Mother's Strongest Mother's Prayer for Daughter

Proud and independent Elizabeth, the daughter of the Duke of Sewdley, was ready for everything - even for a scandalous wedding with a Scottish highlander, if only not to obey her tyrant father. The beauty could not even imagine that the "wild mountaineer" in reality is far from being as rude and uneducated as it seems - and by any means is ready to achieve the girl she dreams of day and night. In the end, in love, as in war, ANY means are good!

Genesis 2 Antonina Velikanova

Before you is one of the most famous and scandalous plays by the Irkutsk playwright Ivan Vyrypaev. Vyrypaev himself says that the text of Genesis No. 2 was sent to him by someone Antonina Velikanova, a mentally ill person, and he himself only edited and supplemented its text. The play "Genesis No. 2" is a dialogue between a psychiatrist and a patient, they are also God and Lot's wife. God proves that he does not exist, Lot's wife insists on the opposite, and between episodes Vyrypaev in the form of the prophet John sings shameful ditties ... And if on the surface one reads open theomachism with blasphemy, then ...

Ruffled Feathers Barbara McCafferty

The sleepy and quiet town of Pigeon Fork is shocked by crimes unprecedented in these parts. The villains threaten to kidnap the daughter of the local king of chicken carcasses, commit murder and open fire on civilians. What do you think was used as a weapon of crime? Bronze statue of a chicken in full growth! Of course, such outrages cannot pass by the only private detective in the town. But Haskell Blevins does not fit into the conventional wisdom about private detectives - tough guys with a square jaw and ...

Summer Garden Dmitry Veresov

In summer, time in our latitudes flows faster and fuller. Feelings and desires fill with strength, romantic impulses stir the heart, the Summer Garden of the soul blossoms - some have paradise, some have weeds, thistles and marsh duckweed ... At the cost of his own captivity, he returns freedom to his beloved Jane Bolton, but Cyril does not yet know why he needs this freedom . Domovoy becomes a single father, sharp turns lay the fate of Albina, Akentiev, Natasha, Zhenya Nevsky rushes through the tunnels of time, and the Soviet and Western intelligence services are playing a sophisticated game, counting ...

My poor Yorick Dmitry Veresov

Young Anya always knew that her beloved would be an extraordinary man, unlike the others. And so it happened: she was met and fell in love at first sight by the talented St. Petersburg avant-garde artist Jerome. But immediately after the wedding, the young couple begins to pursue failures: Jerome's father, a well-known party artist, dies; the family manor house with masterpieces of world art burns down. Anya's husband begins to gradually move away from her, Anna is tormented by doubts - has he really stopped loving her? But the worst test is ahead, when at the opening ...

Oper of a sad image Dmitry Veresov

Anna is happy - she marries a beautiful knight who saved her from death. This is investigator Kornilov, courageous, kind, charming, passionate about the East and esotericism. Their honeymoon trip is like a daydream. But upon their return, Anna and her knight are faced with a cruel reality: the witness at the wedding was found murdered under mysterious circumstances. The wounds on her body make one doubt that the crime is the work of human hands. And this is not the first and not the last victim of a mysterious villain! Anna's husband and his partner...

The secret of the beauty salon Ekaterina Vilmont

Has the detective bureau "Quartet" broken up? The boys are busy with their own affairs, Asya went to Paris, and Matilda ... Matilda finally became an actress! Let the rising star be only fifteen - performances, fans and flowers are already real. She manages to study at school, go to French, play on stage and hang out with friends. But who will investigate the crimes at this time? But the new neighbors Motka and Stesha seem to really need help: they are sent as a gift ... a mourning wreath! Who needed to intimidate young people the day before ...

Petersburg Princess Elena Kolina

A charming girl, the soul of the company, a smart fool, a gentle traitor, a talented lazy person, a charming egoist, she is friends with everyone, loves everyone ... The princess is supposed to have an entourage: a wonderful lover, a tender friend, a faithful squire, a court genius and a modest Cinderella. Years have passed, and the St. Petersburg Princess, who has turned into a mysterious American, meets her past ... Her retinue is no more, there are beautiful successful people: a self-confident new Russian, his beautiful wife, a cheerful intellectual, a charming playboy and a languid writer ...

