How to think positively, or one of the views on positive thinking. Developing positive thinking and positive attitude

Susan Segerstrom, a professor at the University of Kentucky, once tested the level of optimism of her students and rated it on a 5-point scale. After 10 years, she asked about the level of income of graduates. It turned out that each point turned into a $35,000 difference in their annual earnings. Not bad, right? We figured out why this happened, and picked up exercises on how to develop positive thinking.

What is positive and negative thinking and how do they differ

Thinking positively does not mean eradicating negative emotions from your life completely, as esoteric teachings often advise. Troubles still happen, and it is impossible and even harmful for the psyche to forbid reacting to them. But it is quite possible to find pluses, lessons and opportunities in the situation. Take an example from American inventor Thomas Edison who said, "I didn't fail. I just learned 10,000 ways that don't work."

The essence of positive thinking is the ability to find a reason for joy at any moment of life and perceive failures rationally, analyzing the reasons and accepting them as valuable experience.

Dan Kennedy, American business coach and coach, bestselling author of How to Succeed in Business by Breaking All the Rules:
- Forming positive thinking is really useful and desirable. But blind, stubborn optimism out of nowhere is stupidity.

The power of positive thinking is undeniable. Optimists are productive and earn more (Journal of Career Assessment, 2008). People with a positive outlook on life are less likely to get sick psychologists Lawrence Scheier and Charles Carver found out more than 30 years ago (Health Psychology, 1985).

A positive way of thinking makes more successful not only the person himself, but also his subordinates. In Profit from the Positive, Margaret Greenberg and Seniya Maymin talk about a study they conducted on a group of 53 managers. When their leaders were in a good mood, the teams worked more efficiently and showed higher sales.

There are many more advantages to positive thinking: you can enjoy life, be interested in new things, be healthy, cheerful and confident, look good and achieve success.

negative thinking- This is the lowest level of development of thinking. The stronger it is, the more problems in a person's life. Unlike positive thinking, negative thinking has dangerous consequences. Unwillingness to learn new things and unwillingness to change, dissatisfaction with the present, nostalgia for the past, expectation of the worst, greed, condemnation of others. A negatively thinking person never knows what exactly he wants - everything always does not suit him.

Which path are you choosing? The answer seems to be obvious, but how to learn not to notice the negative? Are there any methods for developing positive thinking?

10 Effective Techniques for Positive Thinking

So, it pays to be an optimist. But what if you are prone to pessimism? In this case, psychologists have come up with special exercises to develop positive thinking. They really work. This was confirmed by professors at the University of North Carolina (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2008). We have compiled a selection of 10 simple exercises for every day.


Reframing is the interpretation of negative situations in a positive way. For example, the decline in employment at work made it possible to relax or engage in self-education. The positive aspects can be less significant and even absurd - the main thing is to find them at all. A detailed description of this technique is given in the book Kiss the Frog! Learn to turn problems into opportunities Brian Tracy, world expert in personal development.

Write down the positive things that happened during the day.

It does not matter how significant they are and in what area of ​​life they occurred. The more of them, the better, but you should start with at least 3-5. Then indicate what actions led to those events. For example, acquaintance with a useful business partner took place thanks to an accepted invitation from friends to go with them to nature.

positive thinking- This is the most important sign of self-improvement. It has many benefits if managed properly. For example, if a person intends to seriously work on himself and his personality, then it should always be positive. Despite the delusions, his thoughts will be pure, but a person should not look at all the surrounding things through rose-colored glasses and deceive himself when in reality the opposite is true.

Positive thinking is more than just optimism. Since a person must always be positive, resourceful, and even at the most difficult time have an iron will, never lose heart.

Positive thinking for every day, benefits

If a person is charged with positive emotions, then he sees all the surrounding things as real, and he is ready to solve any situations, including the most difficult ones, with a good mood and with confidence in the success of the case. He must be calm and convinced that everything will be resolved well. This is how the main benefits of positive thinking manifest themselves. There are many reasons to take positive thinking seriously and practice it every day.

