A holiday of soap bubbles and balloons in kindergarten in the younger group. Scenario. balloon day


The hall or group room is decorated with balloons. 2 clowns come to visit the children in the hall.


Hello guys! We heard that you have a Balloon Festival. Can we celebrate with you too?


Let's get to know the balloon.

The balloon is a toy loved by people of all ages. It is used for decorating events and has a wonderful ability to create a great and pleasant atmosphere in any room.. Guys, do you know poems about balloons?

Children come out

1 child:

ball, ball

my air,

Fidget, naughty

The ball is round

The ball is smooth

The ball is light

The ball is soft!

2 child:

right ball,

Left ball

My glowing flashlight

Let me hug you

And I will press it to my cheek!

3 child:

I press the ball

It flies out of hand

Up but I caught it

I tied a string to my finger.

Instructor: Well done guys! Now let's play. But first you need to split into two teams. The game is called "Kangaroo"

Do you know who it is?

Children's answers

Instructor: That's right, the kangaroo carries its cub in the bag. Now imagine that you are a “kangaroo” only instead of a cub, you will hold the ball between your knees and jump to the chip, and run back, with the ball in your hands and pass it to the next one.

Instructor: Well done guys, the next game is "Collect the balls"

I have two boxes, one is red and the other is green.

At my signal, you begin to collect them.

The first team is red, the second team is green.

Instructor: And now we'll see which team will have the ball fly the farthest? "Whose ball is next"

Instructor: Great job! Next game "Bring it Don't Drop It"

At my command, you hit the ball with your hand to the landmark, then return to your team, passing the ball to the next one.

Between you in rows

Who will catch him now

Calls us a name.

Even if naughty

We like him very much.

Who is holding it now?

Calls us a name.

Wants to introduce everyone

Succeeds here and there

Who will suddenly stop him

Calls us a name.

(collect balls)


"Rocket Ball"

1 host: In your hands you will have

Sports ball.

He has speed


Who needs to be fooled

And then let go.

And that team can win

It will fly off the hands.

(inflates a balloon to the music, after stopping they release it from their hands)


"Fast Ball"

And this ball is fast, fast,

A bright spark will flash over you.

He rushes off to the distant ranks

Then he will come back to us.

That wins

Whose ball will return to us faster.


"Explosive ball".

Now you have to try

So that the ball could explode under you.

But only on the command "PLI"

You blow up the ball under you

Only he will win

Who will bring the fragments to us.

Will play with you

Ball called "OH"


"Lucky Ball"

And now in prison

Like jam for dessert

Like a fairy mosquito

"Lucky Ball" will fly to you

Each ball is a surprise

But only in one lies the PRIZE.

You quickly catch them

Take our prize with you.

Here comes the end of the game

It's time for us to leave the stage

It only remains for you to say

What amuse you today

Came Christina, Piglet

Olya, Nadia with Winnie the Pooh

Come visit us

All of you no pen, no fluff!

Methodological development (middle group) on the topic: summer holiday of balloons and soap bubbles (middle group)

Bubble Festival

Entertainment with elements of physical education, middle preschool age....

This entertainment is held during the summer-health period. Very popular with children, brings joy, ma...

Leisure scenario "Holiday of soap bubbles"

Familiarization of children of the middle group with the properties of thin films on the example of soap bubbles ...

Balloon show.

Scenario of an ecological holiday for middle-aged children. To the competition "Each mote in a basket" ....

balloon day

Summer has arrived, and with it comes the time for fun and entertainment. On May 4, the Day of Resurrection was held in our kindergarten ...

In the land of bubbles

Entertainment scenario for children of the second junior and middle groups....

Scenario of the game program "Show of balloons"

The game program is designed for children 4-5 years old. The goal is to create a festive mood in children; unfold...

Bubble Festival

The entertainment was prepared to introduce children to new riddles, the technique of making and inflating soap bubbles...

Balloon Festival

Holidays in Kindergarten...

Entertainment "Holiday of soap bubbles"


Balloon holiday or birthday day

(The size of Piglet.)

What color were Piglet's balloons? (Green and blue)

What is the name of the cartoon in which there was a dog named Sharik?

. ("A ball from Prostokvashino")


From the letters of the words "Balloon" to make new words, and the letters can be repeated.

We played a little

Keep your feet straight.

