Psychological foundations of the organization of productive activities. Organization of productive activity of a preschooler. Why is involvement in activities important for a preschooler?

Barbara Latina
Organization of productive activities in groups of older preschool children.

The concept of "productive activity" includes several types of activity - drawing, designing, modeling, application - traditionally presented in children's life and occupying a significant place in it. All of them are modeling in nature, that is, they reflect the real world in a special way.

The listed types of activity are creative work aimed at obtaining a substantive result. Productive activity is the transformation of one or another source material (complex of materials) into a specific product in accordance with the goal (design).

Productive activity in a preschool institution is organized according to its individual types within the framework of special classes that are the same for everyone (outside the context of specific children's interests). The purpose of such classes, often, is to teach the child special skills and abilities to work with certain materials and tools.

There are a lot of programs for teaching children to draw, sculpt, design, etc.; some are inscribed in integral preschool educational programs, others exist as separate (partial). The educator, having no reason to choose (which exercises can be abandoned, which ones are necessary, is forced to follow the program-specified content exactly. This fetters his initiative and excludes the possibility of flexibly designing the content of the work, focusing on the characteristics of the children of the group and their specific interests.

In order for the teacher to be able to flexibly design work with his group, he needs to be able to select the appropriate content from the available set, taking into account, on the one hand, developing tasks, and on the other hand, the interests of the children of the group. To do this, it is necessary to take a different look at familiar contents, to systematize them in a different way. Taking as a basis the foundations of the systematization of contents, they represent a kind of intermediate link between developing tasks and specific contents of productive activity that allow them to be implemented.

The first basis for systematizing and selecting the specific content of the productive activity of an adult with children can be four types of work:

1) work on samples;

2) work with unfinished products;

3) work according to graphic schemes;

4) work on the verbal description of the goal-conditions.

In these types of work, the whole range of general developmental functions of productive activity is realized. First of all, this is the emotional and personal development of the child - in the development of a "sense of initiative", which manifests itself in the ability to assert oneself as a doer and creator, managing materials and tools, realizing one's ideas. Productive activity also creates conditions for the formation of goal-setting and the ability for long-term volitional efforts. The spectrum of general developmental functions should include the development of creative activity and the improvement of manual motor skills, which is facilitated by productive activities of any kind.

For older preschoolers, it is advisable to use all types of work, from simpler to more complex:

From "Work according to the sample" to "Work according to graphic schemes";

From "Working with Incomplete Products" to "Working with Verbal Description".

As children grow older, it is necessary to gradually complicate the goals proposed by them in terms of the composition and volume of intermediate operations necessary to achieve the final result.

Each of the types of work can be deployed with a wide variety of materials. These are such traditional materials as: paper (white and colored, cardboard, various constructive volumetric modules (cardboard and matchboxes, pieces of foam plastic, natural material acting as volumetric modules - acorns, cones, shells, etc., pieces of fabric, waste material, graphic and pictorial materials (pencils and colored pencils, wax crayons, gouache paints, plastic materials (plasticine, clay, salt dough, wire). All of them can be used both in pure form and in various combinations.

The second basis for the selection of specific content for the joint activity of an adult with children can be semantic fields. Each of the developing types of work needs to be included (“packed”) in semantic fields, which will determine the attractiveness of the work for preschoolers and bring productive activities into a wider cultural space.

Semantic fields can be defined based on subcultural content that attracts older preschoolers, and general educational tasks of introducing children to the world of human culture: fine and theatrical art, architecture, artistic design.

As such semantic fields "framing" the work, we can suggest the following:

Making items for the game and cognitive research activities;

Creation of works for own art gallery;

Creation of collections;

Creation of layouts;

Making ornaments-souvenirs;

Creation of a book;

Making items for your own theater.

Let's dwell on each in more detail.

1. Production of toys, play materials and items serving the cognitive and research activities of children. Work in this “packaging” is built mainly on constructive materials, but it can also include a combination of various materials (constructive, pictorial, paper, fabrics, etc.) and develop the appropriate specific skills and abilities.

The selection of a specific topic depends on the actual playing interests of the children of the group (for example, airplanes and boats or furniture for small dolls made of three-dimensional modules and paper, etc., and the tasks of cognitive research activities being implemented at that moment (for example, cardboard slides and trampolines for experiments with movement, parachutes and turntables for experiments with air currents).

All types of work are possible, but the most adequate for this “packaging” is work on samples and schemes.