Positive thinking improves attention

Using positive thinking, you can focus on solving important problems, eliminating any negative emotions that waste your time and energy. So you quickly return to your working state and think in such a way that the state is not exhausted, think and act. Never replay the emotions of anger, regret and irritation in your head, but look for solutions with a creative approach.

Control yourself with positive thinking

Positive thinking will help keep you from reckless actions and wrong decisions, gloomy reasoning and stupid behavior, loss of control and negative emotions. Almost every person reacts this way when he is in a bad mood, or angry at someone. Have you had situations when you got annoyed and responded with negative emotions to a bad incident, in the end everything turned out worse than it was before? Think about how much effort and time you spent because of this. Therefore, do not underestimate the importance of constantly controlling yourself and not doing stupid things anymore. The worst thing you can do is get yourself into deep trouble.

You are a magnet and attract everything you want.

Gives you exactly what your attention and intentions are directed to. For example, if you are always with negative emotions and focused on negative events, you will get only trouble in life. And if you think positively, you will attract only good, positive events to yourself. After all, positive thinking directs your thoughts for the better. Constantly practice positive thinking and get a better reality for yourself. This pattern is explained by the fact that positive thoughts towards oneself are positive actions. In turn, good deeds lead to the achievement of goals.

Positive thinking improves a person's perception and awareness

If you practice positive thinking, then the simplest things will be revealed to you in a different light, and strangers will become noticeable to you. This pattern is explained by the fact that your focus and mindset are changing. For example, if something terrible happens in your life, then you will see not only one negative, but also the reverse side of this situation. Perhaps you will benefit from this. By practicing positively, you will begin to pay attention to the positive aspects of the events that have taken place, as well as how it all looks in the general concept of the world.

If a person is used to always being negative, then in all situations he will see only the negative, and all the good will leave him, even if the pluses of the event are obvious. If the worldview has already been built, then it is difficult to understand things that are far beyond its boundaries. And the most important thing is not to eliminate negative prospects, but also to concentrate charity and positive, you should always be in peace of mind, faith and knowledge that all situations that occur in life are a great life experience, even if it is bitter.

I advise you to watch an informative video on how to become successful, happy and how to develop only positive thinking.

And everything that you get in the future after using positive thinking will give a lot of benefits. If you manage to build the right mindset, then you will develop the habit of positive thinking and become simply fearless. You will no longer be afraid that something terrible will happen to you, you will meet any adversity with a positive and good mood. With determination, you will meet life's situations without fear, and such a quality is worth its weight in gold today.

Department of Education of the Irkutsk Region

Regional state educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care, orphanage "Harmony"


Training "Formation of positive thinking"

educational psychologist:

Papenko S.I.


No one is responsible for the problem

But everyone is responsible for the decision.

  1. The problem of the formation of positive thinking (introductory speech by a psychologist).
  2. Watching an excerpt from the movie "The Secret".
  3. Exercise "Fresh thoughts" (art therapy).

We divide the sheet into two halves. With a subdominant hand, draw a faded bouquet of flowers on the left half of the sheet.

We close our eyes, imagine what this bouquet symbolizes for us.

Without opening our eyes, we imagine that we are swimming in clean water (swimming in the river, standing in the shower, etc.).

We open our eyes, on the right side of the sheet with a subdominant hand we draw a revived bouquet, refreshed with water, updated.

Fresh water refreshes flowers, fresh thoughts refresh our lives. We draw a conclusion for ourselves - what needs to be updated in ourselves. The subdominant hand (untrained) is connected with the soul, with the heart, brings out the unconscious.

  1. Exercise "Who am I?"

(This technique is used when working with unmotivated clients).

On each of the eight pieces of paper we write the answer to the question: “Who am I?”.

We arrange them from top to bottom - from the most important to the secondary.

