DIY pirate bandana. DIY pirate costume for a boy. Making a hat, a hook and a telescope. Pirate style party

Romance of endless oceans, gold-filled chests and dangerous adventures - all this attracts us from early childhood, so there is no better solution for a festive outfit than pirate costume, and it can be worn not only by boys, but also by girls. The image of a pirate girl became especially popular after the release of films about Jack Sparrow.

Regardless of age and reason for the masquerade, you can try on pirate costume, do it yourself made: for New Years or Halloween, at a very young age or for a school party. Today, such a theme is chosen even for a wedding celebration, so ideas for creating such an outfit or its individual elements with your own hands will definitely come in handy. When preparing for the holiday, be sure to prepare a thematic greeting, and you can see how to make postcards.

Pirate costume

We suggest that you first think about what elements are included in pirate costume for boy, because some things will have to be sewn on their own, some accessories can be bought in the store, but something can be taken from old things and remade.

Firstly, the main attribute is a pirate hat, it can be made from a piece of felt, cardboard, and if there is no time to create a complex headdress, then you can tie a dark bandana on your head. A patch on one eye with a skull, like the old master of the seas, who participated in bloody battles with the enemy, will add an entourage to your image.

As for the shirt, two options are possible here: a spacious white shirt or a striped vest, which today is very often combined with the image of a corsair, although this is wrong. But a white shirt will do just fine. The shirt can be decorated with lace frill and cuffs, but it must be sloppy, wrinkled or even torn. A black vest is put on top of the shirt, which can be decorated with braid.

In a man's outfit, pants should be present: black or striped, and in a woman's there may be a skirt, it is best to make it asymmetrical: in the front - short, in the back - long, the hem can be made torn.

Complement the costume with a contrasting belt, for example, red, or several thin belts. And be sure to complement the image with wide high boots.

You can hang a plastic dagger on your belt, and plug a pistol into your belt. You can also make your own spyglass from several cardboard tubes. And do not forget that the corsairs were very fond of showing off their gold booty, so their fingers were adorned with gold rings and rings, their ears were massive earrings.

Before you create with your own hands pirate costume, photo Be sure to look at the possible options for such an image on the Internet, even a ready-made idea can always be corrected at your discretion.

DIY pirate costume

For a preschooler, making a suitable shirt is very simple: just attach a regular shirt to the white matter, in which the child, for example, goes to the kindergarten, circle it so that the sleeves and armholes are widened. The sleeves and the main part of the product will be in one piece. You need to cut the neckline on the front and you can sew the two pieces together. Sew an elastic band and white lace on the cuffs, you can put another lace frill down the neckline.

By the same principle, you can sew a vest, which will be a very convenient and simple solution for mothers who do not know how to make patterns.

Attach a sleeveless T-shirt that fits your child's size on the material and circle it. You need to make a back piece and two front pieces. To make a vest, you need to deepen the armholes, and make a triangular cut on the front slats.

Sew all the parts on a typewriter and process the edges of the front planks. And it is not at all necessary to sew buttons to it, because the pirates were not famous for being particularly neat in their clothes, and the vest was always worn wide open.

By the same principle, you can perform the pants that are included in DIY pirate costume for a boy, for them it is better to use striped black and white fabric with vertical stripes. If you are limited in time, then the suit can be complemented with regular black trousers by adding a red wide belt.

Pirate costume for girl it cannot be called more difficult to perform, but here you need to pay special attention to the details, because the main thing for a girl is to look not only bright, but also beautiful. It is imperative to prepare the main components of the outfit: a hat and an eye patch, and then fantasize about a stylish pirate.

Remember, we made and performed a fluffy light skirt made of bright tulle, this time the colors should be darker: blue, black, you can add red, for example, make asymmetrical wedges red. The skirt is made on a wide elastic belt, and on top put on a leather belt, behind which you can plug a saber or revolver.

Since they must also be comfortable so that children can feel comfortable in them when participating in dynamic contests, it is better not to wear high boots, instead, take replaceable shoes - for example, ballet flats, and high striped knee-highs can be worn on your feet.

