We make a fan with our own hands. How to make a beautiful fan with your own hands. How to make a DIY fan for dancing

Such a simple device as a fan not only helps to escape from the heat on summer days, but can also become an original interior decoration or an unusual gift. Despite the fact that it was invented in ancient times, it is still popular with fashionistas.

Any needlewoman can make an unusual fan with her own hands. The materials needed to make it can be found in almost every home.

From paper

The easiest way is to make a paper fan with your own hands. You can try to make it with your child.

Necessary materials:

  • a sheet of paper with a pattern or patterns;
  • glue gun (you can replace it with regular glue);
  • stapler or adhesive tape;
  • scissors;
  • wooden clothespin.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Fold a sheet of paper "accordion" with tightly curled edges.
  2. Fix the lower part of the resulting "accordion" with a stapler or carefully paste over with tape. At the same time, you need to ensure that it lies flat and tight. Its adhesive side should not peek out, otherwise dust and debris will stick to it.
  3. Pinch the bottom edge of the fan with a clothespin and secure with a thread or tape.

A round Japanese fan can also be made from paper.

Necessary materials:

  • A4 paper with Japanese pattern;
  • wooden sticks for ice cream or coffee;
  • double-sided and regular tape;
  • gum and beads.

Preparation method:

  1. Prepare the necessary materials.
  2. Cut a sheet of paper into two equal parts.
  3. Fold each half "accordion". Keep a step of 1-1.5 cm.
  4. Glue the two strips together with double sided tape.
  5. Wrap the lower part of the future fan with ordinary tape.
  6. Stick wooden sticks on the side parts of the "accordion". They should not touch the part of the fan wrapped with tape.
  7. Decorate the rubber thread with beads.
  8. Use a rubber band to secure the fan in the open or closed position.

At the end of the work, the product should be deployed and see if everything is done correctly. With strict observance of the instructions, the fan should open and close freely, and the impromptu handle should lie comfortably in the hand.

From fabric

It is easy to make a fabric fan with your own hands. For its manufacture you will need:

  • a small piece of fabric;
  • a sheet of thin plywood for the manufacture of planks;
  • narrow braid;
  • lace, rhinestones, decorative flowers for decoration;
  • paper, pencil, awl, glue;
  • stationery knife.

You can use the strips from the old fan, and not cut out new ones.

Making guide:

From cardboard

A cardboard fan does not bend or fold, so its function is decorative. It can be a decoration for your home or an unusual gift.

For work you will need:

  • thick cardboard (not color);
  • stationery knife;
  • pencil and ruler;
  • newspapers or sheets of thin paper.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Prepare a solid frame of the fan. To do this, a sheet of cardboard must be placed on a horizontal surface and mark the middle along its lower edge. Measure 30-40 cm up and put a point. Draw a large semicircle, the vertex of which should be at the marked point.
  1. Step back from the point 5 cm, put the second one and draw another semicircle. It should be symmetrical with respect to the first.
  2. From the second point, retreat 2 more times 5 cm each and draw 2 symmetrical semicircles.
  3. Draw the last semicircle at a height of 10 cm from the edge of the sheet.
  4. From the bottom of the workpiece, draw a line to the first semicircle 17 cm long and put a dot. Draw a diagonal line from it to the middle of the bottom edge of the sheet. Repeat the same steps on the opposite side.
  5. From the first diagonal line, measure 3 cm along each semicircle, except for the top one, and put dots. Draw lines along them from the small semicircle to the fourth. Repeat the steps on the opposite side of the workpiece.
  6. Cut out the template with a utility knife. To make a fan, you will need two similar blanks. To make the second, you can simply trace the outlines of the first on a clean piece of cardboard and cut it out.
  7. Cut newspaper sheets into strips 8–10 cm wide. Using a thin wooden stick, twist them into tubes, periodically smearing them with glue. Such blanks will need at least 30-40 pieces.
  8. Glue 15 paper tubes to the cardboard blank. The lower ends of the latter should be connected in the middle of the template, the upper ends should diverge by a distance of 1 cm.
  9. Cut off the protruding ends and glue the second cardboard blank on the other side.
  10. Close the edges of the blanks (where the corrugated part of the cardboard is visible) with paper strips.
  11. Make a weave of several tubes in the bottom open row of the template.
  12. Cover the finished product with the selected paint and transparent varnish. Decorate as desired.

If you don’t have a large compass at hand, you can draw a blank for a solid frame with a pencil and a rope. To do this, make a loop on the last loop and insert a pencil into it. Then you need to attach the lower end of the rope to the middle of the sheet, and the upper end, with a pencil, to the marked point. It remains, holding the rope, to draw two semicircular lines to the right and left of the point.

uchiwa japanese fan

An utiva is different from a regular fan. In shape, it resembles a small fan. The main feature of the product is that it does not add up.

