How to make the chest high: exercises and tips. The most beautiful breasts in the world

In 362 out of 540 Russian plastic surgery clinics, violations were detected. This is evidenced by the inspection data of Roszdravnadzor, which are available to Gazeta.Ru. In August, the department conducted unscheduled inspections: violations were found in 67% of medical institutions.

“362 prescriptions have been issued specifying specific deadlines for eliminating the identified violations. 587 protocols on administrative offenses were drawn up. At present, decisions have been made under the protocols for a total amount of 3.43 million rubles,” the department noted.

Among the violations are the lack of round-the-clock monitoring of patients, the lack of agreements with other institutions to provide assistance in emergency cases, and the discrepancy between the level of training of specialists and the qualification requirements.

In addition, violations of the rules for the storage and transportation of drugs, as well as the use of unregistered drugs, were revealed.

On November 6, investigators opened a criminal case under the article “Causing death by negligence” against an anesthesiologist from Zheleznovodsk. This was reported in the regional department of the TFR. On February 24, 2018, a physician performed breast augmentation surgery on a 44-year-old patient. After the "plastic" the woman fell into a coma. She was transported for treatment to the federal center for resuscitation and rehabilitation in the Moscow Region, where she died two months later without regaining consciousness.

The forensic medical examination showed that the death of the Russian woman was the result of unprofessional actions of the anesthetist at the city hospital. “In particular, the doctor did not comply with the standards of anesthesia care: he prematurely transferred the patient from the intensive care unit to the surgical department, and then did not observe her in the ward, where she stopped breathing, which led to acute cerebral hypoxia and subsequent death,” the report says.

According to KP in the North Caucasus, a resident of Zheleznovodsk herself worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist for many years, so she prepared seriously for the upcoming operation - she underwent a full examination and passed all the necessary tests. Law enforcement officers are now interrogating a doctor suspected of the patient's death, and are also preparing to take the criminal case to court. The doctor faces up to three years in prison.

Deadly Stab

This is not the first death in 2018 resulting from plastic surgery. So, in July, a resident of Khabarovsk became ill after mammoplasty. She had to be transferred to intensive care, where she died three days after the operation.

In early August, the local Investigative Committee opened a criminal case into the incident. The department said that the medical company Regiomed, in which the resident of Khabarovsk was operated on, did not have the appropriate license.

A similar story happened in Moscow at the end of July. Then the 39-year-old resident of the capital was already lying on the operating table, but after an injection of lidocaine, she became ill. A short time later, the woman died.

Investigators searched the clinic, seized documents, ordered a forensic medical examination, and opened a criminal case under the article “Provision of services that do not meet safety requirements.” Later, Roszdravnadzor found out that the Asclepius Med clinic, in which the Russian woman died, did not have a license to carry out medical activities, including in the field of plastic surgery.

Another tragedy occurred in February this year in Ufa. A 33-year-old woman underwent plastic surgery in a private clinic. After being discharged from the hospital, her health deteriorated. A few days later she died at her home.

Investigators opened a criminal case under the same article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - "Provision of services that do not meet safety requirements, resulting in the death of a person through negligence." “The necessary documentation was confiscated from the clinic, the management and medical staff were interrogated,” the regional branch of the UK noted.

Surgeons will be given five years more

In a video on her YouTube channel, the girl announced the complications that she had after a rhinoplasty operation in a private clinic in St. Petersburg.

Now clinics are required to refer patients to a hospital after any plastic surgery for a period of at least one day. The Ministry of Health also banned outpatient surgical interventions, which are often found in the practice of surgeons.

In addition, in mid-October, the chief plastic surgeon of the Ministry of Health, Natalya Manturova, advocated reducing the number of graduates in her specialty. She also called for the introduction of a five-year residency for future specialists.

The patient can be warned in advance about complications after the operation, lawyer Vladimir recalled.

“If the patient himself agrees with the possibility of such an outcome, then the claims against the clinic are unfounded. Of course, the warning must be in writing. Information about complications can be written in the contract for the provision of services - in each situation, this contract must be studied. But the clinic cannot limit its liability in the presence of fault by the provisions of the contract. If complications are the result of a medical error, the organization must compensate for the losses, ”he told Gazeta.Ru.

