Haircut according to the lunar calendar September. September. Thursday. Moon in Gemini. Remedies to relieve puffiness, muscle pain and weakness

Haircut lunar calendar for September 2016 - Auspicious days

Whether you decide to change your image or simply get a haircut, the times when the Moon stopped in the constellations of Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Leo are not the best days. Good dates include the days when the Moon went to visit Libra, Scorpio and Cancer.

The most favorable days for hair cutting are in August 2016: September 2-7, 11, 14, 22, 24 and 30.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for September 2016 - More by day

September 1 - Virgo new moon. The first day of the month is not recommended for haircuts. Today it will lead to depression.

September 2 - the growing Moon in Virgo. The day promises to be successful, just trust your hair to a trusted person.

September 3 - the waxing moon in Libra. After today's manipulations, the hair will become silky and lush - even a casual visit to the salon will bring satisfaction.

September 4 - the waxing moon in Libra. Beware of new masters - a trusted professional will get your hair cut perfectly.

September 5 - Waxing Moon in Libra. The day guarantees success in personal life and at work. You can safely change your image - it will suit you.

September 6 - the growing Moon in Scorpio. Your hair will perfectly tolerate all hairdressing procedures. Repainting in light shades will bring new good people to life.

September 7 - the growing moon in Scorpio. Do not be afraid of daring experiments: a short haircut and a radical color change are only for the best.

September 8 - the growing moon in Sagittarius. Neutral number - no positive or negative changes are planned either in life or in the image.

September 9 - the growing moon in Sagittarius. A haircut or coloring today will lead to a decrease in attentiveness, which threatens with mistakes and miscalculations.

September 10 - the growing moon in Sagittarius. The day is unfavorable - do not try to cut your hair, even washing your hair and straightening or curling it is better to refuse.

September 11 - Waxing Moon in Capricorn. Attract the flow of energy to yourself - today, cutting, dyeing, curling and laminating will have a positive effect on your health and mood.

September 12 - the growing moon in Capricorn. Any manipulations today will affect the health of your hair - refuse a visit to the hairdresser.

September 13 - the growing Moon in Aquarius. You should not visit the salon today - not only on your beloved head of hair, but also on your general health, this will negatively affect. There is a risk of catching a cold.

September 14 - the growing Moon in Aquarius. Tune in positively: today's haircut will fill your hair with shine. Nothing will affect your good mood today.

September 15 - the growing Moon in Pisces. If you want to improve the appearance and condition of your hair, make an appointment with a specialist on a different date. Today is a neutral day for a haircut.

September 16 - Aries full moon. There is a great threat that failures and troubles will reach you through the cut ends, so pay attention not to another day of the month.

September 17 - waning moon in Aries. A decrease in immunity and a decrease in vitality will cause today's haircut. Don't even trust your loved ones with hair.

September 18 - waning moon in Aries. A new haircut will only cause you disappointment and longing. Make a mask from natural substances, and leave the changes in the hairstyle for later.

September 19 - Waning Moon in Taurus. Unfavorable day for a haircut, which can even bring such troubles as dandruff or seborrhea through tools.

September 20 - Waning Moon in Taurus. The decision to get a haircut today can lead to a weakened immune system and memory impairment.

September 21 - Waning Moon in Gemini. Along with the ends of the hair, luck will go away - the period for haircuts and any coloring is not suitable.

September 22 - Waning Moon in Gemini. You can safely sign up to the master, just pay great attention to the choice of the shape of the hairstyle - for this, contact the stylist.

September 23 - Waning Moon in Cancer. A haircut will have a positive effect: self-confidence and determination will appear. A great time for a major change.

September 24 - Waning Moon in Cancer. The date promises to be very successful for a haircut. Just do not give preference to hairstyles that are too short, so as not to scare off financial well-being.

September 25 - Waning Moon in Cancer. Nothing terrible will happen from visiting the hairdresser's chair, but the hair promises to become naughty.

September 26 - Waning Moon in Leo. The date is not good for going to the salon - there may be a problem with hair loss and headaches.

September 27 - Waning Moon in Leo. An attempt to change the image can lead to chronic fatigue, which will not be reflected in the best way at work.

September 28 - Waning Moon in Virgo. No circumstance should bring you to the salon. Go around it the tenth way if you don't want to get the worst haircut of your life.

September 29 - Waning Moon in Virgo. Not the best time to change your image. The maximum that is allowed is to trim the ends.

