How to return the color of the coat. How to return the black color to clothes. Rules for washing different fabrics

Do not immediately throw away worn favorite things, there are many ways to restore the color of clothes at home. Clothing tends to grow old: morally, going out of fashion, or physically, losing its original shape and losing the brightness of its color. But a problem is always easier to prevent than to solve. A few tips will help to keep the color and shape of clothes for a long time.

Why clothes lose color

The main problem is the misuse of things. The solution is to follow a few simple guidelines.

We read the label

Having bought clothes, be sure to look at the label, which gives recommendations on how to care for a certain thing. Which washing mode to choose, whether it is possible to wring out, how to dry, what powder to use, whether ironing is allowed and at what temperature. Compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations significantly delays the aging of products.

Sort before washing

Modern machines allow you to load all the dirty clothes into the drum at once. This saves time, but ruins many dresses, jeans, sweaters and favorite blouses.

Before washing, it is necessary to sort the items according to the composition of the fabrics and color. Contrasting with the rest of the clothes, the white shade becomes grayish or yellowish over time when washed with colored items. Woolen garments washed with cotton.

We comply with the washing regimes

Sorted clothes allow you to choose the right washing mode and dosage of the appropriate detergent. White fabrics can be washed in hot water with the addition of bleach, which is strictly contraindicated for dark and colored products. Washing multi-colored items with special powders and gels marked color will preserve the brightness of the color.

Modern detergents are effective at low temperatures. Following the recommendations of the detergent manufacturer, it is better to set the mode with the lowest allowable temperatures. We recommend to consider - "Weasel". It contains substances that soften water. And this, in turn, leads to high-quality washing.

All things must be thoroughly rinsed, especially black and colored. Conditioner when rinsing is not a marketing ploy, but a necessary condition, it neutralizes the detergent, preserves the color and structure of the fabric.

Additional reasons

Even the most careful attitude to things does not save clothes from losing color and shape. Objective conditions and reasons also contribute:

  • sunburn during wear;
  • long storage in folded cabinets contributes to the dumping of knitted and woolen items;
  • frequent washing and stain removal lead to additional friction of fabrics.

There is no need to rush to throw away clothes that have lost their gloss, it is better to use the tips on how to restore the color of the fabric yourself.

Remedies for restoring vibrant colors

A radical remedy is dry cleaning with repainting. But home pantries also have the necessary substances. Consider them:

  1. Onion peel.
  2. Tea brew.
  3. The shell of green nuts that have not begun to burst.
  4. Dried tobacco leaves.
  5. Ammonia.
  6. White wine or regular vinegar.
  7. Salt rock.
  8. Store-bought mild bleach.
  9. Blue.
  10. Caress to restore color.

Proper use and combination of these products will restore the former beauty of your favorite things.

Ways to restore color and shape

For black clothes

Black color is one of the most capricious, it immediately shows the work of time and improper care. The lost color depth can be restored or tobacco infusion by immersing the product in the solution for 30-60 minutes. Refreshes black and dark fabrics by rinsing in salt water.

For blue, blue, green clothes

Restore and refresh blue and red rinses with table vinegar. The blue color is well preserved if baking soda is added during the washing process at the rate of 1 dessert spoon per liter of water.

Ammonia, diluted in warm water at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 5-6 liters, slightly refreshes the blue and blue color, if the fabrics are placed in the solution for half an hour.

The green color is restored if you throw alum stones bought in a pharmacy into warm water. Saturation will return after soaking clothes with alum for a few hours.

For cream, brown, beige clothes

These colors are unpretentious in care, easy to adjust the shade. To refresh the color, tea leaves or tincture of green walnut peel are used. The concentration of the solution can be selected according to the desired shade. First you need to make a test in an inconspicuous place, applying the solution with a toothbrush. Then dry and iron. If the result is satisfactory, soak clean clothes in the solution for 20-60 minutes, the time depends on the desired degree of coloring.

A decoction of onion peel gives a similar effect, it gives the brown color a golden tone and refreshes the green tint.

