I don't like animals. Dog life

It is well known that you can draw certain correct conclusions about a person's character by looking at his beloved pet. But few people know that a clear antipathy towards certain types of pets also means a lot. We bring to your attention a small psychological essay about the fans and opponents of various pets.

Cat. Who loves cats and why.
Cats are a symbol of femininity and independence. A woman always imagines herself as a kind of mysterious, graceful, languid, soft, fluffy and slightly predatory cat. The cat is the closest friend, the second self of the owner, so if someone doesn't like the cat, then they definitely don't like the owner either. Ladies who harmoniously combine the benefits of both sexes tend to have cats. Such women are beautiful and intelligent, feminine and agile, efficient and effective, pretty and persistent in achieving their goals. Old maidens and unmarried women replace their non-existent child with a cat. A cat also needs care, affection and tenderness, it is a playful and capricious animal, like a child. A lonely woman with a cat is distrustful of men and reluctantly enters into intimate relationships with them.
Children love cats because cats remind them of the image of a mother imprinted in our genetic memory - something warm, soft, sweetly purring. A man who loves cats recognizes a woman's right to be independent. As for a bachelor man who has a cat, he is a completely self-sufficient person who is unlikely to ever marry, even if he already has a girlfriend.

Who doesn't love cats.
Hatred of cats means hatred of the entire female sex. In psychology, there is even a term "catophobia" - the fear of cats (scientifically called eylrophobia). Usually "cool big men" suffer from this, who desperately and hopelessly struggle with their hidden homosexual tendencies. They should have loved women, but the weaker sex does not turn them on, and if such a man lives with some woman and at the same time suffocates from horror at the sight of her little cat, then this reminds him that he really is not so good man. But if such a man turns to a specialist psychologist for advice and finds out the real reason for his fears, then the fear of cats will disappear. And then he will begin to suffer from his homosexuality, but this is another story, which we will not discuss today. If a woman hates cats, then this means that she denies her feminine essence and is afraid to show her independence.

Dog. Who loves dogs and why.
For a woman, her dog is almost always a symbol of a man. Even if the dog is female (bitch). Looking at the breed of a dog, you can always say which masculine qualities her mistress values ​​most of all. A large shepherd dog means that its owner needs protection and reliable support. A woman who has bought a French Bulldog appreciates her partner's loyalty, reliability, solidity, consistency and a sense of humor. The lady with the Doberman has an iron willpower and is defiant towards men: "Who can protect me better than this dog of mine?" A woman who holds in her arms a malevolent, cowardly, demon-biting and stalking creature makes too high demands on men, expecting to find some incredibly wonderful qualities in them, and as a result, such women are extremely rarely happy in marriage.
A man always identifies with his dog. That is why even peaceful bank employees walking with their Bull Terriers are always aggressive deep in their hearts. Men who like collies with long and soft coats are sentimental and defenseless, but in a critical situation they are brave and ready to fearlessly defend their herd (by the way, this quality is also inherent in all lovers of shepherd dogs). A man who has acquired a Rottweiler has an irritable character, he prefers loneliness and is tamed and domesticated with great difficulty. Almost all those who love dogs, whether it is a man or a woman, are intolerant of the independence of others and seek to control the lives and actions of those close to them.
Children are looking for a friend and protector in the dog. The stubborn desire of a child to have a puppy speaks of his inner loneliness or his fear of the life around him, and only sometimes it is just a desire to get a funny companion for playing. But it is not enough just to buy a puppy for your child, he will also need to provide communication, protection and entertainment.

Who doesn't like dogs.
People often think that only evil and cruel people hate dogs, but this is not always the case. Those who cannot stand dogs may also be shy, fearful, may simply be afraid of these biting and loudly barking predators, or perhaps they simply prefer to seek love and friendship in the human world and do not understand why they might need this little wolf. Many people are disgusted with the need to train another living creature and become its master, and they categorically do not want to turn into slaves and hostages of their pets themselves, as happens with some pet owners, so they flatly refuse to have a dog at home.

Hamster and guinea pig. Who loves hamsters and guinea pigs and why.
Everyone who loves small and fluffy animals needs the protection of a strong man, tenderness and affection, care, as they themselves feel small and defenseless. Therefore, children so often ask to buy them a hamster - they want to be big, strong and caring for small animals.

