What yarn is better to crochet a plaid. How to crochet a multi-colored yarn plaid. What pattern is needed for the plaid

For the second year in a row, large-knit blankets fill the country's instagrams, and the trend for knitting in the interior does not let go of me in the autumn in a row.

At the beginning of September, I found the website of the Cozy Store, which sells yarn for knitting. It was just what we needed! The store is in Moscow, but the parcel arrived in St. Petersburg in 3 days.

How much yarn do you need for a blanket

Oooh, that was the most difficult question. I exhausted the search engine with this question and for a long time could not find a normal answer. Everything was terribly confusing. Somewhere the yarn was measured by weight, somewhere in meters, somewhere in balls. Mom dear!

I didn’t understand anything, I was terribly afraid that I would buy yarn that would only be enough for a blanket for photo shoots - it turns out that beautiful layouts on Instagram often use not a full-fledged blanket, but a fake piece of a small blanket, especially for photo shoots - or I’ll buy so much that instead of plaid will be a carpet.

As a result, I finally figured out the Cozy Store.

Here are the sizes and the right amount of yarn:

  • Plaid 80x120 cm - 2 kg
  • Plaid 100x150 cm - 3 kg
  • Plaid 130x170 cm - 4.5 kg
  • Plaid 150x200 cm - 6 kg

For a medium-sized plaid, it took 3 kilograms of yarn.

All the yarn was in one ball, so I did not have to knit it and hide the knots while knitting. From this volume of yarn, a plaid measuring 100 by 135 cm was obtained (I measured it with a ruler on purpose!).

This is just what was needed. It's decorative, so I put it at the foot of the bed.

How to knit a plaid

I tried to remember the last time I knitted. The thought got lost and lost in the memories of high school.

I thought knitting was like riding a bike - when you need it, remember - and started looking for knitting instructions on my hands. From what I reviewed, I liked the Apartment Therapy video the most. No giant knitting needles made of plastic pipes (yes, there is such a thing), no jewelry knitting patterns with your fingers, and, most importantly, no instructions for an hour in a boring voice.

I needed to watch the video more than once, with pauses and sometimes in slow motion, but these instructions worked.

Initially, I scored 16 loops per arm and, yes, my arm was enough. As a result, 16 loops gave the width of the plaid about a meter.

How much time to knit

Watch the video of how I knitted a blanket.

The finished blanket turned out very beautiful. And this is despite the fact that I managed to mess up a little in knitting, forgot to throw off the first loop, and as a result, I couldn’t make a beautiful pigtail along the edge. If you are not so “you” with knitting, then you definitely won’t make such an annoying mistake. Well, I warned you now, if anything!

Plus, he's super warm. As I knitted, the blanket became longer and began to cover my legs. So, I was hot while I was knitting.

When it gets cold, what do you use to protect and keep you comfortable? Of course, the most comfortable thing is a warm and fluffy blanket. It will warm and please the eye, and create an atmosphere of security. Naturally, you can buy a blanket, choosing the one you like. But how nice it is to wrap yourself in a shawl created by yourself! not difficult at all. Don't let the size scare you. In fact, a rectangular shawl is even easier to create than a pullover or a small hat.

How to calculate the number of threads?

In order for the product to please with its functionality, you need to choose the right material. When you are going to knit a plaid, approach the selection of yarn carefully. First, consider whether the product will be solid or multi-colored. When will you be using it? How to care? It is best to use acrylic thread, but it does not heat much. Wool is beautiful and warm, but difficult to care for. It also "rolls", which spoils the appearance of the product. So it turns out that you need to knit a plaid, depending on its purpose. Children's - always with wool, "day off" - from acrylic thread, summer - from cotton. Have you decided on the material? Now knit a sample measuring forty by forty cm.

Calculate how much material it took and, by proportion, calculate how many threads you need for the entire product. Usually a good blanket takes up to one kg of thread, depending on their thickness. Please note that fine yarn will take less.

