Occupation of a psychologist in the second junior group dow. Summary of classes with children of the second younger group using relaxation exercises. Drawing "Prickly hedgehog"

Lesson with children of the second younger group using relaxation exercises.

Author: Tabunshchikova Natalya Vladimirovna, teacher-psychologist
Place of work: MKDOU "Solnyshko", MKDOU "Squirrel" No. 62

Work description: I offer your attention, the development of classes aimed at working with children from 3 to 4 years old. Lessons can be done individually or in a group. The development will be useful for educational psychologists working with preschool children in kindergartens, rehabilitation centers, orphanages.
Goals: the development of the body consciousness of children, especially their tactile perception; teach children to relax and concentrate;
Lesson progress:
1) The game "Hello in an unusual way"
2) The game "Magic pen";
3) The game "Charging for the turtle"
4)) Dance game to the song of Zheleznova (“we kick top-top ...”)
5) Ritual - farewell
1) The game "Hello in an unusual way"
The psychologist says: “Let's try to experience new emotions, and at the same time master non-traditional greetings. You can come up with them yourself and show the whole group. To begin with, I offer several options for greeting: with the back of the hand, feet, knees, shoulders, foreheads, etc.
2) Magic pen
Description. This game gives children a great opportunity to relax and concentrate.
Materials: you will need a large beautiful pen. You can also use your own fingertips.
Instruction for children. Sit in a circle on the floor. I have a magic pen in my hands, with which I will touch different places on your body. It is pleasant to the touch, and its touch will give you cheerfulness and fun.
I will approach each of you in turn. The child I stop next to closes his eyes. Then I will gently touch the magic pen to his face, neck, palm or arm. Without opening his eyes, the child should touch with his index finger to the place that the pen touched. After that, he can open his eyes, and the magic pen will touch the other child.

3) The game "Exercise for the turtle"
Description. This is a very short relaxation exercise for young children, the main action of which is directed to the muscles of the shoulders and the back of the head.
Instruction for children.(Children sit on the floor.) Imagine that you are turtles. You lie on the sand and bask in the sun. You hear a loud noise and hide in your shell. Tighten your legs and arms, hide your head and close your eyes.
Now it has become calm again, and you slowly stretch your neck out of the shell. Raise your head slowly up and stretch your neck. Look around with your turtle eyes: make sure you are completely safe. Now you can again lie on the sand or crawl.
I will clap my hands. When you hear this loud sound, quickly hide in your shell ... (Clap loudly.)
And now everything is calm again, and you can slowly get out of the shell, stretch your neck, lower your shoulders and look around the space around you.

4) Game-dance "We kick top-top .."

All children stand in a circle and repeat the movements of the psychologist to the music.
Ma kicking top top top
We hands clap clap clap

We nod our heads
Let's wave our hands together
And back and forth we will turn without difficulty

We'll jump high
Jumping together is so easy
And back and forth we will turn without difficulty

5) Ritual of farewell
At the end of the lesson, everyone is invited to clap, thereby thanking everyone for the lesson.

Summary of organized educational activities of a teacher-psychologist, with children of the 2nd junior group

Topic: “Acquaintance with Tuzik”

Tasks: emotional rapprochement of children, development of skills of joining in communication, acquaintance with active ways of behavior in an unfamiliar environment, development of imagination, training in self-regulation skills, removal of bodily clamps.

Material: soft toy - puppy, music for relaxation, soft mats, music center.

Course progress.

1. Exercise "Greeting"

"Sweet words"

The psychologist says: “Let's guys stand in a circle and pass this beautiful flower to each other. While the flower is in your hand, you come up with kind, affectionate words and "pass" them along with the flower to your neighbor. And he gives his words and a flower to his neighbor, and so on in a circle.

2. Walking on the sensory track.

Our feet are walking along the narrow path,
They walked and walked to the house.

Guys, let's see who lives in this house?

An adult opens the door of the house, shows the children a toy puppy.

