How to remove ingrown hairs on legs. Acetylsalicylic acid for ingrown hairs. Tweezers and needle

Ingrown hair is a cosmetic and aesthetic problem. It usually appears on those areas of the skin where hair is constantly removed. To remove this phenomenon, there are several proven methods.

Causes of Ingrown

Ingrown hair can appear on the legs for the following reasons:

  • The density of the epidermis. Usually people with thick skin face this problem, because of which it is difficult for the hairs to break through in the right direction. As a result, he becomes bent, and therefore grows.
  • Hair structure. Owners of dark hair color suffer from ingrowth. This also applies to curly, curly and hard hairs.
  • Disorders in the preparation of the skin. The condition of the skin before the removal of vegetation is important. The normal development of hairs is disturbed only due to lack of preparation. Therefore, before removing vegetation, you need to use an exfoliating scrub.
  • Hormonal system. Ingrown can occur due to an increase in the hormone estrogen, which manifests itself during growing up, as well as during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and endocrine ailments.
  • Incorrect use of funds. The razor should be used with sharp blades. If the instrument has been used for a long time, then cuts may appear on the skin, and infections may appear from them. If the blade is not sharp, then you have to repeatedly run the razor over the skin, which affects the appearance of injury. Ingrown hairs can also appear from an electric razor.
  • Vegetation removers. They are depilatory creams and waxes. Due to regular use, root irritation occurs, after which the hairs become weak. The weakened structure does not allow them to germinate through the skin.
  • Wrong care. After the procedure, you need to apply a moisturizer. Hair removal leaves the skin open to bacterial growth, so it needs to be protected. Inflammation leads to the appearance of ingrown. A special lotion, gel or cream should be applied to the skin. The main thing is that the funds do not clog the pores of the epidermis.
  • Tight clothing. Avoid wearing very tight clothing as it will irritate the skin. This can affect ingrown hairs.


It is much easier to prevent ingrown than to get rid of it for a long time. Therefore, you should follow simple preventive measures:

  • It is necessary to steam the skin well before depilation. This will protect the skin from pain. The procedure will be of high quality.
  • Before removing the skin, you need to apply a scrub to eliminate dead cells. and improve blood circulation. You need to exfoliate every week.
  • To protect against inflammation before removing vegetation salicylic or medical alcohol should be applied to the skin.
  • Always neededby their growth. This will prevent breakage of hairs and their ingrowth.
  • Need to use special creams to slow down hair growth.
  • It is better to perform depilation in the evening so that the skin has time to recover, because at night the body completely rests.
  • After each procedure, use moisturizers and emollients.
  • If ingrowth appears constantly, then you need to use another method to eliminate vegetation.


There are many effective remedies for removing ingrown hairs. First you need to get rid of the cause of the phenomenon. If inflammation appears on the skin, then remedies such as Miramastin, Chlorogencidin, calendula tincture will help to eliminate it. It is necessary to constantly steam, cleanse the skin. Lotion, cream will help eliminate inflammation.

In the cabin

If ingrowth occurs constantly, then it is better to use salon procedures to fix the problem. They bring great results:

The method is the fastest, painless and effective. The result is stored for a long time. The disadvantage is the inability to remove gray and light hairs.

Under the influence of high temperature, the destruction of the follicle is performed. The procedure is painful, but in terms of effectiveness it is no worse than the first option. Ingrown is eliminated after 5-8 sessions.

The method involves the impact on the place of hair growth with current. Since the method is painful, it is not used for large areas of skin. Electrolysis is suitable for all types and colors of hair.

Bioepilation. For this, cold, hot or warm wax is used. The result does not last long, and the procedure is painful.

Tweezers and needle

Elimination of ingrown hairs is best done by the master, but often the problem is fixed on its own. To avoid infection, you should use the following rules:

  • Before performing the procedure, you need to steam the skin. It is best to apply a wet compress with a decoction of chamomile and calendula.
  • Then, with a stiff brush or washcloth and scrub in different directions, you need to thoroughly rub the skin. This will make the skin soft. With the procedure, blood circulation is normalized. Then you need to treat the skin with an emollient.
  • After that on the skin an antiseptic is applied.
  • It is necessary to eliminate ingrown hairs using sterile tweezers and a needle. The needle is needed to pry the hair, and the tweezers allow you to remove it.
  • Salicylic alcohol is used to treat the skin, tincture of calendula or tea tree oil.

