Muslim congratulations on Eid al-Adha. Congratulations on the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha can be in verse and prose. Eid al-Adha - congratulations

Eid al-Adha, the main holiday of the Muslim calendar, is celebrated 70 days after Eid al-Adha. These traditions go back several centuries. As described in the Quran, Patriarch Ibrahim was going to sacrifice his son Ismail to Allah. God rewarded Ibrahim by sending him a lamb for this.

In memory of this, Muslims celebrate Kurban Bayram, which in 2019 falls on August 12-14. Congratulations on Kurban Bayram can be sent to relatives and friends by e-mail or SMS, or you can congratulate loved ones in person. Congratulations can be in poetry and prose.

What verses to congratulate on Kurban Bayram?

Congratulations to Muslims
Happy Eid al-Adha holiday!
May Allah protect from troubles
And he will forgive all of you sins.

Happiness, peace may come to the house,
Will gather at the table
All relatives and friends
The family will be happy!

Eid al-Adha is a sacred holiday!
Congratulations to all Muslims,
And may Allah give happiness
By accepting the sacred gift of the sacrifice.

Let misfortunes go away from home
Let the soul be light.
May good luck be with you
And may everything be fine.

We sincerely wish you
On the festive day of Kurban Bayram:
May he bring you happiness
Will save you from all adversity!

We wish you love, warmth,
So that life is wonderful!
In a family of harmony, all the best,
May Allah be merciful!

Congratulations on Kurban Bayram

The traditions of this holiday are unchanged: the believers, after taking a full bath and putting on festive clothes, go to the mosque for morning prayer. After completing namaz, Muslims return home, where they glorify Allah in chorus. Then they go to the mosque again, where the mullah is preaching a sermon.

On this day, guests are invited to the house, they visit their parents. They will be pleased to hear from you congratulations on Kurban Bayram. And we will show you how to congratulate you on the holiday in the best way: this page of our site contains poems that will certainly please your family and friends.

The morning prayer will be fulfilled -
Fills the soul with light.
Kurban Bayram among Muslims -
Sacred, pure, bright!

May Allah for each of you
Peace and quiet will give
And, having accepted all your sacrifices,
Protects from troubles!

The sun is shining in the sky, like in a lagoon.
Great day! Here, every believer is glad
Having performed the Hajj, like Muhammad,
Praying to climb Arafat.
Kurban Bayram has come! I sincerely wish you
To keep love and peace in your soul,
Good to bear, to raise children,
Glorify Allah and love your neighbor.

Eid al-Adha is a great holiday,
I congratulate you on him!
And there are many different wishes
I give you today:

May happiness knock on the house
And let love shine in your heart
The soul will be filled with warmth
Illuminating everyone with your light!

What is the best way to congratulate on Kurban Bayram?

Kurban Bayram is a non-working day in several regions of our country: Adygea, Bashkortostan, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Tatarstan, the Chechen Republic.

Warm congratulations and good wishes are heard in every Muslim family, in every home on the day of the holiday. People prepare for this holiday in advance. If you have not yet decided how to congratulate your relatives on Kurban Bayram, choose the appropriate poems - and send them to your loved ones!

Today the sun shines in a special way:
The festive day has come for Kurban Bayram!
And adults and children rejoice,
After all, he brings happiness and goodness to us!

I want to wish you heartily
Well-being, harmony, warmth.
Let love in your soul live forever
May your life be wonderful!

Happy Eid al-Adha holiday
Let me congratulate you.
Allah gave it to us,
To glorify him for centuries,
To give good to all people
And help the unfortunate.
Let it be in your life
Peace, rest and grace!

Allah gave us Kurban Bayram!
I want to wish you good luck in business,
Love for each other, compassion in souls,
To learn to listen to your heart.

And let prayer open everyone's eyes
A pure tear gleams like a diamond
I want endless kindness
And flowers will bloom all over the earth.