2. Creation and design of works for own art gallery. This "packaging" is associated with artistic visual activity (painting, modeling, collage - appliqué) and related materials. It is used to introduce children to the types and genres of fine arts, to get acquainted with the basics of harmonies of lines, colors, masses (volumes, a harmonious combination of parts in a holistic space.

Purposeful creation of works for a certain, periodically changing exposition of one's own art gallery (by genres, themes, materials) makes it possible in a meaningful form for children to orient them towards mastering more and more complex pictorial means, at improving the skills and abilities specific to pictorial activity.

For this “packaging”, work with unfinished products (free completion of indefinite color and graphic sketches, blotography, etc.) and work on verbal description (discussion of the topic, ideas, verbal description of the future result by children) are most suitable. In some cases, it is possible to work using samples (for example, decorative drawing).

3. Creation of collections of various kinds and their design(from designing a herbarium to creating a collection of vehicle models, stamps and coins for an imaginary country, etc.). Work in this "packaging" is mainly associated with the modeling of individual things (including the actual constructive and artistic elements) and their classification, linking it with cognitive research activities. It can be used to introduce children to the cultural space of the Museum as a place for collecting and storing collections (it is possible to create your own museum).

The most suitable types of work - according to samples and schemes (it is possible to use other types of work).

4. Creating layouts as a substantive embodiment of integral possible worlds (fictional, realistic, presented in fiction, cartoons, children's story game. Works in this “packaging” can be gradually supplemented, and last as long as the group retains a passion for one or another story, fairy tale or game. For example, models of fabulous cities with palaces and fortresses, spaceports and airfields, seaports, zoos, various landscapes.This kind of work includes elements of design and artistic fine art in the form of sculptural modeling from plastic materials.It is combined with the introduction of elementary ideas about natural and cultural landscapes, about the types of architectural structures, the art of architecture.The product of the work can be used in the director's game of children.

The most suitable types of work are with an unfinished product (a layout field partially designed by the educator that needs to be filled in) and by verbal description (discussion of the proposed layout elements). It is possible to combine these types of work with work on samples (“multiplication” of individual elements of the layout).

5. Making jewelry and souvenirs to certain generally significant events (holidays). Working in this "packaging" makes it possible to widely use a variety of materials (including elements of drawing, application, design); connects children's life with the traditions and customs of society; focuses on the artistic design of a space or thing. Examples are greeting cards and invitation cards, posters and holiday panels, garlands, Christmas tree decorations, gifts for loved ones, etc. It is advisable to use all types of work.

6. Creation and design of the Book. This "packaging" includes a wide range of work on the production and illustration of books based on children's stories, the preparation and assembly of thematic dictionaries with their own drawings (or specially selected and pasted on), keeping a group annals, a diary of nature, etc. Such work involves the development of visual skills (illustration - drawing: subject, plot, ornament) It is used to introduce a multifaceted idea of ​​a book (a book is like a thing, as a synthesis of arts, as a source of knowledge); connects productive activity with cognitive research, with the verbal creativity of children, promotes the development of reading and Letters May lead to the creation of the group's own library as a repository of acquired knowledge.The most appropriate types of work are with work in progress and by verbal description.

7. Preparation of materials for own Theater (performance). The theater as a general semantic context for a variety of works (making scenery, props, costume elements for a performance, materials for puppet and plane theater, etc.) connects productive activity with children's plot play, with reading fiction. The combination of various materials (constructive, graphic, pictorial) makes it possible to use this "package" to improve a wide range of visual and constructive skills, skills in working with different tools. It is possible to use all types of work for this "packaging".

Each of the presented "packages" is filled with specific thematic content, depending on the current interests of the group, the topics of cognitive research activities, literary texts currently being read, interesting events taking place inside and outside the kindergarten. This is what determines the choice of a specific topic for work: what toys to make, what to draw, what collections or layouts to create, what performance to design, etc.

Educators can use some of these semantic fields in their work, but do it sporadically, from time to time, “diluting” classes with them (for example, seasonal production of crafts from natural materials, gifts for the holidays).

Thus, in the selection of content for joint partner productive activity of an adult with children, it is advisable to rely simultaneously on the types of work and semantic fields.

Using this approach to systematize and select productive activities will diversify the program material, freeing all participants in the educational process from excessive regulation.


1. Korotkova N. A. Educational process in groups of children of senior preschool age. - M. : LINKA-PRESS, 2007.-208 p.

The productive activity of preschoolers is the right direction in preparing the future first-grader for learning.