September 30 - Waning Moon in Libra. A very good time for a haircut: hair will begin to grow rapidly, will stop falling out. There is a period of great changes and positiveness in life.

Sergey Vasilenkov

30th and 1st lunar days. Moon in Virgo. New moon

If you have made some effort to find the right hairstyle and hair color, then there is no better day to visit the hairdresser. Under the influence of emotions and a momentary desire to have a haircut “like that girl over there”, it is better not to enter the salon. Everything that you do today both with your hair and with your face will remain for a long time.

2nd lunar day. Moon in Virgo

Procedures aimed at cleansing the scalp and hair will be very effective. You can go on a special diet that includes foods that have a beneficial effect on the condition of your hair. Masks with oil solutions of vitamins and an egg will be useful. Try natural, natural remedies for personal care, today your body does not tolerate "chemistry" well.

3rd lunar day. Moon in Libra

This is an excellent period to study what the cosmetics market offers, consult with hairdressers and stylists, ask them to help you choose the drugs that are right for you. The day is good for cutting and dyeing your hair and eyebrows, put yourself in the hands of a professional makeup artist - you can learn and apply some simple techniques on your own.

4th lunar day. Moon in Libra

A huge role on this day is played by the right choice - an individual style and an individual hairdresser as well. This is a very suitable day to moisturize your hair - including with the help of ordinary water, which today is especially beneficial and healing. She will wash away not only household dirt from your hair, but also other people's negative emotions that you have taken to heart.

5th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio

Today, in self-care, give free rein to your intuition - this is one of those days when you need to pay attention to the clues that the world around us sends to us. Any self-care phrase you hear by chance can convey information that will help you solve even long-standing problems with your appearance. Or a cosmetic product that repeatedly catches your eye, perhaps you need it.

6th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio

On this day, pamper yourself with a head massage. Better to use the services of professionals. Undoubtedly, you will notice that this procedure will have a positive effect not only on your hair, but also relieve heaviness in the head, relieve headaches. If you decide to massage your head on your own, first check the Internet for basic techniques.

7th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio

Now is the right time to cut with hot scissors - it suits everyone with long hair: it prevents splitting of the ends of the hair, they do not split and become less brittle. Also today, your hair will gratefully accept warm oil wraps or warming masks - for example, with mustard or paprika.

8th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius

This day is suitable for a haircut: the hands of the hairdresser literally radiate energy that will affect both hair growth and its condition. It is also important to do at this time a hairstyle that will suit you, will increase self-esteem. The same goes for choosing your hair color. Therefore, choose a specialist to whom there is a queue and a preliminary appointment: he should not disappoint your expectations.

9th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius

Today it is better not to expose your hair to any test: there is a high probability that you may suffer from the tools used when cutting and styling your hair. Scattering and a desire to embrace the immensity will be characteristic of both you and the beauty specialists, so that the movements may become careless, and the attention will be scattered. Better take care of yourself.

10th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn

A good time to apply cold to the hair roots - for example, using the cryotherapy method, as a result of which blood circulation in the scalp is increased and the hair is nourished. Other procedures are also suitable for strengthening hair and reducing hair loss, the main thing is that the applied products should be cold. Let your hairdresser help you with the selection.

11th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn

If you are going to tint the hair roots and make the outline of the hairstyle clearer, plan these procedures for today. But if you want radical changes in both hair color and hair length, then it is better to curb your aspirations and postpone a visit to the hairdresser a little. Because, with a high degree of probability, the color will be much brighter than you would like it to be, and the hair will be much shorter.

12th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn

Today, it is useful for your hair to alternate water procedures (including a contrast shower) with a head massage (when the hair, of course, is already well dried). You can cut and dye your hair, but give preference to not the most expensive products and specialists. You will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of work, for example, college students working in a training hairdressing salon.

13th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius

On this day, we so easily step on the same rake! Therefore, if you cannot postpone a visit to the hairdresser, at least do not go to a specialist whose work disappointed you earlier. Not only will he be nervous and absent-minded, but he will also definitely want to show his creativity and will certainly cut you in the way he thinks would be better, without taking into account your wishes.

14th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius

Do you dream of adding new notes to your usual look? Then go get your hair cut and dye your hair on this very day. You catch new trends literally out of thin air and are able to tell the hairdresser exactly what you need. Today it is easy to work in a community, it is easy for people to reach mutual understanding and the process itself is more interesting than the material return from it.