Do not squeeze out ingrown hairs, as this will damage the skin.

Folk remedies

Home remedies are effective. Moreover, they can be used not only for treatment, but also for prevention. This will require peeling scrubs. Scrubbing allows you to get a wonderful effect due to the renewal and softening of the epidermis.

You can buy an exfoliating scrub. But in a home remedy, you can adjust the composition. To eliminate ingrown hairs, there are several effective recipes:

  • Salt scrub. You will need to prepare a scrub, which includes fine salt (3 tablespoons). The product is mixed with a small amount of cream and olive oil (2 tsp). The result is a creamy texture. The skin should be treated when taking a shower. Then tincture of calendula and salicylic acid (1:1) is used. The scrubbing process ends with the use of baby oil.
  • Body scrub. Bodyaga in its pure form or its powder with hydrogen peroxide (1: 1) can be used to eliminate ingrown hairs. The tool allows you to eliminate skin pigmentation. The composition should be applied to the problem area for 15 minutes, and then apply a moisturizer.
  • Sugar scrub. For cooking, you need brown sugar (3 tablespoons), which is mixed with olive oil (1 tablespoon), tea tree oil (15 drops).
  • Scrub with aspirin. You will need acetylsalicylic acid (4 tablets), which is mixed with honey (1 tsp) and water (a few drops). The finished composition should be pointwise applied to painful areas for 20 minutes. The scrub performs an exfoliating action, eliminates inflammation.

Scrubbing should be done 1 day before the procedure for removing vegetation and 3 days after that. It ends with hydration and softening of the skin.

Ingrown Hair Remedies

To eliminate ingrown hairs, many professional products are used. Many of them are intended for prevention. They should be applied before and after the session.

The most popular means are:

The tool contributes to clogging of the skin, thinning of the epidermis and protects against abnormal growth.

It needs to be used 1-2 times a day, which affects the reduction of ingrown.

The tool is needed to eliminate ingrown hairs and skin pigmentation.

Protects against ingrown, inflammation, abnormal growth.

The tool can slow down the vegetation.

Dealing with the effects of ingrown hair removal

After the procedure, black spots may appear. You can use the following tools to troubleshoot the issue:

The ointment is intended for skin treatment. After 15 minutes, the product must be washed off, and then apply the cream.

It is used to treat the skin in the morning and evening.

The agent is applied pointwise, and then the skin is wrapped with cling film.

The problem of ingrown hairs on the legs gives a lot of inconvenience, discomfort and requires a lot of time to eliminate. Why does it arise? How to get rid of ingrown hairs on your legs so that you can show off your perfect smooth legs at any time of the year? You will find the answers in this article!

Why do ingrown hairs appear on the legs?

So, the main reason for ingrown hair is improperly carried out depilation procedure. The risk of an unpleasant situation exists, both when using a razor, epilator, and after shugaring and wax strips. Hair begins to grow under the skin, and the hair follicle itself becomes inflamed.

Why does hair grow back?

If you have naturally fine hairs on the body, then you have to deal with this problem more often. As after waxing and sugar depilation, the hair becomes thinner and weaker. They have a hard time breaking through the skin.

Another reason for ingrown hair on the legs is wrong or, rather, defective. Let's say depilation was carried out according to all the rules, but you often forget to scrub skin. Dead cells become coarser, so it is not easy for even a hard hair to break through them.

How to get rid of ingrown hairs on legs?

First of all, you need to steam the skin and open the pores. To do this, you can take a bath with sea salt, hold your feet in a bath or a tall bucket in hot water with salt. This technique will not only make the skin softer, but will also contribute to the healing of micro-inflammations.

You can get rid of ingrown hairs on the legs (and not only on this part of the body) with the help of disinfected tweezers.

After any procedure, it is necessary to disinfect the surface of the leg and apply an anti-inflammatory cream or gel.

How to prevent ingrown hairs?

Pick up hair removal method, the most suitable for your skin and hair. Razor, wax, sugaring or epilator - all methods will be effective and less traumatic if every time in the shower and while taking a bath it is good steam out skin. After - use scrub. By the way, very good scrub. The scrub will remove dead skin particles, open the pores, and help the hairs break through easily. Scrubs based on sea salt are also effective. Salt scrubs the skin and at the same time promotes the healing of wounds and inflammation. After - moisturize your skin to keep it soft and tender.

