Why strong women choose weak men. Women or men - who is weaker

The current trend is that weak men are much more common than brave knights. Women have only two options - to help the dreamy prince turn into a macho or to become strong herself.

How to recognize a weak man

Any girl dreams of meeting a strong and determined life partner who will save her from problems and worries, and not create new difficulties. Knowing this trend, weak men have learned to disguise themselves, and therefore their true nature may not be revealed immediately. In order not to fall into the trap, you need to remember the following signs of male weakness:

  • Indecision. This shows up even in small things. For example, in a cafe, he can study the menu for a long time, not daring to stop at a particular dish or drink for a long time.
  • Inability to keep up a conversation. If in a dialogue with a man you have to constantly look for a way out of awkward pauses, you should be wary.
  • Lack of career ambitions. Weak men often work not where they pay well, but where they are calm and have a minimum level of responsibility.
  • Slow response. A man does not know how to quickly make a decision not only in stressful, but also in ordinary everyday situations.
  • Has bad habits. Most men with a weak character are addicted to cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.
  • Not in a hurry to legitimize the relationship. A marriage proposal from such a man can only be achieved after a series of persistent hints.

A few more distinguishing features

Armed with some knowledge, you can easily determine that a weak man is next to you. The signs are the following:

  • It is characterized by sacrifice. A man tries to please everyone (or cannot refuse to fulfill other people's requests). This is usually done for the sake of everyone's approval.
  • Dislikes change and conflict. And this also applies to positive changes in life. A weak person likes to be in the "comfort zone", even if it is characterized by not the most favorable conditions.
  • Suppresses your emotions and feelings. Weak people are afraid to show their state of mind. They prefer to experience all the joys and troubles within themselves.
  • They love women's company. In a male company, where everyone is successful and ambitious, it is difficult for such people. But with the ladies, they quickly establish friendly relations.


Are men weak? In practice, yes. However, not all of them are the same. We can distinguish the following types of weak men:

  • Sissy. It is a sacrifice of motherly love. Being under the influence of an authoritarian woman, he cannot take a single step on his own. In addition, it becomes a serious barrier to building your own family.
  • Relaxed. This is a person who is unable or unwilling to take responsibility. Weakness is just a mask that allows a person to stay in the comfort zone.
  • can be successful and active in work and hobbies. But when it comes to women, all courage and determination instantly disappear.
  • Sensitive. This is creative nature. A man is sensitive to all sorts of experiences. However, that doesn't mean he's a jerk. By building with a woman, a person can open up in a new way.

Why do men become weak?

Be that as it may, a man is born with all the characteristics inherent in him by nature, inherent in the stronger sex. To turn into a weak and spineless person, you need to go a long way, being under the influence of the following factors:

  • Upbringing. Usually weak men grow up in families where everything is run by a mother with a tough authoritative character.
  • Father problems. If dad was too scandalous and cruel, the boy, as a rule, does not want to be like him. As a result, with age, a man becomes more spineless.
  • Relationships with friends. From childhood, subjected to ridicule and mockery of peers, by a conscious age, a man acquires a lot of complexes.

Why are there so many weak?

Increasingly, women complain that men have become weak. But in fact, there is a historical explanation for this. Here are just some of the factors that psychologists focus on:

  • War. The First and Second World Wars claimed many lives. As a result, the concentration of the male population decreased to 20%. Naturally, many children were left without a hard father's upbringing. Despite the fact that a lot of time has passed, it left its mark on today's generation.
  • Transition to an industrial society. Previously, boys from childhood were involved in field work, where they adopted male experience from their grandfathers and fathers. Today this tradition is almost completely exhausted.
  • Education from women. Kindergarten teachers, school teachers, teachers in secondary and higher educational institutions... The vast majority of them are women. Naturally, boys (future men) adopt their behavior pattern.
  • Feminism. The active struggle of women for their rights has been very successful. But not only social activities were actively engaged in ladies. They taught children to be different from their fathers.