What are knitted

Product diagrams can be found in books and magazines. But there is nothing difficult in their independent development. You just need to understand that the plaid can be knitted with one “monolith” (in this case, it is knitted entirely). And there is an option for compiling a product from pieces. Each scheme has its own advantages. Monolithic is very beautiful, but it is inconvenient to knit due to the volume of the product. A blanket made up of pieces looks very attractive, and it’s easier to make it. Each element is knitted separately, while you can use not only different colors, but also different patterns. Fantasy in such a product can be shown to the fullest! Then all the elements are stitched together. This option is often used by active knitters. They still have a lot of threads from the products that they use for “warm fantasy”.

Easy option

If you do not have knitting experience, then it is recommended not to choose a too complicated first piece. Decided to knit a blanket? Try to compose it from the elements made. In this case, you can use threads of the same color or different ones. You will need to knit a certain number of ten by ten cm squares. Then sew them together. Making a product is easy

rotate the elements ninety degrees relative to the direction of knitting. This technique will decorate the blanket and give it volume.

How to knit a blanket for a baby?

Moms often wrap their babies in warm shawls when it gets colder in the evenings, and at other times. Of course, it is better to put a masterpiece made by oneself in the stroller! It's beautiful, and you can brag to your girlfriends. Knitted patterns which you will find in specialized magazines, you can take for a walk and on the road. It should be borne in mind that the product for the baby should be not only warm, but also light. After all, he often has to be carried on his own shoulders along with the child. For such a blanket, it is recommended to purchase a woolen thread for children's products. It is a little "loose" in its composition, which means it retains heat better, the product is somewhat lighter. In addition, such a thread will not irritate the delicate baby skin. That is, it will not "prick". And the manufacturer provides such a selection of delicate colors that will satisfy any mom.

Some craftswomen prefer to crochet large items only, since the peculiarity of this method allows you to achieve beautiful openwork patterns on blankets, and thin, almost jewelry work is very to the liking of lovers of creating beautiful things from details.

Crocheted blankets will perfectly warm adults and the smallest children, the main thing is to choose the right yarn. Another important function of plaids is to decorate the home and create the right mood. All this directly depends on the shape and method of crocheting, which we will examine in detail in this article.

Crochet a plaid with diagrams and descriptions

There are a huge variety of crochet blankets, as well as knitting styles for these warming bedspreads. Even the simplest patterns look interesting on rugs and are always associated with the stepfather's house, warmth and care.

But you won’t surprise experienced needlewomen with simple patterns; interesting openwork motifs have been invented for them, patchwork-style blankets of incredible complexity and beauty, thin and delicate bedspreads for newborns, over which it is so interesting to pore over. In this type of needlework, there is work for every interest and request. But let's start learning from the basics - the simplest patterns and patterns for crocheting plaids.

Master class for beginners

In any case, you need to start somewhere in order to learn. And to learn how to crochet a plaid - a master class for beginners is ideal. Such a blanket, completely made in the style of "grandmother's square", will please both adults and children. Consider how it is knitted using the example of step-by-step instructions.


  • Yarn (in this case, bright green, yellow and brown);
  • Hook;
  • Needle.

Abbreviations for the knitting pattern:

  • VP - air loop;
  • RLS - single crochet;
  • SSN - double crochet;
  • SS - connecting column.

Progress with step-by-step photos:

You need to start knitting with the main color of the blanket. We close six loops in the ring, then we make three VPs and knit two more CCHs into the ring. We make two VPs (photo 1). After that, we crochet three CCHs into a ring and make two VPs. We repeat two more times, as a result of which a square is knitted (photo 2).

After that, we make three VPs (this is the first CCH) and in the corner in the arch we will perform three CCHs, two VPs and again three CCHs (photo 1). This is what we will knit in the remaining arches. We will finish the last one with two CCHs and CCs (remember that the first column at the very beginning was knitted in the form of three VPs) (photo 2).

We knit a new row of the square and make three VPs from the arch in which we have the hook. We knit two CCHs into it. Next we move on to the corner. And we knit everything in it that was knitted in the previous row: three CCHs, two VPs and three CCHs (photo 1). In the next arch we knit just three CCHs. And so in a circle (photo 2).

