Children can be taken by a foster family. What is a foster family. The concept of a foster family. What laws govern it?

Many couples dream of having a child, but not everyone is able to do it. So they start thinking about adoption.

Adoption implies the formation of family ties between the child and his new parents, the emergence of responsibility, special rights and obligations.

A person who decides to take a child from an orphanage must be an accomplished person.

A potential adoptive parent should be aware that with the advent of a baby in his family, parents are obliged to bear responsibility all their lives.

Consider how to adopt a child from an orphanage in 2019, what requirements the legislation imposes on candidates, what are the obligations of a new family in relation to the adopted.

Requirements for adoptive parents

Adoption is a long and complex process, which is not limited to paperwork in the guardianship and guardianship authorities (CLO). An adoption case must be considered in court.

The order of the procedure, its main provisions are regulated by the Family Code (Chapter 19). You can adopt children who are not yet 18 years old.

Who can take a child from an orphanage is regulated by Article 127 of the RF IC:

Adoptive parents have no age limit. The main thing is that they have good health, and they can provide their child financially at a decent level.

The age difference between the new parents and the adopted child should not be less than 16 years, but there are exceptions, and the court makes a decision individually in each case.

But if the adopter is the spouse of the biological parent of the child, the age difference is not taken into account. An exception is also made for the uncle, aunt of the child, other relatives and godparents.

Video: Conditions for adopting a child in Russia

The candidate for adoption must be physically able to care for the child, take responsibility for the upbringing.

The candidate must not have the following diseases:

A person who wishes to adopt a child from an orphanage must support him.

Potential adopters must have a regular income that exceeds the subsistence level for several people.

Usually, when making a positive adoption decision, the court requires a higher level of income.

When submitting documents, the candidate for adoption indicates all available sources of income.

The following sources are considered as additional sources: salary from a second job, funds from the rental of movable and immovable property, interest on deposits in a bank and from borrowers.

People who dream of becoming parents are worried about what else is needed to take a child from an orphanage. Potential candidates must have their own accommodation.

If the apartment is in a mortgage, this procedure usually does not prevent the adoption of a child, but the total income, taking into account the deduction of the monthly mortgage fee, should be enough to support a minor from an orphanage. This item should also be applied to other loans and borrowings.

The area should also be sufficient for all family members to live: it is important that the apartment has a place to sleep, play, study. A huge plus if there are schools and other educational institutions nearby.

A mandatory requirement is compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards: cleanliness, absence of insects, rodents. People with chronic forms of infectious diseases should not live in the same living space with adopted children.

Same sex persons over the age of 9 cannot share a room unless they are a married couple. If the adopted child is over 9 years old, he must have a separate room. The same applies if a person adopts a brother or sister.

If a married couple decides to adopt and meets all the requirements, you should start by collecting documents. Also, future potential parents are enrolled in the courses of the School of Adoptive Parents.

Training takes about one and a half months, can be remote. The school is intended for candidates for adoptive parents.

It is designed to develop key parental competencies that are necessary for the upbringing of children transferred to the family of citizens. Information lectures are held, parents are also psychologically prepared.

It is not necessary to take courses if the child is adopted by his relatives, or by persons who have already been adoptive parents once, and there was no cancellation of the adoption.

Find out what documents are needed to adopt a child from an orphanage.

Potential adoptive parents should collect the following papers:

Documents must be prepared in two copies (for the PLO and the court).

Video: Procedure for adopting a child

Custody and Adoption Authority (PA)

With a full package of documents, citizens who decide to adopt a child go to the PLO. After the paperwork is completed, potential parents are expected to visit the home of PLO employees.

An act of inspection of housing conditions is drawn up. The living space must be well-groomed, clean and tidy.

Within 15 days, employees prepare a conclusion. If the impression of citizens who wish to adopt a child is positive, they are recognized as candidates for adoptive parents.

If a refusal follows, it must be issued in the form of an official letter indicating the reason.

The search for a child can be conducted through the Federal Data Bank on Orphans ( or the database of video profiles of orphans, also through the PLO at the place of residence or the Regional SDB operator about orphans.

In the database, a child can be found by region, gender, presence of relatives, year of birth, even name. There are a lot of profiles of children with the fifth and fourth health groups.

The PLO issues a referral to visit the child. The document is valid for 10 days.

