Scary nursery. Very scary bedtime stories for children

For many years now, the laurels of Eduard Uspensky have haunted me. His "A Terrible Story for Fearless Schoolchildren" once terrified me. Even then, these simple horror stories were much worse than any horror films.

I do not know what is in these scary stories at night. Maybe the atmosphere? After all, a horror story is told at night, by the light of a lantern or by a fire, preferably somewhere far from civilization, when with every nerve you feel a large and unknown world, and this uncertainty frightens most of all. Or maybe the horror of the horror story is that the hero knows what is happening (he is warned more than once), but still does it his own way.

A cool thing is a horror story, and we shouldn't have thrown it out of our lives. At least I do not want this simple and unique genre of literature to disappear from the lives of children.

That is why I am opening a new rubric - "Horror stories (scary stories for the night)", where I will try to recreate the wonderful world that "Scary stories" opened to me.

Horror stories - scary night stories

The man with a black face (horror story)

Once upon a time there was a girl. She lived with her dad and little brother. She didn't have a mom because her mom died. The girl missed her mother very much.

When dad left for work, he warned the girl:

- Do not open the door to anyone, especially a person with a black face.

And then one day, when dad was at work, there was a knock on the door. The girl did not listen to dad and opened the door. A man with a blue face stood in the doorway. And he said:

- Girl, I can return your mother, but for that you have to give me your brother.

The next day, a man with a red face came to the girl:

“Girl, I can get your mom back, but for that I’ll take your dad back.”

The girl refused and closed the door.

When dad returned from work, the girl told him that a man with a blue face came, and then a man with a red face. Dad was very angry and told the girl never to open the door to anyone again.

But the next day, when Dad left, there was another knock on the door. The girl looked through the peephole on the door and saw a man with a black face.

- Girl, - a man with a black face said from behind the door, - I can return your mom, but I will not take your brother or dad.

The girl was delighted and opened the door.

A black-faced man walked in and said:

- But I'll take you.

When Dad returned home, he saw an open door and a large black spot on the floor. And the girl and the brother were not there. A man with a black face deceived the girl and took her brother with her.

The girl's dad took out kerosene, poured it on a black spot and set it on fire. The spot immediately burst into black flame and screams were heard.

When the whole house burned down, the girl's dad bought a train ticket and left for another city forever.

Red doll (horror story)

One girl's grandmother died.

Before she died, she said to the girl:

- Never play with the red doll in the attic.

But the girl did not obey her grandmother, took a red doll from the attic and began to play with her.

In the evening, my mother returned from work without one hand.

“Girl,” Mom said, “never play with that doll again.

The girl said that she would no longer take the red doll.

But the next day she again took the doll to play.

In the evening, my mother returned without two hands. And again she told the girl not to play with the red doll again.

But when her mother left for work, the girl again took the red doll. And on that day, my mother did not return from work at all.

And at night, when the girl fell asleep, two red hands came down from the attic and strangled the girl.

Toy (horror story)

One little boy went with his mother to the store and saw a toy dog ​​there. The toy was small, but very beautiful - just like a real one, and the boy really wanted a dog, so he persuaded his mother to buy him this toy.

All day he played with the dog, and even went to bed with her.

At night, mom heard screams, and when she ran into the boy's room, he was all bitten, but there was no one else in the room except him.

The boy was taken to the hospital.

The next night, someone bit the boy's sister. When asked if she had seen anyone, her sister said that it was a very large dog. But there was no dog in the house, and the doors and windows were all closed.

Even the police came, but they didn’t find anything either.

The sister was also taken to the hospital.

The next night, the boy's mother took a large stick and hid in the closet. Late at night, she heard someone open the door to her room. The boy's mother opened the door and saw a huge dog. It was the same toy dog ​​she bought the boy. Only it has now become much, much larger, so that it even barely squeezed through the doorway. The dog also saw the boy's mother and rushed to her. But my mother managed to close the closet door.

In the morning, my mother began to search and found a toy dog ​​in the boy's room.

Mom took the toy and burned it. The toy dog ​​immediately flared up and burned out instantly. All that remained of her was gray ash.

On the same day, the boy and sister returned home from the hospital - the bites disappeared as soon as the toy burned down.

Carousel (horror story)

One girl went with her girlfriends to the park to ride the merry-go-rounds. They rode the Ferris wheel and the roller coaster. And on other carousels. Only one did not ride. Nobody rode this carousel, although it was very large and beautiful.

“You'd better not ride it,” the girlfriends warned, “everyone who rode on it didn’t return home.

But the girl liked this carousel so much that she decided to ride it. A man in a blue suit stood near the carousel. He took the girl's money and gave her a number. The girl chose a booth and sat down. The man started the carousel. The carousel spun, but no engine noise was heard. But the girl heard someone crying. She wanted to see who it was there crying, but the booth in which the girl was sitting suddenly slammed shut.

And when it finally opened, the girl found herself in a dark room, where there were many other boys and girls. And they were all blue.

The girl was very frightened, but still asked:

- Why are you all blue?

