Recommendations for parents "Adaptation of young children to kindergarten

In general terms, this process is understood as the adaptation of an individual to a new environment and conditions. Such changes affect the psyche of any person, including babies who are forced to adapt to the garden.

It is necessary to understand in more detail what constitutes adaptation to kindergarten. First of all, it requires huge energy costs from the child, as a result of which the child's body is overstrained. In addition, the changed living conditions cannot be discounted, namely:

  • mothers and fathers and other relatives are absent nearby;
  • it is necessary to follow a clear daily routine;
  • need to interact with other children;
  • the amount of time devoted to a particular child decreases (the teacher communicates simultaneously with 15-20 kids);
  • the baby is forced to obey the requirements of other people's adults.

So, the life of the baby changes radically. In addition, the adaptation process is often fraught with undesirable changes in the child's body, which are externally expressed in the form of disturbed behavioral norms and "bad" deeds.

The stressful state in which the child is, trying to adapt to the changed conditions, is expressed by the following states:

  • disturbed sleep- the child wakes up with tears and refuses to fall asleep;
  • decreased appetite (or lack thereof)- the child does not want to try unfamiliar dishes;
  • regression of psychological skills- a child who previously speaks, knows how to dress, use cutlery, go to the potty, “loses” such skills;
  • decreased cognitive interest- kids are not interested in new play accessories and peers;
  • aggression or apathy- active children suddenly reduce activity, and previously calm kids show aggressiveness;
  • decreased immunity- during the period of adaptation of a small child to kindergarten, resistance to infectious diseases decreases.

Thus, the adaptation process is a complex phenomenon, during which the child's behavior can change dramatically. As you get used to the kindergarten, such problems disappear or are significantly smoothed out.

Degrees of adaptation

The process of adaptation of the child in kindergarten can proceed in different ways. Some children are more likely to get used to the changed environment, while others disturb their parents for a long time with negative behavioral reactions. It is by the severity and duration of the above problems that the success of the adaptation process is judged.

Psychologists distinguish several degrees of the adaptation process, characteristic of preschool children.

In this case, the baby joins the children's team in 2 to 4 weeks. This type of adaptation is typical for most children and is characterized by the accelerated disappearance of negative behavioral reactions. You can judge that the baby easily gets used to the kindergarten, according to the following features:

  • he comes in without tears or tantrums and stays in the group room;
  • when addressing, looks into the eyes of teachers;
  • able to voice a request for help;
  • the first to make contact with peers;
  • able to occupy himself for a short period of time;
  • easily adapts to the daily routine;
  • adequately responds to educational approving or disapproving remarks;
  • tells the parents how the classes in the garden went.

How long is the adaptation period in kindergarten in this case? At least 1.5 months. At the same time, the child often gets sick, demonstrates pronounced negative reactions, but it is impossible to talk about his maladjustment and inability to join the team.

When observing a child, it can be noted that he:

  • parts with mother with difficulty, cries a little after separation;
  • when distracted, he forgets about parting and joins the game;
  • communicates with peers and educator;
  • adheres to the announced rules and regulations;
  • adequately responds to comments;
  • rarely becomes the instigator of conflict situations.

Heavy adaptation

Toddlers with a severe type of adaptation process are quite rare, but they can be easily found in the children's team. Some of them show open aggression when visiting the kindergarten, while others withdraw into themselves, demonstrating complete detachment from what is happening. The duration of addiction can range from 2 months to several years. In especially severe cases, they speak of complete maladaptation and the impossibility of visiting a preschool institution.

The main features of a child with a severe degree of adaptation:

  • unwillingness to contact peers and adults;
  • tears, tantrums, stupor when parting with parents for a long time;
  • refusal to enter the playing area from the locker room;
  • unwillingness to play, eat, go to bed;
  • aggressiveness or isolation;
  • inadequate response to the teacher's appeal to him (tears or fear).

It should be understood that absolute inability to kindergarten is an extremely rare phenomenon, so you need to contact specialists (a psychologist, a neurologist, a pediatrician) and work out a plan of action together. In some cases, doctors may advise you to postpone your visit to the preschool educational institution.

What influences the child's adaptation?

So, the period of adaptation of kids in kindergarten always proceeds in different ways. But what influences its success? Among the most important factors, experts include age characteristics, children's health, the degree of socialization, the level of cognitive development, etc.

Often, parents, trying to get to work early, send the baby to kindergarten at two years old, or even earlier. However, more often than not, such a step does not bring much benefit, since the young child is not yet able to interact with peers.

Of course, every child is a bright individual, however, according to many psychologists, it is possible to single out the optimal age interval that is most suitable for getting used to kindergarten - and this is 3 years.

It's all about the so-called crisis period of three years. As soon as the baby passes this stage, his level of independence increases, the psychological dependence on the mother decreases, therefore, it is much easier for him to part with her for several hours.

Why not rush to send your child to a preschool? At the age of 1 - 3 years, the formation of parent-child relationships and attachment to the mother takes place. That is why a long separation from the latter causes a nervous breakdown in the baby and violates the basic trust in the world.

In addition, it is impossible not to note the great independence of three-year-olds: they, as a rule, have potty etiquette, know how to drink from a cup, some children are already trying to dress themselves. Such skills greatly facilitate getting used to the garden.

Health status

Children with serious chronic diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.) quite often experience difficulties with addiction due to the characteristics of the body and increased psychological connection with their parents.

The same applies to children who often and for a long time get sick. Such babies require special conditions, reduced workloads and supervision of medical personnel. That is why experts recommend giving them to the kindergarten later, especially since due to pain, the regimen of visiting preschool educational institutions will be violated.

The main problems of adaptation of sick children in the nursery group:

  • an even greater decrease in immunity;
  • increased susceptibility to infections;
  • increased emotional lability (periods of tearfulness, exhaustion);
  • the occurrence of unusual aggressiveness, increased activity or, conversely, slowness.

Before entering a preschool institution, children are required to undergo a medical examination. There is no need to be afraid of this, on the contrary, parents will once again have the opportunity to consult with doctors about how to survive adaptation with minimal losses.

Degree of psychological development

Another point that can prevent successful addiction to DOW is the deviation from the average indicators of cognitive development. Moreover, both delayed mental development and giftedness can lead to maladaptation.

In case of mental retardation, special correctional programs are used to help fill gaps in knowledge and increase the cognitive activity of children. Under favorable conditions, such children catch up with their peers by school age.

A gifted child, surprisingly, also falls into the risk group, since his cognitive abilities are higher than those of his peers, in addition, he may experience difficulties with socialization and communication with classmates.

Level of socialization

Adaptation of the child to kindergarten involves the growth of contacts with peers and with unfamiliar adults. At the same time, there is a certain pattern - those kids whose social circle was not limited to their parents and grandmothers are more likely to get used to the new society.