The yellow and orange color is renewed by an aqueous solution of pre-dried orange peels, if clothes are left in it overnight.

For white clothes

Chlorine will easily bleach yellowed things at home. But you need to dry them away from the sun, use rubber gloves when washing.

There are more gentle methods:

  1. With hydrogen peroxide. Dilute 2-3 spoons in 5 liters, soak the product for 20 minutes, turning every 5 minutes for even whitening. Rinse in cold water.
  2. With the help of ammonia. Add 3 tablespoons to 5 liters of water, soak things for 3 hours. To achieve impeccable whiteness, add a little bleach to the solution and boil the product for half an hour, if high temperature is not contraindicated for the material. Rinse several times in cold water.

Unfortunately, bright clothes, even the most expensive and high-quality, lose their color over time due to washing. Once such bright reds, blues, pinks, greens become faded and dull. As a result of washing, almost all clothes shed, and even white fabrics may turn yellow. Many do not know how to restore the color of clothes, but meanwhile, make it very easy. Chemical and folk remedies will help restore color and brightness to your things.

A white color that has faded in the sun for a long time can be made snow-white again, and a black that has faded and faded will again become like coal.

Regular fabric items

Colored clothes lose their brightness over time

Return color to clothes from simple fabrics such as cotton, linen and some others will help dry cleaning and stain removers, as well as home remedies that every hostess has at hand.


In general, dry cleaning is the fastest and most reliable way to restore the brightness of the colors of any faded item from absolutely any fabric. Modern dry cleaners are equipped with equipment and have strong chemicals in their arsenal that can restore the novelty and brightness of colors even to a heavily faded, far from new thing. But dry cleaning services are expensive, and therefore many housewives prefer to act by other methods.

Today, on the shelves in stores you can see a huge number of stain removers and laundry detergents, the labels of which promise to return the former brightness of colors and color to clothes in just one application.

If you decide to buy such a tool, then read the label carefully- the composition can be intended only for white or vice versa - only for black clothes, for colored things, woolen or silk.

In order not to spoil the thing with a chemical agent, follow the instructions clearly. Improper use, overdose of the drug can lead to final damage to clothing. But such drugs can effectively restore the brightness of colors, especially white and black clothes.

improvised means

If you don't trust chemistry and are afraid of ruining the item, try home remedies to help restore the color of the fabric.

magic solution

An easy way to restore color to things is to prepare a solution that is very effective in its composition. In a bowl of cool water, dissolve in a large spoon:

  • common table salt
  • potato starch,
  • citric acid
  • household, white soap. Soap is best cut with a knife.

In the solution it is necessary to lower the faded clothes and leave for 12 hours. After that, things must be washed in the usual way - they will become bright again.

Hydrogen peroxide can also be used to restore fabric color.

Peroxide can also be used to restore color. You need to dilute half the bottle in cool water with washing powder. In this solution, damaged things must be held three hours and then stretch in the usual way.


This method will help to brighten up a faded black color again. The method is very simple - before washing, the thing must be lowered into a basin of cool water, to which two tablespoons of vinegar are added. Keep clothes in vinegar for no more than 20 minutes. After that, the thing is washed, and after washing it is rinsed again in a solution of vinegar.

How to restore color to things made of wool?

Natural wool items require special care. Woolen clothes can also shed, become dull, become unevenly colored.


Stain removers can be used to restore color. For white wool, use a product marked white, for colored clothes, there should be a mark on the composition color.

It is best to use oxygen bleach for white woolen and silk items, as it is more gentle and effective. For wool, you do not need to use products that contain chlorine.

home remedies


But there are home remedies that can help bring back the brightness of the color of wool and silk. For example, dark clothes can be refreshed with a solution of tobacco. To do this, we take tobacco from 3 cigarettes and insist in half a liter of water. The thing is stretched, dried, and then well

Onion peel is a time-tested remedy!

wipe with a towel dipped in tobacco solution.

onion peel

If you notice that when washing dark-colored woolen clothes, the water begins to stain, then your clothes are shedding. The color is washed out of the fibers, and loses saturation with each wash. A decoction of onion peel is an old folk recipe. Prepare a very strong decoction and immerse the thing in it. For wool of light brown shades, you need to prepare a weaker decoction.

