The norm of basal temperature during pregnancy. High basal temperature: it's time to see a doctor. Rules for measuring basal temperature during early pregnancy

If you are measuring your basal body temperature, this method can help you know when you are. An increase in basal temperature is one of the first signs of conception that has taken place.

What is basal body temperature

Basal temperature is the temperature in the mouth, in the rectum or in the vagina, measured by a woman in a state of complete rest. Its indicators indirectly indicate the presence or absence of ovulation. During a normal menstrual cycle, the basal temperature is below 37 ° C until ovulation begins - approximately until the middle of the cycle. This period is called the first phase. As soon as the indicators increased by at least 0.4 ° C, you need to think that ovulation has taken place. The basal temperature remains elevated in the second phase. And 1-2 days before the start of the menstrual cycle or on the day when menstruation began, it drops again. If this does not happen - neither menstruation nor a decrease in basal temperature is observed - there is a high probability that pregnancy has occurred.

Why does a woman need it?

Necessary in order to determine the most. That is, tracking basal temperature significantly increases the chances of pregnancy for women striving for this, since you have the opportunity to find out exactly when the egg matures. The days before and at the time of ovulation are considered the most favorable for conception.

In the same way, the measurement of basal temperature is one of the contraceptive methods, since it allows you to calculate these very days: in this case, the most dangerous in terms of probable pregnancy.

Also, the schedule of basal temperatures allows you to determine the date of the next menstruation and assess the state and functioning of the endocrine system. And at the same time, you can diagnose the onset of pregnancy in terms of basal temperature. Only for this, of course, it is necessary to track its performance daily for several months, keeping a special diary.

How to measure basal temperature correctly

Since our body temperature fluctuates throughout the day (this is affected by stress, meals, overheating, physical activity and many other factors), we are most likely to measure the true temperature in the morning immediately after waking up, while the whole body is in a state of absolute rest and unaffected by external factors. That is why it is called basal, that is, basic, basic.

In order for the results to be informative, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules in measuring basal temperature (BT):

  1. Measurement of basal temperature is not carried out while taking oral contraceptives, sedatives and hormonal drugs, as well as alcohol.
  2. Measure BBT exactly in the rectum, and not in the mouth or vagina.
  3. It is better to start measuring on the first day of the cycle after 5-6 hours of sleep.
  4. BT is measured every morning immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed and without making any sudden movements, including without talking and without opening your eyes (the point is that bright rays of light do not irritate the eye). Any action can distort the result. Therefore, prepare a thermometer in the evening in close proximity to the bed, after knocking down the latest indicators.
  5. It is necessary to measure the temperature at the same time.
  6. But if you had to get up earlier than usual (for example, to go to the toilet), measure your BBT before you get up.
  7. The most accurate indicators will be if you slept for at least 3 hours in a row.
  8. Temperature measurement is carried out for 7-10 minutes with a mercury and 60 seconds with an electronic thermometer, but each time the duration should be the same.
  9. For this, the same thermometer is always used (the safest is electronic).
  10. When taking out a mercury thermometer, take it by the upper part, and not by the base at the location of the mercury, in order to avoid errors as a result.
  11. All indicators are recorded in a diary for drawing up a BT schedule, indicating all the reasons that hypothetically could affect temperature changes (colds, stress, overwork, and others).

Definition of pregnancy by basal temperature

If you regularly measure your basal temperature, you will surely notice the onset of pregnancy. It is very likely that conception took place if:

  • high temperatures persist for 3 days more than the usual phase of the corpus luteum (the period after ovulation, during which high temperatures persist);
  • with a normal two-phase graph, you observe a third jump in temperature rise (but this is not a necessary condition at all);
  • if the corpus luteum phase lasts more than 18 days, that is, you observe more than 18 high temperatures in a row.

Basal body temperature during pregnancy

It has its own explanation and natural necessity. This happens under the influence of hormones - their level changes. And everything is needed in order to prepare the walls of the uterus for the possible attachment of a fertilized egg. If this is exactly what happened, these hormones continue to be produced, so high temperatures persist for a long period. In a normal pregnancy, BBT remains elevated to 37.1ºС-37.3 ºС during the first four months, after which it gradually decreases. Therefore, after 20 weeks there is no longer any point in measuring it.

And why check it up to 4 months, if the pregnancy has already come? - you ask. The fact is that a sharp decrease in basal temperature during pregnancy indicates that the hormonal background has changed, which means that there is a threat or a halt in the development of the fetus.