“Because we died,” said one boy, “we all rode the carousel, and now we have to twist it when someone wants to ride it. But everyone who rides this carousel dies.

“But I’m not dead,” said the girl, “and I rode this merry-go-round.

“Didn't you hear your mother crying? Someone asked.

“Look at your hands,” the boy said.

The girl looked at her hands and saw that they turned blue.

“You also turned blue because you died,” the boy said.

Slippers (horror story)

One mother bought the girl a pair of shoes. They were very beautiful shoes, and they were not expensive at all. True, in the store some grandmother began to say that it was better not to take these shoes, but the girl's mother did not listen to her, deciding that the grandmother just wanted to take the shoes for her granddaughter.

“If you suddenly lose your daughter,” the grandmother said before leaving, “look for her in the cemetery.

The girl liked the shoes too. She immediately put them on, and she and her mother went for a walk in the park. At first everything was fine, but then her legs led the girl somewhere. The girl began to cry and began to call her mother. Mom caught up with the girl at the very exit from the park.

The next day, when the girl went to the store for bread, her shoes again took her somewhere. The girl was very frightened, but a policeman stopped her and brought her home.

Then the girl realized that these were not simple shoes and decided not to wear them anymore. However, at night, when the girl was asleep, the shoes themselves put on her feet and again led the girl somewhere.

The girl began to scream, her mother woke up, rushed into the girl's room, and there was no one there. And there are no shoes. Then my mother remembered the words of her grandmother and ran to the cemetery.

But she didn't have time. When she ran to the cemetery, a new grave stood in front of the entrance, and the name of the girl was written on it.

Mom ran to the police. The militiamen immediately dug up the grave, but the girl had already died. And there were no shoes on her feet.

Black dress (horror story)

One little girl had a dream.

She dreamed that her mother bought a beautiful black dress. Mom in it was so beautiful that the girl thought that when she grows up, she will certainly buy herself such a dress. But at night, when the girl and her mother went to bed, the dress got out of the closet and strangled her mother, and then began to choke the girl.

When the girl woke up, she immediately told her mother:

“Mom, don't buy a black dress for anything.

But in the evening, mom came with the same black dress that the girl saw in her dream.

“I asked you not to buy a black dress,” the girl burst into tears.

“But it’s not black,” Mom said. “It’s dark crimson.”

Then the girl took scissors and, while her mother was preparing dinner, she began to cut the dress into small pieces. But no matter how much she cut, the dress grew together and became whole again.

Then the girl took the matches and set fire to the dress. The dress instantly flared up and screamed in pain like a living person.

The burning dress rushed back and forth and a fire started in the apartment. The girl barely managed to run out, and the girl's mother could not get out of the fire and burned down.

Shadow death (horror story)

One boy found an old iron can. Something was quietly pouring inside this jar. The boy wanted to open the can to see what was inside, but could not - the iron rusted.

Then the boy took a large stone and began to knock on the iron can. But then I suddenly heard:

- Do not open.

The boy turned around, but no one was there.

Then the boy saw a large bird on a tree branch. The bird repeated again:

- Do not open.

But the boy again began to knock the rust off the iron can. After a while, he tried to open the can. The can did not open. And the bird was sitting on the tree and repeating:

- Don't open, don't open!

The boy got angry with the bird and threw an iron can at it. Striking a branch, the can opened and a shadow slipped out of the can, grabbed the bird and swallowed it.

It was the Shadow Death.

The boy got scared and ran away. But Death Shadow did not pursue the boy.

Seeing that the Shadow-Death was not chasing him, the boy was delighted and went on to play.

But when he returned home, there was no one in the house - the Shadow-Death killed and swallowed everyone.

The boy burst into tears and ran out of the house. And on the street, the Shadow-death was waiting for him.

Red sled (horror story)

One boy went sledding late at night.

“Just don’t change sledges with anyone,” his mother warned the boy, “especially if the sleds are red.

When the boy came to the rink, there was no one there, only the old grandmother was standing. And next to her stood a beautiful red sled. The boy liked his grandmother's sled, and he came closer to watch them.

- Nice sled? - asked the boy's grandmother.

“Very beautiful,” the boy replied.

- Let's change, - suggested the grandmother.

The boy was so happy that he forgot what his mother told him. He gave grandmother his usual sled and took the red sled from grandmother.

The grandmother took the boy's sled and quickly left. And the boy took the red sled, climbed up the hill with them, sat down and rolled down.

The red sled slid down easily. But when they rolled down, the boy turned into a skeleton. The red sled has been drunk with him all his life.

Music box (horror story)

One girl went to the store and saw that there was a beautiful music box for sale. The girl liked the box so much that she immediately wanted to buy it. But she had little money.

- How much is this music box worth? The girl asked the saleswoman.

- How much do you have? - said the saleswoman.

The girl pulled out all the money she had.

The saleswoman quickly counted the money. There were exactly thirty-five kopecks.

“This music box costs exactly thirty-five kopecks,” the saleswoman said, and gave the girl the box.