In the corners you will always need to knit the same thing. And in the arches that are on the sides of the square, we always knit just three CCHs. As a result it turns out the so-called grandmother's square. We knit several rows for the desired size of the blanket. And, completing the grandmother's square, we will change the color of the thread to yellow (photo 1). Knit two rows in yellow. And another row in green. And then we will make the binding of the edges. In one arch we will knit seven CCHs, in the other one RLS. And so we alternate the strapping throughout the blanket (photo 2). Finish tying in green. We will make three VPs and knit one sc in each loop (photo 3).

Plaid decoration

To decorate this simple, but no doubt cute plaid, you can crochet a small decorative element, for example, a butterfly. This is how it can be created:

  1. We knit five VP and close in a ring. Next, we knit three VP and one more CCH. We make two VPs. And two more SSNs. In total, we need to knit eight times like this. That is, we get sixteen CCH.
  2. We pass to the arch from the VP. SS We knit three VPs and here we perform two SSNs. We perform three VPs and under the same chain we knit three CCHs. So we knit under all the arches from the VP.
  3. Now attach the brown yarn. Under the chain of the VP, we knit six CCH. We make one VP and here we perform six more CCHs. Skip the bottom three dc and knit sc.
  4. And in the next chain we knit everything the same as we knitted before.
  5. We tie our butterfly with yellow yarn. We knit one sc in six underlying loops and one sc under the VP. We make a pico of three VPs. And so we tie the whole butterfly.
  6. We fold it in half and fix it with a chain of brown VP. Now it can be sewn to one of the corners of the finished plaid.

How to knit a baby blanket with a simple pattern

Very often, people resort to knitting only to create a crochet children's blanket with an original pattern for their baby. Many try to crochet a plaid with a pattern and color that will not look like any other plaid. And this is a completely doable task, because making a crochet blanket will definitely result in an interesting and beautiful product, even if it is made with the simplest pattern - for example, embossed columns.


  • 8 skeins of 50 g of wool mixture or white bulk synthetic yarn (A);
  • 8 skeins of 50 g of wool mixture or blue bulk synthetic yarn (B);
  • hook number 3.5.

Knitting density: 20 loops x 11 rows = 10 x 10 cm (embossed columns).

Size: 75 x 100 cm.

Main pattern

The embossed crochet stitch is knitted like this: we make a yarn over, insert the hook (from front to back) under the stitch (leg) of the previous row, pull out the loop, grab the thread and pull it through the first 2 loops on the hook. Yarn over again and pull through the remaining 2 loops.

Work progress and knitting pattern

With white yarn we knit an initial chain of 145 VP.

Base range: 1 dc in 3 chs from the hook, 1 dc in each ch to the end, 144 loops are knitted. 1st row: 2 VP for lifting, * relief. Art. around the loop of the previous row, dc in the dc of the previous row, repeat from * to the last loop, 1 relief. Art. around the loop of the previous row.

We turn the work around.

Next, we knit according to the scheme of 7 rows. Cut the thread (A). We knit the thread (B) according to the scheme of 8 rows. Cut the thread (B). Next, knit according to the pattern of 8 rows of thread (A). Repeat the stripes until 96 cm is knitted.


To tie the edge of the finished product, use the thread of color (B).

1st-4th rows(wrong side): 1 VP, RLS to the end of the row. In the corners of the finished product, knit 3 sc in the sc of the previous row.

Then knit 1 row with a “crustacean step” (sc is knitted from left to right, not right to left) around the entire outer edge of the product.

Finish knitting PBN (semi single crochet) in the 1st sc. Fasten the thread.

From soft yarn for a newborn

A very responsible job is to crochet a blanket for a newborn. A warm blanket for a baby should be gentle, warming and always beautiful. The airiness and delicacy of the yarn for a newborn will give the product a special look that will be remembered by young parents for a lifetime, because they will remember the crumbs during discharge from the hospital in this blanket, created by caring hands. This blanket is suitable for both girls and boys. It can be used both at home and for walking with a stroller.