Exercise "Hello, dog!"

An adult demonstrates dog behavior with a soft toy.

The psychologist invites the children to observe how she, in an unfamiliar environment, establishes contacts with the children she sees for the first time.

Children note activity, speed of movements, openness and gullibility, a desire to wag their tails to everyone. Children pretend to be a dog, depict the posture, movements, habits of the animal. Then the children break into pairs and actively touch each other with their hands, body, head, look into their eyes, smile.

3. Exercise “Dog name”

Children, sitting in a circle, take turns guessing the name of the dog that is most suitable for her. Then the best is chosen.

4. Fizminutka "Tuzik"

Here he is spinning

Children spin in place, hands held on their belts.

Tuzik, Tuzik, crochet tail.

They spin in the opposite direction.

Here it flies at full speed

Jumping on two legs

Now to the river, then to the yard.

That is on duty at the gate -

They squat.

In a word, there is a lot of work.

Jumps on two legs.

5. The game "Shaggy dog"

The child pretends to be a dog, he sits on a chair at one end of the playground, and pretends to be asleep. The rest of the children are at the other end of the room beyond the line - this is the house. They quietly approach the dog, the psychologist says:

“Here lies a shaggy dog,

in your paws, sticking your nose.

Quietly, quietly he lies -

not dozing, not sleeping.

Let's go to him, wake him up,

and see what happens?"

The dog wakes up, gets up and starts barking. Children run into the house (stand behind the line). The role is transferred to another child. The game is repeated.

6. The game "Puppies and a car"

Children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the room or playground. These are puppies in their homes. On the opposite side of the site is a psychologist, depicting a car. To the words of the psychologist: "Let's run, puppies, play in the yard" - the children run around the playground. After a while, the psychologist says: "Be careful, the car is going, puppies, to their houses." The car, leaving the garage, goes towards the puppies. Puppies run away to their houses (sit on chairs). The car is returned to the garage.

7. Exercise-relaxation “Sunny Puppy”

Imagine that a sunny puppy looked into your eyes. Close them. He ran further across the face. Gently stroke it with your palms: on the forehead, on the nose, on the mouth, on the cheeks, on the chin. Stroke gently, so as not to frighten away, the head, neck, tummy, arms, legs. He climbed up by the collar - stroke him there too. He is not mischievous - he catches and caresses you, and you pet him and make friends with him (repeat 2-3 times).

8. Farewell

Children take turns approaching a dog toy, stroking, calling by name.

Then they say: “Goodbye Tuzik,” first loudly, then quieter, then in a whisper.


1. Creating a positive emotional mood in the group.

2. Development of the ability to act in accordance with the rules of the game.

3. Development of coordination of movements, general and fine motor skills, orientation in one's own body.

4. Development of visual perception (color, shape, size of objects).

5. Development of attention, speech and imagination.


ladybug toys,

ladybug drawings,

Fruit basket,

The colors are black and red.

Lesson progress:

Psychologist- greetings.

Psychologist- Children, today we are waiting for many adventures, meeting new heroes. But first we need to go to the fairy forest.

Children walk along grooved paths, jump on balls, step over bumps. All this happens to the music.

Psychologist- Look who's standing on the path.

Children - It's a bunny!

Psychologist- And what does our bunny like to eat?

The children answer.

Psychologist- Our bunny is kind of sad. Our hare had a misfortune, he carried a basket to his children and scattered it. Look how many vegetables are in the clearing. Cucumber, what color? And the tomato? What about cabbage? Look, what shape is the tomato? Children look at vegetables and name them. Let's help our Bunny and collect only carrots in his basket.

Rhythmic music sounds and the children begin to collect carrots in a basket.

Psychologist- Well done, you are real helpers!

Psychologist- Guys, let's go further, let's see what awaits us next.

Suddenly a Bear appears from behind the bushes.

Psychologist- Look, it's a bear. How big he is, brown, how soft he is, with long claws. Where are the bear's ears? What about the kids? Where are the bear's legs? And you? And the eyes? And the mouth? And the nose?

