How to promote "dissolve" a man for money and gifts? Advice from smart women. In the role of a poor relative, or how to breed a man for money

Women's magazines are made up of articles on how to make a lasting impression on a man with blue/green or (oh my gosh!) orange eyeliner. They are trying to convince us that if, for example, you appear at a fateful meeting in a dress from Chanel, and not from Dolchegaban, and you put on louboutins, and not from centro shoes, then the men in front of you will be stacked. Marinka, my girlfriend, once, having read such recommendations, then wept bitterly into her pillow, lamenting all the zhikikikazly. It all started with advice on how to behave on a first date. At the same time, Marinka had one official marriage and one civil marriage behind her. So there was no experience. She met her previous lovers through acquaintances. After breaking up with her boyfriend, Marinka decided not to wait for the help of her friends and arrange her personal life on her own. In one of the magazines, she read an article that now is the 21st century, and a woman should take the initiative herself when meeting. Marinka took the advice literally and rushed into battle.

We were sitting in a cafe with her, and on the contrary - a couple of handsome men. It seemed that they looked in our direction with interest, but did not dare to take the first step. Tired of waiting, Marinka whispered to me that she herself would get to know them. With these words, she took a bottle of champagne, moved to the table with them and began to treat ... At one of them, she then stayed overnight. True, the relationship did not work out - Marinka believed that he should give her gifts. She made her demands clear right away. The next morning. She pays the mortgage, and he, her lover, must help her with this.

Marinka wanted romance and bouquets of flowers. When the guy called and asked what she needed to buy, for example, for tea, she answered - nothing. And she was offended when he came empty-handed. As a result, Marinka, without hesitation, told the poor fellow that he must pay ... for meeting with her ... after this statement, they no longer met.

Then, telling this story, Marinka sincerely wondered why the man merged and called him greedy. I tried to explain to her that, probably, the man was still aimed at relationships, but such harsh demands scared him off.

"A man should give all his best to the woman he loves," Marinka argued with me. At the same time, Marinka is not a kept woman. She works and earns a good salary. It just occurred to her that the man who had slept with her was bound to be indebted to her. And he believed that he was just spending the evenings with her. By mutual desire.

No one owes anything to anyone - this is my main principle. What I agree with her about is that when a man is in love, he wants to please his beloved. He wants to help - financially and physically. But you must first win over and in no case present ultimatums. Speaking of gifts, I mean the manifestation of interest on the part of a man and his attention. Because if your superman didn’t give you anything during the relationship / didn’t buy / didn’t invite you to a cafe / didn’t pay in a cafe, then he doesn’t need you. And the relationship is not serious.

Another friend of mine, Zhenya, never gives a damn about this. On a date, when the gentleman demanded money from her for dinner, she spread her hands with an angelic face and said: "I don't have any." The guy had no choice but to pay for two. Talking on the phone, she can complain to her friend that she liked the shoes, but there is not enough money for them. When asked what to buy - she names specific things - listing what you need. If she needs sweets for tea, she will say so - sweets. Or half-jokingly, half-seriously, he will say that he wants summer joy - a bouquet of flowers.

If you would like to receive gifts:

Never demand anything!

Remember that no one owes anyone anything

Tell your chosen one about your dreams, what you would like to buy or where you would like to go

Ask casually about what gifts he makes to his relatives (mother or sister, ex-girlfriend). So you can find out its "purchasing power"

For the brave - under some pretext, go to the store together. Try something there. And then with a sad face, say that you can’t afford this purchase yet. If the guy is not greedy and serious, then he will not let you leave upset

When asked what you need, do not be shy. Be specific. Do not worry that a man may not have enough money. Even if this happens, he will find a way to get out. Zhenya, once asked by the groom what to bring from a business trip, ordered local wine. To which he replied that they do not make wine in this city. Zhenya was not at a loss and asked to buy Chanel perfume. The guy returned with wine, which was cheaper than perfume, saying that he found the wine after a long search))).