15th lunar day. Moon in Pisces

The day is not very suitable for changing the image, including with the help of a new hairstyle. Take a closer look, maybe the one you are wearing suits you better than others? Today you are very emotional about even any little thing, and what you like now may be annoying tomorrow. And it will be difficult to reach an understanding with a hairdresser.

16th lunar day. Moon in Pisces. Full moon

You should not use cosmetics that contain animal fats. Masks made from fruits and vegetables, possibly using dairy products, will be beneficial for hair and skin. And although ideas on how to improve your appearance will simply overwhelm you, you should not give them free rein: today emotions are at their peak, and in a few days you may lose interest in what seems to be a panacea.

17th lunar day. Moon in Aries

Energy overwhelms you, but it is undesirable to have any effect on the scalp, face and hair - they are very vulnerable now, it is easy to harm. Only cleansing procedures are allowed. But for the care of the feet, the time is very suitable: a pedicure, removal of corns and calluses will be effective. You can go along with the desire to use a bright varnish.

18th lunar day. Moon in Aries

If you want you to be diagnosed as accurately as possible with the condition of your skin and hair, do not miss this day, consult a specialist for advice. They will find all the shortcomings in this area and tell you how to get rid of them. But it is better to postpone the manipulations themselves a little - so that they are less traumatic and do not cause new problems. And the diagnostics will be super objective.

19th lunar day. Moon in Taurus

Today the teeth, lower jaw and neck are vulnerable. Therefore, it is better not to treat the lower teeth right now. Also, you do not need to talk a lot, take care of the ligaments. Hair cutting and coloring will be accompanied by problems. Much attention must be paid to the hygiene of all procedures, so as not to cause infectious complications.

20th lunar day. Moon in Taurus

On this day, medicinal herbs, especially yarrow, are very effective. Be sure to rinse your hair with it. It has long been known that a decoction of this herb makes the skin of the face matte and velvety. You can freeze the yarrow broth in the form of cubes for future use. If you prefer to harvest the herbs yourself, then dig up the roots on this day.

21st lunar day. Moon in Gemini

Start applying a contrast shower on your feet now, from feet to thighs. This procedure will be very effective if you have skin rashes anywhere, especially those caused by allergies. It is worth revising your diet, dwelling on products that are combined with each other, do not eat everything mixed. Dry your hair thoroughly to avoid catching cold.

22nd lunar day. Moon in Gemini

The masks and compresses that you will put on your head today should be warm. We highly recommend that you massage the face and head with the help of herbal bags, which are filled with medicinal herbs (those that you deem necessary), then first dipped in boiling water, cooled a little and applied to problem areas for about twenty minutes.

22nd 23rd lunar days. Moon in Cancer

Care for the liver and gallbladder will have a general healing effect on the entire body, including the skin and hair. Eat those vegetables and fruits that you

will seem especially tasty. It's time to experience, for example, the effect of the watermelon diet, come up with these gifts for face and hair. Try not to get hypothermic.

24th lunar day. Moon in Cancer

The day is suitable for visiting a beauty salon if you strive to keep your haircut as long as possible - your hair will grow back slowly. Dyeing your hair on this day is not worth it - the dye will wash off quickly, which is especially offensive if you use expensive dyes. So it's better to spend time on an active walk in the nearby park.

24th lunar day. Moon in Leo

You can cut your hair if you don't want your hair to grow back too quickly. An excellent time to independently prepare raw materials for real elixirs of beauty - infusions of nettle and burdock roots. Such drugs are made on water or vodka, by brushing the ground from raw materials. They can be used to rinse hair after shampooing or to rub into the scalp.

25th lunar day. Moon in Leo

Observe the clues of the Universe, intending to perform this or that manipulation with appearance. You can get a haircut, but you shouldn't try to add something extraordinary and extravagant to your look. Do not use care products that are new to you. Strive to look dignified and age-appropriate. Hide any errors with bright decorations.

26th lunar day. Moon in Leo

Use this day if you cannot properly relax on your own: contact a massage specialist, and both relaxing and cleansing and relieving cramps will be useful. Be sure to work out the collar area and head. This will lower blood pressure, improve cerebral circulation, and make the heart work more rhythmic.

27th lunar day. Moon in Virgo

Deep cleansing of the skin can be done at this time. The fight against acne, fungus, warts will be quick. Choose foods and drinks carefully - they should be fresh, with a minimum of preservatives, or better without them at all: today the intestines are very vulnerable, you need to take care of it. Be sure to take care of your feet: now you can remove from them everything that interferes with normal walking.

