Memo on the world around hardening. Memo for parents “Rules for hardening children. General principles and hardening schemes

In ancient times, there were no methods of hardening, physical exercises, fitness. The living conditions of people themselves contributed to the natural strengthening of the human body, otherwise it was impossible to survive. The appearance of comfort in the modern world helps to relax our body and immune system, therefore, physical exercise and hardening are necessary for everyone these days.

The human skin has several amazing qualities:

  • the skin can stretch and take on its original size;
  • has regenerative abilities: the places of wounds and cuts are self-healing;
  • its receptors are associated with many internal organs and are able to influence the physical state of the body;
  • has the ability to adapt to the external environment.

These factors formed the basis for the hardening of the human body, which makes it possible to endure extreme vagaries of the weather, heat in summer and low temperatures in winter.

Types of body hardening

The well-known method - dousing with cold water, is not the only one in the complex of strengthening a healthy body. In summer it is worth sunbathing, yes, sunbathing on the beach also strengthens our body. The main thing is not to get a heat stroke and not to burn.

A rather effective method for beginners can be a contrast shower. Changing hot and cold water reduces the likelihood of catching a cold when taking water procedures and at the same time accustoms the body to sudden changes in the external environment.

The result of the hardening process can be swimming in cold water in autumn and winter. In every city you can find a community of "walruses" and, having joined, engage in life without risk under the supervision of older, more experienced comrades.

Procedure Rules

In order for the process of strengthening the body and spirit not to end with a hospital bed, certain conditions must be observed:

  1. Try to exercise at different times of the day, this will save you from getting used to the time, for example, the body is no longer afraid of the cold in the morning, but it freezes in the evening.
  2. Start showering at a temperature you can handle without screaming, gradually lowering it week by week. The comfortable water temperature is about 30 degrees Celsius, as a result, it can be reduced to +5.
  3. Rub yourself well with a terry towel after bathing, you should feel warm after rubbing, which will last all day.
  4. With even a minor illness, it is necessary to immediately stop hardening until complete recovery, otherwise there may be the most deplorable consequences.
  5. Remember, you train not only the body, but also the spirit, and your willpower, so classes should be held in high spirits.
  6. It is useful to combine water procedures with physical education and sports.



Every person needs to be loved, understood, recognized and respected, that he is needed and close to someone, that he has success in business, study and work, and that he can realize himself, develop his abilities, improve himself, respect myself. The child needs it all the more. Therefore, adhere to the following rules:

Actively listen to your child - that is, return to him in a conversation what he wanted to tell you, while indicating his feelings.

Trust your children more, share your feelings with them. If your child causes negative feelings in you by his behavior, let him know about it.

Together means equals. Common deeds bring parents and children closer together. But don't interfere in the child's business unless he asks for help.

Be proud of your child and sometimes tell him about it - this will help you protect him from low self-esteem.

The actions and deeds of the child can and should sometimes be condemned and expressed dissatisfaction, but not of himself and not feelings in general.

If the child is having a hard time and is ready to accept your help, be sure to help him.

Wish for your child what you wish for yourself. Remind yourself more often of your childhood.

Know that praise-evaluation and approval are not the same thing. Support successes and grieve failures together.

Sometimes let your child face the negative consequences of their actions (or inactions). Only then will he grow up and become more independent.

When you talk about your feelings to a child, speak in the first person. Communicate about your experiences, about yourself, and not about his behavior. If you are talking to an upset or distressed child, you should not ask him questions. It is desirable that your answers sound in the affirmative form.

The personality and abilities of children develop only in the activities that they engage in of their own free will and with interest. Do not demand from the child the impossible, or the difficult. Instead, look at what you can change about the situation around you.

Mom's and dad's requirements should not come into conflict with the most important needs of the child.

Dissatisfaction with the actions of the child should not be systematic, otherwise he will cease to perceive it. When punishing a child, it is better to deprive him of good things than to do him bad things.

Hug your children until they grow taller than you, but even then they need affection.

Accept your child as he is - that is, love him not for something, but simply for what he is!

Take risks, gradually removing yourself from care and responsibility for the personal affairs of the child, his studies - this develops independence and strengthens confidence in you.