The Pirate Party is always popular among the variety of themed holidays and birthdays. But what if you are invited to a similar event with your whole family or, on the contrary, are throwing such a party at your home? But you have to match the image! In this case, you can create pirate costumes quickly and step by step with your own hands for the whole family and, perhaps, it will not even be too expensive. But how much pleasure will you thereby bring both your children and yourself with your soul mate. After all, the image of a pirate is not limited to the properties of a robber, it is a rebel, and a romantic, and a brave hero. Sometimes you want to be such a character even in the game, but the costume should be as real as possible.

We make pirate costumes with our own hands for a carnival for the whole family

The main details of the pirate costume:
  • A shirt with traces of its former beauty (cuffs and a frill collar), but torn and wrinkled;
  • Vest or camisole;
  • Comfortable oversized pants or skirt;
  • Sash belt or several leather belts;
  • Headwear - can consist of a real wide-brimmed cocked hat or a bandana (headscarf);
  • Shoes - as a rule, high leather boots, black shoes can be used for women and girls, and black gym shoes and sneakers for children.

So, let's take a look at all the details in order.

The shirt is usually taken in white or cream color. But the main requirement for it is that it should be spacious and comfortable.

And the shade can be chosen and dark - brown, black, dark blue. If nothing suitable was found in your wardrobe, then you can easily create a pirate shirt yourself at home. To do this, take any shirt of a suitable size, put it on a piece of fabric, pre-folded in half and cut around the contour so that the sleeves become wider and the part itself is longer. Remember to make seam allowances. Now you can cut the part along the contour. In a shirt, instead of a collar, a neck with a slit is made, of such a size that the head freely passes through it. Process the neckline as shown in the photo.

It remains to connect the side seams and sew fluffy cuffs on the sleeves. The bottom of the shirt can be hemmed, or, on the contrary, asymmetrical cuts can be made, so that it looks like the clothes are torn. If there is a desire for someone to create the perfect shirt, you can sew a lace frill to the front of the neckline.

  1. Then everything depends only on your desire and imagination. For boys, it is quite possible to decorate the vest with the Jolly Roger symbol (using a sticker or embroidery). For girls, wash it with different decorative patches so that it is at least a little cute. By the way, for adults, a camisole or, in the absence of such, a long coat, preferably of a dark color, will be a worthy element of a pirate costume.
  2. You can also try to pick up the vest from the wardrobe first. It can be purely symbolic - very short, even without fasteners and buttons, or vice versa, long, with many hooks and fasteners. It is desirable that it be monochromatic. A leather vest looks best. If someone is still left without a vest, then we will sew it using the old technology.
  3. By the way, when creating a pirate costume for children, the simplest option for a shirt is to take a regular T-shirt and sew a lace frill on it in front. It is only necessary to wear it either with a camisole or with a vest.
  4. For some family members, an ordinary vest or even a striped T-shirt may well be suitable.
  5. Take a comfortable T-shirt, fold it along the axis of symmetry and attach it to the fabric and cut out three sleeveless pieces. One for the back, two for the front. It is better to deepen the armholes of the sleeves, and make a V-neck on the front details. The vest details will need to be trimmed around the edges and sewn on the sides and shoulder seams.
  6. A trousers or a skirt is the most uncomplicated piece of clothing for a pirate.
  7. It is enough to take any old trousers, sew on picturesque patches to them, cut and fray their bottom - and now the pirate trousers are ready. For young pirates, any old, unnecessary skirt is taken, cut off asymmetrically at the bottom and tied with a wide sash.

Even ordinary leggings in combination with striped leggings can be suitable for girls.

By the way, a sash can be made from any scarf tied on a belt, better than red. And if this is not found, it is easily made from red fabric.

A pirate hat is almost the main attribute by which a pirate costume is recognized. For the head of the family and for the little pirate, they can be made of cardboard or felt, and the female half can be completely dispensed with with bandanas. In the photo below you can see how to tie a simple headscarf so that it turns into a real pirate headdress.