The lawyer advised to check whether the clinic has a license, the date of its issue, as well as a list of services certified by the head. “Any discrepancy is a reason to refuse cooperation with the organization. It is also worth paying attention to the building of the clinic, the staff of doctors, reviews about the work,” Starinsky added.

He urged to keep the contract with the clinic and all the results of the examinations - they can be useful when drawing up a claim. However, an expert opinion is required to reach a final decision in such cases.

What patients go through

The process of preparing for plastic surgery takes an average of three to five days. It includes the delivery of basic tests: clinical and biochemical blood tests, coagulogram, X-ray or CT scan of the chest, ECG and examination by a therapist.

“If there is an operation related to breathing, it is also necessary to conduct a computed tomography of the nose, if with an adnexal apparatus of the eye, an examination by an ophthalmologist is mandatory. In addition, it is important to undergo an examination by a phlebologist to exclude the occurrence of thromboembolism. And the final stage is the consultation of the anesthesiologist.

This whole range of examinations is necessary in order to protect the patient, make the procedure as controlled as possible and reduce risks to a minimum. In general, the preparation for the operation is quite fast if the patient wants to be operated on as soon as possible, -

a plastic surgeon of the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology, a member of the profile commission, an expert of Roszdravnadzor, told Gazeta.Ru.

It should be noted that the waiting time before surgery is associated not only with the process of passing tests, but also with the surgeon's employment. For many of the plastic surgeons, operations are planned for several months in advance, for someone - for six months or more, the expert noted.

Aesthetic operations are a technologically complex intervention that includes work with integumentary tissues, bone and cartilage structures, Zakharov continued. “There may also be general surgical problems, such as bleeding, disruption of the integrity of important anatomical structures, and delayed problems associated with difficult rehabilitation or gross scarring,” the plastic surgeon explained.

However, only very gross violations can cause complications that will lead to the death of the patient, Zakharov added. In most cases, such severe consequences are more likely to be associated with concomitant defects in anesthesia.

Usually, postoperative rehabilitation in patients is quite easy due to the fact that aesthetic operations are mainly operations on integumentary tissues. “And a protracted rehabilitation, in principle, is not typical for them. In the field of plastic surgery, the death of a patient during the rehabilitation stage is, of course, nonsense. Most likely, this is due to some other health-related conditions that are not related to the fact of the operation, ”said the doctor.

At the moment, the main problem in the industry is labor quality control, Anton Zakharov believes. “For this reason, it is planned to increase the term of residency training in the specialty “plastic surgery” to five years. This is also why the shorter and shorter forms of obtaining a certificate for the right to operate have long been canceled,” he concluded.

The third bust size is an object of desire not only for the male half of humanity. It looks attractive even in the eyes of women, which is why many of them want to have exactly the third breast size.

Women's breasts of this volume are hard to miss. It gives the owner a proud look and seductive forms.

When these parameters are mentioned as a comparison, a grapefruit immediately comes to mind: round and appetizing.

It is possible to distinguish the third bust size only relative to others

It is worth noting that for the maximum effect from the perception of such a gift of nature, the girl must have the correct posture and elastic gait.

The third bust size: all the pros and cons

Any beauty that is larger than the second will list a dozen disadvantages of such possession:

  • lack of freedom in choosing clothes;
  • mass tailoring is not suitable;
  • always requires an individual fit of the thing;
  • jacket and trousers have to be completed from different size ranges;
  • disturbed by periodic pain in the back and neck;
  • it will not be possible to spontaneously run without discomfort;
  • for sports running, you will need a hard sports bra with obligatory bones and a dense frame tape;
  • you can not wear bras with lace thin straps due to the fact that they will cut into the shoulders;
  • after childbirth and feeding, striae always remain;
  • you constantly need to worry about the tone of the pectoral muscles and the skin of the mammary glands.

There is only one pro argument, but it outweighs all the cons: it is so beautiful and seductive that girls with small breasts feel the need to go to a plastic surgeon.