To get rid of ingrown hairs on the legs and prevent their appearance will help hard washcloth. If you can use several times a week (or even less), then this method is used every time.

  • To prevent ingrown hair after use razors recommend not wearing tight-fitting clothing for at least the first day. It is also necessary to monitor the sharpness of the blades and their cleanliness. Thus, the risk of inflammation and ingrown hairs is reduced several times.
  • To prevent ingrown hair after epilator, a few days before the procedure, steam the skin well, use a scrub. The layer of dead cells will be removed and the epilation will be much easier and without unpleasant consequences. Don't forget loose clothing too.
  • For waxing and sugaring, general tips are suitable: scrubbing and moisturizing the skin.

We wish you beauty and self-confidence!

This article will give you answers to the following questions:

Why does hair grow on my legs?

How to prevent ingrown hairs into the skin (after shugaring, using wax strips, epilator, shaving)?

How to get rid of ingrown hairs?

Ingrown leg hairs are a side effect of many of today's popular hair removal methods. What is the reason for their appearance? And is it possible to deal with this problem?

The fact is that all existing methods of depilation (it doesn’t matter if it’s a cream or wax, perhaps shaving or shugaring, an electric depilator) ensure the removal of only the supercutaneous part of the hair, while maintaining a completely intact hair follicle. And since after depilation there is a roughening of the skin surface, the newly growing hair is not able to break through the hardened layer. This leads to their bending inside the follicle, after which they simply grow under the skin. That's why sometimes hair grows on the legs.

On the negative aspects of the phenomenon

What's wrong with ingrown hairs? First of all, one should take into account the aesthetic criterion: they look like black dots formed under the skin. It looks unaesthetic, especially when it comes to owners of light and thin skin.

Along with this, there are other nuances that you have to deal with in the presence of such a problem. So, the appearance of itching, the occurrence of redness and inflammation of the skin is not excluded.

Moreover, when you try to remove them yourself, the inflammatory process only worsens: some kind of infection can easily penetrate into the wounds remaining after removal, which will lead to suppuration.

In some cases, there is the appearance of age spots on the legs from ingrown hairs. Such spots, as a rule, do not pass for several months.

Possible actions

What can be done with them? There are several methods of a kind of struggle. First of all, let's take a look at this method:

  • put a wet compress directly on the inflamed area;
  • gently pick up an ingrown hair with a needle (previously disinfected);
  • pull out the hair with tweezers;
  • treat the site of ingrowth with alcohol.

However, it must be understood that this method only works on hairs located just below the surface of the skin. If they are deeply rooted, then it will not be possible to get them in this way - only the wound will open up, and the inflammation will intensify.

Attention! It is not recommended to engage in picking out or, even more so, squeezing them like acne.

There is also another method. If you find ingrown hairs, first of all, you should change the method of depilation used. Let's say, instead of an electric depilator, start using wax. Such manipulation can help. However, when changing the method of depilation, a short break is necessary. Depilation is not recommended until the inflammation subsides. In addition, when resuming depilation, it should be carried out in the direction of hair growth. And although this depilation technology takes more time, it provides a gradual weakening of the inflammatory process.

There is another good method to prevent ingrowth. We are talking about regular exfoliation of the skin through the use of a scrub, a special mitten or a harder washcloth. Why does it help? The fact is that in this way the stratum corneum is removed from the skin, and the ingrown hairs gradually approach the surface, which allows them to be removed after a while. In addition, regular cleansing of the skin helps to prevent ingrown hairs in the future. It is important to complete each peeling procedure by applying a moisturizing lotion or cream to the skin.

Finally, in the absence of results from all of the above procedures, it is recommended to contact a cosmetologist. He will be able to advise you on how to deal with ingrown hairs on your legs. True, all this will take place within the framework of a beauty salon.

The best option is to prevent ingrowth, for which you need to follow certain rules.