On a holiday, on Kurban Bayram,
We call everyone who is dear to us!
We ask forgiveness from friends
We delight children with a gift!
And the Muslim world to all
We will ask for no problems
We lived. We will bring a sacrifice
Allah sees us, knows everything!
We wish you peace and good
So that faith is strong,
To help in all matters
For us, our Almighty God is Allah!

Praise to the creator, praise Almighty!
Bless the holiday time!
The merciful Creator does not want evil,
Our obedience is a sweetness, not a burden!

We honor and remember the feat of Ibrahim,
And we swear allegiance to the Great Creator!
In Kurban Bayram today we are one
And we pray to Heavenly Father!

Today we celebrate a bright holiday
And we make a sacrifice in his honor!
We don't meet gloomy faces today,
Indeed, in every heart there is faith in happiness.

We wish you well and enlightenment,
May miracles happen in reality
May every moment please you
Love and sincerity always live in the soul!

All rejoice - Kurban Bayram
It has arrived, and it's a miracle!
As the wise Koran teaches us,
We will praise Allah.
In the best clothes we go to the mosque
Let's go with our family to pray.
A glorious holiday to sing
And then - have fun!

Today we are celebrating Kurban Bayram.
Let me congratulate you friends!
Let's mark together the end of the Hajj,
Prophet of sacrifice.

I wish you peace and quiet,
Work hard, build day after day,
I wish you such health,
So that you don't even think about him.

Let your loved ones only give love
May you certainly be lucky in everything
May they always wish you happiness,
May prosperity come to the family.

Congratulations to Kurban Bayram in his own words in prose

Congratulations on the holiday can also sound in prose. How to congratulate correctly on Kurban Bayram? One of the traditional greetings on this day: "Eid Mubarak" (Arabic: عيد مبارك) - Blessed is the holiday! You can also say: "Idu-kum mubarak" (Arabic: عيدكم مبارك) - "Blessed be your holiday!"

The great holiday of Islam has come - Kurban Bayram. At this blessed time, the followers of Islam, gathering in Mecca, ask the Almighty for forgiveness. So let your heart be filled with joy, love for your neighbors and mercy on this wonderful day! I wish you health and all the best!

Congratulations on the holiday of Kurban Bayram! I wish you have eternal values ​​in your life: the strongest is family, the brightest is thoughts, and the most real is love. Be sincere, take care of your family and always have faith and hope!

On the glorious and bright holiday of Kurban Bayram, I wish you strong faith, good health, pure thoughts, generosity of soul, respect for others, love and prosperity. May this holiday shed light on your life path and help you choose the right path, may Allah always help you, may your hearts encourage you to do good deeds!

I congratulate you on the great Islamic holiday Eid al-Adha! Let there always be many guests in your house, and you will have something to serve. I wish your heart to be filled with love for all your brothers! Health and good luck!

All Muslims celebrate the important holiday of Eid al-Adha 70 days after Eid al-Adha. In 2018, the celebration date was August 21. You can congratulate on this holiday with a beautiful poem or picture.

Today is a great holiday -
Today is Kurban Bayram!
Meet him with a light prayer
And give a sacrifice to Allah!
We wish you peace in your home,
Peace and love in the soul.
Let the prayers be heard
Let all doors be open for good
Will be on earth today!

Congratulations to Muslims
Happy Eid al-Adha,
And we wish Allah
I kept the world in all hearts!

So that everything is covered with love,
The world's sorrow has stopped
So that people do not suffer
They were looking for the Eternal God!

So that there are no hungry
Both unfortunate and cold.
So that happiness does not shy away,
It was given to people in the hands of everyone!

With a kind radiant sun
You got up early today.
The day will be fast today -
You will hardly have time for everything ...

On the day of Eid al-Adha, I wish
Only joy and laughter
For guests to come
Together with peace and success!