Who doesn't love hamsters and guinea pigs.
If a person cannot stand the stupidity of other people, then he is unlikely to ever be moved at the sight of a hamster or a guinea pig.

Rat. Who loves rats and why.
The domestic rat is an intelligent, white and fluffy animal. Loving rats means declaring to the whole world: "I am not a bore, I have original thinking, and your stereotypes have no power over me!" Anyone who loves rats will first study everything, touching and testing, and only then will he draw his own conclusions, and he does not care about the opinions of other people. And if a child brought a rat home, it means that he has a rather sociable, cheerful and kind-hearted character.

Who doesn't like rats.
Conservative, cautious people who walk the beaten path in life, as well as shy, timid and insecure people cannot stand white rats.

Parrot. Who loves parrots and why.
Melancholic, sensitive, vulnerable and very naive people, bored in silence and loneliness, buy noisy and theoretically long-lived parrots. They are not even aware of the many difficulties and problems that these sensitive birds, constantly trying to die of pneumonia, can bring to their owners. The parrot reminds of the romance of tropical islands, pirates and makes up for the lack of travel in ordinary daily life. The general insane passion of pensioners for parrots is a forced phenomenon, and it does not have any hidden psychological motives, it is just that many elderly people would be happy to have a dog, but they do not have enough strength to regularly walk with it.

Who doesn't like parrots.
Irritable, hot-tempered people or those who are overwhelmed by any serious and strenuous work. Such a person is simply not able to appreciate the whole humor of the situation when a small bird suddenly sits on his head and gets tangled in his hair. Sybarites, who value peace and harmony, also do not particularly like loudly chirping and shrill screaming parrots.

Hedgehog. Who loves hedgehogs and why.
The hedgehog is prickly, but it has a soft and sensitive tummy. Owners of hedgehogs are harsh in appearance, but vulnerable at heart. They believe that one should be harsh with the people around them, delivering preemptive strikes at any, even the slightest, appearance of an attack, but later they will suffer from the fact that they have wrongly offended innocent people. They are not capable of betraying, and very often they are open, straightforward people. Hedgehogs are often chosen for themselves by women in cases where life forces them to be harsh and sarcastic, and such a woman in her hedgehog loves herself, seeing how defenseless he is under all his thorns. And some of the women admire the ability of hedgehogs to curl up into a prickly ball and wait out all the difficulties and troubles in this state. A man who has got himself a hedgehog, no matter what age or gender he is, needs a protector who would be by his side.

Who doesn't love hedgehogs.
Only the one who, waking up in the morning, put his feet in his slippers and immediately understood where this nocturnal animal decided to fall asleep.

Fish. Who loves them and why.
Silent fish are preferred by people of two categories. The first is energetic, emotional, soulful people who are calmed by the slow movements of some species of fish. For such people, an aquarium with fish is just a piece of furniture, like a TV. The second category of people who love fish is different from the first. It includes quite original and sometimes even eccentric thinkers. These people are very different from other people, just like cold-blooded fish differ from the rest of the animal world, and just like fish slowly contemplating their underwater world and not leaving it, their owners are trying to isolate themselves and escape from the reality of the world around them. Fish lovers are quite aggressive by nature and calmly watch as these beautiful swimming creatures greedily devour each other or eat their own eggs.

Who doesn't like fish.
Fish are not liked by extremely sensitive people who cannot stand aggression in any form.

Turtle. Who loves turtles and why.
Turtle is the personification of reliability and absolute calmness. According to Chinese mythology, the Earth rests on the shell of a giant turtle. Those who value comfort and stability, sensitive people with a delicate soul, buy a turtle. The turtle can never replace either husband or friend. If a turtle lives in the home of a single woman or a single man, it means that they are seeking love, that they are open to suggestions and ready for a long and stable relationship.

Who doesn't love turtles.
A slow-moving turtle annoys impetuous, passionate, sociable and chatty people who constantly need listeners and who are used to concentrating only on their own problems.