Casually tell your chosen one about the gifts that other men have given you. Emphasize that it was an unexpected surprise. Let him know what is normal for you. For example, my heel suddenly broke in the summer when we were walking down the street with a guy. I hurried home, but he did not let me go and took me to the store for shoes. It was unexpected and very pleasant.

And remember what Faina Ranevskaya said: "Life is too short to spend your life on diets, greedy men and a bad mood."

One of the most popular questions asked by girls who are tired of dating poor students is: how to cheat a man for money? If you google this question, we will find a lot of funny articles and tips, after reading which, the girls themselves become funny objects in the eyes of those on whom they are trying to experiment.

Men have long figured out the main ways of divorce for money and gifts, and they are not conducted. And sometimes, as a punishment, they can also make fun of a girl. The girls get angry, call names and ... go looking for a new way to divorce men for money.

I would like to clarify something in this matter and give girls really sensible advice so that they do not embarrass themselves in front of men and do not waste their time creating the image of “I am a dear woman”, as advised in fashion magazines and articles on the Internet.

There is some truth in this. Men are really more willing to spend money on "expensive women", but when they are really expensive. Here are the cases:
1. the girl is the daughter of wealthy parents.
2. the girl is a successful businessman.
3. the girl goes to mistresses or managed to visit the mistresses of a wealthy person, thanks to whom she is decently “packed”.

Are you one of them? Then it makes sense to position yourself as a "dear woman" who deserves more than three roses after the first sex. If you are wearing cheap clothes from Auji, chemical shoes from Centro and you have lunch at the nearest student cafeteria, you will have to come up with something more correct than “I am used to expensive gifts”, because it will be a no brainer that you are not used to anything.

However, you should not go to the other extreme and allow a man to lower himself to the level of miserable handouts. Yes, you are a simple girl, not a silicone instagram doll, not an heiress of a fortune, not a rich man's lover, and your pussy is not a diamond. But you also want attention and pleasant surprises. We all strive for the best, this is normal. We're looking for better places to live, better jobs, better clothes, so why should we spend our lives in our swamp and not try to look around?

You can definitely send a man away, or just hint that he has chosen the wrong strategy if he is going to give you or buy something that you are able to buy yourself. Once I met a man, a middle-level businessman, but with money. He offered me to buy boots for some holiday. I laughed in his face, saying that he would have offered me to pay the rent or buy groceries for the house. It is clear that if there was a thread of Jimmy Choo in Ufa, I would take the man there, but since there are no shoe stores here from which I would like to receive something as a gift, I sent the man away with his offer.

So you set the bar - with what you can roll up to you, and with what - it's better to fuck off right away. That fucking man said I was too picky and hard to please. I didn’t play the drama “yes-I’m-so-all-sudden”, I just calmly replied that I was not used to receiving as a gift what I could buy myself. No pathos, no requests. Everything is clear and truthful. If only I was very interesting to him - he would start trying. But he gave up and backed off. And rightly so. Wasting time on those who are interested in you as a free hole is very unreasonable.

Always stop trying to appease you with cheap stuff. Even if you are a simple girl from a simple family and you still walk around with an old phone. It is better not to accept gifts at all than to accept cheap gifts. How not to accept? Say something like, “Wow! You always give me such fucking expensive gifts! I don't feel comfortable accepting them." A man like this will most likely be hurt, and he will either move to another level of spending on you, or fall off.

Remember, dear, that men willingly spend money on girls in the following cases:
1. They really, really like the girl, then they don’t have to breed anyone, they spend money with pleasure.
2. For a man, these expenses are penny, that is, he is very wealthy compared to you.
3. He is the son of rich parents and a spender who does not know the value of money.

In any case, a man's spending is his personal initiative and good will. If he doesn't want to spend a dime on you, he won't do it, regardless of your funny gestures. Do not humiliate yourself, do not beg, do not try to manipulate if you do not know how to do it. A smart man will figure out your manipulation at once, and you yourself will fall into the tight net of his manipulations.