28th lunar day. Moon in Virgo

The day is suitable for solving such a delicate problem as constipation. And do not rely only on drugs: their excess will cause addiction, which means, will reduce their effectiveness to nothing. Fiber, water and gymnastics are the three pillars on which your fight for a healthy gut should be built. And, of course, it is worth mastering the massage of the reflex zones of the legs.

29th lunar day. Moon in Libra

This is a good time to treat diseases of the head, eyes, nose, ears, as well as radical methods of removing unwanted facial hair. The effect of the procedures can be called the "golden mean": you will achieve the goal, and you will not injure your skin. As for the preservation of hair, now it is better to use expensive, branded cosmetics for hair care.

Photo: Calendar of haircuts for June 2017

In September, after the "dry season", many women develop dandruff, and the curls become dry, losing their natural shine. In order to get rid of brittleness and restore the structure of the strands, it is recommended to use the calendar for September 2016 for hair. Choosing the right dates will help your curls grow quickly and effectively restore their structure. In addition, using a calendar when visiting a stylist can help attract luck and improve your financial well-being.

September 1- not the best date for hairstyle correction, since the result from visiting the hairdresser will not please you. In addition to a shapeless haircut, you will also "gain" hair depletion. You should also wait with the coloring of the curls, otherwise the color will quickly wash out.

September 2 and 3 promise to be good dates for a haircut, but you should only trust the hands of a professional. Not the best time to experiment and change the master. Updating your hairstyle will increase self-esteem, restore self-confidence. A haircut during this period will contribute to the accelerated growth of the strands.

September 4-5- extremely unfavorable dates for changing the image. Thinning hair, shedding strands and the formation of a magnifying glass are the results from visiting a stylist. Even a minor hairstyle correction (trimming or thinning) can unsettle you.

September 6 to 8 you can safely go to the salon. A radical change of the image is encouraged, with the choice of a short hair length and a variegated shade. Other procedures (dyeing, curling,) are also doomed to success. A change of hairstyle during this period guarantees the disclosure of charisma and work success.

September 9-10- generally neutral dates. A side effect of going to the hairdresser these days is stunted hair growth.

Haircut September 11 will become a catalyst for the development of mental and physical activity. You will be able to manage to complete a colossal number of cases, having caused approval from the authorities. Complex styling will be successful on September 11, and homemade masks will quickly restore the structure of the curls.

September 12-13 the visit to the hairdresser should be postponed. It is not even recommended to twist, straighten or wash your hair. Any manipulation can harm overall health.

Go to a beauty salon September 14 and 15... A haircut at this time will delight you with an aesthetically pleasing appearance, it will keep its shape for a long time.

Forecasts for the second half of the month:

  • September 16-17 - even slightly trimmed ends will attract a series of failures into your life. A haircut in the middle of the month will make you vulnerable to the evil eye. Serious health problems are not excluded. The strands during this period are extremely naughty and even in the hands of an experienced stylist, the hairstyle will turn out to be shapeless. Home care procedures are not prohibited, but you should not expect increased efficiency;
  • September 18-20 - continuation of the unfavorable period. The haircut will not be successful, internal fears may exacerbate, the likelihood of depression is high. During this period, the risk of skin diseases in the salon increases significantly - head lice,;
  • September 21 is a neutral day, however, a haircut in the first half of the day may not meet expectations and even push away the luck that is coming to you;
  • September 22-23 - seek advice from a stylist when choosing a hairstyle and the result will not disappoint you. Children's haircuts during this period will make the baby more diligent and patient. The general condition of the hair will improve markedly, the end of the month will cause accelerated growth of the strands;
  • September 24-26 is generally not a bad period for a visit to the salon, however, you should avoid too short haircuts, which will push luck out of your life;
  • September 27-28 - after a haircut, the strands will become very naughty, home styling will turn into a real test. Of course, this will cause a spoiled mood and increased irritability;
  • September 29-30 is a good period to recuperate and return to your usual way of life. In the end of the month . A haircut will strengthen their structure and accelerate growth.

September welcomes light colors, be sure to consider this when choosing a paint. Wheat, honey and copper palettes will make good luck your faithful companion. Brunettes are advised to choose muted shades. In general, after the summer heat, the staining procedure is extremely undesirable, however, the following dates smooth out the harmful effects of the paint: September 3, 22 and 29.

Success in the curling procedure is guaranteed by the constellations Libra and Gemini. At this time, the curls are especially lush and natural. It is recommended to choose the following dates for the visit to the salon: September 6, 8, 14.

