bacterial damage and elevated temperature, anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics are prescribed.

At the first signs of illness, you must contact the veterinarian, since the animal can die in three days. As an emergency (to relieve pain), the cat is given an injection of Papaverine or No-shpa (1-2 mg / kg). The veterinarian first takes steps to empty the bladder. Then painkillers are administered. Given the clinical picture, the doctor develops a scheme for therapy. Treatment of urolithiasis in cats can last 1-2 weeks, if the cat has to undergo surgery, then it can take up to 4 weeks.

Operations are prescribed according to strict indications, when stones cannot be removed using a catheter or conservative treatment, if there is no access to laser therapy. The simplest method of treating the disease in cats is catheterization. The procedure involves inserting a catheter into the urinary canal to force fluid out. The tube is sometimes sutured, and the animal walks with it for a couple of days. The procedure is carried out if the urethra is swollen and stones are found. After the catheter is removed, the sick animal is put on a drip and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

The treatment lasts a long time, the owner should be patient. Conservative therapy includes: antispasmodics, painkillers, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulants, antibiotics. In addition to narrowly targeted drugs, drugs are prescribed that support the work of the heart, blood vessels, and the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Droppers help compensate for the lack of fluid and blood. Diet is a key point in complex treatment. With the right diet and plenty of fluids, you can achieve a speedy recovery.

Medical feed

Animals that are predisposed to illness need a varied diet. If dry food is given, then natural products should be added to the menu. Be sure to include in the cat's diet: meat (beef, chicken, lamb), lactic acid products (they normalize the microflora), vegetables (zucchini, beets, carrots, cauliflower), cereals, quail eggs. The meat is mixed with cereals and vegetables, chopped in a meat grinder or blender so that the mass is homogeneous.

Before serving, the meat should be boiled or boiled. It is permissible to add fish to the diet in small portions and only boiled. It is forbidden to give sick cats: pork, oatmeal, wheat porridge, raw fish, milk and legumes. If preference is given to "drying", then you can choose only dietary expensive feeds. At the same time, additional vitamins must be added. Specialized therapeutic food for cats with urolithiasis:

  • Royal Canin Urinary S/O LP34;
  • Hill's Prescription Diet Metabolic + Urinary Feline dry;
  • Bosch Sanabelle Urinary;
  • 1st Choice Urinary;
  • Farmina Vet Life Cat Struvite.


When using drug therapy, antibiotics, painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs are used, which are designed to eliminate problems with the kidneys and urinary tract of animals. Among them, it is recommended to include the following drugs in the treatment regimen for cats:

  • Painkillers: No-shpa, Baralgin, Papaverine.
  • Preparations for infusion therapy (to relieve intoxication due to stagnation of fluid in the bladder, increase urine output, restore the animal's body against the background of dehydration): glutargin 4% + glucose 5%, glucose 40% + Ringer-Locke solution, Vetavit.
  • Antibiotics (if there are signs of bacterial infection, the temperature has risen): Nitroxoline, Furadonin, Metrogyl.
  • Hemostatic drugs (if blood is found in the urine): Etamsylate (Dicynone).
  • Anti-inflammatory: Stop-cystitis, Uro-ursi, Urotropin, Cystocur forte, Furinaide, Ipakitine, Kantaren, Kotervin, Nephroket, Renal-Advance, HIMALAYA Cyston, Urolex, Phytoelita "Healthy Kidneys", Urological Phytomins, Urinari Tract Support, Phytolysin.

To prevent this “last moment” from coming, read our article and find out how to recognize KSD, treat it and prevent the development of this dangerous disease.