Jade baby elephant Galina Vostokova

The first book of the Tashkent writer G. Vostokova is based on historical documents. In the center of the story is the amazing fate of a Russian girl, the prototype of which was Ekaterina Desnitskaya, who at the beginning of the century became the wife of the Siamese prince Chakrabon. The life and customs of Siam (Thailand) are reproduced with great authenticity in the novel.

Kisses Bridge Galina Vrublevskaya

Elena returns to her native St. Petersburg from London - a wealthy woman, beautiful, self-confident. Only old friends know how life hit Elena a few years ago. No, now she will not let herself be offended! That's just ... her business partner becomes the person with whom she was most afraid of meeting. Will the past return - pain, jealousy, the intrigues of his ex-wife, the intrigues of a young wife? Or did Elena finally become the mistress of her fate and her heart?

Where are you, my stranger? Kathleen Woodiwiss

Courageous Ashton Wingate saved a girl from certain death - and, throwing back the hood of his cloak, he discovered that it was ... Lirin, his young wife, whom everyone considered dead! However, there are suspicions that Ashton is just an adventurer-actress playing the role of Lirin. But let the eyes deceive the lover, the heart cannot deceive. And the ardent passion cannot lie, to which the “stranger” answers just as sincerely ...

Shanna Kathleen Woodiwiss

Shanna, the only daughter of a wealthy Bermuda planter, is forced to marry immediately at her father's insistence. The girl comes up with a brilliant, as she believes, way out of the situation - to go to England, marry a suicide bomber in a London prison, and then, returning home, declare herself a widow. The plan is carried out, but one day her husband appears on Shanna's plantation. Not only did he survive, he also fell passionately in love with his beautiful wife at first sight - and does not intend to disappear from her life at all ...

The Amazing Journey of Edward Rabbit Keith DiCamillo

One day, Grandma Pelegrina gave her granddaughter Abilene an amazing toy rabbit named Edward Tulane. He was made of the finest porcelain, he had a whole wardrobe of exquisite silk suits and even a gold watch on a chain. Abilene adored her rabbit, kissed him, dressed him up and wound his watch every morning. And the rabbit did not love anyone but himself. Once Abilene and her parents went on a sea voyage, and Edward the rabbit, falling overboard, ended up at the very bottom of the ocean. An old fisherman caught it and brought it to his wife. Then the rabbit got...

fiery constance o'banyon

Wanting to put an end to the enmity between two noble families, King Charles I of England arranges the wedding of fourteen-year-old Sabina with the handsome Duke of Balmoro. No one could have imagined that the good will of the monarch would so turn their fates around. Unwilling to accept this hated marriage, Lady Meredith, who is in love with the Duke, weaves the threads of a cunning conspiracy, as a result of which Sabina and Garret find themselves on opposite sides of the English Channel. But neither distance, nor years of separation, nor the cunning plans of enemies can extinguish the fire of love in their hearts.

Family heirloom Christina Rolofson

Let Kate's whole life suddenly break down: the groom left, the job is lost, but the young American does not lose heart. Ahead is a tourist trip to England, and she had long dreamed of it. New experiences, sightseeing, including Thorn House, whose owners, the Dukes of Thorncrest, Kate happens to be, as the family legend says, a distant relative ... Do not forget to take with you the brooch presented by your grandmother: a gaudy trinket with a huge fake diamond, but, according to her grandmother, she will bring happiness to Kate ...

Waves of Ecstasy Luanna Walden

Thomas Banbridge, a cruel and domineering stepfather who hated Derek Chayadler for his illegitimate origin, did everything to ruin his life. It did not work out - years flew by, and Derek returned, bitter, with a thirst for revenge in his soul. His goal is to ruin his stepfather, and at the same time dishonor his daughter in order to upset her upcoming wedding. But as soon as the young Chandler saw the beautiful Megan Banbridge, as accurately calculated plans for revenge disappeared, all that remained was the desire to conquer this dazzling girl at any cost ...

Game with death Natalya Nikolskaya

This time, a new case went to the private detective Kostikov, one might say, thanks to his wife Irina. Or, to be more precise, her classmate. And the case turned out to be not easy - first, the disappearance of a person with a large amount of money, then two corpses, assassination attempts ... The heroes will have to go through a lot before Igor Kostikov exposes the villain - as always, with the help of his faithful assistant, Baba Dusi ...

