The beginning of a big change, or your first visit to a beautician. First visit to a beautician

Finding "your" cosmetologist who will accompany you all your life is not an easy process. What should you pay attention to at the first visit to the doctor?

The first acquaintance with a beautician should not start with such serious procedures as laser facial hair removal or biorevitalization. In order to understand whether this is the person to whom you are ready to entrust your face, you need to start with harmless manipulations - ultrasonic facial peeling, moisturizing procedures.

First minutes of dating

However, in order to understand whether you are ready to stay here for cleaning or moisturizing care, you need to draw preliminary conclusions about the specialist. We meet, no matter what anyone says, we are "clothes". In this case, according to the neat appearance of the doctor, his own face and the condition of his hands, the timbre of his voice and general benevolent mood. If the doctor at first glance looks like a sort of "beech" do not rush to conclusions. Perhaps this person is extremely serious about his work, and this is already a “plus” placed in front of his name.

The doctor met you at the reception and invited you to his office. Do you see a lot of certificates on the wall, some of them signed very recently? Put another tick in your mind. Cosmetology is developing almost faster than all other branches of medicine, and the desire to "keep abreast" of a cosmetologist can only be encouraged. By the way, if you need material proof that you fell into the hands of a specialist with a higher medical education, do not hesitate to ask him about it. If the doctor did not have the necessary papers at hand to prove this, they are likely to be found at the reception desk or in the personnel department.

Conversations on the couch

The main thing begins - inspection. Clean hands. Of course, we already understand that a cult of sterility and cleanliness reigns among medical workers, but it would be great if the doctor washes his hands already in the office, immediately before the start of the examination.

In order to determine the needs of your skin, an examination is carried out after make-up removal, under a magnifying glass, the skin of the face and neck is probed with hands. It is desirable that the doctor comment on his actions and discoveries aloud. This will help to minimize the number of your questions already during the appointment of the beauty protocol.

As a rule, it rarely takes more than 5 minutes to examine and analyze the situation. After that, the doctor looks for ways to solve the discovered and future problems and, ideally, gives you information on two lists.

In the first one there will be procedures that will allow you to put you in order so that the result is noticeable in several sessions.

The second list is designed for longer trips to the beauty clinic. But it is thanks to these manipulations that in a few years you will be able to look younger than when you crossed the threshold of a beautician for the first time.

It would be great if the doctor reminded you that the results of the procedures depend on both participants in the process, including the patient. On how consistent he will be, disciplined. Only in this case, dreams of a worthy aging face will come true.

If the specialist tells you in an indecisive tone: “You can try this procedure, you can try another”, do not hesitate to ask him questions: for what indications does he advise you, what is the expected result, is there an alternative to them? Take an active part in the conversation, after all, this is your face and you decide what to do with it.

Timely and regular visits to a beautician will help cleanse your skin, so you may forget about foundation or at least switch to a light BB cream. Before the trip, we advise you to complete 8 points to extract the maximum benefit.


Find out what not to do before visiting a beautician


Take a #nomakeup #nofilter selfie every day


Prepare a list of questions

The more you ask, the more you will learn, and the easier it will be for you to take care of your face at home. Most importantly, find out what type of skin you have and how to improve its condition. And yet, be meticulous with questions, in any case, the usual cosmetic procedure lasts an average of 1.5 hours.


Take pictures of all your facial products

Take them with you, of course, if it's real, but if you can forget or there are too many funds, just take a picture of everything. Arrange your care in the same sequence in which you use them. Surprisingly, beauty products can be more or less effective depending on the order in which they are applied. For example, essences are harder to absorb into the skin if you first apply a nourishing cream.


Find out what's best for you

Ask for a list of recommended products or key ingredients in products. Although facial cleansing will improve the condition of the skin, only daily care can drastically change it. Ask about terms you don't understand and products you don't know about. By the way, if there are interesting remedies that you wanted to try, be sure to find out if they suit you. Also, do not forget to check the information you are interested in on the Internet. Just remember - the advice of a specialist is much more significant than any search engine.


Start a diary

Diet, menstrual cycle and sleep directly affect the condition of your skin, so do not forget to monitor the impact of these factors. And be as honest as possible - in fact, the fact that you ate a pack of chips is important only if after that you were sprinkled.


It is better to come without makeup, but not without skin care products.