We make additional accessories for a pirate costume

The additions to the pirate's costume are sometimes almost more important than the outfit itself. It is they who complete the creation of the image and, as it were, announce to everyone around them that it is a pirate in front of them. As they say, there are never many of them, and from all of the following, you can choose either individual elements, or even use all of them at once, if possible.

  • The blindfold on one eye is an essential detail that can be easily made from either black-dyed cardboard or dark fabric with an elastic band attached to it.
  • Jolly Roger (an image of a skull with bones) - can be added to any piece of clothing, most often a headdress, shirt or vest.
  • Wallet with "gold" - you can hang a small bag made of velvet or satin on your belt, stuffed with tin or metal parts that jingle when you walk.
  • Weapons - pistols, sabers or daggers in a belt. You can buy toy weapons, or you can cut them out of cardboard and paint them in bright, gilded colors.
  • A pipe, a hook, and treasure maps are also most easily made from cardboard and paper.
  • Many rings on the fingers, an earring or earrings in the ear, a variety of baubles are suitable for decorating older pirates.
  • A parrot on the shoulder, a spyglass or a treasure chest are already quite complex and rarer accessories.

Related videos

For those who need more ideas for creating pirate costumes, we offer a video selection on this topic.

If there is the simplest and at the same time very effective and original New Year's carnival costume, then this is a pirate costume made for a girl with her own hands from improvised means and things that are sure to be found in the house. Who are pirates? People with an adventurous disposition, inclined to take risks and seek adventure. But they dressed in the same way as ordinary people in their time. The only nuance is negligence and a certain shabby of things, because the sea winds and the scorching sun did their job. And pirates, who spend most of their lives on the ship, probably had problems with caring for their outfits.

For us, needlewomen, this state of affairs only plays into the hands. Especially if you need to sew a pirate costume in a short time and at no special cost. There is little to do: choose the image you like or come up with it yourself. Fortunately, there will be no problems with this, because the images of the main characters of the famous saga "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Treasure Island" are very easy to remember. So, we offer several interesting and easy ways that will tell you how to make a children's pirate costume for a girl yourself. Let's get started?

We will need:

  • T-shirt or shirt;
  • sun skirt or wide trousers;
  • dye for fabric (if necessary);
  • lace.

This could complete the process of creating the image of a pirate, but it would be incomplete without characteristic accessories. First, the shoes. Modeling shoes are not our option, because the shoes of a real adventure seeker must be durable and reliable. Shoes for men or unisex boots are a great solution.

Don't forget about the pirate costume headdress. It can be a distinctive or colorful hair band. If the girl will not mind watching the carnival with one eye, you can put on a pirate blindfold on the other eye. Various metal chains, bracelets, massive rings and earrings - all these accessories will add piquancy and chic to the image of a young pirate!

When it comes to makeup, focus on your girl's age. Of course, as an exception, even the youngest beauty can be allowed to brighten up her eyes with a dark pencil and tint the eyelashes. For the image of a pirate, such makeup would be quite appropriate. The last preparations are completed, "the suit is sitting", it remains only to recharge in good mood and go to conquer the seas! And even if the seas are just a fantasy, fun adventures are guaranteed!

Today it has become very fashionable to organize children's parties in a specific theme. The fairy kingdom, Disney characters and even the elusive sea pirates can all be great ideas for a kids themed party.

So that the child can fully enjoy such an event, he should choose the right suit. This is where the parents grab their heads. For example, you invited your child to a pirate party, and how to dress a child for a pirate party ?!

There is no need to panic, it is not difficult to prepare original costumes for children. To begin with, we go to a carnival paraphernalia store or at least to a supermarket with a similar kind of department. Immediately ask the child who he wants to be, because not everyone in the pirate world looks the same. That is why the child wants to look and it is worth starting from the question of how to dress him at a pirate party.