Black Widow Clicquot Olga Vetrova

Translator Vika Pobedkina came with a foreign delegation on an excursion to Yasnaya Polyana, but managed to fall behind the group and see… a ghost in the woods! Of course, everyone laughed at her. In addition to Tatyana, a museum employee, she also met a ghost and received an ominous warning: she needs to get rid of the ruby ​​ring that Prince Volkonsky, a descendant of Tolstoy, gave the girl. He changed his mind about marrying Tanya, and since then troubles began to overcome her. And then a certain imposing scientist promised to save her from problems by taking the ring. In that…

Elixir of eternity Olga Vetrova

Vika, a modest English teacher, got a good part-time job as an interpreter for a tourist group in Italy. The tour of Pompeii went on as usual until it was interrupted by ... shots - an Italian tourist, who turned out to be an employee of the Venetian municipality, killed his young wife and shot himself! Having recovered from the shock, Vika's group began to gather for their homeland. The wife of the Russian vice-consul, Marianna, turned to the translator with a request to give her brother, Valentin Korsky, a disk and a letter. The girl tried to fulfill the order and found out ...

Dangerous Magic Patricia Wilson

Young, beautiful and a bit shy Katherine Arnold works in the library of a small provincial English town. It would seem that her future is clear and certain: a few months will pass, and she will become the wife of a handsome guy, farmer Harry Hudson, who sincerely loves her. And suddenly Kate's life changes dramatically...

Secretly from everyone, producer Bari Alibasov and actress Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina legalized their relationship. Now there are a lot of rumors around the couple. Many do not believe in the union of Bari Karimovich and Lydia Nikolaevna and believe that the couple will divorce soon. Fuel was added to the fire by the fact that Victoria Maksimova appeared on television, who admitted that she had not divorced the producer. In addition, Victoria said that until recently, Bari confessed his love to her, and married the actress only because he wanted to help her.

In one of the episodes of the First Channel program “Let them talk,” Bari Karimovich justified himself for the trick of the ex-wife. “I really registered a relationship with her,” Alibasov began. - We lived for two or three months, she worked for me as a press officer. I realized that Victoria was of a narrow mind, not suitable for me either as a wife or as an employee. We broke up. Then I chased her for 10 years to get a divorce. In the end, we got divorced. I have the appropriate stamp in my passport.”

The producer also admitted that at first he and Fedoseyeva-Shukshina went to the registry office as witnesses to another couple - close friends. Already in the institution, Bari Karimovich and Lidia Nikolaevna also decided to legalize the relationship, which, by the way, lasted more than 20 years, so as not to apply here again.

“I made a marriage proposal to Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina on the eve of our marriage,” Alibasov said in the program. “The next day we took our passports with us to the registry office and registered our relationship.”

It is known that the daughters of the actress were not present at the wedding. Of those close to Lydia Nikolaevna was her grandson Makar. And after the wedding, Fedoseeva-Shukshina and her newly-made husband went to the courtroom to resolve the issue with the St. Petersburg apartment, which was sold by the granddaughter of the artist Anna. Due to omissions in the family of the actress, a longtime friend of the producer Mariyat Mukhina expressed her concern about the life of the spouses.

“I fear for the safety of Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina,” Mukhina admitted in the transfer studio of Dmitry Borisov. - I argue as a doctor: her daughters can slip some medicines on their mothers, which can subsequently adversely affect the health of the actress. I'm afraid for Barry. I am saddened by the fact that my relatives robbed Lydia Nikolaevna.” By the way, the son of Bari Karimovich was also not in the registry office.

As it turned out, he would soon become a father, so he was forced to miss this event. On that day, Bari Alibasov Jr. took his wife to the doctor. By the way, a wonderful relationship reigns between father and son. After the celebration, the producer's heir congratulated him on his marriage and came to the "Let them talk" program to support dad.

Bari Alibasov himself, in spite of everything, is trying to establish relations with his wife's children. Now he is in excellent relations with Maria Shukshina, but the producer cannot find a common language with Olga.

“Putin’s daughter, avoiding appearance in the media, spoke on television. Russians are wondering if Putin is considering her as his successor, because there has long been speculation about the end of his reign, ”Pavel Lokshin writes on the pages of Die Welt.

We are talking about a report by the Rossiya TV channel, dedicated, as the journalist notes, to the Innopraktika Development Institute, generously supplied with dubious state orders, whose director is the youngest daughter of President Putin.

After the report was released on Russian YouTube channels, blogs and Telegram, speculation immediately began to appear about whether the 32-year-old Tikhonova would take the presidency in 3 years.