The children are looking at the bear.

Psychologist- kids, and our Mishka wants to say something. The psychologist brings the bear to his ear and passes the words of the bear to the children. He asks us to play with him.

He offers to play hide-and-seek with him, but not ordinary, but bearish.

When he says eyes, you close your eyes; when he says nose, you close your nose; when he says mouth, you close your mouth. Deal?

The psychologist is all great fellows, but our bear liked you so much that he does not want to let you go and offered to play one more game with him. It's called "Fast Bear".

The sun is shining, the bear is sleeping, all the children are walking in the clearing.

Suddenly the sun is gone, the bear wakes up and wants to catch the kids. Children run into the arms of their teachers. The game continues 2-3 times.

Psychologist- the bear wants to tell his favorite poem, and we will try to remember and come up with movements.

Bear clumsy walks through the forest Moving from side to side

Collects cones, sings songs Tilts down

Suddenly, one of the bumps Mishka right in the forehead Palm touching the forehead

The bear got angry and kicked the top We stomp

Psychologist- Guys, you are all great fellows!

Psychologist- (takes the bear in his hands) The bear brought us drawings today. See what is shown here?

Psychologist- right clearing! But the trouble is, there is no grass in our clearing. Let's draw beautiful green grass for our clearing.

Psychologist- Well done boys! Well, now let's go further.

Children walk along tactile paths to the music.

Psychologist- look what a good squirrel. Guys, what a fluffy tail she has.

What color is she? What does she like to eat?

Our squirrel loves to play. And she wants to play with us too.

The psychologist puts paired toys in front of the children, differing in size and says:

Psychologist- Guys, squirrels wanted to play with your toys. Help her choose small toys.

Psychologist- Well done, but unfortunately our journey has come to an end and it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Children go to the rhyme

Right on the track - top top top!

We played today

Top top top top

Learned a lot of new

Clap-clap-clap-clap (one way)

Everyone did their best

Top top top top

And have some fun

Clap-clap-clap-clap (in another)

We had fun with you!

Friends, Thank you!!! Goodbye (we wave!!!)

The psychologist asks if the children liked the fairy forest? What do they remember the most?


1. A.S. Ronzhina "A psychologist's lesson with children 2-4 years old in the period of adaptation to a preschool institution."

2. E.E. Khomyakov "Comprehensive developmental activities with young children."

3. E.V. Zherdev "Children of early age in kindergarten".

4. E.Ya. Yanushenko "Your baby can do it."

Target: reducing emotional stress, creating a positive emotional mood and an atmosphere of acceptance for everyone.


  • to promote the formation of friendly relations between children in the group, the rallying of the children's team;
  • develop arbitrary self-regulation;
  • help relieve muscle tension in children.

Equipment: doll - bibabo kitten, chest, toy bee, bracelets with the image of bees, luminous table with sand, magic wand, mirror ball with a projector, musical accompaniment.

Lesson progress

Greeting ritual: "Hello, I'm a cat."

The psychologist puts a kitten doll on his hand and invites the children to say hello to the kitten in turn. Each child shakes the kitten's paw and introduces himself with an affectionate name, for example: "Hello, I'm a kitten! And you? - Hello, and I'm Mashenka!"


Guys, the kitten brought a chest, and what you have to guess in it.

The psychologist reads the riddle:

Above the flower she buzzes,
It flies so fast to the hive,
I gave my honey to the honeycombs,
What is her name? ....(Bee)

The psychologist invites children to play a game:

And for this you need to turn into bees (children wear bracelets with the image of bees).

logarithmic exercise : "Bees".

The bees fell asleep, and in the morning they woke up, stretched.

Once - they washed themselves with dew,
Two - gracefully circled,
Three - bent down and sat down,
And on four - flew.
W-w-w-w ... (the guys perform movements in accordance with the text)


Do you want to know what the bee dreams about?