And now, my friend,

Work your head!

Letters words balloon

Choose, move

And other words right there

Compile quickly!

5. COMPETITION "Artists"

Draw as many balloons as possible on a sheet of drawing paper in one minute. The team that draws the most gets a point.

6. COMPETITION "Guess the riddle"

small balls

Hanging on the tree:

Red, green -

They look tempting.

love these balls

Adults and children,

pourable balls -

The best in the world! (apples)

On a green fragile leg,

The ball has grown by the track. (dandelion)

It's big like a soccer ball

If ripe - everyone is happy.

It tastes so good!

What is this ball? (watermelon)

Good-natured, thick-skinned,

Similar to a balloon

Almost always lives in water

Thick-skinned ... (hippo)

Round, smooth, like a watermelon...

Color - any, for different tastes.

When you let go of the leash,

Fly away for the clouds. (balloon)

What is it: hard is inserted into soft,

And the balls are hanging around? (ear and earrings)


Volleyball with balls

Each team has an equal number of balloons. On a signal, you need to throw all your own and other people's balls to the opponent's side. The team with the fewest balls on their territory wins.

Ball faster you grab

And throw to your opponents.

Balloon battle

A balloon is tied to the ankle of the right leg. After the starting signal, all the children try to pierce the balls of other players and save their own. The participant whose balloon burst has lost.

The thread of the ball should be no longer than 30 cm.

Step on someone else's ball

Protect yours!

All participants are on the same line, their task is to inflate the balloons and release them on command. The one whose ball flies the farthest wins.

Get to the ball. A 3-meter ribbon is tied with the ends to the middle of the pencils, a balloon with a lottery ticket inside is tied exactly in the middle of the ribbon. on command, the players of each team take their pencil and begin to wind the tape around it, the one who first winds up to the middle receives a ticket.

Who is fatter. Collect as many balls as possible in a bag.

Here is a bag with a baby in it

Well, what are you standing for?

Grab the ball faster

Yes, throw it in your bag.


The game is played with a balloon. The guys stand in a circle. They talk about the ball and pass it. Whoever ends the poem is out. The team whose child remains in the game wins.

You roll, funny ball

Quick, quick hand.

You, buddy, don't yawn

Give the ball back quickly!

Who has the ball left?

He will return to his place.


And I ask you to return to your seats in an unusual way - stand in a column one after another, hold the balloons together and with such a funny centipede make a circle of honor in the class.

Balloon launch - the culmination of the holiday - ideas and scenarios

  1. Find out the weather forecast for the date of your event - strong winds or rain are unlikely to allow you to arrange a balloon launch.
  2. Choose the right place - it should be as open as possible if possible: for example, trees standing too close can prevent you from enjoying this beautiful sight. And balloons will cling to branches and burst.
  3. Balls can be launched as a variety of colors! Balloons of the same color or several (2-3) colors look very stylish and spectacular.
  4. Do not forget to charge your camera or camcorder so that you can always "revive" pleasant memories!

balloon festival


Each person has a reason in life at least once a year to gather together friends and relatives, those whom he is always glad to see, for his personal holiday - Birthday. Today is (NAME's) birthday. Today she (he) turns (-?-) years old. Passed infancy and early childhood. Ahead of childhood, but already "adult", ahead of the whole life, and I want to say:

I wish you in (-?-) years

Live cheerfully, brightly, without troubles.

Useful gifts, surprises,

Less resentment and whims!

Let everything be fine at school:

Nice, clear and cool!

I wish you a good laugh

More luck and success!

All guests congratulate the heroes of the occasion and sit down at the table.

After eating salads and a hot dish, the host again takes the floor.

Leading mother.

And now we begin our holiday program. I invite you to actively participate in it. Because for every correct answer, my assistant gives you a lottery ticket. At the end of our evening there will be a lottery. The lottery is win-win and everyone can get something in exchange for the earned ticket.

Children are divided into 2 teams, one of the adults (1-3 people) is the jury, which records the points won and issues lottery tickets to those who have distinguished themselves.

So let's start!!!

And we will start with the fact that the teams will come up with names. Children, after conferring, announce the names of the teams.

Riddles contest

In advance, pictures of balloons were glued on the cabinet with adhesive tape, the players of both teams take turns peeling off the balloons, reading riddles on the back and guessing, the team that guesses more riddles gets a lottery ticket.

