True signs of infidelity wife. How do you know if your wife is cheating? The first signs of infidelity wife

Your man. There are many ways to do this.

Let's say rely on your sense of smell. After all, an unfaithful husband, or rather his shirts, mustaches, breasts, can smell of someone else's cosmetics - primarily perfume. However, the smells of creams, deodorants or lipstick can also be attributed here - after all, now it is all made with flavors.

To be sure, you can search his pockets - for example, by telling him that you want to wash his clothes. And suddenly there will be some evidence to recognize treason.

You can also see how he dresses in the morning. If he suddenly decides to wash his hair, or inspects the collar of his shirt, or carefully chooses underpants - is he going on a date with another woman?

There are, of course, exotic ways. Some women try to recognize infidelity with ... a bath. After pouring enough water into it, they offer the man to take a bath. And then they look closely. If his manhood floats on the surface, then it's okay. Apparently, the husband returned from work, and not from an outside woman. But if it sinks, then you need to think about it ....

Of course, for some, this attempt to recognize treason leads to rather unexpected results. Because dignity either sinks or floats to the surface. Even a test lovemaking with a husband does not help in this case to recognize infidelity - apparently, this method does not work on all unfaithful husbands.

But to force him to perform marital duties unexpectedly is a surer way to recognize treason. For example, invite him to make love when he returns home late. We must first feed him dinner and drag him to bed. And then watch his reaction. If he is still capable of having sex, then he does not have another woman. However, this method also periodically fails - after all, there are men who are quite enough for both a wife and a mistress. A wife, each time forcing her husband to have sex after he returns home late, can be sure that her husband is not cheating on her. And only a year later to find out that she was cruelly mistaken, and he still has a mistress. So with the help of this method it is possible to recognize the betrayal of not each of the men.

But the intuition of women rarely fails. If during sex his attitude has changed, if he does everything differently than before, including looking at his wife, then it will be easier to recognize betrayal. Especially if the husband, after every evening delay, begins to make excuses ...

On the other hand, is it worth making so many attempts to recognize treason? Who will be sure that each subsequent husband will be better than the previous one? And if the first, and the second, and the third will change? So maybe it’s worth a little close your eyes to the betrayal of the first - if not for this, then is he a golden man? And if you also play a game with him - for example, quietly help him hide the evidence? He will consider his wife a fool who does not understand anything (how would he know that she is only trying to look like that). From this, he will only become more attentive and tender to his wife. So maybe it’s worth leaving your attempts to recognize treason - what if he leaves his mistress, and this will make him irritable at home? After all, all his rudeness will then fully go to his wife!

Betrayal of one's own opinion is much more dangerous. Selling the principles of humanity is a hundred times more vile. But people are so arranged that at the word treason, the first thought arises about a partner in life.

Signs of male infidelity

Leave aside the abstruse methods of investigation of the old man Holmes and the obvious absence of the second half in the bedroom at night. A person who CHANGES, first of all, CHANGES himself. His habitual model of behavior, gestures, vocabulary undergo a noticeable metamorphosis. Stealthily comes out of his shadow of consciousness something alien, foreign. And now there are three of you...

Male loving on the side is often aggravated by guilt. The stronger sex tends to cover up pranks with surprises and gifts to the deceived side. Many become exemplary fathers, caring and tender to the point of cloying. Aspects of sexual life are still stable. Polygamy does not show weakness in bed. It is possible to increase potency and a variety of positions, the frequency of intercourse will decrease slightly.

Less willingly "revelers" go to the usual early everyday conflicts. They silently chew oversalted cutlets, make timid attempts to help with the housework.

They abruptly stop procrastinating on the topic of work. Why repeat! Fresh ears found! There we will merge sad stories about the insidious boss and ourselves - the Underestimated Great Personality.

Material differences are not noticeable. In truth, the wife rarely knows the real financial situation of the husband. This secret is firmly hidden from native eyes in any case.

Signs of female infidelity

With women it's completely different.