In one small article, it is impossible to consider all the animals that people keep as pets today. Lizards, snakes, tropical birds and even butterflies and mantis beetles are also far from a complete list of those that were not mentioned above. But there is another, rather numerous category of people, which should be specially mentioned - those who do not have any pet and who do not seek to acquire anyone.

So what if you don't have any pet at home and don't want to have anyone?
If so, if you are an adult and independent person, but you do not have pets and you are absolutely indifferent to them, then this may mean the following:
You have someone you care about and control over. You have enough close people who are ready to support and protect you, if necessary. All your senses are already occupied by loved ones, and there is no need to pour out your tenderness on someone fluffy or in feathers.
You do not get tired of communicating with people, you easily come into contact with them, and in those situations when others buy a lapdog or a parrot, you find a new friend or just call your daughter.
You no longer want to take responsibility for another living being - first you need to at least deal with your own life.
You don't want to depend on anyone.
You instinctively feel: only a man can give you what you need, and your whole essence resists the very idea of ​​replacing your son with a kitten, your husband with a dog, and peace of mind and comfort with an aquarium with fish.
You don't like animals, and they absolutely don't interest you. And you are not at all ashamed of this, despite the fact that often people say that only evil egoists do not like pets for no reason. On the contrary, you think that sometimes there is contempt and hatred for people behind an excessive love for animals.
A typical example of this behavior is Brigitte Bardot. She is completely devoid of maternal instinct, she can not even bear her own adult son, adheres to pro-fascist views and at the same time urges all of us not to wear natural furs.

As a rule, we choose a pet for ourselves, subconsciously following only three motives:

- This animal is an exact copy of me! - Oh, how I would like to behave just like this animal: to allow myself all these funny tricks, and so that no one would punish me for it! - My God, how I miss a living being next to me who would share with me all the joys of this life and could comfort me in difficult times!

Who is the owner of a common pet?

Even in the largest family, the idea of ​​buying a dog or a rat first comes to mind.
one person, and the rest simply agree with this proposal - happily or reluctantly. In this case, it is the one who first proposed to have this animal, and is its real owner, and it is his character traits that reflect the choice of this particular animal.

According to research conducted by Hank Davis, professor of psychology at the University of Gelph, caring for those who are smaller and weaker than us - be they children or animals - is embedded in the mind as a kind of "survival code." Neural connections leave no choice: a person emotionally reacts to everything that fits the definition of "baby", regardless of biological species.
Animals are like children. Even more: unlike human babies, they require constant care throughout their lives. You have to spend time, effort, money, emotions on them. But is it really "necessary"? No one forcibly forces anyone to have a pet - we courageously impose this burden on ourselves and carry it with pride. Although in fact, "animal" love often covers up a banal benefit: we use pets to solve our psychological problems.


There are frequent stories about how "the dog thought", "the cat regretted", "the fish listened." Humanizing our animals, we often attribute to them the qualities of not only people, but even wizards - for example, when we claim that animals heal us. Psychodiagnostics and transactional analysis specialist, psychologist Anna Shevtsova is skeptical: the level of nervous activity of animals, according to her, is not high enough for them to be able to communicate on equal terms with their owners.
Relationships with pets are just a mirror, a projection from which we can read information about our needs or problems in relationships with people. Irina (28) found her adored cat on the street: in the box, someone left three still blind newborn kittens. The girl admits that before that she did not have a special love for animals, but suddenly she could not pass by. At first she only wanted to feed the foundlings, and then distribute them. But with one, the weakest, she could not part.
“We don’t always pay attention if someone asks for help,” says Elizaveta Levina, counseling psychologist and systemic therapist. "As a rule, it happens when we ourselves need it." Irina developed an unconscious need for care, which was not possible to receive. And she found a creature she could take care of herself.

Anna Shevtsova believes: if suddenly there is a sharp interest in animals, you should pay attention to what is happening in your life. Perhaps you do not have enough affection, love, or just a companion.

Daria (24) dreamed of having a dog since childhood - she was not interested in cats. When the girl was ten years old, her mother brought home a kitten: cute, but with the manners of a misanthrope - he scratched, bit and did not like playing with children. “When the cat grew up and once did not return from a walk, I was upset, but not for long,” Dasha admits. “I wanted a dog, and it never came out to love the cat with all my heart.” Recently, a dream came true - the girl bought a puppy, and now devotes him almost all the time: walks, leads to individual training and even sleeps with him in the same bed.