Those children who rarely interacted with other children, on the contrary, find it difficult to adapt to changing conditions. Weak communication skills, inability to resolve conflict situations causes an increase in anxiety and leads to reluctance to attend kindergarten.

Of course, this factor largely depends on the teachers. If the teacher gets along well with the child, adaptation will noticeably accelerate. That is why, if there is such an opportunity, you should enroll in a group with that teacher, reviews of which are most often positive.

Stages of adaptation of a small child to kindergarten

The adaptation of children is a heterogeneous process, therefore, experts distinguish several periods characterized by the severity of negative reactions. Of course, such a division is rather arbitrary, but it helps to understand how successful addiction will be.

The first stage is the sharp one. Its main feature is the maximum mobilization of the child's body. The child is constantly excited and tense, it is not surprising that parents and teachers note tearfulness, nervousness, capriciousness and even hysteria.

In addition to psychological changes, physiological changes can also be detected. In some cases, there is an increase or decrease in heart rate, blood pressure indicators. Increased susceptibility to infections.

The second phase is called moderately acute, since the severity of negative reactions decreases, and the child adapts to the changed conditions. There is a decrease in the excitability and nervousness of the baby, an improvement in appetite, sleep, and the normalization of the psycho-emotional sphere.

However, it is not yet possible to talk about a complete stabilization of the state. Throughout this period, it is possible to return negative emotions, the appearance of unwanted reactions in the form of tantrums, tearfulness or unwillingness to part with their parents.

The third stage is compensated - stabilizes the child's condition. In the final adaptation period, there is a complete restoration of psychophysiological reactions, the child successfully joins the team. Moreover, he may acquire new skills, such as using the potty or dressing himself.

How to adapt a child to kindergarten? 6 useful skills for a kindergartner

In order for the addiction process to be as successful as possible, quickly and painlessly, experts advise instilling the most important skills in advance in the future preschool child. That is why parents should know what it is desirable to teach a child going to preschool.

  1. Dress and undress independently. Ideally, three-year-olds should already take off their swimming trunks, socks, tights, put on a T-shirt and blouse, jacket. Difficulties can arise with fasteners, but you should still accustom them to them. To do this, you can buy lacing toys. In addition, hang pictures of the dressing sequence in the room (you can download them for free on the Internet).
  2. Use a spoon/fork. Facilitating addiction contributes to the ability to wield cutlery. To do this, you need to abandon drinking bowls, bottles, non-spills, which do not contribute to rapid maturation.
  3. Ask and go to the potty. You should get rid of diapers already at the age of one and a half years, especially since the ability to ask and go to the night vase will greatly simplify adaptation, since the child will feel more confident among skillful peers.
  4. Accept different foods. Many three-year-olds are characterized by selectivity in food. Ideally, parents should bring the home menu closer to the garden menu. Then breakfasts and lunches in the preschool educational institution will not resemble a war between children and educators.
  5. Communicate with adults. Quite often you can hear the peculiar speech of the child, which is understandable only to the mother. Some babies generally communicate with gestures, rightly believing that their parents will understand everything. Before the garden, you should follow the decrease in babbling words and gestures.
  6. Play with children. To improve the communication skills of the child, it is necessary to introduce him to the children's team more often. Psychologists advise regularly visiting families with small children, walking on playgrounds, playing in the sandbox.

In nurseries and kindergartens there are special adaptation groups for future preschoolers. Be sure to find out if such a service is available in your preschool. A visit to such groups will introduce the child to the caregivers, the building itself and the new rules of conduct.

Advice to parents on adjusting their children often includes the advice to talk more with your child about preschool. But how to do it right and what should you talk about with the baby in order to facilitate future addiction?

  1. Explain in the simplest possible language what a kindergarten is, why children go there, why it is so important to attend it. The simplest example: "The kindergarten is a big house for kids who eat, play and walk together while their parents work."
  2. Tell your child that kindergarten is a kind of work for children. That is, the mother works as a teacher, doctor, manager, father as a military man, programmer, etc., and the baby will “work” as a preschooler, because he has become quite an adult.
  3. Every time you pass by the kindergarten, do not forget to remind that after a while the child will also be able to walk here and play with other children. In his presence, you can also tell your interlocutors about how proud you are of your newly-made preschooler.
  4. Talk about the daily routine of the kindergarten to relieve fears and insecurities. Let the child not remember everything due to age, but he will know that after breakfast there will be games, then walks and a short sleep.
  5. Be sure to tell them who your child can turn to if they need water or the toilet. In addition, gently clarify that not all requests will be fulfilled instantly, since it is important for caregivers to keep track of all children at once.
  6. Share your story of attending a preschool. You probably have photos from matinees where you recite poems, play with dolls, go with your parents from kindergarten, etc. Parental example allows the baby to quickly get used to the kindergarten.

There is no need to overpraise the kindergarten, painting it completely in iridescent colors, otherwise the kid will be disappointed in the teacher and classmates. At the same time, you can’t scare him with a preschool institution and a teacher who “shows how to behave well!” Try to keep the golden mean.

Pre-kindergarten activities for children

Role-playing game and listening to fairy tale stories are the favorite pastimes of young children. Therefore, the advice of a psychologist often includes items such as activities and fairy tales for successful adaptation in kindergarten. The purpose of such games is to familiarize the child with the regime and rules of the kindergarten in a relaxed way.

Enlist the "support" of children's toys - dolls, teddy bears. Let your favorite plastic girlfriend become a teacher, and a teddy bear and a robot become kindergartners who are just attending preschool.

Moreover, classes should repeat almost the entire day of the future preschooler. That is, the teddy bear came to the kindergarten, said hello to the aunt-teacher, kissed mommy goodbye and started playing with other kids. Then he had breakfast and began to study.

If a child has difficulty parting with his mother, special emphasis should be placed on this very moment. To do this, it is better to use special fairy tales for quick adaptation in kindergarten, in which, for example, the kitten stops crying after the mother leaves and begins to play merrily with other little animals.

Another opportunity to facilitate adaptation to the kindergarten is the use of improvised means: a presentation, cartoons and a collection of poems about kindergarten. Such useful innovative materials adapt kids as well as, and sometimes even better than, ordinary stories.

Usually, by the age of three, kids quite easily let go of their mothers and other significant adults, because, as we have already noted, at this stage there is a natural desire to be independent, independent of their parents.

And yet there are situations when the baby and mother turn into almost a single organism. Because of this, the adaptation of a child in kindergarten can become much more difficult, and the likelihood of complete maladaptation also increases.

Ideally, it is necessary to accustom the baby to parental absence consistently and in advance. And yet it is possible to reduce the psycho-emotional dependence of children on their mother in a short time. Consider the main advice to parents from experienced professionals.