The formation, development and formation of a child's personality is one of the most relevant, important and responsible activities of specialists involved in the field of pedagogy and child psychology. One of the main tasks that must be constantly carried out in this direction is the use of a variety of styles, forms and methods, including productive activities.


Productive activities of children play one of the main roles in the process of the comprehensive development of a preschooler. Along with the game view, they constitute a single set of work on preschool education, carried out under the guidance of adults (teachers, educators). The result of this activity should be a certain product.

Numerous studies conducted by specialists in different parts of the world and with various categories of children who have not yet reached primary school age have shown the effectiveness of productive activities among this age group of children.

A favorable effect on preschoolers in the development of graphic skills, as well as the development of perseverance and determination in mastering important skills, has been established.


Productive activities of children are one or another way of a child's activity, the purpose of which is to obtain a product that has a specific set of qualities. This category includes:

  • different ways of assembling structures,
  • crafts from plasticine or special clay,
  • execution of application works, mosaics,
  • making various crafts
  • more difficult work - certain layouts.

All the productive activities of children listed above perform a responsible function for the development of preschoolers. This is the basis of many kindergarten programs designed for children under school age. Such a program is aimed at their comprehensive development and education.

All-round development

The formation of this type of activity of children takes place in kindergarten under the guidance of experienced professionals. At this time, the connection between the desire of kids to create this or that product and the expansion of their cognitive abilities, various processes and qualities, the emotional area, and the volitional sphere of development is most clearly manifested.

There is the most vivid and controlled development of the properties of the character of children, the formation of their character and individuality.

Specific categories

The development of artistic and aesthetic qualities in the process of child development classes corresponds to the modulating type of productive activity. It is this method that allows the preschooler to best reflect the reality around him at his own discretion.

And already on the basis of the conclusions made, the resulting characteristic makes it possible to independently form and create certain images. This approach has the best effect on the development of children's figurative thinking, their ability to use imagination.

Improving the aesthetic attitude of preschoolers to everything around them is an important task of an integrated approach to the educational process. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this task. After all, only a harmoniously developing personality is able to see and feel everything, the beauty that surrounds them.

An important role is assigned to this methodology for the development of children and for the achievement and formation of aesthetic feelings in preschoolers.

Simple, it would seem, occupation - drawing. However, it is precisely this way of studying that opens up completely new opportunities for educators to develop their own view of the kids, the development of their emotional and aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality.

Productive activity opens up for preschoolers a new world of beauty that actually exists, which is constantly next to us. There is a formation of certain beliefs, determines the behavior of the child.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the correct moral education of preschool children, carried out through the use of a productive method. Such a connection is formed and carried out in the process of performing various kinds of practical children's work. They are aimed at consolidating the information received from the outside world, and developing such qualities as:

  • observation,
  • activity,
  • purposefulness,
  • independence,
  • patience, ability to listen and assimilate the information received,
  • the ability to bring everything you started to the end.

A productive method, which consists in the process of the image, allows you to fix the relationship to what is depicted. At this moment, the child especially vividly experiences all the feelings that he experienced in the process of perception. Nature itself gives us a wide palette of colors and colors, various shapes of objects, rare and unusual natural phenomena.

The physical development of the child does not stand aside, and a proven productive technique also plays an important role in this process. Thanks to this, the level of vitality rises, mood, general state of behavior and character improve. The child becomes more mobile, cheerful, active.

In the process of training, the correct posture, gait and other important physical qualities of the little man are developed. In addition, the muscles are strengthened, the overall coordination of movements improves.

The system of working with children of senior preschool age with productive activities is described in detail by Marina Shekalina.


In addition to these positive factors, there are many other progressive indicators of the correct development of a preschool child. And the productive activity itself is an important part of the correct, comprehensive education and upbringing of preschoolers.

Thanks to seemingly simple classes - learning to draw and sculpt, design and create applications - the most complete and harmonious development of positive qualities occurs in the following areas:

  • mental education,
  • aesthetic development,
  • physical strengthening of the body,
  • moral and spiritual formation of the personality.

Productive activity is an activity aimed at obtaining any product (building, drawing, appliqué, stucco work, etc.) that has certain specified qualities (N.I. Ganoshenko).

Productive types of children's activities include designing, drawing, modeling, appliqué and the creation of various kinds of crafts, models from natural and waste materials. All these types of children's activities play an important role in the development of a preschool child.