Horoscope for September 1, Thursday. At 6:24, the 30 lunar day begins. The moon is in Virgo. The new moon comes at 13:08. Solar eclipse at 13:04.
An unfavorable period for neither cutting nor coloring. Try to create an original hairstyle, showing a little imagination.

Horoscope for September 2, Friday. At 7:35 am, 2 lunar days begin. The moon is in Virgo.
Do you want curly locks? Then it's time to go to the hairdresser, cutting will give your curls smoothness and waviness.

Horoscope for September 3, Saturday. At 8:44, the 3 lunar days begin. The moon is in Libra.
This Saturday classic models of haircuts are successful, comb your hair more often - combs and combs attract positive energy.

Horoscope for September 4, Sunday. At 9:52 am, 4 lunar days begin. The moon is in Libra.
It's time for stability, leave everything as it is, so as not to break the inner harmony. For those who are especially impatient, we advise only to dye the curls in natural shades.

Horoscope for September 5, Monday. At 10:58, the 5 lunar day begins. The moon is in Scorpio.
Do you want to turn upside down and turn into a completely different person? Then the time is indescribably suitable for operations on the hair.

Horoscope for September 6, Tuesday. 6 lunar days begin at 12:04. The moon is in Scorpio.
With the help of scissors, you can achieve hair strengthening, increasing its density and stiffness. Those who already have a magnificent hedgehog on their heads should refrain.

Horoscope for September 7, Wednesday. At 13:08, the 7 lunar day begins. The moon is in Scorpio.
We call on nature to add charm and attractiveness, we cut our hair, curl, do at least something.

Horoscope for September 8, Thursday. At 14:11, the 8 lunar day begins. The moon is in Sagittarius.
We are expecting more successful times, otherwise it will turn out on the head no one knows what.

Horoscope for September 9, Friday. At 15:10, the 9 lunar day begins. The moon is in Sagittarius. At 15:50 there is 1 quarter.
This Friday, it's scary to pick up not only scissors, but also a plate with a fork. Behaving quietly, leafing through autumn fashion magazines.

Horoscope for September 10, Saturday. At 16:05, the 10 lunar day begins. The moon is in Capricorn.
Day of neutrality, it is better to take preventive measures. Massage your head, use healing masks.

Horoscope for September 11, Sunday. 11 lunar days begin at 16:55. The moon is in Capricorn.
With a haircut this Sunday, you will have a chance to make peace with all enemies. A golden hue will give you the opportunity to acquire additional profit.

Horoscope for September 12, Monday. At 17:38, the 12 lunar day begins. The moon is in Capricorn.
Wealth and unprecedented changes in the amorous sphere will overtake you after visiting a beauty salon.

Horoscope for September 13, Tuesday. At 18:15, the 13th lunar day begins. The moon is in Aquarius.
It's time to turn on intuition, but only a very trusted person can substitute your head.

Horoscope for September 14, Wednesday. At 18:48, the 14th lunar day begins. The moon is in Aquarius.
It is better to put the scissors aside if you do not want to spoil your mood and plunge into the abyss of sad thoughts.

Horoscope for September 15, Thursday. At 19:16, the 15th lunar day begins. The moon is in Pisces.
On the haircut calendar, there is a period of abstinence from any action on the hair, find yourself another occupation in order to tear yourself away from the mirror.

Horoscope for September 16, Friday. At 19:42, the 16 lunar day begins. The moon is in Pisces. At 22:55 a lunar eclipse occurs. The full moon comes at 23:06.
The mood of nature and the stars is negative, the moon will generally hide by nightfall, so we do not change anything in the hairstyle.

Horoscope for September 17, Saturday. At 20:07, the 17 lunar day begins. The moon is in Aries.
If you are not going on long trips and do not seek to improve your social status, you can safely cut your hair. Otherwise, it will be smarter to wait.

Horoscope for September 18, Sunday. At 20:33, 18 lunar days begin. The moon is in Aries.
The stage of building a personal "I". Create an image that satisfies you as much as possible, it will leave an imprint on the near future.

Horoscope for September 19, Monday. The 19 lunar days begin at 21:01. The moon is in Taurus.
If you are disappointed and need energy recharge, go to your favorite master, only painting on this day is undesirable.

Horoscope for September 20, Tuesday. At 21:33, the 20 lunar day begins. The moon is in Taurus.
The period of Satan's influence, when it is undesirable to grab onto sharp objects in order to avoid injury and all sorts of alarming consequences.