How to measure breast size: algorithm of actions

The bust of the third size looks most advantageous when it is dressed in a bodice that matches the volume. The ideal bra is not felt on the body: the straps do not cut or slip, the belt does not press and does not ride up from behind, the chest does not slip either sideways or down.

A three-step approach to measurement will help you “represent” the virtues in the best possible way and save you from the consequences of wearing the “wrong” underwear.

Step 1. Measure your chest

Full-breasted girls are recommended to take measurements in their favorite comfortable bra - every woman has one.

It is necessary to arm yourself with a centimeter tape. Stand up straight, stretch the spine, slightly raise the chin, apply the tape along the line of the nipples. The resulting length is the bust girth data

Step 2. Measure the circumference

To take measurements from the girth under the bust, you need to attach the tape directly under the bust parallel to the floor surface. It is required to ensure that the "centimeter" does not slip either in front or behind.

Step 3. Determine the cup size

The volume of the cup on the underwear itself is usually indicated by letters that are applied next to the numbers marking the circumference of the chest. This is done for obvious reasons: it should be convenient for the customer to navigate and distinguish which designations correspond to one or another parameter. The difference between a larger and smaller volume will determine the desired size.

The illustration is shown in the table below:

Bust in cm from 77 to 84 from 85 to 90 from 91 to 97 from 98 to 104 from 106 to 111 from 113 to 119 from 121 to 127
Under bust in cm from 67 to 72 from 73 to 77 from 78 to 82 from 83 to 87 from 88 to 92 from 93 to 97 from 98 to 102
Belt size in cm. 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Difference from 10 to 12 12 to 13 13 to 15 15 to 17 18 to 19 from 20 to 22 from 23 to 25
Cup size 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Letter designation AA A IN WITH D E F

How to determine the size of the breast visually

A bust of the third size looks in the eyes of a man comparable to the volume of a tennis ball. Quite often, men in love decide to give their beloved a set of underwear.

It is not difficult to guess the motives for such a desire: even just looking at a sample of foamy lace and silk is very pleasant, and it is a great pleasure to touch it and see it on the wonderful forms of your beloved.

To facilitate the purchase, savvy donors also formed a fruity visual range:

Sometimes the presence of a dressed mannequin in a linen salon with similar proportions or plastic bustiers, on which a future new thing is fixed, turns out to be of help.

Often a woman stops in front of a shop window in confusion, finding it difficult to choose a suitable copy. Experienced salespeople in the store quickly determine the size of the customer at a glance. Experience and professional interest.

How to determine the size of the chest with your hands

Techniques for determining parameters are not exhausted by the listed methods. There is also a tactile way. In practice, this is done by male, medium-sized hands.

With size zero, it's simple - the palm is straight, the fingers are clenched. The first will require you to slightly bend your palm with a ladle with your thumb pressed. The second will fit all, but at the same time the thumb will move slightly away from the palm.

The bust of the third size does not fit completely in the hand, in practice it looks like you are holding a large citrus fruit in the palm of your hand with your fingers wide apart. In order to grasp such a chest completely, you will need the help of a second hand.

These miraculously ingenious measuring techniques can help out the caring, gift-obsessed man in love.

How to choose a bra for the third breast size? Size chart in different countries

A bust of the third size looks equally good in a bra of any shape.

However, you need to follow 8 basic rules when choosing this type of underwear:

The purchase can be greatly facilitated by using the tabular service for selecting bra parameters, accepted in different countries:

How to increase breasts up to the 3rd size?

Changing the volume of the bust in the direction of increasing by one size is a feasible task for any woman. To do this, it is not necessary to turn to the help of expensive and unsafe plastic surgery. The implementation of a number of simple techniques will help you get closer to the fulfillment of your cherished desire and will reward you with an increase in the tone of the whole organism as a bonus.

You will need to reconsider the diet and diet. It should be excluded fried, spicy, canned, past preliminary technical cleaning and processing.

Daily intake should include:

The second effective method of obtaining the desired size will be the localization of physical exercises in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pectoral muscles. The use of kilogram weights will serve as a further incentive to gradually increase the weight used in training.

Any variations of push-ups from the bench, floor, dilutions of the hands, presses from the chest serve to increase the tone of the bust and increase the surface of the muscles in this area. When connecting the classic plank, it will turn out to strengthen and tidy up the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, and legs.