Necessary actions

  1. Try to involve dad and other close relatives in interacting with the child. The more the baby will be in contact with other adults (and not just with his mother), the easier it will be for him to get used to the caregiver.
  2. Then introduce your child to your friends. At first, they play with the baby in the presence of their parents, so that he can feel comfortable next to unfamiliar adults. With an adapted child, it will be easier to leave.
  3. The next step is going outside. It is necessary to explain to the baby that the mother will go to the store while the grandmother or familiar aunt will tell an interesting tale. In this case, you do not need to ask the child for leave, just let him know.
  4. Consistently accustom the baby to the idea that he needs to be alone in the room. You can cook dinner while the child is playing in the nursery. Then these rules can be applied during a lesson in the sandbox or on a walk.
  5. Do not call the child shy, beech, roar, crybaby, ponytail and other unpleasant words. On the contrary, tell him and others as often as possible how communicative, sociable and cheerful he is.

Unnecessary actions

  1. You can not run away from the child secretly, even at this moment he is sitting with his grandmother. Having discovered the loss of his mother, he, firstly, will be seriously frightened, and secondly, he will begin to cry and scream at the next attempts of his parents to leave.
  2. It is not recommended to leave the child in the apartment alone, especially if he is characterized by increased anxiety and anxiety. In addition, even in a few minutes, small children are able to find "adventures" even in the safest home.
  3. You should not reward your child with goodies and toys for letting you go away. If this is practiced, then the baby in the kindergarten will require financial incentives literally every day.

You can come up with some rituals that make parting easier. Just do not turn them into a full-fledged ceremony, more reminiscent of a celebration or holiday. It can be an ordinary kiss, a mutual smile or a handshake.

Preschool attendance is essential for the full development of a child. How to ease this period? You can listen to the opinion of well-known experts - teachers, psychologists and children's doctors. Komarovsky talks a lot and often about the features of successful adaptation to kindergarten. We learn the main recommendations of the popular TV doctor:

  • start attending kindergarten at a time when the mother has not yet returned to work. If the child suddenly catches a cold, the parent will be able to pick him up from the preschool and stay at home with him for one to two weeks;
  • it is best to adapt children to kindergarten in certain seasons - summer and winter. But the off-season is not the best period to start visiting the kindergarten, as the likelihood of catching a cold increases;
  • there will be no superfluous information about how adaptation takes place in a particular kindergarten. Perhaps caregivers practice force-feeding or over-wrapping babies for walks.

In order for accelerated adaptation to take place in kindergarten, Komarovsky advises adhering to some important recommendations:

  • reduce the requirements for the child in the initial stages of getting used to the preschool. Even if he behaves badly, one must show indulgence;
  • be sure to prepare your child for increased social contact through more frequent and longer walks, playing in the sandbox.
  • Be sure to boost your immunity. If the body's defense system improves, the child will get sick less, therefore, addiction will pass much faster.

The teledoctor does not exclude the occurrence of certain problems in the process of getting used to, however, one should not refuse the opportunity to accustom a child to kindergarten at 4 years old. It is best to responsibly approach the adaptation period and support the baby in every possible way.

So, the baby has already begun to go to a preschool, but you simply should not wait for the addiction to end. The successful adaptation of a child in kindergarten, advice on which psychologists and doctors give, lies in the active position of parents. How can you help your child?

  1. You should not immediately give the child for the whole day. It is best to make a gradual transition from the usual mode to changed conditions, that is, to give the baby first for a couple of hours, and only then increase the length of stay in the kindergarten.
  2. Be sure to show sincere interest in what the child was doing in preschool. If he blinded, painted, pasted something, you should praise him and put the craft on a shelf.
  3. Study any information provided by the preschool teacher or psychologist. Usually, the folder "Adaptation of the child in kindergarten" is set in the group.
  4. You should also communicate more often with educators who regularly fill out an adaptation sheet, a special kindergarten visit form, and a psychologist fills out a card for each child in the nursery group.
  5. Do not worry too much if the child seems tired or haggard after kindergarten. Of course, strangers, new acquaintances - this is a serious stress for the child's body. Let the baby rest and sleep.
  6. In order for the kids to quickly adapt, it is necessary to limit the increased emotional stress. Psychologists advise to refuse from attending mass entertainment; cartoons and viewing various images, videos also need to be limited.
  7. If the baby has certain psycho-emotional or physiological characteristics (hyperactive behavior, health problems), this must be reported to the teaching and medical staff.
  8. Tears and tantrums are a “presentation” designed for mom. That is why experts advise dads to accompany the child to kindergarten, since the stronger sex usually reacts more strictly to such manipulative behavior.

Provide a calm family environment for your child during the adjustment process. Express your disposition to the newly-made preschooler in every possible way: kiss, hug, etc.

Memo for parents: adaptation of the child in kindergarten and the main mistakes

So, the basic rules for improving the adaptation of kids to a preschool were described. However, none of the parents is immune from erroneous actions. That is why it is necessary to elaborate on the most common misconceptions:

  • comparison with other children. We all adapt differently. That is why you should not compare the baby with his peers, who get used to the children's team and educator much faster;
  • deception. You do not need to promise the child that you will pick him up in an hour if you plan to return only in the evening. Such parental promises will lead to the fact that the baby will feel betrayed;
  • kindergarten punishment. A child should not be punished with a longer stay in preschool if he is accustomed to being in preschool for only a few hours. This will only lead to increased dislike for the kindergarten;
  • “bribery” with sweets and toys. Some moms and dads bribe kids to behave well in preschool. As a result, the child will continue to blackmail adults, demanding gifts from them daily;
  • sending a sick child to kindergarten. During the adaptation period, any cold can unsettle the child for a long time, therefore, if you feel unwell, you should not take the preschooler to kindergarten, otherwise there is a risk of intensifying the symptoms of the disease.

Another common parental mistake is the disappearance of a mother who does not want to distract the child from toys or children. Such behavior, as we have already said, will only lead to the fact that the baby will increase anxiety and numerous fears will arise. An increase in tantrums is not ruled out.

As a conclusion

Kindergarten and adaptation are often inseparable concepts, so addiction to preschool education should not be taken as some kind of absolute evil and negative. On the contrary, such a process is quite useful for the child, because it prepares him for future changes in life - school, college, family relationships.

Usually the baby gets used to the kindergarten for a couple of months. But if the child's condition does not stabilize over time and new psychological problems arise (aggression, anxiety, hyperactivity), you should definitely talk to a psychologist about maladaptation.

If the problem persists, it may be worth considering a later visit to kindergarten. Grandma can sit with the baby for a few months? This will probably be the best way out of this situation. Good luck with kindergarten!