A candidate for adoptive parents may meet with one of the children. Has the right to communicate with the child, get acquainted with his documents, confirm the fact of familiarization with the medical report on the state of health of the selected child.

If candidates wish to see other children, they may receive another referral.

If potential adoptive parents did not appear at the appointed time to meet with the child twice without objective reasons, they are removed from the adoption process as irresponsible and unreliable people.

Once the child is selected, the candidates apply to the court for permission to adopt the child. The court makes a decision no later than two months after the submission of the application.

Adoption is done by the court. Candidates for adoptive parents submit an application with the following information:

Attached to the application are all the same documents that were provided to the PLO, as well as a document that confirms the registration of the person as a candidate for adoption.

The case is considered at a closed court session, in which the candidates themselves, members of the PLO, the prosecutor, a child who has reached 14 years of age, his biological parents take part.

The rights and obligations of new parents are established from the moment the court decision enters into force. The court sends a copy of the decision to the registry office at the place where the decision was made within three days.

Adoptive parents must personally pick up the baby from the children's institution, presenting the consent of the court, and register the adoption with the registry office.

A child in a family is more preferable than in an orphanage, but it is often very difficult for adoptive parents to prove their compliance with all the requirements.

One of the families received PLO approval for adoption, chose a 9-year-old boy in the orphanage, with whom they developed a good relationship.

The biological mother of the boy was invited to the trial, who had previously served a sentence in places of deprivation of liberty, and after her release did not take part in the life of her child. The boy remained in the orphanage.

At the court session, the mother repented, began to promise the court that she would take the child. The boy was confused, and the court did not give permission for adoption, and he was left in an orphanage.

Subsequently, it turned out that the mother did not have a permanent income and her own living space, and the boy remained in the orphanage.

Often, decent and worthy people who dream of becoming parents and adopting a baby are faced with the formalities of the law and cannot fight them.

Learn how to take a child from an orphanage under guardianship.


The alternative to adoption is guardianship. The child is accepted into the house as a foster child. Guardianship is established over children under 14 years old, guardianship - over children 14-18 years old.

The guardian has almost all the same rights as the parents. But guardianship authorities regularly monitor the conditions of his maintenance, upbringing and education.

Appointed for a term or indefinitely. It is not uncommon for guardianship to be used as an intermediate form of adoption. The level of responsibility is high, but not complete.


  • the decision on guardianship is made by the head of the local government, is issued faster than when adopting through the courts;
  • the ward is paid a monthly allowance, they help the custodian in organizing education, recreation, and treatment of the child;
  • after 18 years, the educated person is allocated living space;
  • requirements for guardians are less stringent.


  • the child may feel inferior due to incomplete belonging to the caregiver's family;
  • members of the PLO may intervene;
  • an applicant for adoption may appear;
  • contacts with biological relatives of the child are possible;
  • It is difficult to change a child's surname, but the date of birth is not changed.

To obtain the opportunity to adopt a child for upbringing, future guardians apply to the PLO. Processing can take up to three months.

With various forms of child placement, adoptive parents and guardians are subject to the same requirements for their state of health.

Applicants must not have been previously deprived of parental rights or removed from the duties of a guardian or adoptive parent through their fault.

Is it possible to take a child from an orphanage for the weekend?

Not all couples have the opportunity to adopt or adopt a child. Then in some cases they are allowed to take the child for a while.

Guest Mode is also used to get to know the child the family wishes to adopt more closely.

This arrangement is even easier and faster, but guest mode is not recommended for children under adolescence. Upon returning to the orphanage, young children perceive it as if they are being abandoned again.

Having been a “guest” once, children and even teenagers then wait for weeks and hope that they will come back for them. “Guest mode” is not only an opportunity to temporarily live in a normal family, but also an emotional burden on the child.

Young children bond very quickly. And if they are constantly returned and “attached” again, they will forget how to trust.

The child will not be transferred to the family if:

  • it will be contrary to the wishes of the child, create a threat to his life, health, violate his rights and interests;
  • it turns out that together with the citizen who took the child “on a visit”, the parent of the baby, deprived of parental rights, lives.

The total length of stay cannot be more than three months. In some cases, it can be extended up to six months.

If the biological parents of the child could not, for some reason, properly fulfill their obligations, this can be done by adoptive parents, guardians or adoptive parents.