The story of one "stone"

I encountered urolithiasis in my cat unexpectedly. The pet was only 3 years old when the first symptoms appeared. At first, no one in our family attached importance to the fact that Fisha (that's the cat's name) sits in his tray for a long time, notifies everyone with a loud cry that he "succeeded" and sometimes looks for another, secluded place to relieve himself. The family sounded the alarm when urine with blood appeared in the tray of our pet. At first we thought it was worms. On the same day, Fish was examined by a veterinarian - the doctor was called to the house so as not to frighten the pet with a trip to the clinic. It turned out that Fishy had a full bladder, it was difficult for him to urinate, the cat was suffering. The veterinarian had to catheterize through the urethra to remove the accumulated urine. A terrible diagnosis was made to us in advance and additional tests were ordered already at the clinic. It became clear: Fishy had urolithiasis. Ultrasound showed that there are stones in the urethra.

After a long and expensive treatment, our cat is on the mend. What a pity that we did not know before that a disturbed metabolism (due to malnutrition), a castration operation, a sedentary home lifestyle can affect the health of a beloved Fishy in this way. Now the cat eats special food, is regularly observed by a veterinarian and takes prophylactic drugs. I hope that there will be no more seizures.

Hope, cat owner

What is urolithiasis in cats?

Unfortunately, there are millions of such stories told by our reader Nadezhda. Sometimes the owners are too careless and inattentive to the health of their four-legged. After all, to avoid a deadly disease for a cat, you just need to follow simple rules. And if the disease is just beginning, recognize the first symptoms and start treatment of urolithiasis in a cat in time.

Urolithiasis (UCD) is a disease accompanied by the formation in the renal tubules, renal pelvis and bladder or stuck in the lumen of the ureter, urethra of urinary stones - uroliths.

At what age do cats get urolithiasis

Both short-haired and long-haired cats are susceptible to urolithiasis at almost any age. Most often, the disease is recorded in animals from 1 to 6 years old. In cats older than 7 years, KSD rarely begins.

Urolithiasis is largely a hereditary disease. There are breeds of cats that are more prone to this terrible disease. For example, KSD is more common in Persian and British felines. There is a disease in Russian blue, Siamese, Cartesian cats, Maine Coons. However, an ordinary yard Barsik is not immune from the appearance of stones.

Urolithiasis: what are these stones?

Urolithiasis is manifested in the formation of uroliths in the bladder and urethra in cats. Urolith is a set of crystals of mineral origin bonded together. According to the chemical composition, the most common uroliths are divided into:

  • Struvite tripel phosphates (consist of magnesium, ammonium, phosphate). Most often, struvite stones appear in the body of cats aged 1 to 6 years. In cats older than 10 years, this type of disease is associated with a urinary tract infection.
  • Calcium oxalates are crystal forming agents (calcium and oxalic acid). Oxalate-type urolithiasis occurs in cats over 7 years of age. The appearance of this type of uroliths is associated with an increase in the level of calcium in the urine.

Uroliths accumulate in the lower urinary tract but may also occur in the bladder.

Causes of the development of urolithiasis in cats and cats

Predisposing factors for the development of urolithiasis are:

  • Wrong nutrition. A high amount of minerals, magnesium, phosphorus in the daily diet of a cat. At risk are cats that eat fish, fatty and fried foods, salty foods from the host's table (smoked fish, sausage), cheap food.

    It is a mistake for owners to mix factory-made food with natural food prepared by themselves. Such a diet causes metabolic disorders and becomes the cause of KSD.

  • Overweight and sedentary lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle is led by most cats who do not walk on the street. Improper diet and lack of activity lead to obesity. Hence - a violation of metabolic processes in the cat's body and the risk of stones.
  • Intentional retention of urination by animals. Many cats refuse to go to a dirty litter box. The pet will endure and wait until the owner cleans up after him. Imagine: a cat can endure and not go to the toilet all day, for example, until the owner returns from work. Systematic urinary retention can lead to undesirable consequences.
  • Inflammatory processes in the renal pelvis or in the bladder.
  • Insufficient amount of water in the cat's body. Magnesium salts play an important role in the occurrence of urolithiasis. Insufficient water intake in the cat's body and an increased pH value of the urine contribute to the formation of uroliths.

    It has evolved so that cats have a weakened sense of thirst. Their body is capable of high concentrations of urine, which can cause struvite stones.