2 sheets of whatman paper are fixed to the vacated space

We draw balls

The task of the players in one minute is to draw as many balloons as possible, as it will be depicted, the balloon is discussed in advance (for example, you can draw one balloon on a sheet). The team that draws the most gets a lottery ticket.

We dress up "Mashenka"

The teams are given a balloon, a handkerchief and a felt-tip pen, they need to make "Mashenka" out of a balloon. Those. tie a handkerchief on the ball and draw a face, the team that did it the fastest gets a ticket.

Presenter Now it's time to stretch a little and run with the ball. Let's have fun races.

Relays with a ball

The start line is marked, which cannot be crossed, and the finish line, which you must run to, return and give the ball to the next player.

1. Carry the ball on your head. If he falls, you need to pick him up and go (run) further.

2. Walk or run and drive the ball through the air without the help of hands, you can blow on it or drive the ball with a fan.

3. Carry the ball in a spoon. If it falls, put it back on the spoon and run.

4. Hold the ball with your knees and jump with it.

Guess the song

A song about a piece of land surrounded by water, whose inhabitants are happy from the constant eating of tropical fruits (“Chunga-changa”);

A song about a sky-colored vehicle (“Blue Carriage”);

A song about how a shaggy creature performs a musical composition and at the same time takes sunbaths ("I'm lying in the sun");

A song about a plant that grew up in the wild and was cut down by a peasant ("A Christmas tree was born in the forest");

A song about how fun it is to march with the team (“It's fun to walk together”);

A song about a small insect resembling a certain vegetable in color (“A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”);

A song about how bad weather can't ruin a holiday ("We'll survive this trouble").

Relay "Centipede"

The children of each team stand one after another, the ball is clamped between the back of the previous and the stomach of the next child. Hands down. And now - let's go! You need to walk 5-7 meters to the chair in this way, take the “strawberry” (the first player takes the small red ball), go around the chair and return to the beginning of the distance. The caterpillar that does not crumble along the way has won!

Mosquitoes on a balloon

Each team is given a ball and a high-quality marker (felt-tip pen). You need to paint the ball with insects in the allotted time.


Another variant of a similar competition with balloons, but the ball must be clamped between the ankles from below, 10 cm from the floor. There is no need to jump, we go in small steps towards the goal (we shorten the distance to 3 meters), trying not to lose the ball.

hot ball

The ball is inflated. Everyone stands in a circle and throws the ball among themselves to the music. The music stops - the game stops. The prize is given to the one who threw the ball last, and not the one who has the ball in his hands. Therefore, everyone tries to get rid of the ball as quickly as possible, and the game is very lively, fun.

Leading: And now you can dance, but not just like that, but with tasks

Mission Dance

Children dance randomly to their favorite music. The leader stops the music from time to time and gives tasks that the dancers must immediately complete. For example, the facilitator may ask everyone to stand around the birthday person and shout: "From birth (NAME)", follow the birthday person in a chain or snake, clap their hands and greet each other at the same time, etc.

Leading: Guys, you are great: dexterous, resourceful, smart. Have you forgotten who the holiday is dedicated to today? Of course, the birthday man (tse). Let's congratulate him/her.

And we will play our lottery, which you are all looking forward to. Yes?

There is a lottery draw.

Next, a birthday cake with candles is brought in. The birthday boy makes a wish and blows out the candles.

The birthday boy thanks all the guests and asks to leave their self-portraits as a keepsake, and everyone should draw himself blindfolded, and then sign with his name. It turns out very interesting and funny.

All toasts are given a piece of paper and a pencil.

A beautiful end to any holiday. Go outside or onto the balcony with helium balloons. In advance, ask the children to write wishes and tie to a ribbon. We launch desires into the sky!!!


wedding from natasha kedes

Holidays Studio Natasha Kedes organizes and holds more than 10 years. Natasha Kedes is a professional host. Services provided by the studio of Natasha Kedes: wedding coordinator, toastmaster, live music, DJ, holiday script, photo-video, floristry, decor, show ballet, original genre artists, fireworks, balloons.

Entertainment for middle and senior groups:

"Balloon Festival"

Purpose: To develop in children an interest in gaming activities, to cultivate a sense of kindness, responsibility, empathy.

Children come to the hall with balloons.