Try not to take credit for your child's emotional problems.

Demand from your children what they can already do or are ready to learn, commensurate your own expectations with the child's capabilities.

Listen and try to understand at least your children. Every child should feel needed in the family.

Parents try to teach good rules to each child, but they must be feasible, there should not be many of them, and they must be agreed upon by adults among themselves.

Appreciate the moments of communication with the child. Before automatically ordering, praising, punishing, advising, calling names, insulting or ridiculing a child, think about whether you would like it.

Use friendly phrases more often in everyday communication. In childhood, we learn about ourselves only from the words and attitudes of those close to us.

The ABC of Parenting




Hardening procedures train the body's defenses, increase its resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially to cold, because cooling is the most common cause of the development of colds, complications and aggravation of the severity of other diseases of the child. Hardening trains the processes of thermoregulation, which ensures the preservation of the thermal balance of the body. Therefore, if you did not harden the baby in a timely manner, you must begin these procedures without delay. However, they will benefit only if the following rules are observed:

First consult with the local pediatrician who knows your child and can give recommendations when choosing methods of hardening, taking into account his state of health;

Gradually increase the strength of the hardening factor (air, water, solar radiation);

Carry out hardening systematically, because even with short breaks (10 days), the achieved effect completely disappears;

Achieve a positive emotional attitude of the child to tempering procedures.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the child, his reaction to hardening procedures. By what signs to determine whether hardening is effective:

Mood - cheerful, calm, the child reacts normally to the environment.

well-being - cheerful, the child is always ready for action, actively participates in all games and activities.

Fatigue - normal, by the end of wakefulness there is moderate fatigue.

Appetite - good, actively eats all the dishes offered, does not get distracted while eating.

Dream - calm, deep, falls asleep quickly (after 5-10 minutes), during sleep, muscle relaxation is noted, the child does not wake up from sound, light.

If one of the listed indicators changes - mood instability, depression, irritability, tearfulness, increased fatigue, loss of appetite, sleep - you need to consult a doctor and, on his recommendation, make adjustments to the hardening procedures: reduce the duration, increase the temperature of the water, replace the procedure with another, etc. .P.


Hardening with water has a stronger effect. Therefore, it is advisable to start it after a short course of air hardening. Water procedures are divided into local and general. The most affordable local water procedure is dousing the feet. From a bucket or watering can, the lower half of the shins and feet are quickly poured over. The initial water temperature is 30°C. Gradually reducing it after 1-2 days by 2°C, bring to 16-14°C. Immediately after the procedure, the child's feet are wiped dry with a hard towel.

The hardening effect is enhanced if a contrasting dousing of the feet is applied. For healthy hardened children, alternation of water with a temperature of 38-18-38-18 ° C is recommended; for the weakened, with chronic diseases, another dousing scheme is proposed, sparing - 38-28-38 ° C. In this case, it is possible to increase the difference between thermal and cold stimuli: the initial temperature of warm water 36-35°C is gradually increased to 40-41°C, and the temperature of cold water is reduced from 24-25°C to 18°C.

One of the most important rules of hardening is gradualness., the transition from procedures that have a less severe effect to a stronger one, from local to general. Therefore, before starting such procedures as rubbing the body, dousing, teach your child to walk at home not in tights, but in socks. It is useful that within 3-5 days it is for 3-4 minutes. took off his shoes and walked in socks, after that - barefoot. After a week, the duration of the procedure (i.e. walking barefoot) is increased daily by 1 minute. and bring to 15-20 min.

General hardening water procedures are carried out at an air temperature of at least 23 ° C. You should start by wiping the body with a soft mitten moistened with water. First, lightly massaging, wipe the hands and feet from the fingers up (in the direction of the lymph and blood), then the chest, stomach, back - always in this sequence. The initial water temperature of 34-35°C after 3-4 days is reduced by 2°C and brought to 22°C. For weakened children, the initial and final temperature should be 2-4 ° C higher, and the rate of its decrease is slower. Rubbing is done for 2 months (to get the effect of training), and then they move on to a stronger procedure - to dousing. The duration of the douche gradually increases from 15 to 35 seconds. For dousing, it is better to use a watering can, raising it above the child by 6-8 cm, since when using the shower, it is not always possible to accurately adjust the water temperature.