After the parents have collected the child for kindergarten (have made the necessary vaccinations, issued a medical card and bought slippers for the group), the most difficult moment comes. A child's adaptation to kindergarten can go almost unnoticed, or it can become a difficult and exhausting period for the baby and his mom and dad. How to make sure that the child easily joins the team and begins to visit the institution with pleasure? There are several ways to help parents smooth out the child's getting used to the garden, teach him to enjoy visiting the children's team.

The issue of psychological adaptation of a child in kindergarten is even more important than shopping and preparing for it.

Physical and psychological components

A child who is just starting to attend a children's team is stressed. He needs to get used to the dramatically changed external circumstances. This is a team of children, a new room, regime and rules. In addition, he needs to get up early every day and part with his mother. The baby needs some time to get used to new circumstances and adapt the nervous and other body systems to them.

Conventionally, the child's addiction to the children's team is divided into two components - physical and psychological. Physical includes getting used to:

  • new daily routine;
  • other food;
  • constant contact with peers;
  • walking in a new place.

The psychological component includes the need to obey the teacher, separation from the mother, new requirements. In addition, the child receives less attention from adults, he has minimal independence - some decisions have to be made on his own.

How easily will the baby adjust to kindergarten and how long will the adjustment period take? It depends on many factors, to a greater extent - on the nature and mental maturity of the crumbs. There are three types of adaptation - easy, medium and heavy.

If the child is open and cheerful, easily makes contact with others, his adaptation will be quite easy.

Easy adaptation

It is typical for healthy children with high psychological stability. They feel at ease in a month, or even earlier. The entire period of adaptation, the health of the baby is in order, he does not show changes in behavior. There are several signs that are characteristic of easy addiction:

  • the baby remains in the garden without tears and calmly says goodbye to his mother until the evening;
  • enters the group without fear;
  • in the evening he talks about the events of his day;
  • easily communicates with the teacher, is not afraid of him;
  • communicate with children;
  • plays with toys that are in the group;
  • does not show mood swings.

Average adaptation

For children who get used to kindergarten more difficult, this period is characterized by frequent illnesses. At the same time, they are emotionally relatively stable. From the outside, it seems that the baby does not experience difficulties in communication, but he gets sick regularly. Such a nuisance is due to the fact that viruses and bacteria from other children constantly enter the body of a beginner. For permanent members of the team, these bacteria are not dangerous, since the kids have already developed immunity to them. According to pediatricians, adaptation of moderate severity lasts one to two months. Its characteristic features in crumbs:

  • it is not easy to say goodbye to her mother, crying for a while after her departure;
  • quickly switches to an interesting toy, especially if the teacher is trying to distract the baby;
  • plays well with peers after a short wariness;
  • does not always want to communicate with the teacher;
  • tries to follow the regimen and takes comments calmly;
  • can sometimes become a rule breaker, but is more of a compromise.

If it is difficult for a baby to part with his mother, we can talk about the average degree of adaptation.

Severe type of adaptation

These children hardly get used to the kindergarten, it is most difficult for them to feel like "their own" in any children's team. As a rule, such babies not only often get sick during the entire period of adaptation, but are also in a depressed emotional state. Without the help of adults, these children may not adapt to new conditions at all. Often they need to consult a child psychologist and a neurologist. Signs of severe adaptation:

  • the baby does not want to communicate with peers at all, does not respond to the teacher;
  • refuses to enter the group, cries and is not distracted by interesting games or activities;
  • all day he waits for his mother, talks about her, constantly runs out to the locker room, because he is afraid to miss his parents;
  • does not want to play, does not take toys, is closed and aggressive;
  • if the teacher makes a remark or praises the child, he gets scared, hides, cries.

Adaptation through disease: a medical aspect

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Pediatricians note that those children who are characterized by a mild form of adaptation may demonstrate a slight decrease in appetite. At the same time, they will begin to eat their usual portion already on the tenth day of visiting the kindergarten. The emotional background, activity, sociability and speech apparatus return to normal within 2-3 weeks of visiting the institution. Usually such children almost do not get sick during the adaptation period.

Children who are more difficult to adapt to new conditions are slower to bounce back. Sleep and appetite in a child who falls into the category of children of moderate adaptation are restored only after a month. Experts note a decrease in the activity of the baby, deterioration in speech, which are especially noticeable at the onset of the disease.

Kindergarten Stress Can Cause Poor Appetite

A severe type of addiction is a change in physiological parameters that precedes frequent diseases. Dr. Komarovsky advises immediately to prepare for the fact that the baby will get sick regularly at first. After recovery, such a child can get sick again, the cycle will be repeated for six months to a year. Then the baby will become stronger, his immunity will adapt to difficult conditions and diseases will no longer overcome the preschooler. In addition, there is a change in the behavior of the crumbs and his emotional mood.

Age matters

The age at which a child begins attending kindergarten matters. The smallest children from two to three years old are more difficult to make contact with their peers, they are more focused on communication with the teacher. At this age, it is very desirable that the group has a good teacher who can win over the baby to himself. To facilitate getting used to a new environment, it is necessary that:

  • the child knew how to use a spoon, drink from a cup;
  • ask for a potty (we recommend reading:) (albeit with "accidents" - they are inevitable);
  • wanted to go to the garden.

If the baby is sent to a children's institution at the age of 4-5 years, it is worth remembering that in this age interval communication with peers is more important for him. Successful adaptation depends on the skills of a preschooler:

  • organize games with peers;
  • listen to adults, respond correctly to comments;
  • avoid conflicts, ideally - to compromise.

The recommendations of experts are unequivocal: you need to try to prepare the baby for a new status in advance, explain to him that kindergarten is a milestone on the path of his growing up. At this time, you need to talk more often with your daughter or son, remind him that he is loved at home. It is also important not to avoid physical contact - hug the baby, read to him before bedtime. In the evening, try to talk daily with the baby, ask about how the day went, what interesting or unusual happened to him.

3 stages of getting used to the garden

Psychologists conditionally divided a child's addiction to kindergarten into three periods: acute, moderately acute and compensated. All these levels are inevitable, jumping over the "step" will not work.

The acute phase is the very first, it is the most noticeable. The duration of this stage is 2-3 weeks, but can be up to 2 months. It is characterized by the maximum degree of tension - all systems and organs work at full strength, the nervous system of a small person is in constant arousal. Usually the baby during this period of time is whiny, nervous, often naughty.

There is a decrease in appetite, restless sleep, a manifestation of aggression in communication with relatives. If during the acute stage a medical examination of the child is carried out, other changes will be noticeable. The heart rate may increase or decrease, blood pressure readings, respiratory rate, blood formula will change. Many new microorganisms will be found on the mucous membranes of the child.