Thus, measurement of basal temperature during pregnancy is recommended for women with a threatened miscarriage and a history of cases. If the temperature drops below 37 ° C, the pregnant woman should immediately contact the observing gynecologist for advice. The same applies to an increase in temperature to 37.8 ° C and above, which indicates the passage of some kind of inflammatory process.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

Women prepare for the onset of pregnancy and try to learn as much as possible about this condition. Not all women know what basal temperature is and what is its norm during pregnancy.

Female hormones at all stages of the menstrual cycle change, which is why the basal body temperature also changes.

What is the basal temperature during pregnancy

After the onset of ovulation, the norm is a basal temperature of at least 37.2 degrees. But the temperature changes during pregnancy. That is why the measurement of basal temperature in the earliest stages of pregnancy can sometimes be of diagnostic value.

A decrease or increase in basal temperature sometimes means that there is a threat to the normal course of pregnancy. A low level of basal temperature may indicate that there is a threat of miscarriage, as well as that the development of the fetus has stopped altogether.

Basal temperature does not need to be measured for all women and not for the entire pregnancy. Gynecologists recommend measuring the level of basal temperature for those women who have experienced a miscarriage or cessation of fetal development earlier.

It is also worth measuring basal temperature in cases where there are assumptions about the risk of miscarriage in a woman. In this case, the basal temperature chart can help you detect the problem at the very beginning and try to solve it.

Temperature in early pregnancy

In the second half of the cycle, the basal temperature rises slightly to a level of 37-37.1 degrees, and before the onset of menstruation, it drops to 36.9 degrees. If within 18 days the basal temperature does not decrease, it means that pregnancy has most likely occurred.

And even if in this case menstruation has begun, doctors still recommend taking a pregnancy test. During this period, the basal temperature rises due to the action of the hormone progesterone on the woman's body.

What is the temperature in pregnant women

In case of deviation of the level of basal temperature from its normal values, various pathologies may be present.

On average, temperature fluctuations are possible within 37.1-37.3 degrees. But sometimes its value can reach 38 degrees. But all these values ​​can be quite normal.

It all depends on the structure of the female body.

Basal temperature in case of ectopic pregnancy

With an ectopic pregnancy, the body continues to produce the hormone progesterone, which is why an increase in basal temperature is also observed in this case. But an increase in temperature is far from always a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, so this indicator should not be used as a diagnostic tool.

Temperature in a pregnant woman 37

On average, basal temperature can fluctuate between 37.2-37.3 degrees, but can even rise to the level of 38 degrees. If the increase is higher than the indicated values, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

The reason for this increase may be various inflammatory processes. But in any case, you will not be able to independently determine the reason for such a significant increase in basal temperature, and you should not do this.

Any treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, and the diagnosis cannot be established correctly without his help. However, the cause of a high temperature can sometimes be simply its incorrect measurement.

Reasons for low basal body temperature

Low basal temperatures are considered if they are less than 37 degrees. This may mean that there are certain complications during pregnancy. That is why you need to see a doctor.

While at home, you need to measure the temperature again, and if the indicators do not change, you need to repeat the measurement after a few hours, because the reason may be a change in the general condition of the body. But if the temperature is below 37 degrees every time, you need to urgently contact a specialist.

If the doctor during the examination detects a low level of progesterone in the female body, the woman is hospitalized to carry out the necessary procedures. Pregnancy is usually saved.

A low basal temperature can sometimes also indicate a fetal fading. In this case, the level of progesterone is greatly reduced, because the corpus luteum ceases to perform its functions.

All this is accompanied by a decrease in the level of basal temperature. But sometimes the basal temperature remains high even with a frozen pregnancy. That is why this diagnostic method should be used only in combination.

How to measure basal temperature correctly?

Some women make the mistake of taking their basal temperature every few hours. The results obtained are significantly different from each other. In the morning, the indicator can be 37.2 degrees, but during the day the value can change several more times. Often the change is observed to the smaller side.

However, experts say that if in the afternoon there is a decrease in basal temperature readings, this is a completely normal phenomenon that should not bother expectant mothers at all.

That is why it is very important to know how to correctly measure the basal temperature.

To do everything right, you need to put the thermometer in the evening so that in the morning you can take it without getting out of bed. In the morning after waking up, you need to lubricate the tip of the thermometer with baby cream and insert it into the anus by 2-3 centimeters. The temperature should be measured within 5-7 minutes.

And only if all the rules and requirements are met, the result can be considered reliable. If you got out of bed before taking the temperature, the result will not be correct.

There are several factors that can affect the state of basal temperature.