Your child is ill ... Be sure to consult a doctor, and if he considers it possible, do not cancel the hardening procedures, just slightly increase the temperature of the water (by 2-3 ° C compared to the one that was before the disease).

Teach your child to systematically rinse their mouth and throat with water at room temperature. This helps to harden the nasopharynx, prevents the growth of tonsils and adenoids. In addition, rinsing has a massaging effect on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, tonsils and posterior pharyngeal wall.


Hardening with air is not only special procedures, but also daily wet cleaning and repeated ventilation of the room, maintaining the optimum air temperature in it - 20 ° C; during gymnastics and outdoor games, it can be lower - 16 ° C.

The child must walk daily. Even in inclement weather and in winter, be outdoors for at least 3.5-4 hours!

Special hardening procedures include general air baths , they begin at an air temperature of 22 ° C for 3-5 minutes, followed by a decrease in temperature to 18 ° C and an increase in duration up to 10-15 minutes. At the same time, the child’s clothes are gradually lightened: first, they expose their arms - they replace the shirt with sleeves with a T-shirt, then they take off the stockings, the T-shirt, leaving the baby in panties alone.

Tempering with fresh air is useful for all children, but it is especially important if the child is weak. At the same time, it is known that many parents mistakenly consider it necessary to protect a weak, often ill child from the “breath of air” in every possible way. Often, taking care of him comes down to dressing him as warmly as possible, wrapping him up. In such clothes, the child is hot, it makes it difficult for him to move, and as a result - another cold.

Fresh air is a wonderful means of hardening a child's body!


Hardening by the sun's rays is possible only after the "winter" preparation of the child's body with air baths and water procedures, since the sun acts much stronger than air and water. In the summer months in the middle zone of our country, the best time for children to stay under the sun is from 1 to 12 o'clock. You can start sunbathing no earlier than 1.5 hours after eating, and finish no later than 30 minutes before eating. This is justified by the fact that high temperature inhibits the secretion of digestive juices.

The hardening effect of the sun can be gradually increased by changing the child’s clothes: first, they put on a shirt with short sleeves, take off stockings, socks, then after 2-3 days the shirt is replaced with a T-shirt and only after another 2-3 days they leave it in shorts. The head of the child should always be protected from the sun with a panama hat or cap with a visor.

Most importantly - do not stop hardening!


Galina Grinko
Memo for parents "Rules for hardening children"

hardening- an important element of a healthy lifestyle of a person at any age. But it is of particular importance for children, whose body has not yet developed the ability to quickly adequately respond to sudden changes in environmental conditions. Children are faster than adults, overheat, supercool, more sensitive to humidity (especially high humidity of the outside air - dampness, ultraviolet rays. Children, hardening which started at an early age, get sick less often, easier to tolerate adaptation upon admission to kindergarten.

Given the fact that endurance and regulatory functions in the early stages of development are still limited, it is necessary from the first days of a baby’s life to actively, and most importantly, consciously expand and improve regulatory mechanisms regarding factors such as cold, heat, humidity, atmospheric pressure fluctuations. How many worries, worries and sleepless nights do frequent colds give us children, one of the reasons for which is the lack of proper hardening of the child's body.

tricks hardening

1. Extensive washing.

The child must:

Open the water faucet, wet right palm and hold it from the fingertips to the elbow of the left hand. To tell "once"; do the same with the left hand.

Wet both palms, put them on the back of the neck and hold them at the same time to the chin, say "once".

Wet both hands and wash your face.

rinse, "squeeze out" arms. Wipe dry.

2. Walking on wet paths.

For the procedure, one track is wetted, the second remains dry. Children stomp for a few seconds on a wet track. Then they jump on dry and carefully wipe their feet.

3. Pouring feet.

4. Immersion of feet in water.

The child enters the water from one side. He comes out with another and wipes his feet dry. As you get used to it, it can stand in the water for a while.

they put a basin, a chair, two buckets of water and a ladle, the floor is covered with a rug. The child sits on a chair, scoops up water with a ladle and pours it over one foot, then the other. Wipes dry with a towel.