The psychologist gives one minute for the participants, looking at each piece of paper, starting from the bottom, to reflect on what this part of their personality is for them and what would happen if they lost it.

If after that there was a desire to shift the leaves, then we shift.

Why did they change?

  1. Exercise "Positive Future".

(This is a very subtle psychotherapeutic technique).

Participants are randomly divided into groups, the main condition is a high level of empathy in each subgroup. It doesn't matter if they know each other or not.

Task: imagine (“see”) a positive future for any member of the subgroup.

Free expression in the circle of members of subgroups about the presented ("seen") positive future of each of the subgroups. The one about whom they are talking should not comment on what was said, but simply thank.

  1. Exercise "The image of my happy future."

The exercise is free-form.


a) draw in the form of a map, or a crossroads, or in a free abstract form, in the form of an image (art therapy);

b) make a "visualization board" (see the film "Secret");

c) write a project of his future life. Indicate those areas of your life where you would like to improve: - what we have at the moment; - what we want; - our resources (we focus on them; what we cannot change - we accept as is);

d) write a letter “I am in ... years”;

e) imagine that your life is a novel in which the next chapter is happy; write this chapter;

f) start a notebook or notebook in which we will write down poetic quotes that help us in our lives, inspire us, help us to realize our plans.

Remember: the written word is amplified many times over.

  1. Exercise "Situation Assessment Scale".

This exercise is from cognitive psychotherapy, but in it we go from the opposite to the positive.

100 points 0 +100 points

A school where at -100 points we imagine the worst thing that can happen to a person (but he is still alive). Then, without changing the situation, we reduce the “horrors” we invented by half (-50 points).

Let's evaluate our situation on this scale.

  1. Exercise "Drawing a conflict" (art therapy).

We choose a real conflict situation with a specific person.

On one sheet we draw schematically, with lines, our conflict. You need to draw with both hands at the same time, the right hand is “I”, the left is “my opponent”. The sheet was put aside and turned over.

On another sheet - change hands, and again draw the same conflict.

We read this biography in the first person.

If after that there was a desire to change the picture, we change it.

On a new sheet, we draw a symbol - how we would like this situation to be resolved, how the conflict would end - always on a positive note.

This is our social training. Conclusion: in the conflict it is necessary to show tolerance, indulgence.

  1. Exercise "Question to the heart" (art therapy).

We relaxed, asked the question that worries us the most at this time, to ourselves. We address it to our mind.

Let's draw or write the received answer (with a subdominant hand).

We address the same question to our hearts. Let us turn to our heart as a source of wisdom.

Draw or write the answer on another piece of paper.

We prescribe the phrase with a subdominant hand: “I accept myself as (such), what (what) I am!”

The heart has its own brain. The signals received from the heart are many times stronger than those from the mind.

  1. Algorithm for positive thinking.

one). A useful name for the situation (possibly with humor; a quote; a metaphor - anything. The main condition: the name must be positive.)

2). A useful explanation of the situation: we find out the causes of our problem. Any explanation is fine, even the most improbable ones.

This stage may or may not exist.

3). "Memories from the Future".

Let's pretend there is no problem. What will you feel about it?

four). Identification of resources.

What worked well in these or similar situations? What resources, qualities, etc. do we have for this?

Write them down in a column.

5). The problem is as a teacher.

For example, you are already old. How would you tell your grandchildren about this situation. What did she teach you?

6). Gratitude.

Let's imagine that our situation was successfully resolved. On this occasion, we arrange a holiday (you can think of a name for it). We invite everyone who had anything to do with our situation to the holiday, seat everyone at the set tables and sincerely thank each of them for something (we need to find something for which we can thank those who were the “negative hero” in our situation) ). We sincerely wish everyone health, happiness, etc.