Allah gave us Eid al-Adha.
I want to wish you good luck in business,
Love for each other, compassion in souls,
To learn to listen to your heart.

And let prayer open everyone's eyes
A pure tear gleams like a diamond
I want endless kindness
And flowers will bloom all over the earth.

Congratulations to Muslims
Happy Eid al-Adha!
May Allah protect from troubles
And he will forgive all of you sins.

Happiness, peace may come to the house,
Will gather at the table
All relatives and friends
The whole family will be assembled!

A great holiday has come for the Muslims - Eid al-Adha has come. At this solemn time, the followers of Islam, gathering in Mecca, ask the Almighty for forgiveness. So let your heart be filled with joy, love and mercy! Health to you and your loved ones, all the best!

Congratulations on the holy holiday of Eid al-Adha! I wish that all the best thoughts and good intentions accompany you all year. Let not only this reason, but also many others unite and unite your big family. I wish you peace, prosperity and bright hopes!

On the holiday of Eid al-Adha, I ask you to accept my best wishes for health, peace, prosperity, happiness, harmony and joy. Let the thoughts in your head, days in life, become clear, bright and kind.

Happy Eid al-Adha! May the light of your soul illuminate everything around and give happiness to loved ones, may a good story of love and peace begin from a new and clean sheet, may the path to bliss and joy be paved with strong faith and the blessing of Allah.

The history of the holiday Eid al-Adha

The Qur'an describes the legend of the Muslim Ibrahim, who wanted to sacrifice his son to Allah. Every night Ibrahim had one dream: Allah came to him and asked him to kill his son in order to prove his devotion to the Almighty.

At first, the Muslim tried not to pay attention to it, but dreams continued to be dreamed. Then Ibrahim took his son and went with him to the mountain. Laying the head of his child on a stone, the Muslim prepared to kill him.

Suddenly, a shining light appeared from behind the mountain - it was Allah. He told Ibrahim that he saw how devoted he was to him, and allowed a sheep to be sacrificed instead of his son.

To cleanse his soul and prove loyalty to Allah, every Muslim every year performs the rite of sacrifice.

The main traditions of the holiday Eid al-Adha in 2018

On the day of Eid al-Adha, early in the morning every believer should perform the ritual of washing and anointing the body with fragrant oils. After that, the Muslim must put on clean clothes.

Be sure to go to the mosque on the Eid al-Adha. In the temple, all parishioners are met by Mulla, who reads a prayer, and a priest, who tells about the history of the holiday and its traditions.

After the mosque, Muslims perform the rite of sacrifice. For this, they choose healthy animals. But the sick and those who are younger than 6 months cannot be killed. It is best to sacrifice a cow, camel or ram.

Before killing an animal, a Muslim reads a prayer. The carcass is divided into three parts: one - they keep for themselves, the second is given to the needy, and the third - to the neighbors. The sacrifice rite is best done after going to the mosque.

Festive table on Eid al-Adha in 2018

Muslims always set tables that are bursting with the number of dishes. On Eid al-Adha, believers must have several important delights on the table. Muslims prepare the meat of a killed animal in several ways. Spices and herbs should be added to all dishes to make them aromatic.

Relatives and friends of the family gather at the festive table. The hostess serves meat dishes, soup "Shulum", "Jiz byz" and almond liver "Shaker-puri". On the day of Eid al-Adha, Muslims feed all those in need and even let travelers and tourists into their homes. They do this in order to share the joy of celebration with all people.


President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

Muslims of Russia

I cordially congratulate Russian Muslims on the holiday "Eid al-Adha" (Eid al-Adha), which marks the end of the pilgrimage to the holy places.

Throughout the centuries, this bright holiday has played a huge role in the life of the Muslim ummah, serves to bring people closer, introduces them to the enduring values ​​of Islam, fosters a careful, respectful attitude to ancient history, customs and ancestors' behests. I am pleased to note that Russian Muslims honor these spiritual traditions and widely celebrate Kurban-Bairam. The Muslim community actively participates in the life of the country, makes a significant contribution to the education of young people, the development of interreligious and interethnic dialogue. And of course, her activities are very important for maintaining peace and civil harmony in society.

