Congratulations on the world day of labor protection postcards. Congratulations on the world day of labor protection

[in prose]

I want to wish you, as a well-deserved worker of labor protection, to always find time for rest. Let your vacation take place in wonderful resorts, sunny islands and only the way you want it. Congratulations!

Please accept my congratulations on Labor Day! The health and life of people at work depends on you. May everything be fine, calm and safe in your life, at work and at home!

A person devotes almost his entire life to work. And everyone wants their workplace to be comfortable and safe. On Occupational Safety Day, we want to congratulate everyone who creates and strictly observes the rules that make work a favorite and peaceful place.

You protect our work invariably, so let me bring you the highest gratitude for your care and quick response to the current situations on this spring day. On your day of Labor Protection, we wish only good, prosperity, and that you be guided only by your professionalism.

Those who consider you boring are deeply mistaken: you simply strictly follow the rules that will ultimately save someone's life and save someone's health. Therefore, let them say what they want, and I will say this: Happy Labor Day to you!

The safety of employees and concern for comfort in the workplace is your prerogative. On your professional holiday, I wish that there are no violations, no incidents, no hardships on your list. Let work be a joy in every sense!

Happy Labor Day! Let this year the result of your colossal work will be smaller amounts of work. With such an inspector, leaders will not allow themselves arbitrariness. And it's all thanks to your work. Be healthy!

A labor protection specialist is an important and irreplaceable profession. Today, on the day of labor protection, I want to wish you professional growth, new knowledge and skills! Let your work provide safety for other people, and bring you only joy and gratitude from your employees!

Work well, but work well safely. Thank you for taking care of our safety, conducting the necessary briefings, asking us to be more careful. Happy holiday, dear labor protection engineers!

Thanks to the labor protection service, our company works without injuries 365 days a year! We wish you to live your whole life without accidents and be full of strength and energy! You are a real pro!

Today I want to thank you very much for the fact that we can always count on the observance of the employment contract thanks to your professionalism. I congratulate you on the Day of Labor Protection and wish you financial well-being!

When I see you, I understand - that's what a person means in his place. When it comes to professionalism, I always remember you. Good luck and best wishes on Labor Day!

Regulations are not a boring set of rules. These are the points by which people can work safely on a daily basis and maintain a correct working relationship. On Labor Safety Day, we wish you strict observance of order at enterprises and a healthy atmosphere in the workforce.

As an occupational safety inspector, you are exactly in the right place. Only you manage to see all the danger and impermissibility of situations, effectively and timely take action. Thank you! May all your dreams come true on your professional holiday!

As a child, it was like this: “to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.” And now I am sure that labor protection is very important: after all, thanks to your efforts, our country saves its labor resources. And you deserve this holiday! Happy Labor Day!

When there is strict control and all standards are observed, then minor working troubles and big misfortunes are excluded. On Labor Day, I wish you to remain a professional. And let Love, Health and Luck also comply with their standards, always being present at the workplace - that is, in your life!

Occupational safety is a huge thing, you perform it at a high professional level. So let dishonesty be eradicated so that the results of your checks are always only positive. Happy professional holiday!

Caring for the team and labor protection is an important component of any production! On the day of labor protection, I want to thank you for the quality of the work you do, for your concern for the team. I want to wish you prospects and career growth. May trouble not meet on your way, may work bring happiness and satisfaction!

We are often more concerned with the results of our work, we turn a blind eye to safety.
Labor protection specialists - you are our Guardian Angels! Happy holiday! We promise to always be vigilant and attentive!

A holiday that draws the attention of the world community to how creating and promoting a culture of safety at work can help reduce annual deaths in the workplace. Day of labor protection in Russia celebrated annually on April 28.

Pages: [in verse] [in prose]

Funny congratulations on the day of labor protection

On your holiday, Happy Labor Day
Today I am all of you, gentlemen,
I hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
And the most important thing to wish you -
For the best career
So that labor never torments you,
So that you can succeed in everything in life,
Whatever you want - more likely to come true!
So that happiness knocks at your door!

At the end of April
Your suffering subsides...
Bird trills are heard:
"Happy Labor Day!"
And everything is calm in the country,
However, as always:
Worked worthy
You are in labor protection!
Let's sum up,
Ladies and Gentlemen!
You are more reliable than the gods:
You are labor protection!
Just by seeing you
Trouble is gone!
Leader in every industry
You, labor protection;
That's why they are safe
Lives of our years!
This holiday is beautiful
On labor protection day,
We do not relax you -
Who will save us then? -
But congratulations to all of you.
Happy Labor Day!

On the day of labor protection, we sincerely wish
To always work safely.
So that your work is protected, careless,
So that the glory of you lives forever.
Good health, success in everything,
Love, respect in the team and at home.
To become richer every day,
So that life is always easy and weightless.

With reliable labor protection
Our life will always be stable.
You provide excellent protection to us,
Today I will pay tribute to you.

I wish well-being on Labor Protection Day,
Let life consist of happy occasions,
So that you always live in abundance, joy,
To not know fatigue.