Be yourself, mock, if something in his behavior seems funny to you.
Do not swallow resentment at his attitude - better speak out and leave.
Be as objective as possible to yourself. If you think you deserve more - declare it, but not in the spirit of "I'm a princess and I'm used to expensive gifts", but in the style of "students gave me such crap at the university."
Do not fill your worth, but express dissatisfaction if you are really unhappy.
And most importantly - find the strength in yourself to send the hell out of a man if he has not corrected himself. If you continue to date him after swallowing his cheap sop once, he will realize that all your “fi” is just an attempt to show a character that does not exist.

Don't blow your goodies. Have a good hunting!






Men also often show immorality towards women, so let us not be tormented by conscience. Very often, women perceive the desire of a man to spend countless amounts of money on her as a manifestation of love and admiration. This is the first group of women.

But the second group includes seemingly weak women who breed the men around them, thereby solving their own financial difficulties, and more often just whims.

We must not forget that men are also far from stupid creatures, and ways to breed men for money correctly, and most importantly beautifully, will require certain, albeit moral, costs from a woman, as well as a lot of strength.

The modern world has made men even more greedy, but no such luck. If you are not going to pamper the opposite sex yourself, then women will finally learn how to skillfully breed men.

Why do you need money from a man

To begin with, you should form your goals, which will then find an excuse for themselves. Ask yourself why you decided on this way of obtaining wealth.

The most common reasons for action are:

  • difficult financial situation
  • the desire to attract the attention of the male,
  • the desire to prove to oneself one's own power,
  • obsession with revenge for unsuccessful love in the past, or awareness of the superiority of the female over the male.

Such process engines are perhaps the most significant, and help women make a good profit on men's wallets.

Rules of conduct for a successful woman

And so let's get started. In order for you to be able to spend time with a man with the benefit of the business, that is, to achieve the above goal, you need to approach the matter from a creative side, but the main thing is not to lose your own dignity. Do not try to beg for money, complain, whine about the fact that there is not enough money.

  • Remember the basic rule - a woman should look successful from the side of men, not knowing the feeling of self-pity.

Only in such a context will it be possible to achieve your goal.

  • The next important rule is to be patient, because not every man will just take it and lay out a tidy sum for your whims.

Here the main task is to be able to convince a man of his full devotion to him, to win his trust. Give him hope and he will give you everything.

  • And the last rule - be extremely careful.

After all, not only women are smart and want to promote the opposite sex for money. Everyone is capable of it. I think you've heard of the popular seduction courses in big cities.

Getting ready for battle. To divorce a man unnoticed by him, you should create a riddle around yourself, make a man achieve his goal with all his might. Believe that natural excitement will make the imaginary hunter stop saving on you on the way to his goal.

How to make him not notice anything

How to divorce a man for money and gifts, so that he does not feel a dirty trick? In a business like war, you first need to set the traps correctly. The main trick is to completely convince a man that you are not at all interested in money. It is best to pretend that you have plenty of them, and your interests are directed to other things.

But you can play the role of the so-called simpleton, who is quite satisfied with her, albeit average, financial situation. But our goal is money. Therefore, do not delay this stage.

After completely suggesting to a man that you do not need money, show that you are spending too much time on him, and since he will no longer be able to refuse you, then hint that this time requires compensation in monetary terms. But do not try to insist on your own too strongly. Think over your request, choose the right moment and make it so natural that the man would not even think of refusing you. The main principle in divorce is the ability to feel the measure. Do not show a man your essence and desire to get to his wallet as soon as possible. Try to skillfully be capricious.

Important to remember. Do not forget that men, like us, are not fools, among them there are many sensible and cunning specimens, the main weapon of which is the ability to arouse pity and compassion in women. So try not to fall for their sharp hook yourself. Avoid the so-called gigolos and seducers and quickly run away from such male representatives, they are definitely not your option.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that all the above tips will help to influence only real men who strive for their goal and win it by any means, possible and impossible.

It so happened historically that a man is a getter and a hunter. Women, although they show a feminist attitude, still remain weak and unprotected creatures. They still want attention and romance in a relationship, and what a wonderful gift can bring a touch of romance. But how to breed a man for money if he is still in no hurry to pamper you.