Productive children's activity is formed at preschool age and, along with play, is of the greatest importance during this period for the development of the child's psyche, since the need to create a product is closely related to the development of its cognitive processes, emotional and volitional sphere, skills, moral , aesthetic and physical education of preschool children.

These actions develop not only figurative forms of thinking, but also such qualities as purposefulness, the ability to plan one's activities, to achieve some result.

The social and personal development of the child is facilitated by the possibility of displaying creative activity, initiative in creating a drawing, modeling, crafts that can be used by oneself or shown and presented to others.

In the process of visual activity and design, children develop the ability for purposeful activity, volitional regulation of behavior.

For the artistic and aesthetic development of the child, an important role is played by the modeling nature of productive activity, which allows him to reflect the reality around him at his own discretion and create certain images. And this has a positive effect on the development of imagination, imaginative thinking, creative activity of the child.

It is important for children to cultivate an aesthetic attitude to the environment, the ability to see and feel the beautiful, to develop artistic taste and creative abilities. A preschooler is attracted by everything bright, sounding, moving. This attraction combines both cognitive interests and an aesthetic attitude to the object, which is manifested both in evaluative phenomena and in the activities of children.

Productive activity plays an important role in the education of the aesthetic feelings of a preschooler. The specificity of drawing classes provides ample opportunities for the knowledge of beauty, for the development in children of an emotional and aesthetic attitude to reality. Productive activity shows a person the world of real-life beauty, forms his beliefs, influences behavior, promotes the development of children's creative abilities, which is possible only in the process of assimilation by preschoolers and their practical application of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Productive activity is closely connected with the solution of the problems of moral education. This connection is carried out through the content of children's works, which reinforce a certain attitude to the surrounding reality, and the education in children of observation, activity, independence, the ability to listen and complete the task, to bring the work begun to the end.

In the process of the image, the attitude to the depicted is fixed, since the child experiences the feelings that he experienced when perceiving this phenomenon. Therefore, the content of the work has a great influence on the formation of the personality of the child. Nature provides rich material for aesthetic and ethical experiences: bright combinations of colors, a variety of forms, the beauty of many phenomena (thunderstorm, sea surf, snowstorm, etc.).

Properly organized productive activities have a positive effect on the physical development of the child, contribute to raising the general vitality, creating a cheerful, cheerful mood. During classes, the correct training fit is developed, since productive activity is almost always associated with a static position and a certain posture. The performance of applicative images contributes to the development of the muscles of the hand, coordination of movements.

In the process of systematic studies in designing, drawing, sculpting, and appliqué, cognitive processes develop:

  • - The visual representations of children about the surrounding objects are refined and deepened. Children's drawing sometimes speaks of a child's misconception about the subject, but it is not always possible to judge the correctness of children's ideas from the drawing. The idea of ​​the child is wider and richer than his visual abilities, since the development of ideas is ahead of the development of visual skills and abilities.
  • - In the process of productive activity, the visual memory of the child is actively formed. As you know, a developed memory is a necessary condition for the successful cognition of reality, since thanks to the processes of memory, memorization, recognition, reproduction of cognizable objects and phenomena, consolidation of past experience occur. Fine art is inconceivable without operating with the images of memory and ideas of the child obtained directly in the process of drawing. The ultimate goal for a preschooler is such knowledge of the subject that would make it possible to master the skill completely freely, to depict it according to the idea.
  • - The development of visual-figurative thinking occurs in the learning process. N.P. Sakulina showed that the successful mastery of image techniques and the creation of an expressive image require not only clear ideas about individual objects, but also the establishment of links between the appearance of an object and its purpose in a number of objects or phenomena. Therefore, before the beginning of the image, children solve mental problems based on the concepts they have formed, and then look for ways to solve it.
  • - The fundamental moment in the design is the analytical and synthetic activity for examining objects. It makes it possible to establish the structure of the object and its parts, to take into account the logic of their connection. On the basis of analytical and synthetic activity, the child plans the course of construction, creates an idea. The success of the implementation of the plan is largely determined by the ability of the preschooler to plan and control its progress. preschool age productive
  • - In the classes on drawing, modeling, appliqué and design, children's speech develops: the names of shapes, colors and their shades, spatial designations are assimilated, the vocabulary is enriched. The teacher involves children in explaining the tasks, the sequence of their implementation. In the process of analyzing the work, at the end of the lesson, the children talk about their drawings, modeling, express judgments about the work of other children.

In the process of systematic studies in design and application, sensory and mental abilities are intensively developed in children. The formation of ideas about objects requires the assimilation of knowledge about their properties and qualities, shape, color, size, position in space.