Classics of the genre

For an ordinary pirate, you will definitely need:

  • Black or blue banadana. They usually feature crossed swords and a skull.
  • Vest or any other marine-themed clothing. To make the image look true, you can even slightly crumple, stain and even tear your clothes a little. Yes, this is how real pirates go.
  • Toy weapon. In this case, it will serve as an accessory. These can be pistols, sabers, or knives.
  • All kinds of chains, belts and rings. For a pirate, the more, the more honorable. Most importantly, do not forget that all this should not be too heavy.

It will take a little more for the captain of the pirate crew. In addition to all of the above, it should be:

  • cane,
  • big hat,
  • a patch on one eye,
  • a toy smoking pipe (a kind of paraphernalia of the pirate government).

It doesn't matter what gender your child is, among pirates both boys and girls wear the same clothes, children's role-playing games erase all distinctions.

Creative costumes

You can move away from the classic outfit and show some creativity. A pirate party for children does not involve only pirates. Characters from cartoons with pirate themes will also fit perfectly into it. Perhaps your child will want to wear a cheerful green dress of the Tinker Bell fairy from Peter Pan, which the pirates captured, or maybe by the eternal child Peter Pan himself.

Always dry to your child, if he is not comfortable in a suit, then the party will not bring him joy.

Originality in the details

Dressing a child for a pirate party is not difficult, it is more difficult to make sure that he does not become someone's copy. Little things and details will help with this, because they distinguish the images from each other. Everything is in your hands - apply a harmless temporary henna tattoo to your child, paint your face with pirate makeup, in a word, show your imagination. Then your child will be able to fully enjoy the pirate party.

A great look for any occasion. Moreover, it is very easy to sew it, even if you do not have a specialty as a seamstress - you just need to use a few simple tips. How make a pirate costumeindependently, and what is needed for this?

Pirate costume: where to start?

First of all, you should find a picture with the image of the pirate you like - focusing on the photoyou can embody the image to the smallest detail. It is worth using as many original elements as possible that will help transform the standardpirate carnival costume, do it yourselfmaking it stylish and non-standard.

To start with choosing a suitable hero - it is necessary to determine the gender of the hero, because even a beautiful lady may wish to play the role of a charming male hero for one evening. Moreover, as the male imagecan be surprisingly bright and original - just slightly transform the chosen style, complementing it with bright details.

Method 1: T-shirt suit

The answer to the question ofhow to make a pirate costume at home, quite simple - just find a T-shirt in the closet, which you would not mind donating. It should be of high quality, comfortable and free. If you use a thing a few more tears, then you can create a sloven pirate effect that best suits the role.

The T-shirt should be pretty worn, because its owner spent a long time at sea. Therefore, it is worth making the changes carefully:

    Sloppy cut on sleeves

    The bottom of the T-shirt is cut off completely

    The collar of the product is manually stretched in different directions.

It is best to use a ready-made thing, which is framed in striped colors. If the choice fell on a plain T-shirt, then you should use fabric paints. In extreme cases, you can use the usual ones - with their help, you can draw stripes along the entire length of the product. You should not strive to achieve maximum accuracy, because in order to, it is worth showing a slight negligence - homemade clothes perfectly match this image.

Having painted over the product on one side, you should wait until the paint is completely dry, then turn it over and draw the stripes again.

Method 2: create a shirt suit

A shirt of the right color is a great choice formake a pirate costume your ownhands. Moreover, there is probably a similar thing in every closet. Men's outfits are great for the fair sex, especially several sizes larger, because if they are tucked into trousers, the image will be very effective. Striped leggings are a great alternative to trousers.- spectacular and unusual.

It is important not to forget to transform the item in a pirate style. There are several main ways to do this:

You can even sewa haste pirate costume,the main thing is not to forget to decorate it in a pirate fashion - for this purpose, you can use various elements.

A great idea would be:

    Bright, beautiful and shiny buttons

    All kinds of chains from different materials

    Belts that allow you to collect the shirt with nice folds.