  • 325 g of white yarn for knitting children's clothes;
  • hook number 3.5.

Knitting density: one motive = 4.1 x 3.8 cm (fantasy pattern in the central part).

Work progress and knitting pattern

central part knitted as follows: a chain of 171 loops is dialed and 73 rows are made with a fantasy pattern in accordance with the diagram and explanations for the symbols accompanying it.


At the end of the 73rd row, without cutting the thread, knit the 6th circle. rows with shells (2 CCH (double crochet), 3 VP (air loops), 2 CCH), performing additions in each corner, as shown in the diagram. Replace the last 2 VPs of the 1st and 2nd round. rows 1 dc (semi double crochet), knitted in the 3rd of 3 VPs, replacing the 1st dc. Close the 3rd - 6th circle. rows 1 SS (connecting column) in the 3rd VP from the beginning, and move forward, knitting additional. SS on the arch of the 1st shell.

After that, knit 4 circles. a row of arches of 6 loops without additions and decreases, 1 circle. a row of simple shells (1 SSN, 5 VP, 1 SSN), separated by arches of 5 loops. Run fans of 13 dc in each simple shell. Replace the last 3 VPs of the 7th - 9th circle. rows of 1 CCH, knitted on the 1st RLS, and 4 last VP of the 10th circle. row - 1 C2H, close the 11th and 12th circle. rows like 3rd round. row, and perform another SS in the 1st arch at the end of the 11th circle. row. Finish 1 lap. next to the “crawl step” pattern, as stated in the explanation, close 1 SS in the 1st RLS and cut off the thread.

Openwork from motives

Lovers of beautiful designer things will like an openwork plaid of crochet motifs, which is exciting and interesting to work on. The result is a very beautiful product that will decorate a sofa in the living room or a bed in the bedroom, while warming and giving warmth on cold evenings. For example, you can knit a blanket of large floral motifs, which then need to be combined into a single whole.


  • Novita Isoveli yarn (75% wool, 25% polyamide, 65m/50g) - 2300g yellow-green (334) or Novita Napko yarn (50% cotton, 50% acrylic, 104m/100g) - 1800g blue (013);
  • hook number 5-6.

Finished product dimensions: Isoveli yarn plaid -140 x 210 cm; Napco yarn plaid -110 x 180 cm.

Knitting density: the diameter of one motif is 17 cm.

Progress and schemes

The plaid consists of separately connected full and half motifs. For a complete motive, dial a chain of 6 VPs, close it in a SS ring. 1st row - cast on 3 ch lifts, knit 1 dc, 2 ch, * 2 dc, 2 ch * in the center of the ring, repeat * - * 4 more times, close the sl-st row. Next, knit according to scheme 1 from the 2nd to the 5th rows. Cut the thread and fasten off. Work 104 motifs with Isoveli thread or 67 motifs with Napko thread.

For a half motif, dial a chain of 4VP, lock into a SS ring. 1st row - VP, 2 CCH, 2 VP, 2 CCH. Next, knit in straight and reverse rows according to scheme 2 from the 2nd to the 5th rows. Cut the thread and fasten off. Tie 8 such motifs with Isoveli thread or 6 motifs with Hanko thread.


Lightly steam each motif. Connect the motifs to each other in accordance with scheme 3 (motifs from Hanko yarn are highlighted in gray). For the Isovely yarn plaid, crochet the fringe. To do this, cut the threads 45 cm long, fold them into 3 pieces and tie around the edges. Run 7 brushes for each motif.

Knitted plaid from squares

A very fashionable phenomenon that designers and housewives with taste love - crochet plaid from squares. There are a huge number of crochet patterns for a wide variety of geometric patterns for a patchwork product, most of which look very interesting in their hodgepodge of colors and patterns, while others are elegant in one color but made with different complex motifs. Such a playful and uplifting plaid will look good not only in the nursery, but also in the living room, and in an armchair on the balcony. In addition, you can give it to friends or relatives - let them also rejoice.

