Happy birthday to the girl short congratulations. Congratulations on the past birthday. belated birthday picture

I did not see the time to run,
Native, my close person,
Forgive me for messing up
And belated congratulations...
Happy birthday, my friend,
Happy fate without parting
Beautiful days and only them,
And congratulations this verse! ©

It would not be a shame, but I have to (a) admit
What didn't fit in my head
What after could accurately remember!
That day when, at the hour appointed by fate,
Vied with each other and congratulated you!
Happy birthday, happy coming into this world,
For many wonderful and happy years,
Good luck, happiness surrounded those years,
At least I wish it from the bottom of my heart!
And do not be angry, my friend, that I was late,
But now only the best, I wish you! ©

Cool congratulations on the past birthday

I forgot to set the alarm
And I forgot to have lunch, unfortunately ...
How could I? Please forgive...
I forgot to wish you happy birthday!

And today at last
I give you... a casket!
Full of happiness and good luck wishes!
Happy Birthday to You
Congratulations I love!
Incomparable, sweetest creature!

Twisted, twisted
But I forgot ... your mother!
After all, you have long wanted
Happy birthday congratulations!!

Sorry, can't fix
The day has already passed!
You can't congratulate a person
And in the soul is already a goat !!!

I beat myself for the second day,
I can't find an excuse!
Didn't find one minute
To send wishes!

But I wanted so loudly
So I wanted not melting,
Write in big font:


And now I sit and cry
And I don't know what to say.
I can't eat or poop
I cannot sleep at night.

And here I am with the keyboard
On my knees in front of the computer
I send this verse
Waiting for forgiveness!

Birthday "missed"
Didn't make it and was late
And now just an excuse
Fallen look and wishes,
With never again
I won't forget about you!
About your day
About your birth
About gifts and fun,
To be on time and on time,
To more without vices,
In general, I'm sorry
What did I remember! ©


Beautiful congratulations on the past birthday

The candles went out, the holiday is over -
Your birthday has passed.
How many different congratulations -
Get more from me.

Girlfriend, I sincerely wish
Happy, carefree days.
To have enough money and love,
The world around you has become kinder.

Congratulations on the holiday,
With the one that only happens once a year.
I wish you immense happiness
Let troubles pass by.

Let bold hopes come true
Efforts will lead to the best.
The fresh wind blows impressions,
Only your days bring joy.

"Happy Birthday Girlfriend"

My beloved friend,
Happy Birthday!
From happiness, let your head spin,
And the heart of love is fire.

Let the holiday died down recently
I wish you late
Success to achieve the main
Only pluses to find in fate.

Hello! Belated but from the heart
I congratulate you! Read it, don't rush.
On your birthday I want to wish:
Shine with a happy smile more often
It's easy and beautiful to go through life,
By all means find the way to the dream!
Be strong, successful - in everything and everywhere.
I wish you mutual love!

My friend, congratulations!
Sorry, I'm a little late.
I wish you health and happiness!
Beloved, most importantly, be.

You - sorry, sorry, sorry! ..
Girl's memory, friend ...
Bloom your eyelids,
Inspiration and friend!

"Happy Birthday Poems"

So what if it's a birthday!
Better late after all than never!
You accept congratulations from us,
We wish you happiness in life always!

And the best health to you,
This is the most important thing in life!
And a great frequent success,
After all, in fact, we live for him!

Happy holiday to you
I wish you long life and happiness.
May it always dawn for you
In the way of night salvation from bad weather.

There were no enemies, and there was no evil,
So that you do not know about the unhappy life.
Let the power of fire not go out in the eyes,
And there were only bright thoughts.

Birthday, without a doubt, is the best and most important holiday for any person. Only the New Year can be compared with this holiday, but the difference is that the New Year's holiday is universal, people first congratulate each other on the upcoming holiday, and if someone is forgotten, then you can do it later with the New Year. And no one will be offended by this.

A completely different thing is a birthday, when the timeliness of congratulations is of great importance, but it can be so insulting when you receive birthday greetings late. But still, we are all looking forward to this day with such impatience and joy. True, there is a sad note in this, because we are getting a year older. And you can't get the years back.

But the anticipation of the holiday for some time overshadows these sad thoughts. After all, you want to spend this wonderful event so fun that you will remember it for a long time later. And gifts! It's so nice to receive them from friends, relatives, colleagues.

Gifts can be different - perfumes, sweets, flowers, mobile phones, books, expensive clothes and much, much more. As we grow up, we begin to understand the full cost of this attention. It is very nice when you are remembered, loved, appreciated - it is worth a lot.

But even when you receive late birthday wishes, it still feels so warm in your soul and the resentment passes. You begin to understand that you are remembered, loved, not forgotten! To insure against such forgetfulness, you can start a small notebook and write down the dates of birth of loved ones there.