I wish the Russian followers of Islam health, prosperity and all the best.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev

Dear Supreme Mufti!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on Kurban-Bayram.

Today is a special day for all Muslims - the day of the completion of the Holy Hajj, which marks the onset of one of the main Islamic holidays "Eid al-Adha". It has a long history and is based on Muslim traditions, is a symbol of unity, wealth and solidarity, serves spiritual improvement, turns believers to the eternal values ​​of goodness, mercy and care for others.

Uniting millions of people, the Ummah of Russia does a lot to maintain interfaith and interethnic peace and harmony, makes a significant contribution to strengthening the moral foundations, moral education of young people. Her great educational and charitable work deserves sincere respect and gratitude.

I wish you and all Muslims of Russia peace and prosperity, health and prosperity!

Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan R.Z. Khamitova

Dear Muslims of the Republic of Bashkortostan!

I sincerely congratulate you on the holy holiday "Kurban-Bairam"!

On this joyous day, believers gather in mosques and, turning their prayers to the Almighty, together ask for a blessing. A deep unity around the values ​​of goodness, love and compassion, sacred for all world religions, strengthens us spiritually, makes us morally cleaner.

In Bashkortostan, where representatives of many nationalities and religions have lived in peace and harmony for centuries, Kurban-Bairam is celebrated with special respect. This event, which marks the end of the Hajj, brings people closer together and strengthens the spiritual continuity of generations. In our republic, there have never been any contradictions on religious grounds.

The Muslim Ummah, together with representatives of other faiths, is actively enhancing the rich cultural and spiritual heritage through the construction of religious buildings, charity, education, and education of the younger generation.

The Muslims of our region have always been characterized by hospitality and cordiality. The doors of our homes and hearts are open for loved ones, true friends who are ready to share with us warmth and joy.

I wish you health and well-being! May this holiday bring goodness, mutual understanding, peace and prosperity to every family!

Chairman of the State Assembly - Kurultay RB K.B. Tolkachev

Dear Hazrat mufti!

I sincerely congratulate you on the holy holiday "Kurban-Bairam"!

This holiday marks the end of the Hajj, symbolizes spiritual cleansing, and strengthens the hope for justice. I sincerely wish all Muslims of the republic happiness, prosperity, success in the implementation of noble undertakings. May the worthy deeds of these days become an example of spiritual generosity and selflessness, fill them with strength for hard work for the sake of the prosperity of our society!

Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Office, Sheikh-ul-Islam Allahshukur Pasha-Zade

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful!

Dear brother!

With a feeling of sincere spiritual joy, I congratulate you and all Muslims of Russia on the holy holiday "Eidul-Azha", I wish you all the best from Allah. This holiday embodies the high moral qualities of Islam - mercy, kindness and love for people, testifies to Islam's adherence to high universal human values, the adherence to which ennobles people, contributes to the strengthening of unity in society.

"Eid al-Adha" is a blessed time of joyful confirmation in faith, a happy time of gaining sincerity, righteousness and grace, allowing a person to be strengthened in his faith, developing the spiritual principle of a person. On this bright holiday, I wish you and in your person all Muslims of Russia good health, happiness and prosperity in families, prosperity and success.

May Allah Almighty and All-Merciful bless you and send down his generous help in all good deeds and undertakings, strengthen you with His greatness and reward you with high aspiration of spirit!

On this holiday, I offer a prayer that Allah will illuminate with blessed joy every family and every person. May the dreams of our peoples of prosperity and happiness come true. Amen!

Chairman of the Spiritual Directorate of Muslims of Kazakhstan, Supreme Mufti E.M. Mayamerov

Assalam aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakyatuhu!