Consider here such a plaid of squares, which is easy to knit according to step-by-step instructions.


  • yarn - 200 g dark blue SMC BRAVO;
  • 100 g each of beige, orange, red, lilac, green, blue, brown, yellow and pistachio SMC BRAVO yarn;
  • hook number 3.

Main pattern - square

Link a chain of 6 VPs and close it into a ring with 1 SS. Knit a circle. rows. Every circle. the row starts with 3 ch lifts and ends with 1 sl-st in the ch of the rise of the previous row. Attention! 2 CCH + 2 VP + 2 CCH are indicated in the instructions as a group of CCH.

1st circle. row: 3 dc, 2 ch, * 4 dc, 2 ch, repeat from * 2 more times.

2nd circle. row: 3 CCH, in an arch of 2 VPs, tie a group of CCHs, * 4 CCHs, in an arch of 2 VPs, tie a group of CCHs, repeat from * 2 more times.

3rd circle. row: 5 CCH, in an arch of 2 VPs, tie a group of CCHs, * 8 CCHs, in an arch of 2 VPs, tie a group of CCHs, repeat from * 2 more times, 2 CCHs.

4th circle. row: 7 CCH, in an arch of 2 VPs, tie a group of CCHs, * 12 CCHs, in an arch of 2 VPs, tie a group of CCHs, repeat from * 2 more times, 4 CCHs.

5th round. row: 9 CCH, in an arch of 2 VPs, tie a group of CCHs, * 16 CCHs, in an arch of 2 VPs, tie a group of CCHs, repeat from * 2 more times, 6 CCHs.

6th round. row: 11 CCH, in an arch of 2 VPs, tie a group of CCHs, * 20 CCHs, in an arch of 2 VPs, tie a group of CCHs, repeat from * 2 more times, 8 CCHs.

7th round. row: 13 CCH, in an arch of 2 VPs, tie a group of CCHs, * 24 CCHs, in an arch of 2 VPs, tie a group of CCHs, repeat from * 2 more times, 10 CCHs.

8th round. row: 15 CCH, in an arch of 2 VPs, tie a group of CCHs, * 28 CCHs, in an arch of 2 VPs, tie a group of CCHs, repeat from * 2 more times, 12 CCHs.

9th round. row: 17 CCH, in an arch of 2 VPs, tie a group of CCHs, * 32 CCHs, in an arch of 2 VPs, tie a group of CCHs, repeat from * 2 more times, 14 CCHs.

10th round. row: 19 CCH, in an arch of 2 VPs, tie a group of CCHs, * 36 CCHs, in an arch of 2 VPs, tie a group of CCHs, repeat from * 2 more times, 16 CCHs.

11th round. row: 21 CCH, in an arch of 2 VPs, tie a group of CCHs, * 40 CCHs, in an arch of 2 VPs, tie a group of CCHs, repeat from * 2 more times, 18 CCHs.

12th round. row: 23 CCH, in an arch of 2 VPs, tie a group of CCHs, * 44 CCHs, in an arch of 2 VPs, tie a group of CCHs, repeat from * 2 more times, 20 CCHs.

Cut and fasten the thread.

Assembly of motifs in a plaid

Knit 54 multi-colored squares. Connect the edges of the squares to each other by completing the faces. side 1 row RLS with a dark blue thread. For the blanket, collect 6 x 9 squares in the desired order.

Make a circle around the perimeter of the blanket. a row of dark blue thread border. Every circle. the row starts with 3 ch lifts instead of 1 dc (or 2 ch lifts instead of 1 sc) and ends with 1 sl-st in the last ch of the rise of the previous row. Attach the thread to the beginning of the corner square and knit as follows.

1st circle. row: ** 2 dc, * 4 ch, skip 2 sts of the base, 4 dc, repeat from *, before the next corner, tie 4 ch, skip 2 sts of the base, 2 dc, then tie the group of dc into the arch of 2 ch of the previous row, repeat from ** on each side of the bedspread.