Today, the expression positive thinking means not just an easy attitude to life, but a whole concept and system. There are other definitions: mental positivism, right thinking, power thinking, new thinking. This concept includes special techniques and methods of positive thinking. They are taught in popular trainings on and methods of achieving success. Generally speaking, the system is built on the belief that our thoughts can materialize. What we think about will definitely happen. If you are positive, think about success, health, happiness, then these categories will definitely come into your life. The psychology of positive thinking originated a long time ago, and its heyday came in the 20th century (in the USA and Europe) and the 21st century (in Russia).

History of mental positivism

It is generally accepted that the foundations of the theory of positive thinking were laid by the American writer Norman Peel. He outlined his views in The Power of Positive Thinking. It is important that he developed his theory in collaboration with experienced psychoanalysts. Peel's method is based on the idea that a person should construct and visualize desires and dreams in order to achieve a higher quality of life and greater life satisfaction.

The author tried with the help of his work to help a person create a positive way of thinking. Over 5 million copies of The Power of Positive Thinking have been sold. Although the work has received considerable criticism. The author was accused of hypnosis and a large number of unconfirmed quotes.

The birth of mental positivism

Despite the fact that Norman Peel, who lived in the 20th century, is considered the founding father of positive thinking techniques, they were first discussed in the 19th century. The American philosopher and writer Ralph Emerson spoke in his works about the need to trust your inner strength and listen to yourself. The main works in which these ideas are stated are On Nature and Self-Confidence. Emerson had many followers in the USA: Quimby, R. W. Trine, P. Melford. In Europe, 3 directions of power thinking were most famous: the French method of Coué, German mesmerism and the institution of "mental positivism" by Schellbach.

Psychologist and pharmacist Emile Coué developed a method based on the daily, which should bring what you want, for example the phrase - I look better every day. This method is based on self-hypnosis, on changing unconscious thoughts, as Coue himself said. The advantage of theory is that it is based on practical observations. Working as a pharmacist, the scientist observed how self-hypnosis affects a person's recovery. What Coué noticed would later be called the placebo effect.

The physician Friedrich Mesmer founded a technique named after him mesmerism, or animal magnetism. It is based on irrational ideas. According to Mesmer, people are free to release a special energy and with its help to communicate with each other. He conducted group sessions in which he treated people by immersing them in a trance state.

All of these scientists laid the foundations of positive thinking. Today, many of these principles are used by modern specialists in their work.

positive psychology

The science of right thinking is largely based on such a section as positive psychology. It is generally accepted that the thinking of force is its applied continuation. There are opponents of this opinion, who argue that positive psychology appeared much later.

This direction of psychology studies only the positive aspects of the human psyche, in contrast to the classical one, focused on pathologies and problems. The main themes of the positive direction are: optimism, forgiveness, trust, flow, solidarity, i.e. those categories that bring joy, peace, satisfaction into our lives. The purpose of this section is to try to unlock the potential of a person, make his life brighter and.

Founder Martin Seligman outlined the main areas of research: positive emotions (enjoyment, optimism, energy, vitality), positive character traits (love, wisdom, kindness, courage, honesty), social institutions that contribute to the development of people (strong family, democracy, free media comfortable working environment).

Researchers involved in this area have proven the influence of positive emotions on a person's attitude. Research results have shown that positive thinking makes a person more open, productive, and courageous. He is able to think more effectively and find the best ways to solve problems.

Mental Positivists

The formation of positive thinking has received the greatest development in our century. Today, millions of books are published on and. The leader in this area is the United States. First of all, the practice of positive thinking is used in the work of development consultants, business coaches, speakers. During their performances, they teach people how to be a positive person, tune in to positive thinking and change their lives. Here are the most popular experts in the technique of positive thinking today.