You need to do at least 40 minutes 3 times a week with an increase in the number of approaches in one set from 10 to 20 times. The number of sets will be further increased to 3.

You can enhance the impact of sports loads with regular massage and oil masks on the area of ​​​​the mammary glands. Increased blood flow and additional nutrition of the breast skin will help maintain long-term results.

The need for minute-by-minute control of correct posture is mentioned not only in the context of the visual perception of a large bust. A straight back will protect against the formation of pathologies of the spinal column, of which osteochondrosis and scoliosis have already become familiar to many girls.

The constant practice of maintaining a position in which the chin is raised, the chest moves forward, the stomach is pulled in will form in others the full effect of having a voluminous bust in the owner of a proud article.

For those who do not want to wait, little optical zoom tricks will help. These include the use of overlays in underwear, deep cutouts, the use of ruffles, and multi-layered clothing. Technical contouring using 2-color foundation, powder, sponge and brushes will solve the problem in a matter of minutes.

Among the effective means of increasing the size, iodine and hormonal preparations are often mentioned. Before using the mentioned methods, it is necessary to consult with a representative of the medical community.

Although, the use of herbal infusions of red clover, hop cones, sage, soy stabilizes the hormonal background, will have a beneficial effect on well-being due to the content of phytohormones. The course of taking such drugs should be limited in time - 1 month.

Is it worth it to increase the third breast size?

A size 3 bust looks like a desirable target for beauties of all ages, for obvious reasons. But here's the paradox: the owners of the third number often decide on a radical increase to the fourth, fifth.

It is worth recalling the mandatory measures and risks that accompany surgery:

  • it is necessary to obtain and evaluate information from various sources at the stage of choosing a clinic and a surgeon;
  • provide yourself with a “support group” from among relatives and close friends;
  • you need to be ready to “fall out of life” for 31 days;
  • pass a large number of tests and pass tests;
  • mentally prepare for possible contraindications of the planned operation;
  • spend from 250 to 400 thousand rubles;
  • you will need to wear compression underwear, sleep on your back for 3 weeks, postpone sports activities and trips to the bath;
  • undergo a rehabilitation course not only for the healing of injured skin tissues, but also for the intestines and stomach after taking the prescribed amount of antibiotics;
  • intervention in the body in the long term necessarily entails adverse consequences;
  • prepare for possible postoperative complications: carefully study their types, the possibilities of elimination, the impact on the body in the future;
  • stock up on some cash for unforeseen expenses.

What does breast size 3 look like after plastic surgery?

With a favorable course of the postoperative period, taking into account the operation that took place without complications and the convergence of edema, the chest should have the appearance that was planned during the preparatory measures in the clinic.

The appearance of the mammary glands depends on the choice of implants: round or drop-shaped. The surgeon recommends one or another type, based on the anatomical features of the patient and the condition of the skin.

The breast of the third size before plastic surgery looks big, the impression can be spoiled by sagging and a decrease in skin turgor, which makes it seem flat and devoid of attractiveness. Mammoplasty will successfully correct the shape and give it its former elasticity. The bust will gain splendor and desired roundness.

How to maintain the shape of the third breast size?

The preservation of the magnificent appearance of large breasts depends on the determination and tirelessness of its owner. A systematic approach to solving the problem of maintaining what nature has endowed guarantees the desired result.

The best of the procedures for strengthening connective tissue is a contrast shower. The alternation of cold and hot water will tone and increase the elasticity of the skin, and will accelerate the removal of toxins.

Baths and masks based on horsetail, rich in silicon, will help to gain elasticity and get rid of fine wrinkles in the décolleté area. You can enrich the composition with oils and vitamin E. You need to apply the drug with light massage movements in a clockwise direction, avoiding the nipple area 2 times a day for 5 minutes.

Do not neglect physical exercises, walks in the fresh air, a balanced diet.

Article formatting: Mila Fridan

Video about methods for determining the size of the bust

Elena Malysheva will tell you how to determine the size of the breast:

High elastic breasts are the dream of every woman, to achieve which many of the fair sex are ready to go to crazy deeds and sacrifices. Someone risks and immediately lies down under the scalpel of a plastic surgeon. And someone goes the traditional way, combining a set of special exercises with effective breast skin care.