  • Using low-quality pet water (from the tap) containing a large amount of calcium.
  • Heredity. Cats of some breeds are predisposed to KSD, have congenital enzymopathy, in which the body lacks any important enzyme, or it is not active enough.

ICD in cats: symptoms of an unpleasant disease

Sudden changes in the pet's behavior, for example, puddles in the wrong places, are often attributed by the owners to cat whims and a dirty tray. However, before you start raising a pet, showing him the place where he should do his business, make sure he is healthy. If, in addition to toilet slips, you find the listed signs of urolithiasis in a cat, contact your veterinarian immediately:

  • Hematuria (blood in the urine). The urine of a sick animal turns pink.
  • Dysuria (painful urination). Pain during urination is explained by puddles in the wrong places. It is painful for the cat to go to his litter box, and she is looking for a place where she will not experience discomfort during urination. Experiencing pain during urination, the cat may meow plaintively.
  • Cats have urethral obstruction. The stones in the cat's urethra sometimes create a "plug" in it. The cat tries but cannot go to the toilet. The animal sits down in the tray, pushes, but to no avail.

    Obstruction of the urethra is a serious threat to the life of the animal. If the pet is not treated in time, he will die from acute renal failure within two to three days.

  • The behavior of the animal is restless, the pet is depressed. The breathing of a sick cat is rapid. There is a decrease in appetite, vomiting is possible.

    A veterinarian at the clinic will make a diagnosis based on x-ray examination, ultrasound, as well as laboratory examination of urine sediment and identification of the type of crystals.

How to help a pet? Treatment and prevention of urolithiasis in cats

Urethral obstruction, in which the urinary canal is clogged in cats, is a condition in which a pet needs emergency help. In this case, the bill goes to the clock, and the cost of delay will be the death of the pet. Only a veterinarian in the clinic can help the animal. Treatment of urolithiasis in cats at home is excluded.

The patency of the urinary tract is restored surgically. After the procedure, the animal is prescribed the necessary medications and diet. The most effective therapy with the use of sedative and antispasmodic drugs, physiotherapy, catheterization.

After visiting a doctor, it is important to strictly adhere to the recommendations in nutrition and not to treat your pet with prohibited foods.

Castrated cats are at risk for urolithiasis. Is it true?

Urolithiasis more often overtakes cats than cats. At the same time, neutered animals are indeed at risk. The reason for this is that after the removal of the gonads in cats, there is a high probability of metabolic disorders. Neutered cats are sedentary and more prone to obesity than their non-sterile counterparts. In addition, neutered cats urinate less frequently, which causes crystals to form in the urethra, which later leads to blockage.

Is there an alternative to castration?

Many owners who want to castrate their pet can be understood. The behavior of a tailed friend who has entered adulthood becomes unbearable. Cat during sexual hunting:

  • Leaves odorous marks throughout the apartment;
  • Shows aggression towards owners and pets;
  • Tries to break out into the street in any way: through an open door or window;
  • Screams loudly at night, calling for a cat.

The operation does not guarantee the owner getting rid of the bad habits of the cat. Neutering has been linked to pet stress and an increased risk of urolithiasis.
Cat breeders and owners choose a humane method of contraception to calm their pets - the use of a drug to regulate sexual activity Sex Barrier. The drug is chosen by owners who are not ready to risk the health of their pet and bear the considerable financial costs associated with the treatment and recovery of the animal after the KSD.

Urolithiasis or urolithiasis in recent years has increasingly affected domestic animals. This is a disease of the urinary system, which is characterized by the formation of uroliths - stones and sand in the bladder. It is always accompanied by pain, damage to the mucous membrane of the bladder and urethra, which is why cystitis develops.