In the process of designing, preschoolers acquire special knowledge, skills and abilities. Constructing from building material, they get to know:

  • 1. with geometric volumetric shapes,
  • 2. get ideas about the meaning of symmetry, balance, proportions.
  • 3. When constructing from paper, children's knowledge of geometric planar figures is clarified,
  • 4. Concepts about the side, corners, center.
  • 5. The guys get acquainted with the methods of modifying flat forms by bending, folding, cutting, gluing paper, as a result of which a new three-dimensional form appears.

In the process of productive activity, such important personality traits as mental activity, curiosity, independence, initiative are formed, which are the main components of creative activity. The child learns to be active in observation, performance of work, to show independence and initiative in thinking through the content, selecting materials, using various means of artistic expression.

No less important is education in the process of productive activity.

  • 1. purposefulness in work, the ability to bring it to the end,
  • 2. neatness,
  • 3. ability to work in a team,
  • 4. diligence,

According to teachers and psychologists, a child's mastery of types of productive activity is an indicator of a high level of his general development and preparation for schooling. Productive activities greatly contribute to the mastery of mathematics, labor skills, and writing.

The processes of writing and drawing have an external resemblance: in both cases it is a graphic activity with tools that leave traces in the form of lines on paper. This requires a certain position of the body and hands, the skill of holding a pencil and pen correctly. Learning to draw creates the necessary prerequisites for the successful mastery of writing

In productive activities, children learn to carefully use the material, keep it clean and tidy, use only the necessary materials in a certain sequence. All these points contribute to the successful learning activities in all lessons.

Productive activities in preschool age are considered an effective method of holistic development of children. This is not just a game, but a whole range of activities that allows you to prepare the child to solve the tasks in the most comfortable environment for him. Productive activity helps to acquire knowledge in the process of visual activity and joint play with teachers.

Preschoolers receive a pattern of behavior in everyday activities, develop purposefulness and the ability to interact with peers. In the process of mastering the material, children should have a positive example before their eyes, therefore, one should carefully approach the choice of objects and materials for classes.

What is productive activity

For productive activities, the goal is to develop children in a variety of ways in ways that are understandable and fun. Attracting the child to real everyday reality also occurs through the game and the study of objects that will be encountered in the future.

Activities for preschool age:

  • Construction;
  • Modeling from plasticine, clay, salt dough;
  • Creation of applications, picking up puzzles and mosaics;
  • Bonding layouts and crafts.

The development of a child in these areas is the task of all preschool institutions, as well as parents. The programs of educating preschoolers always include activities that contribute to the creation of a certain product and obtaining a specific result.

This helps children realize their potential, try themselves in everyday activities, gain new emotions and useful skills. Work should be under the control of elders, who are also a model of behavior for children in a given situation. Activity is always aimed at interacting with surrounding objects, and the result should be a specific product. The game form allows the child to instantly join the process and perform all tasks especially effectively. It is at this moment that a character is formed in a preschooler, willpower and a sense of his individuality develop.

At the time of performing practical tasks, children better absorb information, learn to concentrate and bring things to the end. Children's games allow you to receive information, but you can consolidate it only by completing some task aimed at the result. To do this, materials are provided and a wide range of ways to master the skill. As a result, the child develops such qualities as activity, perseverance, purposefulness and attentiveness. He becomes more independent, learns to process incoming information and use it, to create specific products based on the knowledge gained.

Productive activities can be built on immersion in the outside world.

Children remember information more easily when they are introduced to specific examples that illustrate the information received.
Visual activity has a particularly favorable effect on the development and formation of the necessary qualities of a child's personality in preschool age. Activity becomes productive when a preschooler shows interest in the color, shape and other properties of an object or phenomenon and tries to use this image in his work.

This is how not only the aesthetic side of the personality develops, but also the physical form. In the process of productive activity, it is easier to influence the behavior of the child. He perceives information actively and seeks to use it. Often activities require active behavior, constant interaction with peers and mastering new techniques. The teacher can and should correct the process, suggest the best ways to solve a particular problem, promote development on all planes, including the physical one.

Visual activity at an early age

The benefit of such activities lies in the ease of perception and processing of information by the child. It is easier for preschoolers to understand and do something if there is a visual example. When children are introduced to new objects or activities, it greatly influences the formation of their personality. Educators should take care of the topic of productive activities in advance so that children benefit from them. Children should be able to express their thoughts and impressions. This skill confirms that the child has sufficiently absorbed the information received.