- It is important that the body position is only horizontal. There is no need to sit down, because in this case, the flow of blood to the pelvic organs increases, which will provoke incorrect readings when measuring temperature.

- Any physical activity. Experts recommend not only not to get out of bed before measuring the temperature, but also not to roll over in bed. It is necessary to take a comfortable position and try not to change it until the measurement is completed.

- An uninterrupted sleep of four hours is also important. If a woman slept less than four hours in a row, there is no point in measuring the temperature, because the readings will not be true.

- Having sex before taking temperature. If for some time you need to monitor the basal temperature chart, it is recommended that you stop sexual activity for this period.

At the very least, it is necessary to take at least 12 hours between sex and temperature measurement. But in such cases, sexual intimacy can sometimes cause a miscarriage (spontaneous abortion).

- The use of certain medications. There are some drugs that can help change the basal temperature, and in different directions (cause an increase or decrease). That is why you should not self-medicate so that the doctor knows about the causes of temperature changes.

- Eating immediately after waking up. Pregnant women often suffer from toxicosis, which is why they are advised to have a light snack immediately after waking up. However, it is important to remember that you need to eat something after measuring the basal temperature, otherwise the information may be unreliable.

- Various colds and infectious diseases. If a pregnant woman is sick, she can not wait for the correct temperature values. In this case, the trip to the doctor should not be postponed.

From a diagnostic point of view, basal temperature is reliable during the first two weeks of pregnancy, but no more.

After that, the hormonal background of the woman changes, so the readings of the basal temperature do not mean anything.

A woman who wants to get pregnant is looking forward to the coveted positive test.

But how to determine pregnancy if the test does not show its presence? In this case, a chart with basal temperature readings can help, which helps to give a 100% result, subject to all the rules. Basal temperature in early pregnancy is a fairly reliable and accurate way to determine conception. A pregnancy test is effective only 3-4 weeks after conception, and the basal temperature shows it almost immediately.

Therefore, many of the fair sex are interested in how to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy. This is not so easy to do, but the effectiveness of the indicators is worth the time spent on drawing up a special schedule.

In order to determine signs such as the onset of ovulation, a violation or change at the hormonal level, as well as the time for conception, it is necessary to measure the basal temperature - this is a low temperature indicator that is determined in the body at rest. Basal temperature is measured rectally, vaginally, or orally.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy as correctly as possible?

Before you start keeping a schedule, you need to figure out how it works. The graph of basal temperature during pregnancy, the photo of which is a scale with temperature indicators, will be the most reliable if a number of important requirements are met when measuring it. Any external and internal factors that affect a woman's life, including:

  • changes in diet, lifestyle;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • bad habits;
  • stress;
  • change of climate zone or relocation;
  • various diseases of internal organs;
  • colds and viral diseases.

In addition, constant measurement over several months allows you to identify possible hormonal abnormalities that prevent pregnancy. This allows you to take timely measures to normalize the hormonal background, which means that the possibility of getting pregnant increases significantly.

So, according to the schedule, you can trace the deficiency of estrogen in the body of a woman. It manifests itself in elevated basal temperature in the period before the onset of ovulation. If on the graph you see a decrease in temperature during the onset of ovulation, then this indicates poor estrogen production. Timely detection of violations of the reproductive function of a woman's body can solve problems with conception. In this case, you need to contact a gynecologist and get adequate treatment.

If the graph contains the same readings that do not change over time, then they indicate the absence of ovulation. In this case, the woman is not able to get pregnant. A gynecologist, based on examination, diagnosis, can give recommendations on how to eliminate violations that negatively affect a woman's ability to conceive a child. The basal temperature chart during pregnancy is not only a great opportunity to find out about your pregnancy, but also a reliable way to identify violations in the genitourinary function of a woman.

Basal temperature in early pregnancy will be most accurate and correct if the measurement is carried out:

  • early in the morning, before the woman got out of bed;
  • at the same time, while the error between daily measurements should not exceed half an hour;
  • at the same measurement site, so one measurement method must be selected in advance, such as oral or vaginal.

In order not to get out of bed in the morning, you need to put a thermometer so that it is always at hand. In this case, the duration of sleep should be at least 5 hours a day. This means that getting out of bed at night in order to drink water is undesirable, as the readings will be distorted. To get the correct readings, in this case, you need to take them after the first awakening of the night.

If you are interested in the question of what should be the basal temperature during pregnancy in the first few weeks, then this indicator varies between 37.1 o C - 37.2 o C. These indicators may change if the woman took alcoholic drinks the day before, had sexual contact, suffered from insomnia or suffered from any disease, including colds, acute respiratory infections.

