I want to fall in love with a man what to do. How to fall in love with a man - women's secrets. step. Demonstration of high importance

20 ways you fell in love with a man to death

Every man has specific needs that a woman can satisfy. And this is not only a matter of physiology. With the right approach to relationships, a man will soon begin to understand that you are the woman he has dreamed of all his life. If he realizes this, consider that he is yours forever. How to make a guy fall in love with you and make him marry you?

How to tie a man to yourself and make him fall in love with you

From time immemorial, a woman has sought to tie a man to herself in various ways. Some ladies learn to cook culinary masterpieces, remembering that the way to a man's heart lies through his stomach. Others try to lure with a stunning appearance, spending big money on fashion trends, beauty salons and plastic surgery. Still others are dieting and practicing in fitness clubs until they sweat.

However, you don't need to be a fortune-teller to foresee - all these titanic efforts rarely lead to a positive result. Fall in love with a man for real, and not for the sake of fleeting relationships, not so easy!

You have probably already noticed that simple female happiness, first of all, is found by persons who are far from a model appearance, not with an ideal figure and not super-fashionably dressed. Maybe they do not waste time on unnecessary body movements, but know effective methods to attract men? What is the "secret weapon" of nondescript, but charming girls?

So find out 20 ways to make a guy fall in love with you, which must be systematically applied in practice, not only before, but even after the wedding, to strengthen relationships:

1. Let your loved one play the role of your protector and guardian angel.

Every man wants to feel like a hero, a kind of superman. Be a fragile creature that needs protection all the time. Allow him to take care of you, while remembering to say words of admiration, love and gratitude.
Note: As with any tactical maneuver, it is important not to overdo it with emotion. A girl who constantly complains about life and whimpers will cause only dislike.

2. Ask him for help from time to time.

Say, for example, that you need to hang a shelf. A real man will not only not refuse - at the same time he will hang a picture and a carpet for you, and will also fix the tap in the bathroom. After which he will feel noble and strong, rightly counting on a sea of ​​praise and gratitude on your part. Here you try too.
Note: The same as in item 1 - do not overdo it with requests. If a man refuses (you never know) - do not push or "nag" him, otherwise he will simply run away.

3. Ask for his opinion.

It doesn't matter what you buy - another trinket or a ticket to the Holiday House. When you ask and ask his point of view, it means that you value his life experience and mental ability.
Note: Then you can do as you please. Whether or not to heed his advice is up to you.

4. Wear light, feminine dresses.

Romantic dresses made of delicate fabrics (silk, chiffon, viscose, organza) will create the image of a delicate, fragile and seductive woman. Accordingly, your chances of success will increase significantly.
Note: If this is not your kind of clothing, switch to it gradually. Wear a romantic ruffle blouse with your favorite jeans. And after a week or two, experiment with the dress.

Do not think that falling in love with a man is easy and quick. Don't be confident that a revealing outfit and a pretty face will help you win a man's heart. Yes, you will draw attention to yourself, perhaps even get acquainted, but besides the fact that you will shine with your forms and smile, you also need to talk about something, and be able to take care of a man and be able to listen to him. It is important for a man that a girl needs him, that he feels needed and necessary. Falling in love with a man is not an easy task, but if a girl tries and gives all her efforts to this business, then the man will be yours irrevocably. A woman is a great strategist and she can come up with a plan to conquer a man that no military man can boast of. The main advice for women, in this not an easy matter, the conquest of a man, is to be yourself. But, besides this, there are some more tips on how to fall in love with a man.