The girl came home. She wanted to wait for her mother, but could not resist and started the music box. Together with the music, death crawled out of the box and took the girl's soul.

But then the girl's mother came running. She heard music on the street and therefore covered her ears with a handkerchief so that death could not take her soul, because death from the music box took only those who heard the music. Seeing what happened, mom quickly ran the box in the opposite direction and the girl's soul came back. True, after that the girl completely stopped hearing.

And my mother burned the music box in the stove.

Blue bag (horror story)

Mom sent one girl to the store for bread. The girl bought bread, but when she wanted to leave, some woman in a blue dress asked the girl:

- Girl, this is not your blue bag?

The girl looked at the beautiful blue bag and she liked the bag so much that she said:

- Yes, this is my bag.

The woman in the blue dress gave the girl the bag. The girl ran home and immediately showed the bag to her mother.

- Look, what a beautiful blue bag I have.

But my mother, seeing the blue bag, took it and threw it out the window.

“And never take a blue bag from anyone again,” Mom warned.

At night, the girl woke up from the fact that someone called her from the street. The girl went to the window and saw that there was a woman in a blue dress and a blue bag in her hands.

“Girl,” said the woman in the blue dress, “this is your bag. Take her.

Then the woman's arms began to stretch out and soon reached the girl's window on the third floor. And the girl saw that these hands were also blue.

The girl still took the blue bag and ran away from the window, but her arms stretched out even more, climbed into the room, grabbed the girl and strangled her.

And in the morning, when the girl's mother entered the room, she saw the dead girl. And the girl had blue hands.

Black mirror (horror story)

One girl was walking on the street with her favorite doll. Then an old woman in a black dress came up to her. The old woman's face was covered with a black handkerchief.

The old woman looked at the girl and said:

- Girl, give me your doll. And I'll give you a black mirror for her.

And the old woman pulled out a beautiful black mirror.

The girl liked the mirror so much that she immediately gave the doll to the old woman. The old woman took the doll and held out a black mirror to the girl.

But then the girl's doll suddenly came to life and pulled off the black kerchief from the old woman. And the girl saw that the old woman had no face under the handkerchief.

- Run, girl! The doll shouted.

The girl turned and ran. But the old woman directed a black mirror at her and the girl began to draw into it. Then the doll hit the old woman on the hand, the mirror fell out of the old woman's hands, fell to the ground and broke.

As soon as the black mirror shattered, the old woman in black screamed and flashed like a match. And with her the girl's doll caught fire. But the doll still managed to tell the girl:

- Bury the broken mirror, but never look into it.

The girl did just that. But when she buried the broken black mirror, she glanced briefly into the small shard. And from what the girl saw there, her hair became gray, like that of old people.

Old house (horror story)

A girl lived in the same city. She lived with her mother, but they did not have a dad.

An old house stood where they lived. No one lived in it, but her mother always told the girl that she never came to this house.

But the girl did not listen to her mother and once went to the old house and looked out the window. And I saw that there were many people - and all had black faces and red eyes.

The girl got scared and ran away.

But when she ran home, she saw that her mother also had a black face and red eyes.

“I told you not to come near this house,” my mother said, grabbed the girl and took her to the old house.

The girl also had a black face and red eyes. At night, she walked around the city and looked into the windows. Those who saw her then began to get sick and died.

One day people gathered and burned down the old house. When the house burned down, many human bones were found there.

Little princess (horror story)

There was a little girl in the world. She was very kind and always tried to help everyone - mother, grandmother, little brother and other people. For this, mother and grandmother called the girl a little princess. And then other people began to call the girl that. And the girl tried to be exactly like a real princess.

Once, when the girl was walking in the street, an old woman approached her, hunchbacked and ugly, like Baba Yaga. And all the children immediately ran away - just in case, but the girl stayed, since the princesses should not treat people badly, even Baba Yaga.

“You are a kind and sweet child,” said the old woman, “and you deserve to become a real princess.

The girl nodded. She's been told that many times.

- I know one kingdom where a princess is badly needed, - the old woman continued, - do you want to go there?

And the girl answered like a real princess:

- If somewhere people need a princess, I can't help but go there.

The old woman laughed out loud and stamped her foot.

- So go! You will become the little princess of the kingdom of the dead!

And the girl immediately fell down dead ...

When the girl was buried, she was very, very beautiful. And people said that she would be the most beautiful princess in the realm of the dead.

Snake tongue (horror story)

One boy ran so fast that no one could catch up with him, not even adults. And adults often tried to catch up with the boy, because he was always teasing and calling names.

One day a boy began to tease an old woman, calling her an old turtle.

“Watch your language better,” the old woman said to the boy, “otherwise it’s too independent for you. You are looking at it, it will turn into a snake.

But the boy just laughed and began calling names even more offensively.

“It's better to live with a snake in your mouth than to see an old turtle like you.

And at night the boy had a dream, as if his tongue began to grow, and then turned into a snake, and instead of a snake's head she had the head of that old woman who was teased by the boy. And the boy could not run away from this snake. He wanted to scream and call for help, but could not, since he had no language ...