The course of the holiday

Child 1: With balloons

we go to kindergarten

And we congratulate everyone

Happy summer day

Child 2: We dance merrily and sing along

Balloons fly over us

And make the kids happy.

(balloon dance)

Vedas: Guys, what beautiful balls you have! How cool you danced with them. Let's have a balloon party today.

(Carlson climbs in the window, he has a flower made of balloons in his hands)

Carlson: Wait, I've been forgotten!

Vedas: Carlson, how you scared us!

Carlson: I also want to celebrate with you. Here I have balls. Take me to you.

Vedas: Well, guys, let's take him to the holiday?

Children: Yes!

Vedas: Only you are not a bully here.

Carlson (waving his arms) - I won’t, I won’t! You don't doubt me. I'm funny. And I can sing songs, can you guys? Let's sing about my friends Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka and listen to poetry

(Song of friendship)

A strong friendship won't break
Will not fall apart from rain and blizzards.

A friend in trouble will not leave, he will not ask too much,
This is what it means to be a true friend.

We fight and make up
"Do not spill water" - everyone around is joking.

This is what it means to be a true friend.
At noon or midnight a friend will come to the rescue,
This is what it means to be a true friend.

A friend can always help me out
If something suddenly happens.

This is what it means to be a true friend.
Need to be someone in difficult times -
This is what it means to be a true friend.

Child 3: They bought me a blue balloon.

He was light and airy.

Oh how handsome he was

But terribly naughty.

He was always rushing into the sky,

I didn't want to be submissive.

And, as soon as I gape,

The ball took - and flew away.

I wave my hand to him

A little sorry for him though.

Child 4: Balloons fly high - up to the stars, Like rain from a rainbow or drops of dreams. I can paint the sky, clouds And no colors at all - with a ball in my hands. I just release the balls from my hands, And they take off, painting everything around.

Child 5: We inflated balloons
For a fun game.
I got the blue ball.
I puff like a samovar.
I blow the ball on my stomach
He blows back into his mouth,
I inflate his side
He blows my cheeks balls.
The ball is seriously at war with me,
Who will fool whom now.

Child 6: Holidays on the streets

In the hands of a child

Burning, shimmering


Vedas: Carlson today we have a "holiday of balloons", so today we will play with balloons, do you know such games?

Carlson: Of course I know! I know a lot of games. Here I have a lot of balloons, but not real ones (shows paper balloons). They are of different colors - Yellow, green, red.

And here (flanegraph) strings for these balls. The balls came off the strings. You need to re-bind them.

The game "Pick the ball of the right color to the thread"

(You can draw!!!)

Now let's play with real balls. We will pass the balls in a circle and when they meet, those guys who have the ball will dance for us.

Game "Pass the ball".

(Carlson sits on the floor and eats jam from a jar)

Vedas: Carlson what happened? Why are you suddenly eating jam?

Carlson: I played! Wasted energy!

Vedas: So what?

Carlson: I can lose weight!

Vedas: Well, if you eat every five minutes, you'll get gluttony and won't be able to play at all.

Carlson: I'm already tired anyway. I need to rest and refresh!

Vedas: You can rest without jam. Sit down and rest.

Carlson: Boring.

Vedas: And you dance.

Carlson: and then I won't rest.

Vedas: And you dance sitting.

Carlson: How is it?

Vedas: Just repeat after me.

Dance sitting on chairs

Carlson: How I rested and now I want to play with balls again. Look, look what I have (shows a large T-shirt). Now we are going to play a game "Fat Men"

(who will put more balloons under the T-shirt of 3-4 children)

Carlson: Oh guys, how much fun we have, but let me guess riddles for you. Do you guys like puzzles?

COMPETITION "Guess the riddle"

1. Small balls

Hanging on the tree:

Red, green -

They look tempting.

love these balls

Adults and children,

pourable balls -

The best in the world! (apples)

2. On a green fragile leg,

The ball has grown by the track. (dandelion)

3. He is big, like a soccer ball,

If ripe - everyone is happy.

It tastes so good!

What is this ball? (watermelon)

4. Good-natured, thick-skinned,

Similar to a balloon

Almost always lives in water

Thick-skinned … (hippo)

5. Round, smooth, like a watermelon ...

Color - any, for different tastes.

When you let go of the leash,

Fly away for the clouds. (balloon)

Well done boys!