Happy Labor Day, congratulations,
Let steel discipline grow stronger,
I wish you reliable security everywhere,
Safety is every worker's paradise!
Let work bring only joy
Inspires, attracts and calls you forward,
Health and strength will be preserved forever -
God saves man, who save himself!

Occupational safety - there is no more important task!
After all, we have little luck in production,
Everyone needs instructions
Spot mistakes and fix them quickly.
"Thank you" so little for work, for diligence,
For your attention and mercy!
Let's take care of freelance security today!
We will give you a bunch of interesting gifts!

Safety, health of people is your motto!
For you, this call is not just words,
They have a huge and important meaning:
People's lives are given under your protection!
We wish the instructions were simpler,
Everyone showed double interest in them,
Your words on the fly to be caught,
And the culture of work so that the people observe!

Happy Labor Day!
This holiday is mine and yours!
Because it's very cool
We work safely!
Production is home!
Here we work with passion!
We do not need these injuries!
We are responsible for our lives!
Okay, we'll live!
From labor protection in the afternoon!

Pages: [in verse]

Congratulations on the day of labor protection


Congratulations on Labor Day! The times of slavery have long passed, and therefore today every worker must work voluntarily, with decent pay, and most importantly, be safe! And simply, the honor of a good employer requires caring for employees! I wish you to follow the safety rules to the last line and always smile!

Working relationships are as old as the world and the main thing in them ... Salary? Range of duties? No, first of all - labor protection, because without this, every business will one day come to its collapse! Today, on Labor Safety Day, I wish you to strictly follow all the instructions, make sure that others follow them and just live happily ever after!

In order for the work to be fruitful and useful for both parties, a number of conditions must be met, and labor protection issues stand apart in it! Today, on Occupational Safety and Health Day, I wish you always to work in decent conditions, and if you happen to become a boss yourself, also do not shy away from labor protection instructions!

Labor protection is not tedious instructions drawn up by someone out of harm, but important, and sometimes vital standards, so that the work does not end in trouble ... On Labor Safety Day - accept my congratulations and wishes not to step aside from these complex and important instructions!

Congratulations on Labor Day! Workers have not only duties, but also rights, and the first of these is the right to safe work. On this important day, which reminds us more of the rules of safe work than a crazy holiday, I wish you to work with pleasure and never be in danger either at work or in everyday life!

The whole life of a person passes in the works, so let them bring you not only prosperity, but also spiritual pleasure from honest achievements, and they will also take place in exceptionally safe and compliant conditions! Happy Labor Day!

Throughout the world, work drives the history of mankind, but only in our time, special attention is paid to the issues of its safety. Congratulations on Labor Day! Let there be no violations and incidents in this area, but only better conditions and more security guarantees!

Occupational safety is not just a concern for people, for them to return to their families alive and healthy, but also an indispensable part of success, because only in decent conditions can an employee achieve high results, which means bring a certain profit ... Congratulations on the Day labor protection! May all aspects of it be respected from A to Z!

A good job, subject to all the rules regarding safety, is not a burden, but a joy, and what can we hide - for the benefit of the employer! Please accept my congratulations on Labor Day! Let there be strict control over this at each facility and there will be no violations, to the benefit of all parties to the working relationship!

On the Day of Labor Protection - accept our congratulations! In work, as you know, safety is more important than money, and therefore, today I wish you, first of all, to work easily, in conditions that meet all standards! And, of course, be happy!


Congratulations on the World Day of Labor Protection in verse

We wish this spring day
Great luck, happiness of passions,
Don't lose respect
And there will be many bright days!

"Congratulations on labor protection day"

Every work is necessary
Important and honorable.
We all stand on this.
At any job

Security is an element
Not empty discussions.
You don't need an incident:
Need to be aware

your security
Everyone became an employee.
You are a soul for people
(Not for pieces of iron!).

You are labor protection
Just live.
Congratulations on this day!
Happiness at work!

"Congratulations on the World Day of Labor Protection"

Happy Labor Day to all those
Who deprived us of dangers and obstacles,
Provided comfort to us, convenience, mode -
It is pleasant for us to work, we are not in a hurry to go home.

We wish you health and happiness in full,
The country sees your concern and appreciates!
We wish you high salaries on the holiday,
So that everyone is very happy with their work!

"Poems Happy Labor Day"

Happy Labor Defenders Day!
Happy holiday, friends!
All defenders of the people
I congratulate!

I sincerely wish you
The guards of order
For your life to flow
No problem, smooth!

To happiness in every home
And love was found
So that you all relatives
And my friends were proud!

"Happy Labor Day"

On the holiday of world labor protection
We heartily congratulate those
Who own strength and days and years
Spends on our safe success!

For vigilant and sensitive control
Let's express our gratitude now -
He brings troubles to zero,
Protects us carefully!

Let only success accompany
Life is filled with kindness and love,
Happiness, luck, health and laughter,
You will meet again every day!

"Short congratulations on labor protection day"

May he always be happy
Who labor calls his life!
Who, sparing no time and effort,
Transforms this complex world
To whom perseverance, work and inspiration
The eternal companion and the only idol!