According to Elizaveta Levina, in this situation, when choosing an animal, the decisive role was played not so much by Dasha's dislike for cats, but by her protest towards her mother - it is impossible to sincerely love what is imposed. But the girl chose the dog on her own, being ready to take responsibility for her choice.


Sometimes we ourselves bring a psychological background to our decision to have a pet. For example, among young couples it is common practice to have a dog or cat first, and then children. Anna (25) has been married for two years, but before giving birth to a child, together with her husband, she decided to "train" on someone - and took a dog into the house. “It seems to me that with Businka we are learning to overcome difficulties,” the girl shares. - It turned out that my husband and I have different views on education: Alexey is strict, but kind, and I am tougher, sometimes I can even shout. Now I am learning to achieve my goal in other ways. I think now we are better prepared to become real parents. "
How successful are these animal experiments? For Elizaveta Levina, this method seems somewhat far-fetched: “The couple has made a decision and follows it, although it does not bring anything globally useful. A child is very different from a dog - it will become clear as soon as Anna becomes pregnant. And now they are simply wasting time, delaying a step for which they are not morally ready. " The psychologist's opinion is confirmed by statistics: in an extensive study of the nature of the emotional connection between owners and animals, conducted by sociologist at Indiana University David Bluen, there is evidence that married couples consider an animal their child only until they have real children. Then the difference in attitude becomes apparent. Anna Shevtsova looks at the problem from a different angle: “Sometimes couples are scared to have a child, because it is easier with a cat or dog. If problems arise, the animal can be sold or given to someone, and you will have to build a relationship with the child in any case. " According to her, this is where it comes into play,
on the one hand, the desire for real relationships and experiences - to become a parent, to establish a personal life. On the other hand, there is a fear or unwillingness to work on it, to put a soul into it. It is better to resolve such an internal conflict peacefully - by sorting out your feelings, without involving either children or animals in the process.


But why some are crazy about cats, while others respect only dogs? A study by University of Texas psychologist Sam Gosling suggests that cat people are generally more vulnerable, value loneliness, and have a more flexible grading system. If a person is married, actively communicates with colleagues and at the same time adheres to a more traditional outlook on life, a dog will most likely suit him. “Dogs are friends and companions who can be trained and subordinated to their will, physically and emotionally they are completely dependent on the owner, and a cat is an independent creature, it cannot be forced to anything,” adds Anna Shevtsova.
In addition, according to the psychologist, dogs are most often given birth to "tyrants", and cats
people-victims choose: they themselves want to serve someone, to worship, to admire someone. Often women who are tired of being "men" give birth to cats, to show
independence. In addition, these animals are unpredictable: no matter how much we love a cat, it will not necessarily reciprocate with us.
Dogs help to socialize - with them you almost always have to go out into the world, communicate with other owners. They can even serve as a pass to another social circle. So it was, for example, with small dogs, but the general fashion for Chinese crested, Yorkies and Chihuahuas has nullified the former elitism of the owners of "pocket" babies.

By the way, if your attention is attracted by exotic animals that are difficult to care for and maintain, we are talking only about the desire to stand out. “In this case, love for wildlife has nothing to do with it,” says Anna Shevtsova. - Therefore, an irresistible desire to buy an iguana is a reason, first of all, to make an appointment with a psychologist. Perhaps after that there will be no need to go to a pet store. "


Stories about how pets treat their owners have long passed from the category of "obvious-improbable" to the category of everyday life. Experts, however, do not lose hope of finding out if this is so, or if we are falling under the influence of the placebo effect. A group of psychologists led by Doctor of Psychology Erica Fraidman in the process of research found out that pets slightly improve the general condition of people with heart disease and some mental illnesses. But we are talking specifically about the rehabilitation period, which is faster and easier if the patient has some kind of animal at home. Anna Shevtsova, in turn, believes: our favorites, as dependent beings, literally remove a part of negative energy from a person. People saturate the atmosphere at home with their thoughts and feelings. Tough sensations affect everyone. Animals, which, unlike us, have no psychological protection, take on what hovers in space. “Sometimes it happens that animals in a family get sick,” adds the psychologist, “and people feel better. This may happen unconsciously: everyone seems to be doing well, but the cat suddenly dies of a serious illness. "