But both adoptive parents and guardians must understand that a new family member is a responsibility, it is forever. They will have all the same responsibilities as the biological family.

Today, orphanages are not uncommon. It would probably be superfluous to talk about how many orphans are in such institutions. Even the best and most caring employees of orphanages cannot replace real parents for such children. People who have made the decision to take a baby from an orphanage face many problems. And these problems are connected not only with a huge list of necessary documents giving the right to this, but, unfortunately, sometimes even with condemnation from others.

If you decide to take a child from an orphanage, first you need to contact the guardianship and guardianship authorities. The inspector will tell you what documents you need to collect and in what time frame you need to do it.

Who can be an adoptive parent

The age difference between the unmarried adopter and the adopted child must be at least 16 years. According to article 127 of the Family Code, adult persons of any gender can be adoptive parents, except for persons:

  • recognized by the court as incapable or partially capable;
  • spouses, one of whom is recognized by the court as incapable or partially capable (if both spouses adopt);
  • persons deprived by court of parental rights or limited by court in parental rights;
  • persons suspended from the duties of a guardian (custodian) for improper performance of the duties assigned to him by law;
  • former adoptive parents, if the adoption is canceled by the court due to their fault;
  • persons who, for health reasons, cannot exercise parental rights;
  • persons who, at the time of establishment, do not have income that provides the adopted child with the subsistence minimum established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in whose territory the adoptive parents (adoptive parent) live;
  • persons who do not have a permanent place of residence;
  • persons who, at the time of establishment of adoption, have a criminal record for an intentional crime against the life or health of citizens;
  • persons living in residential premises that do not meet sanitary and technical rules and regulations.

What do we have to do

Documents for adoption must be collected in two copies at once (for the PLO and the court). When contacting the guardianship authorities, you must have the following papers with you:

  • An application asking for an opinion on the possibility of being an adoptive parent (either by hand or printed text).
  • A short autobiography that is written in free form (either handwritten or typed). It must indicate: surname, name, patronymic, nationality, date and place of birth, place of residence, education, place of work, marital status. At the end, the date is indicated and the signature is put.
  • Certificate from the place of work (on the company's letterhead), which must indicate the position and salary (a copy of the income declaration is possible).
  • A copy of the financial account.
  • Extract from the house (apartment) book or certificate of ownership.
  • Certificate of the internal affairs bodies on the absence of a criminal record. This document is available upon request.
  • Medical conclusion of a state or municipal medical institution on the candidate's state of health.
  • If the candidate is married, a copy of the marriage certificate must be provided.
  • When adopting a child by one of the spouses, an application is required expressing the consent of the other spouse for adoption.

A complete list of documents must be specified in a particular guardianship authority. The documents that you are required to provide, as well as the rights and obligations of the adoptive parent, are specified in the Government Decree of March 29, 2000. RF No. 275 "On approval of the rules for the transfer of children for adoption (adoption) ...".

After permission to adopt

When all the necessary documents have been collected, the guardianship authority is obliged to examine the candidate's living conditions within 7 working days. After that, the candidate is issued a written opinion, with which you can apply to the guardianship and guardianship authority at the location of the children's institution (if you want to take the child from a specific orphanage) or to the regional data bank on children deprived of parental care. The candidate is given the necessary information about children who can be adopted. The choice of the child is given 3 months. When a child (or several children) is selected, permission is issued to visit him.

What is guardianship

A kind of alternative to adoption is guardianship, which gives new parents all the necessary rights. Guardians have the same responsibility for the child as ordinary parents in adoption, but there are important differences:

  • if the child has biological parents, they have the right to visit him;
  • the child will not bear the surname of the guardians and all data on the birth certificate will remain unchanged.
  • guardianship can be established over children under 14 years old, and guardianship over children from 14 to 18 years old.

To obtain guardianship or guardianship, you must contact the guardianship authority and receive a list of documents. Despite the fact that guardianship is easier to arrange than adoption, the list of documents is quite large and registration can take an average of about 3 months. Standard package: your application for guardianship, the consent of the other spouse (if you are married), a health certificate, a certificate from the place of work (including position and salary), a certificate of housing availability (an extract from the house book), a characteristic (available at the place of work or residence) + CV, certificate from the Department of Internal Affairs, a copy of the passport. An important point: when registering guardianship for the maintenance of each ward child, funds are paid monthly.