2nd circle. row: work 1 sl-st in the next loop, ** 4 dc, * 4 ch, skip 4 sts of the base, 4 dc, repeat from *, before the next corner, tie 4 ch, skip 4 sts of the base, tie the group of dc into the arch from 2 ch of the previous row , ch 4, skip 4 base sts, repeat from **.

3rd circle. row: ** 1 dc, 4 ch, * 4 dc, 4 ch, skip 4 sts of the base, repeat from *, before the next corner, tie 4 ch, skip 2 sts of the base, tie the dc group into an arch from 2 ch of the previous row, 4 ch, Skip 2 base sts, 3 dc, repeat from *.

4th circle. row: ** 1 sc, * 4 dc, 4 sc, repeat from *, 4 dc, 2 sc, 4 dc into the arch from the 2 ch of the previous row, 2 sc, 4 dc, 3 sc, repeat from **. Cut and fasten the thread.

There are several different ways to knit:

  • a single canvas;
  • from square motifs;
  • from triangular motifs;
  • stripes and zigzags;
  • from the center, etc.

We knit with a single cloth - this is the longest and most difficult way in our opinion. An adult bedspread is knitted in a large size, for example 1.5 * 2 m, or even more. At first, you will not falsely move from place to place with such knitting, but the more it becomes, the more difficult it is to take work with you on the road. And if you need to knit from different balls? In addition to the product, you will also have to carry a large supply of threads. So knitting in a single fabric is acceptable if you do not plan to knit outside the home.

How much easier it is to knit with motives. Usually the motive for the bedspread does not exceed 10-20 cm in length / width. It is convenient to take such work with you and knit on the road, in the clinic, in the subway, while you are expecting a child from the section and on a walk. But the motto of a knitter is to knit every free minute of time. In addition, you can use leftovers from different glomeruli.

The advantages of knitting from motives are obvious. Although there are a couple of small but significant disadvantages - the threads will have to be constantly cut off and, as a result, the motifs will be sewn into a single canvas.

As you can see, there is no perfect method for knitting a bedspread.

Look for patterns you like, buy threads for them and knit the largest and most beautiful bedspread. It will decorate your home, and for you it will become a symbol of labor and patience, because not everyone is able to crochet such a big thing - a bedspread!

Crochet bedspread ideas from our site

Knitted patterns from our readers, choose suitable patterns for yourself.

The bedspread and the cape on the chair are the work of Olga (Olyushka). Cover Knitted from the remnants of threads (cotton, thin woolen, loose old things, etc.). I can’t tell the yarn consumption specifically by colors, I need quite a lot of it.

Bedspread "Poltavchanka". Size 320*280cm. Used yarn "Maxi" 100% cotton, made in Turkey. Went on a bedspread about 7 kg. yarn. Hook No. 1.25. The work of Elena Pavlenko.

The bedspread is crocheted using filet technique. Basically the popcorn pattern, the pattern is shown in diagram No. 3. First, squares are knitted according to scheme No. 1, then we connect them together according to scheme No. 4. We knit a frill according to scheme No. 2.

The bedspread was knitted from square motifs measuring 9 x 9 cm. It knits easily, the pattern is simple. Mercerized cotton for machine knitting in 3 threads. Hook 1.0. Weight about 2 kg. You can choose the color and size as you wish.

Dear needlewomen! I am pleased to present for your approval my greatest work, PLED. It took about 3 months for this miracle: October, November and December 2017. On December 31, I finished the last row in this project.