The beautician will want to see the skin in its natural state - but this does not mean that a moisturizer and SPF protection will prevent this. Follow your daily routine and try to minimize the use of color cosmetics. But, if this is not possible, it does not matter, before the procedure, the face is cleaned in any case.


be patient

After you start using the recommended products, do not give up if after a week or two you do not notice changes. Big changes can come after a couple of months of painstaking home care. But don't worry, Rome wasn't built in a day either.


In the beauty industry, as in all other global processes, there is a strict cycle: in the spring everyone “makes” the body, in the fall - the face. And by mid-September, it is almost impossible to get an appointment with a good beautician: an appointment for several weeks in advance. Therefore, we rush into any beauty salons indiscriminately. Often this ends in tears: the skin, the wallet, and the mood suffer. But even if you had to sign up for a consultation with an unfamiliar master, you should know that the success of the event is half dependent on you. From how you will behave, what you will tell the specialist and what questions you will ask.

As fall approaches, the popular The Dermatology Blog has published tips on how to get the most out of your dermatologist visit. Some of them are relevant only to American reality, but many are useful to us. Here are some of them, plus a few of my own.

1. Write down in advance all the questions you want to ask the beautician. If you are concerned about any specific skin problems, such as moles or age spots, be sure to ask your doctor to examine you.

2. Ask about your family skin history. If one of the relatives suffered from acne, inflammation, a tendency to age spots, tell the beautician about it - you may be susceptible to the same diseases.

3. Tell us in detail about your general health: allergies, hormones, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver, if any. Very often acne, unhealthy complexion, swelling have internal causes. In this case, the beautician will first refer you to the appropriate doctors. And many hardware and anti-aging procedures are generally contraindicated for certain diseases.

4. Do not hide your bad habits from the beautician: smoking, tanning, squeezing pimples or going to bed without washing off your makeup. They largely determine your problems and the care you need.

5. Tell us what cosmetics you use and for how long, as well as about all the salon or home procedures that have been done recently. This is important: if you have just had a facial cleansing, acid peels are contraindicated.

6. If the cosmetologist suggests that you undergo a procedure immediately after the consultation (and this happens almost always!), ask in detail why it is needed, what the effect will be, whether a whole course is required or one session is enough. If you get vague answers (“well, everyone really likes this mask!”), Feel free to refuse.

7. If you are offered to buy cosmetics of the line on which this master works (and this again happens in 95% of cases), do not hesitate to ask for samples first. They are always available. And it will be better if you find out that you are allergic to the cream before you spend crazy money on it.

8. Feel free to ask the master in detail about his education, regalia, work experience. Especially in the event that you have not stocked up in advance with positive feedback from friends.

9. If you are scheduled for an invasive or hardware procedure, find out all about the possible contraindications and consequences. Do not agree to do it “right now” - it is better to first study all the information on the Internet (for example, in our wellness encyclopedias).

10. Feel free to make comments to the master! If, for example, you are annoyed that while you are lying with a mask on your face, the beautician is talking about his Ryazan grandmother, ask for silence. This is your time, your money and mood, on which, by the way, beauty depends a lot.

I need a beautician. Where to looking for?

Cosmetologists are most often referred to by acquaintance - for many reasons, people trust the opinion of friends and relatives more than presentations on the websites of clinics and salons. Start your search by identifying the problem: do you need to get rid of acne, work on wrinkles, or just lie down for a day at the spa? Look for the opinions of people who have gone through this - ideally acquaintances, but reviews from the Internet will do. By the way, not only cosmetologists, but also entire clinics have a specialization: some are engaged in the treatment of adult acne, others are anti-aging care, and others do not undertake anything more complicated than moisturizing. Dig into the Internet: reviews about everything in the world are perhaps the best invention of the 21st century. In addition to women's forums, it's worth looking for, they talk about the work of masters who conduct individual practice, and you can see their experience and approximate prices.

While you are looking for someone you can trust, keep in mind that a beautician is a doctor. Graduated. Olesya Windsor, chief physician of the Evolution clinic, suggests setting strict search criteria from the very beginning: higher medical education, one or two years of training in dermatovenereology, specialization in cosmetology and at least 5 years of work experience. The chosen specialist must be ready to present the relevant documents: in general, your concern for your health is normal and most masters will understand you. If there is no diploma (or there is, but suspicious), turn around and run.