  1. Men do not like and cannot tolerate too noisy, obsessive and active women for a long time. They just get tired of them. If a woman has such character traits, then she needs to look for the same man; if a calm man and an active woman get to know each other, then their meeting ends almost always the same - they no longer see each other. Most men lead a calm and measured life, sometimes it is adorned with short romances or meetings with friends, but more often than not, they like a quiet and peaceful pastime. So, if you know that you are too intrusive and active, then you will have to either change for the sake of a man, or look for a new one.
  2. To fall in love with a man, a woman must be understanding and caring. It is important for a man that a woman also shares his hobbies and interests. A man will fall in love with a woman who can listen to him and give good advice, support him in a difficult situation, will not judge his friends, and will love his parents. Men, like children, they should always feel that they need them.
  3. Men will never fall in love with mercantile and profitable women. They will not be able to believe them that they are with them for the sake of love. If a woman constantly, demands something and constantly asks for something, then a man will not tolerate this for a long time. Men like to give gifts, but when they themselves want it. Of course, a woman can ask to buy her something, but such requests should be unobtrusive and sweet, and not orders.
  4. Do not believe that a man can fall in love if he is well fed. It is, of course, wonderful that you can cook deliciously for your chosen one, but do not think that because of your delicious borscht, he will love you for the rest of his life. In addition to the fact that the wife knows how to cook well, she must also take care of herself, go to the gym, and dress normally. A man falls in love with a woman with whom there is something to talk about, with whom you can joke. A man will love a sweet and at the same time passionate woman. A man will love a purposeful woman, self-sufficient and wise.
  5. A man will fall in love with a reasonable calm woman. He will never look towards a woman who constantly grumbles, screams and scandals. Remember that men need their own space, and he will respect and appreciate the woman who gives him that space.
You can fall in love with a man in thousands of ways, but the main thing is for a man to feel both your warmth and your love and tenderness for him. Men know how to love, but only when they feel reciprocity. A man should see his soul mate in a woman, he should need her. Falling in love with a woman for a man is an important step, then when he truly falls in love, then his woman will always be happy.

Do you want to finally have a calm family happiness in order to live in perfect harmony? Are you afraid that after a while the man will become boring, and he will look for love on the side?

Or do you think that you need to work on relationships all the time, and only then will it bring results?

Psychologists assure: Falling in love with an adult man is quite real. Yes, this is manipulation. But in fact, we unknowingly manipulate our chosen ones every day.

And when a woman does it wrong, she can only turn away from herself: immediately or slowly, but surely. Have you seen men who are constantly annoyed by any caring proposal from their wife? We will show you how to avoid this.

Preliminary preparation

You can start building harmonious relationships if you are sure that this man is exactly the one you need.

From a feeling of revenge, the technique cannot be applied: it is not environmentally friendly, which means it may well return to you in the same way. An unrequited man in love can become very annoying, calling you on the phone, showing up home at the wrong time, not paying attention to the companion walking next to you. He can also do dirty tricks.

Of course, now a man can be "the best" and "almost without flaws" for you. Take off your rose-colored glasses for a minute and answer your questions:

  1. Do you agree with his position in life?
  2. Are you satisfied with his attitude towards his own mother?
  3. Do you like the attitude of his father towards his mother?
  4. Are you from the same socio-cultural background?
  5. Does his religious / spiritual position cause any dislike for you?

If any of the points (or all of them) do not match, this is not very good. In this case, you will either need to change yourself in order to be "on the same wavelength" with him, or manipulate him so well that he himself would want to adjust to your "wave". You can also abandon your plans, and this is not always bad advice.

If all is well, then - to work! We will reveal the secrets for a man to fall in love for life.

Video: Let him fall in love with you - a method of influencing grooms and husbands with experience

Rule # 1. Learn to listen and reinforce positive

You need to identify all of his positive memories. Ask appropriate questions to revive pleasant memories in your memory: about school love, about the first kiss, about the feelings he experienced during his life - strong and weaker. Of course, it's not very pleasant to listen to stories about exes. But if the question of how to fall in love with a man is acute, then you can be patient. Plus, this way you will know everything about him.

Now we consolidate the positive

  • The moment a man experiences positive emotions, you need gently touch him.
  • The best way to do this is to stand up, saying that you need to step away for a while, and during this, lightly touch his arm or shoulder.
  • Then what happens is what can be called magic: the chosen one has a clear connection " pleasant thoughts are your touch».
  • The next time you touch him in the same way, he will have those same feelings again. But they will already be a reaction to your touch. This is how a man falls in love..

Of course,), so your task is very often to revive pleasant memories in him and hug him at this moment.

You can no longer talk about your first passions, but remember your walks together, some of his bright impulses, when he just took - and lifted you in his arms and whirled around the room.