“In fact, there are growing signs that Russia is about to change its political elite, during which the children of officials and technocrats who have long been loyal to Putin will be promoted to top government posts,” the author of the article believes. - So, the new Minister of Agriculture Putin's name is Dmitry Patrushev. This is the son of Putin's longtime ally Nikolai Patrushev, secretary of the Russian Security Council and former head of the powerful FSB.

“Does this mean that the Kremlin plans to inherit the main post in Russia as well? To do this, 66-year-old Putin must be ready to cede power and resign, and not in the style of castling with Dmitry Medvedev in 2008, ”said Lokshin.

Speculation about Putin's departure is as old as his career in the Kremlin. In April 2003, in the third year of Putin's presidency, the imminent end of the "Putin regime" was predicted by the well-known Moscow political scientist Stanislav Belkovsky. In 2007, Kremlin critic Garry Kasparov spoke of an impending "collapse of the Kremlin's power structures." “After 11 years, Kasparov lives in exile in the United States, and Putin is still sitting in the Kremlin,” Lokshin notes.

In December 2012, the journalist continues, Moscow-based political scientist Andrei Piontkovsky predicted the end of “Putinism,” but after the annexation of Crimea in 2014, Putin “overnight turned from a political lame duck into a “beloved national leader.”

“When it comes to the future of Putin, political scientists are hardly more accurate than astrologers,” the author of the publication states.

“Putin's system of power has been incredibly flexible over the years,” Lokshin emphasizes. “Even if the Russian president is rejected in some Western countries, in domestic politics he has so far overcome every period of uncertainty – also thanks to crude aggression abroad, for example, the war in Georgia and Ukraine.”

“In the long run, Putin is likely to cope even with the damage done to his image by the controversial pension reform in the fall and the falling rating,” the journalist said.

“The increase in the number of speculations about the change of power is associated not with Putin’s low popularity at the moment, but with the fact that his last presidential term ends in 2024,” Lokshin writes in conclusion. Why doesn't he find a new way to stay in power? In 6 years, Vladimir Putin will be 72 years old, the same age as Donald Trump today.”

"Parental - the home of the beginning of the beginning." Who has not heard these simple and at the same time soulful lines? And indeed, the place where parents are waiting for us - a loving mother and a caring father, is dear to almost every child, both big and small. And at an important, significant moment for a loved one, it is very important to give beautiful and bright birthday greetings to dad from his daughter.

It is believed that women are more emotional than men. But hardly anyone can compare in terms of depth of feelings with a loving father who worries about his daughter day and night and cares about her happiness. Usually, the daughter feels great about this arrangement, feeling safe behind her father's back all her life. On a father's birthday, it is more important than ever to think over beautiful and touching congratulations to dad from his daughter. It is possible that the father, having received such sincere and heartfelt lines as a gift, is moved to tears. But let these be tears of happiness and tenderness, which on a bright birthday holiday a man can be forgiven and understand his overwhelming feelings.

Dear dad, my good,

How similar are we to you?

I congratulate you, love

Happy Birthday to You!

Among cares, among labors,

In a long line of years

And in moments of fuss -

Be always happy you.

And in the affairs of you victories,

And healthy long years

Strength, energy, kindness,

Mood - with a bang.

May the family be strong

Friends will be true

Blessings, prosperity, good meetings.

Promise to take care of yourself!

Daddy, my dear, unfortunately

Seeing you less often.

And today, on this birthday,

I speak with special warmth:

I thank you for my childhood

For the love you have always given me.

And today I wish you

So that you live as long as possible.

May illness not affect you

You are very young at heart.

Smile more often, don't be sad

For me, you are the most precious!


Happy birthday my dad!

I'm lucky to have you.

You are caring, not strict

And with a soul so wide

What a huge ocean!

Always be drunk with happiness

Be successful and cheerful

Definitely healthy!

Well, I, as your daughter,

Forever love you

I respect you very much

I appreciate and love!


I've been proud of you since childhood

I strive to imitate you.

For me you are ideal

You have given me a lot in life.

Dad, I love you

And thank you for everything.

You are always by my side,

Daughter doesn't need more.

I wish you on your birthday

Happiness long, without end.

Strength, health, lots of laughter

And in all matters of success!

Peace, blue skies

Houses of a warm native,

Understanding, patience.

Happy Birthday!