  • To begin with, I would like to say that in our country very few women know how to really. We are more and more accustomed to fundamentality and ask the representative of the stronger sex only what we really need at the moment. The boots are torn, so we will ask for new boots. We ran out of perfume, so we will ask for a new one. But you really want him to decide to give us a gift, so that the initiative comes from him.
  • That is why the first thing to do is to change the attitude towards yourself. As a replica in one of the advertisements of the famous brand "Because you deserve it!". Do not complain about how hard it is for you, but master the art of how to properly accept gifts.
  • A woman must always A real gentleman will not allow his chosen one next to him to look worse than the ladies of his friends. Play on that. The gentleman must clearly understand that next to him is the only treasure that needs reverent care. The appearance of the lady, her mood and your relationship will depend on the investment. Having received a pleasant present, she will thank him a hundredfold and this will jump on his pride.
  • To breed a man for money is a rather compromising and mercantile phrase. Often this is exactly how it is literally perceived by a representative of the strong half of humanity. However, this should not be taken so literally. In fact, the young lady just wants to receive a sign of attention, and the price that the gentleman is willing to pay for him depends on his material well-being and, of course, understanding of female psychology.
  • There are types of men who do not understand hints. A man brought up in a simple rural family is more practical. He was brought up by simple parents and, in principle, does not know that a girl needs to give gifts. Therefore, it is much easier not to look for long-distance paths, but to directly say what you would like to receive. Issue resolved and no offense. He will try to please the lady and earn the necessary amount of money. If he does not, then there is another reason to think.
  • The fact is that if he doesn’t lift a finger for this, but complains that he has a small salary, and besides, it is delayed, then this is not a getter, but just a lazy person. With such a "sloth" there is simply no point in continuing to meet. In the future, he will not be able to provide for his family, but will sit on your neck. Why do you need?

  • To lure money from a boyfriend, it is not necessary to be an inveterate bitch so that you have something to brag to your friends. You are raising him for yourself, so teach him to understand your desires. Sometimes a subtle hint will be enough. But not everyone understands the hints, and you will have to say directly about your desires.
  • The girl must clearly understand that the guy earns money so that she spends them. And it doesn’t matter how she disposes of them, whether it’s spending on a child in kindergarten or buying new cosmetics. He must think about making enough money for his family and for his wife, or even for his mistress.

  • At the same time, try to remain independent. If he doesn’t give you a present, then you buy it yourself or worse, another boyfriend will give it to you. He'll be ashamed of his incompetence.
  • If your relationship is at the stage of a candy-bouquet period, then you need to understand what has been done, the chosen one will expect your gratitude. You probably won't get off with a kiss on the cheek. Before you divorce a man for money, decide for yourself what you expect from these meetings. The more you cost your boyfriend, the more he expects from you.
  • Some experienced ladies say that you can put pressure on a fan. He is touched and will certainly buy you what you want. But you should use this method only in extreme cases, otherwise if you always beg for money in this way, then he will stop believing in you and the next time he will simply stop responding to your tears.

How to get money from a man: video from an expert

Sometimes it happens that you cook for him, clean, support, and he does nothing for you. Although she actually does, but for women, not only the moral aspect of the relationship is important, but also the material one. After all, you often want him not only to take him to a cafe once a week, but also to give money for ordinary women's needs.