When it comes down to it, pay attention to the appearance of the specialist (although you will do this anyway). If anything bothers you, do not be afraid to refuse the procedure and leave until you have signed up for a long and happy relationship with the clinic. Like any doctor, a beautician should look neat - the story about a shoemaker without boots does not work here. The head of the Sensavi Beauty Institute, Yulia Karaseva, advises to focus on the little things: before starting the procedure, the beautician must wash and disinfect their hands, treat the devices appropriately and put, where possible, disposable nozzles. The more detailed you are asked at the first appointment about chronic diseases, allergies and heredity, the better.

How much can an appointment cost?

From a couple thousand to infinity. Roughly speaking, Moscow prices fluctuate around 2-8 thousand for one care procedure. Anti-aging and anti-acne will cost more: one procedure is most likely not enough here. The price is influenced by the education and experience of the doctor, the status of the clinic, the cost of drugs and equipment. Much depends on the condition of the skin and the desired end result, but it cannot be cheap.

And am I sure enough for all the procedures?

Feel free to explain to your doctor that you are on a budget. Often the same procedure can be performed using different preparations and devices, and your information will help the beautician to choose the right ones. Always ask if there is a fixed amount on the price list and what is included. In some salons, the price will depend on the specific client (for example, if you have never been cleaned, the master will spend more time on you), in others - on additional options like a cream that they smear you with before sending you home. It is always easier to agree on payment on the shore than to prove later that you did not expect to leave the entire salary in the cabin.

The cost of some procedures

I found a doctor. Which procedure will I have first?

The initial consultation is the right moment to complain about bruising under the eyes, wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and unpleasant inflammation on the chin. Depending on the complaints, budget and timing, the beautician will prescribe a treatment for you. But experts recommend not to rush into the pool with your head: first, make sure that you trust the clinic one hundred percent. Dermato-cosmetologist of the Profile Professional Club beauty center Marina Devitskaya advises to start acquaintance with cosmetology with introductory non-invasive procedures: cleaning and care. They do not violate the integrity of the skin, which means that the risk of failure is minimal. And Olesya Windsor recommends preventive (moisturizing and antioxidant) and corrective (peeling and biorevitalization) services. The choice is ultimately yours, but for the first time in a new clinic, in any case, it is better to choose something harmless: cleaning, care, epilation, massage or mesotherapy. This will save you from a long and painful liquidation of consequences, if something somewhere still went wrong.

And what do all these mesotherapy and microdermabrasion mean?

Face cleaning

It happens mechanical and hardware. The first implies that the beautician will remove dirt from your face with his hands, an uno spoon or a vidal loop - depending on preferences. The second is done using ultrasound, vacuum or current. Which one to choose, you need to decide together with the beautician. Do not forget to clarify the cost of the procedure - unscrupulous salons forget to warn that the cream that is applied to the face after cleansing costs some (and rather big) money.

According to the Big Explanatory Dictionary - "stroking, rubbing, kneading the body for therapeutic or hygienic purposes." The word “therapeutic” is very important here - a massage done incorrectly or to the wrong person (know your contraindications) can do a lot of harm. And vice versa - a good massage relieves pain, tension, tidies up the skin and what is under it. Do not be fooled by neon signs promising Thai bliss and anti-cellulite relaxation, always ask if the master has a medical education, and everything will be fine.


Injections of preparations based on hyaluronic acid, which is included in a number of fluids in the human body. They resort to biorevitalization when they want to improve the complexion and even out its relief. The advantage of this procedure is in the variety of preparations: depending on the desired result, the cosmetologist can choose a mixture containing the necessary peptides, amino acids, vitamins and antioxidants. The success of biorevitalization will also depend on the correct choice of composition.


Skin resurfacing and one of the types of peeling, which is done using a special apparatus. Its nozzle is coated with aluminum crystals or diamond-coated, which remove the top layers of the skin, and the vacuum sucks dead cells into the bowels of the roaring monster. Microdermabrasion is usually done in courses to smooth out scars, reduce pigmentation and generally even out the relief and skin color.

A general name for a whole group of procedures that involve smearing something (usually pleasant and delicious smelling) on ​​you to make your skin softer, clearer, fresher, and generally better than it is now. Treatments can be vitamin, relaxing, regenerating, moisturizing, refreshing and perhaps not standing on your head. This is an ideal candidate for a trial visit to the salon: the worst that can happen is that the product does not work for you, and it will take a couple of weeks to treat an allergy or a burn. Needless to say, the consequences of unsuccessful fractional photothermolysis (removal of the upper layers of the skin with a laser) are much more difficult to correct.