To fix the result after such home staining, you should add a little vinegar to the rinse water.


If during washing you add a little baking soda to the basin, then silk and wool will not lose their colors. Soda is added at the rate of a tablespoon per liter of water. After washing, the item should be rinsed in plenty of water.

Black items may turn gray after several washes.

How to refresh coat fabrics?

We wear coats for at least two seasons, during which time the fabric on the coat has time to shed and lose its brightness. How can you refresh coat fabrics?


If you can wash and dry the coat yourself, then try rinsing it in a special balm to restore the brightness of the colors. If you can’t wash your coat yourself, then the only way out is dry cleaning.

Folk remedies

If your coat is dark in color, then walnut shells will help refresh the colors of the coat fabric. 30 g of the shell should be boiled in a liter of water for 15-20 minutes, and then poured into a basin and immersed in a coat solution for 30 minutes. The colors come to life after the first rinse.

Another coat fabric will help refresh tea brewing. Prepare a strong brew, dilute it with cool water and immerse it in the coat solution. The stronger the brew, the more noticeable the staining effect will be.

How to wash multi-colored things?

But, if you take care of your colored things, they will please you for a long time.

Colored items should be washed in cold water.

brightness and saturation of tones. How to wash such clothes?

  • Read labels carefully - never wash clothes in high temperature water.
  • White and dark clothes, and there are more black ones, must be washed separately.
  • Cheaper items made of synthetic fabrics always shed more. Natural fabrics are safer.
  • New clothes should be washed separately from old ones. So you keep it fresh for longer.
  • To fix the paint, you should soak the clothes in a solution of table salt before washing - so the thing will not shed.

Surely, many of the fair sex have faced a problem when their favorite shirt or dress has lost its original shade. Therefore, every girl should know how to restore the color of sun-bleached fabric at minimal cost. By the way, before you restore the colors of fabrics after burnout, you need to take into account the fact that there is a separate method for restoring each shade. Therefore, it is recommended that all faded things be sorted into piles in advance. So, in order to restore saturation to red and blue tissues, you need to rinse them in a special solution, for the preparation of which a large spoonful of baking soda is dissolved in one liter of water. Soft cream, brown, beige outfits are initially washed in the usual way, rinsed, and then placed in a solution based on tea leaves. The strength of the decoction is adjusted based on the desired effect.

As for the brown woolen or cotton fabric, it is recommended to soak it in the water in which the onion peel was boiled. After that, to fix the shade, the thing is rinsed in vinegar. To return your favorite pink little thing to its original state will help pour ammonia into the water for rinsing. Pale red or blue fabrics are renewed with a small amount of vinegar. Using this procedure, you can permanently preserve the saturation of the new outfit of these shades. But if clothes decorated with embroidery have burned out in the sun, it is recommended to soak them in a basin of water, to which two small spoons of ordinary salt (per liter of water) are added beforehand. Next, things of this kind are washed with soap in water that meets room temperature. Already dried clothes should be ironed from the wrong side.

Bleach will help restore brightness and radiance to white things. It can contain both chlorine and oxygen. If we talk about chlorine bleaches, they are distinguished by their high efficiency, but with constant use, such agents adversely affect the fabric - it loses strength, becomes thin. In addition, with the help of such a bleach, it is advised to restore whiteness only in cotton and linen. It is strictly forbidden to use it for wool and silk. Special attention should be paid to black fabrics that need an individual approach. To revive the brightness of faded black things, a couple of large spoons of vinegar are added to a basin of cold water. Things are soaked for 15-20 minutes in this solution, squeezed and washed in the usual way. Also in this case, natural black coffee helps a lot, from which a very strong solution is made. They put things in it for half an hour, and then stretch them.