When the boy woke up in the morning, his hair was white as snow. And he completely stopped speaking, only bellowing all day and no one could understand anything.

And the next night the boy fell asleep and did not wake up again. And he had snakebite marks on his hands.

Scary ladybug in buckwheat porridge. One girl once ate buckwheat porridge, and she caught a ladybug in the buckwheat porridge. Dead. The girl took out a ladybug, put it on the table and read a poem: Ladybug, Fly to heaven, Bring us bread! Black and white, Only not burnt! Ladybug, Fly to ...


Horror story Shiny threads. One girl was in the fourth grade. Her parents gave her a beautiful fashionable jacket for her birthday. The girl began to wear this jacket to school. The other girls envied her greatly. But once, during a long break, the girl went out into the yard to hang on the horizontal bars. She loved to do it. And so...


Scary Battle of tulips. One girl had a birthday. All her girlfriends, five people, and two friends, a boy-classmate, came to visit. One boy gave a bouquet of seven black tulips, and another boy gave a bouquet of three yellow tulips. In addition to tulips, the boys, of course, also gave them a gift, but not about these ...


Scary Battle for Toffee. Once upon a time there was one very friendly family. Dad, mom and daughter Ira. Everyone in this family loved each other very much. Dad called mom "bunny", mom called dad "rabbit", and both parents called their daughter "toffee". Well, Ira herself called her mom mom, and dad dad. But somehow into one ...


Scary Insomnia. Mitya was unlucky that day. He got five twos, had a fight with a friend, was late for training in the pool. I forgot my textbook at home, lost to my dad at cards and his computer broke down. Dad hit him ten times with a belt for deuces, the teacher scolded Mitya for talking in the lesson and called in ...


Horror story Free canteen. In one city there was not a single bum at all. One could often hear on local television that, for example, “... we live in the cleanest and nicest city in Russia. We don't even have a single homeless person ... ". But one day one girl became a homeless woman. She had a falling out with her parents and ...


Scary Chainsaw. One girl's parents started to swear again. This girl really did not like it when her parents quarreled. Therefore, when her parents started yelling at each other, she hid in the sofa. They had such an old sofa. You could first squeeze through it, and then climb inside. And dad and mom ...


Horror story White sweater. Somehow one family decided that it was necessary to go in for sports. Winter has just come and a lot of snow has fallen. We decided that they would ski. We all bought a pair of skis and ski suits. And the girl was also bought a white sweater to wear under her jacket. We left the city. They ride. At first the girl liked it, but ...


Scary White Pie. One girl once bought a pie in a school cafeteria. And she got a white pie. The girl asks the barmaid: - Why do I have a white pie? - Eat what they give you! The girl walks through the school and asks everyone she meets: "Why is my pie white?" Someone was laughing at ...


Horror story White dove. Once one girl felt unwell, her stomach ached. At first it didn't hurt very much, but then the girl began to writhe in pain. The girl began to lose her mind from pain, and then completely lost consciousness. Mom called an ambulance, and when the doctors arrived, she and her daughter went to the hospital. ...


Horror story White snowflakes. One girl was walking down the street and catching white snowflakes with her mouth. There was a real snowfall - there were a lot of snowflakes in the air. And they were all kind of especially fluffy, festive. The girl came to school, she was in a great mood. The girl is sitting at the lesson, smiling. The teacher even asked her: ...


Horror story White stripe. One girl somehow had a black streak in her life. Now one trouble will happen, then another. It began with the fact that at school she received two deuces per day at once. It was just awful. But the next day, all the fish in the girl's aquarium died. And their girl is very ...

Once upon a time there was a girl with my mother. One day she was left alone. And suddenly the radio said: - Girl, girl, the Coffin on Wheels left the cemetery ...

Children's games with the Queen of Spades

Once a girl decided to have a bachelorette party at her home. She planned this event for the day when the parents gathered to go to the dacha and on a certain day everyone who was invited gathered at her house.

Devil Dolls Madame Mendilippe

I am a doctor, a specialist in nervous and cerebral diseases, I deal with the issues of painful pathology and in this area I am considered an expert. I am affiliated with two of New York's top hospitals and have received a number of awards at home and abroad.

Yellow package

One day a brother and sister were walking in the courtyard of their house and saw a yellow package on a tree. The brother's name was Sasha, and the sister's name was Lena. Sasha climbed up a tree and took out a package.

Green eyes

One girl loved the color green. Mom bought her a green doll and the same record in the store and said:

Red knee-highs

One girl has red knee-highs. She had never worn them before. Mom offered to dress them in the circus. When they went to the circus, the girl asked her mother to take off her knee-highs.


One day one family - mom, dad and daughter - went to a department store. The girl saw a very beautiful glass doll in the window.

Dead cat

One boy in a natural history lesson was told that if he found a seed under a cherry tree and planted it in the ground, a tree would grow that would bear fruit.

The invisible Man

One man ate only human brains and drank human blood. One day he said to his friend:

Fifth trolleybus

One evening a woman was waiting for a trolleybus. Suddenly he sees that he drives up to the bus stop completely empty. And he had the fifth number.