Simple rules of care

  1. The very first rule is surprisingly simple. We are talking about the need for preliminary preparation of the skin of the legs for depilation. To do this (regardless of the depilation method used), you need to take a hot shower. This will help the skin to steam out, the hairs on the legs will become much softer, therefore, it will be easier to remove them;
  2. It is also important to thoroughly clean the skin before depilation. After all, if dirt or sebum remains on it, then, having penetrated into the hair follicles, these components will provoke the development of inflammatory processes and ingrowth;
  3. Depilation should be preceded by peeling with a soft body scrub. This product allows you to exfoliate dead cells and, accordingly, prevent ingrowth;
  4. If if depilation occurs by shaving, then it is important to follow some rules. So, you should shave along the hairline. Razor blades should also be washed frequently while shaving. An important factor is the quality of the razor itself - it must have sufficiently sharp blades. Finally, it is necessary to change the razor in a timely manner;
  5. At the end of depilation, it is necessary to apply a product designed to slow down hair growth on the skin;
  6. It is also recommended to exfoliate the legs the next day after depilation. To do this, use a scrub or a hard washcloth. This peeling is best done several times a week;
  7. Some kind of moisturizer should be regularly applied to the legs, as the skin should not be allowed to dry out;
  8. It is undesirable to carry out depilation in the presence of irritations and inflammations on the skin;
  9. Also, do not perform this procedure in a hurry, for example, just before leaving the house. The best option is to conduct depilation before bedtime;
  10. Finally, we point out the need to ensure normal rest of the skin after depilation. Do not immediately put on pantyhose.

Thus, it is important not only to know how to get rid of the problem, but it is desirable to prevent its occurrence, for which you just need to follow certain recommendations. And then each depilation procedure will be effective and trouble-free.


The fair sex struggles with vegetation on their legs by various methods, each of which can lead to unpleasant consequences. Ingrown hair is one of the side effects. They look unaesthetic, moreover, they can cause itching, redness and even suppuration of the skin. How to get rid of ingrown hairs on legs?

The reasons

As a result of all home methods of depilation (whether shaving, waxing or electrolysis), the epidermal part of the hair is removed with the hair follicle intact. At the same time, the skin becomes rougher, and the growing hair does not have the strength to break through, as a result of which it bends and continues to grow under it.

Contrary to popular belief, epilation (removal along with the spine) can also cause ingrown hairs. Hair thinned after the procedure does not have enough strength to break through the skin, they bend and grow inside the body.

Some people are more prone to ingrown hairs due to their individual characteristics, which include:

  • curly hair;
  • naturally thin hair;
  • dry skin;
  • abnormal hair growth (strong adherence to the skin);
  • the presence of staphylococci in the body.

The consequences of ingrown hair on the legs (gallery)

Treatment at home

If you find ingrown hairs on your legs, you should not wait for them to crawl out on their own. Delay can lead to inflammation of the skin, resulting in small scars or age spots on it. You can resolve the issue using one of the following methods:

  • in the absence of inflammation and shallow ingrown hair, peeling will help get rid of dead skin particles that prevent the rod from breaking through. You can buy a ready-made scrub or make it yourself by mixing ground coffee beans with shower gel and olive oil;
  • if the skin is inflamed and pustules form in the places of ingrown hairs, irritation can be removed with the help of any acne remedy. Lubricate the area of ​​redness several times a day until the problem is eliminated;
  • when there is a strong ingrowth, the skin should be steamed. This can be done using hot lotions with decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, yarrow, oak bark). If after several procedures the inflammation has not gone away and the hairs have not broken through, you should contact a beautician;

In no case should you try to remove ingrown hairs yourself with a needle and tweezers, as there is a risk of infection and the development of suppuration.

  • will help to pull the rod to the surface and a mixture of aspirin tablets with glycerin. Apply the prepared gruel to problem areas and leave for 1.5-2 hours. When the hair heads show, carefully remove them with tweezers and wipe the skin with a disinfectant;
  • mix bodyagi powder with hydrogen peroxide and apply gruel on problem areas for 15 minutes maximum. During the procedure, you may experience a burning sensation. If the pain is severe, rinse off the product under running water;
  • apply a thin layer of ichthyol ointment, wrap with cling film and leave overnight. In the morning, the ends of the hair will appear on the surface, they can be removed with tweezers;
  • special sprays, gels, scrubs, wet wipes for removing ingrown hairs are also on sale. They are applied to pre-steamed skin. It should be noted that the effect can be achieved only with a slight ingrowth and the absence of inflammation.