Horoscope for September 21, Wednesday. At 22:10, 21 lunar days begin. The moon is in Gemini.
Light shades of colors and lush models will help get rid of physical and psychological imperfections, you will immediately feel great.

Horoscope for September 22, Thursday. At 22:55 the 22 lunar days begin. The moon is in Gemini.
Traditional hairstyles and natural colors are welcome, cutting will tune in to a positive outlook on life.

Horoscope for September 23, Friday. 23 lunar days begin at 23:48. The moon is in Cancer. At 13:57 the 4th quarter comes.
The negative influence of Cancer warns against attempts to change anything in appearance. Don't risk not liking yourself.

Horoscope for September 24, Saturday. Lasts 23 lunar days. The moon is in Cancer.
You can only look in the mirror, comb your hair and admire your reflection. We do not perform any operations with hair, it is fraught with failures.

Horoscope for September 25, Sunday. At 0:48 the 24 lunar day begins. The moon is in Leo.
It's time for brunettes with classic haircuts and wavy styling, for fair-haired lightly cutting the ends will give a positive charge.

Horoscope for September 26, Monday. At 0:54, the 25 lunar day begins. The moon is in Leo.
Wear a hat, cap or scarf, it is better to hide your head from prying eyes. The period of preservation of one's own biofield from outside interference.

Horoscope for September 27, Tuesday. At 2:03 am, the 26 lunar day begins. The moon is in Leo.
We comb our hair for contact with Nature, to establish the necessary connections, we use dyes of natural shades.

Horoscope for September 28, Wednesday. At 3:13, the 27 lunar day begins. The moon is in Virgo.
A democratic haircut with elements of frivolity will add femininity and sexuality to you.

Horoscope for September 29, Thursday. At 4:22, the 28 lunar day begins. The moon is in Virgo.
Today, the simplicity and naturalness of the female image is appreciated, refuse to travel to the hairdresser, be yourself.

Horoscope for September 30, Friday. At 5:31 am, the 29 lunar day begins. The moon is in Libra.
Do not touch your head at any time, a day of doubt, anxiety and increased activity of dark forces.

The website reports that the most favorable time for epilation is September 17-19, 20-29, 2016.

Recommendations are given for a calendar day (Moscow time).
Haircut calendar is compiled taking into account the lunar calendar, the calendar provides additional information about the position of the moon on a particular calendar day.

Attention! The horoscope is prohibited from republishing and copying.
All rights to this material are reserved by the site ""

In September, our hair is actively recovering after the beach season, and our task is to help them. Hairdressers recommend regularly making nourishing masks with the addition of olive oil, carrying out procedures aimed at strengthening the roots, and if you have just returned from a vacation where you have been in the sun and water a lot, then take the time and money for cauterization.

In addition, this month gives us the opportunity to vitaminize the body as much as possible before the many gloomy days of late autumn and winter. Eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits in your region and use them to make nourishing, moisturizing and preventive masks.

And, of course, before going to the salon and at home to engage in any hairdressing procedures, you should look into our lunar haircut calendar for September 2016. The moon will tell you what, how and when to do so that your hair always remains beautiful and healthy.

By tradition, we will explain how to use our calendar. The first thing worth paying attention to is the time until which the lunar day lasts (it is indicated in brackets). If it ends, for example, at two or three in the morning, then immediately see the recommendations for the next date. That is, the number remains the same, but the astrological influence changes.

This time we will not give specific illustrative examples, but we will talk about the astrological features of the whole month. We are waiting for 2 eclipses - an annular solar (1.09) and a penumbral lunar (16.09), so you need to be more careful with any changes in appearance. Chances are good that you will suddenly want to radically change your haircut or hair color, but you should refrain from this - such changes will certainly affect your life. And not the fact that for the better.

As an addition to our lunar haircut calendar, we offer you a small bonus:

Best days for manicure and pedicure: 2, 13, 14, 28, 29.

Best days to epilate: 19 (until 20:21), 20 (after 20:33), 23 (from 12:32 to 22:48), 25 (until 17:47).

First decade of September

September 1, Thursday, 29th lunar day until 5:25, 30th lunar day (until 12:03, later focus on the 1st lunar day), New Moon, annular solar eclipse, Moon in Virgo.

Today is a completely inappropriate day for any kind of hair manipulation - even excessively intense combing can weaken the hair follicles, not to mention such procedures as coloring, bleaching, and perm. A haircut is not recommended categorically - it will negatively affect not only your hair, but your entire existence.