Dear Supreme Mufti!

I congratulate you on the great and joyful holiday "Kurban-Ait"!

May the Almighty bless the bright holiday, which is one of the most significant for millions of followers of Islam.

Every year Muslims around the world look forward to the onset of this holy holiday, which unites believers, encourages us to mutual help, from which our hearts are filled with mercy. We endlessly thank and praise Allah Almighty for witnessing this day.

May Allah give you and your family prosperity, health, harmony and success in good deeds. May the spirit of hospitality and generosity reign in the house of every Muslim on this day!

Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan, Mufti K. I. Samigullin

Мөхтәрәм Тәлгать хәзрәт!

Әssәlәәmүgәlәykүm үә rahmәtүllaһi үә bәrakәәtүһ!

Tatarstan mөselmannarynyң Diniya nәzarәte һәm shәkhsәn үz issemnәn Sezne Korban gayte ben kotlym! Kүrkәm bәyrәmebez mөbarәk һәm khәerle bulsyn! Barchalarybyzga iminlek, igelek, bәrәkәt alip kilsen!

Korban chalu gyibadәte Allaһka yakyn bulu һәm anyң nigmәtlәrenә shөker itү өchen bashkaryla. Korban chalu st. Rabbyznyң ber әmere. "Kәүsur" sүrәsend Allaһy Tәgalә: “Rabbyң rizalygyna namaz uky. Korban chal "(Kәүsur sүrәse, 2 nights ayat), is a deep boyra. “Khak” sүrәsendә әytә: “Without һәr өmmәtkә korban chaluny tәrtip ittek. Үzlәrenә rizyk bulyrga tieshle, dүrt ayakly mallarny korban ittep chalganda Allaһ issemen telgә alsinnar, dip. Seznek Rabbygyz - Ul berdunber - Alla. Shulay bulgach, Aңa tәslim ittegez. (Ii, Mөhәmmәd) sin ikhlas kүңelllerәrne һәm tyynak itәgatchelәrne sөender "(" Haҗ "sүrәse, 34 night ayat), - di.

Allaһy Tәgalә kүңellәrebezdә bulgan barlyk izge niyatlәrebezgә, maksatlarybyzga ishergә, chalgan korbannarybyznyң bәrәkәten ​​kүrergә, bu dөnyada һәm ahirәt tormyshynda da bidekhetle ityrga. Korban bәyrәme mөbarәk bulsyn!

Chairman of the Spiritual Directorate of Muslims of the Republic of Crimea, Mufti E.S. Ablaev

Dear Talgat-khazrat!

Bismillahi rahmanir rahim!

Muslims around the world celebrate one of the most important religious holidays - "Kurban Bayram"!

A holiday that marks the end of the Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. Muslims expect this wonderful and generous holiday with God-fearing trepidation, in constant prayers addressed to the Almighty. On this day, believers visit mosques and perform holiday prayers, help those in need, give attention and affection to orphans, and perform various benefits.

"Eid al-Adha" is a time when sorrows and old grievances are forgotten. This is a time of peace, harmony and unity. This holiday awakens the souls of people, filling their hearts with mercy, kindness, forgiveness, gratitude.

A sacrifice made for the pleasure of Allah strengthens faith, increases fear of God, cleansing the heart from the taint of the frailty of life.

We ask the Almighty to grant Muslims patience in the overwhelming, strength in the surmountable, wisdom and faith in the hearts. May peace and prosperity reign in the home of every believer.

President of the Republic of Tatarstan R. N. Minnikhanov

Хөртле Тәлгать хәзрәт!

Sezne hәm Islam dinendәge Rossialelәrne Korban gayte belәn kainar kotlym. Ikhlas keldun salamutlek, bohet, iminlek, barlyk ighelekle hәm faidaly eshlәregezdә zurdan - zur uңyshlar telim.