The causes of the development of the disease are very diverse, they can be divided into several groups:

  1. Species. Urolithiasis is quite rare in dogs, but it usually occurs in cats. Due to evolutionary development, cats have more concentrated urine than dogs. This is due to their history, lifestyle, and many other factors. In concentrated urine, sand and stones form more easily.
  1. Anatomical. Urolithiasis affects cats more often than cats. The fact is that cats have a very narrow and tortuous urethra. Sand from the bladder cannot be fully washed out in the early stages of the development of the disease, accumulates there and causes the formation of larger stones that can clog the urethra and lead to serious complications. In cats, the urethra is shorter and wider.
  1. Feeding. There is a very common belief that feeding dry food leads to bladder stones. Fortunately, this is not a completely true statement. The appearance of uroliths is promoted not by feeding with dry food, but by limiting water intake. That is, if your pet eats dry food, you must always provide him with fresh, clean drinking water in unlimited quantities. And in many dry food for cats, special components have been added that prevent the occurrence of urolithiasis. A low amount of meat products in the diet, feeding from the table or poor quality products can lead to alkalized urine and the formation of stones. Conversely, feeding an animal only meat contributes to an increase in the concentration of urea in the urine, which can also lead to urolithiasis.
  1. Drinking. Water for drinking a pet must be of high quality. The high content of minerals in water - phosphates, calcium and magnesium salts, can become another factor in the development of urolithiasis.

  1. Other diseases. The urinary system is very well protected by immunity and specific anatomy from many problems. Breaking this delicate balance is not so easy. But hypothermia, stress, poor hygiene of the external genital organs can lead to various diseases of the urinary system. In this case, it is imperative to treat the pet on time and with high quality. An untreated disease can go into a chronic stage, and as a result become a favorable factor for the development of urolithiasis.
  1. Lack of iodine. Lack of iodine in the body can lead to many diseases, including urolithiasis. This is especially important for the Chelyabinsk region, since the soil and water here are poor in iodine. It is recommended to give iodine preparations to pets in courses, and take them on their own.

  1. Patience. Many cats will not go to a dirty litter box, and most dogs refuse to poop in the house. Both of them often have to endure the whole day before the arrival of the owner. The longer and more often your pet has to endure, the more likely it is to develop urolithiasis and many other diseases of the urinary system.
  1. Obesity. Now you can often meet fat dogs, and plump cats flooded the entire Internet. Obesity leads to so many serious health problems. Among others, it can indirectly cause urolithiasis. With obesity, the weight of the pet increases significantly and the need for water increases. But often a dog or cat simply cannot drink as much water as they need. A small amount of water leads to an increase in the concentration of urine, which in turn serves as a factor in the development of urolithiasis.

  1. Decreased immunity, stress, metabolic disorders, hypovitaminosis and much more can become a predisposing factor in the development of urolithiasis.

An impressive list, isn't it? Almost every pet falls into the risk zone - for some, the dog has to wait for the owner from work for more than 8 hours, for another, the cat does not like to drink water, and for the third, the cat, and this is enough to start preventing urolithiasis.

How to prevent urolithiasis?

Unfortunately, there is no one way that will give you a 100% guarantee that your pet will not develop urolithiasis. But the likelihood of its development can be significantly reduced if you follow a few simple rules.

As mentioned above, cats are more susceptible to this disease. This is due to the increased concentration of urine in these animals. Therefore, cats should definitely drink enough water, on average, 20-50 ml per kilogram of body weight, depending on feeding, humidity and ambient temperature. If your cat is not very fond of drinking water, you can feed her wet food - canned food or spiders. There are a lot of wet cat foods being made these days, so it's easy to find one that suits your pet.

Feeding dry food, obesity increases the animal's need for water. Checking if your pet is drinking enough water is very simple - follow the color of the urine after your cat or dog goes to the toilet. The color should be a straw yellow, not too bright, with no hints of red or orange.

It is recommended to water your pet only with clean water, boiled, filtered or bottled. Tap water, natural reservoirs or pumps may contain significant amounts of minerals that contribute to the development of urolithiasis. Therefore, the water for the pet must be boiled and settled, then most of the harmful substances will remain in the kettle and at the bottom in the form of sediment.