In Japan, uchiwa is made from silk and a single piece of polished wood. In other countries, there are various variations of this product.

To make utiva at home, you will need:

  • sheet of white paper;
  • bamboo skewers;
  • a sheet of paper for decoupage (with a Japanese pattern);
  • a sheet of thick plywood;
  • transparent glue;
  • scissors and cutters.

A step by step tutorial on how to make a Japanese uchiwa fan:

  1. Draw the contours of the future product on a piece of paper. Its shape should be round and resemble an egg. Cut out two paper pieces. Fold them in half along the long side.
  2. Cut out two of the same details from a sheet of decoupage paper. In its absence, you can use any other with a suitable pattern. Three-layer napkins are also suitable.
  3. Take the first blank and lay it on the table. Lubricate the entire surface with glue. Focusing on the longitudinal fold, lay out bamboo sticks in the middle of the template. Their sharp ends should converge at the base of the workpiece, blunt ends should fan out in its wider part.
  4. Glue the second part on top of the wooden skewers. Put the design under the press for 25–30 minutes (any book that is slightly larger than the workpiece will do).
  5. Remove the part and, using wire cutters, remove the protruding ends of the sticks. Glue colored blanks on top of paper blanks on both sides.
  6. On a sheet of plywood, draw the outline of the handle for the fan. It can be simple, rectangular or figured. Cut two identical blanks with a jigsaw or a thin hacksaw and sand.
  7. Insert the fan between the two parts of the handle and glue them together. Paste the sides with a narrow braid so as not to injure the skin of the hands on their rough surface.
  8. Place the assembled fan under the press for 12 hours. During this time, the glue will dry.

Before assembling the fan, the handle can be stained with stain or wrapped with a decorative cord.

The finished fan can be independently decorated according to an individual design. For this purpose, lace, paper flowers, artificial stones, rhinestones, feathers, satin ribbons are used. A fabric fan can be painted with acrylics or use the batik technique.

The heat and flies made a person fan himself with branches, a tuft of feathers, or a large leaf. And so the idea of ​​​​creating a fan appeared. Fans were brought to Europe in the 17th century and became an integral accessory of the aristocracy. Today fan can become a beautiful piece of decor or become a real salvation on a hot summer day. It is not necessary to buy it in the store, but it can be done in a fairly simple way.

To make a fan craft you will need:

- pages from a glossy magazine or newspaper;
- a knitting needle or a thin bamboo stick;
- any glue, but the one you trust and super glue;
- threads;
- decorative ribbons;
- beads;
- lace;
- decorative flowers;
- scissors;
- a simple pencil;
- a sheet of thick cardboard.

Craft Fan with your own hands

Fan making process

1) On a sheet of cardboard, draw a circle with a diameter of at least 10 centimeters with a pencil. Then cut it out and carefully fold it in half - this is the base.

2) Then we start twisting the tubes. You need at least 31 pieces. To do this, cut the pages of a magazine or newspaper into strips. Then we twist them into tubes, winding them on a stick or knitting needle. Be sure to glue the end of the tube with glue.

3) Now we evenly insert the resulting tubes inside the base folded in half and fix them with glue. When all the tubes are glued, then we also glue our base.

5) As a decor, in addition to threads, you can use ribbons, then the fan will be more durable and beautiful. If there are lace, beads, dry or decorative flowers, then decorate the resulting fan with them, not being afraid to experiment.

Here is a simple way to make DIY fans from old newspapers or magazines.

You can use a can of spray paint and blow out the fan with the color that best fits into the interior.

Glitter hairspray will give a unique shine to the product in the light of sunlight. The fan will delight the eyes of others and of course will not leave children indifferent. So create and let the work with your own hands bring you pleasure.

The summer heat forces you to look for rescue options. You won’t be able to carry an air conditioner with you; sitting in the refrigerator all day is also not an option. If there is not even a small breeze outside, then moving away from the fan is akin to a disaster. Fortunately, many centuries ago they came up with a fan, which became the best friend in the summer heat for many women. How to make a fan with your own hands, consider step by step instructions.

How to make a fan with your own hands?

It is better to master the master class immediately in the process of work - it is more productive and more interesting. Conventionally, fans are divided into three categories:

  • Chinese;
  • Japanese;
  • European.

The Chinese fan is easy to make. Usually peacock feathers were fastened for this purpose. But finding them for sale, and even at an affordable price, is more difficult. Therefore, it is better to stock up on disposable forks and make a fan with your own hands from them.

In finished form, it will become European. You will need:

  • 23 forks;
  • any ribbons you like;
  • lace;
  • artificial flowers;
  • glue moment;
  • cardboard;
  • disk;
  • scissors;
  • pencil.

A circle is drawn on a piece of cardboard. The easiest way is to circle the disc with a pencil. Now it needs to be cut and cut into identical halves. Forks are laid out on half of the cardboard and glued with handles 2 cm long. At the top, the cloves of the forks should touch. When all the forks are glued, the second part of the circle is glued on top.