How beautiful to congratulate on the holiday

How beautiful to congratulate dad on his birthday? Of course, tell him about your tender feelings, not skimping on colors and emotions. Let the loved one know that the daughter loves him very much and appreciates the time spent with him. After all, respect, tenderness and sincere love are the most beautiful gifts that can only be presented for a birthday to a dear and close family member.

Are you the daughter of a birthday boy, and you simply can’t come up with beautiful words? Anything can happen, but is it a reason for frustration. A ready-made selection of beautiful congratulations will help out a loving daughter and help give the hero of the occasion many pleasant minutes.

I wish you, daddy

Health, long years,

Live in harmony with your mother

Not knowing anxiety, troubles.

Work to be satisfied

And he was young at heart

And every day to bring

You have a big charge

Goodness, energy and strength,

Heartfelt warmth.

With much love, congratulations

Send your daughter.


Beloved dad, happy birthday,

You are the best and dearest,

I want to achieve goals

After all, you, daddy, are my hero!

Lots of health and good luck

So that you are the first in everything,

So that all difficult tasks

You made a decision in life!

Always be cheerful, active,

Do not know sorrows and worries!

To keep the mood positive

Walk forward with a smile!


My close and dear person,

The most faithful protector and friend.

I want many more years

The circle of your life continued.

And let me be an adult

If I happen to be in trouble.

You are the support of the family and the head,

I will come to you for advice.

I want to wish on a holiday

Stay always young.

Become wiser every year

Know that I love you very much.

And let life go on

Only in good let you believe.

If only that house was always open,

Where with you, dad, can we meet.


Daddy, take it soon

A confession from me.

You know to be yours

Daughter as a title:

Joyfully, honorably

And also nice.

'Cause you're sparkling

very neat,

Beauty - like from pictures!

In general, just a cutie.

Rejoice on the name day

Smile, daddy!

Cool and funny wishes for daddy

Fun, jokes, enthusiasm and pranks are considered the lot of exclusively small, spontaneous girls. But who said that congratulations from an adult daughter must certainly be serious and thorough? Humor (of course, soft and tactful) only strengthens relationships, and family ties are no exception.

Congratulations to dad from a little daughter are always cute, funny and touching. But the same open and sincere wishes from a grown-up daughter for a father are even more valuable. Let on this day a playful and sweet father's favorite wake up in an adult woman, and remind him of the past, irretrievably gone times.

Dad knows best

Never discouraged.

Dad in the house is the head,

It's like two and two for us.

Dad, always be like this:

The closest, dearest.

The bravest and tallest

The most intelligent, but not strict.

Happy Birthday to You

Congratulations to the whole family.

Never forget:

We need you more than… Wi-Fi!


Hello daddy, what can I say?

We will congratulate you.

We wish blue skies

As well as clockwork happiness.

So that there is always football on TV,

And ours scored a goal.

So that your mother adores you

And I didn't stop drinking beer.

And to spite the deputy

Raised eight times the salary.

I also want to say from us:

Daddy - you're just super class.


The most reliable friend and assistant is my folder. I congratulate you, dear, happy birthday. I wish you that your platinum character and golden hands never wear out, that any problem of life eventually becomes a funny anecdote, that your family is the best and luckiest, that bright lamps of happy incandescence and rays of joyful light burn in your life.


Dad, happy birthday. Patron, Atlas, Guide, Absolute winner, always be the strongest, wisest, bravest. I wish you, dad, a quiet job without scribbling and red tape, but with a high salary, as well as happy days of life without sadness and despondency, but with a fun weekend with beer and fish.

small poems happy birthday

Small poems are a great way to express your thoughts as concisely as possible. Brevity, as you know, is the closest relative of talent, so why not use it when composing congratulations? A short, but at the same time original and spectacular congratulation for the father will be the real decoration of the festive evening.

Advice. Memories are a strong link between loved ones. Every year, parents, even not at all old, become more sentimental and sensitive.

That is why it will be a very good move to include in small congratulations in your own words memories that are equally dear to both the daughter and the father. Broken knees, going to first grade, building bird feeders together, and all the other sweet things mentioned will make a wish for your dear and beloved dad truly unforgettable.

Dear dad, happy birthday

I congratulate you

And I want with pleasure

You lived for many years!

To make happiness happy

Both health and success

So that luck does not forget

And lived to the best of all!


Daddy my dear,

The cutest and dearest!

happy birthday congratulations

I wish you happiness, joy.