Child's Choice

It is sometimes difficult for all future potential parents to choose exactly their child. Many mistakenly think that in the orphanage they will be able to see and communicate with different children at once. This is not true. You will choose the child in advance with the operator of the state bank, which contains information about orphans. Perhaps you will see the baby on the websites of orphanages, in special TV shows and newspapers. In this case, it is necessary to find out whether the adoption of this child by other persons is planned. If you have decided on the choice of the baby, you will be given permission to visit him.

It's important to know:

  • the exact amount of the allowance, which is legally paid to guardians and is determined by the regional authorities (where the family lives);
  • if you want to adopt a child, but live in a rented apartment, then a rental agreement is required;
  • adoption of a child by an unmarried woman is possible, in this case all other basic necessary factors (income, housing conditions, etc.) are taken into account;
  • when adopting a child by spouses having different citizenship, the requirements stipulated by the legislation of both the state of which the husband is a citizen and the state of which the wife is a citizen must be met;
  • the disability of one of the spouses is not a strict obstacle to the adoption of a child, but it must be taken into account;
  • an unmarried man can adopt a child, but this issue is decided by the commission when considering all factors in favor of the possibility of adoption;
  • adoption takes time and requires patience, you can not immediately count on a quick result.

Everyone has the right to happiness! If the biological parents could not give the child a real family, then you can do it. Many families who decide to take this important step face various problems, including psychological ones. You must understand that many people meet with similar difficulties, and these problems are surmountable. In exchange for some difficulties, you will receive real happiness - the happiness of being parents!

Rumyantseva Nina, publication date: 09/12/2010
Daria Pestova, update date: 03/10/2018
Reprinting without an active link is prohibited!

Natalia 16.02.2018 16:11
I want to take a girl from one to six years old. Stavropol region

25.10.2017 17:17
When I grow up I want to shelter a black boy 8-12 years old. I don't want to have my own children. I don’t want to get married, but just finish college, find a job, take a Negroid boy from an orphanage. I want to become a good and kind mother for this child .... But this is my dream ... And I want to fulfill it in the future.

Gregory 05.07.2017 00:02
I would like to know if it is possible to adopt a teenager of 16 years old?

Julia 04.07.2017 11:55
Hello! I really want to adopt a child, because I can’t give birth on my own. But I have a disability - group 3 - deafness. I work with a good income and own an apartment. Are there opportunities?

According to statistics for 2016, more than 148 thousand children from orphanages were brought up in foster families. Five thousand of them returned to the orphanage. Women who abandoned foster children, what it is like to be the mother of a non-native child and what prompted them to make a difficult decision.

Irina, 42 years old

A daughter was brought up in Irina's family, but she and her husband wanted a second child. The husband, for medical reasons, could no longer have children, the couple decided to adopt. There was no fear, because Irina worked as a volunteer and had experience in dealing with refuseniks.

- I went against the wishes of my parents. In August 2007, we adopted a one-year-old Misha from the house. The first shock for me was the attempt to rock him. Nothing worked, he rocked himself: he crossed his legs, put two fingers in his mouth and rocked from side to side. Later I realized that the first year of Misha's life in the orphanage became lost: the child did not form an attachment. Children in the baby house are constantly changing nannies so that they do not get used to it. Misha knew that he was adopted. I conveyed this to him carefully, like a fairy tale: I said that some children are born in the stomach, while others are born in the heart, so you were born in my heart.

Irina admits that little Misha constantly manipulated her, was obedient only for the sake of profit.

- In kindergarten, Misha began to change into women's clothes and masturbate in public. He told the teachers that we do not feed him. When he was seven, he told my eldest daughter that it would be better if she had not been born. And when we forbade him to watch cartoons as a punishment, he promised to kill us.

Misha was seen by a neurologist and a psychiatrist, but no medication worked on him. At school, he disrupted lessons and beat his peers. Irina's husband ran out of patience and filed for divorce.

- I took the children and went to Moscow to work. Misha continued to do nasty things on the sly. My feelings for him were in constant disarray: from hatred to love, from the desire to kill to heartbreaking pity. All my chronic diseases have worsened. The depression set in.

According to Irina, Misha could have stolen money from his classmates and spent the funds allocated to him for lunch in a slot machine.