Another way to restore the original look of black fabric is to use tobacco. In this case, the black outfit is thoroughly washed, after which 15 g of tobacco is poured into a liter of boiled water. The mixture is gradually applied to clothing with a brush. Rinse items with cold water. Among other things, you can prepare a special rinse: a little black ink and a couple of large spoons of vinegar are added to the water. For the same purpose, a decoction of green walnut shells is used. By the way, brown fabrics are also saved with such a decoction. In addition, there are special dyes in the store (not only for black clothes) that return saturation to the shade. Apply them after washing, before rinsing. And finally, in order to return to your favorite outfit its brightness, you can contact a dry cleaner, where they certainly know how to restore the color of the fabric after fading in the sun.

Even a very experienced hostess can face the problem of shedding things. If a treacherous colored sock gets into the washing machine with white products, then it is likely that streaks will appear on the linen. A new fashion item, poorly dyed by the manufacturer, may also lose its color after the first wash. But whatever the reason, it is important to know how to prevent shedding of products and how to wash faded things.

If ugly stains and stains appear on the linen, do not rush to throw the product away. In most cases, it can be revived. It is better to hand over an expensive thing to a dry-cleaner, so that experienced specialists “conjure” over its restoration. Less expensive items can be salvaged on your own. To do this, they use both household chemicals and folk, proven for centuries, means.

How to protect things from shedding

What to do and how to fix it if the white color is dyed with spots during washing or your favorite dress is stained? It is much easier to prevent the molting of things than to select an effective method for solving the problem in the future. Protecting valuables from the appearance of unaesthetic stains and stains is not difficult at all. To prevent things from shedding, experienced housewives recommend washing them, observing the following six rules.

  1. Study labels. Almost all manufacturers indicate on the tags the recommended washing and ironing modes. If you take into account such recommendations, then you can not only prevent molting of products, but also maximize their service life.
  2. Sort laundry carefully. Before washing, especially in the washing machine, carefully sort the laundry. White items should be washed separately from colored or dark items.
  3. Check new products for shedding. Very often it is new things that fail. And in most cases synthetic fabrics. Therefore, such products should not be immediately thrown into the car. First, check the fabric for shedding. To do this, you can use a piece of fabric that the manufacturer sews to the wrong side of the product and is usually perceived as a “patch”. And even if the fabric does not shed, it is better to wash the product by hand for the first time.
  4. Fix colors before washing. If there is a suspicion that the product is capable of shedding, then you can fix the shades using a saline solution. To do this, add edible salt to cool water (one tablespoon per liter of water) and mix thoroughly. Laundry is dipped into such a liquid for 15-20 minutes. This is enough for industrial dyes to be fixed as much as possible.
  5. Choose the right detergent. Initially, you should remember that powders marked “Color” are suitable for washing a colored product. It is they who prevent molting of shades and help to fix the color. For white products, products marked "White" are intended. They contribute to the bleaching of fabrics.
  6. Set the correct temperature. Colored items, especially black and white items, should not be washed at temperatures above 30°C. And it is best to set the “delicate wash” on the washing unit.

If, nevertheless, the thing has faded, then it is much easier and easier to remove the stains if you start resuscitation immediately. After drying or ironing, the chances of saving the product are significantly reduced.

How to wash faded things: methods for white products

So, what to do if the item faded during washing and is it possible to return the previous look? It is much easier to deal with stains on white products. But you need to act as soon as the laundry is taken out of the machine and ugly stains are noticed. Then just a second wash with bleach can help. To return things to their original whiteness at home, you can go in two ways.

  1. Soak. Hot water is poured into a large basin and the maximum dose of washing powder is poured. To enhance the whitening effect, you can use a chemical bleach (for example, whiteness, Ace, Vanish). Soak the laundry in this solution for two to three hours. Then things are washed by hand. If stains remain, then the soaking procedure must be repeated.
  2. Wash. You can revive faded things with a regular wash in a washing machine. The linen is loaded into the tank again, after checking that there are no provocative things left. Pour the maximum allowable dose of powder into the detergent compartment. For enhanced whitening, you can add one or two teaspoons of soda ash. Select a high temperature for washing. But this method is valid only for cotton fabrics.