Further, the acute stage smoothly flows into a moderately acute one. Physicians also call it the phase of unstable adaptation. That is, the baby is already beginning to gradually adapt to new conditions, but it is too early to talk about stability. All his systems calm down and begin to work harmoniously. The first thing that homemade people can notice is an improvement in appetite, which returns to normal within two weeks. A little later, sleep will become calmer, anxiety will go away, the emotional background will normalize. If a child during the acute stage began to speak worse, skip letters, swallow words, in this phase he returns to his comfortable state and after a couple of months restores his conversational skill.

When the medium-acute phase passes, the next one begins - compensated, it is the final one. In the compensated period, the child completely returns to its original state. All physiological and mental reactions of his body are restored, the baby becomes calm, balanced and acquires new skills.

Until the baby gets used to kindergarten, mom and dad should support their child in every possible way. The addiction lasts at least one to two months, during which time it is important not to aggravate the child's condition, but to relieve stress as much as possible. For the baby, parents are the main support, it is they who must support him, do everything in their power to make the child feel comfortable in the team as soon as possible. How to adapt a child to kindergarten, what can parents do for this?

Prepare ahead of time

  • Preparing a son or daughter to visit a children's institution should be done in advance. First you need to talk to him / her, tell what a kindergarten is, what you can do there, how to play. Be sure to warn the baby that you need to adhere to the regimen.
  • Sometimes leave the child with a grandmother, a nanny or one of the relatives. Let him get used to the fact that mom and dad can leave, this situation is quite ordinary.
  • To create conditions at home that are close to the regime of a children's institution. Let the baby get out of bed at a time that he will have to wake up in the future. You can find out the daily routine in the garden and try to adapt to its regimen. Breakfast, naps and walks are required. It is important that the baby goes to bed no later than 21.00 - so it will be easier for him to wake up early. This can significantly reduce the levels of physical and emotional stress of the most acute period of adaptation, even reduce it by half.

Daytime sleep on weekends is a prerequisite for successful adaptation. Gradually, the child returns to normal, begins to eat well and fall asleep peacefully.
  • A great way to set the baby on the right wave is to introduce him to the caregiver. If you manage to talk with the teacher in advance, the child will perceive the teacher as an already familiar adult. Then the new environment will become a little more comfortable.

While visiting the garden

  • Try to develop the crumbs of communication skills and joint play with peers. To do this, bring the baby to the playground more often, invite neighbors' children home.
  • Practice following simple rules - teach how to hold a spoon, drink from a cup, dress yourself. It is also important that the baby knows how to use the potty, otherwise in the group he will regularly walk in wet underwear. Educators do not always have time to change the child's clothes on time.
  • Teach your son or daughter positive thinking, tell them that many children like kindergarten. You can play at home, taking on the role of a tutor. Let the youngest member of the family participate in the game - so he learns to follow the rules.
  • You can allow the baby to take a toy with him. This method has a double meaning: a familiar little thing will remind you of home, and will also help build relationships with peers who will certainly want to play with a new car or doll.
  • Try to instill calm and confidence in your son or daughter with your own behavior. Psychologists have long proven that the baby adopts the mood of the mother, feeling the slightest emotional fluctuations. Let the baby feel that his parents know: the kindergarten is a good place for him, he will certainly like it here.

Favorite toy in the kindergarten soothes the baby, makes him more self-confident

First day in the children's team

The first day is extremely important. It is he who will become the first step in the difficult path of adaptation to the garden. It is very important to properly build your actions and raise the level of a positive attitude for the entire period of visiting the kindergarten:

  • You need to understand that it is better not to leave the baby in the group until the evening for the first 4-5 days. Half a day will be enough. During this time, the child will look around, get first impressions and get to know other children. It is better to take it home before nap time. Some experts advise bringing the baby only for a walk in order to limit the impact of negative factors on him as much as possible. And only after a few days try to leave him in the group.
  • It is advisable to talk with the teacher, ask him to be more tactful with the newcomer, to talk about what the baby likes and what not. It also makes sense to tell the teacher what words are best to encourage the child, how to pacify him in case of too active games.
  • It is important that the baby is completely healthy. The first day is full of impressions, and feeling unwell will be an additional burden on the nervous system.
  • It is worth supporting the baby on his first “working” day - distracting him, spending time with him talking or calmly playing. You can watch a video together: good cartoons or a feature film. To reduce the load on the nervous system, you should refuse to travel to visit, the circus or another place where the child will receive a lot of impressions.
  • A new toy will be a good incentive to visit the kindergarten. You can buy a doll together or a soft bear, which he will choose himself. Then explain to him that this toy will go to the garden with him so that he will have more fun there. In the evening, you can ask the child how his toy friend is doing, what he did, if he was sad.

The first five days of kindergarten

The first day is very important for a child, but the first week is the most revealing and difficult. During this period, the child can be especially excitable - to throw tantrums for any reason, to be capricious, not to obey. Sometimes parents give up and there is a desire to severely punish the baby. Let's say right away - it's better not to punish the child, but to talk with him and try to go through a difficult time together.

In the first week, the child is in the acute phase of getting used to the garden. In addition, sometimes a kid in a new team restrains himself, keeps his emotions under lock and key. But at home, in his usual surroundings, he throws out everything that has accumulated during the time spent in the garden. During this period of time, you need to increase the level of goodwill.

It is not necessary to scold the baby in the first days of being in kindergarten - it is better to talk frankly with him

How to help?

  • If the mother has a suspicion that the baby is uncomfortable in the group, you can try to find out the reason. Psychologists recommend playing a game called “kindergarten” with your son or daughter. Let his favorite toy go to the garden, and his mother will become a teacher. In the process of dialogue, you can find out what worries the baby. Maybe one of the children offends him? Or is the teacher punishing for no reason? With the help of such a distribution of roles, it is possible to correct the behavior of the child, to put in him ways of solving problems.
  • In the morning, taking the baby to the group, you need to try to make him let his mother go. At the same time, the moment of parting should not be prolonged so as not to cause unnecessary emotions. The main thing is to give the baby clear information about when he will be taken home, then strictly fulfill the promise. Next time, he will be sure that his mother will come for him early if he asks her about it.
  • Weekends should closely repeat the daily routine in kindergarten.
  • It is important to dress your child properly. If the group is not cold, it is enough to wear sweatpants and a T-shirt. If it's the off-season and the heating isn't working, you can put your baby in something long-sleeved and add a vest.
  • It happens that the son is so attached to his mother that he hardly lets her go. In this case, you can go for a little trick - let the father or grandmother take the son to the group.
  • Do not take a break from visiting the garden without a good reason. So you can nullify all the efforts of the child and parents, and also show the baby that you don’t have to go to the garden.
  • If the child cries, does not want to let his mother go, you need to cheer him up, promise to play with him at home. You can’t scold for tears, although whims should not be encouraged.