Vedas: Tell Carlson, what kind of flower did you bring?

Carlson: And this? This is my magic balloon wish flower. Each ball makes a wish and you need to fulfill it. Do you want to play with my flower?

Carlson pulls out the petals on which the task is written

1 dance a fun dance

Dance "Merry Ducks"

2. Jump on the ball - relay race

Carlson: Well, the guys had a good time.

Do you want to have such a flower of desires?

Children: Yes!

(master class - children make a flower from balloons).

Vedas: Thank you dear Carlson for coming to our holiday and making us laugh.

Carlson: Yayaya is always glad to meet you and I promise to come to you again, but only next time, and now I have to say goodbye. Goodbye, guys.

Children say goodbye to Carlson and go to groups.

At the festival, children are invited to play with the characters. solve riddles. conduct interesting relay races. Create fun. festive mood. Develop coordination of movements, dexterity, a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.




Target: creation of a favorable, friendly and benevolent atmosphere in the process of communication between children and adults; to give children joy and good mood.

Tasks: m; arouse the desire of children to develop their imagination and fantasy; to develop motor activity of children; cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, friendship.

Preliminary work:preparation of dances, games, costumes, musical accompaniment, necessary attributes for the holiday,

Decor: balloons for each child, whatman paper, felt-tip pens to draw.

Hardware:laptop, recordings: song about summer, melody "Balloons", Barbariki "Friends", Barbariki "Kindness", game - dance "Four steps ahead ...", recording of the song "Balloons",

Methods: practical, playful, visual, verbal.

The course of the holiday

(A song about summer sounds. Children sit on benches.

Games appear - Veselinki.)

Person 1: Hello kids!

2 - I: Girls and boys!

3rd: We are fun games! We are Igrynki - Veselinki!

4 - I: We are different in color!

Together: And so cool!

1st: We learned that you have a holiday of balloons and soap bubbles here today.

2nd: And we came, guys, to you to spend this holiday together.

3rd: Today everyone is in a good mood, because it's summer outside, the sun is shining brightly. And in the summer it is so nice to play and have fun. Let's play with you!

I suggest the game "Tell me who? ". I will say, some action, if you do that, say, “It's me, it's me. These are all my friends. “And if you can’t do that, you should remain silent. Be careful, don't make a mistake.

Who came to our kindergarten

And happy to meet friends?

Who woke up early in the morning

And washed himself under the tap?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

Who discovered paints today

Books, new coloring pages?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

who played with toys

And he didn't put it away?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Who broke the chair today

Pushed a girl into a puddle?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Who wants to grow up

Go to school sooner?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

4th: Someone once came up with balls,

Like entertainment for kids.

Someone once cheated for the first time,

Someone once breathed their soul into them.

No, without balloons there will be no carnival

And the festive hall will not be decorated.

Balls have been beckoning us all for a long time,

Each of them has flight and space.

These balls call us all in childhood ....

And so that your balls do not fly away, let's find everyone their own house.

Balloon game.

Guys, look at the color of your balls.

Well, at the end of the music, your task is to run up to your Igrinka - Veselinka. Older children will help the little ones find their home.

(Children move to the music (the melody “Balloons”, at the end of the music, you need to quickly gather around your Igryka - Veselinka, according to the color of the balloon).

2nd: And now let's make a "train" like us. Cling trailers to each other.

(To the song Locomotive \u003d bug "" children make a locomotive, clamping the balls between each other. You have to go so that the balls do not fall.)

And now we throw the balls through the rope into the basket.

The game "Get in the basket."

(musical accompaniment)

3rd: Well done! Let's join hands and make a circle. Let's dance! Look at us and repeat.

Game - dance "Forward four steps ..."

-Let's do a warm-up with the balls, guys. Line up in a circle.

General developmental exercises:

1. I. p .: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, ball in right hand

2. I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, ball in left hand

Raise your arms through the sides up, lower your arms, repeat (3 times)

3. I. p .: standing holding the ball with both hands in front of you, sit down. (3-4 times)

Bend over, touch the toes with the ball, straighten up, return to the starting position, repeat (6 times)

4. Jumping on two legs arms up. (30 seconds)

COMPETITION "Guess the riddle"

small balls

Hanging on the tree:

Red, green -

They look tempting.

love these balls

Adults and children,

pourable balls -

The best in the world! (apples)

On a green fragile leg,

The ball has grown by the track. (dandelion)

It's big like a soccer ball

If ripe - everyone is happy.