Date with a dead bride

There lived a guy with a girl, they loved each other very much.

The guy was recalled to the army. And while he was in the service, his girlfriend died.

Black roses

One mom had a birthday. Dad went to work. Mom and grandmother with their granddaughter went to buy roses.

Horror stories for children can become one of the ways to explain to the kid how to behave and react to what is happening. From 4-5 years old, a child develops a new perception of others. Children begin to analyze events and learn to assess people depending on the situation and their actions, and not on the basis of their relationship to the person. A correctly selected children's horror story in an accessible and interesting form contributes to the child's understanding of moral and ethical norms and rules, talks about unacceptable actions and describes their consequences.

How to come up with a funny horror story for kids 8 years old?

To correctly come up with horror stories for children of 8 years old, you need to know the peculiarities of the psyche at this age. In addition, each child is individual in the perception of certain images, therefore, when telling a fairy tale, one should take into account the character of the baby. For an impressionable and timid child, it is better to come up with a more calm and peaceful plot.

In order for funny horror stories for children to not only hang, but also be useful, an instructive moral and ethical idea must be laid in the plot. As a basis, you can take the stories of good children's authors, using the example of their fairy tales to come up with your own funny stories.

The child himself can become the hero of a funny horror story, so the story will be even more interesting and exciting. At the same time, when telling a children's horror story, you can refer to the baby as one of the characters in a fairy tale. Thus, the child will begin to partially lead the story himself, developing his imagination, speech and sense of humor.

Why tell funny children's horror stories?

Horror stories for children help to get a kind of "vaccination" from possible stressful situations in life. An attempt to protect a child from understanding what is evil can only harm his psyche. Therefore, by telling horror stories for children of 8 years old, parents enable the child to understand that there is not only good in life, and that you need to be able to protect yourself from unpleasant situations.

In addition, according to psychologists, “being a little afraid” is a natural need for children. The experienced feeling of fear helps to overcome internal barriers and gives an outlet for accumulated, unexpressed negative emotions. And at the same time, laughter becomes an excellent tool of protection, which in the future will help in real life to relate with humor to situations that cause fear. Naturally, at the same time, horror stories for children of 8 years old should not turn into horror films for adults. Therefore, along with the evil heroes, they should be kind and funny, winning at the end of the story.

Potential harm from childhood horror stories

An incorrectly chosen horror story can harm the psyche of a child. A fairy tale with a plot that does not correspond to the age and temperament of the child will negatively affect.

A horror story told with negative emotions, irritation and a desire to quickly finish the story will not bring anything good. If the father or mother of the child is in a bad mood or tired, it is better to postpone the story altogether.

Some parents describe scary characters and a gruesome storyline to intimidate their child when they disobey. Such a horror story, together with the negative emotions that arise in parents at the moment of disobedience to the baby, will not bring any benefit to the children.

A horror story can have negative consequences without further discussion. After completing the story, you should make sure that you understand the meaning of the tale correctly.

The benefits of funny children's horror stories

Children's horror stories will entertain and amuse the child. Having heard a scary story with a gripping plot from their parents, children often become involved in the story themselves and begin to complement the plot. Their imagination and ability to express their thoughts develop. The creative sides of the personality are manifested.

Scary stories for children can be a great way to teach your child how to behave in various situations that require special attention and care. 8 out of 10 children, according to the results of the research, easily make contact with a stranger and can leave the playground with him. With the help of scary stories, the child will understand and remember that one should not leave with strangers, cross the road in the wrong place, etc.

The benefits of children's horror stories can also include:

  • Opportunity to touch upon and discuss “non-childish topics” of death, loss of a loved one in a form acceptable to the child.
  • Meeting the child's natural need for fear.
  • Soft psychological preparation of the child for possible stressful situations in life.
  • Moral and moral education in a form that is interesting for the kid.
  • Forming a closer relationship between parent and child.

Features of horror stories for children 8 years old

It is better if horror stories for children of 8 years old express in the plot an instructive idea that helps to understand the child's moral and ethical guidelines. Using the example of evil heroes, the child should see how to behave, and what consequences can come from negative actions.

Negative heroes should not be too bloodthirsty or completely frightening. It is better if, along with the terrible appearance of an evil character, there is something comical in it.

If parents want to instill in their child a love for animals and respect for nature, then the plot of the tale can include animal characters that will help the main characters fight evil.

In the plot of a scary story, you can reveal the concepts of true friendship, mutual assistance and love for people. The scarecrow must necessarily end positively, with the victory of the good heroes.

What cannot be told in a children's horror story?

Horror stories at night for children will be harmful if they contain too bright and aggressive images. You cannot tell stories with a bad ending, where there is no victory of good over evil. Positive characters should look attractive, as the images of the fairy tale form the child's aesthetic sense. The story, where all the characters look ugly and look like monsters, poisons the imagination of a child.