Other methods of tissue repair are also known. When choosing the most suitable, be sure to consider the type of material. The following methods will show you how to bleach faded white items of various textures.


Peculiarities. This method is only suitable for natural fabrics such as cotton or linen. In no case should you boil synthetic things. Refuse this method if the product is decorated with lace, guipure or other decorative elements.

Digestion technology

  1. Pour water into a large saucepan, filling the container halfway. Pour washing powder at the rate of five liters - a quarter of a glass. Then add the same amount of bleach and mix thoroughly.
  2. Laundry is placed in the solution and the fire is turned on.
  3. During boiling, the linen is periodically mixed with special tongs. The boiling procedure lasts from 60 to 120 minutes, depending on how much the thing has shed.
  4. After boiling, rinse the laundry with cold water several times.

Washing with home stain remover

Peculiarities. To return the product to snow-whiteness and eliminate stains, you can use folk methods of cleaning fabrics. A homemade stain remover made from salt, citric acid, starch and brown soap is considered quite effective.

Wash technology

  1. Five liters of hot water are poured into the basin. Two tablespoons of starch, one tablespoon of salt are added to the liquid and 100 g of citric acid is poured.
  2. Finely grated laundry soap is introduced into the resulting solution in the amount of two tablespoons.
  3. The liquid is thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved.
  4. Linen is dipped in such a solution and left for 12-14 hours.
  5. After soaking, the product must be rinsed well.
  6. White things are hung out to dry under the scorching rays of the sun. After all, ultraviolet affects the fabric, as an additional whitening.

Such a stain remover is effective not only for eliminating the effects of molting things. It can be used for products that have acquired a grayish or yellow color during operation.

Soaking with hydrogen peroxide

Peculiarities. Frayed products can be bleached with hydrogen peroxide. This remedy is considered an effective bleach. It is suitable for removing stains from linen, cotton products. Peroxide is allowed to be used for delicate things for which aggressive chemicals are contraindicated, for example, for a woolen dress.

Soaking Technology

  1. Four liters of water are poured into the basin. For woolen products, the liquid should be slightly warm.
  2. Add 50 ml of peroxide to the container.
  3. Next, pour a tablespoon of shavings of laundry soap.
  4. Thoroughly mix the solution until it is completely dissolved.
  5. Lower items carefully. The soaking process lasts about 10-12 hours. For woollens, the maximum soaking time is two hours.
  6. Then things are well rinsed in cool water.

Soaking with ammonia

Peculiarities. If you have to restore a delicate jacket or blouse, you can use ammonia. This method is guaranteed to clean the faded product from stains. But it has a significant disadvantage. The product after soaking will retain a sharp "aroma" of ammonia.

Soaking Technology

  1. Six liters of hot water are poured into the basin.
  2. Then 100 ml of ammonia are added to it.
  3. The solution is stirred.
  4. Shedding things are laid in the pelvis.
  5. Products should be bleached within two to three hours.
  6. Items are rinsed thoroughly and hung out to dry.

Washing with potassium permanganate

Peculiarities. As the reviews show, potassium permanganate effectively copes with the procedure for bleaching faded white things. A solution of potassium permanganate will clean off not only unnecessary colored spots, but also eliminate the grayish coating that may appear over time.

Wash technology

  1. Pour half a glass of powder into five liters of hot water.
  2. A few crystals of potassium permanganate are added to the soap solution.
  3. It is important that the solution acquires a light pink tint.
  4. Shed products are immersed in the solution and left for three to four hours.
  5. Then things are taken out, stretched and carefully rinsed out.

Whitening with Aspirin

Peculiarities. With the help of "Aspirin" you can lighten gray fabrics, eliminate almost all stains and remove even old faded stains. Acetylsalicylic acid can be added to the washing machine as a bleach to the powder. But most often aspirin is used for manual soaking. To ensure better dissolution of tablets in water, it is recommended to use the drug "Aspirin C".