— I had a nervous breakdown. When Misha returned home, in a state of passion, I slapped him a couple of times and pushed him so that he had a subcapsular rupture of the spleen. They called an ambulance. Thank God no surgery was needed. I was scared and realized that I had to abandon the child. Would I break down again? I don’t want to go to jail, I still have to raise my eldest daughter. A few days later I came to visit Misha in the hospital and saw him in a wheelchair (he could not walk for two weeks). She returned home and cut her veins. My roommate saved me. I spent a month in a psychiatric clinic. I have severe clinical depression and take antidepressants. My psychiatrist forbade me to communicate with the child in person, because all treatment after that goes down the drain.

After nine years of living in the family, Misha returned to the orphanage. A year and a half later, legally, he is still the son of Irina. The woman believes that the child still does not understand what happened, he sometimes calls her and asks to buy something for him.

- He has such a consumer attitude towards me, as if he is calling the delivery service. After all, I don’t have a division - mine or adopted. For me, everyone is family. It's like I've cut off a piece of myself.

After what happened, Irina decided to find out who Misha's real parents were. It turned out that he had schizophrenics in his family.

- He is a nice boy, very charming, dances well, and he has a developed sense of color, he chooses clothes well. He dressed my daughter for prom. But this is his behavior, heredity crossed everything out. I firmly believed that love is stronger than genetics. It was an illusion. One child destroyed my entire family.

Svetlana, 53 years old

There were three children in Svetlana's family: her own daughter and two adopted children. The two elders left to study in another city, and the youngest adopted son, Ilya, stayed with Svetlana.

- Ilya was six when I took him to me. According to the documents, he was absolutely healthy, but soon I began to notice oddities. I'll make a bed for him - the next morning there is no pillowcase. I ask, where are you going? He does not know. For his birthday, I gave him a huge radio-controlled car. The next day, one wheel was left of her, and she doesn’t know where everything else is.

After several examinations by a neurologist, Ilya was diagnosed with absence epilepsy. The disease is characterized by short-term blackouts of consciousness.

- All this could be dealt with, but at the age of 14, Ilya began to use something, what exactly - I never found out. He started freaking out more than before. Everything in the house was broken and broken: the sink, sofas, chandeliers. If you ask Ilya who did it, there is only one answer: I don’t know, it’s not me. I asked him not to use drugs. She said: finish the ninth grade, then you will go to study in another city, and we will part on a good note. And he: “No, I won’t leave here at all, I’ll bring you.”

After a year of quarrels with her adopted son, Svetlana ended up in the hospital with nervous exhaustion. Then the woman decided to abandon Ilya and returned him to the orphanage.

- A year later, Ilya came to me for the New Year holidays. He asked for forgiveness, said that he did not understand what he was doing, and that now he does not use anything. Then he went back. I don’t know how guardianship works there, but he returned to live with his own alcoholic mother. He already has his own family, a child. His epilepsy never went away, sometimes he gets weird over little things.

Evgenia, 41 years old

Evgenia adopted a child when her own son was ten. That boy was abandoned by previous adoptive parents, but despite this, Evgenia decided to take him into her family.

- The child made the most positive impression on us: charming, modest, smiling shyly, embarrassed and quietly answering questions. Later, as time passed, we realized that this was just a way to manipulate people. In the eyes of those around him, he always remained a miracle child, no one could believe that there were real problems in communicating with him.

Evgenia began to notice that her adopted son was lagging behind in physical development. Gradually, she began to learn about his chronic diseases.

“The boy began his life in our family by telling a bunch of scary stories about his previous guardians, which at first seemed to us to be quite true. When he was convinced that we believed him, he somehow forgot what he was talking about (a child, after all), and it soon became clear that he simply made up most of the stories. He constantly dressed up as girls, in all games he took female roles, climbed under the covers to his son and tried to hug him, walked around the house, lowering his pants, responding to comments that he was so comfortable. Psychologists said that this is normal, but I could not agree with this, after all, my boyfriend is also growing.

While in the second grade, the boy could not count to ten. Evgenia is a teacher by profession, she constantly worked with her son, they managed to achieve positive results. But communication between mother and son did not go well. The boy lied to the teachers about being bullied at home.

- We got a call from the school to understand what was happening, because we have always been in good standing. And the boy just felt the weak points of those around him well and, when he needed to, hit them. He simply brought my son to hysterics: he said that we did not love him, that he would stay with us, and that his son would be sent to an orphanage. He did it on the sly, and for a long time we could not understand what was happening. As a result, the son, secretly from us, hung out in computer clubs, began to steal money. We spent six months to bring him home and bring him to his senses. Its OK now.