It remains to decorate the fan, but it is better to do this when the glue has already seized on all sides. A ribbon is pulled through the tines of the forks - this is clearly visible in the photo.

In fact, instead of one wide ribbon, you can use several thin ribbons of different colors, or make a two-color checkerboard. There are enough options. The ends of the ribbons are attached with glue along the edge of the teeth.

The middle of the product will look more spectacular if you add it with an artificial flower, which is fixed with tape or a bow. That's all.

How to make Japanese fans?

Children love Japanese fans and are happy to make them from ordinary sheets of paper. True, it does not last long, so it is better to improve the craft a little and calmly use the whole family if necessary. You will need:

  • sheet A4;
  • two flat sticks;
  • pencils or paints;
  • scotch;
  • gum or rubber thread;
  • beads.

Master class, how to make wind out of paper?

Sheet A4 is cut in half lengthwise. On each half, you can draw anything, not necessarily Japanese. Each strip is folded like an accordion. The width of the accordion is not more than about 1 centimeter. Tape both strips into one. Then you need to fold the accordion and in this state wrap one end 2 cm high.

Now, on each side of the fan, one stick is glued with adhesive tape. On the sticks, you can attach another strip of adhesive tape on top for reliability. So that it does not close by itself, you will have to fix it with an elastic band. Here it can be decorated with beads to make it beautiful and decorative, which will keep the fan open or closed.

How to make a fan with your own hands, you already know. This simple and handy little thing will always come in handy. Such crafts can be done with children. They will definitely like both the workflow and its result.

Coming from the depths of centuries, they are quite modern! Folding, solid, paper, fabric, wooden, feather, knitted - ordinary and original - fans have been and remain a relevant and sought-after women's accessory! In this article you will find three workshops on creating fans with your own hands.

paper fan

The fan is the most common paper craft. Making a paper fan is quite simple, but there are some subtleties.

Fold an ordinary sheet of A4 double-sided colored paper in half along the transverse line. Open the sheet, bend each edge to the center line. Open again - there have been three folds.

Bend the edge closest to you to the first marked line - another fold has formed. Expand, bend the same edge to the far (upper) intended line. This is the next fold. Do all these actions with the opposite edge of the sheet.

Open the workpiece, turn it over with the folds up. Bend the edge of the sheet closest to you to the first convex fold.

Grab the first convex fold and bend to the second. Continue to fold the paper like an accordion, grabbing each convex fold and folding it to the next. Bend the last convex fold to the edge of the sheet.

Now fold the resulting accordion in half, before bending one free edge. Bend the harmonica so that the bent edge is inside the bent harmonica (does not go around it from above). Bend the corners of the bent edge - bend the upper corners together down, the lower ones up.

Bend the bent edge with the wrapped corners into the middle of the accordion. Expand the fan and hide the part with bent corners inward. Press the folds well with your fingers. To uncover. Do-it-yourself paper fan is ready!

"Fork" fan

A fan of forks with your own hands is a completely unusual solution!

You will need:

  • Odd number of disposable plastic forks (23-25 ​​pieces).
  • Self-adhesive foam board. Can be replaced with normal.
  • A piece of satin fabric in your favorite color.
  • Elegant lace with a scalloped edge 4 cm wide.
  • Wide transparent lace for decorating the base.
  • A compass (if there is no compass in the house, an ordinary faceted glass and a CD will serve as a substitute), a simple pencil and scissors.
  • Transparent strong glue ("Moment Crystal") or glue gun.
  • Satin roses of different sizes and rhinestones - for decoration.
  • Two or three satin ribbons of different colors from 1.5 to 3 cm wide (optional).

Fan base

Draw a circle with a radius of 6 cm on self-adhesive foam board with a compass, or outline a CD. Cut out the circle and cut in half.

Remove the backing protecting the adhesive side. Lay each half with the adhesive side on a piece of satin, press, smooth, gluing the fabric well. Trim the fabric along the edge of the cardboard. Lightly melt the edges with a lighter.

Lay wide transparent lace, gluing, over the satin with scallops down, releasing them beyond the straight edge of the semicircle. Turn the vertical edges of the lace inside out, glue.

Draw a circle of smaller diameter on the cardboard - with a radius of 3.5 cm, or outline the top of the glass. Cut out and cut in half.

Turn the large semicircle with the wrong side towards you and stick a small semicircle on it, aligning the centers of the semicircles. The small semicircle will act as a limiter.


Glue the forks to the base with the teeth up - one by one. The rods of the forks should rest against the border of the small semicircle. The tines of the forks must be in contact - the sides of the tines can be immediately glued together.

Advice! The stems of the forks can be completely wrapped with a satin ribbon, gluing it along the way, and melting the ends.