It tastes so good!

What is this ball? (watermelon)

Freeze game

(The host throws a balloon up, and while the balloon flies, all participants dance to the music, as the balloon touches the floor, everyone freezes. The music always plays)

(During the game, the children suggested depicting figures)

"Decorate your balloon."

Each child chooses a ball and a permanent marker. Children decorate balloons with flowers, butterflies, stars, suns, etc.

Showcasing your art to music.

The game "Who will inflate the balloon faster and more"

Game "Run to the cube"(Two children are invited, one ball is clamped between their legs and they must jump to the ball to the music)

Educator: Guys, you like to play balloons with us, this is good, but you need to be able to inflate them. Let's have a competition to see who can inflate the balloon the fastest and the most. You are given one minute. (4 children are invited)


Guys, and now we will hold relay races.

We will divide with you into 2 teams and give them the names "Sun", "Moon". On command One, Two, Three Start!

1. "Pass the ball over your head"

2. "Pass the ball between your legs"

Educator: And the final stage of our entertainment will be a game

"Air Kaleidoscope".

(Within a minute, the teams should draw as many balloons as possible with a felt-tip pen on a piece of paper.)

Our holiday is over - take home your balloons.

To the song "Balloon" the children leave the hall.

Balloon Festival

Purpose: creating a festive mood in children; development of motor activity; fostering a sense of mutual assistance, friendship.

Event scenario

Hello children! Guys, guess the riddle:

They rush up, they play,

They fly away from a thin thread.

This is the joy of children

Multi-colored ... (balls)

caregiver : That's right, these are balls. I invite you to the celebration of balloons. Today they will serve us not only as a decoration for our holiday. Balls will help us to have fun games and contests. Do you want to play and have fun?

Someone once invented balls,

Like entertainment for kids.

Someone once cheated for the first time,

Someone once breathed their soul into them.

No, without balloons there will be no carnival

And the festive hall will not be decorated.

Balls have been beckoning us all for a long time,

Each of them has flight and space.

These balls call us all in childhood,

Let's get to know the balloon.

The balloon is a toy loved by people of all ages. It is used for decorating events and has a wonderful ability to create a great mood and a pleasant atmosphere in any room.. Guys, do you know poems about balloons?

Children come out

1 child:

ball, ball

my air,

Fidget, naughty

Ball - round,

The ball is smooth

The ball is light

The ball is soft!

2 child:

right ball,

Left ball

My glowing flashlight

Let me hug you

And I will press it to my cheek!

3 child:

I press the ball

It flies out of hand

Up but I caught it

I tied a string to my finger.

4 child

Light balloon my air

Pulled the thread naughty,

Cut off, said "Bye"

And flew off into the clouds.

5 child

I have a balloon

Bright, light and obedient.

I, when I go for a walk,

I'm holding the ball by the string.

6 child

My blue balloon

For me, it's completely native.

But suddenly the wind came up

The balloon flew into the sky.

Educator: Well done boys! Now let's play. But first you need to split into two teams.The game is called "Kangaroo"

Do you know who it is?

Children's answers

caregiver : That's right, the kangaroo carries its cub in its bag. Now imagine that you are a “kangaroo” only instead of a cub, you will hold the ball between your knees and jump to the chip, and run back, with the ball in your hands and pass it to the next one.

caregiver : Well done guys, next game"Collect the Balls"

I have two boxes, one is red and the other is green.

At my signal, you begin to collect them.

The first team is red, the second team is green.

Educator: Now let's see which team will fly the ball the farthest? "Whose ball is next"

Educator: Great job! Next game "Bring it Don't Drop It"

At my command, you hit the ball with your hand to the landmark, then return to your team, passing the ball to the next one.

COMPETITION "Guess the riddle"

small balls

Hanging on the tree:

Red, green -

They look tempting.

love these balls

Adults and children,

pourable balls -

The best in the world! (apples)

On a green fragile leg,

The ball has grown by the track. (dandelion)

It's big like a soccer ball

If ripe - everyone is happy.

It tastes so good!