  1. Stephen Covey. American consultant and teacher. The main field of activity is consulting on organizational management and life management. He is best known for his bestselling books: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The Eighth Habit: From Efficiency to Greatness, The 4 Rules of a Successful Leader, Super Job. Super career.
  2. Robin Sharma. One of the most famous American business coaches. He writes books, gives lectures and seminars. The basis of his philosophy is the union of two traditions: Western and Eastern. The West is characterized by purposefulness and efficiency. For the East - wisdom, spiritual tranquility, the desire for the harmonious development of the body and soul.
  3. Anthony Robbins. Motivational speaker, writer, trainer. The main topics are life coaching and self-development. Known for his motivational audio programs. He published several books that became bestsellers: Wake up the giant in yourself, The Book of Self-Power, Money. Game master. Seven Steps to Financial Freedom. To become a student of Anthony Robbins, you must enroll 2 years in advance. His services cost $1 million a year.
  4. Jim Rohn. Jim Rohn's career peaked in the second half of the 20th century, and in total his oratory experience was about 40 years. Over such a long period he has lectured all over the world, consulted and published a large number of books. The most famous works: “Treasury of Wisdom. Success, career, family”, “Seven strategies for achieving wealth and happiness”, “Vitamins for the mind”.
  5. Robert Kiyosaki. This famous coach is already 70 years old, and he still gives motivational lectures, during which he tells how to start thinking positively and how to set yourself up for success. Robert Kiyosaki is best known for his book Rich Dad Poor Dad. Other bestsellers include Rich Dad's Guide to Investing and The Cash Flow Quadrant.
  6. Lee Iacocca. Lido Anthony Iacocca worked as a top manager of Ford and Chrysler, but became known throughout the world thanks to his autobiographical books. The most popular of them in Russia is "Career Manager". In them, he shares the secrets of his success, including talking about the importance of such an action as positive thinking every day.

Napoleon Hill

Talking about the science of mental positivism, one cannot but mention Napoleon Hill. He stood at the origins of modern life coaching, career training and personal growth. He is often spoken of as a great success writer and is credited as the founding father of new thought theory and the self-help genre. His book Think and Grow Rich is one of the best-selling books in the world. Hill's philosophy lies in the phrase: "A man can achieve what his mind can imagine."

In his books, he offered specific exercises on how to set yourself up for success. This technique is based on a lot of practical work: Hill interviewed the most successful and famous figures of his time. Subsequently, he analyzed these success stories and deduced his formula.

Principles of Positive Thinking

What are the basic principles of positive thinking? They include certain attitudes, exercises and techniques that help to form positive personal qualities and a positive way of thinking. In order to eliminate negative thinking and begin to think positively, you must practice these principles every day and sincerely believe in their effectiveness. Here are the main ones.

  1. Our thoughts materialize. The world around us treats us the way we treat it. Be kind, caring, help others and you will see - the world will reciprocate.
  2. . She always accompanies us. Love is at the heart of how to learn to think positively and attract good things. Accompany all your actions with care, respect, do not show indifference. A positive person treats everyone with love and kindness.
  3. The world around is not limited, the resources in it are unlimited. It sounds strange, but try repeating this phrase to yourself every day. And you will see: if you really want something, you will definitely get it.
  4. Each of us is the author of our own destiny. There are many studies confirming that self-confidence is one of the keys to success. Do not look for the reasons for your failures in other people. Believe that everything in your life depends only on you.
  5. Love yourself. Tell yourself every day that you are smart, beautiful, happy. Praise yourself even for small victories.
  6. The world around is fair: if something happened to you, then you deserve it. Therefore, do good deeds, and the world will reciprocate. This principle is similar to the method of causally positive thinking widely used in psychology.
  7. Our world is unique and worthy of admiration. Don't take everything you have for granted. Every day, thank fate for any pleasant little things. A positive person always concentrates on the good, finds pleasure in everyday little things.


Consider exercises aimed at developing positive thinking. Unlike principles, these are specific actions that need to be performed every day. It is believed that they need to be done daily for 3 weeks. After this time, exercise will become a habit.