If a weak and a strong man compete in some issues, in 99% of cases the winner will be the second one. Therefore, representatives of the first category immediately need to change something in themselves. To become strong, you should listen to these recommendations:

  • Change your lifestyle. It is worth starting the transformation with changes in appearance, daily routine and even diet. Particular attention should be paid to physical activity, which will help develop endurance.
  • Learn to make your own decisions. This does not mean that you cannot consult with anyone. But do not try to shift responsibility for what is happening to someone.
  • Overpower yourself. Having defeated your own weaknesses, you will easily resist even the strongest opponents.

From a weakling to a loser one step

It extends to all spheres of his life. That is why such people often become real losers. This is manifested in the following characteristics:

  • Feels sorry for himself. Instead of fighting failure, a man actively looks for excuses.
  • Constantly points the woman "in her place." This is a kind of self-affirmation.
  • Inability to handle money. A man does not have the skills to plan his budget. Thus, he spends more than he earns, and constantly finds himself "in the red."
  • Thinks life is a game. If it is not possible to play in reality, a person is immersed in a virtual environment.
  • Can't let go of the past. In particular, a man carefully stores old and unnecessary things.
  • He exaggerates the severity of his own ailments. A minor cold or headache turns into a real tragedy for a man.

Weak man - aggressive man

A weak man can be identified not only on the basis of known characteristics, but also by comparison with other representatives of the stronger sex. Based on such observations, the same conclusion always suggests itself. A weak man always blames a woman. Moreover, it may not be any specific person, but a collective image. That is, all the fair sex.

Failure at work? Blame the women who poke their noses everywhere and get into personal relationships. Again, the fault lies with the women who have become corrupt and unfaithful. Even if a man stumbles or breaks a cup, the blame will be on the women. And if such a man has a wife, she runs the risk of becoming an object of aggression. Weaklings often assert themselves by suppressing their life partner. Often there are cases of assault.

Is there a chance for personal happiness?

If a weak man, what to do with this problem? Is there a chance for personal happiness? Yes, if you find the right woman who has the "mommy" type. Her parental instinct extends beyond the children. Such a woman feels an inner need to take care of everyone and everything. Naturally, courting and pitying her weak man will not be a torment for her, but a real pleasure and an opportunity to realize her life purpose. The result is harmonious and warm relationships within the family.

Infantilism and weakness are not the same

Men are much more likely to be infantile than women. No wonder they say that they remain small children for life (even in extreme old age). These types of people are characterized by the following features:

  • modesty and shyness, inability or unwillingness to engage in serious matters;
  • silence or inability to express one's thoughts (moreover, this manifests itself only in a public setting, and not among friends);
  • a tendency to tomfoolery (frivolous behavior can be seen both in informal and business settings);
  • inability to behave seriously in relations with the opposite sex (which often annoys girls).

Of course, infantes are weak. But this is not the rule. Often, men who behave like children can gather their will into a fist and make a strong-willed decision when circumstances so require.


Is there a future for a weak man? The first option is to connect your fate with a woman with a pronounced maternal instinct. This will be the key to personal happiness, but as for the business sphere, there can be no talk of any success. The family idyll will consist in complaining to your spouse and getting the necessary dose of sympathy from her. Of course, such a state of affairs will suit someone and become a kind of "comfort zone" and a guarantee of stability. But, unfortunately, weak men are rarely happy. In order to be successful with women and achieve peaks in work, you need to work on yourself, eradicating "feminine" qualities.

Everyone should be able to think consistently, judge conclusively, and refute wrong conclusions: a physicist and a poet, a tractor driver and a chemist. (c) E. Kolman

Medicine claims that the physique of a woman is designed so that the shoulders are narrower, the arms are shorter and the bones are smaller than those of a man. This means that there is less room for muscles on the female skeleton and shorter levers (the longer the lever, the less effort is expended to lift any object, even body weight). About 30% of a woman's body weight is muscle, while in men this figure is 40-45%. The latter is also affected by different percentages of hormones. Basically, estrogen is the female sex hormone. Since it affects the growth zones located at the ends of long bones. In particular, this is also responsible for the fact that women usually stop growing at the age of 14-15, while in men, growth processes continue until almost 20 years old. In addition, estrogen also stimulates the deposition of subcutaneous fat as fuel reserves, and male sex hormones; for example, testosterone, stimulate the growth of muscle tissue. Therefore, naturally, a woman has more subcutaneous fat than men, and less muscle tissue.