  • Surely, when you are around and he meets friends, he is very pleased that such a beautiful woman is next to him. And when he tells you how beautiful you are, then tell him that soon you will no longer be able to look like that. Because your favorite cream and manicure in the salon has become very expensive, and you spend money on food for him or on the way to work. Most likely, he will understand that he cannot lose such beauty and will offer a certain amount.
  • Play the victim of a robbery. As if you were driving home from work, and your bag was stolen. Payday was still two weeks away, and the wallet was full of cash and credit cards. If a man is not indifferent to you, then he will give money at least for the first time. In this method, the main thing is not to sleep and at least temporarily hide the allegedly stolen wallet, and then say that you bought the same one. Well, or buy a new one for his money.
  • Arrange for him an amazing romantic evening, a wonderful dinner, and further according to the scenario. After this, he himself will feel that you are worthy of a gift and will offer to buy something. Or buy it yourself. In case he still buys himself, but you don’t like it, then from the very beginning of the relationship, teach you to give you everything with a check. In this case, you can go and change the man’s gift for the thing you need. Or money.
  • Delightfully talk about what a beautiful fur coat or chain her boyfriend gave her friend and how you really wanted it. Most often, men have a competitive spirit and everyone wants to outdo each other. Surely, in order to be better than a friend's boyfriend, he will give you part of the salary for a new thing.
  • When he writes or calls and asks what you are doing now, then say that you found the thing of your dreams on the Internet. And also enthusiastically talk about it and even send a photo. Surely, the guy wants to make you happy with this dream.
  • Tactfully find out when his payday is. You can jokingly say that you ran out of mascara / saw a cool dress and you can’t wait until he buys it for you. A normal man will laugh and agree to buy. The main thing then to remind him of his words.
  • At the initial stage of the plan to receive money and gifts from a man, choose things in the store that you can pay for and pay for yourself. But if a man offers to pay for the purchase, then do not refuse. After a couple of such refusals, he may not offer more.
  • If not a single method worked and you didn’t succeed in getting money from a man, then just try to say: “Lend me money, I’ll give it back to you later.” If a man loves you, he will say that you can not give. But if he says to return it without fail (and not in jest), then you need to run away from such a person.

When you may not be able to get money from a man

  • It will be very difficult to divorce a man with whom you have been together for a long time, and before that he did not give money and did not make gifts.
  • At the very initial stage of the relationship, when he is not yet completely in love with you.
  • If he simply does not have money and will not be able to earn it in the near future.
  • He used to give gifts, and you constantly refused.
  • Misunderstanding of hints is a characteristic male trait. In this case, say bluntly that you want to receive a gift or material support from the guy.

How to ask a guy for money

Money is an important part of modern life. But we don't always have as many of them as we would like. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with asking a man for money. But the main thing is not to forget that he is not obliged to fulfill all your whims. And most likely he won't. You need to be ready for this.

Making money out of a man is no easy task. Especially with the help of female cunning, which every woman naturally possesses.

Recently, the author of these lines heard the revelations of two friends. Men of the harsh 21st century: “Yes ... Now it’s easier to find a new woman than to buy someone a fur coat,” one said. “And my own will buy me a fur coat, if only I don’t leave her,” the second replied thoughtfully.

How difficult it is for a woman to remain weak in this ruthless, furless world, where men take away from us the last advantage of sex: ladies' whims ... And suddenly, one day, on an Internet forum, a faint ray of hope dawned on me. Some guy told me about a lecture on psychology with an optimistic title "How to discover men's wallets." The guy asked the girls: they say, is a man's wallet really so important to you? The interlocutors - all as one "strong women" - objected in a voice that no one's wallet was of interest to them. It's just nice when a man is generous. Although we ourselves are strong, it is nice when someone else is stronger.

To be honest, the formulation of the problem puzzled me. Open other people's wallets ... and even for yourself. Gypsies from the Kyiv railway station would pay dearly for information! And here - only 1250 rubles.

I want the wealth of the world!

The advertisement for the lecture, which Yandex immediately issued, inflamed my curiosity even more: “My friend’s new man gave her a car, and your boyfriends are in no hurry to fork out even for three flowers? The reason is you. How to become a queen, at whose feet men will begin to lay down all the wealth of the world, we will tell in our lecture. In addition, you will learn how to properly and expensively present yourself. The course is seasoned with unique facts from the history of world erotica and the latest scientific achievements in the field of world psychology ... "

In a word, whatever the purpose of such a financial attack, if successful, the lady breaks the jackpot - either confirmation of her own irresistibility, or complete moral and material satisfaction. And yet, how to promote a man with money (or gifts) beautifully, gracefully and tastefully?