High chest home exercises

A beautiful neckline shape can be made both when visiting the gym, and using elementary sports equipment at home.

It is worth starting to carry out exercises to create a high chest, as with any physical activity, exclusively with a warm-up, the duration of which should not be less than 10 minutes. Cardio exercises and stretching allow you to warm up muscle tissue, tendons and ligaments, ensuring their mobility and elasticity.

  1. Exercise 1. Push-ups. The arms are located as wide as possible from one another, which will shift the load from the triceps to the pectoral muscles. We carry out gradual bending in the elbow joints with fixation for a couple of seconds at the lowest point, after which the arms are fully extended. 3 sets of 15 reps;
  2. Exercise 2. Breeding dumbbells to the side. Lying on the floor to produce mixing and breeding of hands with dumbbells. At the top point, straightened arms touch. 4 sets of 20 times;
  3. Exercise 3. French press with dumbbells. Lying on a bench, hold the upper limbs with
    dumbbells straightened perpendicular to the body. Elbows are parallel to each other, palms look inward, shoulders are fixed. Take a breath, and lower the dumbbells behind your head. On the exhale, we return to the starting position, toning the triceps. 4 sets of 15-20 times;
  4. Exercise 4. Push-ups on the uneven bars. An ideal exercise, but, unfortunately, not every girl can do it. This requires physical fitness. The width of the bars should not be wider than the shoulders. The body is slightly tilted forward, when lowering the body down, the arms should bend until a right angle is formed in the elbow joint, followed by their straightening. 3 approaches - the maximum allowable number for each (determined individually before the onset of pain) times.

Following the execution technique, this complex will allow you to tighten and tone the pectoral muscles, while making the shape of the chest more attractive.

Top 5 exercises in the gym

A variety of equipment in professional fitness centers allows you to create an effective training program that will allow you to achieve the perfect shape of the chest and make it high.

The chest will be made higher and more elastic by exercises on the following multi-simulators:

  • Smith simulator;
  • "Butterfly" ;
  • bottom block;
  • block crossover;
  • bench press on a horizontal bench;
  • "Graviton".

The exercises included in the basis of training on these simulators:

  1. Bench press on an incline bench. The bar is taken with a medium grip so that during the movement a right angle is created at the bend of the elbow. Fixation at the highest point for a couple of seconds. Lifting the bar is carried out due to the work of exclusively pectoral muscles. 4 sets of 10 times;
  2. Reduction of hands in the simulator "Butterfly". Sitting on the simulator with a flat back, it is necessary to connect the handles due to the tension of the chest muscles. Keep your shoulders parallel to the floor. 3 sets of 20
  3. Work on the lower block. Lying on a bench, hold the handles of the simulator with your palms inward. As you exhale, spread your arms to the sides, preventing full extension of the elbow joint. 5 sets of 10 reps;
  4. Reduction of hands in a crossover. Working weight no more than 5 kg for each hand. Taking the handles, we try to connect them in front of the body due to the work of the pectoral muscles. Make a fix at the extreme point. As you exhale, spread your arms to the sides in a wide arc. 4 sets of 15 times;
  5. Exercises on the "Graviton" are performed with a rounded back and a lowered head. The arms are bent until a 90 degree angle is formed at the elbow. When lifting the body up, the arms do not fully unbend. Such exercises in terms of execution technique are identical to push-ups on the uneven bars and are suitable only for girls with physical fitness. 2 sets of 5 reps.

To achieve the result, it is necessary to perform such a complex with strict observance of this sequence.

How else to achieve a high chest?

In addition to physical exercises, it is necessary, of course, to make the right balanced diet, which will positively affect not only the condition of the mammary glands.

Also important is the correct wearing of comfortable underwear. Indeed, with the help of it, the shape of the breast is corrected, preventing the presence of stretch marks and weakening the tone of muscle tissue. Achieving the desired result is easy.

The main rule is an integrated approach to solving this problem, which is based on strict adherence to proper dietary nutrition, the systematic implementation of a training program and the use of multivitamin preparations.