  • Tell him again and again how grateful you were when he fixed your computer a hundred years ago, how he made broth and heated the bed with a heating pad when you caught a cold.
  • Come up with ideas for hanging out together, and then happily remember certain moments.

You only need to listen and fix positive thoughts and feelings that a man expresses. If he recently experienced a breakup / divorce and now complains about the injustice of life, about the cruelty of his ex or his boss, such a flow of words should be stopped. Distract a man like a small child, switch him to some other thoughts.

Why? Men are very proud people. If he showed you his weakness, then he will be ashamed of it. And his natural impulse will be to avoid you. Women, on the other hand, tend to become attached more quickly if moral support is required from them. Therefore, we do not shut up the man, but we turn the conversation into a positive direction. If this becomes impossible after half an hour of dating, make an appointment again.

Fall in love at a distance, by correspondence

If you are planning to fall in love with a pen guy, you need to use a modified method. All that is needed is to ask leading questions about the pleasant feelings that arose in childhood and adolescence. And then write that he described so realistically that you directly imbued with the atmosphere, directly felt the events of that evening.

Rule # 2. Working with negative

Most men do not want to complain to women about the troubles that happen to them. Therefore, if he came and sits gloomy:

  • You don't need to ask about what happened. If he wants, he will tell.
  • Your task at this moment is to put something tasty on the table and walk away.
  • There is no need to iron and comfort him. Otherwise, it can also form a connection: negative event - again she looms before your eyes... As a result, all the positive can be replaced by this.

Men are strong. They will be able to survive the complete ruin, and the death of their parents, and scolding from the boss. They just need to be given the opportunity to rethink it, being alone... You may need the help of a friend or father, then do not interfere with this communication.

Women have one feature: they take everything to heart, worry about it, and then get sick. Therefore, you need to not only "not shine" in front of a man who is in a bad mood, but also not to listen to his negative. Because the man said - and will calmly deal with the solution of the problem, and you will replay a bad situation, worry about him.

Then you will begin to express your concerns to him, and this will annoy him. Hear the negative - say: “Oh, darling! When you tell me that, I get worried. My head already started to ache! "

Rule # 3. Praise him more often, rejoice in him

It is very important for a man to know that everything he does is not in vain. Praise him for the nailed shelf, for the fact that he guessed to buy bread. Even for the fact that you reminded him in 5 days, but he did not forget.

The main rule: do it sincerely. Find the strength to rejoice in the flowers of the field and the call to work. Remember how children can do it. Therefore, parents love to please their child.

This is especially important if you need to fall in love with a man from a distance. Ask him for advice on his favorite movie or music. Supposedly you can better understand him, understand how he lives, be closer to him. After that, do not be lazy to call and write your positive feelings from the movie or music. Describe the most impressive moments or songs, praise his choice.

Remember that there are enough pretty women around him who can attract his attention more. But they can only become mistresses if they praise his choice or admire his success. louder than you.

Rule # 4. Do not impose

No need to call every 2 hours. Even if he has an important meeting and you are worried about him. Even if the meeting is between you and you are not comfortable. Please remember how you dealt with anxiety before He appeared in your life and act accordingly.

The best thing you can do is write him a nice SMS in the messenger even before the start of the working day. And that's all. A man should have personal time and personal space. They are very sensitive to their freedom.

This does not mean that in his presence you should be silent like a fish. On the contrary, tell him about your problems (just not for a long time and tediously), ask for help and protection. The point is to give him the opportunity feel like a Protector.

Rule # 5. The stake is not on the bed, but on the attitude

Men say that the main thing for them in sex is not the ability to do some special things, but the joy with which a woman enjoys this process. The desire to experiment is also important, but it must be sincere. Deception can be seen from a kilometer away.

More important than sex, according to the testimony of the men themselves, is the attitude. For a woman to be an interesting interlocutor, she could listen and tell something herself. So that she does not do everything herself, but gives the opportunity to help. In order not to shame in public, but, on the contrary, to praise.

Rule # 6. Work on yourself

To fall in love correctly, be sure to remove all negativity from your head. Write on a piece of paper what fears and bad thoughts you have in your relationship. Leave enough blank space between the paragraphs: you still need it.