On weekends, it is better to make a daily routine so that it coincides with the kindergarten way.

Reminder for parents: 5 mistakes to avoid

We told you how to behave with the baby so that his getting used to the kindergarten goes smoothly and painlessly. However, some parents still tend to make mistakes - this memo is for them. In this article, we will take a closer look at the most common misconceptions and give tips on how to avoid them:

  1. You can not compare the child with his friends or classmates, citing their behavior or actions as an example. This rule is always valid, but at the time of adaptation it is especially relevant. It is better to remind the baby from time to time that he is good, that he is loved at home.
  2. You should not deceive the baby, hoping that he will forget the promise. He will remember that his mother promised to return for him in half an hour, and his father took him home only in the evening. The kid will feel that he has been betrayed and will especially experience deception.
  3. In no case should you punish the baby by threatening him with a garden. This path is a dead end, it will teach the child to dislike the garden even more.
  4. Sometimes parents promise that they will buy a toy or sweets for a visit to the garden. This is also not true, since the child will serve his term, thinking only about the hotel. In addition, over time, this will turn into a system, mom and dad will have to pamper the baby every day.
  5. All mothers know that you should not take a sick child to the kindergarten. Sometimes a small runny nose does not prevent the baby from feeling good in the company of peers, especially if the mother cannot take sick leave. However, during adaptation, it is better to avoid such a situation so that physical ailment does not aggravate the emotional depression of the crumbs.

Surviving the period of adaptation to kindergarten is not easy, but it is quite possible. Parents should not give up, but act prudently and judiciously. The main task is to inspire the child that mom and dad love him and will always support him. Do not forget to remind the kid about this, then he will grow up as a self-sufficient person, it will always be easy to find friends and easily be able to build his own family.

The problem of adaptation of first-graders to school is relevant both for parents and for the entire education system. Coming to school, getting into a new situation for themselves, almost all children experience and worry. Both the teacher and the educator, as well as parents, are interested in first-graders entering school life as quickly and successfully as possible.

Most first graders come to school from kindergarten. There were games, walks, a quiet regimen, daytime sleep, the teacher was always nearby. There, the current first graders were the oldest children! At school, everything is different: here - work in a rather intense mode and a new strict system of requirements. It takes time and effort to get used to them.

The period of adaptation to school is very difficult for first-graders; it lasts from 2-3 weeks to six months. It depends on many factors: the individual characteristics of the child, the type of educational institution, the level of complexity of educational programs, the degree of readiness of the child for school.

Adaptation - getting used to, “fitting” the child into some kind of environment.

For the successful adaptation of first-graders, motivation for learning is very important. In the first year, it is mainly provided by adults. How they react to the attempts of kids to master or learn something new largely depends on whether first graders want to learn. For the development of learning motivation, it is important that the first steps of the child in school meet with interest and understanding from adults.

1. Study your child by observing him in various situations, which will help you get to know your baby better, certain traits of his character.

2. Develop the child's motor activity, because. a hardy child who is accustomed to physical activity endures adaptation more easily than a weak and inactive child.

3. Do not indulge all the whims of the child, do not abuse affection, because. this can lead to stubbornness and moodiness.

4. Do not suppress the craving for independence.

5. Try to answer all the questions of the child, because. curiosity at this age knows no bounds.

6. Teach your child how to deal with school difficulties on their own.

7. Do not be nervous or upset because of the failures of the child, because. he is afraid of upsetting his parents once again.

8. Teach your child to be friends with children: be honest, respect friends, invite to your home, do not allow betrayal, criticize, not humiliating, but supporting. Remember that the childhood friendships that you support will probably become the mainstay of your child in adulthood.

9. “This is the cherished desire of every father, every mother - that children want to study well. It has its source in the desire to bring joy to mother and father. And this desire awakens in a child's heart only when the child has already experienced, experienced the joy of doing good for people. I am deeply convinced that it is possible to make a child study well by encouraging him to do good deeds for the good of people, by establishing in his heart sensitivity to the world around him, by cultivating the ability to know the spiritual world of another person with his heart. (Sukhomlinsky V.A.)

Remember:Your child will learn differently in school than you once did. Never scold a child with hurtful words for failing to understand or do something. Try only to positively evaluate your child's studies, even if it seems to you that his progress is clearly insufficient. Live in the name of your child, show maximum attention to him, worry about every failure of the child and rejoice even in his smallest successes. Be his friend, then the baby will entrust you with the most intimate.

Development of the cognitive and emotional-volitional sphere.

Dear parents, each of you wishes a happy future for your child. One of the components of a happy life is a future profession. But not every parent understands that general education is the basis, the foundation of the future profession. And the basis of a student's education is his mental abilities. If a child has a high level of development of cognitive processes (thinking, memory, attention, imagination, etc.), then, accordingly, in the future the child will be able to learn a good profession, but if the development of mental abilities is at a low level, then it is unlikely that the child will be able to master such a profession, so you, dear parents, should pay special attention to the development of cognitive processes:

1. In the classroom, children are required to quickly switch their attention from one type of activity to another. Parents can develop this property of attention at home with the help of motor exercises. Children can perform and complete their actions on command, quickly moving from one type of movement to another (use physical exercises): walk, jump, stop.

3. Practice with long concentration: listen and retell a story, draw a city, play board games.

4. Offer the children more often the following exercises: in a newspaper, in an old book on one of the pages, cross out all the letters “a” with a pencil, trying not to miss them (the task can be gradually complicated by asking the child to cross out all the letters “a”, circle all the letters "k", underline all the letters "o").

5. Use didactic games with clearly defined rules.

6. Regularly include children in completing tasks according to a previously developed action plan: you can make constructions from designers, drawings, ornaments, applications, crafts, the shape of which you set verbally or using a diagram.

7. For memory training, ask children to retell stories, fairy tales according to a schematic plan drawn up by you.

8. Encourage children to:

A) repeat the words, numbers, sentences you said;

B) unfinished phrases that need to be completed;

C) questions that need to be answered, encouraging those children who try to answer them more often;

9. To develop thinking, learn to compare, analyze the sample and the results of your own and other people's work, find and correct errors.

10. Periodic switching from one type of work to another, active cognitive activity, the formation of control and self-control - this approach will help develop the cognitive processes necessary for the correct perception, understanding of educational material at school, and this, in turn, will help the child in the future, not only in mastering the profession, but also in interaction with others.