Tools to deal with the problem (gallery)

A mixture of bodyaga and hydrogen peroxide
Ichthyol ointment A mixture of aspirin and glycerin will help pull the hair to the surface Hot lotions with a decoction of chamomile, oak bark or yarrow will help with strong ingrown
Suitable for any acne remedy You can make your own scrub or buy one already made.

saline solution

Sea salt solution simultaneously exfoliates the skin and reduces inflammation. The treatment procedure consists of several stages.

  1. Mix ½ cup coarse salt with moisturizer until thick and add 2 teaspoons of orange or lavender oil.
  2. Apply the resulting product to the skin, rub thoroughly and leave for 5 minutes.
  3. Rinse off the scrub with cool water and dry your skin with a towel.
  4. To heal the skin, prepare a solution of 100 grams of salicylic alcohol and 50 grams of calendula tincture. Lubricate them with damaged skin.
  5. Then apply baby cream.

If, as a result of the treatment of ingrown hairs, small scars and dark spots remain on the body, you can get rid of them with the help of salicylic ointment or tea tree oil.

How to get rid of hair with salon methods

Beauty salons and medical offices offer various ways to deal with ingrown hair on the legs:

  • phototherapy. The procedure is an impact on the hair follicles with light waves of a certain length. The method is completely safe, does not cause irritation and prevents the recurrence of the problem. The course of treatment consists of several procedures;

The electrolysis method consists in exposing the follicle with a thin needle that is energized

  • electrolysis. The method consists in influencing the follicle with a thin needle under tension. Thus, the task of destroying even deeply ingrown hairs is solved. In order to remove multiple ingrowths, several sessions will be required;
  • laser. Removal of an ingrown hair occurs due to the gradual destruction of the follicle under the influence of a laser. Today it is the most effective and painless technique;
  • mechanical removal. A beautician or dermatologist can remove an ingrown hair using tweezers and a medical needle treated with a sterilizing solution.


Following simple rules during depilation will help to avoid ingrown hairs on the legs.

  1. Regardless of the method of depilation, first take a hot bath or shower. As a result of this, the pores will open, the hair will become softer, which will facilitate the procedure.
  2. Feet should not only be steamed, but also thoroughly cleaned of dirt and sebum to prevent inflammation.
  3. A light scrub will help cleanse the skin of dead skin particles, lift the hairs and thereby prevent their germination. Peeling is useful not only before depilation procedures, but also in the intervals between them.
  4. When removing hair with a machine, use only new sharp blades and shave the hair in the direction of its growth.
  5. After that, lubricate your legs with a hair growth retardant or cosmetic milk. Remember to moisturize your feet daily.
  6. Depilation is contraindicated in inflamed or irritated skin.
  7. The use of chemical depilators reduces the likelihood of ingrown hairs, as their constituent components weaken the hair structure.
  8. The procedure is best performed before going to bed, as the skin needs to rest.

Prevention of ingrown hairs (video)

Compliance with the rules of depilation, regular skin care of the legs will allow you to forget about such an unpleasant problem as ingrown hairs. If, despite the preventive measures taken, the hair continues to grow in, you should change the method of depilation and seek advice from a beautician.

An ingrown hair is a small bump on the skin that is red or brown in color. Sometimes it can take the form of a bump. Its appearance provokes an inflammatory process. Ingrown hair on the legs occurs regardless of gender.


Basically, the problem can be fixed without negative consequences. But in some cases, it can cause serious complications. Deeply ingrown hairs are especially dangerous. They contribute to the occurrence of inflammation, bumps, scars and red spots.

Ingrown hairs on legs can lead to blood poisoning

With inflammation in the deep layers of the skin, pus may begin to collect. In this case, the risk of blood poisoning increases.

Methods of therapy

The inflamed area causes a strong feeling of discomfort, accompanied by pain. Over time, the situation gets worse. Soreness continues until the provoking factor is eliminated. First, inflammation must be eliminated. Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, calendula tincture, furacilin solution have a calming effect. Then the provoking factor is eliminated. It is recommended to steam and cleanse the skin several times a day for a week, and then apply a moisturizer. You can use lotions that delay hair growth, scrubs with glycolic acid. After eliminating irritation and inflammation, the ingrown hair on the leg is hooked with a medical needle and pulled out with tweezers. The area after the end of the manipulation must be thoroughly disinfected with an antiseptic. Squeezing leads to inflammation or suppuration. Before you can begin to treat the problem, you need to determine the cause. There are 3 main causes of ingrown hairs:

Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, calendula tincture, furacilin solution have a calming effect
  1. puberty.
  2. Predisposition.
  3. epilation procedure.