What is this ball? (watermelon)

Good-natured, thick-skinned,

Similar to a balloon

Almost always lives in water

Thick-skinned ... (hippo)

Round, smooth, like a watermelon...

Color - any, for different tastes.

When you let go of the leash,

Fly away for the clouds. (balloon)


Next game "Headball"

Now, you should stand up straight and raise your arms above your head. Each team has its own ball, on my command you start passing the ball from behind to the one standing, the last player takes the ball and stands in front of the first, this continues until all players take part.

Attention game . Children play with balls. The command "red" is given: children remain with balls of this color, the rest squat. Such a signal is given for blue, yellow.

Game "Don't Drop the Ball" Children are invited to hold the ball in the air and not let it fall.

Game "Give a ball to a friend." Children play freely, but they only hear the command “Give a ball”, the children exchange balls.


Paint the balloon

Educator: Well done boys! What a fun holiday. You see how much joy, laughter, noise and fun an ordinary balloon can bring.

Report on the holiday in kindergarten

"Balloon Festival"

Venue: MBDOU DS No. 35 "Alyonushka"

Date: 17.06. 2015

Participants of the holiday: Children of the middle group, group teacher: Politskaya I.N., Musical director Kurbatskaya N.G.

The goals of the holiday: Creating a festive mood in children, developing motor activity, fostering a sense of mutual assistance, friendship

The celebration began with the introduction of the presenter. She told the children that a balloon is not only a toy, but also a decoration of any holiday and serves to cheer up.

Children recited poems about balloons.

Children participated with pleasure in games and competitions. Showing skill and skill, dexterity and mobility.

1. Kangaroo game. The children imagined that they were kangaroos, only instead of cubs there were balloons. The children were divided into two teams, holding the balls between their knees, they need to jump on two legs to the pins and return to pass to another.

2. Game "collect the balls ". The children were asked to collect balls of different colors on a signal.

3.Next game "Carry Don't Drop ". Carry the ball in the basket and pass it to another participant.

4. There was a competition for children" Guess a riddle". The children were offered riddles with the word ball.

5. Game"ball over head" .Children competed in passing the ball over their heads.

6. And at the end of the holiday there was a competition"Painters" children with pleasure painted balloons one after another, painted the sun, flowers and much more at will

So the Balloon Festival has come to an end. The children were happy and cheerful. And each child received a balloon as a gift.

Develop attention, dexterity, speed

- form positive attitude towards entertainment, increase the physical activity of children.

The children are sitting in the field. Music sounds, the clearing is decorated with balls.



Summer Fun Scenario

"Balloon Festival"

The form of the event is a quest.

Educator: N.V. Sheveleva

Target: to create in children a joyful mood and a desire to participate in entertainment.
- Develop attention, dexterity, speed
- Teach children to participate in a team, help each other and cheer for their comrades.
- To form a positive attitude towards entertainment, increase the physical activity of children.


I am big but empty.

I take off into the sky above the earth.

And not proud, but inflated,

Entangled in thick thread.

And I'm called.

All: balloon.

Leading: right, it's a ball. I invite you to the celebration of balloons. Today they will serve us not only as a decoration for our holiday. Balls will help us to have fun games and contests. Do you want to play and have fun? And the first guest hurries to our holiday.

Cheerful music sounds. Klepa runs in with a balloon in his hands.

Hello guys! I am a cheerful clown Klepa! And what is your name? Let's get acquainted. I will throw a ball at you, and you say your name(children say their names).


Klepa, look how many children! This is how you will get to know everyone until the evening. Let's now each child will name his name and so you will quickly get to know everyone. (One, two, three, say your name!)

Well, that's how we met. Guys, but I was in a hurry to visit you not alone, but together with my friend Carlson. Has he already come to you? (Not)

Then let's call him (children call Carlson)

Strange, where did he go? Guys, maybe he got into trouble? And he needs our help?

- I propose to go on a journey and a balloon with a basket will help us.An aerostat is a hot air balloon for travelers. Look!


Guys, are you ready to hit the road? But there may be obstacles in our way, and they must be overcome. All the way, the children are looking for Carlson.

1 task "Centipede".

Teams line up in columns. Children hold balls between their backs and stomachs. Their task is to overcome the distance without losing the balls and thus reach the next task. Movement takes place along the path to the site of the Teremok group

2 task. Sports track along the alley of the site of the Teremok group. (Hoops are laid out on the track, heavy balls are placed.)