Boo olug bәyrәm konnәrendә yakynnary turynda kaygyrtuchy, yatimnәrgә hәm mohtaҗlarga yardәm itүche, әylәnә - tirәdәgelәrgә Jakty ruh өlәshүche mөselman kardәshlәrebez җәmgyyatebezdә tөrle halyklar arasyndagy duslykny hәm tatulykny nygytuga zur өlesh kertәlәr Islam dineneң gumanly din buluyn raslyylar. Ilebezdә andtimagy berdәmlekne, tynychlykny nygytuga yardәm itche barlyk kherle gamәllәregezneң er - savaplary zurlardan bulsyn.

Governor of the Perm Territory V.F. Basargin

Dear Talgat Safich!

I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday "Kurban-Bairam"!

The holiday "Kurban-Bairam" has long become an integral part of the religious and cultural life of our region, all of Russia. People of all religions are close and understandable the moral values ​​of the holiday - loyalty to traditions, kindness, mercy, charity, continuity of generations.

Thank you for your significant contribution to the preservation and strengthening of peace and harmony in the Muslim community of the region.

I wish you, dear mufti, all Muslims and the TsDUM of Russia success in your creative endeavors, good health, kindness and prosperity!

Governor of the Kemerovo Region A.G. Tuleyev

Dear Talgat-khazrat!

I congratulate you, your family and friends, all Muslim believers on the holy holiday "Kurban-Bayram" ("Eid-al-Adha")!

I sincerely wish you good health, tranquility and prosperity in life, prosperity in the house, the generous help of the Almighty in all good deeds and undertakings for the glory of our great Motherland - Russia.

May this sacred holiday fill the hearts of people with warmth and joy, instill hope and confidence in the future, strengthen social harmony and civil peace in our multinational and multi-confessional country.

May Allah, Almighty and All-Merciful, bless you, and bestow upon all people generous spiritual gifts in personal, family and social life!

I. I. Yalalov, Head of the Administration of the City of Ufa RB

Dear Talgat Safich!

I sincerely congratulate you on the holy holiday "Kurban-Bairam"!

As one of the main holidays of Islam, this day symbolizes the strength of mind and will of believers, who are turned to such values ​​as mercy and justice, responsibility and patience.

I wish you a festive mood, good health and prosperity!

Muslim pilgrims in Mecca. / Reuters

On August 21, 2018, many holidays fell, including the important religious holiday of Muslims - Kuran Bayram-2018.

August 21: name day

This Tuesday Grigory, Leonid and Nikolai celebrate their name days.

Kurban Bayram-2018: what date

Holiday dates are calculated according to the lunar calendar. In 2018, Kurban Bayram starts from the very morning of August 21 and traditionally lasts five days - until the evening of August 25.

On the eve, Muslims keep fasting, and on the holiday itself they perform solemn prayer in the mosque, dressed in light clothes. After the prayer, they sacrifice a cow, a ram or a camel, which are at least six months old. Their skins are then given to the mosque, and the meat is cooked and eaten at a common meal.

It is customary to give gifts to close and dear people on the days of the holiday.

How to congratulate correctly on Kurban Bayram: SMS congratulations on the holiday of Kurban Bayram

4 SMS - 213 characters:

On the holiday of Kurban Bayram, I ask you to accept the purest and kindest wishes of health, peace, prosperity, joy, harmony and happiness. Let thoughts in your head, hopes in your heart and days in life become clear, bright, kind.

4 SMS - 213 characters:

On this special holiday, I would like to wish peace, good and bright hopes, prosperity in life! May loved ones be happy and healthy, and love always reigns in the family! We wish you pure thoughts and good deeds!

3 SMS - 195 characters:

Morning prayer will be completed,

Fills the soul with light

Eid al-Adha for Muslims,

Sacred, pure, bright!

May Allah for each of you

Peace and quiet will give

And accepting all your sacrifices,

Protects from troubles!