He will solemnly place the blame on the Man, the crown of the martyr - on himself. Lack of time spent together, lack of attention and former admiration for their person brought to what happened. Appearance is drastically changing in the "plus" direction. The innovation is amazing! From hair color to intimate haircut!

The nervous system is falling apart before our eyes. Acting skills to hell! Increased speech excitability, a detailed description of where and with whom I spent today. The appearance of mythical friends without a phone, living in the outskirts of civilization.

Do you remember Rubalskaya's poems? "You're cheating on me with your wife, you're cheating on her with me..." Typical female logic. Her lover is also ashamed to change, even with her lawful husband. Sex suffers. Rare headaches develop into chronic migraines. Intimacy "according to the law" becomes self-sacrifice.

Depressive notes are replaced by an attack of unrestrained fun. And only 20% of the offspring of Eve and Lilith are able to leave without serious pathological changes in the psyche after such a pleasant pastime on 2 fronts.

The consequences of traveling through the expanses of forbidden love are not limited to a single sad ending - divorce. The course of events has a lot of ramifications and consequences. For some, everything will go unnoticed. Someone's marriage will be strengthened and flourish. There are many such cases. Let's try to master tenderness and indifference in the family circle. And turn into crazy lovers for each other. Then there will be no need for crazy jumps on other people's beds. It’s very risky ... Believe me without verification ...

It is worth noting that the number of signs, "punctures" in the behavior of a cheating woman varies depending on the "quality" of the betrayal itself. If adultery is based on just sex, a lady may never give herself away. However, as soon as she falls in love and, God forbid, allow herself to fantasize about a possible marriage with her lover, the number of “signals” in her behavior in one day can reach a dozen.


This phase of a change in a woman's relationship to her chosen one, as a rule, precedes the appearance of a lover. At this stage, it is still reversible, the woman is simply trying to compensate for the lack of warmth. And the first thing she does is to get into the World Wide Web with pleasure, that is, she goes to the Internet! Dating sites, an active life on social networks, chatting in chat rooms well after midnight ...

A smart, and most importantly, loving husband, such behavior of his wife should alert! At this moment, she just wants warmth! And if her husband does not give it to her, then among the billions of Internet users there will definitely be a romantic who is close in spirit! First - conversations, and then the meeting is within easy reach ...


“Hear me,” the wife will repeatedly say before she goes “breaking bad”. She will complain about the lack of attention, the cooled ardor, ask you to say words of love to her, bring a gift ... She has not yet cheated on you physically, but often such conversations are the last “straw” that she grabs at to keep her feelings for you . The one who hears his woman at such a moment will not only keep her from infidelity, but will also rise several steps up in her eyes at once!

Married women, often starving for male attention, fall in love even before the actual betrayal. The chemical process in the blood just begins - and that's it! And she will definitely talk about the subject of her love, and for sure - with her husband too. He will begin to talk about how this “someone” is good and wonderful, and talented, and kind ... Here one would suspect an attentive spouse that something was wrong and eliminate the opponent with a portion of love, attention and affection for their soul mate! Smart and loving will do so. And for the rest - true signs of adultery that has already happened.


You can't get anywhere, you have to talk about the main thing - that is, about sex. If a woman cheats on her husband, it is, as in a mirror, reflected in their marital bed. Most often, a lady who has received satisfaction “on the side” no longer needs intimate pleasures with her husband. She is simply "full". In particular, this behavior is typical of girls who think in stereotypes and do not like much variety in bed.

Another scenario is also possible - the wife “suddenly” wakes up sexual appetite, and she begins to show such “aerobatics” in bed that her husband never dreamed of before! Well, as they say, every coin has two sides!


Has she stopped being annoyed by your delays at work? She no longer throws tantrums when you show up a little drunk? She stopped looking at the list of your calls in the phone book, and the late sms that came to you from "Sergey Alexandrovich" amuse her and provoke her to witty jokes like "protect yourself"? Do your business trips, trips to the country to your parents, corporate parties without wives suit her?

This is because her own life is now literally in full swing and for the manifestation of emotions she now has a completely different object. In some cases, the spouse stops cooking for the husband. This is a wake-up call that she no longer sees in him a successor of his kind. So why feed him?