Also, the basal temperature readings are significantly affected by the intake of hormonal drugs, so the graph will be uninformative. Any factor can distort the data, so if you want to get accurate information, you must exclude all factors that affect the hormonal background.

There are several nuances with each measurement method. For example, with the oral method of introducing a thermometer, it must be kept under the tongue for at least 4-5 minutes. If the temperature is measured rectally, then the thermometer must be inserted into the rectum by 5 centimeters, while it must be lubricated. With the vaginal method, you need to insert a thermometer halfway into the vagina. An ordinary thermometer should be kept for 5-8 minutes, and an electronic one for at least 10-15 seconds or until the signal.

Basal temperature during early pregnancy: indications and definition

To determine the onset of ovulation, temperature measurement must begin at the beginning of menstruation. On the 4th day after the onset of menstruation, the basal temperature is in the range of 36.4 o C - 36.8 o C. Such indicators indicate that there are all the necessary conditions for the maturation of the egg.

The period that lasts until the onset of ovulation is characterized by a decrease in temperature, and during ovulation, it jumps sharply to 37.4 ° C. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy there is an increased production of progesterone, which ensures full and normal growth and development eggs. At the same time, progesterone increases the basal temperature, which suggests the onset of pregnancy.

Pregnant basal temperature graphs are characterized by an increase in temperature during and after ovulation, if conception does not occur, then the readings begin to decline. At the same time, progesterone will begin to be produced in smaller quantities and will reduce the basal temperature on the chart to a minimum value, which will be observed until the next menstruation.

It helps to determine the onset of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation. If you, having measured the basal temperature during ovulation, find increased indicators that will have stability over the next two weeks, then you can be congratulated on your pregnancy.

How to chart your basal body temperature correctly?

First, you need to figure out what data is needed for the chart. To obtain reliable information, the following data is required:

  • day of the beginning of the cycle;
  • date of the day of measurement;
  • the indication of the thermometer, which was used to measure the basal temperature;
  • the presence of secretions, as well as their nature;
  • a list of provoking factors that could change the readings.

The basal temperature during pregnancy before the delay should be increased. At the same time, you can track its growth using a special graph, which reflects all the data and indicators. To make it right, you should adhere to clear rules.

So, during the maintenance of the schedule, the discharge from the vagina may change in a woman. For example, they can be bloody, viscous or mucous, with yellowness, as well as their complete absence. Taking notes on the nature of the discharge is necessary in order for a complete picture to be presented. So, during ovulation, a woman has watery discharge from the vagina.

In addition, when drawing up a graph, you need to mark all the factors that can change the temperature. If a woman did not sleep well, had sexual intercourse immediately before measuring the temperature, then such moments must be reflected on the graph. At the same time, the basal temperature during the day during pregnancy is unreliable, since the measurement must be carried out in the morning, before the woman gets out of bed.

Making a schedule is easy, the main thing is to do it right. All that is needed for drawing up is a sheet of paper on which you need to mark two lines: vertical and horizontal. Thus, a coordinate axis is created. On the first axis, the days of the menstrual cycle are indicated, and on the other, the degree of basal temperature. Degrees are indicated on the basis of - 1 cell of the sheet is equal to 0.1 o C. On the sheet with the graph, the measurements obtained must be indicated daily.

To obtain the most reliable and correct information, the schedule must be maintained for at least 2-3 months, if necessary, this period can be extended. This will help to understand if there are any deviations in the woman's health and how the nature of the basal temperature and secretions changes.

What do you need to know to make the right schedule? First, a healthy woman has a menstrual cycle of 21-35 days. If it is shorter or longer than the specified norm, then this is a good reason to consult a gynecologist, since a woman may have ovarian dysfunction or other disorders of the genitourinary system, diseases.

The graph reflects the onset of ovulation, which divides it into two phases. In this case, the middle of the graph is ovulation. The most optimal time for conceiving a child is the day of ovulation and a few days after it. There are situations when, during the preovular period, the value does not decrease before ovulation, but increases. You should not worry about this, as this phenomenon is normal. Most likely, the onset of ovulation has already occurred.

Want to know what is the basal temperature during pregnancy. Each woman is individual and has her own menstrual cycle, so these values ​​​​can be observed within 37.1 o C - 37.3 o C. In this case, you need to pay attention to the difference in basal temperature between the phases. If it exceeds 0.4 o C, then these increased values ​​​​indicate a violation of the hormonal background. Therefore, you need to take a blood test for the level of progesterone and estrogen, which will help identify the cause of the deviation, which means increasing the chances of conception.