Dear parents, remember that the development of the emotional-volitional sphere of the child is the basis for the development of cognitive processes, therefore, with the above recommendations, it is necessary to remember that your child needs warmth, comfort, peace that you can create at home, in the family. Therefore, if the emotional side of the personality of children is properly developed (that is, the child is not impulsive, the child adequately perceives criticism, the child does not behave aggressively in conflict, etc.), then his mental development will also be at a high level. Teach children to be more understanding, to seek compromises in conflicts, and most importantly, love your children, hug them more often. Speak pleasant words, praise them, let them feel your care, create harmony in the child-parent relationship.

Teacher psychologist Rybakov A.N.

The emotional problems of the baby require resolution in the very first days of his stay in the group. The further life of the child depends on the success of the teacher in this direction, and not only in kindergarten. Negative experience of adaptation can play a negative role in the first grade of the school. For the optimal implementation of the adaptation period, the transition of the child from the family to the preschool institution must be made as smooth as possible.

Based on the data obtained during the experiment and in order to make the process of adaptation to kindergarten faster and more painless for children, we can offer the following recommendations for educators and parents.

1. It is necessary to create an emotionally favorable atmosphere in the group. To create an emotionally favorable atmosphere in the group, it is necessary to form a positive attitude in the child, a desire to go to kindergarten. It depends, first of all, on the ability and efforts of educators to create an atmosphere of warmth, comfort and benevolence in the group. If a child feels this warmth from the first days, his worries and fears will disappear, adaptation will go much easier. Almost any baby at first experiences discomfort from the size of the group room and bedroom - they are too big, not like at home. To make it pleasant for the child to come to kindergarten, you need to “domesticate” the group. Visually reduce the room, make it more comfortable, beautiful curtains on the windows, a border along the upper edge of the wall.

Furniture is best placed in such a way that it forms small "rooms" in which children feel comfortable. It is good if the group has a small "house". It is advisable to place a living corner next to the "house". Plants and green color in general have a positive effect on the emotional state of a person.

In the group, it is necessary to establish a sports corner that would satisfy the need for children to move. The corner should be designed so that the child has a desire to study in it.

Psychologists and physiologists have established that art activity for a child is not only and not so much an artistic and aesthetic action, but an opportunity to throw out their feelings on paper. An art corner with free access for children to pencils and paper will help solve this problem at any time, as soon as the baby has a need to express himself. Drawing with felt-tip pens - markers, on a sheet of paper attached to the wall, gives children special pleasure. For an attentive educator, the color that is chosen for the picture will help to understand how the child’s soul is at the moment - sad and anxious, or, conversely, light and joyful.

Playing with sand and water has a calming effect on children. Such games have great developmental opportunities, but during the adaptation period, their calming and relaxing effect is the main thing.

Sleep problems are caused not only by internal stress, but also by the environment, which is different from home. The child feels uncomfortable in a large room, the fuss of other children distracts, makes it impossible to relax and fall asleep.

Such a simple thing as a bedside curtain can solve a number of problems: create a feeling of psychological comfort, security, give the bedroom a more comfortable look, and most importantly, this curtain, which the mother sewed and hung in front of the child, like the favorite toy with which he goes to bed .

During the adaptation period, it is necessary to temporarily preserve the upbringing methods familiar to the child, even if they contradict the rules established in the kindergarten. Before going to bed, the baby can be shaken if he is used to it, give a toy, sit next to him, tell a fairy tale, etc.

In no case should you force-feed or put to bed, so as not to cause and not fix for a long time a negative attitude towards the new environment.

It is necessary in every possible way to satisfy the extremely acute need of children in emotional contact with an adult during the period of adaptation.

Affectionate treatment of the child, the periodic stay of the baby in his arms gives him a sense of security, helps to adapt faster.

Young children are very attached to their mother. The child wants his mother to be with him all the time. Therefore, it is very good to have a "family" album in the group with photographs of all the children of the group and their parents. In this case, the baby will be able to see his loved ones at any time.

2. Work with parents, which must be started before the child enters the kindergarten.

A necessary condition for successful adaptation is the coordination of actions of parents and educators. Even before the baby enters the group, caregivers should establish contact with the family. It is difficult to immediately find out all the habits and characteristics of a child, but in an introductory conversation with parents, you can find out what are the characteristic features of his behavior, interests and inclinations.

It is advisable to recommend that parents in the early days bring the child only for a walk, so it is easier for him to get to know the caregivers and other children. Moreover, it is advisable to bring the baby not only for a morning walk, but also for an evening walk, when you can draw his attention to how moms and dads come for children, how they happily meet. In the early days, it is worth bringing the child to the group later than 8 o’clock so that he does not witness the tears and negative emotions of other children when parting with his mother.

Parents, giving their child to kindergarten, are worried about his fate. Sensitively capturing the state and mood of his loved ones, especially his mother, the child is also worried.

Therefore, the task of the educator is to reassure, first of all, adults: invite them to inspect the group rooms, show the locker, bed, toys, tell what the child will do, what to play, introduce them to the daily routine, discuss together how to facilitate the adaptation period. It is advisable to develop for parents a memo “the first days of the child in kindergarten”, which will become a kind of hint for parents of children attending kindergarten for the first time (see Appendix 2).

In turn, parents should carefully listen to the advice of the teacher, take into account his advice, observations and wishes. If a child sees good, friendly relations between his parents and caregivers, he will adapt much faster to a new environment.

3. Proper organization of play activities during the adaptation period, aimed at the formation of emotional contacts "child - adult" and "child - child".

The main task of games in the adaptation period is the formation of emotional contact, children's trust in the teacher. The child should see in the teacher a kind, always ready to help person (like a mother) and an interesting partner in the game. Emotional communication arises on the basis of joint actions, accompanied by a smile, affectionate intonation, and a manifestation of care for each baby.

The first games should be frontal so that no child feels left out. The initiator of games is always an adult. Games are selected taking into account the playing capabilities of children, the venue, etc., for example, "Parsley Came", "Blowing Soap Bubbles", "Round Dance", "Catching", "Sun Bunnies".

Shy, shy children who feel uncomfortable in a group need special attention and an individual approach. You can ease their state of mind, cheer up with “finger” games. In addition, these games teach coordination and coordination of movements: “Who is in the fist”, “Playing with hands”, etc. (See Appendix 3).

Smoothing out the adaptation period will help physical exercises and games that can be carried out several times a day. You should also create conditions for independent exercises: offer kids wheelchairs, cars, balls. If the children are not currently disposed to outdoor games, you can read a fairy tale to them or play calm games.

To a large extent, games that develop the skills to perform everyday duties and develop responsibility will help to adapt.

Of course, in the conduct of any process, the main role belongs to the educator. By creating in the child a positive attitude to all processes, developing various skills corresponding to age-related capabilities, forming the need to communicate with adults and children, he provides a solution to educational and educational problems already in the period of the child's getting used to new conditions and thereby speeds up and facilitates the course of the adaptation process. .