Whitening Technology

  1. Ten Aspirin tablets must be carefully crushed.
  2. The medicinal powder is dissolved in eight liters of water.
  3. It is important that the solution becomes homogeneous and does not contain undissolved particles.
  4. Products are loaded into a basin with bleaching liquid and left in it for eight to ten hours.
  5. After this procedure, things must be rinsed. To facilitate the process, you can use the help of a washing machine by setting the rinse mode.

To effectively remove stains, you can use chlorine-containing bleaches: Belize, Domestos, Ace. In this case, it is recommended to pour one capful of the product into five liters of liquid. If the choice is stopped at oxygen bleaches, such as Bos, Vanish, Lion Bright, then it is recommended to dilute one spoonful of the product in four liters of water.

How to restore colored things

During washing, not only a snow-white thing can shed. Sometimes this happens with colored products. Here some difficulties arise. After all, returning color to faded colored items is much more difficult than bleaching snow-white fabrics. However, do not give up. Resurrecting a thing is quite possible.


Peculiarities. Colored items may lose their bright saturated color. After the first wash, they look like they are ten years old. To restore the color of a shed item, you must use ammonia or ammonia.

Wash technology

  1. In five liters of warm water, dilute 200 ml of ammonia. The drug is taken 10%.
  2. Products that have lost their original color are soaked in this solution for one hour.
  3. Rinse thoroughly and hang to dry.


Peculiarities. If you need to update woolen products, restore their color scheme, then again you can turn to folk remedies, such as ordinary chalk.

Wash technology

  1. A kilogram of chalk is carefully crushed.
  2. The powder is poured into three liters of water.
  3. The solution is thoroughly stirred.
  4. Affected things are lowered into the liquid for 30-60 minutes, no more.
  5. During soaking, products must be constantly mixed.
  6. After removing the laundry from the solution, it is rinsed with cold water.
  7. The procedure is repeated several times.
  8. During the last rinse, a little vinegar is poured into the water. This will give a natural shine to the products. In addition, vinegar "works" as a color fixer.

dish detergent

Peculiarities. Initially, it should be understood that it is possible to save a faded colored thing only if the spots are not pronounced. Minor stains are easily affected by laundry soap. Dishwashing detergent is very effective in removing faded areas.

Wash technology

  1. Molted stains are rubbed with detergent.
  2. In this form, the product is left for two to three hours.
  3. Then things are well stretched and rinsed.

You can use special stain removers for colored fabrics. They are labeled Color. The following products will effectively eliminate stains: Vanish color protect, ACE Oxi Magic.

Method for two-color clothes

What to do if a two-color thing faded? Quite often this happens with white and black products. To wash faded clothes of two colors, you will need green tea and table salt. Follow the next six steps.

  1. Initially, two liters of green tea, medium strength, are brewed.
  2. The drink is filtered.
  3. Soak the faded thing in a solution of green tea for 15 minutes.
  4. The product is taken out of the solution and squeezed a little.
  5. Salt is sprinkled on white areas. Wait another 15 minutes.
  6. Then the product is washed in the usual way and rinsed.

It is not at all difficult to learn how to properly wash shedding things. The main thing is to use cool water, wash the product separately from other things and add a little vinegar to fix the shade. But if, nevertheless, a nuisance happened and in the end it was not possible to save the thing, then you can go the other way and simply repaint the product in a different, darker color.


Each housewife, most likely, at least once in her life, but faced the problem of faded things. Things made of synthetic materials and containing various patterns are especially susceptible to this. What to do if your favorite thing has lost its former gloss and has become more like a rag?

Do not despair, there is a way out, you can use methods that will help return things to their beautiful shade. This will be discussed in our today's article.

Why did it happen so

One of the main reasons bright colors shed is because the chosen washing conditions are not recommended for the fabric. You can use the wrong detergent or choose the wrong temperature. Also, the reason may be the poor quality of the fabric or a marriage due to the fault of the manufacturer.

But to figure it out when the result is already there, in principle, there is no need, this is more of a reserve for future washes, but you can try to revive the thing. The main thing is not to rush to give up and throw away clothes, but rather try to apply a few practical recommendations.