Nighttime scary stories for children, listened to on audio recordings, in some cases can be harmful if the actor tells the story too vividly and emotionally. In addition, when parents tell horror stories, they can always adjust the plot in accordance with the baby's reaction. When a child listens to an audio recording on his own, there is no such possibility, and all negative vivid images remain in the child's subconscious.

How can a funny horror story help a child?

A funny horror story will help a child relieve stress and give an outlet for unexpressed negative emotions. The feeling of fear in a certain amount is a natural need for a child's body. The nervous system prepares for extreme situations in adulthood, and children's horror stories prepare the child not only for possible stressful events, but also teach the need to look for a way out of them.

A funny horror story can help children talk about an unwholesome situation and cope with its consequences. What is difficult to tell a child in a regular dialogue with parents, he can express with the help of a terrible fairy tale story. This will also help to survive the negative experience, because in the told horror story, the main character wins and destroys all evil.

In what cases can you tell?

Funny horror stories for children can be told to calm down or distract the child's attention. In a situation where a child has committed an act that needs to be condemned, to show the essence of a perfect mistake, to vividly but metaphorically describe the consequences of committed actions and figuratively convey them to consciousness, you can tell a horror story for children with an appropriate plot.

A funny horror story can be told before bedtime. Of course, the plot of the story should not resemble but be interesting and exciting. Better if the bedtime story has more humor than a scary plot.

During hiking, tourist trips to nature, a children's horror story will come in handy. Told around a campfire in a circle of loved ones, a funny horror story will be a great way to entertain a child. In a group of children, she will not only amuse, but also help children get to know each other better.

Traditional heroes of fairy tales, which can be used in children's funny horror stories

Characters of children's horror stories can be invented on the basis of fairy tales of both Russian and foreign folklore.

Greek myths, legends of Slavic peoples, legends from Western European countries contain not only characters striking fantasy, but are also part of the culture and experience of previous generations of different nationalities.

Leshy, Serpent Gorynych, Koschey the Immortal - characters that are interesting to the child even now. If you transform the Serpent Gorynych into a terrible dragon, Koshchei into an evil vampire, and the leshago into an immortal werewolf-keeper of the forest, you will get new heroes of horror stories for children. At the same time, they can retain their characteristic features in fairy tales. It is enough just to change the name and a little look - this will be enough to surprise the child and make the story exciting and exciting.

It is better to tell horror stories with expression, trying to express the mood of the characters with a voice, to convey the situation in which events unfold. If horror stories are told at night for children of 8 years old, then the manner of the narration should be calm and drawn-out.

After the story, the parents must make sure that the child correctly perceives the scary story, its morality. It is better to discuss what you have heard with the child, which will also contribute to a better understanding of his inner world, the peculiarities of his perception of reality.

Short horror stories for children will be interesting if they correspond to the characteristics of the child's temperament. The same story may be too scary and harmful for an impressionable and vulnerable child, but absolutely normal for a different type of child's psyche.

4 most creepy horror stories of our childhood. You will turn gray like the first time!

Remember, we told each other in the camps about the red hand and black curtains? And there was always such a master of storytelling, whose familiar story took on the shape of a long and exciting thriller, no worse than King's.

We remembered four such stories. Don't read them in the dark!

Black curtains

One girl's grandmother died. When she was dying, she called the girl's mother to her and said:

Do whatever you want with my room, but don't hang black curtains there.

They hung white curtains in the room, and now the girl began to live there. And everything was fine.

But one day she went with the bad guys to burn tires. They decided to burn the tires in the cemetery, right on one old grave that had collapsed. They began to argue who would set it on fire, drew lots with matches, and it fell to set the girl on fire. Here she set fire to the tire, and from there, as the smoke goes and straight into her eyes. Hurt! She screamed, the guys got scared for her and dragged her to the hospital by the hands. And she doesn't see anything.

The hospital told her that it was a miracle that her eyes didn’t burn out, and they prescribed a regime - to stay at home with my eyes closed and that the room was always dark and dark. And don't go to school. And no fire can be seen until he recovers!

Then my mother began to look for dark curtains in the girl's room. I searched and searched, but there are no dark ones, only white, yellow, green light ones. And black. Nothing to do, she bought black curtains and hung the girl in the room.

The next day my mother hung them up and went to work. And the girl sat down to write her homework at the table. She sits and feels like something is touching her elbow. She shook, looked, and there was nothing but curtains next to the elbow. And so several times.

The next day, she feels that something is touching her shoulders. He jumps up, and there is nothing around, only the curtains hang nearby.

On the third day, she immediately moved the chair to the far end of the table. Sits, writing lessons, and something touches her neck! The girl jumped up and ran into the kitchen, and did not enter the room.

Mom came, the lessons were not written, she began to scold the girl. And the girl began to cry and ask her mother not to leave her in that room.

Mom says:

You can't be such a coward! Look, I’ll sit at your table all night today, while you sleep, so that you know that there’s nothing wrong.

In the morning, the girl wakes up, calls her mother, and her mother is silent. The girl began to cry loudly with fear, neighbors came running, and her mother was dead at the table. They took her to the morgue.

Then the girl went to the kitchen, took the matches, returned to the bedroom and set the black curtains on fire. They burned out, but it blew out her eyes.