And yet, the debate on the reliability of the medicinal properties of pets is unlikely to subside in the near future. Hal Herzog, PhD in Psychology from the University of West Carolina, conducted a study, the results of which are actively discussed
in the medical and psychological communities of the United States. It turned out that there is simply no real data on which conclusions about the therapeutic effect of animals could be based. The effect of "animal" healing is so little studied that Herzog literally urged his colleagues to come to grips with the study of this issue. He also notes that perhaps such an insignificant disclosure of the topic has to do with profits: the multimillion-dollar turnover of companies producing feed and pet products is directly dependent on the myth that, for example, this cute Yorkie or Labrador can cure your heart, make you move more and drive away melancholy.


It is a fairly common belief that those of us who love animals also love humans. In fact, these things are not related, and even vice versa - the more a person is attached to animals, the more complicated his relationship with people. No wonder the classic portrait of an inveterate dog lover or cat lady is the image of a hermit who left the world for the sake of communicating with our smaller brothers. Anna Shevtsova notes: “People demand from us mental and emotional investments, work in relationships and on ourselves. It can be hard, scary, painful, pointing out mistakes, and making you change and grow. Animals, on the other hand, allow us to remain the way we are - it's safe and pleasant. " When some lonely people have pets, they are more likely to want love, but fear that they are not worthy of it. They expect pain and disappointment from others, they are afraid to enter into real deep relationships. "

It turns out that our interaction with the birds is largely determined, if not by problems, then by the algorithms of relations with people. Hal Herzog, analyzing in his article the connections between man and smaller brothers, comes to the conclusion: people are the only animals that make animals of another species "favorites", the rest of the fauna interact each other
with a friend only on a partnership basis. We raise animals for care, affection and joy. Perhaps, sooner or later, we will still learn to love them without a complex psychological background - just so that there will be a little more positive emotions in life, pure unchanging joy of communication, which our pets give us "free of charge - that is, for free."

TEXT: Lana Volokhova

A word to a specialist

“Everything in nature is so created that there is a close relationship, complete harmony of man with the entire animal world. Nobody is superfluous. As soon as someone is excluded from nature, an imbalance arises, flaws appear in a single whole. Man, as a supreme being, is obliged to preserve, protect animals, feed and water them. These are the requirements for people who are given to enjoy the whole world around them, including living beings living with them or not far from them. They must fulfill their responsibilities towards them. Where do people come from, not only not loving animals, but cruelly treating them, beating and killing them?

From birth, a person has a reflex of a kind attitude towards animals, birds, and other vertebrates. However, in the process of life, the incorrect, sometimes malicious, cruel attitude of parents towards animals and, first of all, towards abandoned ones, who have become homeless, forms the same attitude in their children. At first, this manifests itself as an imitation of adults and adolescents, then this behavior is more and more consolidated, acquires pathological forms of an asocial, aggressive, psychopathic nature.

Observations of mentally ill children show that everything starts as if with an innocent, insignificant: just think, an earthworm cut into pieces with a piece of glass, tore off the wings of a butterfly. Then he knocked out a sparrow or a pigeon from a slingshot, knocked out a cat's eye, threw kittens or puppies into the garbage chute. Children imitate adults, before their eyes they drown kittens, puppies, maim them, throw them out into the street. If in the evening someone, taking pity on the freezing animal, brought it into the entrance, then by morning it will disappear forever - it will be thrown away or killed. Unfortunately, exceptions are rare.

Special studies have shown that 90% of criminals in childhood and adolescence showed sophisticated sadism towards animals, were flayers. However, not only children with upbringing defects and deviant (due to developmental disabilities) behavior, but also some adults cruelly abuse animals, while experiencing pleasure.

Thus, the main subjects (I do not even call them people, because they are devoid of true human content), showing cruelty to animals, are psychopaths - subjects with asocial character traits, aggressive, destructive tendencies. They are especially dangerous when they have decompensated their psychopathic state. Despite mental disabilities, they are quite sane and must be held accountable for crimes in accordance with the articles of the Civil and Criminal Codes.