3 SMS - 161 characters:

Kurban Bayram, Kurban Bayram,

Favorite holiday of Muslims.

I sincerely congratulate you,

I wish you all good luck in your business!

And so that on the path of life

You cherished faith in God!

Cool congratulations with Kurban Bayram

Crowds of sacrificial sheep

Hundreds of joyful hearts!

Smoke vats

On Kurban Bayram!

Abundance in your home

Let it come as much as a run

May happiness, people,

Everyone will arrive!

Kurban Bayram has come!

Here is a roasted ram

Here are chak-chak and belyashi,

We will treat ourselves to the heart!

We open the doors wide

We welcome all guests!

On a bright and big holiday

We will cleanse our souls!

Today, a fragrant smell is heard in every home,

Young lamb is stewed in pilaf,

Muslims invite everyone to visit,

Every family attends the holiday of Kurban Bayram.

All Muslims, congratulations,

Let the mood be great

May there be peace and tranquility in your home,

Let the praise of the takbir be heard.

For everyone who reveres the Qur'an,

The bright holiday of Kurban Bayram is coming,

Muslims glorify Allah,

In every house guests are expected.

On a holiday, we wish you mercy,

Goodness, wealth and mood,

May fate be favorable to you,

Allah always keeps the start.

21 - what a holiday

On this day, the International Day of Remembrance and Remembrance for the Victims of Terrorism is also celebrated and the Beer Festival begins in British Peterborough.

According to the folk calendar On August 21, on the feast day of St. Myron, Bishop of Crete, there are strong winds. In the old days they said: "What are the Myrons - such is January."

Congratulations on the holiday of Kurban Bayram! I wish that in your life there was the strongest - family, the brightest - thoughts, and the most real - love. Be sincere, take care of your family and always have faith and hope!

On the holiday of Kurban Bayram, I ask you to accept the purest and kindest wishes of health, peace, prosperity, joy, harmony and happiness. Let thoughts in your head, hopes in your heart and days in life become clear, bright, kind.

On the glorious and bright holiday of Kurban Bayram, I wish you strong faith, lasting health, pure thoughts, generosity of soul, respect for others, love and prosperity. May this holiday shed light on the path of life and help you choose the right path, may Allah always help, may your heart and soul always yearn for good deeds.

I congratulate you on the holiday of Kurban Bayram and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you a happy and prosperous life, in which your heart will always be ready to sacrifice anything in the name of light and love, kindness and honor. May your path be illuminated by the bright sun of hope, may your sincere prayers be heard without fail, may the reward for your mercy and selflessness be the good health of the whole family and prosperity in your home.

Let on this sacred holiday, there will be joy, light and purity in your souls. Happy Eid al-Adha holiday! I wish Allah never leave you, help you to follow the right paths in life, point out the right decisions and give wisdom to your actions. Cherish the strength of faith, respect for elders and love for loved ones in your heart. May your days be happy.

We congratulate you and your family on a glorious holiday! We wish you that the generosity and wisdom of Allah will descend on your home, so that prosperity, wealth and cheerful laughter do not dry up in it.

With all my heart I wish you prosperity in the house, mutual understanding and love in the family, peace of mind and honest people around! On this great sacred holiday, may harmony reign on earth and everyone be lucky in life!

On this special holiday, I would like to wish peace, good and bright hopes, prosperity in life! May loved ones be happy and healthy, and love always reigns in the family! We wish you pure thoughts and good deeds!

May Kurban Bayram give joy and happiness, bring prosperity and love to the house, fill the family cup with kindness and understanding, may sincere prayers be heard, and the sacrifice made will serve as retribution as grace and joy of the soul.

I wish you a good, happy, joyful and bright holiday of Kurban Bayram. May there be prosperity in your home, may joy live in your soul, may the pure prayer of your heart be heard without fail, may Allah take away all sorrows from you and your family, may the star of hope and love shine brightly for you.