You can also increase the attractiveness of water for a pet. Viyo Reinforces prebiotic drink is ideal for this. It contains many delicious components, manufacturers have achieved a very high level of prebiotic palatability - 85-95%! At the moment, this prebiotic is considered the most delicious dietary supplement. The drink can simply be poured into a bowl of water and the cat will drink from there with more pleasure than before. A nice bonus is that Viyo is not only a delicious drink, it also contains prebiotics, which helps improve digestion and boost your pet's immunity.

Feeding dry food can prevent the development of urolithiasis. Natural feeding is very difficult to balance. And if your pet is picky and does not want to eat everything that you put in his bowl, then it is generally impossible to balance feeding. Ready-made food for our pets is immediately balanced in terms of all the necessary parameters, and it is impossible to choose only tasty and healthy food, because each food granule contains almost the same content of all the components withered on the package. Many foods, especially for cats, also have ingredients added to reduce the likelihood of developing urolithiasis.

Cystophan Protexin has been specifically developed for cats. This drug is used for cats with idiopathic cystitis, which can often accompany urolithiasis. Cystophan promotes the restoration of the bladder mucosa, reduces its inflammation. This drug has no contraindications, can be used for cats and cats of any age, is allowed for kittens and pregnant cats. Its importance in the prevention of urolithiasis is difficult to overestimate - Cystophan restores the mucous membrane of the bladder and urethra, making it more difficult for the stones to gain a foothold on the walls of the bladder and the sand is washed out with urine almost completely. To increase the palatability, chicken flavoring has been added to this preparation, due to which the capsules are more liked by cats. It is necessary to refuse the use only in case of individual sensitivity to the components.

You also need to avoid stress and help your pet to endure them more easily. You can gradually accustom your pet to something new, give treats and toys, and matatabi is good for many cats to reduce stress. Matatabi is a plant that causes an "intoxicating" effect in cats, but is not addictive. Unlike catnip, this plant does not cause increased nervous system arousal or drowsiness. If the cat is unhappy or afraid of something, you can give her a toy sprinkled with matatabi. The cat will be distracted from the problem, will be happy to play with it, and then calmly go to bed, wash or go to eat, already forgetting what frightened her.

Be sure to give your pet the opportunity to empty the bladder regularly. It may be convenient for you to walk your dog only twice a day, and of course, your dog will sooner or later get used to this schedule, because he has no choice. But still, such a schedule will bring her considerable discomfort and accelerate the development of many diseases of the urinary system, including urolithiasis. If you have the opportunity, take your dog for walks more often, put a litter box, lay a diaper, or hire a dog walker.

It would seem that cats go to the toilet only in the house, most often in a tray, and they should not have problems with urination regularity. But many cats simply refuse to go to a dirty tray and endure until the owner arrives from work all day. If your cat is so clean, you can put her a second tray. Then she will be able to go to the toilet at least twice a day, and it will be easier for her to wait for you from work. You can also teach your cat to use the toilet bowl and even teach them to flush after themselves. There is even a special tray for toilet training! Then your cat will become completely independent, and it will be possible to leave it alone for a very long time.

Timely and correct treatment of diseases is the most important point in the prevention of urolithiasis. It is necessary to treat the pet in time, because any disease can become chronic and lead to many other diseases, including urolithiasis. In order to recognize the onset of the development of diseases of the urinary system in time, you can use the express test for cats. Most diseases begin asymptomatically, so identifying them in the early stages and curing them can be problematic. This rapid test allows you to identify diseases by the composition of urine. You need to pour the required amount of powder on the filler and wait until the pet goes to the toilet. If the color of the granules has changed, it is urgent to go to the veterinarian and examine the animal. Any disease is easier to cure at the very beginning, then the treatment will not take much of your time and effort, and your pet will not experience pain and suffering.

For your convenience, we have prepared a table with the factors of urolithiasis and ways to prevent them.