In a broad sense, this is a method of alternative medicine, which consists in influencing derivatives of the mesoderm (in this case, the connective tissue and the basis of the skin) with the help of injections. In salons, this usually means a procedure in which you are injected with something incredibly useful right where your legs grow from the skin. The composition for injections is chosen individually - depending on the goals, and therefore mesotherapy is suitable for solving almost all problems - from fatigue written on the forehead to acne and signs of aging.

Literally translated as "exfoliation". In the price list, this word, as a rule, hides the removal of the upper layers of the skin using acids (for example, glycolic), ultrasound, laser or mechanical action. Peelings are used to even out or brighten skin tone, smooth the relief, in the fight against acne. For greater effect, such procedures are done in a series of four to six with a difference of one week.

Botox injections

One of the most popular procedures, although not so simple: if you overdo it, you can get a kabuki mask instead of a face. With the help of Botox, wrinkles are corrected, eyebrows and corners of the lips are raised, and sometimes even excessive facial expressions are limited (if you are too fond of making faces).

If you're constantly taking care of your skin, are able to tell hyaluronic acid from glycolic acid, or have beauty secrets that work all the time, then just the thought of a stranger - even a graduate - will have close contact with your skin, can worry a lot when you want to visit a beautician.

Typically, a cosmetic procedure is a relaxing, iterative process, but beginners are often understandably nervous, for example, if they don't know what to expect or how the skin will react to external stimuli during such a session. Don't worry. A good beautician will help you relax, while at the same time eliminating the skin problems that have arisen. As in most cases, having the necessary information about the treatment, you can get rid of the fear of the unknown, make the right choice, and completely relax, enjoying luxurious treatments.

What should be considered when making an appointment with a beautician?


Much of the planning and thinking happens before you step into the treatment room. Before choosing a beautician, you should think about why you want to visit him and what results you want to achieve. Do you go there for a couple of relaxing treatments? Do you want to tidy up your skin before an important event? Or maybe you are faced with problems that will not solve themselves? If you know exactly what you want, the doctor will be able to choose the right treatment and tell you in detail what to expect as a result of the procedures. This should also help in choosing a good beautician.

Planning before special events

Many people find it necessary to visit a beautician before important events such as marriage. In order for the skin to glow from the inside instead of irritation, you should make an appointment with a beautician at the right time. Given the tendency of people to put everything on the back burner, it should be noted that if you have accepted an invitation to an event, you can prepare for it in advance by choosing skin care procedures. As for the time of going to the beautician, you should make an appointment two weeks before the event.

Making an appointment with a beautician six months before a major celebration gives you time to eliminate all problems and plan everything in advance. Pay attention to which day after visiting the beautician the skin looks at its best, and this number of days must be counted down to the event.

A good compromise would be a double visit to the beautician. Beginners should go to one beautician at least 6 weeks before the celebration to check the reaction of the skin to the procedure. Then, therefore, you can sign up again.

Would you like to visit a beautician only once? Experts recommend registering at least 7 days before the celebration. If you want to avoid any risk, you can come a month in advance. A full consultation is necessary, taking allergy tests for all products, if possible, avoid extracts.

What you need to know before going to the beautician - video

weather factors

Taking care of the skin every day, we notice how its condition changes depending on the weather. A good beautician will select the treatment, focusing on weather conditions. During the warmest times of the year, oily skin is a problem along with acne and the risk of UV exposure, while dehydration and dryness are major concerns during the colder months.

To restore the balance of the skin during seasonal changes, you should visit a professional beautician at least 4 times a year. If you want to pamper yourself, you can do it once a month.

The effect of sunlight should also be taken into account. Anyone who plans to spend time in the sun or plans to travel to warmer climes should steer clear of chemical peels or extensive exfoliation, as these make the skin more receptive to sunlight. Procedures that include moisturizing and nourishing the skin are a safer alternative.

Choose a place and a beautician

Many of us spend a huge amount of time researching beauty product reviews to decide what to buy. Do the same with the beautician - this will greatly facilitate the search for the best beautician. NOT forget to ask your friends and relatives about it.