And what congratulations sound on this day most often: these are wishes for good health, happiness in personal life, well-being and good luck in business, always in a good mood, fulfillment of all desires. The main thing is that all these wishes and congratulations should be from the heart.

I send you poems
And happy birthday
(Although with the past, unfortunately,
For that I apologize.)

Yes, the birthday is over
But the holiday feeling remains!
So look at life more cheerfully
Find friends everywhere
May only joy await you!

I congratulate you a little late,
After all, your birthday has just passed.
But still I want to send a wish,
So that everything is good in your life.

I wish, firstly, a lot of health,
Enough money, secondly.
Luck is always to help in business,
And the joyful laughter in your life has not subsided.

Congratulations on the holiday,
With the one that only happens once a year.
I wish you immense happiness
Let troubles pass by.

Let bold hopes come true
Efforts will lead to the best.
The fresh wind blows impressions,
Only your days bring joy.

Your birthday has already passed, my love
Cast away all your doubts, because I will
Always by your side, just don't be sad!
And this SMS ku, please read! ©

Sorry for being late
I congratulate you!
Happy birthday dear
Happy holiday, my love!

Darling, please be calm
I believe your life will be worthy!
Happy birthday I send sms
Let it be late. But I love you! ©

Am I off topic again?
Late again?
How time flies!
Missed the whole ball...

I'm sorry!
(And it's too late, I confess!)

Sorry and sorry again
Please accept the best wishes.
I'm a little late with congratulations,
May your life path be successful.

Happy birthday to you
I wish you health, happiness.
So that you are in a cheerful and good mood,
They could happily walk through life.

Your birthday is a wonderful day
Lilacs are blooming all around.
And the lily of the valley smells outside the window,
And everything in life goes the way.

Happy past birthday, I congratulate you,
I apologize from the bottom of my heart.
I wish you happiness, joy
And I want to be with you all the time.

They say that birthday is a holiday of childhood,
And, of course, there is no getting away from it.
And no matter how many years we have,
Every holiday is ready to be celebrated.

A little late, I congratulate you,
I wish you happy, long years.
Good health, great luck,
Love, success, and wonderful meetings.

Birthday is a day of fun and excitement,
It is special, the best holiday on Earth.
And of course, I'll apologize
That a little later brought a gift to you.

I want to wish you happy birthday
Wish you good luck in life.
And never be offended by anything,
Do not hang your nose and do not lose heart.

How embarrassing and embarrassing it can be if you don’t wish your loved one a happy birthday in time! You just get lost and do not know how to make amends for embarrassment!

Our audio sms will help anyone in such a situation! They will not only correct the situation, but also cause a smile and, of course, reconcile you with someone whose birthday has already passed!

It is very difficult to call yourself and hear the cold and offended voice of the former birthday man, here is the time to remember our beautiful voice congratulations on the past birthday.

You can choose congratulations with a delay from the heart, touching, demonstrating sincere remorse. And if V. Putin or V. Zhirinovsky calls with a belated birthday greeting? How are you? Not a single person will remain indifferent. Here such words with a request for forgiveness will be found, such intonations that your subsequent personal call will no longer be too difficult. Let's give a place to leading politicians in our personal lives as well. Perhaps here they will be able to correct the current situation, melt the ice that has emerged in the relationship, turn awkwardness into cordiality, and resentment into forgiveness.

Magnificent congratulations on the past birthday to a woman by phone: "They didn’t lead to execute for being late!"

A cool congratulation on being late on the occasion of your birthday can brighten up a little the awkwardness that is sure to arise due to your forgetfulness. Only sincere regrets, "apologies on the verge of tragedy" can appease someone whose birthday has been forgotten.

And if you did not congratulate your beloved woman in time! That is on the verge of breaking! Relationships hang by a thread, you wouldn't wish that on anyone. Here, be sure to start with our voice congratulations on the past birthday. Congratulations "Do not be too big for being late" will soften any woman's heart, make amends, correct the situation! You will find this apology for the late congratulations in the "voice cards" section as "A parody of the movie "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession"

Happy past birthday!
good luck and luck
I want to wish
And do not know sorrows!
Always dream come true
Try to be happy
After all, happiness lives in us!
So let success come!

Happy belated birthday,
A little late.
And what are the beliefs
Invented who said
What, being late, is not necessary,
Shouldn't you congratulate?
But we are together
Let's keep celebrating
Yesterday's birthday
Passes with a bang!
Let's make moments with you
Birth that yesterday.