Beautifully breeding a man is worth a lot: a lot of strength, certain skills and talents will be required from us. For some reason, our already stingy men today have become even tighter. And where is the vaunted breadth of the soul? Cavaliers, don juans, heartthrobs, what did you decide to save on? On women? And women, offended by such an attitude, went on the warpath: if you don’t want to spoil us yourself, then we will learn to breed men.

Targets and goals

The end, as you know, justifies the means. Therefore, a correctly formulated goal will always find justification in the causes. What is your reason for going hunting? In general, all the reasons that encourage women to lure money can be reduced to the following points:

Men crave affection, attention, understanding, care, love, if a man is not given this, but demand that he pay her bills or invest in her, he may feel uneasy. After all, a man wants to receive feedback, wants a burning look, patience, warm hands and gentle touches. A man wants intimacy, wants to receive love. What does the woman want in return? She wants love, and at the same time she wants a man - a warrior, a protector, a breadwinner. She is very flattered when a man spends money on her. Take to restaurants, cafes, buy clothes, sponsor, buy food, please and protect, and also care.

What does a woman want? A woman wants pleasant meetings, expensive gifts, wants attention and understanding. If a partner does not suit her in sex, then she wants even more compensation. What can be compensation? In material bestowal on the part of a man. After all, men pay for a woman's age, for intimacy, for understanding, beauty, for a beautiful face and body, for a figure, for youth, for behavior and a desire to love him. A man also pays for the time spent with a woman, namely for her intelligence, wit, desire to please him and accept him for who he is.

Never date a man just for money! Earn them yourself! Prove and show the man that you are good not only in bed. He will be proud of you and tell everyone how amazing you are!

3. In no case do not include pity. The thought of the inconvenience that a man works so hard, and you just use him, should be thrown out of your head right away! If a man gave preference to you, then he saw that he was choosing. And now there is nothing to feel sorry for him!

4. The main thing is not to overdo it. We'll have to find a middle ground to lure money. Try on the first date not to be interested in how much your chosen one earns, the cost of an apartment and car, as well as watches, chains around his neck and shoes. Try not to say the word “money” at all to show the man that you are not interested in some crisp pieces of paper, but only in feelings.

You can also try this method, how to borrow money from a man. You need to start with small amounts for some insignificant trifle. For example, I forgot my wallet at home, but I really want this jewelry, and can you lend me some money for it. True, this option does not work with all men, but only with those who can be classified as gentlemen. It should be borne in mind that this manner of behavior will not suit all men; some can forgive two or three debts, and then run away from such a lady.

And, of course, the classics of the genre are female tears. And the hotter they are, the better. It has been proven that men simply cannot physically tolerate women's tears. To stop this flow, gentlemen are ready to buy anything for their lady and give her any amount that she wants.

Zealous and often use this method is also not recommended. Men are afraid of too whiny ladies. This means that soon there will be no one to receive dividends from.

Another approach is as follows. In a restaurant, after the waiter puts the bill in the middle, grab it first and get ready to pay it in full. This should help you in the matter of how to breed a man. After all, strong men love independent and independent women.

To properly breed a man, you should show him that you are not so easy to achieve. If he invites you to visit him for coffee (as if you didn’t drink enough of it) or offers to show you a collection of butterflies, then it’s better to refuse decisively. How to divorce a man? Show him that you're different from the ladies he's dealt with before. You are too tough for him and to get you, he will have to try and ... fork out big. This is perhaps one of the most important points in the question of how to cheat a guy for money.

That's it, honey! You find a good job (and two, and three can). Work will help you to realize yourself, and it will give answers to many questions. Making money is not an easy task. If they are earned in an honest and not criminal way!

Work should bring you a lot of pleasure. Only in this case you can earn good money. At least if you try your hand at creative professions. For example:

Feeling hatred - you are welcome. Just do it silently, without gossip and comments. I'm tired of being the center of all the negative attention. How to praise for something - silence, how to say nonsense about me - so, loudly, in unison! Do you think I'm pleased? If even a hundredth of what you are discussing was true, no matter what. But, when you say complete nonsense - have a conscience! Love me for who I am!