To immerse preschoolers in the right atmosphere, you should use all possible methods, from changes in the interior to the use of visual aids.
The teacher must also be involved in the process.

Activities must have a certain sequence, so it is not worth mastering all aspects of visual activity in one day. The first acquaintance with the topic can be started with the simplest - drawing. Gradually, the final product should become more complex. This approach helps children to study the subject from different angles, and then successfully apply it in everyday life.

It is important that the child not only repeat what the leading teacher does, but also show creative inclinations, abstract thinking, and offer his own ways of solving the problem. Fine art helps to improve one's skills every day, to learn more about the subject of study and, what is important for any child, to have the finished product of their work before their eyes.

How are the classes

Occupations by productive activities are necessarily divided into five stages. The first step is pre-work. It should be carried out before the start of the lesson in order to include children of preschool age in the process as much as possible.

At this stage, living objects are observed, samples are studied, illustrations and layouts are examined.
Also, the lead teacher can read a book on a suitable topic or show a film. For preliminary work, thematic games are chosen, with which, in terms of meaning, future productive activities are connected.

Preparation for the lesson goes smoothly and follows from the game. At this stage, you need to interest the child in the necessary topic, arouse his curiosity with the help of amazing stories or objects. If a preschooler starts asking questions, that's a good sign. So, you can move on to the next part of the lesson.

The interest of the child does not mean that he is ready to fully engage in the activity, so you need to show him all the benefits that he will receive after the completion of the case.

Usually children take up the image of objects with pleasure, using the provided material, it is only necessary to explain to them why this is necessary. The subject must captivate all children, so the teacher must obtain the approval of each child.

The process of work is an important stage of the lesson. It is at this moment that children may have new questions, the answers to which the teacher must find together with the children. You can not ignore the kids, it is better to discuss the subject or explain why and what needs to be done to achieve the result. The case will be more productive if all children are involved in the process with the same interest. You can invite them to compare the results at the end of the session, not to identify the best and worst product, but to get acquainted with the variety of objects and different views on the same subject of activity.

Summing up should always be, because this is what motivated the children to attend classes. Preschoolers will definitely share their results, and it is very important that the teacher responds to this correctly. Do not devalue the work of the child, be sure to support each kid, carefully consider his creation and take part in the discussion. Even if the material was not learned as expected, do not deprive the baby of approval.

The Benefits of Productive Activities

Productive activity must be present in the process of educating and educating preschool children. With its help, you can introduce the child to new phenomena, teach him to use some objects in everyday activities, to better understand what is happening in the world around him.

By applying various types of visual activity, it is possible to achieve the development of positive personality traits.. Drawing, modeling, creating applications and other activities bring up morality in kids, train the mind, instill a sense of beauty, and also strengthen muscles, because most activities involve physical activity.

The teacher must be passionate about any kind of productive activity himself, otherwise preschoolers will not take seriously attempts to involve them in the fine arts, will not work on the task and will not acquire useful skills.

Constant support from the educator cultivates self-confidence and their abilities. Children strive to learn more, create something new, and at such moments you can find creative inclinations towards certain types of activities.

Unfortunately, an indifferent attitude to the success of the baby can greatly affect his development and behavior in everyday activities. Also, he will lose interest not only in the present process, but also in any other activities, if the teacher allows himself criticism or irony in his address. It is the attitude of the educator that determines the usefulness and productivity of classes.

So that the activity is not harmful, you can not force preschoolers to perform any tasks. Classes should not be like a lesson or duty, because their essence is to introduce children to the topic, to interest them. Only this skill will bear fruit, and preschoolers themselves will get down to business, ask questions, reflect and develop their skills in everyday activities.

The first productive activity of a child, as you know, is visual and constructive activity. Their emergence is closely connected in a child with the perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, since what is not perceived cannot be reflected. On the other hand, visual activity is closely connected with other activities of the child.

It is impossible to get any image without owning the objects and tools of visual activity, i.e. pencil, brush, scissors, clay, glue, and how to use them. Consequently, the development of the child's visual activity is connected with the development of his objective activity and presupposes a sufficiently high level of development of the latter.

At a younger preschool age, design, modeling, drawing and appliqué are closely intertwined with the game.

The development of productive activity is associated with the development of perception, speech, thinking, imagination, i.e. with the entire mental development of the child.