Dry cleaning

One of the easiest and most effective methods to restore lost color is the good old dry cleaning. With the help of specialized equipment and tools, you can return the color to both faded and washed things in the shortest possible time.

It is only necessary to carry the thing to the specialists as soon as possible so that the color restoration is the most successful, otherwise, the more time passes, the less chance of a happy return of the lost shade.

But this option is one of the most costly, and sometimes there is no corresponding organization nearby. Then the so-called folk methods of “saving” color come to the rescue.


One of the very first helpers of housewives in the fight for the color of the fabric is ammonia.

In order to return the color to both dyed and lost color things, you need to take a large container of water and dilute 20 ml of alcohol in it per 1 liter of water. The faded thing must be soaked in this solution and gradually heated until the water with ammonia boils.

If the result of the first "boiling" does not satisfy you, you can repeat the procedure 2 more times. But you should not be more zealous, as you risk completely ruining the fabric, and even dry cleaning will not be able to help you.

Let's wash again

This is the simplest way, which, at times, turns out to be quite effective in case of a problem of how to quickly return color to colored things. Especially if the thing "adopted" the color from another product. It is necessary to repeat the wash in the temperature range from 40 to 60 degrees, and also add half as much powder as you usually put.


If a white thing has faded, or it is necessary to resolve the issue of how to return the color to sun-bleached things, ordinary bleach can come to the rescue. It is necessary to dissolve the bleach in slightly warm water and soak the faded wardrobe item for several hours.

After the specified time, it is necessary to rinse the item thoroughly in cold water to wash off the composition. We do not recommend using this method if you are thinking about how to return the bright color of a silk item.


If urgent help is needed for colored fabrics, then you can try a mixture of starch, table salt, citric acid and soap shavings. If one thing has suffered, then each component will be enough for 1 tablespoon.

With the resulting mixture, it is necessary to treat unsightly stains and leave the thing in this state for 10 hours. After that, it is necessary to subject the fabric to repeated washing in warm water.

natural ingredients

If your thing was brown before molting, then you can try using a tobacco solution along with a decoction of an unripe nut shell. This will give you a deeper and softer shade.

If your woolen clothes turn the water dark when washed, then we can talk about the loss of the dye. You can revive the product with a decoction of onion peel, which has long been considered an effective folk remedy. If you want to get a golden brown hue, then you should use a rich decoction.


If all the previous options have exhausted themselves, but the thing is very dear to you, then you can try to paint it again. In this case, special coloring compositions come to the rescue, which are sold in hardware stores.

But you should not rely heavily on this method, since you are unlikely to be able to get the exact shade that was before. But the thing will be born in a new color, and it will be possible to wear it successfully.

When painting into the water, it is better to add table salt, and when rinsing, a little bite. This will serve as a kind of fixer for the newly acquired color. We recommend using a dye for thick fabrics. This method can answer the question of how to return the black color to clothes or is guaranteed to help jeans.

Thin synthetics in this case can not only not be painted, but also get an even more miserable look. And in order not to be very upset, you can perceive it at all as new!

How to prevent color loss

Let's stop a little and at the moment, how to protect clothes during subsequent washings and do not suffer from the problem of how to effectively return the color to washed things:

  • Read labels on items carefully. They just contain information about how to care for the fabric that matters. It is necessary to maintain the recommended temperature regime, and also not to wash dark and white things together. Synthetic materials of bright colors are most prone to shedding, but cotton, silk and linen products can be washed with less concern;
  • If you are washing a new item for the first time, it is better to do it separately from others in order to avoid unpleasant incidents with color. If the thing is "disposed" to the loss of paint, then it is worth soaking it in a cold solution of common salt for a while. This trick will help fix the paint and molting, you may be able to avoid it;
  • You can also use special napkins that prevent discoloration of products and staining of other things. To do this, place the napkins in the machine along with the colored fabrics.

We looked at the most effective first aid options for faded items and learned how to restore the original color to jeans.