By the way, an interesting fact. In women and men, it is deposited in different zones. If in men, the main fat deposits are the abdominal region and the chest region, then in women it is the chest, buttocks, inner thighs and in the pelvic region. Nature is smart because the fat layers in these areas perfectly protect the organs of childbearing, and protect the fetus during pregnancy.

Every woman's body produces some testosterone, just like every man's body has estrogen. Its amount is genetically determined, therefore, in some women, the muscular system in its structure may be close to the male one. But most women are not able to achieve the same development of muscle mass that men have, no matter how vigorously they train.

However, some medical studies prove that women have the same, and sometimes even more, strength in the abdominal muscles, thighs, legs, than men of approximately the same physique.

It should also be noted that not always "extra" female adipose tissue is a burden. Of course, it gets in the way when you need to run faster or jump higher, but it also becomes a great advantage when running a marathon or doing any other sport that requires endurance. What's more, this extra fat layer keeps out the cold, makes you feel more energetic, and has better buoyancy.

You are weak, you have no core and willpower! Quickly pull yourself together, tune in to the goal and move towards it! Push everyone with your elbows and don't count on anyone, especially men!

Have you ever heard such words? On the one hand, they are correct - they motivate for some feats. But on the other hand, when this is constantly being told to you from all sides, you begin to feel a horse in yourself: how much longer can you be beaten up? Why do you have to tear your veins if you want to fall and sleep?

If a woman is considered the weaker sex, then maybe you should not push her to unbearable feats? Maybe it would be more correct to count on the support and help of a man? And in general - why is there such disdain for the stronger sex in our time? Are women themselves to blame?

The strength of a woman is in her weakness - how to understand this?

Do you remember the line from Nekrasov's poem "Frost Red Nose":

Stop a galloping horse
Will enter the burning hut!

ON THE. Nekrasov

This is how she should be: an ideally heroic Russian woman - brave, courageous, strong and hardworking to the point of falling! How much time has passed, but still some praise this example of female recklessness.

But the peasant women could be understood: the husband worked day and night for the master, the wife worked at the household, and the burnt hut and the loss of livestock - this is like death for the whole family! And no social security. What else could she do? Just swing your scythe and protect property.

But for the ladies of the upper class, the strength was precisely in her weakness. Fragile, delicate, clad in tight corsets, they easily clapped at the balls into a swoon - straight into a man's arms. Sometimes it was because of the too stuffy room from a thousand candles, and sometimes due to female cunning - to fall into exactly the arms that she needed.

And now remember how many male poets sang of this very female “strength” in her weakness: refinement, grace, defenselessness! It is this that delights them, and not a fist the size of a cobblestone and not tank assertiveness! This is where the whole “strength” of the weaker sex lies!

Physically developed men who know how to take responsibility for the family are excited by just such girls - defenseless and tender. They like to feel like a strong knight next to their princess. But those men who don’t particularly like to bother themselves with family problems are drawn to thunder-women: even under their thumb, but it’s practical - and the hut will be intact, and the horse will be stopped.

Why the stereotype of women as the weaker sex is not relevant today

The fact that modern women often pull all the veins out of themselves is far from the fault of men. With the advent of the "waves" of feminist movements, these man-haters have achieved a lot, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity:

    First wave was tolerable - these ladies wanted to vote on an equal footing with men, this is normal. And the property rights of married women have not been forgotten.

    Second wave"splashed" for the equality of women, although in the USSR after the revolution the line between the sexes ceased to be visible: the women became muzhik and worked on an equal footing.

    third wave already migrated to sex. Say, they press us, women in this bastards-men. I blow them, not sexual slavery.