By the beginning of preschool age, normally developing children have already accumulated a certain graphic experience, a certain stock of graphic images, although still very primitive. However, at the same time, the image is actively associated with the appearance of familiar objects, the “objectification” of scribbles through the word occurs. Visual actions are accompanied by play and speech.

In children with intellectual disabilities, with whom corrective work is not carried out on the formation of visual activity, very often monotonous, short-term, chaotic actions with pencils remain even before entering school. These actions do not have a visual orientation, they are devoid of game moments, images are not called children in any way, i.e. do not interact with surrounding objects.

In the drawings of older children, whose education is carried out without taking into account their mental development, there is almost no game and speech accompaniment, images of people, animals, i.e. those objects that constitute the main content of children's fine arts.

Difficulties in mastering the subject image in the development of the content side of drawing in preschoolers with intellectual disabilities are closely related to the underdevelopment of perception, figurative thinking, subject and game activity, speech, i.e. those aspects of the psyche that form the basis of visual activity.

All this draws attention to the need to teach the visual activity of children with intellectual disabilities throughout preschool childhood.

One of the main tasks of the initial period is the formation of a motivational-need activity plan. They make children want to draw, sculpt, cut, stick, etc. The example of an adult plays a decisive role in this. The teacher draws, sculpts, performs the application in front of the children. For the image, he selects the most attractive surrounding objects that evoke an emotional response in babies. In addition to individual objects or toys, the teacher in his drawings depicts interesting events in the life of children, walks, regime moments or episodes from familiar fairy tales. Images made with adult chalk on a blackboard, paints or felt-tip pen on paper are rather schematic, reflecting only the most essential, the creation process is accompanied by an emotional verbal explanation, appeals to children, expressive gestures, movements. At the same time, children are offered to demonstrate what is depicted, since the characters in these drawings are themselves or heroes from interesting fairy tales.

The next task of teaching the visual activity of children is the formation of methods of examination: feeling before sculpting volumetric objects, using visual-motor modeling of the form; tracing-highlighting a flat shape before drawing. This task is realized when teaching children object drawing and modeling by nature. Before the image, the teacher teaches children to consider the object, i.e. examine. The survey is carried out in a certain sequence: from the perception of the object as a whole to the isolation of its individual parts and basic properties (shape, relationship in size, location in space, color). The examination ends with the perception of a holistic object. As nature, real objects, toys, ready-made stucco crafts, etc. are used.

During the examination, it is very important to evoke positive emotions in children towards the subject itself. This is facilitated by playing with the subject, its holistic perception.

In the process of examining nature, and then in the course of evaluating the resulting image, the educator connects the perceived with the word: he names the object that the children draw, their qualities and properties.

In the process of modeling and drawing from life, in the course of appliqué work, children perceive the spatial relationships of objects, their parts. The idea of ​​spatial relationships is also fixed in the speech of children.

Thus, in the course of object drawing and modeling, children get acquainted with the space of a sheet of paper, learn to perceive an image on a plane as a reflection of real space.

Mastering the methods of visual-motor modeling of the form allows the child to use them in the future in the image, which have not yet been in his graphic experience.

In the course of training, the teacher also solves the problems of ensuring the operational and technical side of the activities of his pupils. This work is connected, on the one hand, with the assimilation of techniques and skills of visual activity by children, and on the other hand, with the development of their ability to independently select the means necessary to construct various images.

Children master the ability to use a pencil, brush, paint, learn to hatch, paint over a drawing. In the course of mastering these skills, fine motor skills develop (movements of the hand, fingers), visual-motor coordination is formed, the hand prepares for learning to write.

Classes in fine arts are essential in terms of the aesthetic education of the child. Children perceive beautiful, bright objects specially selected by the educator as nature, experience joy. They learn to compare their work with nature and thereby correctly evaluate them, listen to the opinions of their peers about the work done.

Classes in fine arts help to educate positive personality traits: perseverance, attention, the ability to complete the work begun.

Subject drawing and modeling from nature are followed by subject drawing and modeling according to the presentation.

Based on the images of perception obtained during classes using nature, the teacher teaches children to depict objects according to the description. These classes contribute to the formation of the ability to operate with existing images-representations, to restore them by word. Such activities contribute to the formation of the relationship between the sensory and speech development of children, and, on the other hand, allow you to control the child's assimilation of words and expressions given to him in the process of modeling and drawing from nature.

During the presentation classes, children continue to get acquainted with the orientation on a sheet of paper, instilling in children the skills of working with a pencil, brush, scissors, mastering the techniques of visual activity. These classes make a great contribution to the upbringing of the positive qualities of the child's personality.