With the first provoking factor, over time, ingrowth should pass or become less pronounced. During this period, it is recommended to carefully care for the skin, do peeling. If there is a predisposition, the skin condition must be constantly monitored, a body scrub should be done, and the method of epilation should be carefully chosen. The most common cause is epilation. Violation of the hair follicle changes the vector of hair growth. It begins to grow deep into the skin. To prevent this, removal is carried out in the direction of hair growth. Waxing removes the hairline against its growth, but the manipulation is performed at a certain angle. At home, without special training, it is problematic to choose an angle.

When shugaring, the sugar mass is applied against the growth, and the hairline is removed according to its growth. Lotions from medicinal decoctions of calendula, pharmacy chamomile will help to fix the problem.

Sugaring result

Lotions are applied to the affected area for several weeks. If yellow pus is visible in the tubercle, the hair must be squeezed out. You must first disinfect the area and hands. It is impossible to touch the inflamed place, so as not to infect the infection. Then you need to wipe the area with alcohol. Remedies for ingrown hairs:

  • cream;
  • laser hair removal. The procedure is considered harmless, relieves ingrown hairs. The only drawback is the discoloration of the skin;
  • antibiotics - used for abscesses and abscesses;
  • chemical depilators - contribute to the weakening of the follicle, the interception of the ends of the hair. Frequent use is not recommended due to the risk of signs of irritation;
  • medical removal by incision.

Laser hair removal is harmless

The specialist will tell you which method to choose. In some cases, complex therapy is necessary. Electrolysis breaks the integrity of the hair follicles. Can be used regardless of skin type. The disadvantage is the complexity of the procedure, the need for several sessions.


Treatment at home can be carried out with the help of traditional medicine. Scrubs for peeling can be prepared independently. The procedure will soften and renew the top layer of the skin. Scrub recipes:

  • Salt based. In fine salt 2-3 tbsp. add a small amount of moisturizer and 2 tsp. any of the oils (olive, orange, peach). The mixture has a creamy consistency. Rub the skin with a scrub when taking a shower, then apply a mixture of salicylic acid and calendula tincture to the skin in a ratio of 1 to 1. At the end, apply a nourishing baby cream or oil.

Scrubbing is safe!
  • Based on sugar. The product has an antiseptic effect and softens the skin. In 2-3 tbsp. l. sugar add 1 tbsp. l. any of the oils (grape, olive, jojoba), 10-15 drops of melaleuca oil.
  • based on aspirin. The tool promotes exfoliation of dead cells, eliminates inflammation. Add 1 tsp to 3-4 crushed tablets of acetylsalicylic acid. honey, a few drops of water. Place the tool pointwise on the desired area for 15-20 minutes.

Getting rid of stains

Ingrown hair spots on the legs are another problem after waxing. For their treatment, you can use:

Ingrown hair spots on legs are another problem after waxing.
  • "Badyaga". Add lemon juice to "Badyaga" and mix. Apply to the affected skin for 15-20 minutes. It is possible to completely eliminate spots from ingrown hairs on the legs in 3-5 procedures.
  • Essential oil. Stains after epilation can be lubricated with vegetable oils: ylang-ylang, lavender.
  • Cream "Achromin". Apply a small amount of the product to problem areas several times during the day. Spots after epilation will disappear after 7 days of use.

Bump formation

An ingrown hair on the skin becomes a bump more often in the bikini area, on the lower extremities. In men, their appearance is subject to the face and neck. In the photo you can see what an ingrown hair looks like, which has become a bump. If it is located on the surface, it is removed with tweezers or a sterile needle. Before the procedure, the area must be disinfected. After finishing - disinfect the area after ingrown hairs with alcohol, apply a healing ointment.

If the hair is deep, an inflammatory process may develop, pus may accumulate. For large bumps, a consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. He will open the bump, clean it and wash it with hydrogen peroxide from pus. Then the doctor applies a sterile bandage to the area of ​​manipulation. It is difficult to cope with a running problem on your own.