So that there is order in work,

Well, there was plenty at home.

And the fishing went well.

And in general everything worked out.


daddy, daddy, daddy,

Happy birthday, kiss.

I love you very much

Be happy always.

Be surprised, relax

Smile more often to your loved ones.

Let everything be with you

Excellent, as always.


The years go by quickly...

You haven't aged a bit!

The best dad in the world

For me, you knew how to be.

Happy Birthday!

Be healthy for another 100 years!

May there be luck in life

And there is light in the eyes.

Short congratulations in your own words

Sincerity and openness of feelings ( not to be confused with lack of tact and straightforwardness!) have always been and remain in high esteem. It is especially gratifying to hear all the most intimate from a loved one. After all, we, unfortunately, are so often silent about what is really important! If you are the same daughter who has not had heart-to-heart conversations with her father for a long time (and maybe never had any at all), it's time to turn to a selection of short, but at the same time most touching congratulations in your own words.

No literary talent and ability to invent wishes? Time is running out, but the right words do not come to your head? Ready-made congratulations in prose for a sweet daddy will come to the aid of a loving and caring daughter. The reward for the daughter will be an admiring smile and the eyes of a loved one shining from tears.

Congratulations dear daddy. I wish that health and strength never leave your courageous, strong, but very kind hands. Let the guardian angel always hold an umbrella over you, protecting you from showers of various problems and troubles. I wish you never be sad and remember that there is a woman in the world for whom you are the standard and the most beloved man, whom she loved to sit on her lap and calls with love “daddy”. Happy birthday! ******************************************************* *******************************

Dear dad, happy birthday to you! I am very glad that I have you - such a strong, dear and close person to me. I wish you many happy years. So that you always feel loved, so that your friends and family always support you. May your life be filled with joyful experiences and happy meetings!


Daddy, I wish you a happy birthday. For me, you are an example of real courage, you are my hero, my support. Thank you for being so wonderful to me. And with all my heart I want to wish that your whole life is as wonderful as you are. Health to you, daddy, cheerful strength and confident aspirations, grandiose plans and indispensable success in their implementation.


Happy birthday, best dad in the world! In life, you are my friend, support, protection, mentor, support and example. All my achievements, victories are your merit. Proud to be your daughter. I love and wish you good health, long life, firmness of spirit, an inexhaustible charge of energy, joyful occasions. Always remain the same cheerful, caring and smart, my ideal.

Happy birthday to your father is a kind of tribute, a tradition that cannot be considered a burden or a duty. On this bright day, I want to say as many kind, sincere and affectionate words as possible, which will help your loved one realize the depth of feelings of the congratulator to the birthday man. Poem or prose, in a serious or comic form - congratulations for daddy can be completely different and at the same time touching and heartfelt. Feelings put into words will be the best gift for a birthday father.

May my children be well! Let there be peace on earth! Let there be only all that is good in your heart and soul and not see tears and grief. Amen!

My words fly from my lips inaudibly .. they are heard only by the Lord and me. I pray for the kids! Mother's prayer sounds silently!

A very important prayer for a daughter and protection over her, a praying father or mother is a strong parental amulet. The words indicated in the prayer are nothing more than a petition for health, good luck, protection of the angelic child of the native. To whom should I turn with a great request for the protection of my beloved daughter, for giving her life, fate in love and respect?

There is no stronger prayer than a mother's sigh. Maternal prayer has great power and great significance, it is a cover of divine protection through which evil forces do not penetrate. A mother's strong prayer for her daughter or son helps them in difficult times. Love your child in any way - sick and healthy, talented and mediocre, small and big. Peace and blessings to you and your children

Prayer appeal to Matrona for her daughter

“Matronushka of Moscow, Blessed, I do not ask for myself, I speak my word for my daughter. Do not turn away your holy face from my face and forgive me, a sinner. Hear my maternal prayer for your beloved child. Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to grant her peace of mind, heartfelt love, success in life and a bright mind. Let her life flow like a smooth river without evil obstacles, dark spirits. May the Lord send her a faithful guardian angel along the way and a reliable companion in life. I thank you, Matrona of Moscow, I believe and trust in you alone.

This prayer, read from the mother's heart, has great, strong power. The matron will surely hear and help in the words enclosed. You can read this petition at an early dawn, or you can read it at the end of the day - for the coming dream. The power of words will not change. The main thing is to believe in what you ask for your daughter and pray with all your heart.