The transition to story drawing marks the emergence of new opportunities. We are talking about a more complete perception of the environment (perception of the relationship of objects in space and actions). In this case, the child depicts what is perceived not immediately at the moment of perception, but delayed - according to the idea.

Narrative drawing based on the texts of fairy tales already presupposes such a level of development of ideas, in the presence of which the child is able to depict situations with which he has not directly encountered from a verbal description.

As a result of purposeful work on teaching children to draw and sculpt from life and from imagination, it becomes possible to start working according to the plan. The work on the formation of the idea closely echoes the work on teaching subject, and then plot drawing and modeling. The images accumulated by the child in the process of working from nature and from imagination are used in a new way by the child in images according to his own design. In these classes, the teacher teaches the child to remember what objects and situations he saw, depicted, draws attention to their diversity, etc.

All these types of activities contribute to the development of the child's memory, in particular, arbitrary memorization, which is extremely important for all subsequent learning, not only in kindergarten, but also at school.

Application classes are closely intertwined with all these activities, which help children explain how a three-dimensional form is depicted in a plane, they provide an opportunity to draw children's attention to the ratios of magnitudes, and allow solving problems of sensory education. In addition, classes make a great contribution to the aesthetic education of the child, as children learn to perceive and select color combinations, etc.

In the process of designing classes in children, it is necessary to form an interest in this type of productive activity, a desire to create buildings for the game themselves. To this end, the teacher builds various objects in front of the children, which are immediately included in the joint game. At the same time, the teacher acts emotionally, causing a reciprocal emotional response in the pupils. The design process is accompanied by explanations, commenting, game actions. Speech accompaniment includes all types of communicative statements: questions, promptings, messages. Observing the activities of an adult, children get acquainted with the subject and functional aspects of structures.

The teacher pays special attention to the formation of children's ideas about the connection of the subject with all types of images. He not only builds, but immediately draws, sticks on paper, thus showing that each object can be depicted in graphic, applicative, constructive forms. This helps the child to understand the unity of the object and all its images, to get acquainted with various types of modeling of its image.

To create the prerequisites for independent design, children are also shown that objects of the same functional purpose (for example, a kindergarten building) can have different designs, that is, they are built differently, but at the same time meet common requirements (have a small height, many entrances and etc.). Demonstrating a variety of buildings on the same theme, the teacher conducts propaedeutic work to overcome the tendency in children with intellectual disabilities to stereotypically reproduce the same type of structure. This is necessary so that children strive and want to use various constructive materials in their own activities.

At the initial stages, one of the main teaching methods is to imitate the actions of an adult. Imitation actions involve the child literally following an adult, reproducing his actions without delay. Children see each element of the building kit, which is in the hands of the teacher, as well as where he installs them. In case of difficulties, joint actions of an adult with a child are used. Then the buildings are beaten.

In the future, children are taught to follow the pattern. Pattern design is based on the independent actions of children and on the implementation of those ideas that are formed as a result of a directed examination, sample analysis under the guidance of a teacher. At the beginning of training, only simple volumetric samples with visible constituent elements are used. The study of the sample under the guidance of an adult is carried out in a certain sequence. Sample analysis is a specially organized examination of it, carried out under the guidance of a teacher. The teacher directs the perception of children, helps them correctly, fully adequately perceive the essential properties of the subject from the point of view of constructive abilities.

Sample analysis begins with a holistic perception of the object. Children name it, then proceed to highlight the main supporting parts. It is desirable to select the main parts in the design (sample) in the sequence that corresponds to the sequence of performing operations. After determining the main parts, they move on to the details in the building. While examining the details, the adult emphasizes their significance in the subject. The next step in examining the sample is to determine the shape of each element and select the necessary building parts corresponding to these elements. In this case, the teacher uses auxiliary movements: tracing each selected part of an object or structure along the contour. After selecting the necessary building details, the teacher draws the attention of children to the sequence of construction.

In the future, children learn to design according to a graphic model. To this end, they are offered various designers, collapsible toys.

In older groups, children perform constructions according to the idea (according to a verbal description). Each of these techniques is used depending on the level of development of children and the specific correctional task that the teacher sets in a particular lesson.

The experience of teaching children with intellectual disabilities to design has shown that they are able, with the correct organization of corrective work, to master the initial actions with all types of models.

Thus, with a special organization and corrective orientation of education, children with intellectual disabilities are able to perform subject, images, and also reflect simple content related to their life experience.