Perhaps the naturally ugly feminist fools are unaware that there is real love in the world, that men can carry women in their arms, admire their refined manners, write poems about them and catch them in fainting spells. It seems to them that the stronger sex constantly infringes on them in some way, as in Arab countries. Doesn't it seem to them from envy of beauties?

But the women themselves, listening to the speeches of these fools, turn into musk oxen: sheep - in a crowd of indignant, and bulls - in work. Such signs of a weak woman as tenderness, meekness, femininity and defenselessness have ceased to be in trend, now it is fashionable to be a callous business woman or a bitchy beggar with pink brains.

And it's time to remember about femininity, until this quality has outlived itself. Otherwise, as a result, the world will turn upside down, although there are already prerequisites for this: how many effeminate men and masculine women have appeared at the present time! Horror!

It's time to save the world and start at least with yourself - read it if you yourself have already forgotten what it is.

Is it true that strong men love weak women?

Let's start with the fact that women are physically weaker than men. So mother nature herself created these two people. I took into account everything: the structure of the skeleton, muscles. She even made the voices different: for men, like a lion's roar, and for women, like a cat's purr.

Whether a woman is at least three times a well-deserved karateka, but one hook on the right of a heroic man will instantly tame her recklessness. So no, some women drink steroids and pump muscles, not realizing that by doing so they disfigure their body and appearance. Strength and power - that's what beauty is in their understanding.

But the psychology of a woman's weakness is not even in frail biceps, even though anorexics have a different opinion. It is not in the body at all, but in the head. As for the body itself, it should be as nature intended it to be: fit, appetizing and pleasant to the touch.

But as for psychology, any wise woman knows how to show her weakness in front of a man:

    "I need you like a knight." This stimulates the man to create a protective shell around you and a stone wall. As long as he is around, nothing will happen to you!

    "I need you as an intelligent adviser." Let yourself know how to get out of a difficult situation, but a man will be proud and flattered that he is needed, even for the sake of advice.

    "I need you as a provider." It is rare for a guy not to want to use his brains in search of a family livelihood, if this is not done under duress and without a pointer.

Men love weak women exactly when they are needed and look with hope in their eyes: “Darling, I trust you with my whole life and my life, and I really hope that you can handle it like a man.”

Let women not be given physical strength, but many of them are not devoid of reason and wisdom. Such women "make" their men, without rudeness, rudeness, poking and shouting. Simply stimulating them with her imaginary weakness and defenselessness, while not showing that she herself is capable of much. And a man likes the role of a knight, otherwise he will not feel like a peasant himself.

Why is weakness forgiven for a woman

When a man takes full responsibility for the family, he is a hero and a real man. But as soon as a woman does the same, everyone around gossips about this family: they say, the woman is poor, but a fool, and the head of the family is a lazy bumpkin who has nothing to respect.

For some reason, the stereotype about female weakness evokes negative emotions in many: they say, a sucker, she has not achieved anything in her life, she only hopes for a man. But just not! Such a woman was able to put her man on the right path, thanks to her wisdom and ostentatious "powerlessness".

At the same time, she does not forget about her development: she does what she loves, does a wonderful job with household chores, her husband is always clean, shaved and fed. She has time for this, which her caring husband gave her.

A woman needs to be strong only when the life and health of a person who needs her depends on her alone, and there is no one else to wait for help from:

  • a small child, until he has grown at least to independence;
  • a disabled person, if he is helpless, or has limited opportunities;
  • elderly parents if they need care.

There are no other special reasons. Although no, there is another one: when a woman herself wants to move mountains because of her irrepressible energy. Well, she likes physical labor, fatigue and pain in the spine before going to bed. Yes, and a lazy husband does not bother. Just don't brag about it and set yourself as an example to others!

But not a single burning hut and a galloping horse is worth undermining your health and winding your nerves. There is an opportunity to be weak - be it. Let your man feel like the head of the family, whom you admire and consider a real hero.

To answer this question, one should understand the concepts: who is a psychologically strong woman and who is a psychologically weak man?

A psychologically strong woman, in the modern concept, is a woman leader, confident, persistent, not afraid of difficulties, who loves to command and lead.