One girl's dad died, and her mother was very poor, did not work and did not know how, and they had to sell the apartment. They left for the old grandmother's house in the village, the grandmother had already died two years ago, and no one lived there. But it was decent there, because a neighbor cleaned up there for money. And the girl and her mother began to live there. The girl had a long way to go to school, and she was given such a certificate that she studies at home, and only all sorts of exams and tests go to the end of the quarter to take to school in the regional center, so she and her mother sat at home all day, only sometimes they went to the store, also to the regional center. And my mother was pregnant, and her belly was growing.

He grew up for a long, long time, and grew twice as large as usual, for such a long time the child was not born. Then my mother seemed to go to the store, in the winter, and she was gone for almost a week, the girl was all worn out: she was scared at home alone, black in the windows, electricity intermittently, drifts piled up right up to the windows. The food was running out, but her neighbor was feeding. And then, late in the evening, or at night, there was a knock on the door and my mother’s voice called out to the girl. The girl opened it and her mother entered. She was all pale, with blue circles around her eyes, thin and tired. She gave birth to a child and held him in her arms, wrapped in some kind of shabby skin, maybe even a dog's skin. The girl closed the door as soon as possible, put the child on the table, began to undress her mother - she was very cold, she was all icy. In the iron stove, the girl lit a fire, near this stove they warmed themselves in the evenings, and sat her mother in an old armchair, and then went to look at the child.

I unfolded it slowly, and there is such a child that it is immediately clear that this is not a newborn and not even a baby. There is another girl, about three or four years old, her face is small and angry, and she has no arms or legs.

Oh mom, who is this? - asked the girl, and mom says:

All babies are ugly at first. When the little sister grows up, everything will be all right. Give it to me.

She took the baby in her arms and began to breastfeed. And that girl sucks her breast, as if nothing had happened, and looks at the first girl slyly and viciously.

And their names were Nastya and Olya, Olya - this is who has no arms and no legs.

And this Olya herself already ran and jumped perfectly, that is, she crawled very quickly, on her stomach. And she jumped on it, and she managed, like a caterpillar, to put herself upright and with her teeth, for example, to grab something and pull on herself. There was nothing to save from her. She overturned everything, gnawed, spoiled, and her mother told Nastya to clean up after her, because Nastya was older and also because her mother was now feeling bad all the time, she was sick and even slept strangely, with open eyes, as if she was just lying in a swoon. Now Nastya was preparing herself for herself, and ate separately from her mother, because her mother had her own diet for nursing. Life has become completely disgusting. If Nastya did not eat and did not clean up after the dirty trick Olya, then her mother sent her either for firewood, or to do her homework, and Nastya spent the whole day and the whole evening solving and solving problems and writing exercises, and also taught all kinds of physics so that she could retell everything, not stumbling over a single word. Mom did almost nothing, she fed everything to Olya or rested between feedings, because the nursing woman was very tired, and everything was on Nastya, and Olya was washed too, and Olya wriggled and laughed disgustingly, then it was also a pleasure to wash her from poop. But Nastya endured everything for her mother.

So a month or two passed, and the winter only got colder, and everything around was in snowdrifts, and the lamps that hung in the rooms right without chandeliers were blinking all the time and were very dim.

Suddenly Nastya began to notice that someone was approaching her at night and breathing over her face. At first she thought that it was mom, as before, looking to see if she was sleeping well and if the blanket had slipped, and then she looked through her eyelashes, and this is Olya standing upright by the bed and looking at her, and she smiles so much that her heart is in her heels ...

Then Olya noticed that Nastya was looking, and said in a disgusting voice:

Who asked you to watch when not necessary? Now I'm going to bite off your fingers. One finger for the night. And then I’ll eat my hands. And so my hands will grow.

And she immediately bit off Nastya's little finger on her hand, and blood flowed from there. Nastya lay as if in a daze, but she jumped up from the pain and how she would scream! But my mother is still asleep, and Olya laughs and jumps.

Okay, - said Nastya. - I still can't do anything with you.

And she went to bed as if to sleep. And even fell asleep.

And in the morning Olya crumpled herself again, and her mother told Nastya to wash her. It's good that there was still firewood in the house, because because of the snowdrifts it was already impossible to get to the woodpile and to the well, too, Nastya took water for the bath directly from the snow, scooped up the snow with a bucket and warmed it up on the stove. The wound from a bitten off finger hurt badly, but Nastya did not say anything to her mother. She took Olya and began to bathe her in a baby bath, which they found in the attic when they were moving. Olya, as always, wriggles and giggles, and Nastya began to drown her. Then Olya dispersed, fought terribly, bit Nastya's hands, but Nastya drowned her anyway, and she stopped breathing, and then Nastya put her on the table and saw that her mother was still looking at the stove and did not notice anything. And then Nastya lost consciousness, because a lot of blood flowed out of the bites.

During the night, the house was covered with snow so that the neighbor got scared and called rescuers. They came and dug up the house, and found inside a girl in a swoon, with bitten hands, a dead mummified woman and a wooden doll without arms and legs.