"My Perfect Day"

This is a popular exercise that psychologists use in their practice. Most often used by consultants for personal and career development. The exercise helps to set goals and realize them, focus on positive attitudes, and ultimately teaches you how to be positive. The technique is as follows: describe your ideal day on a piece of paper. Pay attention to details, highlight the most important and pleasant for you personally: time with loved ones, playing sports, walking in the fresh air, interesting projects, an effective meeting with colleagues, etc. After that, try to spend the next day the way you described it. Think about how happy and satisfied you were. If something doesn't work, try again.

Power Thinking Techniques

Positive psychology has developed certain techniques that have proven effective. Applying them in your life, you will learn to better understand yourself and your desires, to realize your dreams. The most popular techniques are: visualization, meditation, affirmations, the method of causally positive thinking. As you apply them, remember that they work with negative thinking as well. Therefore, exclude all sad thoughts, think only about the good.


Visualization is about presenting what you want. The technique is based on self-hypnosis. Some scientists believe that our brain does not distinguish between real images and fictional ones. Therefore, it reads what we represent as a real object. Thus, the desired is realized. In proof of this theory, our sensations in a dream are cited. They are the same as in reality. If we are afraid in a dream, we feel fear as if in reality. Of course, visualization can only be seen as an adjunct to achieving goals. For example, if you want to lose weight, imagine in detail what your body will be like, what clothes you can wear. But visualization won't work if you don't exercise and eat right.

In addition to presenting your desires, use special boards. Glue everything related to your dreams on them. The board can be replaced with an album, a notebook, etc. It is important to imagine everything in detail: for example, how you stand on the scales and see the long-awaited weight that you have been striving for for a long time. It is important to maintain spiritual harmony, peace and tranquility.


Meditation is similar to the previous method in that imagination is also actively used here. But meditation is more aimed at working with energy, and not with consciousness. During this process, you relax, tune in to the desired psychological state. There are different types of meditation on positive thinking: success, love, wealth. But at the first stage, it is important to learn to relax and listen to yourself. By successfully mastering this technique, you will be able to both change your thinking to a positive one and achieve your goals. People who practice meditation talk about the inexpressible sensations experienced during this practice.

The main principle of meditation is regularity. The most optimal time of day is considered to be early morning or twilight. You need to position yourself so that your face looks to the north or east. For successful meditation, just half an hour a day is enough.


Affirmations are the foundation of how to learn to think positively. They are phrases that a person repeats to himself daily for a long time. The effect of this technique is based on self-hypnosis and the belief that thoughts can materialize. Despite the apparent simplicity and even primitiveness, mastering this method is quite difficult. It is necessary to adjust your consciousness in such a way as to sincerely believe in the materialization of your thoughts.

Affirmations help both form positive thinking and make dreams come true. At the first stage, use expressions aimed at harmonizing the inner world, acquiring peace of mind. After successfully mastering such affirmations, try other types: for love, success, etc.

Method of Causally Positive Thinking

This method aims to find the root cause of an event. Having found it, in the future we can solve all other problems caused by this cause. The method of causally positive thinking makes a person more confident, as it offers to control his life, to be its creator. Usually we experience stress because one event can carry several consequences. This method proposes to move from the cause. As a result, a person learns how to think positively.

Books on positive thinking

Just a few decades ago, people in our country started talking about what positive thinking is as a concept of life. Therefore, on the book shelves you can find mainly the work of American specialists. Here are the most popular books on how to start thinking positively, achieve success and.

There is also the harm of positive thinking. This happens when a person breaks away from reality and plunges exclusively into his positive thoughts. Therefore, the techniques of correct thinking can only be considered as an additional tool for real deeds.

Positive thinking and exercises to harmonize consciousness are an easy way to free yourself from insecurity and irritability. Try to get used to thinking only about the good, immediately brushing aside doubts, negativity and anger - and you will see how life will begin to change by itself. A few months of practice is enough to understand - it works! And we know how.

Why is it important to think positively?

A person who is used to looking at the world with optimism always stands out from the crowd. His confidence and calmness, friendliness and openness to everything new is visible to everyone.