The son brought Eugenia's mother to a heart attack, and ten months later the woman sent her adopted son to a rehabilitation center.

- With the advent of the adopted son, the family began to fall apart before our eyes. I realized that I was not ready to sacrifice my son, my mother for the sake of a ghostly hope that everything would be fine. The fact that he was sent to a rehabilitation center, and then they wrote a refusal, the boy was absolutely indifferent. Maybe he's just used to it, or maybe some human feelings have atrophied in him. New guardians were found for him, and he left for another region. Who knows, maybe things will work out there. Although I don't really believe in it.

Anna (name changed)

- My husband and I could not have children (I have incurable problems in the female part) and took the child from the orphanage. When we took it, we were 24 years old. The child was 4 years old. He looked like an angel. At first, they could not get enough of him, he was so curly, well-built, smart, compared to his peers from the orphanage (it's no secret that children in the orphanage develop poorly). Of course, we did not choose on principle who is prettier, but this child clearly had a soul. Almost 11 years have passed since then. The child has turned into a monster - GENERALLY does not want to do anything, steals money from us and from classmates. Visits to the director have become a tradition for me. I don’t work, I dedicated my life to the child, I spent all the time with him, I tried to be a good, fair mother ... it didn’t work out. I told him the word - he told me "go to ***, you are not my mother / yes you are ***** / yes, what do you understand in my life." I don't have the strength anymore, I don't know how to influence him. My husband has retired from education, he says that I should figure it out myself, because (I quote) “I am afraid that if I start talking to him, I will hit him.” In general, I saw no way out but to give it back. And yes. If this was my child, dear, I would have done exactly the same.

Natalia Stepanova

- Little Slavka fell in love with me right away. The lonely and shy kid stood out from the crowd of children in the social center for helping children. We took him on the first day we met. However, two weeks later the alarm was sounded. Outwardly calm and kind boy suddenly began to show aggression towards pets. First, Slava hung newborn kittens in the kitchen, after wrapping them with wire. Then small dogs became the object of his attention. As a result, at least 13 ruined lives were on the account of the juvenile murderer. When a series of these cruel acts began, we immediately turned to a child psychologist. At the reception, the specialist reassured us and advised us to devote more time to Slava and make it clear that we love him. We agreed and in the summer we went to the village, away from the noisy city. But there the situation got even worse. At the next consultation, the psychologist explained to us that Slavka needed specialized help. And since I am in a position, we decided that it would be better to send our son back to the orphanage. We hoped to the last that the boy's aggression would soon pass, and with it the desire to kill. The last straw of patience was the three bodies of torn puppies. As if according to the script of a horror movie, once again taking advantage of the absence of adults, the kid alone brutally beat the four-legged animals to death.

When you decide to get custody of a child, you should prepare in advance for this process so that it does not drag on for a long time. Where do you need to apply, what documents to submit, and what government agencies will help you in the process of adapting a foster child to a family?

If you have made the final decision that you are ready to take a child into a foster family and become good parents for him, then you should familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of this process. Registration of guardianship or guardianship is a time-consuming procedure that can take months, although compared to adoption, it seems much easier, because it does not require a court decision.

To begin with, let's look at how a foster family differs from other forms of guardianship. The concept of a foster family differs from the usual one in that foster parents are in a special contractual relationship with the guardianship authorities and are provided with payment for the performance of their duties. Guardianship and trusteeship are possible over minor citizens. Foster families for the elderly are also being actively created as an alternative to nursing homes.

What is the difference between guardianship and guardianship? Custody is the care of children under 14 years old, guardianship - over children 14-18 years old. The payment to the family is made once after the transfer of the child to the foster family has taken place. Also every month, parents receive payments for their custody of the child, which should be enough for his maintenance, including the purchase of clothing, household and stationery. In addition, at the legislative level, the foster family is provided with benefits, free sanatorium treatment for children, and recreation in children's camps.

What documents will need to be collected?

On June 17, 1996, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a regulation on a foster family. It is not necessary to read the entire Family Code of the Russian Federation, but before starting the guardianship process, you should familiarize yourself with the content of the provision on the foster family. There you will find many answers to questions that will arise in the future or have arisen now. The document is small in size, so it won't take long to get acquainted with it, while making you more legally savvy.