ICD development factor Prevention
Type of animal, more common in cats It is necessary to monitor the condition of the animal, monitor urine and the amount of water consumed
Anatomy of the urethra in cats It is necessary to pay special attention to cats, since most often the disease affects them.
Feeding Feed your pet with wet food, dry food for the prevention of KSD, give only high-quality and fresh products, properly balance natural feeding, if you stop at it
Drinking Water for drinking should be boiled and settled, you can not pour water from the tap, unverified sources
Other diseases Tests for ICD will help in timely diagnosis, it is necessary to quickly and correctly treat the pet
iodine deficiency Monitor the level of iodine in the diet, give vitamins with iodine content in courses
Patience Take your dog out for walks often, clean the litter box regularly, put a second litter box on or train your cat to use the toilet
Obesity Keep your pet in good condition, or at least make him drink more water
stress Help your pet cope with stressful situations with toys, treats, matatabi for cats

As mentioned above, there is no one way to prevent urolithiasis that will help with a 100% result. But following all the rules listed above will help remove your pet from the risk group and significantly reduce the likelihood of many diseases, including urolithiasis.

Urolithiasis in cats (urolithiasis (UCD), unfortunately, is a fairly common disease that fluffy pets face. The disease is an accumulation of urinary stones, as well as sand in the bladder and kidneys of the animal.

Since these formations linger in the organs, blood is released into the pet's urine. Disappointing statistics show that every third cat is susceptible to this disease. Today we understand the causes, symptoms and possible prevention of a dangerous disease.

risk group. Which cats are most susceptible to KSD

Studies show that the most at risk are:

  • male pets
  • Castrated cats
  • Unsterilized cats
  • Animals aged 2 to 6 years
  • long haired cats
  • Animals that are overweight

The exacerbation of the disease usually occurs in the fall and lasts until January.

Causes of ICD

The causes of this disease can be both external and internal.

The external ones are:

  1. Food. Urine becomes more concentrated if your pet's food is high in protein.
  2. The climate in the place of residence. If your apartment is very hot, then the urine becomes concentrated, and the quality of its filtration is significantly reduced.
  3. Ecology. Unbelievable, but it is a fact. The composition of air, water, even soil directly affects the health of a cat.

Important! Vitamin deficiency can also lead to ICD. Be sure to reinforce your pet's immunity with vitamin complexes.

With regard to internal aspects that may affect the development of the ICD, these may be:

  1. Anatomical features of the pet. There are cats whose body structure is more likely to be prone to diseases of urolithiasis.
  2. Hormonal disruptions.
  3. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If calcium is excreted poorly, the risk of urolithiasis increases.
  4. Heredity. Just like humans, cats have a hereditary predisposition to certain diseases. In some pets, the body is practically not protected from the disease.

Symptoms of urolithiasis in cats

In order to start the examination and treatment of your pet in a timely manner, you need to know about the common symptoms of the disease. They can be divided into three types: primary features, secondary features, and critical ones.

So, The primary symptoms of the disease are: frequent licking of the pet under the tail, a change in behavior (the cat goes to the toilet in the wrong place, gives voice during urination), frequent urges of the cat to urinate, the cat cannot go to the toilet for a long time, blood impurities in the urine.

Secondary signs of the disease already considered severe, these include: large amounts of blood in the urine, pet incontinence, pet weight loss, lethargy, painful and difficult urination.

Before critical symptoms, as you understand, it is better not to bring. The animal completely stops going to the toilet, the cat has vomiting, convulsions, loss of consciousness is possible.

As soon as you suspect the development of the disease in your pet, contact your veterinarian immediately!

Objectively, only a specialist can diagnose the disease. For an accurate diagnosis, veterinarians use:

  • Urine tests
  • X-ray if needed
  • Palpation
  • Operational intervention.

Prevention of ICD disease

Based on the causes of the disease, we can conclude that prevention requires the exclusion of all external possible causes of the development of the disease.

It is necessary to monitor the nutrition of your pet, choosing special feeds for it, if the animal has a hereditary predisposition to KSD. You can buy these foods in our online store.

Animals should always have access to clean drinking water. Overeating of the animal should not be allowed, this leads to obesity and, as a result, to the development of the disease.

The apartment should have an optimal temperature. Ventilate the room, do not overheat. May your pet be healthy!