Some mentally healthy people are indifferent to animals - they do not like them, but they also do not show cruelty towards them. The third category is made up of those who do not like animals and do not tolerate those people who love them. People endowed with the ability to sincerely, humanly empathize (“and we are given sympathy, as we are given grace,” remember?), Disinterestedly love animals, cause them hatred. Unfortunately, the media often add fuel to the fire, provoking the latter to commit crimes. This happens when incompetent journalists get down to business, who do not know the roots of the problem, who are not responsible for what they write or say, in a word, who do not know what they are doing. The propaganda of an intolerant attitude towards animals is also criminal, for it makes a significant contribution to the tightening of morals in society as a whole.

People who take care of animals, especially homeless, abandoned, feeding them and birds, worthy of respect, these are real people, people with a capital letter. They should not be insulted or condemned, but set as an example. They personify the spiritual health of the nation, as the author of an article about such “white crows” published in Izvestia once accurately and succinctly formulated. As a doctor - neuropsychiatrist, I can state that these are normal people. Yes, they are "white"! For more “white crows”, there would be less black crow.

Raising a child in isolation from the animal world is an abnormal upbringing, upbringing of self-lovers, egoists, who, if at first do not show obvious cruelty, then in the future they will still treat coldly not only animals, but also their parents. In old age, they will feel this on themselves and understand that they raised their children incorrectly, but it will be too late.

Workers of disinfectants, disinfectants, ZhEKov and REU, fighting rodents, spread poisons in the basements of residential buildings. However, instead of rats, they destroy abandoned cats and kittens, which find their only shelter there, especially in winter. All ventilation openings are sealed. No measures are taken to prevent poisoning and mass death of animals. This is a clear manifestation of cruelty for which the perpetrators must be held accountable (see the section "Environmental Crimes" of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). By the way, they seem to have completely forgotten that cats themselves catch rats. The same applies to children's and medical institutions, where dogs and cats are mercilessly destroyed. Animals that have become homeless (mind you, always through human fault) should not be destroyed, but kept in shelters and specially designated places for them to be transferred to their old or new owners.

Trapping animals should not be engaged in by subjects (and in the overwhelming majority these are asocial types), who hate them. Trapping, and only sanitary (there can be no other), should be done mercifully, with minimal mental trauma to those present, without provoking them with heart attacks and hypertensive crises. The reality is far from this, to put it mildly, so it is better to give the animal to the sympathizers, they themselves will attach it - they will leave it for a while with themselves or friends, and then they will find a home for it.

A significant part of people have a negative attitude towards animals because of their egoism, limited intellect, lack of basic knowledge about animals, and a misconception about them. Some, barely getting out of the barracks and crowded apartments, react hysterically to animals. God forbid, a sparrow or a dove will sit on their windowsill, and if someone nearby also feeds the birds ... - screams are heard from the window - threats to kill both the birds and the people who feed them.

A soulless attitude towards animals is inherent not only to the inhabitants, but also to those who are engaged in the moral and aesthetic education of children. One winter I picked up a dying kitten, which was thrown by a bum on the asphalt. The nearest building turned out to be a music school. There I managed to stop the bleeding, but the kitten was in a coma (deep disturbance of consciousness). School workers ordered the kitten to be thrown out into the street. I took him to my place and went out. He grew up and became a member of our family. Passing this school, I remember the story of the kitten.

There are people who do not like animals due to the fact that they suffer from neurotic disorders and experience an unreasonable fear: how not to get infected! Moreover, their argumentation is so primitive that it reaches the extreme absurdity, testifying to the presence of mental deviations in them. There are patients with obsessions and fears. Some, for example, are afraid of contracting psittacosis from birds, worms, deprivation from cats and dogs, etc. Others insist that AIDS and syphilis are transmitted from birds, so they mutilate and kill them. This category does not lend itself to any correction; it is impossible to convince such subjects.

We have touched on just a small part of the pervasive problem of animal cruelty. Much has remained behind the scenes. As you can see, this problem applies to both children and adults. It is of great moral importance, characterizes the moral content of society ”.