No woman, the most driven by life and downtrodden by her husband, will ever allow herself to appear in front of her lover in old shorts! There is such a type of men who allow themselves to appear before their mistress in family shorts, but there is no such type of women! It is not at all necessary that the wardrobe of a newly-made lover be filled with lingerie from a sex shop, but the fact that just new lingerie will regularly appear in it is a prerequisite! The price of purchases and the level of eroticism will depend on the level of the lover, because now she really wants to please him, and not her husband!

Not only men "catch" on the persistent aromas of their mistress's perfume! Women whose partners love expensive, and even more so niche fragrances, risk no less! The concept of behavior “give the same perfume to your wife and mistress” is adopted by many smart ladies! Well, who did not guess - blame yourself!

Sneaky PHONE

Here the risk of being caught cheating in men and women is about the same. Most spouses find out about the betrayal of their half precisely “thanks to” accidentally read SMS-cams! And the question is, why keep them on your phone? But lovers are sentimental, and it's so nice to read a few words from a loved one...

Experienced lovers and mistresses kill all SMS and even clear the call list before returning home. This, by the way, should also alert the attentive spouse. In my practice, there was a case when an unfaithful wife was caught by her husband, who accidentally read an angry SMS sent by her lover's wife! The question is, why was it kept on the phone if you were not going to leave your spouse? Silly, and only!


Psychologists know that a woman who is in active sexual search signals this at least with her gait. She walks expressively swaying her hips. It doesn’t “scratch” forward, “knocking in the sleepers”, it doesn’t skip, but moves, attracting everyone’s attention! The length of the skirt, of course, can dramatically “jump” up, but only some ladies will allow themselves such a “signal”. The rest will put on sexy lingerie under their usual skirt, and, exuding a myriad of pheromones, will proudly defile around the city with their heads held high, attracting greedy male gazes with their alluring gait.


Changes in the wardrobe are necessarily accompanied by changes in appearance. “If a man only needs to buy champagne and a condom for a date, then we need to do a haircut, manicure, pedicure, hair removal,” the beauties assure. Naturally, minimal preparation for a date requires a lot of cosmetics in jars, tubes, bottles, which begin to occupy the entire space of the bathroom and bedroom. From a successful woman comes a lot of delicious aromas ... Beware of husbands whose wives suddenly become fragrant!


"Good lovers are usually generous, otherwise, why are they needed?" - so argues a good half of unfaithful wives. And it is generosity in all respects, including financial ones, that is so attractive in adultery! A husband who is used to feeling like the financial master of women's happiness suddenly discovers that his woman can do without handouts from him! And at the same time, her trips to beauty salons have become more regular, and her wardrobe is being updated at an enviable rate!


So, you suspected your spouse of treason. They even found unambiguous text messages on her phone, new perfume on her dressing table, constantly high spirits, and even an empty condom pack in her pocket completed the picture. But you don’t know who he is, because the SMS came from someone who is recorded on her phone under the name “Allochka”?

Then at least you need to re-read and review our lesson on the signs of female sexual arousal on the video, and as a maximum, try to figure out her lover among your friends. Otherwise, when you come home one day, you run the risk of finding empty cabinets and a note of a certain content. So, what signals will tell you that this is "he"?

Firstly, in your presence they will not communicate much, but will exchange short, eloquent glances several times. She will regularly straighten her hair, pull it, shake her "mane". Look carefully at her legs - she will definitely point her knee or the toe of her shoe in his direction (even if she never looks at him at the same time!).

If your rival came with his own wife (and she also guesses about their romance), then his wife will carefully examine yours, trying to understand “what is in her that I don’t have”; will become clearly nervous and at some point will definitely stand between them (most likely, turning his back on your wife) - this is the typical behavior of a jealous female primate, but no one has canceled the physiology! And at this moment you look at yourself, at her and think about how much you will lose if she leaves you. And remember, it's never too late to fix everything, and you shouldn't give your woman to a stranger so easily!

Anna Solntseva, "Today"