Happy birthday to you!
Health, good luck, luck!
Smiles of radiance and joy,
Happy languor and sweetness!
cherished dream of fulfillment,
Love, kindness and patience!
Roads through life are open,
With a carriage of pleasant events!

Happy past birthday friend
I congratulate you today.
Let the whole world around please,
Fortune favors.
Let trouble not touch
Your income will be multiplied a hundredfold.
And happiness and love always
Let them please you.

Happy belated birthday!
A little bit out of time
But in late congratulations
Special point!
The gifts are already stacked, all the words have been said,
A little more - a little from the holidays, the head is not normal!
And it seems that your holiday will come only in a year,
How suddenly my message will bring him back again!

Happy belated birthday!
So late, sorry.
After all, life's friction
I got in the way!
Your holiday is wonderful
Hope it was fun.
Confused today
I wish you strength
To make all dreams come true
Yours, and at the right time!
So that each time in advance
God gave surprises!

Happy holiday to you
I wish you long life and happiness.
May it always dawn for you
In the way of night salvation from bad weather.
There were no enemies, and there was no evil,
So that you do not know about the unhappy life.
Let the power of fire not go out in the eyes,
And there were only bright thoughts.

Happy birthday, congratulations
Forgive me for forgetting about it on holiday.
I wish you the best today
Let luck enter the house soon
Love you and always be happy
And, of course, love your life!
And make the world around you beautiful
And harmoniously, and worthy of living!

Happy belated birthday to you!
Let it be late, but I still wish
Love you, luck in everything,
And at the same time I send my greetings!

Congratulations, Sunshine, happy birthday!
An ocean of love and patience for you!
You shine for the joy of everyone - drive the clouds away,
And I'm sorry for being late...
Better late than never,
The snow will melt - there will be water:
Happy birthday congratulations!
Don't be sad. I love. I hug.

Hello! Belated but from the heart
I congratulate you! Read it, don't rush.
On your birthday I want to wish:
Shine with a happy smile more often
It's easy and beautiful to go through life,
By all means find the way to the dream!
Be strong, successful - in everything and everywhere.
I wish you mutual love!

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday.
Let with the past, but from the heart!
Sorry, please, for being late.
Congratulations are always good!
Let once again, but I wish
Happiness in life, health, love!
This is the most important value
Although these words are very simple!
And I also wish you
Laughter, cheerfulness and kindness,
And, of course, let them come true
All your wishes and dreams!

Your birthday has passed
Girlfriend, believe the words -
Congratulations can be good
Not only on the holiday itself.
By dinner, a spoon is expensive -
I won't forget again
Your birthday is never
I wish you health!

Better late, as they say!
Happy past birthday!
Let it sparkle in your eyes
Fire of pleasure!
Wish to dive
Only in the joy of the moment!

With the past you, my friend!
Let troubles pass by.
We often look for happiness not there:
It's like a shadow behind your back.
Happy birthday to the past!
So many years with you friends!
You are not a saint, and you are not a sinner,
Let everything be with you!

Happy birthday to you!
Belated but from the heart
I wish you to be carefree -
Hurry to live, dream and love!

Your birthday has passed
Dude, don't be offended
That I didn't find the time
Congratulate you. Exhibit!
Today I will congratulate
And I'll drink to your health
I want to wish you good luck
And live in harmony with love!

I'm sorry I'm late with congratulations
And only now I send congratulations.
What I didn't have time to say on your birthday
What I remember, understand and love.

Forgive me for this delay
For memory leaky calendar.
May all your wishes come true.-
I wish, and I'm a little sorry.

Forgive me for being late
For the fact that I did not congratulate you on time,
Accept your wishes today -
They are kept warm by these strings.
Let everything always work out for you
Health never fails
And let luck in life not end,
And may great love come!

Birthday passed, so what -
I'm in a hurry to congratulate you!
Be lucky and bold,
To take what you want from life!

Congratulations on passing!
Happy your glorious birthday!
It's just been a crazy day...
I sincerely apologize...
And I want to wish
Be the happiest in the world
Fly in the sky with love
The best thing to be on the planet.

Congratulations on the holiday,
With the one that only happens once a year.
I wish you immense happiness
Let troubles pass by.
Let bold hopes come true
Efforts will lead to the best.
The fresh wind blows impressions,
Only your days bring joy.

Happy, bright birthday to you
Delayed congratulations, sorry
But from the bottom of my heart I wish you inspiration
Good luck, bright joys, love!
And I wish fabulous moments
Flowers, gifts in life, compliments!

My congratulations are belated
Your birthday has already passed.
Anyway, I wish you good luck
And rest and peace of mind.
So that health grows stronger over the years,
Expected invariable success in business.
So that happiness shines in the eyes,
And your laughter rang out.