So, we write everything that life has sealed in your head. For instance:

  • a woman should always "dance" in front of a man;
  • men are bad people;
  • a husband needs a wife to be healthy, and a brother needs a sister to be rich;
  • a man should (list what, in your experience, he should);
  • they all need only one thing;
  • at any opportunity, he will find himself younger and prettier;
  • I am ugly, and therefore I need to take something else.

Try remove as many negative attitudes from your head as possible... It is they who will interfere with the fulfillment of the following points of our program on "falling in love" with a man and roll back. They are the ones that need to be worked out.

The next step is to write a positive rebuttal for each of the points below, under each line. For instance:

  • “A woman should always“ dance ”in front of a man” - “both are involved in building harmonious relationships”;
  • "A man should ..." - "men are generous people, the main thing is to find a way to get what you want from him";
  • “A husband needs a wife to be healthy” - “women's health depends on a harmonious relationship with her husband”;
  • "He will find himself younger" - "it is important for men to treat them, not a young body." If you disagree, watch movies, read psychologists on this topic, go, in the end, to a psychologist who will convince you otherwise.

This exercise must be done. Entering into a relationship as the victim, who must always bend, or, conversely, taking on the role of the Queen is a bad start. In the first case, a man will run away if he hears: "I am him, and he! ..". In the second, he will get tired of constantly indulging your whims. Because next to the Queen there should be a King, not a Page. Present him this role!

Do not take away the leaflet with the worked out negative. You need to really cleanse all these attitudes from your life, to imprint them in your brain at the reflex level. So that even in case of a quarrel or some other negative action on the part of a man, it is the new rules that work.

Now that you have started working on your attitudes, you can begin to stimulate the man's love feelings.

You communicate easily with other men, you feel free. And with him - everything is different. Fear fetters you, and you cannot say a single smart word. How to fall in love with a man when you have absolutely no control over the situation?

How to make a man fall in love with yourself ... For some time now you only think about him - a special man for you. Even when he is not around, he is in your dreams. His eyes, his smile drive you crazy, his voice is mesmerizing. One thought about this man - and warmth spreads through the body. And what can we say when you see it with your own eyes. The heart is beating like crazy, the face is on fire. How to make a man fall in love with you if you don’t understand anything, your head is spinning and it seems that you are about to faint?

This has never happened in your life. You must fall in love so much! But how to make a man fall in love?

Now you need to make every effort to conquer this man, figure out how to fall in love with yourself. But where there! You do everything the other way around, everything is out of place. You communicate easily with other men, you feel free. And with him - everything is different. Fear fetters you, and you cannot say a single smart word. How to fall in love with a man when you have absolutely no control over the situation?

Deep down, you scold yourself for this. After all, if you do not fall in love with him, there will be others who will take hold of your beloved man. The only person you want to see next to you: how to make him fall in love with yourself?

How to find the key to a man's heart?

When we are in love, the beloved is the one and only for us. He is perfect!

Behind all this, we do not see, and sometimes do not even want to see that he is the same person as everyone else. We are obsessed with the idea of ​​falling in love with the man of our dreams. But this is what prevents us from trampling the path to his heart and truly falling in love with him.

With other men, we manage to communicate easily and naturally, showing our best sides. And we often see how interest flares up in the eyes of these men.

That would be with the same ease to communicate with your loved one! I wish I could charm him and fall in love with him!

And it is possible! And the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan will help us.

What is the psychology of a particular man? How to fall in love with this man?

According to system-vector psychology, all men are different and differ from each other in their innate properties of the psyche - vectors. There are 8 vectors - 8 components that make up a person's character. Having disassembled each of them, you will find out everything about your chosen one.

You will not only find out what kind of person he is - the guy you want to fall in love with, but also what preferences he has, what he values ​​in a woman. You will find out how sexy he is, what turns him on, and what, on the contrary, can push him away.

So, for example, a man, an owner, is a hunter, a breadwinner by nature. He takes the woman he likes by storm, often forcing events. However, this does not mean at all that the man is ready for a deeper relationship. Having achieved his goal, he can lose interest and back up. You may not even have time to want to fall in love with such a guy - he is so fast. And this is sad not so much for a girl, a man also loses his chance for happiness.