Method 3: create a vest and pants

Jeans or dark trousers are great choices for a pirate look. It should be a neutral option - other details are the main focus. Of course, you can opt for colorful clothes, but this is too obvious an accent that can ruin a carefully thought-out style.

An excellent alternative to trousers can be a comfortableskirt- it will turn out female pirate costume. With your own handsit is easy and simple to make, especially if you have a ready-made base. Or you can sew a long skirt, wide slits on which, will give it sophistication and sexuality.

Various decor variations can be used to decorate clothes. For this purpose, special paints are successfully used, allowing you to apply all kinds of stripes or other elements. Paired suits look great, allowing you to create a male and female image in the same style. Such a pirate gang looks cute and adorable.

The pirate cloak is a chic piece of costume. You can buy a finished product, order it to order, or make it yourself. This element allows you to connect together all parts of the image - the main thing is that the product is free and does not restrict movement at all.

Instead of a raincoat, you can wear a stylish vest- it's pretty easy to make it. It is worth leaving it unbuttoned so that this item of clothing does not hide other parts of the outfit.

If you are planning a party on the street, then you should wear a comfortable coat - it is best to give preference to leather things. A suitable option can be chosen even in a second-hand, because the older the product, and the more scuffs and defects on it, the more original the image will look. It is best to choose a dark color, but even bright details can be beaten in an original and unusual way.

Method 5: create a hat

A pirate without a hat loses all his chic - without this detail, the costume will seem incomplete. Therefore, toto sew a pirate costume for a boy with your own hands, it is important to take care of this accessory too. First you need to make the required measurements - for this it is enough to wrap a centimeter around the head. Then:

It is possible and completely simplebuy pirate hat - this will greatly simplify the process of creating a costume.

Method 5: accessories

The main element of the pirate image -red bandana... This is the best answer to the question ofhow to quickly make a pirate costume- it is enough to find a headband and striped clothing. To create it, it is enough to use a small strip of fabric, tying a flap around the neck or on the head. Or you can make a beautiful and effective scarf that will transform the chosen image. Namely:

    Cut square

    Fold it diagonally into a triangle

    Tie the ends around the neck.

The red bandana is by no means the only pirate's accessory. You should definitely look in the depths of the closet for a wide belt that is worn over the main outfit. If a suitable product was not found, then it can be made suitable from a fabric combined with a scarf or bandana, or even from colored cardboard.

Eye patch- regardless of the chosen costume, this element of the outfit is the main one. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made version, but you can make it on your own. For this you need:

    Cut an oval out of cardboard

    Paint it the color you want

    In the corners, punch 2 holes into which an elastic band is inserted, corresponding to the circumference of the head.

Choose shoes - worn out boots, shoes or even sneakers, or better real onespirate boots. They can be old, out of shape, or even full of holes. This is exactly what a real pirate's shoes are. If you cannot find a suitable product, you can always go to the flea market or the nearest second-hand - there certainly will be the best option.

Jewelry is an accessory that can be used by both men and women. Large necklaces, bracelets with skulls, earrings and other jewelry and traditionalpirate hook- all this will not be superfluous and will helpmake a pirate costume with your own hands for a boy or girls.

Method 6: finishing the costume

The abundance of jewelry and accessories will help transform even the most ordinary outfit.

    The most simple do-it-yourself pirate costumes for girls- a combination of a white shirt with rolled up sleeves, gathered in folds with a wide belt, with themed skirts or leggings.

    Glitter and bright details - this is how real pirates dress up.

    It is much easier to buy a parrot figurine, weapon or spyglass than to create all of these costume parts separately.

    Parrot figurine on shoulder - it is stylish, original and unusual. The small bird is easy to glue or sew to the shoulder.


To do DIY pirate costume, it is worth considering a few simple recommendations:

    Having decided to put on a blindfold on the eye, the owners of glasses should switch to contact lenses.

    Having "got" a parrot on your shoulder, you should definitely take a suitable food with you - crackers will help not only complement the main image, but also have a snack as soon as such a desire arises.