I run with all my might,
I fly on the wings of the night!
After all, I have no forgiveness!
Forget your birthday!

And let me spin
Couldn't even call.
You are always in my heart
And how else to be?

I wish you a bright life!
Without troubles and sorrows
And accept gifts
Not only on your birthday!

I'm sorry dear friend
Me for being late!
I congratulate you today
Happy birthday to me. punishment
You can nominate anyone
I am ready to fulfill it.
I will give a gift today -
Gifts are better than words!

Hello! happy past birthday
Want to congratulate. Though already
He passed. May congratulations
Balm will lie on the soul!
And belated wishes
Let my holiday rise,
So that his wonderful radiance
Drive away sadness from life!

Happy Birthday -
Even though he's already gone
I, without any doubt,
I would be glad now - at the table,
Drink for you, please
And wish you good health!
You can't be upset with fate -
She needs to be respected!

Do not be angry about the wonderful
We could forget the holiday!
We wanted, let's be honest,
Extend birthday.
Weekends and weekdays dear
So we want to wish
To have time in the morning
One more hour to sleep!

I just now congratulate you
Though your birthday, my friend, has passed.
There are downsides, and my oversight,
On the other hand, it's still good.
I can wish you once again
Health, luck and wealth a whole cart.
So that you give change to both trouble and the enemy,
And the world brought only the best for you.

Although the birthday was celebrated,
We keep having fun
Congratulations on passing!
Let the capital envy!
Let the days fill to the limit
Some nice moments
And what you wish for yourself
Everything will be the best without a doubt!

Happy birthday to congratulate
It's never too late.
Let's turn back time
Grandiose again
Celebration shines
Glasses will clink.
I'll raise my toast
Albeit belated.
I wish not to get sick
To have enough strength
Grab the stars from the sky
And become an ideal!

My friend, congratulations!
Sorry, I'm a little late.
I wish you health and happiness!
Beloved, most importantly, be.
You - sorry, sorry, sorry! ..
Girl's memory, friend ...
Bloom your eyelids,
Inspiration and friend!

Sorry for being late! I congratulate you
Happy birthday and happy birthday!
Let the soul be filled with radiance, goodness,
And let life be warmed by love and warmth!

My beloved friend,
Happy Birthday!
From happiness, let your head spin,
And the heart of love is fire.
Let the holiday died down recently
I wish you late
Success to achieve the main
Only pluses to find in fate.

My apologies,
Didn't make it this time...
About your last birthday
I remembered a little too late.
Do not be mad at me, please,
And accept my congratulations -
May fate favor you
Doesn't spare a moment for happiness!

I ask your forgiveness -
How it happened, I don't know.
I missed your birthday
And just now, congratulations.
I hasten to wish you good luck
Health, smiles and laughter.
Give back to all enemies,
Dreaming to be successful.

Let belated congratulations
Let the birthday die down
I wish you inspiration
And only favorite things!
May every day be wonderful
Your dreams will come true
Let all doubts disappear
So that the heart sings from love.

Repentance and congratulations
Accept with the past holiday!
At least this time it's your birthday
Was met with other people,
But my thoughts were there
And now I just repeat:
Let there be the best rewards
In your fate, and also let
No doubts appear
In my love, in the love of friends!
Best moments in life
Give me champagne!

I congratulate you a little late,
After all, your birthday has just passed.
But still I want to send a wish,
So that everything is good in your life.
I wish, firstly, a lot of health,
Enough money, secondly.
Luck is always to help in business,
And the joyful laughter in your life has not subsided.

Sorry I'm a little late
I want to congratulate you on your birthday.
But the main thing, as they say, attention.
Please accept this congratulations!
Let everything in life be as it should be,
Favorite job, easy life ...
And all the good things about her are just beginning.
I wish happiness to receive and light to give ...

Better late happy birthday
Congratulate than ever
I wish you luck
Life for many years.
Friend, so that you do not lose heart,
And I did not know despondency -
You make relatives and friends happy,
To become happy!

Birthday has come and gone
But I still want to congratulate!
Wishes of joy, success
I hasten to send you from the bottom of my heart!

So what if it's a birthday!
Better late after all than never!
You accept congratulations from us,
We wish you happiness in life always!
And the best health to you,
This is the most important thing in life!
And a great frequent success,
After all, in fact, we live for him!

Late writing
Congratulations to you
I am guilty of forgetfulness...
I wish you all the best in your destiny.
Better late than not at all
Wish nothing.
I want to live without problems
And do not know despair.
And also, so be it with you
Will never happen.
And for my birthday
You can't not show up!

I congratulate you on your birthday
Let it pass - but now
I wish you the best!
So that you always make us happy.
Achieve new successes
And never know troubles
Try to be the happiest
More victories in life!