September 2, Friday, 1st lunar day (until 6:36, later focus on the 2nd lunar day), Moon in Virgo.

This day is also not suitable for a visit to a hairdresser, besides, you should not carry out home procedures, test unfamiliar shampoos and other hair care products, use styling mousses, foams and hard fixation varnishes.

September 3, Saturday, 2nd lunar day (until 7:45, later focus on the 3rd lunar day), Moon in Libra.

Another day when you should refrain from haircuts, coloring and home procedures. But it is quite favorable in order to choose the time suitable for you and according to the lunar calendar to visit the hairdresser, call the salon and make an appointment with the master.

September 4, Sunday, 3rd lunar day (until 8:52, later focus on the 4th lunar day), the Moon is in Libra.

Today is a very auspicious day for a visit to the hairdresser. True, it is worth refraining from asymmetric haircuts, contrasting dyeing and from cardinal hair lightening. In the salon, you can do ionization, but home procedures will not be beneficial.

September 5, Monday, 4th lunar day (until 9:59, later focus on the 5th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

The day is quite suitable for a haircut, coloring, light lightening. However, at the same time, as on the eve, it is worth refraining from asymmetry and sharp contrasts. In addition, it is undesirable to copy the hairstyle of older relatives (even if your sister is an example to follow), since there is a danger of repeating the fate of this person.

September 6, Tuesday, 5th lunar day (until 11:05, later focus on the 6th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

Today it is recommended to get a haircut only on condition that you have a completely healthy nervous system, there are no neuroses and depression, otherwise exacerbations are likely. In addition, you should not change your usual haircut and hair color - this can lead to negative changes in those areas of life in which everything is stable now.

September 7, Wednesday, 6th lunar day (until 12:09, later focus on the 7th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

This day is quite favorable for haircuts and dyeing, but, like the day before, only if there are no problems with nerves. In addition, it is undesirable to follow the advice of a hairdresser and do the hairstyle recommended by him. Home treatments will be useless.

September 8, Thursday, 7th lunar day (until 13:12, later focus on the 8th lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

Today is a good day to visit the salon. However, you should be careful with your suddenly arisen desires. Resist the temptation to repaint yourself in a flashy color or shave some Kabbalistic sign on the back of your head - the desire to shock others and stand out in this way will sideways you. If you are going to do hair nutrition at home, then use honey to prepare masks, but it is better not to use egg-based products.

September 9, Friday, 8th lunar day (until 14:11, later focus on the 9th lunar day), 1st quarter, Moon in Sagittarius.

This day is quite favorable for visiting a hairdresser, but you should refrain from lightening, traditional perm, haircuts with hot scissors. In addition, it is recommended to be careful with new hair care products and to be careful with procedures involving high temperatures.

September 10, Saturday, 9th lunar day (until 15:06, later focus on the 10th lunar day), Moon in Capricorn.

Today is a completely inappropriate day for haircuts, dyeing, and home treatments. You should not use new and overly intense styling products, and it is also better to refrain from washing your hair with very hot water.

Second decade of September

September 11, Sunday, 10th lunar day (until 15:55, later focus on the 11th lunar day), Moon in Capricorn.

This day is not suitable for a haircut, but it is quite favorable for coloring. However, it is worth giving preference to natural shades and natural or gentle dyes. Of the home treatments, the most beneficial are firming white clay masks and acupuncture head massage.

September 12, Monday, 11th lunar day (until 16:39, later focus on the 12th lunar day), Moon in Capricorn.

Another unsuitable day for haircuts and favorable for coloring. However, it is categorically not recommended to do clarification - there is a high probability of chemical burns. From home procedures, nourishing masks based on olive oil with the addition of vegetable and fruit purees or egg yolks, as well as a stone massage of the head, will give a good effect. You can wash your hair with steamed brown bread.

September 13, Tuesday, 12th lunar day (until 17:16, later focus on the 13th lunar day), Moon in Aquarius.

Today is a great day to visit the salon. You can slightly change the shape of the haircut, giving it a more airy look, and when dyeing, lighten a few strands, making the hairstyle more voluminous. At home, it is recommended that a long, but very neat and gentle combing session is performed with love for your hair and yourself. The rest of the procedures will not be beneficial.

September 14, Wednesday, 13th lunar day (until 17:48, later focus on the 14th lunar day), Moon in Aquarius.

This day is also quite favorable for visiting a hairdresser, but it is better not to make any changes to the look; just restore the shape of the haircut and touch up the hair color. Home treatments will be useless.