Frozen pregnancy is extremely rare. But such a thing happens. If you follow the readings of the graph in the early stages, then there are significant visual differences between normal and missed pregnancy. So, when the development of the embryo stops, the level of progesterone decreases, which means that the basal temperature will be significantly reduced. If it fell to 36.9 ° C and below, then this indicates a missed pregnancy.

It can occur due to many adverse factors, including:

  • the presence of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • hormonal imbalance, due to which the level of progesterone decreases;
  • increased production of male hormones;
  • stress;
  • bad habits;
  • in vitro fertilization.

It is important to measure basal temperature not only when planning a pregnancy, but also when conception has already occurred. Based on how much the basal temperature is during pregnancy, it is possible to find out about the condition of the fetus. By controlling the basal temperature, you can track the threat of abortion or the beginning inflammation of the pelvic organs.

Waiting and duringpregnancy: how to measure basal temperature

  • Basal temperature should be measured in the rectum, vagina or mouth immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed and, if possible, without making any unnecessary movements and without talking.
  • It is better to start measuring the temperature from the first day of the cycle and continue daily, always strictly at the same time, with the same thermometer.
  • The data obtained must be noted in a diary or on a chart of basal temperature during pregnancy, also fixing one's own well-being: illness, stress, etc.

Basal temperature during the day during pregnancy is not measured, since accurate figures can only be obtained in a state of complete rest, in the morning, after at least six hours of sleep.

Basal body temperature during pregnancy changes repeatedly throughout the day, especially during physical activity, so it does not make sense to measure it every few hours.

What is the basal temperature during ovulation?

If you are planning a pregnancy, a basal temperature of 37.2 will indicate the arrival of ovulation: a favorable period for conception is coming!

Even if pregnancy has already begun, it will not be superfluous to measure the basal temperature, especially for women who have previously had cases of spontaneous abortion. The basal temperature during early pregnancy is an important diagnostic indicator that allows you to assess the risk of miscarriage and take action in time.

What is the basal temperature during pregnancy?

  • Normal basal temperature during pregnancy is 37.1–37.3. The temperature reaches this value already by the time of ovulation and does not decrease during the first months of pregnancy. The norm of basal temperature during pregnancy is individual: in some women it may be slightly higher or slightly lower, but a deviation from the norm by 0.8 degrees up or down is already an alarming signal.
  • The basal temperature during pregnancy 37.0 is the borderline variant of the norm. It is necessary to consult a doctor if such a temperature is observed for several days and under normal conditions, that is, it is not caused by stress, an illness or a banal lack of sleep. A basal temperature of 37 during pregnancy can be both a variant of the norm and a sign of incipient adverse changes in hormonal levels.
  • A low basal temperature during pregnancy may indicate a lack of progesterone and warn of a fetal freeze or a threatened miscarriage. All temperatures below 37 are considered low temperatures.

Temperatures below 37 are typical for the first half of the menstrual cycle and the period before ovulation. Basal temperature during pregnancy 36.8 and below is not a good sign.

The figures that are below the norm by 0.8–1 degrees should be especially alert. So, a basal temperature during pregnancy of 36.5 is highly likely to indicate fetal fading or other problems with bearing. A basal temperature of 36.5 during pregnancy is a reason to see a doctor.

However, sometimes a basal temperature during pregnancy of 36.6 or 36.7 may not be dangerous - in cases where in the first phase of the cycle it was even lower, by at least 0.4 degrees. If you kept a diary of measuring basal temperature, it will be easy to clarify whether a basal temperature of 36.6 or 36.8 during pregnancy is an individual norm for you.

  • Basal temperature during pregnancy 37.6 and above can be caused by inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. Sometimes an elevated basal temperature during pregnancy indicates an ectopic location of the fetus.

The basal temperature during pregnancy becomes lower after 16 weeks, and from the 20th week it becomes completely useless to measure it. So, a basal temperature of 36.9 during early pregnancy is an alarming fact, and in the fourth month it is already a variant of the norm.

Measuring basal temperature and drawing up its schedule will allow you to control the development of the fetus in the early stages and save the pregnancy by contacting a doctor in time. If the basal temperature is below 37, pregnancy is at risk. But, unfortunately, even a normal basal temperature during pregnancy is not an accurate guarantee of successful gestation, so the measurement of basal temperature must be combined with other methods of monitoring pregnancy: tests, ultrasound, screening studies.