Children come to the illuminated tables for drawing on the sand, draw in accordance with the text:

The bee dreams that she flies high in the clouds (draw clouds).

I flew, flew and saw a flower (children draw a flower with one finger).

Flew up, sniffed - a wonderful smell!

Show me how it drips? (draw droplets with fingertips.)

From the rain turned out a whole stream (with 3 fingers draw how a stream runs).

The bee decided to dry off - she lay down and offered her wings to the sun (draw the sun).

Well done! This is the dream of a bee.


And now we will turn from bees into cheerful artists. The magic wand will help us with this (the psychologist touches each child with a magic wand).

Game "We train emotions"

Smile like a cat in the sun;

Like a cunning fox;

Frown like an autumn cloud;

Show: how frightened the hare saw the wolf;

Like a kitten that a dog barks at.

Game "Catch the sunbeams"

A mirror ball with a projector is turned on and the guys are invited to catch “sunny bunnies”.

Children catch and count the “bunnies”, then they are released.


The guys are tired of catching bunnies. I suggest you lie down in a clearing (mats).

Exercise "Rainbow".

Sound accompaniment of the exercise: “Forest sounds”.

Lie down comfortably, so that your arms and legs rest and close your eyes. Imagine that you and I are lying on soft green grass. Above us is a clear blue sky, and in the sky a bright multi-colored rainbow. The rainbow glitters, shimmers with all colors and gives us its mood. Let's look at her colors.

Red and orange give us warmth and strength. We become stronger, we are warm and pleasant. Yellow gives us joy. The sun is also yellow, its rays stroke us, and we smile. Green is the color of grass and leaves. We are well and calm. Blue and blue are the colors of the sky and water, soft and refreshing, like water in the heat.

Now open your eyes and get up. Let's stretch our hands to our rainbow and remember all the sensations that it gave us.

The psychologist conducts a reflection of the lesson with the children:

What do you remember? What exercises did you enjoy the most?

Farewell ritual.

Children in a circle say to each other: “Goodbye, (name)!” Say goodbye to the cat, psychologist.


Develop the ability to see the positive in yourself and others;

reduce the manifestation of symptoms of aggressiveness, hyperactivity;

develop the ability to emotional-volitional regulation;

develop imagination;

remove muscle clamps, psycho-emotional stress;

Activate emotional and motor self-expression.



Abstract of the developmental lesson

psychologist teacher

with children of the 2nd junior group.

Target :

  • Develop the ability to see the positive in yourself and others;
  • reduce the manifestation of symptoms of aggressiveness, hyperactivity;
  • develop the ability to emotional-volitional regulation;
  • develop imagination;
  • relieve muscle clamps, psycho-emotional stress;
  • activate emotional and motor self-expression.

Equipment: soft toy, ball, paints, sheets of paper (two for each child), snowflake hats, tape recorder, audio recording.

Lesson progress:

Welcome Ritual:In the office, the children are met by a psychologist with a cat Mokhnushka (soft toy). Children greet Mokhnushka.

Guys, what affectionate words can you say to Mokhnushka (children call affectionate words and stroke the cat).

Thanks kids. Mokhnushka was very pleased. Do you want to play with him? Ask him. (Children ask: play with us, please. The game “Tickles” is being played (the psychologist tickles the children with the tail of a soft toy).

And now our cat wants to rest (We put the toy on the table). And we will show him what games we know. (the psychologist gathers the children in a circle, singing a song from the movie "Cinderella")

- “Stand up children, stand in a circle,

Get in the circle, get in the circle

You are my friend and I am your friend

The most faithful friend"

Guys, you said a lot of good words to Mokhnushka, do you think he was pleased? ("YES"). Then now, passing the ball in a circle, let's say kind words to each other.

Game "Kind words"

Kind words are not lazy

Repeat to us all day.

Galya looks neat

Isn't that nice?

How many times today Nastya

Did you say "hello" to your friends?

And our good-natured Alexei

Thank you friends for everything.

wonderful people

We live in kindergarten!