3 task. Opposite the section of the Zdravushka group, you need to pass the balloon over your head, and return it between your legs.

Task 4 "Zagadkino" on the site between the groups "Fairy Tale" and "Rainbow"

  1. What color balloon did Piglet like? (Green).
  2. For whom is the balloon a favorite mode of transport? (For a mosquito).
  3. How many balloons did I have in my hand when I entered the hall?
  4. Who tried to convince the bees that he was not flying on a ball, and that he was a big cloud (Winnie the Pooh).

small balls
Hanging on the tree:
Red, green -
They look tempting.

love these balls
Adults and children,
pourable balls -
The best in the world!(apples)

On a green fragile leg,
The ball has grown by the track.(dandelion)
It's big like a soccer ball
If ripe - everyone is happy.

It tastes so good!
What is this ball?(watermelon)
Good-natured, thick-skinned,
Similar to a balloon

Almost always lives in water
Thick-skinned …(hippo)
Round, smooth, like a watermelon...
Color - any, for different tastes.

When you let go of the leash,
Fly away for the clouds.(balloon)


Guys, but again we did not meet our Carlson. Let's continue the path. We pass to the section "Asterisks" and "Rechetsvetik". There on the fire escape we find Carlson. He caught the ball on the stairs. We unravel the ball and free Carlson. Carson goes with the children to the playground (Carson has a bag of balls).

Thank you guys for helping me unravel the balloon and now I can go with you to your balloon party.

Guys, let's play with you!

On the playground, Carlson holds a game with children.

Game: "Smooth Circle"

In an even circle one after another
Let's have fun walking
All that Klepa will show you
That is what we will do.

Game "Pass the ball".

All children stand in a circle. Music sounds, children pass 6-7 balls in a circle at the same time. The music stops. Whoever has the ball in his hands is out of the game and sits on a bench. At the end of the game, all children must sit on the benches.

Clown and Carlson:

It's time for us to say goodbye

Entertainment for children of the first junior group "Journey to the land of balloons"

Entertainment for preschool children.


Create and maintain a positive emotional state of children;

Make you want to play with balloons;

Perform game actions as shown by an adult, understand verbal instructions;

Learn to find an object of a given color in the immediate environment;

Teach children to listen carefully to poetry and evoke an emotional response;

Develop the ability to navigate in space; learn to control their movements, coordinate them;

Develop cognitive activity;

Develop auditory attention, activate the speech of children;

To cultivate a sense of collectivism, friendship, the ability to play with peers.


The children are sitting in the field. Music sounds, the clearing is decorated with balls.


Hello children! Guys, guess the riddle:

I am big but empty.

I take off into the sky above the earth.

And not proud, but inflated,

Entangled in thick thread.

I am with children, I have always been friendly,

And I'm called.

All: balloon

Look how many balloons are in our clearing! Is it really beautiful here? (Answers of children).

Cheerful music is heard and a clown enters.

Clown : Hello guys, do you know who I am? That's right, I'm a cheerful, kind clown. And my name is Klepa! I love to sing, dance and play with balloons. Do you like to play?

Leading: Klepa, can you blow up balloons? (Of course)

Breathing exercise "Inflate the balloon"Klepa inflates the balloon and at first Klepa fails. He asks the children to help him.

Well done boys! You helped inflate Klepe's balloon.

Klepa: -Now I can play with the ball.


Educator: Guys, look how many balls are in our clearing. Let's collect them together. Just be very careful. We will collect red balls in one basket, and yellow ones in another basket, and green ones in the third.

Clown : I love to sing, dance and play with balloons. Do you like to play?

caregiver : If you like to play so much, let's play.

Warm up. (Music. Zheleznova “We clap-clap with our hands”).

caregiver : And now we will inflate a big bubble.

Game: "Smooth Circle"

The clown shows the children various movements, the children repeat after him.

In an even circle one after another
Let's have fun walking
All that Klepa will show you
That is what we will do.

Clown and Carlson: Guys we had so much fun.

It's time for us to say goodbye

But let's not get upset. We have a surprise for you!

Carlson takes out balloons from the bag, they have sweets inside, distributes to children.

Educator: It's time to say goodbye to the guests and return to our group. Goodbye!

(Children say goodbye to the guests and leave the hall.)