A psychologically weak man is a psychologically immature, driven, unwilling to defend his opinion, less experienced and less active man. A number of experts call such men still infantile.

Where do strong women and weak men come from?

Let's go back 70-80 years ago. The pre-war and post-war times taught women to take care of the stronger sex. A large number of men died in repressions and in the Great Patriotic War. After that, men became worth their weight in gold, and women took over most of the household chores, including men's. Some families were left without a breadwinner altogether. And women, gritting their teeth, took on any physically hard work, becoming stronger not so much physically as mentally. And if a boy was born in the family, the only man in the family, he was spoiled, patronized, tried not to overload him with work.

There is also a version that technological progress is to blame, thanks to which our life has improved a lot. Not everyone needs to chop wood, carry buckets of water, plow - in a word, earn their living only by physical labor. All men's household chores that have remained, in principle, can be done by a woman. So, with all the affairs of a woman (except for conception, but it can now be carried out on a commercial basis) they can cope without a man. And a number of such women call themselves strong.

For such women, their favorite phrase then appears: “I myself.” In the future, they become successful leaders of large and small teams, earn good money, raise children alone and do not complain about difficulties.

Strong women sometimes find it difficult to find men because:

  • men do not see such women because of the “male armor”, it is difficult for them to discern the feminine in them: “She walks around here, self-confident, speaks in an authoritative voice, only scares.”
  • our Russian society still adheres to the values ​​of patriarchy, where a woman is by default assigned the role of a homemaker, which should be given way to a man, to allocate more time for home and family. “Will such a woman manage to do everything? Or will we constantly measure strength and quarrel? I’d rather look for a submissive, homely one, ”the strong man thinks.
  • men are afraid of women who can do everything because they want to be needed by their companions.

This is all clear.

But why do strong women choose weak, psychologically immature men?


Even the strongest women constantly need to reinforce their self-esteem and also faith in their own strength. Therefore, they are looking for a partner with certain qualities - less intelligent, less experienced, less active, co-dependent, easy to obey, calm (or quickly calmed down), suppressed. Against the background of these qualities of a partner, the qualities of a strong personality are favorably emphasized.

Hard childhood

There are many families where the mother raises the children herself. Girls in such a family become responsible early - they solve everyday issues, cook, clean, constantly look at their mother, who is for mother and father. No file is created in their practical smart heads with the information that men can be useful, that they can be trusted. And therefore, growing up, they control everything and everything in their families: who did what, who ate what, make decisions themselves, suppress the initiative of both the husband and the rest of the household, plus they inspire them: “You can’t do without me. Only I know how to do it."

Father's abuse

If the father constantly mocks, intimidates his daughter, the girl develops distrust of all men. And even if she finds "that beloved and only", the poor fellow will always be "at gunpoint" - you never know what? And in order to keep everything under maximum control, such a “strong” woman will approve her relationship rules (for example, “twice a week I check your phone, personal correspondence - and only chirp”).

Psychological game "Karpman triangle"

A strong personality in communication with an infantile, psychologically immature man plays three roles in turn:

  • savior: “I will help you wash your hair / stop drinking. I will solve all problems for you”;
  • then she plays the role of a stalker: “You don't appreciate my help! You don't care about me!";
  • then plays the role of a victim: “I'm tired of helping you. Nobody loves me. Nobody needs me";
  • after the role of the victim, a strong woman goes through a period of psychological recovery and recovery from depression (for example, for my friend this period is accompanied by hard physical labor);
  • after that, she again takes up the rescue of the man, helping him, while he, lying on the sofa, “searches” himself, drinks in the evenings, meets dubious personalities. Thus, the Karpman triangle begins a new circle of constant rotation, dragging the whole family into a lifelong neurosis.

Desire to find the meaning of life

Some women really like infantile, weak men, because caring for them like children fills their life with meaning. Work, activity, endless guardianship help them see the value and significance in themselves. If such a man leaves the relationship, the woman plunges into a sense of the meaninglessness of life.