(children compliment each other)

Guys, do you think they told you the truth when they conveyed kind words?.......

I am sure that all this is really about you. And we were all pleased to hear that, so let's compliment each other more often.

By the way, Mokhnushka has prepared a surprise for you - multi-colored paints (the psychologist takes out a box of paints) and now invites you to the tables (there are prepared sheets of paper on the table).

Exercise "Naughty colors"

Oh, guys, something is scratching in the box, what is happening there (the psychologist looks into the box and quickly closes it). Guys, there are such naughty paints, jumping out of jars, I'm even afraid to open the box. If they suddenly jump out to you on a leaf, then you quickly catch them, covering them with a second leaf (show), good. (The psychologist drips blots on the leaves of the children, the children cover with a second sheet, the imprint of the blot is obtained)

Look at what interesting drawings we got, let's try to understand, imagine who or what your “blot” looks like.

My inkblot looks like….. What do yours look like, tell Mokhnushka and me.

(children talk, teacher helps)

Thanks guys, very interesting. Let's put the drawings on the table to dry. Thanks to Mokhnushka for such interesting naughty colors.

And now, guys, Mokhnushka calls us to the street (the children go out onto the carpet).

Who can tell me what time of year it is? What signs of winter do you know? Yes, there is a lot of snow in winter. Let's say the magic words and turn into snowflakes: "Spin, spin, spin and turn into a snowflake" (the psychologist puts on snowflake hats)

The game "Snow patterns"(the waltz of the film "My affectionate, gentle beast" sounds)

Imagine that you are snowflakes flying from the sky. Spread your arms and move freely and spin around the room. Snowflakes fly and intertwine together - two snowflakes in one lump, spinning, holding hands.

A breeze blew and the snowflakes scattered one by one.

And now the snowflakes met each other again and intertwined three snowflakes, and again they are spinning together.

A light breeze blew again, snowflakes fly slowly, circling smoothly.

And now a storm has begun - snowflakes fly swiftly, quickly, but they try not to collide with each other so as not to break their rays.

The storm subsided, but gathered all the snowflakes into one big snowdrift, we gather together, closely clinging to each other.

So much snow attacked, it's time to turn into kids again: “Whirl, circle, circle and turn into a child” (take off your hats).

Snowman game

It snowed, the guys went out to sculpt snowmen - with light claps we "sculpt" on ourselves thick legs, arms, sides, neck. Head, eyes, carrot nose and smile.

This is how it turned out (they put their feet shoulder-width apart, their arms spread a little to the sides, their fingers spread out and smile).

The sun warmed up, and the snow began to melt - arms, head, back hang, at the same time knees slowly bend.

The snowman melted, there was only one puddle left - to lie on the floor, all the muscles were relaxed.

(Relaxing music sounds, sounds of nature)

Spring is coming. The sun warms your arms, your legs, your torso. You feel warm and pleasant.

It's good for us to rest

But it's time to get up

Stretched, smiled

And again they returned to the game. (Children get up)

Guys, now we have Shrove Week, and I want to invite you to play the new game "Pancakes".

Game "Pancakes".

Let's bake pancakes - join hands and stand in a tight circle.

Pour the dough - holding hands, step back as wide as possible (to make a big pancake)

We bake a pancake - holding hands at the same time, we squat slightly, while imitating the hiss of a pancake with the sound “shhhh”.

We smear the pancake with sour cream - we unhook our hands, and move them wave-like up and down, the brushes are soft and plastic.

We twist our pancake - we make a "motor" movement in front of us with our hands.

We open our mouth wide, like this - we spread our arms to the sides, and with the sound "a-a-am"

we run to the center, connecting the palms with cotton.

Do you want to bake another pancake, what will the pancake be with? (repeat the game again)

farewell ritual

Well done boys. I really enjoyed playing with you today, it was very interesting. Mokhnushka says that you are friendly, cheerful children and big dreamers. Goodbye, guys. I love you.