Look for a specialist of a certain profile

Do you want to get to a beautician who solves problems in a specific area? Would you like a facial massage? To achieve the best result, you should contact specialists in the field that interests you.

Pay attention to the working principles of a beautician

One important thing that experts recommend paying attention to is finding out how a specialist works in order to make sure that the choice of a medical center is correct. There are many different centers, ranging from spas, various salons, to medical spas and dermatological centers.

Some focus on more natural, integrated approaches, while others work with complex elements, resort to the use of apparatus. Want to try the spa? Or do you prefer the clinic room?

Learn more about products

You have every right to know what products or ingredients will be involved during the procedure, so feel free to ask. Employees should, without any problems, talk about the procedure itself from their list of services, voice positive results, its stages.

License check

Think of everything as an interview. During the interview, you are asked about your professional skills, and you, in turn, should ask potential cosmetologists about their merits. It is necessary that the beautician be in contact with the medical facility so that you can be sure that you are being examined by a certified physician. In the event that an allergic reaction starts, they can quickly take action.

Most salons carefully monitor doctors, check them for professional suitability, but in some salons a doctor's license is not required for cosmetic procedures. In addition to the license, you should pay attention to experience, specialization and positive customer reviews.

Getting advice

Some experts say that counseling is not necessary, as you can discuss everything before the procedure itself. Most institutions give extra time to new clients for this purpose. Beginners receive a full professional consultation, which includes a description of the procedure, as well as individual skin care at home.

If you still need a separate consultation - do not be afraid to sign up for it. Most salons do offer consultations, so feel free to take advantage of them.

Sensitive Skin Factors

Probably every person with sensitive skin is very worried before a visit to a beautician. People with such sensitive skin can only do procedures in dermatological clinics. They should also use a treatment tailored specifically for people with sensitive skin. Such treatments follow the “less is more” rule, as their goal is to prevent further negative skin reactions. The rule is to use fewer products for a short period of time, less heat and less friction.

A good cosmetologist will be able to determine for himself that the skin is sensitive, but it is better to warn him about possible allergic reactions or about the presence of problems that require special attention. Let him know if the skin may react negatively to certain ingredients, temperatures. Many sensitive skin treatments avoid the use of overly strong acids, alkaline products, artificial ingredients and fragrances, mineral oils, or stable alcohols.

Preparing the skin before a visit to a beautician

Change in daily skin care

Once you've made an appointment with a beautician, you need to ask the specialist about certain things that you may need to avoid during your daily skin care routine. They may advise getting rid of the peel (liquid or granular). The patient may need to stop using products containing retinol at least a week before the beautician session.

Do not use a waxing service before your session, as this can greatly increase skin sensitivity, which in turn may make it impossible to use the peel during the session.

No make up

It is best to come to the beautician completely without makeup. (Including eye makeup). It all depends on the desire of the person, so if you want, you can come with a full make-up. However, just imagine how long it will take to remove makeup from the face.

At the cosmetologist

Before the procedure itself, get ready to have a detailed conversation about your skin, its problems, and sensitivity. Customers should be told exactly what they want to improve. Enlarged pores, too oily skin, spots, acne can act as problems.

State everything in sufficient detail, as the specialist will be able to use this information in his work and eliminate the necessary problems.


People may be nervous when they first visit a beautician, but they should try to relax anyway. The calmer the patient feels, the better the results of the procedure will be. A person should speak directly about what does not suit him. In short, feel free to let me know if you are too hot, cold, or something else bothers you. It is normal to ask for silence until the end of the procedure so that you can completely relax.

Face cleaning

Often people are afraid to resort to cleaning services, which, by the way, is not suitable for everyone. Facial cleansing is acceptable only in cases where you have something to “extract” from the skin. If you do it just like that, there is a risk of getting huge, scary pores. Make no mistake, a discussion about cleansing the skin before a procedure should always take place. Please note that not all of them are harmful. With proper cleaning, your skin acquires a healthy, well-groomed and beautiful appearance.

After the procedure

If you need to do something after the procedure, the beautician will inform you about it. For example, he may advise you to exclude certain ingredients from care, or avoid sunny colors.

Follow-up skin care at home serves as a kind of consolidation of the salon procedure. You should also ask the beautician about what products he used during the procedure so that you can incorporate them into your daily care.

If this did happen, then the wrong means were used, or the beautician did something wrong.