If you want to start registration of guardianship or guardianship, you should contact the Education Department of the administration of your district, namely the child protection sector. There, a foster family agreement will be drawn up with you. This contract is not considered as a kind of ordinary civil law transaction, therefore it has a number of features.

The agreement on the transfer of a child to a foster family provides for the period for which he will live with guardians, the conditions for his maintenance, education and upbringing, as well as the rights and obligations of foster parents and the grounds for terminating this agreement. Also, the foster family agreement contains data on the child who is given to foster parents: name, age, information about the state of health, physical and mental development. The amount of payments provided to adoptive parents for the maintenance of a child is indicated in the document.

In order to apply for guardianship, you will need to collect the following documents:

  • statement;
  • the passport;
  • autobiography;
  • photo 30*40;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • medical certificate on the condition of all family members where the child will live;
  • the written consent of the parent (if they are alive and there is no court decision on their incapacity) that they agree to appoint you as a guardian;
  • written consent of all adult family members that the ward will live with them;
  • certificate from the place of work on the position held, as well as on the amount of your income;
  • a copy of the income statement;
  • description of the housing condition of your living space and a certificate of family composition;
  • registration certificate of the housing where the foster family will live.

Be careful in the design of certificates and in the terms of their validity, because some may be valid only for a while.

Who can't be a foster parent?

You should also look at the list of those who will be denied custody. The foster family regulations state that foster parents cannot be:

  • persons who have been declared incompetent by the court;
  • persons who have been deprived of parental rights by the court;
  • persons suspended by the court from performing the duties of guardians in connection with their unfair performance;
  • persons with diseases that make it impossible to fulfill the duties of a guardian in a foster family.

In either case, a court decision confirming that you are capable of acting as a foster parent will give you access to the custody you want.

The final stage of registration of guardianship

Within 20 days after the submission of the application and all necessary documents, the guardianship body undertakes to notify you of its decision regarding your case.

After you have collected all the above documents, and the transfer of the child to a foster family has taken place, the second difficult stage of the process awaits you. Adaptation in a foster family is a difficult period, both for the child and for the parents.

A child who was brought up in the harsh conditions of an orphanage or orphanage will get used to his new status and will need your support, wisdom and love. Be armed with information and seek the help of a psychologist if you need it. The transfer of a child to a foster family is always accompanied by stress for all participants in this process. But soon the foster family for the child will become the place where he will feel safe.

Department of Family and Youth Policy

To help foster families during the adaptation period, a number of organizations have been created, one of which is the Department of Family and Youth Policy. The activities of the department include the implementation of coordination in the field of family policy, making proposals for improving the legal framework on issues of guardianship and guardianship, and conducting various programs aimed at strengthening families, including foster families.

The Department of Family and Youth Policy helps to place orphans in foster families, coordinates and provides methodological support to local governments in relation to wards, and protects the rights of wards in families. If an adopted child in the family is experiencing any difficulties, then the department will always find where to direct the energy of a developing child. And believe me, the energy will be directed in the right direction.

The Department of Family and Youth Policy involves young people in social policy and informs about potential development opportunities. By keeping in touch with this body, you will always find activities for your child, whether he is interested in theater, sports or English. Hundreds of specialists work in the department. Don't forget that the foster family of 2012 is not an island in the ocean, it is part of the mainland, which is interconnected with a whole network of other families. You are not separated from society. Know that you can always contact the Department of Family and Youth Policy for help. The socialization of your child can go much faster with the help of specialists.

Most people want to fulfill themselves as parents. But if for some reason this is not possible in a natural way, You can take a child from an orphanage for adoption.

Search for a child in the database: where to get information about children in need of a family

Data on children in need of a family is available in the regional database or in the PLO at the location of the specifically chosen orphanage.

Based on the opinion issued prospective adoptive parents will be given access to a database with photos, where you can choose one or more applicants from children with whom you can get a date and chat, try to find common ground.

The database will contain information about the presence of relatives, about the relationship of the baby with them. There will also be marks on whether someone has chosen this child and is engaged in registration. All questions can be clarified with the PLO employee.