Therefore, such people easily make new acquaintances, easily decide and are always ready to take a chance. And the most interesting thing is that fate "throws" them good chances all the time.

Mystery? Not at all - just a positive-minded person sees a chance even where a skeptic would only smirk. The right attitude and strengthens health, promotes increased activity and helps to quickly cope with ailments.

Positive Thinking Exercises for Adults

These exercises will help you get rid of anxiety, develop the habit of looking at the world with a smile and expecting the best. And if you learn to think in this way, then you yourself will not notice how your dreams will come true, and fate will now and then begin to present pleasant surprises.

It has been proven that the formation of a stable habit requires about one and a half months of practice. - also our habit, good or bad - depends on what thoughts prevail.

Positive thinking does not work on its own, but when there is a goal

At first, try to watch your thoughts and words. If you often repeat something like “I can’t”, “I won’t succeed”, “no luck”, “we can’t live like this”, etc., then it’s time to take care of your thoughts.

Replace all negative statements with opposite ones, speak only in a positive way. If you find it difficult to immediately come up with such life-affirming phrases, start with affirmations.

Ready-made text templates are easier to learn, and by repeating them regularly, you will be able to “get along” with them and they will become your own mental attitudes.


Being grateful for what you have rather than crying for what you don't have is much harder than it looks. After all, many even like to feel sorry for themselves. Try to find 5 or 10 reasons to be grateful every day.

Be happy with what you already have. Be grateful even for mistakes - because they help you become smarter, more experienced, learn something new.

The point of this exercise is to keep the focus on the positive. After all, we know that we notice what we want to see. Those who are looking for negativity, trouble or a bad attitude towards themselves - find them. Those who are looking for good, good luck and luck find them too.

Let go of the past

Don't expect quick results, analyze failures and allow yourself to be imperfect.

Can positive thinking exercises be dangerous?

But as with anything, don't overestimate your strengths. Despite numerous statements about the materialization of thoughts, one should not think that having wished evil on someone in the heat of the moment, you will immediately call dark forces into the life of a person.

Not at all. The point is different: to learn to see the chances and become open, stop being afraid of problems and start thinking about ways to achieve what you want.

Where does the misunderstanding of positive thinking lead to?

A misunderstanding of positive thinking leads to attempts to permanently get rid of resentment, anger and irritation. But it is important to remember that all these reactions are natural and cannot be permanently suppressed.

Trying to think only positive thoughts and block out any manifestations of negativity can turn into obsessions, fear of negative thoughts, or constant guilt about your “bad” thoughts.

Some people begin to blame themselves literally for everything that happens around them, believing that they attracted all the negativity in their lives on their own. Of course, this is not true.

In the life of every person there have been and will be troubles and quarrels, disappointments and mistakes. But having learned to control your thoughts and accept feelings, including negative ones, you can not dwell on them, but continue to go towards the goal, feel happier and more confident every day.

Fanaticism is a phenomenon that never leads to good. Therefore, do not lose an adequate perception of reality and do not forbid yourself to be sometimes offended or upset, to worry about something or get angry.

You are a human being and you have a right to it. Death, accidents or natural disasters are far from a complete list of terrible situations over which we have no control.

A positive attitude will not get rid of them, but the right attitude will help us survive the worst tragedies and move on.

So that positive thoughts do not dry out over time, and the negative thoughts that come to replace them do not drag you into the abyss of deep depression, think about what goal you are striving for. After all, optimism and the desire to use chances cannot exist by themselves.

What odds do you need? What do you want to achieve? Are you motivated by a big goal or one that is available today, in a week or a month?

Find the answers to these questions before you start practicing positive thinking, because it is effective if it helps you go to the goal, find it, and not by itself.

If you are not even going to do something, there is no point in looking for positive and chances. Positive attitudes are an addition, a "seasoning" to work and perseverance, and not an independent dish.