Glue the second cardboard semicircle face up, covering the structure.


Gently thread a colored ribbon 1.1-3 cm wide between the rods of the forks. It is better to start from the bottom, melting the end and grabbing it with glue. At the end, glue the edge of the tape. In the course of the tape, also grab it with droplets of glue.

Then draw a second tape row between the rods. Let each row go in the opposite direction. There can be two or more rows - up to the beginning of the teeth.

Pass wide lace between the prongs of the forks, grabbing it with glue and directing it with scallops upwards. Melt the ends of the lace and glue. To make the frame of the fan more romantic, you can glue another, more airy, transparent lace, laying it in folds.

At the base of each fork, for charm, and to cover the laid folds, it is good to glue an artificial rose. You can stick rhinestones on ribbons and lace, and decorate the base of the fan with roses.

As you can see in the photo, this fan is quite beautiful. Such models can even be used in the wedding decoration of the premises.

Japanese fan

You will need:

  • Paper with a patterned pattern, preferably with a Japanese theme - a sheet about 50-60 centimeters long. In principle, any paper will do, but a product made from special paper purchased at a craft store will look more professional.
  • Glue "Moment Crystal" or glue gun.
  • Scissors, tape.
  • Two flat sticks (possible from Eskimo ice cream).

Step by step process

Carefully, slowly, fold a strip of patterned paper with a dense, uniform accordion in 1-1.5 cm increments. Wrap the lower part of the fan with tape. For reliability, it is better to make several turns. Glue flat sticks to the edges of the fan.

Important! The sticks should rest against the adhesive tape, in no case should they go on it, otherwise the fan will not be able to open.

Expand the finished product - the Japanese fan is ready with your own hands!

Having practiced on these simple models, you can move on to more complicated options - from fabric, feathers, according to the principle of a fan or wall masterpieces!

It's still cold outside, but it's time to think about summer, which has been scaring us with abnormal heat for several years in a row. How to get to work, kindergarten or supermarket in such weather without suffocating halfway from dry hot air? Not bad if there is a shade along the way where you can hide from the sun, drink a sip of water, fan yourself with a handkerchief or a folded newspaper. But it is better to use a homemade fan for this purpose - a simple and reliable accessory that will not only save you from stuffiness, but also give you elegance and mystery.

How to make a clumsy paper fan

Such a fan is made elementary, quickly and inexpensively according to the materials used. Prepare: colored paper, scissors, tape, glue, pencil, ice cream sticks.

  • Glue the sticks at the bottom, overlapping each other.
  • Put the resulting fence on paper. Outline the figure of the future base of the fan, similar to a wrapped chocolate candy.

  • Cut out 2 blanks, glue them on sticks - you get an awkward fan. Of course, it won’t fit in a handbag, but for a beach bag, it’s just right.

  • You can make it even easier - take two identical paper mugs and glue them to an ice cream stick. Such an attribute is useful both during the heat season and at a children's holiday.

How to make a Japanese paper fan

The Japanese fan, made in the origami technique, is distinguished by its unusual shape and bright ornament. Needed: 2 wooden sticks 20 cm long, colored paper, awl, glue, gypsy needle, spool of thread.

  • Prepare paper blanks - 10 x 30 cm: two - with a pattern, one - plain and fold them in folds.

  • Glue the sheets together so that the ornament stands on the sides of the workpiece.

  • Gather the pleated base, coat its bottom with glue, let dry. Pierce the treated area with an awl, sew it with strong threads, then hide the knots under a piece of paper.

  • Attach sticks from the sides of the accordion, glue them with colored paper, open the fan and admire your work.

How to make a hanging paper fan

A very uncomplicated accessory, but even with a slight movement of the hand, it will bring a good stream of fresh air and is perfect for a young fashionista's summer outfit.

Fold a sheet of colored paper into an accordion shape. Make holes in the middle of the product with a hole punch, thread a ribbon through them, tighten it slightly and tie a bow at the end. Make a hole in the lower part too, thread the cord, limit it with a knot or a decorative bead.

How to make a simple paper fan

Decorate a sheet of A4 paper with folds. Roll one end of the workpiece towards the middle by 2 cm. Secure this place with a paper clip - you will get the basis of the future mini-fan. Unfold the pleated part of the fan and use to freshen up.

How to make a paper fan

For such crafts, you need thick colored paper or cardboard, scissors, an awl, a nut with a bolt, a pen.

Draw and cut out 8 petals of the same size and shape. Put them together, distributing the color shades as you like. Pierce the bonding point with an awl, insert a bolt into the hole, secure it with a nut and a simple decoration that looks like a magic flower is ready to help you in hot weather.

As you understand, making a fan is easy from improvised means. And to get an exclusive trinket - decorate the craft at your discretion, and it will distinguish you from the crowd and attract the attention of others.