But what about the "golden husbands" - the men that everybody dreams of? How to fall in love with such a man, what should be taken into account in his psychology? Such a man, the owner, is always aimed at a long, lasting relationship. This is his main desire - to start a family and have children. It is from such men that the best husbands are obtained - faithful, loyal and caring.

It is rarely possible to fall in love with a man with an anal vector at first sight. He is a thorough person. How, then, can you make him fall in love with you? He needs to get used to the woman first. Long courtship and gradual rapprochement is his way of building relationships. In this age of speed, when people jump into bed on the very first evening, it can be very difficult for anal men to really fall in love.

Such different men naturally require a different approach to themselves. Also, different men prefer different women. Someone likes fragile, defenseless women who want to be protected from the hardships of life. And someone is thrilled in front of the imperious lady who commands them. How to fall in love with the man you want?

How to make a man fall in love with yourself? Become the woman of his dreams!

Every person, be it a man or a woman, wants first of all to be understood, to be shared with his values. But we all have different values, depending on the innate nature -. How to fall in love with a person without fully understanding who he is?

However, will not understanding the psychic nature of the beloved man lead to the fact that your feelings will grow cold? Not at all! You will see the features of his character, just as you see the color of his eyes. After all, it is this color that seems to you the most beautiful? Also with the psychological characteristics of a beloved man. By opening the secret corners of his soul with the help of system-vector psychology, you will be able to fall in love with the man you are dreaming of.

At the same time, your stiffness and awkwardness in communication will disappear. You and the man - the man you want to fall in love with - will feel an extraordinary closeness that will give your love even greater volume and depth.

Not a single person will refuse such a relationship!

The life of a modern person is full of stress and problems that we face on a daily basis. This is not the best way reflected in our psyche. We become irritable, angry. And it has become difficult to fall in love with anyone.

It is worth going outside, taking a ride through the city by subway or car, as you are guaranteed someone will ruin your mood.

When there is so much negativity around, the woman who radiates positive energy will be able to fall in love with a man first of all. And you can become like that!

Leave your man no chance to escape your spell!

The article was written based on the training materials “ System-vector psychology» 6.9 (10)

How to fall in love with a man?

Do you want to know how to make a man fall in love with you? As easy as two and two. What is described below works flawlessly on absolutely any man. Even a man who has been in a relationship with you for a long time and wants to return the very fire that “disappeared somewhere”.

And the very man whom you make happy with your femininity and love, ask to send to Yaroslav(that is, me) a postcard with the word “thank you”. I will be pleased and happy for your couple.

Once again I want to focus on the fact that falling in love with a man even more is very simple! Any man. Even me, who understands and sees the secrets through and through, which I will now describe.

Are you ready to learn the fundamental idea, having realized which you will learn how to fall in love with even the most unloving men?

Even those men who have a shard of ice instead of a heart. Some stern boss who has not yet met the one who will be able to melt this ice.


An elderly man called his 20-year-old son and asked:

Do you like chicken?

Yes, I love, - answered the son.

How? .. If you loved a chicken, you would stroke it, cherish it, comb it, feed it from your hands ... And you cut off their heads.

The moral of this parable is as follows:

A man falls in love with the taste, with the pleasure he gets from a woman. But not into it itself. Yes, looks can. But we, men, fall in love with the taste, with the state that a woman gives us.

We teach to give this state and enter it at our first desire in the training "Love, sex and eternal youth" (lesson 2 and lesson 3).

How to fall in love with any man: psychological tricks

The cornerstone thoughts of this article:
-Man falls in love with the taste, pleasure, fire that he receives from a woman
-Influence men's instincts, not brains
-Compliment to male quality + showing the need + gratitude + showing your female weakness (can be used separately)
-Do not throw all branches into the fire. Provoke. Remind about yourself.

Run away. Involve
- Femininity is capable of much. Develop!

It's nice that you read my articles to the end. It is inspiring.

Write in the comments the tricks that you know how you can fall in love with a man?

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