A candidate for parents will be able to meet with only one of the children; a date with several pupils at the same time is undesirable and therefore impossible. It happens that contact is immediately established and the issue of choice is practically resolved, and many want to see everyone they have looked after, and only then make the final choice.

If the applicant for the role of an adoptive parent did not appear at the appointed time to meet with the baby twice, he is removed from the selection process as an unreliable and irresponsible person, if there are no objective reasons that prevented him from coming to the meeting.

After receiving permission for adoption from guardianship and guardianship, three months are allotted for the choice of the baby.

What documents are needed to take the baby?

Once the choice has been made, it is possible to go to court with an application containing a request for a decision on adoption. Representation of guardianship and guardianship in the judicial process is mandatory.

Here is a list of papers, without which the process is not real:

  • certificate of employment(about the position in which the future parent is registered and income);
  • medical examination results on the subject of the general condition of the body;
  • document of no criminal record;
  • confirmation of the health service on the possibility of the child living according to sanitary standards in the living space owned by the future parent;
  • , testifying to the ownership of housing;
  • upon adoption by one of the four written agreement another;
  • when adopted by a family - copy of marriage certificate;
  • job description;
  • copy of personal account state of payment for utilities(issued by the settlement center or housing department);
  • autobiography handwritten or typed;
  • the passport as an identity card, and a copy of it.

Now, the consent of the management of the children's institution must be attached to the already collected package of papers

If the child is older than 10 years, then when conducting the adoption process, the court must take into account his wishes.

With a positive outcome of the court, you need to wait until the decision comes into force, and you can take the child home, and then correct the documents in the registry office.

Will there be payments to parents?

From the moment of the court decision and making the necessary adjustments to the passports of the adoptive parents, obtaining a birth certificate for the child with a new surname new parents are eligible to receive appropriate payments.

By the way, if the baby's last name is the one that was in the orphanage, payments must be made. The main condition is the establishment of adoption by the court.

Since the adopted baby is considered to be blood by law, the state is obliged to transfer all payments due to the parents for the child.

Adoption of a child by a single woman

An unmarried woman also has the right to become a mother to a pupil of an orphanage.

A single mother should understand that she will be more closely monitored by the PLO for the following points:

  • security material resources;
  • are there any helpers in the matter of raising a child, if the mother works;
  • who will insure in case of force majeure(illness, the need to leave for a while, etc.);
  • with a possible change in the status of a single mother ( if the mother gets married) what the baby can expect.

It is worth remembering that there will be frequent and comprehensive checks by the PLO and other bodies, so that a single woman must muster the courage and patience if she decides to take on the burden of motherhood.

There is no need to think that the attitude towards single mothers is biased, no - guardianship and guardianship workers constantly monitor that the baby is provided not only with care and love, but also with the necessary material wealth.

Judicial practice: what difficulties arise in the process of paperwork?

It is undeniable that it is preferable for a child to live in a family than to share shelter with the same destitute pupils of an orphanage. But practice shows that sometimes it is difficult for the adoptive parent to prove his compliance with all the parameters required by law.

So, the G. family received the approval of the PLO for the possibility of adoption, picked up a girl in the orphanage, with whom they immediately developed very good relations. The girl was 10.5 years old, and her father was invited to the trial.

The father was serving a sentence in prison when, and the daughter was placed in an orphanage. After his release, the father did not take any part in the life of his daughter.

In court, the father began to sob, begging the girl to forgive him and promising to take her away. The child was confused, not knowing what to do. The court did not give permission for the adoption of the girl, and she remained in the orphanage.

The problem here was the right of parents, regardless of their social status, to be present at the court session.

It turned out later that the man does not have a permanent place of work, he lives in the living space of his cohabitant. The child continues to be in a children's institution.

Often decent, kind-hearted people who have found a little man in an orphanage and want to take a child from an orphanage, cannot overcome the formalities of the adoption law for the simple reason that they have an apartment with walk-through rooms.

This is not allowed (according to the criteria of the guardianship authorities) - the baby must live in a separate room. And the child remains in the dormitory of the children's institution without finding a new family.

But everyone is required to comply with the law, so those who decide to have a daughter or son through the PLO and the court must take into account all their real possibilities. If all the documents are in order, then it is quite possible to become parents by issuing an adoption..

For those who are going adopt a child from an orphanage, we invite you to watch the video and once again answer yourself the questions: “Do you want to adopt a child? Are you sure?":