Baby blanket for 6 days. I accidentally found a group on Facebook that brings together needlewomen from all over the world, lovers of this bedspread. Decided to connect. I also used Soviet-made yarn, wool mixture. There is no diagram, there is only a description in English

Hello, I decided to show a new work - a bedspread. Knitted from wool of different colors, mostly leftovers that everyone has. BARGELLO technique, knitting is double-sided and quite thick, as it consists of two layers. Combining with flowers

Hello again everyone! I want to show off my new cover. I liked to knit them, and it was Tunisian crochet. Hook number 4, Alize Cotton Gold threads (cotton and acrylic 100 gr. 100 m.). It took a little less than 9 balls of thread,

Woolen (100% wool) blue and white plaid, crocheted from Snowflake motifs. Decorate the interior and warm on cold winter evenings. The size of the blanket is for a double bed. Description and diagrams for the plaid, see the link

This bedspread is knitted from threads "Beaded" 100% acrylic 480 meters. It took 2 kg of yarn to make a blanket. Connected with grandmother's squares, only 35 squares (7 * 5). Grandma's square scheme:

Bedspread from "grandmother's" squares. Plaid size: 130 * 180 cm. Knitted, which is called "from what was." There have been threads in the house since time immemorial - I decided to turn the balls into a useful product. The basis of knitting is a grandmother's square, starting from the third row it is knitted

Hello! My name is Ludmila. I have been knitting since childhood. I am now 56 years old and retired. I live in the Tyumen region. The bedspread is knitted with a key No. 2 from different yarn remnants. Connected with a pattern of "grandmother's squares" - the scheme is known to everyone.

How to crochet a baby blanket

Not only adults, but also our children need a bedspread. Several models from our readers.

Crocheted blanket for a newborn

Blanket for discharge of a newborn from the hospital! Beautiful, comfortable and practical! Knitted from 100% cotton BEGONIA, crochet No. 2. The basis of the plaid is "grandmother's square". Colored inserts can be placed at your discretion! I used a satin ribbon as a decoration and

To knit a baby blanket, you will need: 300 g of white-lilac-green melange acrylic yarn, 100 g of white yarn and 4 m of satin ribbon 2 cm wide. Hook No. 3.5. Magnificent column, embossed (lush st., embossed): * grab the thread, enter

My granddaughter was born, and I decided to knit a blanket for her as a gift. That's what I did. I was looking for a picture on the Internet. And I liked this one. A plaid with a waffle pattern is knitted from a very soft and fluffy yarn.

Children's blanket "Rainbow". For work, pens, yarn and a hook are required. Plaid size 90cmx105cm. Crocheted No. 3. It took 4+2+3 =7 skeins (green, yellow, orange) Used yarn Jeans YarnArt 55% cotton, 45% polyacrylic + used white Baby

Crocheted bedspreads from the Internet

Blanket from circles

Crochet bedspread video - lessons

There are many different techniques for knitting bedspreads, not all of them are presented on our website. Therefore, we have our several video master classes, we hope you enjoy them.

Bavarian knitting, crochet bedspread pattern

An original knitting technique that allows you to get an interesting "waffle" texture of the fabric.

Crocheted bedspread from motifs

To knit a plaid we need:

  • simple and cheap yarn of different colors;
  • hook number 3;
  • desire to knit!

Also from the motifs you can knit a light blanket, seats on stools and much more!!!

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How to crochet a plaid according to the pattern of a grandmother's square

With this pattern, you can crochet both a large plaid and a children's plaid, as well as pillowcases, bedspreads, shawls and blouses.

For knitting, you will need threads of two colors (100g / 250 m) and hook number 3.

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Master class on crocheting a square bedspread on a sofa

I knitted a sample from the yarn that I found at home. But she's a little rough. I advise you to take a thinner yarn for the bedspread, which contains acrylic. For example, Turkish Alize, then the consumption of yarn will be more economical.
According to my calculations, it may take about 2.5 kg of yarn approximately, maybe a little less or a little more.

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Crocheted bedspread "Sunflowers"

How to crochet a motif with sunflowers of a beautiful plaid.
I recommend taking a good yarn for a plaid, which contains acrylic, for example, Turkish Alize. The magazine - source indicates yarn 100 g / 370 m.
The consumption of yarn in the same source is as follows: 6 skeins of brown, 4 - green, 3 - yellow, 2 - light yellow (I have white) and 3 more skeins of harvust color, with the latter I didn’t quite understand what color it was . Total comes out 1800 grams.