5. Wet rubdown.

4 sets of mittens are required. They are sewn from old terry towels. The teacher puts a wet mitten on one hand, a dry one on the other and rubs the child. Then both mittens are thrown into a special container and handed over for washing.

6. Walking barefoot.

initially children teach some time to walk on a carpet or rug. Then the children go barefoot.

7. Sleep without T-shirts.

8. Contrast shower - the most effective method hardening at home. After a short charge, the child gets up in the shower, douses himself with water at 36-38 degrees for 30-40 seconds, then the water temperature drops by 2-3 degrees, and the duration of dousing is reduced to 20-25 seconds. The procedure is repeated 2 times. After 1 - 1.5 weeks, the water temperature difference increases to 4 - 5 degrees and within 2 - 3 months it is brought to 19 - 20 degrees).

9. Gargling with cool water with a decrease in temperature is a method of preventing nasopharyngeal disease. (Gargling begins at a water temperature of 36 - 37 degrees, decreases every 2 - 3 days by 1 degree and is brought to room temperature.)

At the same time, it should be remembered that the break in hardening for two to three weeks it reduces the body's resistance to cold factors and therefore is highly undesirable.

The best rest for the nervous system is a night's sleep, for children at least 10 hours.

Be sure to ventilate your room, open the window before going to bed. Sleeping in fresh air is good for health.

Before going to bed, do not eat much, watch on TV "horror" and sit in front of the TV.

MOU "Badarma secondary school", preschool

Hardening of children at preschool age

Related publications:

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It is advised to start hardening at the time of the year when the ambient temperature will be the most comfortable for the body. In this case, the body adapts better to new conditions, does not experience stress to external influences, and strong pressure will not be exerted on the immune system.
Begin to harden gradually, gradually moving from simple to complex. If you force things, you will achieve results opposite to your expectation. And in some cases, too abrupt onset can end in a serious illness. If you still start to harden, then in no case do not stop. Even a week break will set you back a long way and have to start from an earlier level, catching up.
During the hardening procedures, constantly check with your feelings. Pay attention to your mood before hardening, during and after. If you are in a good mood, feel cheerful and feel a surge of strength, then you have chosen the right load.
Air Quenching Tips
We advise you to wear lighter clothing during your stay in the premises. Find a borderline state when you are still comfortable, but undressing further is cold.
When possible, go barefoot. Not only in the apartment, but also on the land outside the city. When walking barefoot, you also massage your feet, and this is very useful.
If you are going outdoors, dress so that you do not get hot. As you study, you can reduce the amount of clothing, you yourself will feel it - the body for its own heating will need less and less wrapping. But never cross the line when you feel uncomfortable.
If you stay indoors for a very long time, then periodically open the window for 15-20 minutes, while you yourself are in this room.
We advise you to spend more free time on the street. Find something to do to get more and more outdoors.
One of the most important tips for hardening with air is breathing exercises.
Water Quenching Tips
Hardening with water should begin with dousing the legs with cold water, but not the whole body.
Further, when you do not experience discomfort when your skin comes into contact with water, you can proceed to daily rubbing with a cold wet towel.
To dousing the legs, gradually connect the dousing of the hands, buttocks, back, neck, and, at the very last moment, you can douse the whole thing.
During hardening with water, use the well-known contrast shower. No wonder it is known for its beneficial properties.
If possible, swim in natural waters and do it as often as possible (but not longer!). If possible, extend your bath time until colder ambient temperatures set in. In this way, you will learn to respond better to temperature changes.
Sun Hardening Tips
Before you start sunbathing, it is necessary to consult with your doctor if you have any contraindications to hardening by the sun, even temporary ones, after a recent illness.
As the previous tips on hardening say - spend more time in the open sun, be in the air.
The most favorable time for sunbathing is morning before 10 am and evening after 5 pm.
Do not be afraid of hardening procedures, it is enough to follow simple safety precautions. But it is important to remember the main thing - neglecting the basic rules of hardening will harm your body instead of benefit. Hardening events should be approached prepared. To begin with, it will not be superfluous to learn about your abilities and capabilities. As a test, start hardening not at full strength. But when you feel the strength in yourself for further activities and will systematically harden, you will discover an unforgettable feeling of a healthy body.