Nastya was then sent to an orphanage for the deaf and dumb. She was actually dumb, she spoke to her mother with her hands.

The girl who played the piano

One girl with her mom and dad moved into a new apartment, very beautiful, large, with a living room, kitchen, bathroom, two bedrooms, and in the hall there was a German piano made of cherry wood. Do you know what a polished cherry tree looks like? It is dark red and shines like blood.

The piano was very necessary, because the girl went to learn to play the piano in the house of culture.
And in the new apartment something strange happened to the girl. She began to play at night on this piano, although she was not very fond of it before. Played softly, but audible.

At first, her parents did not scold her, they thought she would play enough and stop, but the girl did not stop.

They go into the hall, she stands near the piano, notes at the piano, and looks at her parents. They scold her, she is silent.

Then they began to lock the piano with a key.

But the girl does not understand how every night she still opened the piano and played it.

They began to shame her, punish her, but she still plays the piano at night.

They began to lock her bedroom. And she doesn't know how she gets out and plays again.

Then she was told that she would be sent to a boarding school. She cried, cried, they say to her, give an honest pioneer word that you will not play anymore, but she is silent again. They sent me to a boarding school.

And the next day her mom and dad were strangled by someone at night.

They began to look for who could have strangled them, they asked the girl if she knew something. And then she told.
It wasn't she who played the red piano. Every night she was woken up by flying white hands and told to turn the notes while they played the piano. And she didn’t tell anyone because she was afraid and because no one would believe it anyway.

Then the investigator says to her:

I believe you.

Because a pianist used to live in this apartment. He was arrested for wanting to poison the government. When they were arrested, he began to ask not to beat him on the hands, because he needed his hands to play the piano. Then one NKVD officer said that he would make sure that his hands were not touched by the NKVD, he took a shovel from the janitor and cut off both hands. And from this the pianist died.

And this nkvdshnik was a girl's dad.

Wrong girl

A girl named Katya has a new teacher in her class. He had evil eyes, but everyone praised him very much, because he spoke in a kind voice and because if a student did not listen to him for a long time, the teacher invited him to drink tea, and after tea the student became the most obedient child in the world and spoke only when asked. And already all the students of the girl in the class became obedient, only the girl herself was still ordinary.

One day, her mother sent the girl to take the teacher home some purchases that he asked to do. The girl came, the teacher made her drink tea in the kitchen and said:

Sit quietly here and don't go to the basement.

And he took the purchases and went with them to the attic.

The girl drank tea, but the teacher does not come. She began to wander around the rooms, looking at the walls of photographs and paintings. She passed over the stairs to the basement, and a ring, which her grandmother had presented, fell from her finger. The girl decided to quickly climb for the ring and sit in the kitchen, as if nothing had happened.

She went down to the basement, looked around, and around the pots of blood. In some lie the intestines, in others the liver, in the third - the brains, in the fourth - the eyes. And he looks, after all, the eyes are human! She was scared and how she would scream!

Then the teacher entered the basement with a large knife. Looked and said:

You are a bad, worthless, wrong Katya.

I grabbed Katya's braids and cut them off.

From this hair I will make the hair of a good, correct Katya. Now I need your skin. I'll put in the right Kate's eyes the glass ones that your mother bought for me, but the skin needs real.

And the knife brought it up again.

Katya began to run around the basement, and the teacher stands by the stairs and laughs:

There is no other way out of this basement, run and run until you fall, then it will become easier to remove your skin from you.

Then the girl calmed down and decided to cheat. I went straight for him. It goes and everything is shaking, and suddenly nothing happens. And he will kill her and spread it in basins, and an obedient doll will go home instead of her.

And the teacher is laughing and showing the knife.

Then the girl suddenly tore off the beads from her neck, which her grandmother had also presented, and how she would throw it in the teacher's face! Straight into the eyes and into the mouth! The teacher staggered back, his eyes were filled with blood and did not see anything. I tried to throw myself at the girl, and the beads fell to the floor, rolled, he slipped on them and fell. And the girl jumped on his head with both legs, and he lost consciousness. And then she got out of the basement and ran to the police.

The teacher was then shot. In another city, where he worked before, he replaced an entire school with walking dolls.

Hungry doll

One girl with her mom and dad moved into another apartment. And in the room, which is a nursery, a doll was nailed to the wall. Dad tried to pull the nails out, but he couldn't. They left it that way.

So the girl went to bed, and suddenly the doll moves her head, opens her eyes, looks at the girl and says in a terrible voice:

Let me eat the little red one!

The girl got scared, and the doll says it in a bass voice over and over again.

Then the girl went to the kitchen, cut her finger, took a spoonful of blood, came and poured it into the doll's mouth. And the doll calmed down.

The next night everything is the same again. And the next one. So the girl spooned her blood for a week to the doll and began to lose weight and turn pale.

And on the seventh day, the doll drank blood and says in its terrible voice:

Listen, crazy, do you have any jam at all at home?

The stories were told by Lilith Mazikina

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