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We decided to knit a children's blanket, but do not know which yarn is better. Based on the article, you will make the right choice of which yarn to knit a blanket from, save time and get a boost of positive emotions by knitting a cute and practical piece of furniture for a crib, stroller or for a grown-up baby to play.

Handmade plaid with roses for a girl

Comfortable double-sided baby blanket will warm your baby and will not cause discomfort

Such a coverlet will come in handy when the baby is discharged from the hospital, it will save you in the heat or cold on a walk, and will ensure a restful sleep in the crib.

A chic blanket for a newborn “Azure cloud”

Folded several times, it will serve as additional insulation for the stroller, support for the back or head of the child. If the walk is delayed, the mother can cover herself and feed the baby.

Knitted acrylic plaid in coffee color, suitable for both a boy and a girl

Knitting such a product is simple, even for beginner knitters.

With all the diversity, consider two types of yarn.

  • Natural: cotton, wool
  • Faux: Acrylic

Cotton threads

Cotton yarn - a natural fiber of plant origin

Preferred option. They do not cause allergies, let air through, do not accumulate static electricity. Cotton products are easy to care for, wash in a household machine on a delicate cycle, dry quickly after washing, retain their original appearance and color.

Lightweight and beautiful cotton baby blanket

The disadvantages of pure cotton include a large weight of the finished product, the child will be uncomfortable in such a blanket. Therefore, for knitting, it is better to use threads of a mixed composition with the addition of bamboo, silk or mercerized cotton.

How to choose

wool yarn

Natural wool yarn from a domestic manufacturer

Wool: sheep, camel, goat has healing properties, retains heat, removes moisture from the body.

Causes an allergic reaction, often pricks and irritates the skin. Woolen things are washed only by hand, they dry for a long time, due to improper drying they lose their shape. They can fall off, spools often form.

White merino wool baby blanket

For a children's warm blanket, a half-woolen yarn with an admixture of 50% acrylic or other fibers is recommended. For example, linen, silk. The presence of additives provides elasticity. Products are voluminous, light, warm, suitable for the cold season.

Wool blend yarn Bianca Baby Lux YarnArt

Do not use wool with a high content of fluff or long pile, which will get into the mouth and nose of the baby.

Before you start knitting

  • Use tactile sensations. Attach the skein to the cheek or neck - the slightest discomfort should alert. It is better to refuse such threads.

acrylic yarn

100% acrylic baby yarn suitable for knitting and crochet

Outwardly similar to wool. Much stronger. Quality fibers are pleasant to the touch. Ideal for coloring, so manufacturers produce a bright and juicy palette of colors. Resistant to sun fading.

Accumulates static electricity, does not pass moisture. Products are soft, with frequent washing they stretch. When knitting and in the product, low-quality yarn “creaks”.

What to look out for

  • Take a skein of yarn in your hands and twist it. Thread without additives will "creak". It is felt and heard. This product will not heat up.

Baby blanket sizes

  • In the summer, the smallest fit in the stroller is 80x100cm.
  • Newborn in a crib 80x120cm.
  • For discharge from the hospital 90x90 or 100x120cm, optimally 80x100cm.
  • For a walk in winter or late autumn 90x120cm.
  • For a child 3-5 years old, 100x140cm is suitable.

Pattern for a plaid

Knitted blankets look original and practical to use. This is an even knitted fabric, where the pattern is formed by alternating different types of loops or with a knitted pattern. Such patterns are more suitable for knitting.

If you crochet

So what to knit

If you knit a blanket for a newborn in the warm season, choose cotton mixed threads.

Openwork cotton baby blanket for a newborn

If you need a warm blanket, pay attention to half-woolen threads with the addition of acrylic.

Children's warm blanket with merino wool braids

For those who knit a blanket in a crib, for games on the floor, we recommend children's acrylic.

Children's plaid with knitting needles with a three-dimensional pattern

Now armed with our practical tips, feel free to take up knitting.

Light loops for you.

Video: Overview of Alize Puffy and a diagram of a simple pattern for a plaid