“When I visit my friends, I ask them to quickly lock up their English bulldog in another room,” confesses 27-year-old Ekaterina. She is not afraid of dogs, she simply “cannot stand their presence”. Like Catherine, people who do not like animals often experience irritation, disgust, or, conversely, are completely indifferent to the animal world. “Often behind such rejection lies the inability to accept the open manifestation of the instinctive principle inherent in all animals, their spontaneity and sincerity,” says psychotherapist Irina Zemtseva. "The unconditional love that pets show is also frightening." Let's try to figure out why.

Negative experience or lack of it

Animals charge us with positive emotions, give their reckless love, and we often begin to perceive them as true friends and equal family members. But this is difficult for those who are not used to communicating with them since childhood. Often indifferent are those who have never had a dog, a cat or a hamster in their home and, therefore, have not had the experience of this kind of relationship. Sometimes indifference is associated with an unconscious desire to protect oneself from possible mental trauma. “If, for example, in childhood, a child had a hard time with the death or loss of his beloved dog, then, growing up, without realizing it, he will see in this situation - a dog in the house - a threat to his peace of mind. And he will do everything to avoid it, ”explains zoopsychologist Elena Fedorovich.

Mirror reflection

“Sometimes we can suddenly see ourselves in our animals,” says Irina Zemtseva. “Because they 'are very empathetic beings, they often adopt our traits. And they turn into a kind of mirror, becoming an unconscious projection of their owner. " So if someone, for example, declares that he does not tolerate cats, this may mean that he is not in harmony with animals of this species, but with the trait that they embody for him. Cats are primarily associated with independence. Consequently, a person either does not have this character trait (but would like to, because he suffers from his dependence on another person or circumstances), or, on the contrary, his independence gives him suffering (because it condemns him to difficult loneliness).

Georgy, 26 years old, engineer "I was able to communicate with them because I love their owners"

“Parents have always said that the animals are dirty and smell bad. Maybe that's why I never felt tender feelings for them? No emotion at the sight of a puppy on the street, he rather annoys me. In addition, it seems to me that there is no point in domestic animals, except perhaps in guard dogs or hunting dogs. Still, I think I like two dogs. Largely because they belong to my best friends. It seems that I managed to love them, because I love their owners. These dogs rejoice so violently when I come that they evoke a reciprocal feeling in me. However, this does not mean that I am ready to love other animals. But these dogs touch me, I'm used to them and I'm really glad to see them. "

What to do?

Be sensitive

Try to imagine yourself in the shoes of your friend who has a four-legged friend. What feelings does his pet give him? Why is your friend so attached to him? As you try to find answers to these questions, you may be able to see the situation in a new way: you will discover that pets deserve interest and even love. And a warm attitude towards them can really be learned.

Get comfortable with your body

Communication with animals includes body contact. Perhaps he is unpleasant to you because you generally feel uncomfortable from any touch, both people and animals, just the latter are more direct in their desire for affection. Learn to enjoy tactile sensations. A professional massage, the gentle touch of your partner, or an evening ritual of applying cream or aromatic oils to your skin will help you discover these sensual pleasures.

Complicated feelings

Pets instinctively strive for physical contact with a person and expect a response from us. Communication with them always involves physical contact. When a person says that he does not like animals, this may mean that he is uncomfortable ... in his body, he seems to be cut off from his bodily sensations. Therefore, it would seem that such a simple and natural physical interaction with a cat, dog or guinea pig causes fear and anxiety in him.

Pets are often disgusted with by those who in early childhood were forbidden by their parents to behave as little children usually behave, that is, guided by instincts and their own desires. “It's amazing, but later, in the cat of her friends, which suddenly jumped into his lap, such a person will see an adherent uncontrollable child,” continues Irina Zemtseva. "And, like his parents (who do not accept spontaneous behavior), he will become angry, dislike her."

To the one who is near

Do not blame someone who does not like animals: he has his own reasons for this. But you can try to establish contact between him and your pet. Talk about what exactly communication with him gives you. Seeing what role a four-legged friend plays in your life, what attention, tenderness and love he gives you, your interlocutor will better be able to understand the essence of the connection that is established between a person and a pet. You can slowly bring them closer together, showing which games and affection your favorite especially prefers. But do not rush and in no case impose this communication.