Escape from loneliness

“Reluctant to be alone,” one friend told me, almost in a panic looking for a mate. Choosing an impractical and weak man, a woman runs away from loneliness, hoping that he will always be there. An interesting fact: a strong and psychologically mature man will run away from such a woman or degrade to the infantilism she needs.

Is there anything positive?

Of course, many women find comfort for the soul in weak infantile men. And, interestingly, many such alliances are firmly afloat. Let's find out the advantages of these unions:

  • Realization of enhanced maternal instinct. If there are no children in the family or a woman has a very strong maternal instinct, she does not see anything shameful in the fact that her weak-willed and weak man behaves like a child who is being nursed by "mommy".
  • Compensation for personal psychological difficulties and problems. For example, “I have always been useless to anyone, but he needs me, he cannot do without me.”
  • Increasing the level of self-esteem. Above, we talked about reinforcing self-esteem in contrast. A woman, dominating a weak-willed man, calms down: “I’m all so cool, I dictate to him how to live, which means I’m worth something.”
  • Self-assertion. Against the background of a weak, infantile man, an active woman carrying a family on her shoulders always looks like a heroine.
  • Power. There are strong women with a normal childhood, adequate self-esteem; they do not need to assert themselves at the expense of someone, but simply like to lead and command, and it does not matter where. Therefore, it is logical that they choose a follower as a life partner.

It can be said with full confidence that since the time of matriarchy, women have become much wiser and have learned to “pretend” to be weak. Moreover, nature has generously endowed them with ingenuity and innocent appearance. Are women as weak as is commonly believed?

In fact, women are not as weak and fragile as they seem. Cases of the physical superiority of a woman over a man are probably familiar to everyone, and perhaps not even by hearsay. In what else is the human female not inferior (and sometimes even superior) to the male? And why? Let's figure it out.

What is the strength of the weaker sex?

The replicated aphorism of an unknown author “The weaker sex is strong due to the weakness of the strong towards it” has become simply “winged”. He is cited everywhere, without analyzing. Involuntarily, one gets the impression that this is “the truth in the Supreme Court”. However, is the devil as scary as he is painted, and are women as weak as is commonly believed?

Most men find beefy women unattractive.

A woman is definitely weaker than a man physically, and all because her body has 10% less testosterone, the hormone that is responsible for muscle formation.

We will not question the fact that a man is usually physically much stronger and more enduring (although "there are women in Russian villages ..."). But as for the psyche, then there is a special conversation.

Recently, scientists have found that women have more nerve fibers in some areas of the corpus callosum (part of the brain) than men. Should this mean that "females" are smarter? No. It's just that this physiological feature makes the female psyche more "flexible", stable under changing circumstances - that's the strength of the weaker sex. Not for nothing they say - a man is physically strong, and a woman? - Physiologically.

Paradoxically, the strength of a woman lies in her weakness.

Men and women, overcoming life's difficulties, behave differently. If the former resort to the help of intellect, physical strength, act aggressively and straightforwardly, then the latter use cunning and dexterity. It turns out that women are stronger than men.

How strong are women in stressful situations?

The strength of the fairer sex often manifests itself in extreme conditions. Despite the fact that women are more excitable, emotional (scream, cry), in fact it turns out that they are more resistant to stress. To survive it without significant damage to health, a woman is obliged, among other things, to the fact that, first of all, she is a mother. Thanks to the function of childbearing, "weak" ladies are "staffed" with a strong psyche.

In principle, a woman can remain silent ... But a woman DOES NOT have such a principle

At the same time, men are outwardly more cold-blooded, but behind this lies their vulnerability. How strong women can be judged by their extraordinary "survivability". It is noted that in extreme social situations, the mortality rate of men increases. And the fact that most of the miscarriages occur in male embryos is not worth talking about. That's why it turns out: men are born less often, they die earlier.

When men talk about "female logic", they really do not believe in its existence! A woman is an intuitive, impulsive, reflective, expressive, emotional being... For a rational, intelligent, strictly logical male consciousness, this is a great test of strength!