The duration of adaptation depends on the individual characteristics of each baby, on the correct approach of adults to the addiction of children. If the child is active, sociable, inquisitive, his adaptation is relatively easy and fast. Another baby is slow, noise and loud conversations irritate him, he does not know how to eat and undress himself. Such a child needs a longer period of adaptation.

The adaptation period is considered completed if: the child eats with appetite; falls asleep quickly, wakes up on time; emotionally communicates with others, plays.

Thus, the study of the psycho-emotional state of children aged 2-3 years during the period of adaptation to kindergarten showed that only 50% of the children from the study group are ready for life in kindergarten; 30% of children are conditionally ready for kindergarten conditions; 2 children - not ready. At the same time, it can be noted that the average indicators of the severity of positive emotions are higher than the indicators of the severity of negative emotions.

A survey of parents on the subject of their assessment of the psycho-emotional state of the child during the period of adaptation showed that certain problems of the psycho-emotional plan exist in half of the children (50%), which coincides with the data obtained at the first stage of the study. The survey helped to understand the reasons for the success or failure of the adaptation of a child.

Based on the data obtained, it is possible to build further work on the adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten. To this end, we have developed proposals and recommendations for educators and parents, using which they will help children to go through the adaptation period more easily and with the least negative consequences.

Adaptation is a process of adaptation to changing conditions, which includes the impact on many psychophysiological functions of a growing organism. Any change is definitely stressful. Therefore, the support and friendly attitude during this period is so important for the baby. And, of course, the main assistants in accustoming to kindergarten are parents.

by the adaptation period.

  • The first thing to remember is that you do not need to threaten your child with kindergarten. It is necessary to create a positive impression, to say how good and fun it will be for the baby there. You can even invite your child to play "kindergarten" at home - then, even before getting to know the institution, he will have an idea of ​​​​what it is.
  • It is important to immediately maintain a daily routine at home that is as close as possible to the mode of being in the kindergarten. If this is a new regimen for a child, it is best to start adapting it a couple of months before going to kindergarten.
  • It is necessary to issue a medical card in time for admission to kindergarten.
  • Pay attention to your baby's diet. In composition, it should be close to the diet offered in kindergarten. Be sure to have cereals and soups on the menu. A child who eats exclusively processed foods will experience even more stress from unusual food. Lunch should consist of three courses (first, second and compote).
  • It is desirable that by visiting kindergarten, the baby knows how to dress independently, at least partially. This also includes the possession of basic skills: the use of cutlery, washing. Potty training is an important factor. Learning new actions in a stressful situation is much more difficult than coming into an unfamiliar world already knowing.
  • In the early days, you should not leave your baby in kindergarten for more than two hours. The residence time should be increased gradually. After 2-3 weeks (this period is individual for each child), given the desire of the baby, you can leave him for the whole day in the preschool.
  • Every time after coming from kindergarten, it is necessary to ask the child about how the day went, what impressions he got. It is imperative to focus the attention of a son or daughter on positive aspects, since parents with such short remarks are able to form a positive attitude towards a preschool institution in them.
  • If the baby is crying, you should take him in your arms, calm him down - he probably lacks the touch of his mother, which there were much more recently.
  • It is advisable to put the child to bed early, stay with him longer before going to bed, talk about the kindergarten. You can agree in the evening what toys he will take with him to kindergarten, decide together what clothes he will wear in the morning.
  • On weekends, it is worth adhering to the daily routine adopted in the preschool educational institution, repeating all the activities that the baby has already learned.
  • It is advisable to give the child a couple of days of rest if he categorically refuses to go to kindergarten. All this time it is necessary to talk about the kindergarten, about how many interesting things await him there. Let these conversations be emotionally colored, they will help calm the baby.
  • At first, when the child is just starting to go to kindergarten, you should also not plan important things, it is better to postpone going to work. Parents should know that a son or daughter can get used to kindergarten for 2-3 months.

Thus, you will be able to minimize the negative factors of the adaptation period, and the baby in kindergarten from the first days will feel comfortable.

It is difficult to say how long the adaptation period will last, because all children go through it differently. But getting used to a preschool is also a test for parents, an indicator of how ready they are to support a child, to help him overcome difficulties.

Remember, patience, consistency and understanding are important!

Every day, leave time to talk with your child about what kindergarten is, why it is needed and why mom wants to take him there (it’s interesting there, other children are walking there, mom needs to take care of family affairs).

Plan ahead for walks to the territory of the selected institution. Pay your child's attention to the beauty of the territory of the kindergarten. Focus the child's attention on the fact that soon he will be able to walk and play here with all the children and the teacher.

Proudly tell your friends in the presence of the baby that he has already grown up and is preparing to go to kindergarten.

Even before the first visit, tell your child about the daily routine in kindergarten, what children do there and who the educators are. This will help the baby to more easily accept the novelty in his life.

Tell him that in kindergarten he will be able to make new friends.

Teach him approximate phrases, words with which he can address his new friends. Read poems or children's stories about kindergarten, show pictures.

Be sure to talk to him about the role of educator. Many children mistakenly believe that their mother abandoned them and gave them to someone else's aunt. Teach your child how to address the caregiver, how to properly express their needs.

Warn the baby that there may be difficulties due to the fact that there are many children there, and there is only one teacher. Teach him patience. But always assure that mom or dad will definitely come for him.

Play with your child at home in the game "Kindergarten". Create a couple of typical situations that may arise in a children's group. Suggest a few options for the baby that will help him respond to them. By doing this, you will already lay the foundations for communication and the entry of the baby into a new team - first for children, then for school, and then for adults.

An important means of communication in a preschool institution is children's toys. For part of the family atmosphere to be with the baby, let him take his favorite toys with him. Teach him to share them with other children.

Discuss with the baby how you will say goodbye and how to meet in kindergarten. Do simple, but very important actions for the baby several times when saying goodbye and meeting. Try to stick to them in the future. Be sure that the baby is ready for kindergarten, has all the necessary self-care skills, speech, knows how to express his needs.

Maintain relationships with the caregiver and other parents.

Be interested in who your baby is friends with, welcome and encourage the friendship of a son or daughter. Participate in the life of the baby, rejoice in his success and creativity. This is a good foundation for a strong parent-child relationship.

Solve conflict situations, misunderstandings with educators without aggression and not in the presence of the child.

Do not criticize the kindergarten, do not be indignant at the shortcomings of the work of a preschool institution with a child, do not be indignant at the shortcomings of the work of a preschool institution with a child.

Remember that with the start of attending kindergarten, the child is temporarily deprived of physical contact with the mother. It is important for small children that they continue to be picked up, hugged, put to bed. Therefore, try to pay more attention to the child at home.