September 15, Thursday, 14th lunar day (until 18:16, later focus on the 15th lunar day), Moon in Pisces.

Today is an unfavorable day for haircuts and dyeing. It is also better not to do home procedures, especially if you usually make masks and wraps yourself. The only thing that is not only possible, but also needs to be done is to rinse your hair with water infused with silver.

September 16, Friday, 15th lunar day (until 18:42, later focus on the 16th lunar day), Full Moon, penumbral lunar eclipse, Moon in Pisces.

A completely and categorically inappropriate day for any manipulations with hair, moreover, it is not recommended to even slightly change the usual styling and use new hairpins to create a hairstyle. A haircut done today is dangerous in that it can drastically disrupt the smooth flow of your life and attract troubles into it, with which you will then fight for several months.

September 17, Saturday, 16th lunar day (until 19:07, later focus on the 17th lunar day), Moon in Aries.

This day is also not suitable for haircuts, dyeing and home treatments. In addition, you should refrain from using a hair dryer, styler, alcohol-containing styling products, tight decorative headbands and sharp hairpins.

September 18, Sunday, 17th lunar day (until 19:33, later focus on the 18th lunar day), Moon in Aries.

And again, it is better to refrain from a visit to the salon, as well as from home procedures, the use of hot styling devices and rigid fixing styling products.

September 19, Monday, 18th lunar day (until 20:01, later focus on the 19th lunar day), Moon in Taurus.

Today is a very auspicious day for a visit to the salon. However, it is advisable to give preference to classic haircuts and natural shades when coloring. In addition, try not to accidentally copy the hairstyle of someone you know, otherwise you will find yourself in an awkward position. At home, you can do any procedure aimed at nutrition, hydration, treatment, restoration and strengthening of hair. Masks made from seasonal vegetables and fruits will be of great benefit.

September 20, Tuesday, 19th lunar day (until 20:33, later focus on the 20th lunar day), Moon in Taurus.

A completely inappropriate day for a haircut - it is fraught with a significant deterioration in the financial situation and the unexpected appearance of debt. It is also better to refrain from staining - chemical burns are likely, and the result may be unpredictable. Home procedures will not bring any benefit, but they will easily harm.

Third decade of September

September 21, Wednesday, 20th lunar day (until 21:10, later focus on the 21st lunar day), Moon in Gemini.

Today is a great day for a haircut, it will charge you with a good mood for a long time, relieve you of negativity and some not very pleasant thoughts, make you lighter, more airy, more cheerful. Coloring is not prohibited, but it is recommended to avoid dark shades, especially black. Home treatments will be useless.

September 22, Thursday, 21st lunar day (until 21:55, later focus on the 22nd lunar day), Moon in Gemini.

Another great day for a salon visit. A haircut will give you a feeling of freedom, attract new interesting acquaintances and vivid impressions to you, and if you make light coloring when coloring, you may get the right to choose in a situation in which there was no alternative before.

September 27, Tuesday, 25th lunar day (until 2:04, later focus on the 26th lunar day), Moon in Leo.

Today is a great day to visit the hairdresser. A haircut will help you make some important decision for you, give you courage, and have a beneficial effect on your overall well-being. Coloring is not prohibited, but experimenting with colors is not worth it. In addition, you can do carving and order a professional relaxation head massage.

September 28, Wednesday, 26th lunar day (until 3:13, later focus on the 27th lunar day), Moon in Virgo.

Another favorable day for a haircut, it will have an excellent effect on your financial situation, attract additional income and new opportunities to you, and it will also remove the accumulated negative and positively affect your health. Coloring will also be very successful. But you shouldn't be tempted to any other procedures in the salon - just waste your money; however, whatever you do for your hair at home will be of double benefit.

September 29, Thursday, 27th lunar day (until 4:23, later focus on the 28th lunar day), Moon in Virgo.

And again, a great day to visit the hairdresser. A haircut made today will retain its shape for a long time, and the paint applied to the hair will retain its original color. In addition, any home and salon procedures aimed at treating, strengthening and nourishing hair will give a great effect.

September 30, Friday, 28th lunar day (until 5:32, later focus on the 29th lunar day), Moon in Libra.

This day is also quite favorable for haircuts and coloring, just decide in advance what exactly you want to see on your head, and make an appointment with the master you completely trust. For the preparation of homemade masks and rinses, today it is better to use the gifts of nature - decoctions and infusions of herbs, vegetables, fruits, clay.